on modulation of repeated sleep One is stimulation. tone by positive the focused
One is focused on the positive modulation of sleep by repeated tone stimulation.
noise-related disturbances that The the conclusions. have few sleep following suggest investigated studies
The few studies that have investigated noise-related sleep disturbances suggest the following conclusions.
to permanently chronic noise and Third, sleep. reduces fragments exposure
Third, chronic exposure to noise permanently reduces and fragments sleep.
looping single-molecule use the in We to DNA techniques lac operon. dissect
We use single-molecule techniques to dissect DNA looping in the lac operon.
These are genome to relevant potentially the mechanism. and release modes icosahedral break symmetry
These modes break icosahedral symmetry and are potentially relevant to the genome release mechanism.
tiling theory dynamical viral on the such of comment considerations. in We role
We comment on the role of viral tiling theory in such dynamical considerations.
both coefficients? one without implement Should and linear equations with
Should one implement linear equations both with and without coefficients?
for introduced. model A derived is and propagators views
A model for views and derived propagators is introduced.
of the massive We evaluate impact derived propagators.
We evaluate the massive impact of derived propagators.
be dynamics Evolutionary studied or can well-mixed populations. structured in
Evolutionary dynamics can be studied in well-mixed or structured populations.
we Here space introduce evolutionary of type phenotype game dynamics: space. to new a
Here we introduce a new type of space to evolutionary game dynamics: phenotype space.
might those Individuals dissimilar. or differently towards look who similar behave
Individuals might behave differently towards those who look similar or dissimilar.
space of study `phenotypic populations. We walk' the
We study the `phenotypic space walk' of populations.
present bring dynamics. We evolutionary that calculations coalescence together theory and game from ideas analytic
We present analytic calculations that bring together ideas from coalescence theory and evolutionary game dynamics.
evolution we in example, phenotype space. particular the cooperation of investigate As a
As a particular example, we investigate the evolution of cooperation in phenotype space.
We derive evolutionary condition spaces. explore higher and dimensional fundamental phenotype any the game for
We derive the fundamental condition for any evolutionary game and explore higher dimensional phenotype spaces.
biochemistry theory. is system-wide statistical of approach One use studying to to graph organization the
One approach to studying the system-wide organization of biochemistry is to use statistical graph theory.
the encode definitions different about system. reaction Different information
Different definitions encode different information about the reaction system.
also choosing measure a tool as serves dimension-reduction when The natural parameters.
The measure also serves as a natural tool when choosing dimension-reduction parameters.
Both sample analyzed. case limit finite case the the and are
Both the finite sample case and the limit case are analyzed.
we Finally, numerical results that our demonstrate claims. present
Finally, we present numerical results that demonstrate our claims.
project simulation The state-of-the-art multi-scale methods. uses
The project uses state-of-the-art multi-scale simulation methods.
basin-hopping are umbrella to minima the global reached. implemented using sampling We further confirm when
We implemented umbrella sampling using basin-hopping to further confirm when the global minima are reached.
optimization function transferable future scheme novel suggest results These for and a development. energy
These results suggest a novel and transferable optimization scheme for future energy function development.
complex are the For disjoint. more geometry actually the structurally subpopulations identified
For the more complex geometry the identified subpopulations are actually structurally disjoint.
broad less state heterogeneity. For the we complex with transition geometry microscopic native found a
For the less complex native geometry we found a broad transition state with microscopic heterogeneity.
extraction has segmentation two This and steps: splitting.
This extraction has two steps: segmentation and splitting.
paper framework introduces using This implement to a an SRGPA. algorithm
This paper introduces a framework to implement an algorithm using SRGPA.
around and framework This organization concepts: is applied of action. localization two built
This framework is built around two concepts: localization and organization of applied action.
unscientific the by This due has author paper to withdrawn extremely been errors.
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to extremely unscientific errors.
a propose models. penalty high-dimensional new generalized sparsity-smoothness for additive We
We propose a new sparsity-smoothness penalty for high-dimensional generalized additive models.
large an yields version adaptive of Finally, additional sparsity-smoothness gains. our penalized performance approach
Finally, an adaptive version of our sparsity-smoothness penalized approach yields large additional performance gains.
scores performance single combination folding evaluated. critically is and The of predictors
The performance of single folding predictors and combination scores is critically evaluated.
predictors individual have than even better other These comparable or proposed methods. performance an
These predictors have an individual performance comparable or even better than other proposed methods.
anisotropy. type exhibit depends on The migration, which a the of persistent cells substrate
The cells exhibit a persistent type of migration, which depends on the substrate anisotropy.
widespread is It suffering are that and now decline extinctions. well amphibians established
It is now well established that amphibians are suffering widespread decline and extinctions.
is road massive urbanization other Among kills. habitat fragmentation reduction, causes, and for responsible habitat
Among other causes, urbanization is responsible for habitat reduction, habitat fragmentation and massive road kills.
is measures. urgent appropriate assess it conservation context, this to develop and In
In this context, it is urgent to develop and assess appropriate conservation measures.
ultrametric. second is induced The an modelled by
The second is modelled by an induced ultrametric.
of data ordering account. temporal - into the
temporal - ordering of the data into account.
Intracellular molecular cytoskeletal on cargos based is along pull motors that transport filaments.
Intracellular transport is based on molecular motors that pull cargos along cytoskeletal filaments.
one motor direction, One in always species e.g. moves
One motor species always moves in one direction, e.g.
exact but genetic load has for generalization. an Principle Haldane's unfamiliar
Haldane's Principle for genetic load has an exact but unfamiliar generalization.
of the illustrate several examples. We use results the in
We illustrate the use of the results in several examples.
originated the And life the force evolution of code driving in evolution. also genetic of
And the driving force of evolution of life also originated in the genetic code evolution.
the set described. of of examples evolution Two quasi-Mandelbrot continuous are
Two examples of continuous evolution of the quasi-Mandelbrot set are described.
of are number of Both any formulas information. sources presented for
Both formulas are presented for any number of sources of information.
with last other rules the section. given fusion comparison are application An and in
An application and comparison with other fusion rules are given in the last section.
oxidative of molecules. characterized by The effects biologic response a range stress various on is
The oxidative stress response is characterized by various effects on a range of biologic molecules.
\textit{Brassica of describes The present work novel Czern. process juncea} neoformation (L.) a
The present work describes a novel neoformation process of \textit{Brassica juncea} (L.) Czern.
to regenerated plants identical source plants. The were and fertile
The regenerated plants were fertile and identical to source plants.
[\textit{Brassica three juncea} Micropropagation of Indian (L.) of mustard genotypes Czern.]
Micropropagation of three genotypes of Indian mustard [\textit{Brassica juncea} (L.) Czern.]
significantly the in The shoot enhanced of all induction silver of nitrate addition rate genotypes.
The addition of silver nitrate significantly enhanced the rate of shoot induction in all genotypes.
article review specificities proteomics of membrane with This the deals the proteins. of analysis
This review article deals with the specificities of the proteomics analysis of membrane proteins.
relatively the been considerable despite successes scarce. have However, effort,
However, despite considerable effort, the successes have been relatively scarce.
Mitochondria organelles, requires a techniques. and proteomics analysis their combination complex are of
Mitochondria are complex organelles, and their proteomics analysis requires a combination of techniques.
Heavy agricultural land crop partly of contamination is productivity. responsible metal for limiting
Heavy metal contamination of agricultural land is partly responsible for limiting crop productivity.
type and plantlets. D.W.) the of whatever
and D.W.) whatever the type of plantlets.
critical thresholds than artificial cutoffs ruggedness to longer the The for ones. tolerable decreases
The artificial ruggedness decreases to tolerable thresholds for cutoffs longer than the critical ones.
recommended than results critical suggest cutoffs The can protein-protein that potentials. ones longer for be
The results suggest that cutoffs longer than critical ones can be recommended for protein-protein potentials.
of of properties discuss native we the role Further, on crystals. the topology mechanical protein
Further, we discuss the role of native topology on the mechanical properties of protein crystals.
discharges intervals. and between alternate classes high-frequency neurons of silent Various
Various classes of neurons alternate between high-frequency discharges and silent intervals.
interpreted code. as compact be cannot representation a This firing-rate
This compact representation cannot be interpreted as a firing-rate code.
encode information total almost activity. burst half the investigated transmitted of neurons in The
The investigated neurons encode almost half of the total transmitted information in burst activity.
direct dealing The with presented. qualitative extension for transformation assignments of belief this also is
The direct extension of this transformation for dealing with qualitative belief assignments is also presented.
Centre a were using foot of pressure displacements platform. recorded force
Centre of foot pressure displacements were recorded using a force platform.
this been models dynamical have capture Many proposed phenomenon. to
Many dynamical models have been proposed to capture this phenomenon.
discrete a the present network We a as operon. for Boolean model lac
We present a Boolean network as a discrete model for the lac operon.
traditional starting discuss multistage of models mathematical cancer theory. We from progression,
We discuss mathematical models of cancer progression, starting from traditional multistage theory.
cases or limit independently. follow order mutations occur arise a either linear if opposing Two
Two opposing limit cases arise if mutations either follow a linear order or occur independently.
mutation we population that for stochastic accounts analyze Finally, model selection. genetics and explicitly a
Finally, we analyze a stochastic population genetics model that explicitly accounts for mutation and selection.
population model, the at of In equidistant this waves intervals. sweep expansions through clonal
In this model, waves of clonal expansions sweep through the population at equidistant intervals.
We steps describe framework. the function general of a belief all
We describe all the steps of a general belief function framework.
investigate clustering cells. of We malignant glioma
We investigate clustering of malignant glioma cells.
mutation adhesion. strength hypothesize the affects We that the cell-cell of
We hypothesize that the mutation affects the strength of cell-cell adhesion.
rate. that cluster, have cells increase form their we they evidence proliferation Second, when a
Second, when cells form a cluster, we have evidence that they increase their proliferation rate.
are Colour different. coarseness and skin of visually
Colour and coarseness of skin are visually different.
proper with Grain size evaluated and diagrams. anisotropy are
Grain size and anisotropy are evaluated with proper diagrams.
also presence is determine the possibility pattern of defects discussed. The to
The possibility to determine the presence of pattern defects is also discussed.
cognitive behaviors. of to tries Each understand set cognitive science a
Each cognitive science tries to understand a set of cognitive behaviors.
cognitive enhancement modelling discuss and as We to computing. an modelling metacognitive
We discuss metacognitive modelling as an enhancement to cognitive modelling and computing.
certain a is within population Survival time a common probability measure viability. horizon of T
Survival probability within a certain time horizon T is a common measure of population viability.
steepest extinction method. approximate calculate using We descent times also a
We also calculate approximate extinction times using a steepest descent method.
drug-therapy, drug, disease, have drug-target of introduced. networks been and number a Recently,
Recently, a number of drug-therapy, disease, drug, and drug-target networks have been introduced.
constructions visualisation of complex with in the distributions flux metabolic help Such networks. may
Such constructions may help with the visualisation of flux distributions in complex metabolic networks.
results are were for Detailed similar coli; organisms. other the found for results E. reported
Detailed results are reported for E. coli; similar results were found for the other organisms.
analysis to of an propose, approach this the in sociality. article, We Darwin's
We propose, in this article, an analysis of the Darwin's approach to sociality.
explains selective not process does the demonstrating on but Thus, contrary, prohibit the it. cooperation,
Thus, the selective process does not prohibit demonstrating cooperation, but on the contrary, explains it.
are the noise. highly to sensitive Consequently, weight vectors
Consequently, the weight vectors are highly sensitive to noise.
the and single-stranded complementary to Renaturation hybridization pairing of reactions nucleic lead acids.
Renaturation and hybridization reactions lead to the pairing of complementary single-stranded nucleic acids.
growth proceeds reaction of double then helix. fast through the a The
The reaction then proceeds through a fast growth of the double helix.
thermodynamic effect. from dependence a The length results excluded-volume
The length dependence results from a thermodynamic excluded-volume effect.
the start the proposed origin and stop is of An about explanation codons. also
An explanation is also proposed about the origin of the start and stop codons.
intrinsic on is We organization that processes. a focused and propose species model theoretical for
We propose a theoretical model for species that is focused on intrinsic organization and processes.
only to explain is organisms. model required systems words, one In of other composed
In other words, only one model is required to explain systems composed of organisms.
We are established. stability and of further this explore scheme, unique properties convergence
We explore further properties of this unique scheme, stability and convergence are established.
enable consistent are interpretation These preliminary predictions and of, with, experimental data.
These predictions are consistent with, and enable interpretation of, preliminary experimental data.
discrepancies of suggest presence disordered the experimental These system. may states the in metastable
These discrepancies may suggest the presence of metastable disordered states in the experimental system.
is of for in cell maintenance eukaryotes. cytoskeleton essential the morphology The
The cytoskeleton is essential for the maintenance of cell morphology in eukaryotes.
often Most based a a sites, assume on gamma rates models distribution distribution. across of
Most models assume a distribution of rates across sites, often based on a gamma distribution.