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Biodiversity is the totality of all inherited variation in the life forms of Earth, of which we are one species. We study and save it to our great benefit. We ignore and degrade it to our great peril.
Imagine you’re about to set off on a bike ride. Your bike has the usual parts – wheels, handlebars, pedals, frame, and all the little screws and bolts holding it together (Figure 1). If you were asked to give up one piece of the bike, which one would you choose? Maybe the basket at the front? It would still be rideable. What if you had to remove 10 parts? In deciding which pieces to remove and whether it’s safe to ride it afterward, you’ll weigh the importance of each part to the bike’s overall function.
Scientists are grappling with similar questions about ecosystems. In 1981, American scientist duo Paul and Anne Ehrlich equated extinctions with losing rivets from an airplane wing and having to evaluate whether it could still fly, much like the bike example above. (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1981). The Ehrlichs’ “rivet-popper” hypothesis suggests that it’s not wise to lose species because each one may play an ecosystem role. Through the many species they contain, ecosystems provide essential services to human societies, such as food provision, nutrient cycling, and water purification (See our Environmental Services and Economics module). Are certain species more crucial than others?
“But the Anthropocene isn’t a novel phenomenon of the last few centuries. Already tens of thousands of years ago, when our Stone Age ancestors spread from East Africa to the four corners of the earth, they changed the flora and fauna of every continent and island on which they settled - all before they planted the first wheat field, shaped the first metal tool, wrote the first text or struck the first coin.”
- Historian Yuval Noah Harari, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
People have been modifying the habitats they inhabit for thousands of years. Archaeological and paleoecological evidence shows that by 12,000 years ago, humans lived on almost three quarters of land on Earth, and by 10,000 years ago they were using land-altering practices such as burning, hunting, farming, and domestication of animals (Ellis at al. 2021). Today, we associate human use of natural areas with degradation and extinction of species. But that was not always the case.
Hunter-gatherers and early farmers, through lower intensity subsistence practices, in some cases had neutral or positive impacts on biodiversity. Forest gardens, multiple crops, nomadic populations, and field rotations from fallow to cultivated made for diverse landscapes with high biodiversity. A study (Armstrong 2021) of forest gardens in British Columbia, which were cleared and cultivated by Indigenous communities until two centuries ago, revealed that they still have more diverse plants and animals than the conifer forests around them. Cultural stewardship practices of native inhabitants, including planting edible species like hazelnuts, cranberry, and wild ginger, made for more ecologically complex and diverse habitats (See our Biodiversity I: Patterns module).
Today, higher human densities on Earth and more intensive practices such as industrial agriculture and global supply chains, have tipped the scales towards negative impacts of humans on biodiversity.
In the photos above (Figure 2), what evidence can you find of how humans have changed their environments? Your list may get pretty long. What other changes do humans make to natural landscapes as we live, work, and play in them?
All animals modify their habitats to some degree as they nest, find food, or otherwise use resources. Humans are exceptional at altering habitats to meet our needs for shelter and food, plus distinctly human needs like entertainment. As a result, nearly every habitat in the world has been altered by people. A recent global assessment estimated that 75% of terrestrial and 66% of marine environments have been significantly altered by humans (IPBES 2019). Why do these changes matter?
In subsistence economies, such as those of Indigenous Peoples, humans and biodiversity were largely compatible. In global market economies supplying dense human populations, they’re not (Otero et al. 2020). For example, more than 85% of global wetlands have now been converted to other, lower-biodiversity uses. Just as a bicycle with missing parts may not function as well, ecosystems with lower biodiversity mean worse function. As habitat is lost, you’ll find fewer large animals, disrupted interactions between species, lower breeding success, and myriad other changes. As human populations continue to grow and consume resources, other species are increasingly deprived of resources and nudged towards extinction.
Punto de Comprensión
What features break up the forest in this landscape? (Figure 3)
Conversion of natural habitats to human uses breaks up ecosystems into patches of habitat, often separated by man-made barriers. Small land conversions of land may promote biodiversity by creating more diverse habitat conditions. For example, in northernmost Patagonia, the monkey-puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) was planted and maintained through localized burns to clear areas around it by Native Peoples. With the elimination of these controlled fires and the advent of large farming from Euro-American settlement, monkey puzzle trees are now endangered (Nanavati at al. 2022).
Large-scale land conversions, leaving small patches, support less biodiversity since some organisms lack sufficient habitat and others cannot freely move as needed because of roads, parking lots, or other man-made barriers. Animals with big home ranges such as lions and other top predators, don’t do well in small patches without enough prey to sustain a large enough population (Lawrence and Fraser 2020). Norwegian ecologist John D. Linnell calculated home range sizes for Eurasian lynxes and found that protected areas in Scandinavia are mostly too small to support them. The outcome is that lynxes are preying on sheep in semi-natural forest areas, thereby affecting people’s livelihoods (Linnell at al. 2001). In contrast, organisms with broader habitat tolerances, such as pigeons, raccoons, or dingoes, may actually thrive in patches, therefore persisting in urban areas (Andrén et al. 1985).
Consider how you’d define your home range and what sorts of resources you depend on locally. What do you do when the resources you need are not available?
Species that are not native to a particular ecosystem colonize habitats all over the world. Pet Burmese pythons escaped into the Florida Everglades; American gray squirrels were deliberately released in Britain, and the emerald ash borer beetle reached the U.S. in cargo containers from Asia. These introduced species, no longer contained by their predators or parasites, often outcompete native ones for resources. Introduced species may become invasive, thriving in their new habitat free of restricting factors like specific predators or limited food supplies. Rabbits, for example, after deliberate introduction to Australia in the 1800s, became prolific and continue to damage livestock and natural habitats, despite various control efforts.
Introduced species can have particularly stark impacts on the native species of islands. For example, the biodiversity of the Hawaiian Islands changed dramatically after repeated arrivals by humans. First, Polynesians came, bringing pigs and rats to the islands. Then, cats were introduced by European explorers and colonists. The two waves of new predators fed on the eggs and hatchlings of ground-nesting birds such as geese. Before the introductions, Hawaii had at least seven species of native geese, of which only the nēnē, or Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis), survives today. With no way to escape, the other six “moa-nalos” (vanished fowl) were driven to extinction by the introduced predators they were not adapted to avoid (National Park Service 2021).
The problems with introduced species are not limited to terrestrial habitats. In this diagram of invasions of nonnative marine species into other waters, what trends do you notice?
Invasive marine species are often introduced via shipping routes (Figure 4). The largest concentration of introduced species is between Africa and Asia, along the major shipping corridor called the European-Asian sea route. As humans began to travel around the world, we transported other species around, often unintentionally. Commercial shipping is implicated in an estimated 44-78% of invasions by non-native species into North American waters that either cling to ships’ hulls or ride in ballast water (stored in the hull; Elçiçek et al. 2013).
A study by Canadian marine biologist Jesica Goldsmit and colleagues assessed ecological risk based on ships discharging their ballast water at ports in the Canadian Arctic. They tallied up total ballast water discharged per year per port. They focused on three invasive species: the periwinkle snail Littorina littorea, soft shell clam Mya arenaria, and red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus. Given shipping routes and ballast water discharges, they found that the risk of introduction of these invasives was higher for domestic ships operating within Canadian waters because they weren’t subject to ballast water inspections and reporting (Goldsmit et al. 2019).
While not all introduced species become invasive, the overall result of introduced species tends to be lower biodiversity. However, some introduced species become valuable to humans, such as earthworms in cropland soils that are mostly non-native species from Europe; the honeybees brought to the New World by English settlers; or the cattle introduced by Spaniards. The diversity of species in every part of Earth has changed dramatically over time and will continue to do so.
Punto de Comprensión
Global changes and biodiversity
“A species is there, and it's abundant for quite a long period of time, and then at some point it's no longer there - and so, when you look at that bigger picture, yes, you realize that either you change and adapt, or, as a species, you go extinct.”
- Kenyan paleontologist Louise Leakey, National Geographic Explorer in Residence (National Public Radio 2014).
Global change has shaped biodiversity since the beginning of life on Earth. Before humans, there were five mass extinctions, periods when biodiversity plummeted. Each mass extinction was caused by a combination of global changes, including shifts in climate, huge volcanic events, ocean current flows, and/or changes in atmospheric gases (see our Factors that Control Regional Climate module). These suites of related changes led to drastic shifts in climate and habitats all over the world. Of course, life on Earth marched on after these mass extinctions, but many species were lost forever, and new species emerged to take their place. For example, the mass extinction that included the loss of nearly all the dinosaurs was what paved the way for the diversification and dominance of the mammals.
What are some global changes occurring across Earth today?
Scientists concur that we’re in the midst of the sixth mass extinction on Earth, the first one caused by humans. The drastic changes on our planet stem from the human tendency and ability to alter our surroundings in almost every conceivable way, including water flow, temperature, nutrient cycles, forest cover, variety of plants and animals, and even the global climate. Some alterations benefit other species, but at the scale and intensity of today’s land use practices, most do not.
“Many indigenous communities rely on nature for everything – from food and water to their livelihoods and culture. Because of this intimate relationship with nature, we are the first ones to feel the impact of the climate crisis.”
- Indigenous Kichwa biodiversity researcher Johnson Cerda, 2020, Senior Director at Conservation International.
Climate change affects ecosystem conditions at all scales - from local rainfall patterns to global ocean currents. Changing conditions make habitats more or less hospitable to humans and the other species that rely on them. Indigenous Peoples, given their physical and spiritual connections to their landscapes coupled with lower capacity to relocate, are disproportionately impacted by climate change. For example, as precipitation decreases, the Western Apache Peoples encounter less robust deer and elk populations, low river levels for fishing, and scarcer water for subsistence farming (Gauer et al. 2021).
Scientists such as Italian biologist Michela Pacifici have come up with ways to assess the resilience of other species to climate changes - what range of temperatures they can tolerate, what they feed on, how fast they reproduce, and how common they are. All animals have upper thermal limits – maximum temperatures that they can tolerate. Pandas get heat-stressed in temperatures above 25˚C (77˚F; Yuxiang Fei et al. 2016), whereas some Andean iguanas can tolerate temperatures up to 40˚C (104˚F). (Guerra-Correa, 2020). Based on nearly 100 studies of plant and animal tolerances to environmental extremes, Pacifici mapped out the species most vulnerable to climate change (Pacifici et al. 2015).
In Pacifici’s map (Figure 5), where do you see concentrations of vulnerable species? Why there?
Note that vulnerable species are concentrated in the Poles, where ice is melting, and in areas near the equator, such as the Amazon, where fires are becoming more frequent. As conditions shift outside of livable ranges, organisms either move, adapt, or die, depending on their resilience to change and their ability to migrate. Thinking about how humans handle environmental changes, to what extent do the biological outcomes - move, adapt, or die - apply?
Moving to better habitat
“Expected anthropogenic climate change will redistribute the locations where specific climatic conditions favorable to the survival of a species will occur.”
- American ecologist Osvaldo E. Sala, Arizona State University
Scientists that map biodiversity by tracking the ranges of various species see evidence that many are migrating in response to climate change. Tasmanian ecologist Gretta Pecl estimates that at least a quarter of life on Earth, and possibly much more, is in the process of relocating. For example, her work shows how ocean animals like snappers, rays, and sea urchins are moving towards the South Pole as oceans warm along Tasmania’s coast. The shifts disrupt thousands of years of cultural practice by indigenous ice-fishing peoples of the region. Climate change affects not only ocean wildlife, but also the people who depend on it.
Animals migrating in response to climate change also face novel situations and threats. For example, North Atlantic Right whales have shifted their feeding routes northward in response to warming temperatures in the Gulf of Maine. In their new Gulf of St. Lawrence habitat, these whale populations suffer increased ship strikes and fishing gear entanglements. As new management plans are drafted to protect the whales, Canadian fishermen will suffer restrictions such as seasonal closures of St. Lawrence fishing areas (Meyer-Gutbrod et al. 2021).
Punto de Comprensión
Adapting to changing habits
When conditions change, animals may or may not have the capacity to adapt. What choices does this Arctic fox have (shown here in its winter fur) as warming weather with less snow cover increasingly changes its winter habitat to shades of brown and green?
Arctic foxes respond to seasonal changes by shedding their white winter fur and replacing it with brown fur in the spring. The change is mediated by seasonal changes in sunlight from short winter days to longer summer days. Warmer temperatures and less snow, therefore, do not provide the cues to molt to a brown coat any sooner, despite the need for camouflage (Denali Education Center 2022). Along with many other Arctic animals, adapting to climate change will require longer-term natural selection for a modified schedule of fur shedding. With climate change occuring at such a rapid pace, it is unclear if the foxes will have enough time to adapt.
When climate conditions change, some organisms can adapt. American Pikas, with naturally high body temperatures, prefer cooler habitats. Originally from Asia, pikas spread into North America five million years ago when the climate was cooler. Over geologic time, pikas have retreated to high mountains in the western U.S. and Canada. During hot weather, they stay cool by taking refuge in the shade of rock piles. There may come a tipping point when temperatures in the rocks rise beyond what pikas can tolerate, forcing them to migrate or go extinct, but for now they appear to be adapting (Smith 2021).
Cold-blooded animals (ectotherms), such as insects or lizards, may have an advantage in adapting because of their ability to tolerate more extreme temperatures. Ectotherms rely on outside temperatures to regulate their body temperature, hence their name (ecto = outside; therm = heat). Many have mechanisms to avoid freezing, like natural antifreeze chemicals in their blood. As the climate warms, some insects benefit from higher metabolisms and increased reproduction, which may lead to unpredictable shifts in populations of pollinators and crop pests (Gérard 2020; Deutsch 2018).
Still, the immediate advantages of high temperatures do not ensure long-term gains. Portuguese marine biologist Carolina Madeira used sea snails (Stramonita haemastoma) to examine short versus long-term impacts of temperature in a laboratory setting. She found that the snails could acclimate to higher water temperature over short periods, but grew more slowly from the thermal stress. Insects and other ectotherms can usually adapt to natural cyclical variations in global temperatures, but the current temperature increase is occurring on a much faster time scale (Madeira et al 2018).
Generally, any species will have a threshold beyond which temperatures are intolerable, forcing individuals to migrate or die. Not all species have the ability to migrate. A study by Colombian biologist Cristian Román Palacios modeled whether animal and plant species could survive climate change by migrating. The model, which included over 500 animal and plant species, indicated that if migration is the only option, more than 50% of them face extinction. But, taking into account adaptations like the pikas finding cooler refuges, the percentage facing extinction is closer to 30% (Román-Palacios and Wiens 2018). Whether a particular species adapts, migrates, or goes extinct in response to climate shifts will depend on the amount of change in relation to its capacity to adjust its habits or range.
Failing to move or adapt
For those species that do not succeed in adapting or migrating, climate changes and other sustained global changes can be fatal. As climate continues to warm on Earth, biodiversity is expected to plummet (see our Factors that Control Earth's Temperature module). For example, American biologist Barry Sinervo estimated that climate change could wipe out 80% of the world’s lizard species by 2080 (Sinervo et al. 2010).
As habitats continue to change globally, we face big questions about how biodiversity will change. Which species can adapt by adapting or moving? Which species will go extinct? As climate warms, we can expect to see increasing disruptions in how ecosystems function across the globe. The Fourth National Climate Assessment predicts more frequent and severe storms, droughts, erosion, and flooding. Each of these disruptions may cause significant changes to biodiversity (see our Environmental Services and Economics module).
Punto de Comprensión
Biodiversity in the anthropocene
The Anthropocene, or “Age of Man”, is what scientists call the current period of dramatic Earth changes caused by human activities. When the Anthropocene began is debatable, but its long-term impacts are clear. Habitats have been altered, ecosystems are functioning differently, and biodiversity is lower. Earlier humans, with lower densities and less intensive resource exploitation, altered the landscape in ways that allowed other species to persist. Modern human practices leave little ecological room for other species (Figure 7).
Thinking about the bicycle again, some other species (parts) are missing, leading us to suspect that its essential systems of brakes or steering might not work. You are riding the bicycle anyway because it's the only one you've got, as we are living on Earth despite the lost species. You may find it more difficult to ride with so many of the parts missing, and the bike may not last as long as it would have with all of its parts intact.
The upkeep and repair of the bicycle that is Earth is in our hands. Recognizing that the sustainability of Earth for living organisms, including humans, is at stake, people around the world are working to maintain biodiversity.
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Activate NGSS annotations to easily identify NGSS standards within the module. Once highlighted, you can click on them to view these standards. | <urn:uuid:47405567-baa6-478c-bf9f-f4160fc93814> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-20T14:39:54Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817650.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20240420122043-20240420152043-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.93066 | 4,357 | 5,110 |
Children laughing and playing in a daycare is a beautiful sight. What goes unseen are the germs and viruses that cover the surface of toys, desks, hand rails and more. When your primary concern is keeping the children safe and healthy, cleaning and disinfecting should be easy, and it is with State.
Reducing the number of germs and bacteria that spread throughout playrooms, classroom and cafeterias is a main focus of all daycares. The disinfection and sanitization of surfaces, including desks, chairs and toys, should be done daily. State’s comprehensive line of disinfectants and sanitizers include those that are safe and effective for practically any surface. As a recognized U.S. EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year for multiple years, we work hard to make sure that our products are safer for human health and the environment. This includes many of our cleaners and disinfectants found in our Ecolution® product line as well as many of our air, floor and drain care products.
In addition, State’s proven drain care line includes solutions that improve drain lines in restrooms, cafeterias, art rooms and more. From drain maintainers to openers, having a program in place to service your drains means you will not have deal with backups and malodors. Instead, you can concentrate on what matters most, the children.
Ready-to-use and concentrated disinfectants for all the areas of your daycare center
On-site product and equipment training with your team to ensure safety standards are met
Multi-year EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year with multiple green-certified solutions
Safe for desks, chairs, toys and more with up to 125+ kill claims
Reduce costs with accurate and safe chemical dilution control
Experts in free-flowing drains, odor-neutralization and preventative drain maintenance
IFRA-compliant and Scent-Sensitive Solutions™ eliminate malodors and enhance air quality
Keep equipment working and minimize downtime
We have used State since 2007 for drain and sewer treatment as well as services relating to maintenance, housekeeping and odor control/enhancement. They have been a great asset to our operations and become a real partner over the years. The products work exceptionally well and their service is unmatched.
State has an extensive and effective drain care line, especially Drain Rocket™, Scram® and Sludge Hammer™.
State has been servicing the Autoliv facility for approximately five years and has helped solve several issues regarding water quality.
I have had more success with the State dilution system and products than any other in the industry. I love the touchless, spill-free system. It provides my staff with a safe, economical and easy way to both carry and change each product
State goes above and beyond to provide quality, government-approved water treatment, aerosol lubricants and cleaning products. The company follows up after every sale to ensure that the products are performing as expected and that we are satisfied with the result. State even helps us manage our product inventory, ensuring we do not run out of the items we need.
It’s always a pleasure doing business with our State account manager. She is very helpful. We have been very pleased with the products ordered. She has also been great at providing recommendations for other products as well. Overall, I’m very pleased to continue doing business with her.
Over the years, our local State account manager has reduced our chemical costs and improved the operational effectiveness of our systems.
Our State Industrial account manager has always done an outstanding job of keeping our dispensing systems in working order and well stocked. She always goes over new product lines and recommends chemicals that aid our daily shop operations. She is a very pleasant person to deal with, always professional and has a friendly, outgoing attitude.
Shark™, D-stroy®, Shut Your Trap™ and Floor Wizard™ EZ Guard are just a few of my favorite problem-solving specialty products. They are like nothing else I've seen in my career! I strongly recommend State for anyone with cleaning needs!
The One Solution™ system is an innovative one-stop-shop for our housekeeping cleaning products. Its ability to adjust and regulate the dilution process makes for a safe, efficient and economical method when filling bottles and mop buckets. It eliminates all guesswork when mixing State products with water.
Colasanti Farms has been working with State for over a decade now. They have been assisting us with boiler and sewage line treatments. Between their chemicals and the expertise guidance from our account manager, we have had a successful outcome.
Our local State account manager is always available to answer questions or provide support when contacted, whether it requires a visit, bringing in other State experts or providing suggestions to assist in solving an issue.
I have been a customer of State since 2016. The company, products and employees are amazing! State as a whole makes you feel like you are a priority. I would recommend State for all your cleaning needs.
Our local account manager takes her time in getting to know the work environment as well as the folks she deals with so she can best understand our needs. She is honest in her recommendations, has outstanding product knowledge and stands by what she sales.
We tried the Fragrance Cube™ for a month in March 2018 and it worked very well. The guests commented on the sweet and fresh smell in the lobby, which is right beside the pool. It keeps that area smelling fresh at all times and the staff and guests appreciate it. We decided to keep the Cube and remain very happy.
I work in a smoke-friendly building and have recently tried the Fragrance Cube™. We were surprised how the smell in the air changed in a short amount of time. When you walk into the building you instantly smell a very pleasant and clean fragrance. I would highly recommend this product
We have been using BT-128™ condensate and oxygen scavenger to treat our boilers. For line treatment, we have been using BWT-S and the outcome for both has been very successful. For cleaning bearing and tractor parts, we have been using Current Issue parts washing fluid with satisfying results.
While working at The Residences of Maple Leaf Square, State has assisted many owners and the property management group with great degreaser products. Grease-B-Gone®, has help suites and the common property with backups in the kitchen stacks and sanitary lines between scheduled stack cleanings. This product, which can be applied by the on-site staff, is safe, easy-to-use and has eliminated costly plumbing bills.
I love Gel Genie™. It’s amazing. We apply it to everything and it always neutralizes the smell.
State and our local State account manager have been instrumental in managing and improving the water quality of our boiler system to improve reliability. One of the most invaluable services has been our account manager’s eagerness to teach our group about water quality management to help us help ourselves. He has been a true partner in this regard.
We are loving the Fragrance Cubes™ in the leasing office and gyms! Our office smells amazing! Thank you for everything!
We have been using State for our cooling tower and switched our cleaning chemicals to the One Solution™ dispenser. We are very pleased with the ease of use, the product quality and the savings!
I have recommended State to other departments within the city as well as other agencies in the area. This is something I do not normally do for vendors and should say something about how much I appreciate both State and our local representative. I look forward to many more years of working with State.
We have used Concrete Companion® from State for two years now. We use it on our concrete floors and along the walls to eliminate cracks that could provide spaces for insect harborage and cause potential safety issues. This is critical to food safety and helps us ensure a safe, ready-to-eat product.
I’ve been using State for the last four years to treat our lift stations in the hospital. They’ve provided us with great and timely service that has helped us reduce the odors and oil buildup in our pits
Scentastic™ is Fantastic.
I have used D-Stroy® and Po2wer™ numerous times in my carpet business with fantastic results. I couldn't be happier with those products and highly recommend them to anyone wanting to take their service to the next level. My customers are always very pleased to.
I have been using State for some time now. We have tried other products but keep coming back to State. Their products work!
State has been a great addition to our company’s approved vendors. They have brought a wide range of efficient products that have improved the quality level and budget of our company. I’d recommend State to any company.
We recently purchased and installed a Fragrance Central™ for our air conditioning system. The program has been in place for approximately four months and has exceeded our expectations. I would highly recommend this program for any hotel or establishment that wants to enhance customer satisfaction.
I have witnessed the benefits State brings to our hospital’s commercial kitchen drains firsthand. The service they provide is efficient, concise and reliable. I have also witnessed the efficacy of their Grease-B-Gone® product on our grease traps. I would recommend State to anyone in need of drain treatment of any kind.
Our Town Center is an older building and gets a little musty. The Fragrance Cube™ freshens the space and filters all the way through our two-story atrium.
PEN® has been great in removing rust and keeping the machines well lubricated. It works better than any other penetrating oil I've used. Some of our machines are buried in mud and become rusted together. PEN® has the ability to penetrate the buildup and loosen the parts, allowing me to restore, repair and reassemble the tractors. It has definitely saved me time in disassembling pieces. It's a great product.
The perception is that if a hotel room doesn't smell good, then it isn't clean. The sense of smell is part of the customer's first impression. The Fragrance Factories® in the hallways and restrooms are extremely successful. There has been a 10% increase in customer satisfaction in terms of room odor and cleanliness since using the Fragrance Factory systems.
We have been a State customer since 2003. We use Fragrance Factories®, D-Stroy® and a number of other products to keep our restrooms clean and smelling great. We love the great service that our account manager provides us.
Our State account manager is always there for us when we need him. I like the fact that he takes care of everything. He even supplies and replaces the batteries in the Fragrance Factories®. Our bathrooms always look and smell great thanks to State.
“I just want to say that State has been a great vendor for [medical examiner’s office]. State provides for us with hand sanitizer as well as restroom and shower fragrance dispensers. Thank you for your maintenance and continuous support for our facility.
It can be a challenge for a hotel's housekeeping staff to keep guestrooms clean and odor-free, especially if smoking is allowed in the rooms. Our State account manager has a secret weapon - it's called Foam Force™. We have been using it for nearly two years and it is just terrific. All we have to do is spray it on the carpet. You don't have to vacuum and it works almost instantly.
We have been using State solutions for over a year and they have been fantastic. State provides us with their One Solution™ dilution system for all of our housekeeping needs as well as their air freshening Fragrance Factories®, which keep our restrooms smelling fresh and clean.
We decided to do business with State because of the added benefits that came with doing business with them. Their products work great and they are very cost effective as well.
The best part about doing business with State is that our account manager conducts bi-monthly service visits in which he services and maintains the equipment as well as our inventory. He even changes out the Fragrance Paks in the Fragrance Factories® for us. Such great service! We look forward to doing business with State for years to come.
I presented my problem to our State account manager and she immediately put a game plan into action. She introduced the Fragrance Cube™, which we sampled for a few days to test the efficacy before committing. Needless to say, my supervisor, team and residents all fell in love! So much so that we ordered two additional units and love the Citrus Green Tea scent. This is an A+ option!
I had a sealed bottle containing a hardball sized clump of grease removed from a kitchen stack. When we poured Grease-B-Gone into the bottle, the clump was reduced to sludge in less than 15 minutes.
We implemented a Grease-B-Gone® program in August 2017 and I evaluated the success at the end of March 2018. In that time, I was able to reduce the expense of cleaning kitchen stacks by 94.5%. When I add in the cost of Grease-B-Gone for that 6-month period, the savings were 56% over the previous year’s actual expense. Annualized that is a cost savings of over $20,000 for the Corporation.
Since starting the Grease-B-Gone® program, the superintendent has not received any late night calls for sink over flows and residents have not come home to dirty sludge on their kitchen floor.
I fully endorse Grease-B-Gone® as a cost-effective alternative to annual power flushing of kitchen stacks. I am happy to share my experience and discuss my implementation with any prospective client of State.
I have been using State for a few years now and am very pleased with the service as well as the product performance. I love the disinfectant line. Since I have switched to State, I have seen less sickness in employees and residents.
I have been using State air care products in my insurance office for over a year now. The quality of service from our account manager and her team is amazing. They come in and service my account regularly, offer me different options and keep my business smelling great. I often have customers and members of my team comment on how awesome it smells in my building. I would recommend State to any business owner and give them a ten star rating!
I use Pile Driver® on a regular basis to take stains out in-between shampooing. It has literally saved us from having to replace a lot of carpets.
A decent carpet maintenance plan that uses a carpet extraction machine and State carpet care products, keeps carpets looking like-new in this 40-unit apartment complex.
Pile Driver® has really extended the life of the carpets.
The [New Jersey area] Board of Education has been using State products for several years, but we wanted to try another product with another company and decided to switch for one year. We went back to State and have been with them ever since because they make strong products.
Since switching to State’s One Solution™ system, we have reduced our spending on cleaning chemicals significantly. The system is easy for my employees to use and the products are very effective. We have even received a number of positive comments from our renters about the switch to green products.
As a General Manager for three independent hotels, it is very important for me to have access to my supplier. My relations with State is excellent.
For the past year, State has provided our facility with a drain care maintenance program. The constant application of Grease-B-Gone® has reduced plumbing and kitchen stack cleaning costs.
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessions, compulsions, or both. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships.
Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause anxiety. Common symptoms include:
Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought. Common compulsions include:
Not all rituals or habits are compulsions. Everyone double checks things sometimes. But a person with OCD generally:
Some individuals with OCD also have a tic disorder. Motor tics are sudden, brief, repetitive movements, such as eye blinking and other eye movements, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Common vocal tics include repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting sounds.
Symptoms may come and go, ease over time, or worsen. People with OCD may try to help themselves by avoiding situations that trigger their obsessions, or they may use alcohol or drugs to calm themselves. Although most adults with OCD recognize that what they are doing doesn’t make sense, some adults and most children may not realize that their behavior is out of the ordinary. Parents or teachers typically recognize OCD symptoms in children.
If you think you have OCD, talk to your doctor about your symptoms. If left untreated, OCD can interfere in all aspects of life.
OCD is a common disorder that affects adults, adolescents, and children all over the world. Most people are diagnosed by about age 19, typically with an earlier age of onset in boys than in girls, but onset after age 35 does happen.
The causes of OCD are unknown, but risk factors include:
Twin and family studies have shown that people with first-degree relatives (such as a parent, sibling, or child) who have OCD are at a higher risk for developing OCD themselves. The risk is higher if the first-degree relative developed OCD as a child or teen. Ongoing research continues to explore the connection between genetics and OCD and may help improve OCD diagnosis and treatment.
Imaging studies have shown differences in the frontal cortex and subcortical structures of the brain in patients with OCD. There appears to be a connection between the OCD symptoms and abnormalities in certain areas of the brain, but that connection is not clear. Research is still underway. Understanding the causes will help determine specific, personalized treatments to treat OCD.
An association between childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms has been reported in some studies. More research is needed to understand this relationship better.
In some cases, children may develop OCD or OCD symptoms following a streptococcal infection—this is called Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS). For more information, please read NIMH's fact sheet on PANDAS.
The most effective treatments for OCD are Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and/or medication. More specifically, the most effective treatments are a type of CBT called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), which has the strongest evidence supporting its use in the treatment of OCD, and/or a class of medications called serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs.
Exposure and Response Prevention is typically done by a licensed mental health professional (such as a psychologist, social worker, or mental health counselor) in an outpatient setting. This means you visit your therapist’s office at a set appointment time once or a few times a week.
Medications can only be prescribed by a licensed medical professionals (such as your physician or a psychiatrist), who would ideally work together with your therapist to develop a treatment plan.
Taken together, ERP and medication are considered the “first-line” treatments for OCD. In other words, START HERE! About 70% of people will benefit from ERP and/or medication for their OCD.
Yes. If you or a loved one has tried traditional outpatient therapy and would like to try a more intensive level of care, there are options. The IOCDF keeps a Resource Directory of intensive treatment centers, specialty outpatient clinics, and therapist who provide these various levels of services for OCD. The following lists therapy options from least intensive to most intensive:
Other recommendations from the APA Practice Guideline,1 cite research showing that ERP delivered in a group format, as well as ERP therapy delivered via videoconferencing (teletherapy), might be effective. Also, there is some promising new research showing that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy may be helpful for OCD.
OCD treatment can be difficult, and requires a lot of courage and determination. Having a support network to talk to during treatment can make all the difference. Consider accessing a support group in your area.
When severe OCD proves resistant to standard forms of treatment, there are other options available. However, it should be noted that all of the following procedures are still currently being researched. While there is evidence to suggest that they could potentially be helpful in reducing OCD symptoms, they are not concretely proven to do so. These should be utilized as a last resort when all of the evidence-based treatment methods for OCD (outlined above) have already been accessed:
PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections) is a rare type of OCD that occurs in childhood following the immune system’s overreaction to an infection, such as strep throat. PANDAS should be managed with early antibiotic treatment for strep infections. Continued symptoms can be treated with standard OCD treatments such as exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy and/or SRI medication*.
*Closely watching a child’s reaction to SRIs is important as they can cause severe behavioral problems, including suicidal thoughts.
By Fred Penzel, Ph.D. (Executive director of Western Suffolk Psychological Services in Huntington, Long Island, New York)
I have been actively involved in the treatment of OCD since 1982 and have treated over 850 cases of the disorder. During that time, I have come to many valuable understandings that I believe are important tools for anyone planning to take on this disorder. Putting together this type of list always seems arbitrary in terms of what to include, but suffice it to say, however, it is presented, there is a certain body of information that can make anyone’s attempts at recovery more effective.
Some of these points may seem obvious, but it has always struck me as remarkable how little of this information my new patients, who are otherwise intelligent and informed people, are seen to possess coming into therapy.
You may not like some of the things on this list, as they may not be what you wish to hear. You don’t have to like them. However, if you wish to change, you will need to accept them. The concepts of change and acceptance go hand-in-hand and define each other. There are some things you will be able to change, and some you will have to accept. It is important to discriminate between the two, so as to not end up misdirecting your efforts.
My list is as follows:
This means it is like having asthma or diabetes. You can get it under control and become recovered but, at the present time, there is no cure. It is a potential that will always be there in the background, even if it is no longer affecting your life. The current thinking is that it is probably genetic in origin, and not within our current reach to treat at that level. The things you will have to do to treat it really control, and if you don’t learn to effectively make use of them throughout your life, you will run the risk of relapse. This means that if you don’t use the tools provided in cognitive behavioral therapy or if you stop taking your medication (in most cases) you will soon find yourself hemmed in by symptoms once again.
While it is not understood why this is so, these are considered hallmarks of the disorder. Unless you understand these, you cannot understand OCD. In the 19th century, OCD was known as the “doubting disease.” OCD can make a sufferer doubt even the most basic things about themselves, others, or the world they live in. I have seen patients doubt their sexuality, their sanity, their perceptions, whether or not they are responsible for the safety of total strangers, the likelihood that they will become murderers, etc. I have even seen patients have doubts about whether they were actually alive or not. Doubt is one of the more maddening qualities of OCD. It can override even the keenest intelligence. It is a doubt that cannot be quenched. It is doubt raised to the highest power. It is what causes sufferers to check things hundreds of times, or to ask endless questions of themselves or others. Even when an answer is found, it may only stick for several minutes, only to slip away as if it was never there. Only when sufferers recognize the futility of trying to resolve this doubt, can they begin to make progress.
The guilt is another excruciating part of the disorder. It is rather easy to make people with OCD feel guilty about most anything, as many of them already have a surplus of it. They often feel responsible for things that no one would ever take upon themselves
Obsessions are biochemically generated mental events that seem to resemble one’s own real thoughts, but aren’t. One of my patients used to refer to them as “My synthetic thoughts.” They are as counterfeit bills are to real ones, or as wax fruit is to real fruit. As biochemical events, they cannot simply be shut off at will. Studies in thought suppression have shown that the more you try to not think about something, the more you will end up thinking about it paradoxically. The real trick to dealing with obsessions I like to tell my patients is, “If you want to think about it less, think about it more.” Neither can you run from or avoid the fears resulting from your obsessions. Fear, too, originates in the mind, and in order to recover, it is important to accept that there is no escape. Fears must be confronted. People with OCD do not stay with the things they fear long enough to learn the truth–that is, that their fears are unjustified and that the anxiety would have gone away anyway on its own, without a compulsion or neutralizing activity.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered to be the best form of treatment for OCD. OCD is believed to be a genetically-based problem with behavioral components, and not psychological in origin. Ordinary talk therapy will, therefore, not be of much help. Reviewing past events in your life, or trying to figure out where your parents went wrong in raising you have never been shown to relieve the symptoms of OCD. Other forms of behavioral treatment, such as relaxation training or thought-stopping (snapping a rubber band against your wrist and saying the word “Stop” to yourself when you get an obsessive thought) are likewise unhelpful. The type of behavioral therapy shown to be most effective for OCD is known as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP or E&RP).
E&RP consists of gradually confronting your fearful thoughts and situations while resisting the performing of compulsions. The goal is to stay with whatever makes you anxious so that you will develop a tolerance for the thought or the situation, and learn that, if you take no protective measures, nothing at all will happen. People with OCD do not stay long enough in feared situations to learn the truth. I try to get my patients to stay with fearful things to the point where a kind of fatigue with the subject sets in. Our goal is to wear the thought out. I tell them, “You can’t be bored and scared at the same time.”Although confronting these thoughts can provoke a certain degree of anxiety in the short-term, CBT and ERP are both very safe and substantially effective in relieving symptoms over a period of weeks and months.
Compulsions, too, are part of the system and must be eliminated for the recovery process to occur. There are two things that tend to sustain compulsions. One is that by doing them, the sufferer is only further convinced of the reality of their obsessions, and is then driven to do more compulsions. The other is that habit also keeps some people doing compulsions, sometimes long after the point of doing them is forgotten. The cognitive component of CBT teaches you to question the probability of your fears actually coming true (always very low or practically nil), and to challenge their underlying logic (always irrational and sometimes even bizarre).
It is human nature to always want quick, easy, and simple solutions to life’s problems. While everyone with OCD would like there to be a magical medicinal bullet to take away their symptoms, there really is no such thing at this time. Meds are not the “perfect” treatment; however, they are a “pretty good” treatment. Generally speaking, if you can get a reduction in your symptoms of from 60 to 70 percent, it is considered a good result. Of course, there are always those few who can say that their symptoms were completely relieved by a particular drug. They are the exception rather than the rule. People are always asking me, “What is the best drug for OCD?” My answer is, “The one that works best for you.” I have a saying about meds: “Everything works for somebody, but nothing works for everybody.” Just because a particular drug worked for someone you know, does not mean that it will work for you.
Relying solely on meds most likely means that all your symptoms will not be relieved and that you will always be vulnerable to a substantial relapse if you discontinue them. Discontinuation studies (where those who have only had meds agreed to give them up) have demonstrated extremely high rates of relapse. This is because drugs are not a cure, but are rather a control. Even where they are working well, when you stop taking them, your chemistry will soon revert (usually within a few weeks) to its former unhealthy state. Meds are extremely useful as part of a comprehensive treatment together with CBT. They should, in fact, be regarded as a tool to help you to do therapy. They give you an edge by reducing levels of obsession and anxiety. While those with mild OCD can frequently recover without the use of meds, the majority of sufferers will need them in order to be successful. One unfortunate problem with meds is the stigma attached to them. Having to use them does not mean that you are weaker than others, only that this is what your particular chemistry requires for you to be successful. You can’t always fight your own brain chemistry unaided. Using psychiatric drugs also does not mean that you are “crazy.” People with OCD are not crazy, delusional, or disoriented. When relieved of their symptoms, they are just as functional as anyone.
To begin with, and most obviously, you are always with you. If you come to depend upon others to manage your anxiety by reassuring you, answering your questions, touching things for you, or taking part in your rituals, what will you do when they are not around? My guess is that you will likely be immobilized and helpless. The same is true if you only work on your therapy homework when others are nagging or reminding you. No one can want you to recover more than you do. If your motivation is so poor that you cannot get going on your own (assuming that you are not also suffering from an untreated case of depression), then you will have learned nothing about what it takes to recover from OCD. As mentioned at the beginning, since OCD is chronic, you will have to learn to manage it throughout your life. Since you can find yourself on your own at any point, unpredictably, you will always need to be fully independent in managing it.
In line with the last point, good Cognitive Behavioral treatment should aim to give you the tools necessary to manage your symptoms effectively. As therapy progresses, the responsibility for directing your treatment should gradually shift from your therapist to you. Whereas the therapist may start out by giving you assignments designed to help you face and overcome your fears, you should eventually learn to spot difficult situations on your own and give yourself challenging homework to do. This will then be a model for how you will need to handle things throughout your life.
In using your intuition to deal with what obsessions may be telling you, there is one thing you can always count on: it will always lead you in the wrong direction. It is only natural to want to escape or avoid that which makes you fearful. It’s instinctive. It really amazes me how common this is. This may be fine when faced by a vicious dog or an angry mugger but, since the fear in OCD results from recurring thoughts inside your head, it cannot be escaped from. The momentary escape from fear that compulsions give fools people into relying upon them. While compulsions start out as a solution, they soon become the main problem itself as they begin taking over your life. People with OCD never stay with what they fear long enough to find out that what they fear isn’t true. Only by doing the opposite of what instinct tells you will you be able to find this out.
How long does it take? As long as is necessary for a given individual. Speaking from experience, I would say that the average uncomplicated case of OCD takes from about six to twelve months to be successfully completed. If symptoms are severe, if the person works at a slow pace, or if other problems are also present, it can take longer. Also, some people need to work on the rehabilitation of their lives after the OCD is brought under control. Long-term OCD can take a heavy toll on a person’s ability to live. It may have been a long time since they have socialized, held a job, or doing everyday household chores, etc. Some people have never done these things. Returning to these activities may add to the time it takes to finish treatment.
However long it takes, it is crucial to see the process through to the finish. There is no such thing as being “partially recovered.” Those who believe they can take on only those symptoms they feel comfortable facing soon find themselves back at square one. Untreated symptoms have a way of expanding to fill the space left by those that have been relieved. When explaining this to my patients, I liken it to getting surgery for cancer. I ask them, “Would you want the surgeon to remove it all, or leave some of it behind?” Or, put another way, it is not a game you can simply drop out of midway with your winnings and expect to keep them.
It has always been a favorite saying of mine that, “Getting well is 50 percent of the job, and staying well is the other 50 percent.” We have actually come full-circle back to Point #1, which tells us that OCD is chronic. This tells us that although there is no cure, you can successfully recover and live a life no different from other people. Once a person gets to the point of recovery, there are several things that must be observed if they are to stay that way. As mentioned in Point #7, the goal of proper therapy is to teach people to become their own therapists. It gives them the tools to accomplish this. One of these tools is the knowledge that feared situations can no longer be avoided. The overall operating principle is that obsessions must therefore always be confronted immediately, and all compulsions must be resisted. When people are seen to relapse, it is usually because they avoided an obsessive fear which then got out of hand because they went on to perform compulsions. Another cause can be an individual believing that they were cured and stopping their medication without telling anyone. Unfortunately, the brain doesn’t repair itself while on medications, and so when drugs are withdrawn, the chemistry reverts to its former dysfunctional state. Finally, some people may have fully completed their treatment, but have neglected to tell their therapist about all of their symptoms, or else they did not go as far as they needed to in confronting and overcoming the things they did work on. In pursuing treatment for OCD, it is vital to go the distance in tackling all of your symptoms, so as to be prepared for whatever you may encounter in the future.
It is vital to remember that no one is perfect, nor can anyone recover perfectly. Even in well-maintained recoveries, people can occasionally slip up and forget what they are supposed to be doing. Luckily, there is always another chance to re-expose yourself and so, rather than a person beating themselves up and putting themselves down, they can soon regain their balance if they immediately get back on track by turning again and facing that which is feared, and then not doing compulsions.
Finally, because health is the result of living in a state of balance, it is extremely important, post-therapy, to live a balanced life, with enough sleep, proper diet and exercise, social relationships, and productive work of some type. | <urn:uuid:33a32d6f-2d86-4852-ae04-31fb77c34cb4> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:25:56Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.970384 | 4,473 | 4,985 |
Best Flip-Over Ice Fishing Shelter
As winter brings its intense cold along with it, you’ll need to find a good Fishing Shelter that’ll keep you warm during the cold. At a time like this, you’re probably looking for the best Ice Fishing Shelter out there, and for that, you don’t have to worry because we’ve got you covered on that.
The best thing about ice fishing shelters is that they can be easily assembled and are portable so you can set them up on the go and spend more time fishing than setting up your shelter. A good ice shelter keeps you warm enough to stay in the ice for longer and when you’re fishing for a longer time, you may end up catching more fish, in the market, there are a lot of ice fishing shelters, houses, or tents but a portable ice fishing shelter is the right choice for most ice fishermen.
To help you with that we’ve researched and picked the shelters that will do justice to the money you spend on them and give you a durable ice fishing shelter so you can go fishing without having to worry about your shelter’s integrity.
Looking at our top pick from our list of the best Flip-Over Ice Fishing Shelters we can fairly say that the Eskimo 15300 QuickFlip 1 is the best option out there as of right now for someone looking to buy an ice fishing shelter with a strong and durable structure and features that only a few other competitors offer in its price range.
The addition of a built-in durable folding chair and its 900 Denier fabric which makes it highly resistant to strong winds, puts it up as our winner for the best Flip-Over Ice Fishing Shelter since its features and durability outweigh its cons.
Best Flip-Over Ice Fishing Shelter
Let’s take a look at the table below to pick the Best Flip-Over Ice Fishing Shelter.
ESKIMO QuickFish 3
60-sec Set-up, YKK Zippers, Removable Windows, All-Metal Hubs, and Poles.
60-sec Set-up, Removable Windows, Durable Hubs and Fiberglass Poles, 2 square Mesh Vents.
ESKIMO 15300 QuickFlip 1
Sturdy Framework, Innovative Seating, 900D StormShield Fabric, YKK Zippers.
FRABILL Recon 100
Padded Trunk, Lightweight, Durable 300D Fabric, Flip-Over Entrance Door.
HAPPYBUY Ice Shelter
300D Oxford Fabric, Waterproof & -22℉ Frost Resistance, 4 Removable Windows.
600D Polyester Fabric, 2 Zippered Doors, Full-width built-in Bench.
Going over our picks in this list, we’ll be discussing each one of the picks and their features along with their pros and cons, so you get some good knowledge of what we are looking for.
The QuickFish 3 by Eskimo is a remarkable shelter as it is incredibly easy to carry around and even easier to set up and puts up a good fight against strong wind gusts.
Capable of housing up to 3 people and quick 60-second set up makes it the best choice for its price. Made from 300 deniers ice-tight fabric with 59% higher thread count that gives a tighter weave, and the durability Eskimo is known for.
Featuring YKK zippers that are ultra-strong when securing the shelter outdoors, these premium quality zippers do not get stuck or break in the cold like some other cheaper shelters that will keep you worrying about your shelter more than fishing.
Not only that, the Eskimo QuickFish 3 features flexible vinyl windows that’ll give you a clear view of the view outside, and these can be removed and attached back according to your needs.
Coming to the durability of this shelter, it has all-metal hubs, metal poles, and self-tapping ice anchors that won’t bend under pressure giving the overall frame of the shelter a stronghold making sure you use it for years to come without having to worry about the structure of the shelter.
When set up properly it has a setup-size of 5.8ft L x 5.8ft W X 6.7ft H which opens to have a total area of 34 sq. ft which is more than enough to house 3 people, all of this can be easily packed into a cinch carrying bag that you can carry on your back as it weighs just around 26 lbs. (~13 KGs).
The Eskimo QuickFish 3 is a remarkable tent that offers great stability against strong wind gusts and has good enough insulation too, the backpack style makes it a great portable shelter option as it weighs less and can be carried around with ease.
But with all its pros, it has some cons too like after placing stuff inside like chairs or a small table the shelter barely enough space for 2 people but that is something relative, other than this the shelter seems like a pretty good option with minimal disadvantages.
All in all, the Eskimo QuickFish 3 is an excellent ice shelter that delivers good durability and a sturdy frame structure and stands its ground well against strong winds, offering great insulation to keep you warm inside. It is a shelter worth being considered when buying ice shelters.
Next, we have the Ice Cube 3 from Thunderbay is another great choice for people looking to buy a long-lasting shelter that offers a ton of features while also being durable enough to last them a few years at least.
The Thunderbay Ice Cube 3 packs a lot of features that most of the other competitors also include with their shelters. Talking about features, the Ice Cube 3 has an easy 60-sec setup process that makes the whole process a ton easier when you’re fishing on the go, and you need to frequently pack up and set up again.
The windows do not leak light and are made from PVC offering a great clear look outside with removability options that come in handy when you need to look outside without having to go outside. Not only this, but the 2 square Mesh windows also serve as sources for ventilation so that it doesn’t heat up too much under the Sun and gives you a comfortable time fishing.
The Thunderbay Ice Cube 3 has a lot of adjustability options that puts it on this list as its price is relatively on the cheaper side making the features speak for themselves. It hardly has any bad sides except the fact that it does not come equipped with YKK zippers which lower the durability to some extent as a lower grade replacement may get worn out with time and break down. Although it is not insulated and takes about 2 people to set it up it still puts together an impressive ice fishing shelter that is worth its money.
Keeping all of this in mind, it can be said that the Ice Cube 3 might be the right choice for a lot of fishermen who are looking for an ice fishing shelter that has a lot of features but also does not make them break the bank. If you are looking for an ice fishing shelter and you’re on a budget, then the Thunderbay Ice Cube 3 is your ultimate choice.
Another addition to this list is another one of Eskimo’s ice shelters, the Eskimo 15300 which also can be set up in a matter of seconds and has enough room for a single person. It costs around $230 which puts it on the higher end side of ice fishing shelters but most of its features make up for this big price tag.
The Eskimo 15300 QuickFlip 1 weighs around 52lbs. that makes it lightweight and easy to carry around and it’s made from 300 Denier Ice Tight fabric that has 59% more thread count and this makes the weaving tighter and offers great resistance against strong winds watertight performance for which Eskimo is famous.
The structure is sturdy as it features a double-walled hinge bracket to protect against strong winds and has removable windows that add to the ventilation of the shelter. The best part is that it includes a durable folding chair that can be used for various seating arrangements whether inside or outside of the shelter.
The Mesh storage pockets may come in handy when you want to take a break and put your fishing gear aside for some time and away from the bottom of the sled. This Eskimo shelter like its other models also features YKK zippers that are ultra-resistant to the cold weather so you can rest easy knowing that you won’t be having trouble getting in and out of the shelter.
The cons of the Eskimo 15300 as reported by other customers is that the door is a little inconvenient as it may be a little low for some individuals and also that the poles need a bit of improvement but other than these two issues, all of the other features make it the first option fishermen will have in their mind when looking to buy a new ice fishing shelter that’ll be durable enough to last them a few years.
For rapid hole-hoppers, there is no better option than a Recon series shelter by Frabill. This ice-fishing shelter can be simply towed due to its lightweight on foot and be set up easily because of its fixed-pole structure so you can go off and start your ice fishing experience and catch some fish.
The Frabill Recon 100 is the best for solo fishing as it can only accommodate one person at a time and doesn’t have a lot of features that some other better quality ice fishing shelter manufacturers offer for its price category.
It comes with a padded trunk that somewhat offers a bit of protection and is also relatively lightweight and made from 300D durable fabric material. It also has Frabill’s patented modular heating system paired with standard insulation that’ll help you stay warm and cozy while you catch yourself some fish.
The Flip-Over entrance eliminates the need for a zipper, even though a zipper may have been a more durable option, but the point of a flip-over entrance is to reduce the struggle with a broken zipper in the first place. The simplified setup process helps speed up the whole setup process as a single person can easily put it up alone without needing any additional help from another individual or tools.
For its price, the Frabill Recon 100 may not be the best option out there as there are other better choices for someone buying an ice fishing shelter on a budget. But it, nevertheless, still packs a punch in the form of durability and features the only drawback of it is that it does not feature YKK zippers and so the durability of the entrances and the overall frame of the shelter may be put into question, if you’re less experienced in the market and you’re looking to buy your first ice shelter then its better to consider other options that might be a little expensive but offer far much more for their price.
Next in line, we have the Ice Shelter by HappyBuy which isn’t that well-known of a company, but its place in this list is justified. Just like other picks on this list, the HappyBuy Ice Shelter is also easy to carry around and made of durable materials that’ll keep the cold out, so you have a comfortable time fishing.
Coming to its features, the fabric is made from a tightly woven high thread count 300D Oxford fabric that is water-resistant and frost resistant even at temperatures as low as -22℉. Not only this, the overall design and structure of the shelter were made with keeping lightweight shelters in mind and so it is portable as it can be carried around with ease.
Talking about ventilation and lighting, the 4 windows on the tent are detachable which allows light to come in while keeping the wind out, so you stay warm inside while fishing. The structure is held up by strong D 9.5 solid glass fiber poles which are flexible that make it easy to set up and pack up the whole shelter. The rib design of the ice shelter offers excellent stability and the whole shelter is capable of housing up to 4 people.
Keeping all the features discussed above, it can be concluded that even though HappyBuy may not be well known in the market of ice fishing shelters, they still managed to produce a shelter that has features same as those of other higher-end manufacturers which is also the exact reason why this shelter is on our list.
With its durable structure, strong tightly woven fabric, and sturdy poles, this shelter is just as good as any other in its price range.
6) Shappell FX100:
The last but not the least addition to this list is the Shappell FX100 from the American manufacturer Shappell that has been around for about 35 years now. The FX100 is a compact shelter that can be set up by a single individual so you can set it up quickly and get on with your ice fishing.
This shelter is built to accommodate a single person, but it still delivers a lot for what it costs. When set up completely, it has an area of about 26 sq. ft and weighs around 44lbs which puts it on the lighter side so you can carry it around easily which adds to its portability.
The two windows at the front allow ample sunlight to get in and a full-width foldable bench comes included with it, so you don’t have to go around towing your chair. The fabric of the shelter is made from a 600 Denier Polyester that will give enough durability for you to have a comfortable time ice fishing.
The doors use a zipper mechanism instead of a Velcro attachment and this ensures that you don’t have to worry about your Velcro straps wearing out with time as zipper doors are usually more durable and serve for a longer time.
The Shappell FX100 has zipper doors but the zippers may break down with time causing inconvenience to the customer but on the other, the features that it brings with it are commendable as it has a built-in chair that most other ice fishing shelters do not come with.
For someone who’s looking for an ice fishing shelter that will give them a good enough shelter with enough durability to last them a few years, the Shappell FX100 is a great option to consider when buying.
What are Flip-Over Ice Shelter:
As the name suggests, a Flip-Over Ice Fishing Shelter is a portable shelter that you can carry along with you on your ice fishing adventures. They are designed to have many features to keep you at ease during the harsh cold and strong wind gusts so you can stay warm and cozy and fish for as long as your heart desires.
Most of them are made from highly durable fabrics that don’t wear out with just a few uses and have doors that use high-quality YKK Zippers to make sure that you don’t have to worry about getting the zipper stuck, or worse, breaking it down. Some of these ice fishing shelters even come with a built-in foldable durable chair which diminishes the need to carry around your own chair when you’re on the go, easing up the whole process.
Not only this but most ice shelters can also be easily set up within a minute or two with most taking just one person to set it up. The portability and the features of an Ice Fishing Shelter have made them the top choice for most ice fishermen who religiously go fishing every year.
Types of Ice Fishing Shelters:
Ice Fishing Shelters usually have two types which are namely, Pop-Up and Flip-Over.
Pop-Up ice fishing shelters can be carried around by hand or by using a vehicle to set up, this type is very similar to how dome tents are built when you are camping. The inner supporting frame pushes the fabric out and into position to create a cube-like shape which will do a good job sheltering you against the cold winds.
The other type is the Flip-Over ice fishing shelter which generally comes attached to a base sled that allows the fishermen to gather and pull all of their fishing gear to the desired spot, and for the setting up procedure, the bars can be pulled up and over which puts the fabric into shape and the can be finished off with adding some more support by putting the internal poles into place so you get a sturdy structural frame that won’t give up against wind gusts and the cold.
The flip-over should be the better option for someone who is looking for a more portable ice shelter that can be moved around on foot. These differences put the ice shelters into slightly different categories since some fishermen may prefer the Pop-Up ice shelter whereas most fishermen prefer the Flip-Over ice shelter for its portability and ease of use.
Details to look out for:
When buying a flip-over ice fishing shelter you need to check its size since it should be in line with your personal preference, so, the main things that need consideration when looking at the size are whether you’re going fishing alone or with a group, for which, you need to check the maximum number of people that a shelter can accommodate.
For tall individuals, they might need to look at the height of the shelter when it is completely set up so that it does not become uncomfortable. Checking the height of the shelter beforehand can help eliminate this problem too.
The same goes for bigger individuals who might need a bigger shelter overall as ice fishing shelters come in different sizes. Just a casual look at the area in sq. ft of the shelter making your purchase may help you with not coming across the issue of having an ice shelter that’s too small for you.
The material out of which the fabric of the shelter is made plays a great role in the overall insulation of your ice shelter. If you generally go fishing in extremely cold weather conditions, it is better to go for a fabric that is at least 1200 Denier. 900D would also get the job done considering that you have a solid ice fishing heater keeping you warm inside the ice shelter.
Lower numbers can be chosen too if it doesn’t get too cold in your region, but it is still a better option to buy something a little warmer than your needs since you never know when the weather might turn against you.
Even then, you can use the removable windows to get some air in without having to worry about the ventilation within the ice shelter. Another thing to keep in mind is the structural poles since they are like the skeleton of your ice shelter and will be making sure that it does not get blown away with strong winds and will keep your ice shelter nice and steady.
3) Ease of Assembly:
This is the part that most people look past when buying an ice fishing shelter and making the wrong choice might leave you deciphering the user manual and taking more time setting it up than fishing.
If you have prior experience with setting up flip-over ice shelters then it’ll be relatively easier for you, but if not, then it may be a hassle just for the first time. Usually, flip-over ice shelters can be set up within minutes which is why if portability is important to you, you will need to consider the setup time.
For flip-over ice shelters, the set-up time is greatly reduced by the easy-to-install poles that can be attached to their hubs which as a result puts the whole fabric into shape.
The quality of your ice fishing shelter and the materials it comprises depends largely on your budget and although it is a personal consideration, there are a lot of ice shelters with more than enough features starting on the cheaper side with prices as cheap as $230 from where onwards prices start increasing but so does the overall quality of ice shelters.
It can be safely said that investing in a higher quality ice shelter for more money will save you some cash in the long run. Even on a tight budget if you search the market thoroughly you might end up with a comparatively cheaper ice shelter that offers a ton of features with considerable durability.
If you go out fishing in the cold you will be needing some sort of seating so you can rest a little and take a few breaks in between your fishing sessions. Most ice shelters don’t come with a built-in chair which means you will have to carry around your own chair.
But, since we’re keeping portability as the foremost feature, a lot of flip-over ice shelters come included with foldable chairs that have multi-axis sliders so you can line up your seat with the ice hole without moving your shelter. This crosses out the hassle of carrying your chair around.
6) Windows and Doors:
The amount of light that enters your shelter will vary depending on the fishing circumstances. So, you should have at least a few windows, at least one on each wall, to let in natural light.
Insider coverings on a decent shelter will let you block all or some portion of the light depending on your needs. When it comes to doors, make sure your shelter has one that is large enough for you to enter and exit. It’s useful to have a backup door in case the main one becomes jammed for whatever reason. Furthermore, if you’re using any gas augers, which is a tool used to cut holes into the frozen lake, having all the vents open is a tremendous benefit.
Detachable windows may also come in handy when you need to look outside without wanting any cold air to come in or another situation where you need some ventilation through the ice shelter, where you can simply open the mesh vents that some ice shelters come with.
7) Weight & Portability:
One of the things that you must make sure of when buying your ice fishing shelter is its weight since you don’t want to deal with disappointment when you put together your ice shelter and find out that you can’t get it to your favorite destination.
Since with flip-over ice fishing shelters you will be carrying them around on your own, you’ll need to consider the weight of the shelter and whether you can handle it on your own or not. Also, remember that the weight of the shelter adds weight on the ice and any extra weight can increase the chances of ice cracking or breaking.
For flip-over ice shelter purchasers, they will have to carry it around on their back so keeping the weight of the shelter in check will prove to be helpful for them.
Lastly, depending on your overall budget, the ice fishing shelter that you buy may come with its own perks and advantages that will make things a little easier for you when you are fishing frequently.
These advantages or benefits may include stuff like lightbars to help you with lighting in dark weather conditions, and some shelters may even come with bait buckets and pouch holders to keep all your fishing gear in place and organized.
Some of the higher-end ice shelters even come with battery holders and drink holders so you will be having a good and comfortable time ice fishing without having to worry about anything. Additional accessories may seem unnecessary but if they do come with your choice of ice shelter then you can take benefits from them.
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Features and Benefits
100% Authentic: This isn't just another rock tee. It's an officially licensed SKID ROW merchandise, ensuring genuine quality and design.
Superior Comfort: Made from premium materials, our t-shirt promises softness with every wear, ideal for concert nights or just chilling to classic rock tunes.
Vintage Design: Featuring a classic Skid Row graphic, it's a nostalgic nod to the golden era of rock and glam metal.
Durable Print: The high-resolution print guarantees no fading, peeling, or cracking, even after numerous washes.
Unisex Fit: It is designed to suit rockers of all genders and offers a relaxed and comfortable fit.
Statement Piece: Stand out in the crowd and showcase your impeccable taste in music. Whether at a gig, festival or just out on the town, this tee is bound to spark conversations.
Memorable Gift: Perfect for that friend who's forever humming "18 and Life" or "I Remember You." Gift them a piece of rock history!
Versatile Style: Pair it with jeans, layer it under a jacket, or rock it with leather pants. This t-shirt is as versatile as Skid Row's discography.
Sustainable Choice: Committed to the planet, our tees are made sustainably, ensuring you rock on without harming Mother Earth.
Don your SKID ROW tee and let the world know that rock isn't just a genre – it's a way of life.
Dive back into an era of anthems, iconic riffs, and unforgettable memories.
Order yours now and keep the legacy alive!
Order processing is typically 2-11 business days, with most orders shipping in 24 hours. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not business days.
After your item is processed within the indicated time frame, we will use the shipping method you chose at checkout to dispatch your order. For instance, if you choose the 'Free Shipping (2-6 days)' option, your order will be shipped using the free shipping method after the processing time of 2-11 business days is completed.
Orders with multiple items may ship separately from different warehouses thus you will receive more than one package.
Processing and shipping times may be slightly longer during peak holiday times or be impacted by global issues of COVID-19, beyond our control, and cause a bit of a wait.
Preorders and/or made to order items ship in 20-25 business days on average.
We cannot be held responsible for conditions beyond our control, such as carriers delay, severe weather, service interruptions, COVID-19, US Holidays, carriers delay etc.
In addition to our processing times, typical shipping times are shown below.
All orders will be considered completed upon tracking information indicating delivery to the customer.
Shipment confirmation and the tracking number will be provided once your order has been processed. Please ensure all billing, shipping, and email information is correct for a speedy shipment.
We ship to the address listed in the order confirmation. Any packages returned due to a wrong or incorrect address will be reshipped at the purchaser's cost.
U.S. Ground: 2-6 business days via DHL Ecommerce services (typically DHL Smartmail Parcel Expediated), UPS or USPS.
USPS Priority Mail: 2-3 business days
Overnight Shipping: Not available.
Shipping cost is calculated automatically at checkout based on your location.
We offer free US shipping on all orders.
International Standard Shipping via DHL GlobalMail Packet Plus (DHL Ecommerce).
Average transit times of 10-20 business days (Europe) or 15-25 business days (rest of the world).
International Standard Shipping is calculated automatically at checkout based on your location.
We do not collect import taxes, duties, or fees for international shipments.
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We're not responsible for delays due to customs.
PEAK TIMES (when processing and shipping times take longer than mentioned before, plus 5-10 business days more on average)
- Valentine's Day - February 14th
- St Patrick's Day - March 17th
- Easter - April 17th
- Mother's Day - May 14th
- Father's Day - June 18th
- 4th of July - July 4th
- Back to School - College Sports August thru the middle of September
- Halloween - October 31st
- Thanksgiving - November 24th
- Black Friday - November 25th
- Cyber Monday - November 28th
- Christmas/New Years December 25th & January 1st
Unfortunately, we see delays throughout the shipping network.
Carriers are taking much longer to scan items to their next destination and are reporting delays in shipment processing and delivery times in general because of increased shipping volumes, shortage of employees, and transportation issues.
We are asking for your patience and understanding.
We appreciate your patience and remain committed to delivering the orders to you.
International orders may take longer to arrive than the estimated time provided at checkout due to carrier and customs delays. We cannot be held responsible for these delays.
If your order hasn't arrived within 50 days (90 days for preorders/international orders) of the original purchase date, contact our support team for a replacement or full refund on your purchase. (This policy excludes errors made by customers when providing shipping details on their order(s) or missed parcel deliveries).
You agree to our refund/exchange/cancellation policy by placing an order on our website. Don't hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance if you have any questions or concerns.
We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return. If more than 30 days have passed since the items were delivered, we, unfortunately, cannot accept returns or issue refunds.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, unwashed, with tags if applicable, and in its original packaging. You'll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.
To start a return, you can contact us at [email protected]
If your return is accepted, we’ll send you instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted. Please note that if your country of residence is not United States, shipping your goods may take longer than expected.
You can always contact us for any return questions at [email protected]
Please inspect your order upon receipt and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged, or if you receive the wrong item, so that we may evaluate the issue and make it right.
We will send you a no-cost replacement if you receive a damaged or defective item. Picture documentation is required. Standard sublimated marks are exempt. Faulty items will be exchanged for good items of equal value only.
The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item.
If you would like to return an item for a refund, you are responsible for paying for the shipping to get the item to us.
If you request an exchange, you are responsible for paying the shipping cost to get the item to you.
All clothing items must be in their original unworn and unwashed condition with all tags attached (if applicable) and be free of any stains or smells to qualify for an exchange/refund.
Once we receive the item(s), we will issue a refund to you for the cost of the item minus a restock fee or our shipping costs (our shipping costs are not refundable) of $6.97/item.
Refunds are issued to the original form of payment within 7 to 14 business days of receiving your return. Please remember it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund too. If more than 15 business days have passed since we’ve approved your return, please contact us at [email protected]
- Gift cards
- Sale items
- Preorders/Made-to-Order are NOT refundable/exchangeable. They are paid in full upfront and are usually items that will be arriving in the future, so by preordering, you are securing a piece before they sell out. They are made to order.
- Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged.
It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the shipping address is correct. We are not responsible for orders delivered to the wrong address at the customer's fault.
We do our best to speed up processing and shipping time, so there is always a small window to correct an incorrect shipping address.
Please get in touch with us immediately if you have provided the wrong shipping address.
In case an order is returned to us due to an incorrect address (as indicated by the carrier's website), please note that a restocking fee of 15% and a shipping cost of $6.97 per item will apply.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
If your tracking information states that your package was delivered to your address and you have not received it please report it to your respective shipping carrier.
If you have further questions about doing this, please get in touch with our customer support team.
If your order hasn't arrived within 50 days of the original purchase date (or 120 days in case of pre-orders/international orders), contact our support team for a replacement or full refund on your purchase. (This policy excludes errors made by customers when providing shipping details on their order(s) or missed parcel deliveries).
We understand that sometimes customers may need to cancel their orders. Therefore, we have created this cancellation policy to help make the process as easy and fair as possible.
Eligibility: Orders can be canceled up to 3 hours after the order was placed.
Procedures: Please get in touch with our customer service team at [email protected] to initiate a cancellation. In your request, please provide your order number, your first and last name.
Timeframe: Refunds will be processed within 7-14 business days of receiving your cancellation request.
If you prefer, we can also offer you a store credit or the option to exchange your product for something else.
Once an order is placed, we incur irreversible fees and cannot do so free of charge. All orders will incur a 15% cancellation/adjustment fee. Preorders (Made-to-order) will incur a 30% cancellation/adjustment fee. We may not be able to cancel/edit orders but contact us if you want to change anything.
Orders returned to us due to a wrong/incomplete address (as per carrier status) will incur a 15% (or 30% in case of made-to-order/preorder items) fee plus the shipping charge. For example, if an item costs $35 and it's returned to us due to a wrong address, the customer will receive $35 - (15% of $35) - $6.97 = $22.78
We reserve the rights to cancel and issue a refund for any order without prior notice if necessary.
What our customers are saying about Authentic Band Merch:
I was very skeptical when I first came across Authentic Band Merch on social media as I typically only buy from trusted vendors and sites. I decided to take a shot and ordered a few shirts. I was astounded by how quickly they shipped and the high quality of every item ordered. And the customer service is amazing. Ask a question and you get a reply almost immediately. Since my initial order, I have since ordered multiple shirts and I’m completely satisfied with each and everyone. Getting ready to place another order soon. Rock On Authentic Band Merch!!
It's so hard to find 2 sided tour shirts that look good. These are great quality, look sharp and fit me perfectly. No oversize tent shirts for dad bods here. If you look good and want to flaunt it, these are perfect for a nice V-taper body. I have a new path to leave corporate and pursue my love of music with DJing EDM and singing in the style of Leonard Cohen, Strumbellas, Mumford and Sons, Elvis, Bob Dylan. The cowboy rocker look works like fire for me.
Cowboy hat, stylish belt with and outlandish buckle, silver and black rings on nearly every finger, overdoing it with leather bracelets and necklaces, some sick boots and then bring it all together with a band tour shirt......and owning the ridiculousness every step of the way in the footsteps of my favorite rock stars.
I've had such a hard time finding the shirt, and have ordered around 9 from Authentic Band Merch and they look amazing and will be coming back for more often. Marianne, in customer service, was friendly, fast and responsive as well. I don't usually vouch for products, but these are some serious stud duds and can't recommend these shirts enough.
Thanks so much
I have ordered a couple of shirts from Authentic Band Merchandise and I love love love everything. My shirts have came in on time, look fantastic and the best part is that they feel really cozy. This is my favorite store and I will continue to shop on this website. 10/10 stars would highly recommend.
I wanted to let you know I recently received my order from you and was pleasantly pleased with the quality and results. I was worried about ordering from your company as I was unfortunately the victim of fraud from another T-shirt company. I will only order from you in the future as the merchandise was what I was expecting!
I’d like to thank y’all for a trip back in time. My Pink Floyd Animals Tour shirt was simply awesome. In 1977 money was tight & the 3 hour drive, several beers consumed, left little money for any Memobilia. Thanks.
I’ve told everyone these are the best shirts!!
I’m very happy with the quality of both shirts I received. ZZ Top and Led Zep!
We got our CBGB’s shirts for the holiday and love them! They’re soft and fit perfectly!
Hey, so I’m impressed with the quality of the shirts i bought from you guys!
Not usually impressed with stuff I’ve bought off facebook ads, but your stuff is the real deal. Thanks!
Thank you love your merchandise
I have received and like them very much great quality
Thank you. I love your customer service and speed. Hard to find.
Just got one of my shirts today and love it, I'll be ordering more in the future.
Amazing customer service
I received my order and I do really like the quality
OMG I love my shirts I will absolutely be ordering again soon for myself and gifts, I shared your site with my brother he loves it
I received my t-shirts today and I absolutely love them. Thank you so much!!
"Thank you! Love the vibes your clothing carries 🧡 "Jennifer S.
This is our feedback from our clients directly from Facebook
Facebook uses a variety of information, including surveys from people who purchase from Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Audience Network ads to help ensure the ads accurately represent the product and service provided.
Facebook uses this information to give each business a score from 0 to 5.
These scores are updated on a continual basis, based on the most recent feedback.
Authentic Band Merch vs. "other stores"
At our officially licensed t-shirts store, we are proud to offer the most extensive collection of bands and musical artists.
Our t-shirts are printed in the US or UK and are fully licensed, giving you the peace of mind that you are buying an authentic and high-quality product.
At our officially licensed t-shirts store, we take great pride in the quality of our products. All our t-shirts are printed with the highest quality materials. In addition, they are thoroughly inspected before being shipped to ensure that they meet our strict quality standards.
In comparison, our competitors' products may live up to different standards. For example, some of their t-shirts may be printed with lower-quality materials, resulting in designs that fade or crack after a few washes. Additionally, their inspection processes may be less rigorous, meaning there is a higher chance of receiving a faulty product.
At our store, we believe that quality should never be compromised, which is why we always put the customer first. We stand behind our products and are confident that you will be delighted with your purchase.
So why settle for less when you can have the best? Choose us for a truly premium t-shirt experience.
One of the most significant differences between our competitors and us is our pricing.
While "other stores" may offer higher discounts, their prices are also higher, meaning you end up paying more. Our store offers lower prices and smaller discounts, but our customers pay less overall.
Another difference is our shipping policy. While "other stores" only offer free shipping over a certain amount, we offer free shipping on all orders, no matter the amount.
If you are looking for a wide selection of officially licensed t-shirts at a great price, with the convenience of free shipping, then look no further than our store. We are confident that you will find what you're looking for at a better value than our competitors.
At officially licensed t-shirts store, we are committed to offering the highest quality products to our customers.
This is why we print our merchandise in the US or UK and never import from China. As a result, our customers can feel confident that they are buying a product that has been responsibly made and meets our rigorous standards of quality.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for our competitors. Some may bring their products from China, resulting in lower quality products and longer customer wait times. Sometimes, the products they sell may even be manufactured under unethical working conditions.
We believe that our customers deserve better. That's why we are committed to sourcing our products from the US or UK, where we can ensure that they are made to the highest standards and that our customers are receiving a product that they can trust.
So why settle for less when you can have the best? So choose us for a truly premium t-shirt experience.
At our officially licensed t-shirts store, we are always looking for ways to enhance the customer experience.
That's why we add new designs and bands to our portfolio each week, ensuring that our customers have access to the latest and greatest in musical apparel.
With a wide range of bands and designs to choose from, there's something for everyone, regardless of your musical taste.
In addition to our extensive selection, we offer variations you won't find anywhere else.
So we've got you covered whether you're looking for a unique design, a specific band, or something different from what you see in other stores.
We are also proud to offer plus and tall sizes so that all our customers can find a t-shirt that fits them comfortably. With a wide range of sizes and designs, our customers can be confident that they will find exactly what they're looking for when they shop with us.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a one-stop shop for all your t-shirt needs, look at our officially licensed t-shirts store. With new designs and bands added each week, plus and tall sizes and a wide range of variations you won't find anywhere else, you're sure to find the perfect t-shirt. | <urn:uuid:fcd46def-8c2a-43ce-847d-99f03af5f6ec> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T21:31:38Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.941997 | 4,777 | 4,860 |
With its wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and friendly community, 8k8 Discount is the perfect place for players of all levels to experience the thrill of online gaming.
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But 8k8 Discount is more than just a gaming platform. It’s also a community of players who share a passion for gaming and excitement. Here, you can make friends with other players, boast about your successes, and let others share in your excitement.
So if you’re looking for a truly magical online gaming experience, look no further than 8k8 Discount. With its wide selection of games, generous bonuses, friendly community, and commitment to quality, 8k8 Discount is the perfect place to play and win!
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In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of online entertainment, 8k8 Discount has distinguished itself as a gold standard. With its cutting-edge technology and wide selection of games, 8k8 Discount has won the hearts of players all over the world.
8k8 Discount is more than just an online gaming platform. It’s a vibrant community where players can come together to experience the thrill of gaming and the excitement of winning. With its user-friendly interface and transparent policies, 8k8 Discount is the perfect place for both seasoned gamers and beginners alike.
Where innovation meets entertainment
8k8 Discount is a place where gamers can come to experience the latest and greatest in online gaming. With its cutting-edge technology and innovative features, 8k8 Discount is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the online gaming world.
Whether you’re a fan of classic casino games like slots and roulette, or you’re looking for something more cutting-edge like live dealer games or virtual reality experiences, 8k8 Discount has something for everyone.
A community of gamers
8k8 Discount is more than just a gaming platform. It’s a community where players can come together to connect with each other and share their passion for gaming. With its friendly chat rooms and social media groups, 8k8 Discount is the perfect place to make new friends and find like-minded gamers.
A commitment to trust and transparency
In the world of online gaming, trust and transparency are essential. 8k8 Discount is committed to upholding these values and providing its players with a fair and secure gaming experience.
The platform uses the latest security technologies to protect player data and transactions. And with its transparent policies and comprehensive game rules, 8k8 Discount ensures that players always know what they’re getting into.
A gateway to unforgettable experiences
8k8 Discount is more than just a place to play games. It’s a gateway to unforgettable experiences.
With its wide selection of games, vibrant community, and commitment to trust and transparency, 8k8 Discount offers players a chance to escape the everyday world and immerse themselves in a world of excitement, challenge, and success.
Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or looking to pick up a new hobby, 8k8 Discount is the perfect place to start your journey.
Since its inception in 2022, 8k8 Discount has cemented its reputation as a trailblazer in the online gaming industry. Guided by the compass of trust, 8k8 Discount has navigated the financial waters with integrity and transparency.
With 747 Live, 8k8 Discount has elevated the gaming experience to new heights. Indulge in a world of fun and excitement with a diverse range of online gaming brands, each offering a unique blend of games, opportunities, rewards, and more.
Embark on a thrilling journey at 8k8 Discount today and experience the difference that trust makes.
Step into the exhilarating world of 8k8 Discount, where players of all levels can access a diverse range of online games with the chance to win real money. From classic casino games like slots and poker to live dealer games, the lottery, and more, 8k8 Discount has something for everyone.
With its user-friendly interface, generous bonuses, and commitment to fair play, 8k8 Discount is the perfect place to experience the thrill of online gaming at its finest.
So why wait? Join the fun today and discover why 8k8 Discount is the go-to destination for online gaming enthusiasts everywhere!
In the bustling world of online casinos, 8k8 Discount stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering players the highest payout rates and the most seamless transactions in the Philippines.
With a diverse selection of entertaining games, a generous welcome bonus, and a rewarding loyalty program, 8k8 Discount is the perfect destination for online casino enthusiasts of all levels.
And when it comes to financial transactions, 8k8 Discount makes it easy and hassle-free for players to deposit and withdraw their winnings. With a variety of convenient payment methods to choose from, players can enjoy their gaming experience without having to worry about the nitty-gritty.
So if you’re looking for an online casino that offers the best of the best, look no further than 8k8 Discount. Register today and experience the thrill of online gaming with generous payouts and seamless transactions!
Licensed by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), one of the strictest regulatory authorities in the online gaming industry, 8k8 Discount is a paragon of safety and compliance.
At 8k8 Discount, player safety is our number one priority. We adhere to the highest standards of compliance and implement rigorous security measures to protect our players’ data and financial transactions.
We are committed to providing our players with a safe and secure gaming environment where they can enjoy the thrill of online gaming without having to worry about anything else.
At 8k8 Discount, we take your security seriously. That’s why we’ve implemented the most stringent security measures to protect your data and financial transactions.
Our website is 100% secure and monitored 24/7 by a dedicated team of technical experts. We adhere to the strictest security laws and practices, and we’re always looking for ways to improve our security posture.
Your personal information is safeguarded by the latest industry standards and practices. We use state-of-the-art encryption technologies to protect your data in transit and at rest. We also have a team of security experts who are constantly monitoring our systems for any suspicious activity.
So you can rest assured that when you play at 8k8 Discount, your data is safe and secure. And with our generous bonuses, you’ll have even more fun!
At 8k8 Discount, we understand that the best gaming experience is one where players feel valued and supported. That’s why we offer 24/7 voice and live chat support to ensure that all of your concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently.
Our team of dedicated customer support representatives is here to help you with everything from creating an account to withdrawing your winnings. We’re committed to providing you with the best possible service, so you can focus on enjoying the thrill of online gaming.
Whether you’re a seasoned player or a complete beginner, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands at 8k8 Discount. We’re here to make sure that you have a fun, rewarding, and hassle-free gaming experience.
At 8k8 Discount, we take your security seriously. That’s why we’ve implemented the most stringent security measures to protect your data and financial transactions.
Your data is encrypted using 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, the same technology used by major banks and financial institutions. Our systems and apps are thoroughly analyzed for security several times a year by qualified specialists. And we have an intrusion detection system in place that constantly scans network traffic for indicators of an incursion or attack.
So you can rest assured that when you play at 8k8 Discount, your data is safe and secure. We’re committed to providing you with the best possible gaming experience, and that includes keeping your data safe.
PAGCOR, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation, is the sole regulator of all land-based and offshore gambling in the Philippines. Its mission is to ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and responsible manner, and to protect the welfare of the Filipino people.
To obtain a PAGCOR license, operators must submit a rigorous application process and meet strict requirements. Once licensed, operators are subject to ongoing monitoring and audits by PAGCOR. This ensures that they are complying with all applicable laws and regulations, and that they are providing a safe and fair gaming experience for their customers.
PAGCOR is also committed to educating the public about responsible gambling. It offers a variety of resources and programs to help players understand the risks involved in gambling, and to develop healthy gambling habits.
A Complete Guide to Checking Online Casino Licensing
PAGCOR, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation, has done a remarkable job of bringing order to the once chaotic and unregulated Philippine gaming market. Thanks to PAGCOR’s strict regulations and commitment to player safety, you can now confidently make purchases and submit personal information to licensed online casinos in the Philippines.
However, it is still important to be cautious and carefully review any website before entering any personal information. To assess the quality of a casino’s relationships, be sure to check the partner affiliations listed on their partnerships page.
By doing your research and being cautious, you can safely explore the world of online casino options.
Once you’ve found a reputable online casino, you can start playing with your bonus at your convenience.
Which Filipino online casino is the best?
The Philippines is home to some of the best online casinos in the world. These casinos offer Filipinos a wide range of games and services, including:
A wide selection of slots, table games, and live dealer games
Generous bonuses and rewards programs
Secure and reliable banking methods
24/7 customer support
What games are available at an online casino in the Philippines?
Delve into the virtual wonderland of international online casinos, where a dazzling array of games awaits. From the captivating world of slots to the scintillating spin of roulette, the thrilling dance of blackjack, the seductive allure of video poker, and the passionate embrace of live dealer tables, there’s something for everyone to savor.
Embark on a virtual journey through a world where each casino game receives its own spotlight, and the nuances of each game are revealed like the chapters of a captivating tale. Discover the hidden secrets of your favorite games and uncover new strategies to enhance your gaming prowess.
Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a curious novice, the possibilities are endless in the virtual world of international online casinos. So what are you waiting for? Start your adventure today and experience the thrill of gaming like never before!
What is the finest mobile casino software for Filipino gamers that want to play for real money?
Unleash the thrill of casino gaming in the palm of your hands with the best casino app in the Philippines. Offering a seamless gaming experience on both iOS and Android devices, this app is completely free and delivers a captivating and trustworthy experience that rivals the comfort of your PC.
With a wide range of games to choose from, including slots, table games, and live dealer games, you’re sure to find the perfect game to suit your taste and skill level. And with its user-friendly interface and generous bonuses, you can start playing and winning big in no time.
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Ford Motor spent more than a century expanding operations throughout metro Detroit. Now, in the wake of Covid-19, new CEO Jim Farley and Executive Chairman Bill Ford are accelerating a planned consolidation of Ford’s facilities in the region, as the company holds off bringing its salaried people back to the office until July and reconfigures their workspaces.
But, at the same time, Ford’s leaders just recommitted the company to completing a new, $750 million technology complex in downtown Detroit that assumes digitally talented millennials and Gen Z-ers will flock to work cheek-by-jowl on a hip new campus centered around the renovated Michigan Central train station, beginning in 2022—just two years removed from the pandemic.
“We still think there will be a need to come together safely to collaborate, strategize and do innovative work,” says Carolina Pluszczynski, development director for Ford’s project. “Workers are increasingly demanding choice, so employers need to find ways to make the workplace a destination rather than a container for people. They need to give people reasons to come into the office, and we think Michigan Central will be such a destination.”
Such dilemmas have become front-and-center for CEOs these days, part of a tectonic and still-unfolding geographic reset of business across the country and around the world in the wake of the pandemic. Company leaders are grappling with a number of crucial questions that will determine where a substantial amount of American economic activity occurs for decades to come.
These challenges include: When and how will leisure activities like tourism and spectator sports snap back? What will it mean to “work in the office”? Should CEOs site more operations away from congested cities? Nearer? Are capital investments going to trickle away from the coasts and more into the middle of the country? And should they really decouple supply chains from China?
The fates of companies are being radically bifurcated by what business they’re in and where they’re located. CEOs are dealing with not just a tale of two cities but a tale of two universes, and the commercial real estate market reflects this disparity. “I’ve never seen such a separation between haves and have-nots,” says Walt Rakowich, who is on the board of Host Hotels, the world’s largest hospitality chain, and led a multi-billion-dollar turnaround of Prologis, a San Francisco-based REIT that invested in logistics facilities after the Great Recession. “The haves are data and distribution-driven real estate, such as warehouses and data centers—as well as residential houses. The have-nots include leisure-driven real estate such as hotels and offices. They’re moving in two different directions.”
Differing outcomes by geography are illustrated by Big Tech. Even as the tattered business reputation of downtown Seattle reinforces Amazon’s 2019 decision to back away from one of the biggest office-space leases in the city’s history, for instance, the ecommerce giant has been plowing ahead with construction of its new “HQ2” in Arlington, Virginia. While Amazon prepares to break ground and buys a Radisson Hotel in the vicinity for $150 million just to get it out of the way, Virginia’s colleges and universities are executing pre-Covid plans to double the number of technology engineers they graduate over the next decade.
“Amazon is moving pretty briskly,” says Victor Hoskins, CEO of the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority in Virginia. “Covid may have even accelerated their plans.”
Adding to their stress is that CEOs can decide issues about the future geography of their companies in widely disparate ways—all of which can all be considered logical at the moment, based on their assumptions about the future. Consider the radically different views from players and experts about the post-pandemic fate of America’s largest cities.
“The fact is it’s going to be harder to get people to come to work downtown,” says Wendell Cox, head of Demographia, an urban-policy consultancy in St. Louis. “The exodus to the suburbs was started by Covid, but who knows how much it’s being driven by other things. The majority of households in this country are very concerned about security.”
But Sam Zell, who keeps coming to his downtown high-rise office overlooking the Chicago River every day, calls Cox’s way of thinking poppycock. “We are social animals,” says Zell, a legend in REITs and head of Equity Group Investments in Chicago. “Urban cores are created for our proximity to one another—for mating purposes, for stimulation, for all the things that human beings are all about. I just don’t imagine in a post-Covid world that we’re going to be spread out and all unconnected.”
Here are the key tensions in the geographic rebalancing of business, their implications for companies and what some CEOs are doing about them:
Leisure vs. Work Activities
Entire industries are crumbling under pandemic lockdowns. “The pandemic is going to wipe out a lot of really good people who own campus housing properties, apartment buildings, retail and hotels—they’re going to lose their buildings,” says Mike Tingus, president of Lee & Associates, a commercial real estate brokerage in the San Fernando Valley of California. “Legislative adoption of no evictions for renters is really tough. The chances of them making up four to six months of rent in the next 12 months are virtually impossible. So, it’s only putting off the inevitable.”
Host is fine, with “the best balance sheet of any hotel owner in the business,” Rakowich attests. “But less-capitalized companies are going to have some problems. It’s about the ability to sustain a downturn from a capital perspective, how much leverage is on your balance sheet and where you’re profiting from it.”
At the same time, Rakowich says, “in the short run there are likely to be opportunities to buy certain real estate, perhaps at reduced values, from the have-nots. And longer term, there will still be the need for quality hotels, office buildings and retail centers. People still like interacting with each other and getting out. We’ll still travel. We’ll get back to some semblance of what we had, and when we do, we’ll see resurgence in those areas.”
Offices vs. Remote Work
Siemens USA spent several years building a strong “virtual culture” that came in handy during the pandemic, says President Barbara Humpton. These technology-based capabilities—ranging from digital simulation of entire factories to IoT systems that help clients customize space usage—provide a real leg up for the global industrial giant.
But Humpton also says, “One thing missing is networking and meeting new people and new customers. You have to work really hard through digital interfaces to build new relationships. There’s a magic to person-to-person that we can’t replace. And you need that to build your culture.”
Other CEOs also are reckoning with the future of offices—places where many of them invested heavily over the past several years to attract and retain millennial workers who deemed workplace culture as crucial. Remote work forced by the pandemic succeeded for many companies “because the technology tools were better than expected, and productivity didn’t take a significant hit,” says Larry Gigerich, head of the Ginovus economic-development consultancy in Fishers, Indiana.
But now, notes Jay Garner, head of the Site Selectors Guild of consultants, “we’re hearing CEOs say that creativity and innovation wane as a result of not working in groups, especially for millennials and GenZ-ers, who like socialization and miss the ‘creative collision.’” So, handicappers predict that post-pandemic re-occupation of offices eventually could reach 80 to 90 percent of pre-Covid levels, but no one is sure.
Hunt Military Communities CEO John Ehle believes “the novelty of working remotely wore out around July.” The head of the largest U.S. military-housing owner, based in El Paso, Texas, adds, “People are starting to miss their routines, and the separation between work and home, and work with colleagues. They’ve spent way too much time on video conferences and phone calls.”
Pat Wilson, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, sees many CEOs agreeing. “So many ideas are shared in interactions in the office, having that day-to-day personal contact makes a difference,” he says. “The original thought of massive empty buildings isn’t going to come to pass. You’ll see a blend.” In fact, says Jon Cesaretti, a principal at Crowe Horwath consultants in Chicago, CEOs “are not walking away from offices but repositioning them. They may be taking a big office and chopping it up into three or four smaller offices.”
Thus, various “hybrid” solutions are emerging to the problem of the office and will become the new normal. Waste Management CEO Jim Fish, for example, was concerned about having to shoehorn the company’s 1,100 employees into the company’s new headquarters building in downtown Houston, which was scheduled to open by early 2021, leaving little room for growth even though it’s a spanking-new structure. Now his goal is up to 900 people.
“Now, that concern has gone away with Covid,” Fish says. “We segregated our office employees into three categories even before Covid, and now we have put a lot more in a ‘hybrid’ category, especially tech folks. But the people who will be there will still need a workspace, so it may be similar to what you see at a consulting firm where people are traveling a lot and have more shared versus personalized space.”
Cities vs. Suburbs
An anti-urban narrative for some CEOs has firmed up thanks to the pandemic, summer riots in some large U.S. cities and school closings. It stipulates that millennials with young children are fleeing city cores, facilitated by remote work. “Suburbs and exurbs have become very attractive to them for quality schools and quality of life that they’re not finding in the urban core,” Gigerich says. “Also, they can be in places where they don’t have to take public transportation if they don’t want to.”
Adds demographer Joel Kotkin, “Middle-class people will live in cities and even have kids there and then raise them until about the age of five. But once they need more space and want to send them to school, they’ll move out to the suburbs. Most of the cities where there has been trouble are controlled by regimes that are against charter schools. Education reform simply won’t take place in those areas. Most growth now will be in smaller cities and suburbs.”
Meanwhile, city cores such as Manhattan and the Loop area of Chicago will “keep young people who are less concerned about the pandemic and think that the homeless are local color,” Kotkin says. “They aren’t worried about screaming crazy people on the streets, and they’re going to see this as an opportunity. Artists and certain upper classes without kids will stay. But cities simply can’t be centers of corporate activity the way they were in the 1950s or 1960s or the way that things were being imagined until now.”
Yet, others argue for a scenario far more favorable to the restoration of cities. “We’re at the extreme of the exodus,” says Peter Jackson, CEO of Bluescape, a visual-collaboration software provider based in San Carlos, California. “Places in the mountains or on the beach are going up in value by 30 percent to 100 percent. But these were knee-jerk reactions. And with vaccines, I wouldn’t be surprised to see those markets deteriorate by half of that percentage increase or more by late next year. ‘I really wanted to put my kid in this high school to play this sport,’ and so on.”
Zell, who several years ago famously predicted the end of the American suburb, allows as how, “as a result of Covid, all of the empty houses in Lake Forest” in suburban Chicago “have been repopulated. But I don’t think we’re seeing an exit of population or an exit of activity from central cores. The magnet of urban areas isn’t being permanently changed. What’s going on is that the people who represent the core of that don’t have the same kind of connection to the city that previous generations had.”
In any event, some effects of the pandemic pounding of big cities are clear. Downtown real estate will see devastating effects “as leases come up for expiration and then companies want less space,” Gigerich says. Shared-office space is also in serious oversupply.
On the flip side, Zell says, “the hottest form of real estate in cities is probably industrial distribution” as ecommerce delivery proliferates. “Simple rectangular buildings are easy to create, so in the next few years we’re likely to see a significant oversupply.” And in the food business, the pandemic is leading to the establishment of more third-party, cold-storage space within striking distance of urban areas, as well as “ghost kitchens” that are putting together meals for pickup and delivery, bystepping traditional restaurant kitchens, says Scott Kupperman, head of Kupperman Location Solutions in Lake Forest, Illinois.
Coasts vs. the Interior
The middle of the country clearly has been gaining on the coasts in the midst of the pandemic, aided by the technological dispersion of white-collar work and heartland attractions, including lower costs of doing business, less expensive housing, reasonable taxes, strong schools and underrated quality of life.
“Large heartland metropolitan areas like Nashville, Austin, Detroit, San Antonio, Grand Rapids and Dallas-Fort Worth are all gaining educated millennials far more rapidly than coastal ‘magnets’ like New York, Los Angeles or even the Bay Area,” Kotkin says.
What’s more, a post-Covid “rubber-bander” phenomenon is snapping more young workers back to their birthplaces. “People will say, ‘I can go live in the Rockies or near my mother in Mankato, Minnesota—or just about anywhere if you’re valuable enough to your company,” says Cox. “It’s a much broader reset than ever.”
By January, in fact, three major companies—Tesla, HP Enterprise and Oracle—said they would spurn California to move their headquarters to Texas, where Chief Executive consistently has found America’s best business climate. First Databank, for example, “accelerated” its move of jobs from its headquarters in South San Francisco to satellite offices in Indiana and North Carolina. “They’ll see a little more growth over time, though I wouldn’t say it’s being driven by the pandemic in a major way,” says Bob Katter, president of the publisher of drug-information software. California is a “more expensive place to do business, ” but there’s “tremendous talent there. So we’re trying to strike a balance.”
Meanwhile, as Antoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker argue in the book, The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts Are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation, the Midwest already has become an epicenter of a growing interface between manufacturing and technology, where a legacy of industrial expertise is fertilizing growth in technologies ranging from self-driving cars to digital agriculture.
Flyover-country business legacies also are benefiting companies like Clearcover. The Chicago-based startup provides online car insurance and employs about 150 tech workers in downtown Chicago. Why not design Clearcover’s ecommerce capabilities in Boston, New York, San Francisco or Seattle? One key is that much of the traditional insurance industry grew up and still resides in Chicagoland. “We went through an analysis and tried to find the best overlap between a market where we could find world-class tech talent, great insurance talent and where we could raise a lot of capital,” says CEO Kyle Nakatsuji. “It boiled down to Chicago and the coasts, and Chicago won on better access to all the insurance talent from Allstate, State Farm, Kemper, Aon and other insurance companies here.”
Still, many doubt that economic shifts from dominant coastal nodes will be extensive. “Whether it’s Hollywood for entertainment, Hartford for Insurance, Silicon Valley for tech or New York for financial services, you will find that for another city to develop the capabilities to support these industries from nothing is a lengthy and difficult process,” says Antonio Argibay, founder and managing principal of Meridian Design Associates, an architecture and design firm with offices in Miami and New York City.
The fate of New York is perhaps the biggest issue in this arena. “It’s too early to tell” whether there might be a permanent aversion to the Big Apple by CEOs and their employees, Cesaretti says. But he believes apocalyptic scenarios will be proven wrong. “New York has seen much worse. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, New York was a disaster, and it came back. I have a hard time believing it will be abandoned now.”
William Sankey lodges a firm vote of confidence in his hometown. “We continue to see professionals—even people we hire in other markets—still have a desire not only to come back to the office but to move to New York,” says the CEO of Northspyre, which produces software for running real-estate projects from its headquarters in Brooklyn and elsewhere. “That speaks volumes about how modern workers feel about wanting to work together in a creative environment in cities.”
Foreign Sourcing vs. Reshoring
Many CEOs are rethinking their manufacturing supply chains in the wake of pandemic disruptions and considering rising American political sentiment against China. “We’re moving forward three to four years in just a few months,” Cesaretti says. “Manufacturers in the Midwest are getting very large contracts to do various things that used to be done outside the country.”
Michigan is poised to take advantage, promoting the state as “a software hotbed, where software development can converge with our business-friendly climate and high concentration of engineers to create many industries of the future,” says Josh Hundt, chief business development officer for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Mark Burton, the group’s CEO, adds that the state also sees a great opportunity “in re-shoring or on-shoring, given our strengths in manufacturing and advanced manufacturing.”
Consider Arizona, too. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, the world’s largest contract maker of silicon chips for iPhones and other devices, announced last summer it intends to build a major plant near Phoenix that could involve total spending of $12 billion and create more than 1,600 jobs. “It’s a very big deal if someone really is taking the plunge to go to a place where there is no other manufacturer of microchips,” Cesaretti says. “Other players in the industry are going to think that’s a big deal too. And suppliers are all going to locate nearby.”
A bipartisan movement also has begun in Washington, D.C., for the federal government to consider subsidizing U.S. construction of microchip factories as Asian and European governments have done. “But with all the Democrats in Washington, it will be a challenge to make sure those dollars don’t all get allocated to coastal locations,” Gigerich says. “If you’re going to get into that game as the federal government, you’ve got to do it correctly.”
Arizona: Adjusting to Game Changers
Sun Corridor has been keeping its powder dry for a major economic-development opportunity, and that opportunity is now for the public-private agency that serves as a chamber of commerce for the Tucson area.
In the wake of the pandemic, the agency is “doubling down on our efforts. We decided now wasn’t the time to sit back,” says Sun Corridor President and CEO Joe Snell. “We increased our spending and dipped into reserves we had set aside, increasing our outreach to companies and site selectors with our marketing message.”
Sun Corridor also performed a “gap analysis of what happens post-pandemic and what we need to shore up to win” new jobs, Snell says. Now the group is considering ways to grant financial credits to businesses that meet thresholds for numbers of remote workers in the Tucson area. “We’re also looking at whether we can provide day-care centers in different parts of our area.”
Snell also is looking at Sun Corridor’s attributes from different angles now, such as in logistics. In a new season of drastically reduced air travel, “being a mid-sized city and not having a top-10 airport isn’t as important as it was before,” he says. At the same time, Tucson is seeking to take advantage of the shakeup in American manufacturers’ sourcing in China, offering its close proximity and strong rail links to Mexico as an advantage.
“To companies that were doing business in China before, we’re saying, ‘Let’s get closer,’” Snell says. “Do your IP in Tucson and your manufacturing in Mexico.”
Sun Corridor’s efforts already are panning out: As 2020 closed, its pipeline of qualified companies that are looking to relocate surged over the previous year, Snell says.
Webasto: Welcoming a Hybrid Future
Several years ago, Webasto Roof Systems made a concerted effort to overhaul a corporate culture that had become a lifeless, stale drag on productivity and overall results. Chiefs of the U.S. arm of a big German auto supplier hired consultants, launched a website about culture and conducted a three-day, all-hands conference at a casino in downtown Detroit to jump-start the transformation and create kumbayah moments.
“What has been done previously is clear and in front of us and a great achievement and starting point,” says Giuseppe Barile, the operation’s new CEO. “We are one team. The challenge we face is to keep it and improve it.”
Indeed now, Barile is trying to ensure Webasto’s model new workplace culture survives the Covid-19 remote-work paradigm. What’s more, he’s got to do so while honchoing the company’s move from its current headquarters building in Rochester Hills, Michigan—the site of the white-collar part of the cultural transformation—to a $40 million facility that is being refurbished to serve as Webasto’s new headquarters for a growing workforce in another suburb, Auburn Hills, several miles away.
“The ‘one team’ concept depends on socialization of our people,” Barile says. “So now, we have to envision a new way of working together in the new building. Do we somehow go back to the office or not?”
Barile decided to reconfigure the new headquarters to support a hybrid operations model with some Webasto employees staying home and others of the 400-strong workforce being assigned to the building, with flexibility for all. This will include a “hotelization” in which workers will digitally book desk spaces in a facility that will include fewer desks than employees.
“Somehow the office will be populated,” Barile says. “People can decide if they work from home or the office, but the office is a melting pot for our values and an important place for socialization and recognition that you are with Webasto and our values.” | <urn:uuid:670efe60-afc9-4189-81d5-d366e76ceebc> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:49:59Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.959698 | 5,231 | 5,540 |
1. Why this unofficial Q&A?
The World Health Organization (WHO) includes a Q&A of its proposed health emergency instruments on its website. This document inadequately characterizes draft amendments that carry significant consequences for basic human rights and democratic process. Therefore, the proposals and their implications are explained further here, based on the WHO’s drafts, to support informed decision-making by States, legislators, elected persons, and the public.
2. What are the IHR (2005)?
The International Health Regulations form a legally-binding international instrument adopted under Article 21 of the WHO’s Constitution which requires acceptance by only a simple majority of Member States. It was first adopted in 1951 and has been periodically modified. The current version was adopted in 2005 and entered into force in 2007. It has 196 States Parties, including the 194 WHO Member States.
The purpose of the IHR (2005) was to improve coordination of international surveillance and response to health emergencies, particularly pandemics, to; “prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.”
3. What are the obligations of States Parties?
The IHR (2005) contain provisions and annexes with different levels of obligations for States Parties, covering surveillance of disease outbreaks, reporting, information-sharing, and capacity-building of national health authorities.
The Regulations as they currently stand aim to respect States’ sovereignty, leaving much flexibility, discretionary consideration, and decision-making to States with regard to outbreaks to be assessed, but include some required measures to be taken.
4. What are the current powers of the WHO under the IHR (2005)?
The WHO Director-General (DG) has the power to declare a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). WHO is mandated to inform other States, even without the concerned State’s consent, and to convene the Emergency Committee. Although pandemics are historically rare, this power has been used 3 times since 2020, regarding SARS-CoV-2, Mpox (formerly monkeypox) and Ebola.
The DG has the power to make temporary recommendations to States under a PHIEC regarding persons, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods and postal parcels. These include restrictive measures such as border closure, forced quarantine of people, mandated medical examinations, testing and vaccination, contact tracing and screening (art. 18). The WHO is also vested to make “standing recommendations of appropriate health measures” in order to ensure better implementation of the Regulations (art. 16).
5. Are the current temporary and standing recommendations by the WHO binding?
No. These recommendations are non-binding advice (art. 1), meaning that States can choose not to follow them without consequences. This was required by the States who adopted the IHR (2005), as a means to preserve their sovereignty against potential abusive powers of unelected international officials.
6. Why are amendments being proposed?
Arguments have been made that the IHR amendments are needed due to an increasing pandemic risk, but as the WHO reports these are historically unfounded, with mortality reducing over the past 120 years with the advent of antibiotics, better medical care, and better living conditions.
Similarly, arguments that human-animal interaction is increasing are incompatible with a steady loss of habitat and biodiversity, and reduced numbers of humans living in close and prolonged contact with farm or wild animals.
Private investors and commercial interests have become increasingly prominent in WHO funding, whilst both private and State-based funding is now ‘specified,’ meaning funders decide how the WHO will spend the funding provided. The pharmaceutical industry that dominates corporate funding, and the main private funders, have amassed considerable wealth through the Covid-19 response. These funders also direct parallel vaccine-focused organizations, the Gavi alliance and CEPI. The two main State funders, the United States and Germany, have heavy investments in vaccine-based responses for health emergencies.
The WHO is also strongly influenced by non-democratic political interests through the appointment of the DG and senior officials, the make-up of the Executive Board, and its governing body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). Its actions and policies are therefore not based on the approaches to human rights and individual freedom that ostensibly guide most constitutional democracies.
It thus appears that commercial and other vested interests are providing significant impetus to greater centralization of control in health emergencies, probably driven by opportunity for profit, whilst prioritization based on disease burden and human rights norms appear to be less significant drivers.
7. Who is behind the amendment process?
The decision to launch the amendment process was made by the Executive Board composed of 34 individuals from elected Member States in January 2022, claiming a need for urgent action to address potential international health emergencies.
As is common practice in the United Nations system, the process is probably instigated and supported by a group of powerful States, working closely with the WHO secretariat to achieve their intended results through the intergovernmental process. The prior proposed amendments discussed and approved in 2022 by the WHO’s governing body, the WHA, were all proposed by the United States of America. The new proposals call for better compliance to the IHR, more WHO and States’ control over the activities of citizens, and consequently less human rights and freedom for individuals. This is promoted in the name of equity and a greater good, reflecting the policies implemented in response to Covid-19 against prior public health guidance and human rights norms.
Part of the first set of amendments was adopted in May 2022 by consensus through Committee A of the 75th WHA, hence without a formal vote. These amendments, to enter into force in two years (2024), will reduce the period for rejections and reservations to (future) amendments to the IHR from 18 months to 10 months.
8. What is being proposed to reduce State and individual sovereignty?
Several proposals aim at extending the purpose and scope of the IHR to “all risks with a potential to impact public health” (amendment to art. 2). Non-binding recommendations would become binding (amendments to art. 1 and new art. 13A).
Many of the proposals aim to reduce States’ sovereignty and give WHO officials (DG, Regional Directors, technical staff) new and extensive powers, including the issuing of binding recommendations. States not rejecting the amendments “undertake” to follow the DG’s recommendations (art. 13A). These are accompanied by proposals to establish a broader public health bureaucracy at the national, regional and international level, as well as new entities and platforms to monitor and ensure State’s compliance.
Under the current proposals, intellectual property holders will be forced to waive their exclusive rights under pandemics when the WHO applies its “allocation mechanism” aimed at ensuring access to medical supplies equitable to the WHO’s views (new art. 13A).
If passed, the WHO D-G would be able to dictate restrictions and other measures at any time for any potential risk.
Freedom to discuss and oppose the WHO’s recommendations will also be curtailed. Proposals call for the WHO and States to counter mis- and dis-information (amendment to art. 44.2), on the assumption that scientific knowledge and public health correctness arise from a single organization and those collaborating with it, rather than from a continuing open process of enquiry and discussion.
9. What current optional recommendations would become obligatory?
Standing recommendations and temporary recommendations, both currently being mere advice from the WHO and non-binding, will become binding (art. 1 and 13A). Standing recommendations will also include those “on the access and availability of health products, technologies, and know-how, including an allocation mechanism for their fair and equitable access” (amendment to art. 16), implying mandatory requisition and transfer of health products on demand of the WHO.
Currently, States can assess public health events and decide what measures and policies to take. Under the new proposals the WHO can declare an emergency, including for mere potential threats, without State consent, and dictate public health measures to be followed (amendment to art. 12, new art. 13A).
The recommendations (art. 18.1) regarding persons include:
- review travel history in affected areas;
- review proof of medical examination and any laboratory analysis;
- require medical examination;
- review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis;
- require vaccination or other prophylaxis;
- place suspect persons under public health observation;
- implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons;
- implement isolation and treatment of affected persons;
- implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons;
- refuse entry of suspect and affected persons;
- refuse entry of unsuspected persons to affected areas; and
- implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas.
New compliance mechanisms (Universal Health Periodic Review, “a strengthened review mechanism to the IHR”) and authorities (Implementation Committee, Compliance Committee) are being proposed to ensure State’s compliance (respectively, amendment to art. 5.1, new art. 53A, and new chapter IV).
10. What is the timeline?
The amendment process is in the hands of a WHO Working Group (WGIHR) tasked to streamline, review, and negotiate an outcome regarding more than 300 proposed amendments. It was announced that the WGIHR will present the final text to the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024 for consideration. If passed (requiring agreement of 50 percent of those present), States will have 10 months to reject, after which it will come into force for non-rejecting States 2 months later.
11. How likely is it that these amendments will be accepted?
If submitted for a vote, their adoption only requires a simple majority of the 194 World Health Assembly’s States present and voting (but the pandemic treaty will require a two-thirds majority vote). Alternatively, a committee of the Assembly may be tasked to negotiate and simply reach a consensus.
Either path seems to be likely to result in adoption. To prevent this, a majority of States present would need to actively vote against them. Little dissent is apparent among the delegations of Member States, but it is likely that some wording will be refined, and some amendments may not be put to the 2024 vote.
12. How will it affect ordinary people?
If the amendments are adopted, people will have lockdowns, border closures, quarantine, testing, and vaccination requirements imposed on them by WHO officials in headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland) or a WHO Regional Office (amendment to art. 18). Such mandates affect rights to individual and bodily sovereignty, including the right to choose medical management, rights to work, education, travel, and to follow cultural, family, and religious practice. Experience from the Covid-19 response indicates that these restrictions are likely to be applied irrespective of individual risk, including the institution of mass vaccination irrespective of individual risk or prior disease exposure.
These measures will negatively affect national economies through border closures, restrictions on commerce, and supply line interruption. Reductions in international trade and tourism, a major contributor to many smaller and low-GDP economies, will aggravate this. Increased poverty is associated with reduced life expectancy, and in particular with higher infant mortality in low-income countries.
The new amendments may be used to justify adoption of laws and regulations criminalizing mis- and dis-information, referring to information and opinion contrary to those of the WHO (amendment to art. 44).
13. How likely is WHO to enact these requirements?
In mid-2022 the DG declared a PHEIC over monkeypox, against the advice of the Emergency Committee, and after just 5 people had died globally, within a very clearly-defined demographic. The declaration remained in place until May 2023, despite only 140 deaths globally.
The Covid-19 outbreak PHEIC continued for over 3 years, although mortality was highly confined to old age with certain comorbidities, post-infection immunity was shown to be highly protective within the first year, and with infection mortality rates at a global level being closely equivalent to influenza. The proposed pandemic treaty accompanying the IHR amendments introduces the One Health concept, expanding potential threats to any potential change in the biosphere that may influence human health and well-being, whilst the IHR amendments stress the inclusion of ‘potential’ harm, rather than demonstrated harm, providing very broad scope to justify a PHEIC.
The WHO’s statements regarding the potential threat of a ‘next pandemic’ are inconsistent with its own historical record regarding pandemic rarity. Significant commercial and private interests that have gained from the Covid-19 response are also heavily involved in the health emergency agenda, and direct funders of WHO outbreak response activities.
It therefore appears highly likely that the PHEIC declarations will be imposed with increasing frequency in coming years, as these declarations will provide clear benefit to those influencing the process.
14. What is the draft pandemic treaty?
In parallel to this process, a pandemic treaty or ‘accord’ (CA+) is being prepared with similar motivations and likely arising from the same group of States. The same timeline was also announced. Unlike the proposed amendments which can be approved by simple majority or by consensus, the treaty will probably require an assenting vote of at least two-thirds of Member States present and voting. Thirty States must then ratify it, and it may come into force 30 days later. Some provisions may be brought into effect earlier.
15. Is pandemic preparedness justified?
Pandemics have played an important part in human history. Historically, most were due to bacterial infections, often exacerbated by poor sanitation. Such pandemics are now readily controllable. In the last severe pandemic, the Spanish flu (influenza) of 1918-19, most deaths are thought to have occurred due to secondary bacterial infections that would now be treated with antibiotics. The WHO records influenza pandemics only 3 times in the following 100 years, each killing far less than currently die annually from tuberculosis. Mortality in the Covid-19 outbreak is difficult to assess, as definitions and reporting varied, average age of associated death was over 75 years, and the public health response raised mortality from other diseases.
Most Covid-19 mortality was associated with severe comorbidities, particularly those associated with metabolic syndrome such as diabetes, mellitus, and obesity. Up to a third of Covid-associated deaths were also linked to impaired immunity due to vitamin D deficiency and other micronutrient deficiencies.
Pandemics are therefore rare and of relatively low health burden in the modern era, particularly compared to growing metabolic disease burdens, and endemic infectious diseases in lower-income countries. Preparedness, in terms of reducing mortality, is probably best achieved by addressing underlying impairment of innate immunity, including micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies, metabolic diseases and possibly stress-related illness.
Such approaches also produce clear health benefits between outbreaks of infectious disease. As demonstrated through Covid-19 response, it is highly questionable whether surveillance, border closures, restrictions on activity, and mass vaccination improve outcomes, whilst they do have heavy costs in other areas, particularly for lower-income people. This was the basis of the WHO’s advice against border closures and other ‘lockdown’ type measures in its 2019 pandemic influenza guidelines.
16. What can you do?
To assess the implications of where the IHR amendments and accompanying pandemic treaty seek to take us, we need to step back and ask some further basic questions:
Does this resemble equality and democratic process, or totalitarianism?
Should WHO officials have power to declare an emergency in your country and dictate measures? Does their track record of managing recent outbreaks, and the conflicts of interest and political leanings of entities that fund and direct them, impact on this?
Do we want a society that can be shut down anytime by non-accountable people, who can then mandate that we and our children take weekly tests and regular vaccines to be able to go to a park?
Why is there an urgency to reduce our freedom of action and expression now, for perceived emergencies that are historically rare? Is this a better and necessary approach to life compared to that followed over the past 100 years?
We invite you to learn about this and form your own opinions.
We encourage you to share your concerns with your elected representatives, local leaders and people around you.
We would all be delighted if you join the global concern regarding this process in any way you could. This includes encouraging open discussion with neighbors and friends.
Freedom is not something that someone grants you, it is your birthright. But history shows us that it is also easily stolen.
The WHO has become a tool of those who would manipulate us for greed and self-interest. In previous eras, people have stood against those who sought to exploit and enslave them, reclaimed their rights and saved society for their children. What we are facing is not new; society periodically faces and overcomes such challenges.
- Zero draft of the WHO CA+ for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body at its fourth meeting f
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author. | <urn:uuid:ca8195ef-b5ff-48f8-901d-5cead7bb1c64> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:40:00Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.953198 | 3,653 | 4,324 |
With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks, it is crucial for businesses to prioritize IT risk assessment strategies. Conducting regular risk assessments allows organizations to identify vulnerabilities and potential consequences, allocate appropriate resources, and ensure compliance with information security frameworks.
- Regular IT risk assessments are essential for identifying vulnerabilities and allocating resources.
- IT risk assessments help ensure compliance with information security frameworks.
- Conducting risk assessments aids in the prevention and mitigation of cyber attacks.
- Implementing effective risk management strategies protects organizations from financial losses.
- An IT risk-aware culture fosters long-term business success.
As a professional in the field of IT risk management, I have witnessed the importance of implementing robust risk assessment strategies. Through my experience in conducting risk assessments for various organizations, I have seen firsthand how regular assessments can identify potential vulnerabilities and provide valuable insights for decision-making. By prioritizing risk assessment and implementing appropriate risk management strategies, businesses can safeguard their assets and maintain a strong security posture. With the right tools and frameworks, organizations can proactively protect themselves from cyber threats and ensure business continuity.
The Importance of IT Risk Assessment
IT risk assessments play a vital role in protecting organizations and determining the adequacy of security investments. Risk assessments provide insights into evolving risks and vulnerabilities, enabling decision-makers to implement necessary safeguards and respond effectively to potential threats. They also facilitate communication and collaboration between senior management and IT staff, ensuring a comprehensive and proactive approach to information security.
To successfully manage IT risks, businesses need to utilize effective risk assessment strategies. By comprehensively evaluating potential risks and vulnerabilities, organizations can develop informed risk mitigation plans and allocate appropriate resources. This not only helps minimize the likelihood and impact of IT-related incidents but also bolsters the overall resilience of the business.
An essential aspect of IT risk management is the use of a robust risk assessment framework. This framework provides a structured approach to identify, analyze, and evaluate risks specific to the organization. It serves as a foundation for effective decision-making, enabling organizations to prioritize risks and allocate resources accordingly. Additionally, a risk assessment framework helps organizations comply with industry standards and regulations.
One key component of IT risk assessment is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities. By systematically identifying and documenting potential risks, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of the threats they face. This includes both internal and external risks, such as cybersecurity breaches, system failures, and human errors. Through thorough risk identification, organizations can proactively address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
Following risk identification, a detailed risk analysis is conducted. This involves assessing the potential impact and likelihood of each identified risk. By quantifying risks and understanding their potential consequences, organizations can prioritize their mitigation efforts. It helps organizations allocate resources to address the most critical and severe risks, ensuring the efficient use of limited resources.
Once risks have been identified and analyzed, organizations can develop risk mitigation strategies. These strategies may involve implementing specific security measures, such as firewalls or encryption protocols, to address cybersecurity risks. They may also include policies and procedures to minimize human errors or contingency plans to mitigate the impact of system failures. By implementing robust risk mitigation strategies, organizations can reduce the likelihood and impact of IT-related incidents.
Cybersecurity risk management is a critical aspect of IT risk assessment. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, businesses must stay proactive in identifying and managing cybersecurity risks. This involves regularly reviewing and updating security measures, conducting penetration testing, and staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices.
During the IT risk assessment process, organizations can leverage various information security risk assessment tools. These tools automate and streamline the risk assessment process, allowing organizations to efficiently identify, assess, and mitigate risks. They provide a standardized and consistent approach to risk assessment, enabling organizations to make informed decisions based on quantifiable data.
Visual Representation of IT Risk Assessment
|Benefits of IT Risk Assessment
|Components of IT Risk Assessment
By utilizing IT risk assessment strategies and frameworks, organizations can effectively mitigate IT-related risks, protect sensitive information, and ensure business continuity. With the increasing reliance on technology and the evolving threat landscape, investing in robust IT risk assessment is crucial for long-term success and sustainability.
Conducting an Effective IT Risk Assessment
To effectively assess IT risks within an organization, it is imperative to follow a systematic approach. By following the steps outlined below, businesses can establish a solid foundation for identifying and mitigating key risks.
Step 1: Identify Information Assets and Key Stakeholders
The first step in conducting an IT risk assessment is to identify the organization’s information assets and key stakeholders. This includes all data and systems that store or process sensitive information, as well as the individuals or departments responsible for their management and security.
Step 2: Classify Sensitivity Level and Strategic Importance
Once the assets and stakeholders have been identified, it is essential to classify the sensitivity level and strategic importance of each data asset. This classification helps prioritize risk mitigation efforts and allocate resources effectively.
Step 3: Conduct Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Assessments
Businesses should utilize both quantitative and qualitative risk assessments to evaluate the financial impacts and human/productivity aspects of identified risks. Quantitative assessments involve assigning values to risks based on their likelihood and potential financial consequences. Qualitative assessments focus on identifying risks that may impact the organization’s reputation, customer trust, and overall productivity.
Step 4: Enable Risk Identification and Analysis
During the risk identification and analysis phase, organizations should employ various techniques to identify and assess risks comprehensively. This includes utilizing historical data, conducting interviews with key stakeholders, performing vulnerability scans and penetration testing, and analyzing system logs and incident reports.
Effective risk identification and analysis involve identifying potential vulnerabilities and threats, assessing their potential impact, and evaluating the effectiveness of existing controls and mitigation strategies.
Step 5: Develop Risk Mitigation Strategies
Based on the findings of the risk assessment, organizations can develop risk mitigation strategies tailored to their specific needs. These strategies may include implementing robust cybersecurity controls, adopting best practices, developing incident response plans, and conducting regular training and awareness programs for employees.
Step 6: Evaluate and Update Risk Assessment Framework
Regular evaluation and updating of the risk assessment framework is crucial to ensure its continued effectiveness. As technology evolves and new threats emerge, organizations must continuously reassess and adjust their risk assessment processes to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities.
By following these steps, businesses can conduct an effective IT risk assessment that enables them to identify and mitigate potential risks proactively.
Types of IT Risks and Threats
When conducting an IT risk assessment, businesses must consider the full spectrum of potential risks that can impact their operations. Identifying and assessing these risks is essential for developing effective strategies to mitigate them. Here are some common types of IT risks and threats that organizations should be aware of:
Hackers Exploiting Vulnerabilities
Hackers are constantly seeking vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, or disrupt operations. They exploit weaknesses in software, hardware, or human behavior to launch cyber attacks. Vulnerabilities can include outdated software versions, weak passwords, or unpatched security flaws. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures and regularly updating software can help mitigate this risk.
Accidental Human Errors
Human errors pose a significant IT risk to businesses. These errors can range from unintentional data breaches due to a lack of awareness or training to accidental changes in system configurations that lead to downtime or security breaches. Proper training, access controls, and ongoing education can reduce the likelihood of these errors and minimize their impact.
IT systems can experience failures or crashes due to hardware malfunctions, software glitches, or power outages. These system failures can result in data loss, service interruptions, and financial losses. Regular maintenance, backup systems, and disaster recovery plans are crucial for minimizing the impact of system failures.
Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or fires can cause severe disruptions to IT infrastructure and operations. Organizations must have robust business continuity and disaster recovery plans in place to ensure the availability of critical systems and data during and after such events. Redundant systems, off-site backups, and emergency response protocols are essential for mitigating the risks associated with natural disasters.
|Hackers Exploiting Vulnerabilities
|Unauthorized access, data theft, or disruptions caused by hackers targeting system vulnerabilities.
|Accidental Human Errors
|Data breaches or system disruptions resulting from unintentional mistakes made by employees.
|Data loss, service interruptions, or financial losses caused by hardware or software failures.
|Disruptions to IT infrastructure and operations due to natural events like hurricanes, earthquakes, or fires.
Understanding the various types of IT risks and threats is essential in developing comprehensive risk assessment strategies. By proactively identifying and assessing these risks, organizations can implement the necessary measures to protect their IT infrastructure, sensitive data, and ensure business continuity.
Risk Management Strategies
Implementing effective risk management strategies is crucial for organizations to minimize the impact of identified risks. By adopting proactive approaches and comprehensive frameworks, businesses can enhance their IT risk management practices and safeguard their digital assets from potential threats.
1. Patch Management Programs
Patch management programs play a critical role in reducing IT vulnerabilities by ensuring that software and systems are regularly updated with the latest security patches. These programs help organizations strengthen their defense against emerging threats, as outdated software often becomes a prime target for cyber attacks. By staying up-to-date with patches, businesses can mitigate the risk of known vulnerabilities and enhance their overall security posture.
2. Vulnerability Assessments
Regular vulnerability assessments enable organizations to identify security weaknesses in their IT systems and infrastructure. By conducting comprehensive assessments, businesses can gain valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities, prioritize the remediation process, and allocate resources effectively. Vulnerability assessments help organizations take proactive measures to patch identified weaknesses and maintain a robust security posture.
3. Contingency Plans
Having contingency plans in place, such as disaster recovery and business continuity plans, is essential for effective risk management. These plans outline clear procedures and protocols to follow in the event of a security breach, natural disaster, or other disruptive events. By developing and regularly testing these plans, organizations can minimize downtime and quickly recover from incidents, reducing the financial and operational impact.
4. Security Awareness Training
Building a culture of security awareness among employees is crucial for mitigating IT risks. Organizations should invest in comprehensive security awareness training programs to educate employees about potential threats and best practices to maintain data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. By fostering a security-conscious workforce, businesses can enhance their overall risk management efforts.
5. Incident Response Planning
Developing incident response plans allows organizations to respond effectively and efficiently to security incidents. These plans provide a clear and structured framework for identifying, containing, and resolving security breaches. By establishing well-defined incident response processes, businesses can minimize the impact of an incident and prevent further damage to their digital assets.
6. Continuous Monitoring and Risk Assessment
Continuous monitoring and risk assessment are crucial for proactive risk management. By implementing robust monitoring tools and practices, organizations can identify potential risks in real-time and take immediate action to mitigate them. Continuous risk assessment allows businesses to adapt their risk management strategies based on evolving threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring the resilience of their IT infrastructure.
|Risk Management Strategies
|Patch Management Programs
|– Reduce vulnerabilities and protect against known threats
|– Identify and prioritize security weaknesses
|– Minimize downtime and ensure business continuity
|Security Awareness Training
|– Foster a security-conscious workforce
|Incident Response Planning
|– Respond effectively and efficiently to security incidents
|Continuous Monitoring and Risk Assessment
|– Proactively identify and mitigate evolving risks
Implementing these risk management strategies empowers businesses to proactively protect their digital assets from IT risks and strengthen their overall security posture. By prioritizing risk mitigation efforts, organizations can minimize the impact of identified risks and maintain a secure and resilient IT environment.
Financial Implications of Risk Assessments
Effective risk assessments are essential for businesses to anticipate potential financial losses and implement appropriate measures to mitigate their impact. By proactively identifying risks early on, organizations can develop contingency plans and alternative solutions to minimize downtime and financial losses.
Implementing a comprehensive risk assessment framework allows businesses to assess potential risks, evaluate their financial consequences, and allocate resources effectively. This proactive approach to risk management not only helps protect the organization’s financial well-being but also enhances its overall resilience and long-term success.
Identifying and Assessing Financial Risks
- Conducting a thorough risk analysis to identify potential financial risks associated with IT systems, data breaches, operational disruptions, or regulatory non-compliance
- Evaluating the potential financial impact of each identified risk considering factors such as operational costs, legal liabilities, reputation damage, and customer losses
- Quantifying financial exposures by estimating the likelihood of each risk occurrence and calculating the potential monetary losses
- Prioritizing risks based on their potential financial impact and likelihood of occurrence
Developing Risk Mitigation Strategies
To minimize financial losses, organizations should develop comprehensive risk mitigation strategies based on the identified risks and their potential impact. These strategies may include:
- Implementing robust cybersecurity measures to prevent data breaches and minimize the financial impact of potential cyber attacks
- Establishing effective disaster recovery and business continuity plans to minimize downtime and maintain operations in the event of a crisis or system failure
- Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards to avoid legal penalties and financial losses
- Implementing appropriate insurance coverage to transfer the financial risks associated with certain events or incidents
By adopting these risk mitigation strategies, organizations can reduce the financial losses arising from identified risks and safeguard their financial stability.
Regularly reviewing and updating risk assessments is crucial to ensure ongoing financial protection. Businesses should continually monitor and reassess risks in order to adapt their risk mitigation strategies and stay prepared for emerging threats.
In conclusion, comprehensive risk assessments provide businesses with valuable insights into potential financial risks. By identifying and mitigating these risks effectively, organizations can protect their financial well-being, maintain operational continuity, and achieve long-term success.
Compliance and Risk Assessment
Risk assessments are essential for businesses to ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards. By conducting thorough risk assessments, organizations can identify potential compliance gaps and take proactive measures to address them, preventing legal issues, penalties, and reputational damage. In today’s highly regulated business environment, risk assessment frameworks provide a structured approach to evaluate and manage risks effectively.
Compliance with regulations and industry standards is critical for businesses operating in various sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and technology. Non-compliance can result in severe consequences, including financial penalties, legal action, loss of customer trust, and damage to a company’s brand reputation. Therefore, organizations must have robust risk assessment strategies in place to ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and industry-specific requirements.
The Role of Risk Assessment in Compliance
Risk assessments are a vital component of compliance programs, enabling organizations to identify potential risks and develop appropriate controls and safeguards. By assessing the potential impact of risks on compliance, businesses can prioritize resources and implement effective risk mitigation measures.
During the risk assessment process, businesses evaluate their operations, systems, and procedures to identify areas where compliance may be compromised. This includes assessing data privacy and security, evaluating vendor compliance, analyzing technology infrastructure, and reviewing internal policies and procedures.
By following a risk assessment framework, organizations can systematically evaluate potential compliance risks, such as data breaches, regulatory violations, inappropriate handling of sensitive information, and inadequate security measures. This proactive approach enables businesses to take necessary preventive actions and implement controls to minimize risk exposure. It also helps establish a culture of compliance throughout the organization.
Benefits of Proactive Risk Assessment for Compliance
Proactive risk assessments provide numerous benefits beyond ensuring compliance:
- Identify potential compliance gaps and weaknesses in current systems and processes
- Prevent or minimize financial losses, penalties, and legal action
- Enhance data security and privacy protections
- Build trust with customers and stakeholders by demonstrating commitment to compliance
- Improve operational efficiency and effectiveness
- Promote a risk-aware culture within the organization
By integrating risk assessment into the compliance strategy, businesses can effectively manage the complexities of regulatory requirements and maintain a competitive advantage in their industry.
Compliance and Risk Assessment Table
|Identification of potential compliance gaps
|Prevention of financial losses and penalties
|Data security and privacy protections
|Trust-building with customers and stakeholders
|Operational efficiency and effectiveness
|Promote risk-aware culture
Business Continuity and Risk Management
Risk assessments are essential for businesses to ensure continuity in the face of unexpected events and crises. By implementing a comprehensive risk assessment framework, organizations can develop robust plans and procedures to navigate these challenges effectively.
Benefits of Business Continuity Planning
- Minimizes disruptions: A well-designed business continuity plan helps businesses recover quickly and maintain operations with minimal downtime. This ensures that critical functions are up and running, minimizing the impact on customers and stakeholders.
- Preserves reputation: During a crisis, maintaining the trust of customers and stakeholders is crucial. By having a business continuity plan in place, organizations can showcase their preparedness and commitment to serving their customers, safeguarding their reputation.
- Reduces financial losses: Timely and effective response during a crisis can significantly reduce financial losses. A business continuity plan outlines the necessary steps to mitigate risks and minimize the impact on revenue, assets, and productivity.
By conducting regular risk assessments and developing a comprehensive business continuity plan, organizations can enhance their overall resilience and preparedness.
A Sample Business Continuity Plan
Here’s an example of what a business continuity plan may include:
|Identify potential risks and threats that may disrupt operations, such as natural disasters, cyber attacks, or supply chain disruptions.
|Assess the potential impact of each identified risk on different aspects of the organization, including financial, operational, and reputational.
|Develop a clear and actionable plan to respond to various risks, outlining specific steps, responsibilities, and communication channels.
|Backup and Recovery
|Establish backup systems and data recovery processes to ensure critical information and systems can be restored in a timely manner.
|Testing and Training
|Regularly test the effectiveness of the business continuity plan through simulations and drills, and provide training to employees on their roles and responsibilities.
|Continuously evaluate and update the business continuity plan to reflect evolving risks and lessons learned from previous incidents.
By following a comprehensive business continuity plan, organizations can effectively manage crises and ensure the continuity of their operations, protecting their reputation, and securing the trust of their customers and stakeholders.
Having a strong business continuity plan is crucial for every organization to manage risks and navigate unexpected events. It enables businesses to minimize disruptions, preserve their reputation, and reduce financial losses. By conducting regular risk assessments and developing a comprehensive plan, organizations can enhance their overall resilience and be confidently prepared to face any crisis.
Cultivating a Risk-Aware Culture
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, it is crucial for organizations to cultivate a culture of risk awareness. Implementing IT risk assessment strategies is a vital step towards achieving this goal. By conducting regular risk assessments, businesses can create an environment where employees actively engage in identifying and reporting potential risks.
When employees are aware of the risks associated with their roles and responsibilities, they become more proactive in mitigating those risks. This increased risk awareness strengthens risk management efforts across all levels of the organization. It allows for timely identification and response to potential threats, minimizing the impact on business operations.
Moreover, fostering a culture of risk awareness promotes a sense of responsibility and accountability within the organization. Employees understand the importance of their role in maintaining information security and contribute to the overall resilience of the organization. This commitment to risk management not only protects the organization from potential threats but also positions it for long-term success in an ever-changing digital landscape.
Investing time and resources in comprehensive risk assessments is a valuable strategy for businesses. By implementing a risk assessment framework, organizations provide employees with the tools and knowledge to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively. This proactive approach to risk management not only safeguards the organization’s future but also instills confidence in stakeholders and customers. | <urn:uuid:edafb02a-3258-4319-91f6-983dcf78fdd3> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:12:04Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.917938 | 4,302 | 5,179 |
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“Thank you” doesn’t seem enough to express my gratitude to InPennyInPound for all of her help with writing Meredith and Joanie’s story, the next chapter in the saga that has made so many people giddy over girls kissing. I hope everyone else enjoys the journey as much as we have.
Everyone has an idea of their perfect partner.
Generalities in some cases, specifics in others. Male or female. Older or younger…and within an age range. Preferably taller, shorter, skinnier, heavier, etcetera. They must have this. They can’t like that. It’s okay to compromise on X but not Y.
Sometimes, one’s expectations aren’t realistic. “Perfect” for them may not exist. Over time, one starts to whittle that list of requirements down. In some cases, to the point that they will settle with any partner just so that they’re no longer alone.
I had pretty much solidified my mental checklist when I was junior-high age. I say it that way because I didn’t actually go to junior high. Or elementary school. Not like most kids. I was homeschooled with my older sister and brother—Jenna and Nathan, respectively—until each of us reached what would be our senior year of high school. My mother had this idea that public school was less about teaching life skills and more about convoluting the social aspect between peers. Teachers using the classroom to push their own opinions. Yet, she wanted each of us to experience that one year of milestones. Homecoming, prom, graduation. She has always liked celebrations.
My dad is a colonel in the U.S. Army. Friends and family call him “The Colonel,” out of respect. I call him “Dad,” because I’m a rebel. Always have been, always will be. I’m also more like my brother than my sister…more outgoing. Unashamed to voice my opinion or get in someone’s face when I feel I have been wronged. That kind of thing.
Jenna…she’s an introvert. Is it wrong to say your sister is beautiful? If so, I don’t care. She’s beautiful, inside and out. That long blonde hair and almost violet eyes? All the boys on base have drooled after her since as long as I can remember. But she has never batted an eye at them.
We shared everything. Or so I thought. We talk all the time. Which is how I knew that year she went off to public school that she was definitely a lesbian. Late nights after comparing real-world homework with Mom’s homeschooled version and your older sis doesn’t mention guys at all? It was easy to figure out it hadn’t just been a disinterest in military brats growing up.
But she’d not let on that she had accepted the truth herself. It would be several years before she told me. Ironically, because her coworker had called me to come cheer up my sister…in a lesbian bar. And I’d revealed my own sexuality that same night. Jenna said she was so relieved to be able to talk to me about it now. We’d laughed. We’d cried. We’d gotten so drunk.
Now, me? If someone had asked me straight to my face, I would have told them outright that I liked women. But I didn’t go around announcing that my flag flew for the home team. Not after I’d hinted at my best female friend about leaning that way.
We’d celebrated her eighteenth birthday by leaving base to go dancing. Her cousin snuck us into the bar he worked at and paid for our drinks all night. During a break, one of her other friends who’d met up with us started a conversation about which guys holding up the bar opposite us looked the hottest. I’d mumbled, “The one on the end in the red leather jacket and tight jeans.” Only my best friend appeared to have heard me. She laughed and said maybe I’d had too many shots of tequila because that was not a guy. I’d shrugged it off…though I’d kept my eyes on the mystery woman for the rest of the night, wishing I had the nerve to get up and go talk to her.
Military bases have been all we’ve known as “home.” In fact, Nathan was born in a barracks during a tornado. The fierceness of the storm seemed to be ingrained in his blood, but we hadn’t experienced the full force of it until many years later. As a result, my estranged brother was serving life in a military prison for letting his opinions against gays control his anger and his fists. Bigotry had cost another man his life and our family the only son and brother.
My parents had met at an army canteen. My mother had been tagging along with a friend who was dating a fellow soldier. My father was hanging out with his buddies with no interest in meeting a girl. He was in a long-term relationship with the United States of America. She’d bumped into him by accident when she went to get a drink.
They claim it had been love at first sight, but I doubted that the concept actually existed. One had to get to know another person first. Spend time with them, as in, weeks not days. Eventually you realized you could spend the rest of your life with that person…after you’d convinced yourself you could live with them doing this or that. After a few years, you tied the knot and brazzers moved in together until you were old and couldn’t take care of yourself anymore. Wedded bliss.
I turned 18 the week before my senior year at the public school. When the first boy asked me out, I told him my parents wouldn’t let me date until I graduated. It wasn’t exactly a lie…I’d never asked them if I could date.
As a result of my excuse, I was able to relax around my classmates when it came to romance. Not that there was anyone I had an interest in like that. But I had plenty of opportunities to share my opinion on the subject when it came up with my old and new friends…both the boys and the girls.
I also brought with me my habit of snapping back when I was barked at, which gave me a tough-girl reputation despite my looks. Not the bullying kind of attitude but the don’t-piss-her-off kind. I’d had a feeling Jenna had been bullied by some of the hoighty-toighty girls despite looking just as posh as them. Typical for the new girl on the block. She’d not admitted it to me in any of our talks, but I’d seen it in her eyes. She’d struggled. Maybe with more than just the bitches and jocks.
The first time one of the cliquey girls made a joke about my last name behind my back—literally, in the cafeteria—and a redhead asked if Meredith Swallow lived up to her name, I put that rumor to bed. Seriously? They couldn’t have even let the first week of school go by before they’d unleashed their nastiness? All it did was expose their immaturity.
As soon as I finished my lunch, I stood up and approached whatshername’s boyfriend who was sitting at the other end of the table with his buddies. I’d been very observant in those five days of public high school. He was in my science class. And guys talk. Loudly. Especially about their girls. Like if their hair color was fake or not. This boy, in particular, professed to be a connoisseur of boxed versus natural.
I leaned down to his level, giving everyone around us a good look at my rack…and ass. Then I said just loud enough for the table to hear, “The carpet definitely does not match the drapes on that one. But then again, you would already know that if you’ve really banged her like you bragged in class yesterday.”
A bunch of gasps, mumbles, and echoes of “burned, dude!” passed amongst the group. One of them asked, “How does she know?”
“Roots,” I whispered conspiratorially, tapping my head. “She has blonde roots.”
Flipping my genuine, long red hair over my shoulder, I walked away with a smug grin to dispose of my lunch tray and go to my locker.
I’d never heard another rumor about my name the rest of the school year. But even though I wasn’t bullied, there were still times I really missed venting with my big sis. I wished her university wasn’t so far away. I understood, though, that she needed that separation from our family. And we couldn’t live by each other forever, anyway.
My sister and I shared Mom’s narrow face, full lips, and violet eyes (though mine were more blue). Jenna and Nathan had gotten the genes for height and slimness from Dad. I, on the other hand, was six inches shorter and had more defined curves—top, bottom, and in between. Like my mom, who said we had the perfect hourglass.
The biggest difference, though, was our hair. All three of us Swallow kids had had a reddish tint as babies. But my senior siblings had slowly changed into the brighter spectrum, like Mom’s, as they’d gotten older while mine had darkened like Dad’s. Yet mine was still the reddest, which caused the popular taunt from my siblings that maybe I was adopted. I’d built up my tough skin ever since.
One thing our parents had passed down to all of us were book smarts. We excelled in our studies. Nathan had followed in our father’s footsteps, getting a degree in the engineering field while he served. That was before the big incident where he threw it all away. And while Jenna had been a force to be reckoned with when it came to getting her degree as fast as possible, I decided to take my time. Enjoy life. And cultivate deeper relationships…of the more intimate kind.
All in all, my looks and figure continued to draw a lot of male eyes even once I went off to college. I finally had to face the music that I could no longer mask my disinterest in them. More than a couple of hearts would be broken, but I couldn’t help it.
Over the first three months of classes, I went on dates with as many women. Gave it my all since I believed it took effort and time to make things work. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
The first was Vickie. She was a sophomore in my freshman English class. We were partnered-up to analyze one of several related short stories. I kept catching her watching me with a narrowed gaze when we were supposed to be taking notes to compare. While walking out of the building, I asked her what the hell her problem was.
Right there on campus with all of our classmates scattering cuckold porno in their respective directions, she turned to me and asked if I liked girls. I told her the truth. Had I ever kissed one? Another truth. Did I want her to kiss me? I hesitated at that then nodded with a tilt of my head. Why not?
To my surprise, she didn’t kiss me right then. But she took me out for pizza. We talked about the assignment. Class. How college was going for each of us. Then we went our separate ways once we got back to campus.
After another two weeks and two more dates, she asked if I wanted to meet in her dorm room to go over final notes. It only took about thirty minutes before we decided we were good and I would type up the report we’d use to discuss in class. I was packing my backpack when she sat beside me and cupped my cheeks. She waited until I looked up at her before she pressed her lips to mine.
The kiss was…mediocre…despite her claims that she’d been with two other girls the summer before. Her lips were dry, her hands a little cold. Surprisingly, there were no nerves on my end. And there definitely were no sparks or any other exciting reactions. If anything, it proved to me that intimacy and romance just didn’t mix.
In hindsight, maybe I’d just been curious but not really interested in her specifically. She’d impressed me by being the first person to ever ask me pointe blank about my orientation. I knew I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity she was handing out to me. Maybe I should have. Because it kind of turned me off from pursuing other women.
When the class assignment was over, apparently so was any relationship she’d hoped to have with me. She just stopped coming to class. Experiment failed? I didn’t try to search her out and shrugged it off.
Madison was the second girl I went out with. I found her wandering on campus one day in the rain and convinced her to go with me to the student union to warm up. Over a cup of a coffee, I found out she’d just transferred in and had forgotten which way her dorm was when it had started to pour. Turns out, she was in my dorm. On my floor.
She kind of became a pet, coming to me whenever she had questions. I saw it as a truly platonic friendship. Me as her protector. That is, until she knocked on my door after our school had won the Homecoming game.
I’d been too tired to go celebrate the victory with my roommate and our friends and had just changed into boxers and a T-shirt. When I opened the door, Madison stood there with her brown hair in curly pigtails—fucking pigtails—and wearing a little tank top-and-shorts sleep set. All she was missing was a teddy bear in one hand.
For a solid two minutes, we just stared at each other in the open doorway. She eventually dipped her head, her brown eyes still staring up at me. I swallowed heavily and said she had better not tell me she’d had a nightmare. That made her grin. Then she cocked her head. Bit her lip.
Something stirred within me. I knew right away that it was lust. That I wanted to suck on her plump little mouth. Be the one worrying her lower lip.
When she held out her hand, I took it. Silently drew her into the room. Shut and locked the door.
I knew enough to slide my other hand behind her neck, pulling her to me while stepping toward her. And then I was tasting her lips. Unlike the first time I’d kissed a girl, I was trembling. I still didn’t feel anything beyond a hunger to be satisfied. It only grew when her free hand touched my arm. My breast.
We were rolling on my bed before I realized what had happened. My hands moved over her on autopilot. Feeling every bit of her softness through her clothes. The more I did it, the more she moaned and whimpered. The more I wanted to touch her skin to see if it had the same result.
I’m not sure which one of us was more surprised when I suddenly played over the crotch of her shorts. Her back arched and her hand clamped down on my wrist, holding my fingers against her pussy. I pressed lightly. She cried out.
An instant later, she was naked from the waist down. Shoving my hand between her spread thighs. And I was feeling another woman’s clit for the first time. The dampness from arousal. My fingertips traced the foreign folds and valleys, causing Madison to writhe under me.
When she growled to put my finger in her, I obliged. Gasped at the heat…the tightness of her. It wasn’t long before my palm was wet with her release. Then she lie prone on the bed, her limbs haphazardly splayed around her, her head rolled to the side. Her chest rose and fell rapidly and then slower and slower as she relaxed.
Yet even as I watched the emotions of apparent bliss roll over her face, I felt nothing for this girl. I’d made her happy. That was all. A means to an end.
I admit I enjoyed the kisses a hell of a lot more than with Vickie, but it had been just that. Lips locking lips. Nothing behind it that I’d take czech porno away and daydream about months or years from now.
The next time we found ourselves alone, she played with me. It felt good and was nice to not have to use my own fingers. But it was almost…clinical. And I felt she’d done it because she’d felt obligated.
Madison surprised me by sticking around longer than my project partner had. Maybe because she’d found someone who could give her pleasure whenever she wanted it. I tried to put my beliefs into practice. To get to know her more outside of sex. But nothing further developed. We were just fuck buddies and would probably never be anything more.
By Halloween, I knew I was right. We were spending less time together. She’d pledged Greek, and whenever I did see her, she talked endlessly about the sorority. How she’d found the confidence she’d been missing with the girls there. I’d not realized how self-absorbed she was. Then she was accepted. Gone. And I was back to pleasing myself like I’d done for years.
I was more than halfway through the first semester when I thought I’d met my match.
Cara made no qualms about invading my space. She just joined me one day in the dorm’s cafeteria. I was eating my salad and looked up to see her smiling at me from the across the table. She propped one foot on the chair next to her and rested her arm on her knee. A senior staking her claim with an underclassman. If she thought her show of confidence would be intimidating, she was sorely mistaken.
I’d seen her around the dorm, always wearing black leggings or jeans, combat boots, and a black tank top or graphic T-shirt with an unbuttoned, long-sleeved red-plaid shirt as a jacket over it. Her only accessories were studded leather cuffs, a leather choker collar that accentuated her short, spiky black hair with a colorful streak—depending on the week, and a silver ring in her left eyebrow. Surprisingly, she wore little makeup, and she was quite beautiful with powder-blue eyes. Today, she appeared to have on the tank top.
I arched an eyebrow at her and continued to eat. I wasn’t too surprised when she asked me if I wanted to go see a grunge band play that night off campus. I shrugged. She said she’d see me in the lobby at six. And then she was gone.
Cara just rolled her eyes when I whistled at her a few hours later. She wore the same outfit from lunch with the exception that the plaid shirt was now tied around her waist, revealing the graceful lines of her figure…and a set of tattoos. On the inside of each forearm was the silhouette of a standing woman: a red devil on the left, a black angel on the right.
For the first time, something inside of me sparked. But only a little. Maybe I was attracted to the bad-girl image. If so, why hadn’t the punk look triggered that response before now?
I wasn’t surprised to find out that everyone who was attending the event was a woman. They ranged from looking very feminine to what I’d learned were various shades of butch. Some appeared together—leaning on each other or gathered in small clusters—while others stood apart.
The band was actually good. But maybe that’s because I’d taken a few drags off one of the joints being passed around. The rebel in me had jumped at the chance to try it. At least once.
During the intermission, Cara grabbed my hand and led me down a wide graffiti-lined hallway lit by naked bordello-red light bulbs. In the room at the end, several people were reclined on couches and chairs—some two deep—while swirls of smoke disappeared above their heads.
At an empty spot, Cara shoved me down and straddled my waist. Then she cupped my face and grabbed my bottom lip between her teeth. I was still trying to understand what had just happened when her tongue entered my mouth. My cry of surprise morphed into a moan of pleasure. I relaxed when she growled for me to. Trembled with delight when she put my hands on her thighs.
We missed the second half of the show. Hell, I missed half of what happened in that room.
I remember sitting upright with Cara’s knees on either side of my hips, her tongue down my throat, and my palms hefting her ample chest through her tank top. Then I was lying on my back after the couple at the end of our couch vacated their spots as several people left the room. Cool air touched my belly then my hips. My thighs. Something pressed between my lips, and I inhaled and exhaled when I was told. A pulsing sensation traveled from my head down my chest and settled in the south. I swear I saw Cara’s head between my legs. Then there was nothing but pure bliss. I was floating. Singing. Or maybe I was moaning. Then I was curled on my side, staring at a chair where another woman with tattoos up and down both arms grinned at me while puffing on a cigar.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up next to Cara’s naked, sleeping body in a stranger’s house. She was even lovelier without all the dark clothes, her skin creamy and smooth when I touched her arm. There was a huge tattoo on her back. Black angel wings that extended from her shoulder blades down to her lower back, the tips grazing the top of her ass cheeks. It was exquisite. Dark. Mysterious. Cara wrapped up in a picture.
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Jeffrey Moffitt is an Assistant Professor at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. His lab uses state-of-the-art spatially resolved single-cell approaches to characterize genome-wide properties of individual cells within tissues. Here, he discusses the importance of understanding the spatial and functional organization of cells within a tissue, using single-cell transcriptomics to build cell atlases, and tells us more about the MERFISH techniques of identifying drug candidates, ensuring diversity in the field and the benefits of a genetics first approach in drug discovery.
Please note the transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.
FLG: Hello everyone! And welcome to the latest ‘A Spotlight On’ interview. Today, I’m joined by Jeffrey Moffit, who is going to tell us all about spatial biology. So, without further ado, Jeff, could you introduce yourself and tell everyone a little about what you do?
Jeff Moffitt: Certainly. First of all, thank you Lauren, for taking the time to chat with me today. And thank you everybody who’s joining (I guess virtually) for this conversation. My name is Jeff Moffitt, and I’m an assistant professor at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. My lab started in 2018, so we are a young lab still! I got my PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, where I did biophysics work with Carlos Bustamante, and then I was trained as a postdoc with Xiaowei Zhuang in the Chemistry Department at Harvard. It was in Xiaowei’s lab that I helped co-develop a technology that we call multiplexed, error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization – or MERFISH for short. This is an image-based approach to spatial transcriptomics. In a nutshell, this is a technology that allows us to image and identify hundreds, to thousands, to 10,000 different RNA molecules with intact, fixed samples – that can be cell culture or slices of a wide variety of different tissues. So, this is a technology that my laboratory is leveraging heavily in a variety of things that we are now starting to tackle.
FLG: That’s great. Thank you so much for that introduction. Can you tell us, what is spatial biology? And what is its role within omics?
Jeff Moffitt: Yeah, that’s an excellent question. In many ways, spatial biology as a term captures many things. But perhaps one way to think about this is the merger of the spatial component of biology that has typically been reserved for technologies like microscopy – techniques that allow us to image where different cells are found within a tissue, and the organization of those tissues or molecules within those tissues, or samples. And [spatial biology] is the merger of that suite of technologies with genomics – things that allow us to probe the complexity of the gene products produced by samples, so technologies like RNA sequencing, or in the past decade or so now, single-cell RNA sequencing. I think everyone who’s tuned into this is probably quite familiar with the tremendous amount of biological insight that those types of omics-scale measures have been able to provide into biology. What’s exciting about this new suite of technologies that are captured in this term ‘spatial biology’, is that they can maintain the strengths, or the discovery potential, that we’ve seen from single-cell and genomic-scale measures, but couple that with the tremendous insight that has been provided historically via microscopy and similar technologies. These provide you with the intricate organization of molecules within cells and cells within tissues, but historically have been limited in the number of molecules that they can probe in a single sample. The merger of these technologies now allows us to make microscopy-style measurements, but with genomic-scale information.
FLG: So why is it so important, not just to understand cell type, but also the spatial and functional organization of cells within a tissue?
Jeff Moffitt: That’s a phenomenal question. And I think this is one of the things that drives excitement in this field. I mean, there’s many answers to that. But if you permit me, I’ll give you an analogy. When I was young, I used to do a lot of auto mechanics with my father. So, imagine that you want to understand how a car engine works – this is a complex machine comprising many different parts. Having a catalogue of all the parts that fit within that engine – pistons or plugs, etc. – and understanding their individual function can provide tremendous insight into how an engine functions, but it’s really only part of the picture. If you were given that catalogue of parts, but no understanding of how they assemble and fit together, I think you can get a sense of the challenge you would have in understanding how the engine actually works. In many ways, that analogy applies to biology, where technologies like single-cell RNA sequencing and single-nucleus sequencing have done a phenomenal job of giving us parts catalogues. We know what the cell types and states are within the samples. But until we understand how they are assembled physically and spatially together, we really can struggle to understand how the behavior and function of individual cells cooperatively gives rise to the function of the tissue as a whole. It’s that ability to both discover these parts and put them together that I think demonstrates the discovery potential and promise of these spatial biology tools.
FLG: That’s a great analogy. I’ve never heard that before! Could you tell us about some of your work to build cellular atlases of complex tissues? And a little about how you use single cell transcriptomics to do this?
Jeff Moffitt: Yeah, absolutely. I can give you a little bit of an overview of the type of things that we’re doing in my lab and the work that I did while a postdoc in Xiaowei Zhuang’s laboratory. For example, one very illustrative example of the potential of cellular atlasing with MERFISH and spatial transcriptomics in general, comes out of the work that I did as a postdoc, where, in collaboration with Catherine Dulac’s laboratory, we took a region of the mouse brain known as the preoptic area, or preoptic region, in the hypothalamus, and we used MERFISH – this image-based approach that allows us to image and identify single RNA molecules within samples – to profile about 150 different RNAs simultaneously within individual cells. By selecting those RNAs so that they contain classically defined markers of different cell types, as well as panels of genes that are functionally relevant to the way in which neurons in this region of brain communicate, we can basically define all of the cell types that one would anticipate to find in this region of the brain, as well as define a really truly remarkable diversity of neuronal types in this small region of the brain. And because we were imaging everything within intact slices, we basically (for free) got an atlas of this tissue – we knew exactly where each of these cell types were found, what they were next to, and, importantly for the hypothalamus, there had been a tremendous amount of work previously to define different anatomical regions within the hypothalamus and functions for the neurons within those. And so we could now define molecularly, and cellularly, the diversity of neurons that comprise these different regions.
Also, because RNA expression itself can report on cellular state, we could actually start to functionally annotate the different types of cells found in this region. For example, we could stimulate these mice with a variety of cues that trigger instinctive behaviors that are known to be controlled in part by circuits in that region of the brain. Then we could look for RNAs that are expressed in neurons that have recently fired – what are known as immediate early genes – and by looking at which neurons were expressing those genes (proxies for neuronal activity), we can determine which neurons were involved in the circuits that control the instinctive responses to behavior. This allowed us to define the parts (the cell types) and their organization within the tissue, and also to begin to define their functional role, and the different instinctive behaviors that are controlled by regions of this part of the brain.
Now, we are doing the same type of thing in a wide variety of tissues in my laboratory. We’re collaborating very broadly, in tissues ranging from the mouse brain, the other portions of the mouse, the nervous system… we have collaborations in human tissues, lymph nodes, and lymphatic tissues, we have a variety of collaborations and other human tissues as well. My lab itself is focused mainly on looking at aspects of the interface between microbial communities and the host. And one of our major focuses is on the gut microbiome, and how microbial communities and spatial structure within the host can shape interactions across this interface, both in homeostasis and health, but also when problems arise and the diseases that result from this. Most of that work is still unpublished, but we are very excited to use this type of technology and extend it in ways that allow us to do similar things to what I described in the mouse brain, in both the mouse and human gut.
FLG: It’s a really exciting area. You mentioned MERFISH, this technique that you co-developed, would you mind telling us a little more about how that actually works?
Jeff Moffitt: Yeah, absolutely. So MERFISH, at its core, is based on a very powerful technique that had been developed many, many years earlier. It’s a technology known as single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization, or single-molecule FISH. This is a technology in which you take and create fluorescently labeled DNA oligonucleotides that are complementary in sequence to regions of the RNA that you want to target. If you create a large number of these, each targeting a different region of that RNA, you can then take a sample, you can fix it, poke holes in the membrane (or permeabilize it) and then hybridize on these probes. And then base pairing of those probes to the complementary region on the RNA will actually bind the fluorophore to that RNA. By having many probes, you can concentrate them at each and every molecular copy of that RNA. So now, if you image that sample with an epifluorescence or confocal microscope, you’ll see a bright fluorescent spot. And that spot is the signal generated by a single RNA molecule. What this means is you can now actually do spatial transcriptomics – you can count how many spots you see within a cell that tells you how many copies of that RNA, and you can see where that cell is within the context of the whole, because you’re imaging the sample. This very powerful technique has been used to great effect to answer a wide variety of questions, but historically, it’s been limited in its multiplexing. This is because, if you want to target multiple RNAs, the standard approach has been to use multiple colors – each RNA gets a different color. But there’s only so many colors you can see in a microscope. The key insight that we developed in MERFISH was that we were going to replace the colors that we discriminate individual RNAs with, with barcodes. Now, every different RNA gets its own barcode. And then we have a process by which we can read out those barcodes optically. So individual molecules still generate a fluorescent spot that tells us where they are, but this optical barcode is what tells us the identity of that RNA.
You can think about these barcodes in many different ways, but the simplest way I think, is to consider them as a binary barcode. One RNA is given 110. Another one is given 101 and then another 011. And the power of binary barcodes, of course, is that every time you add one more bit, you could effectively double the number of RNAs that you could discriminate. This means the number of barcodes and the number RNAs that you can distinguish, it just explodes as the number of bits increases. The insight that we had with MERFISH is that instead of doing one round of staining, and imaging with single-molecule FISH, we could do many rounds. In its simplest form, you could think about one round a single-molecule FISH representing a single bit. If an RNA is fluorescent, in that round, it gets a one. If it’s not, it gets a zero. Your first image tells you the value of the binary entry in the first bit, then you can remove that signal, re-stain the sample, and now you can again use fluorescence on/off signals to tell you the value of the second bit. The fluorescence on/off pattern developed across a series of single-molecule FISH images is the physical embodiment of this binary barcode. It’s the optical barcode.
There are many details of how we actually implement this that are critical to how this scales. The first important aspect of it is that adding one more round of single-molecule FISH adds a bit, doubles the number of barcodes. But the problem with this type of combinatorial labeling approach is it is very sensitive to error. If you don’t have a molecule that’s bright enough to be called a molecule when it should, then you can think about that as misreading a one as a zero, and those type of errors, while infrequent, compound very quickly. We recognized right in the implementation of MERFISH that we had to have a way to handle those errors. By conceptualizing these barcodes as binary barcodes, we can basically borrow from decades of understanding of how you handle noise and binary communication. And so, what we use are slightly modified forms of error robust and corrected encoding schemes. These are schemes first developed in the context of information theory and used extensively in computer science that can allow you to identify when a bit has been corrupted, and in certain circumstances actually uncorrupt and correct that bit. And so we leverage those type of barcodes to actually encode our RNA identity. And that gives us very high performance with this technology.
FLG: That’s really interesting. It’s amazing how you adapted that to MERFISH. As more of a broader overview, what are some of the advantages of being able to directly image genome-wide properties of individual cells within tissues?
Jeff Moffitt: I think there are a variety of advantages, and perhaps that also depends on contrasting these with other methods for spatial biology. As I’m sure you are very aware, now is a very exciting time for the field because there’s a growing array of approaches to gain genomic-scale information while registering that information in space. There’s a suite of technologies that allow you to do that in a spatially resolved capture approach – so you can essentially capture molecules on a surface that have been spatially barcoded in a certain way, and those barcodes tell you where those molecules came from. Those are very powerful techniques, they’ve been providing great biological insight, but they’ve been historically limited in their resolution.
The advantage of what we’re doing, in which we generate fluorescent signals directly from individual RNAs, is that we are able to leverage the highest optical resolution possible. We can resolve the location of the RNAs to the 100-nanometer scale or better – the subcellular scale. This means that not only can you unambiguously assign RNAs within individual cells and get true single-cell expression profiles, you can actually understand the structure of those RNAs within cells. There’s a whole host of post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that are driven by the internal location of RNAs within a cell. And there are diseases that are cued by mislocalization, not just misexpression. So this ability to resolve RNAs at that length scale is very powerful because it opens up a wide variety of biological questions that aren’t possible with spatial biology techniques that have a more modest resolution.
The other advantage, of course, is that you can tie many images together so that you have this 100-nanometer (or better) scale resolution. But you can have that across cm2 areas, or tissue areas. This means you can span a really remarkable dynamic range in length from nanometer to centimeter. And that’s critical, because the biology of tissues often covers that length scale, where you have critical interactions that happen between individual cells and even individual molecular interactions between those cells. But of course, those occur in the context of cellular neighborhoods and in tissue architectures. Having an ability to span that length scale in a single measurement, or that range of length scales, is important for understanding the biology of many tissue-level questions.
Another advantage that’s perhaps less well appreciated is that because you’re generating signals from the molecules within the sample themselves, you can have a very high capture efficiency. What that means is, if you had, say, 100 copies of the molecule in that sample, the capture efficiency or the detection efficiency would be a measure of how many of those you actually detect. If you detected 90 out of those 100, you’d have a 90% detection or capture efficiency. For methods that remove the molecules from the sample in order to characterize them, and their spatial location post-hoc through sequencing, like these spatial capture methods, historically have had much more modest capture efficiencies. But with MERFISH because you’re imaging these molecules in generating the signals within the sample without ever removing the RNAs, without ever having to convert the RNAs to another type of molecule like DNA, these capture efficiencies can be very high – almost 100%. That’s important because there are whole swathes of RNAs that are very important for key aspects of biology. And yet, they’re expressed at a couple of copies per cell, when they’re actually expressed in those cells. Those can include transcription factors, receptors or other categories. And those have been historically challenging categories of genes to analyze with technologies that have more modest capture efficiencies. This ability to actually get very, very high capture efficiencies opens up aspects of biology with MERFISH that is challenging to do with other techniques.
FLG: What is the value of enabling simultaneous imaging of the transcriptome and the proteome?
Jeff Moffitt: That’s an excellent question. To provide some background, MERFISH is an RNA imaging technology, but we have been able to couple this with proteomic imaging. We do that by leveraging phenomenal advances in oligo-tagged antibodies. So you can tag an antibody with a DNA molecule, and when you stain your sample, the act of reading out the location of the antibody is now just hybridizing on a fluorescently labeled oligo complementary to the tag that’s on the antibody. We’ve turned the immunofluorescence problem into a hybridization problem. Now, this exact same hybridization chemistry that’s used to read out these optical barcodes associated with RNAs can be immediately leveraged to read out proteins. My lab, and the work I’ve done before, has been more focused on a modest scale of multiplexing and proteomics. But these oligo-labeled antibodies with other special biology techniques have been really pushed towards the scale of 50 Maybe 100 different proteins, and the combination with MERFISH, I think would be quite straightforward.
The advantage of layering proteomics is perhaps multi-fold. The first is that it’s just a practical aspect. When you have a technology like single-cell sequencing, where you dissociate out the cells, capture single cells, extract the RNAs, you get the encapsulation of RNAs within a cell, basically, for free – you get it from the physical boundaries of the cell itself. But with image-based methods, you have a slice of tissue, you see the location of every RNA, but you don’t necessarily know a priori how to partition those RNAs into individual cells. That’s what’s called the cell segmentation problem – looking at an image and defining where the boundaries of each cell are located. My lab has been working extensively on this problem, we have a collaboration with Peter Kharchenko’s lab that has been quite successful in developing algorithms to handle this. But one of the ways that proteomics is powerful is that you can include immunofluorescence stains against markers of cell boundaries, cell surface markers, and so you can use immunofluorescence to help define the boundaries of these cells to partition RNAs into. And that’s a very powerful way in which these technologies can be combined. That’s kind of like a practical aspect, that’s giving us the ability to overcome a technical challenge, not to layer on new biological insights. And there, I think there’s a lot of promise for proteomics. There have been beautiful studies where you can include antibodies to different histone modifications. And so now, you can report on aspects of the epigenetic state of that cell while also reading out the transcriptional state as well. One could imagine doing the same for the phosphorylation state of signaling proteins, or even the localization state of transcription factors. By layering in proteomics, I think what we will see is the ability to add new biological dimensions that aren’t as immediately read out by transcriptomic measures. And that I think is the true promise of this combination, though I think much of that is still to be realized.
FLG: That’s fascinating, and it’ll be great to see how it develops in the future. You mentioned that a lot of your research is around understanding host-microbiome interactions. From your perspective, why is this such an exciting area? And perhaps could you touch on some of the work you’re doing in this area?
Jeff Moffitt: What I’ll say is that this is a new direction for me and my laboratory. It’s a topic that I’ve found fascinating for quite some time, and I’m excited to be able to dive into this area. There are many reasons why I think it’s interesting, but most of those are personal for me. I mean, it’s a fascinating topic. In some sense, I think we’ve seen over the past decade of beautiful sequencing work by a wide variety of groups that microbial communities play a very important role in the homeostasis of the organism within which they reside. And they can play fundamental roles in almost all phenotypes, whether it’s nutrient absorption and digestion and availability, whether it’s education of the immune system, whether it’s neurological state and the development of neurological disorders. And I think that, you know, we’re really seeing this field move from correlative studies into really mechanistic studies – understanding the bacterial communities or individual bacteria and the small molecules they make, and the ways they interact with the host that drive this type of phenotypic outcome in the host. And for us, what we are hoping to be able to do is to provide a window into aspects of this interface that have been perhaps historically under-studied because of challenges in the technology. And that’s just the spatial organization of this. And so that can range from understanding what are the actual ecosystems at the micron scale and the gut? And how does that shape microbial communities? And in turn, how does that shape the dynamics within these communities? To questions of what happens when this interaction between host and microbe takes a turn for the worse and you have infection or pathogenesis? And these are places where you can have very local interactions that remodel both the microbiome and the host. For us, being able to come into this field with a tool that allows us to look in space at the organization of this interface, in both homeostasis and disease, and to reveal the gene expression changes that happen in that context, I think is very exciting because it offers a relatively new window into this great system that many labs have already made phenomenal progress in understanding.
FLG: It’s an incredibly interesting area. What are some of the goals of your research in this space?
Jeff Moffit: We’re really just getting started in this space. Spatial transcriptomics, in particular MERFISH, needs some extension in order to be able to ask questions across this interface. Much of what my lab is working on now is extending this technology in those ways. This is actually very exciting for us. Throughout my career, I’ve had an opportunity to work in technology development, where we are identifying biological questions that are just beyond our technical capabilities, and then working to build the technologies that open the door for that. This is a very rewarding way to do science, in my opinion, and that’s what we’re trying to do here. By working at this interface, we are pushing ourselves to extend MERFISH and spatial transcriptomics, more broadly, to allow us to ask these types of biological questions that have basically been very difficult to ask previously. That’s very rewarding to me. And I hope that is also very rewarding for our students, because it gives them an opportunity to learn all the skills associated with building and extending a cutting-edge technology, while also using it to do some very interesting biology.
FLG: In a broader sense, then, what are you excited about for the future of spatial biology? Or where do you see the field heading?
Jeff Moffit: I think that there are multiple aspects that are very exciting about this new type of measurement modality that we see with spatial biology, and particularly the image-based transfer domain techniques of MERFISH. To take a very broad perspective, what I think is the most exciting to me is to see this technology that I played a role in developing disseminate out there and be used broadly – that’s very rewarding for someone who’s worked to build new technologies, to see others make discoveries with that technology. I think we’re really starting to see this happen, not just for MERFISH, but for the field of spatial biology as a whole, we’re seeing these technologies move out of the labs that develop them into the hands of others. There will be many different aspects of biology in which this technology has an impact, but perhaps the most obvious one, in my opinion, is that it has the potential to really change our understanding or enrich our understanding of tissue-level function and dysfunction. What I mean by that is – again, returning to this analogy of the car engine – it’s not just that we want to understand how this engine works because it’s a beautiful piece of machinery (though, that is, of course, one aspect of it). If you have an understanding of how it works, when something goes wrong, and you’re faced with a, you know, an odd clicking or some ugly smoke that comes out the tailpipe, you are extraordinarily well posed to create rationally designed diagnostics, and interventions and treatments, because you understand all the parts of the system and how they fit and function together. And that, I think, has been one of the challenges of modern medicine – really being able to stratify disease, and to create rational interventions. It’s really amazing how much has been done. If you just pose the point that we don’t really still know the full set of cell types and states and their organization in basically any human tissue. And again, there’s a tremendous amount of work that’s been done, but these spatial transcriptomic techniques offer us the ability to come in and really provide a more comprehensive view, in many cases, probably just really solidifying the beautiful work that’s been done over decades in defining cell types and states in different tissues, but adding the potential to discover new or rare cell-type states or interactions, and to layer on that really a genomic view – a comprehensive view of the molecules expressed within these cells. I think what that type of cellular atlasing will do is it will give us a healthy reference that allows us to make much more rational diagnostic and prognostic interventions when we have the diversity of diseases that arise from different tissues. I think these technologies have this ability to help us really change the way we approach human disease. That’s a long way off. There’s a lot of work that has to be done to get there. But I find that to be a very exciting potential for these technologies.
FLG: You’ll actually be speaking at the Tri-Omics Summit on September 27 – 29th in Boston, MA. Could you tell us a little about why you’re excited about or why you’re looking forward to this event?
Jeff Moffit: I always love being able to get out and talk with a diverse set of scientists. I think this event is likely to bring in people from many different aspects of biology and technology development. There’s a really great lineup of speakers in the spatial biology space. I’m looking forward to not just being able to share our work and a deeper understanding of this technology with that community, but also to hear more of what they’re doing and how they’re continuing to push this field forward as well. It’s going to be a fun event, and an educational event.
FLG: That’s great. Thank you so much. That’s actually all we’ve got time for today. I’ve certainly learned a lot about spatial transcriptomics and MERFISH in particular. So I’d just like to say thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions. It’s been really great chatting with you. Thank you.
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Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by Rachel
Help for Seniors in Illinois – 27 Assistance Programs
Illinois is recognized as the “Land of Lincoln” since Abraham Lincoln lived in this state for a long time. This is one of the safest and senior-friendly places for the elderly. Particularly retirees do not have to pay taxes with regard to social security services, retirement income, and earnings in their retirement saving accounts. Illinois is more affordable than the U.S. average concerning the cost of living. However, some seniors may have challenging financial and health difficulties. They can benefit from the programs and services that are offered by the federal government, state government, and charity organizations.
State Resources for Seniors
The Illinois Department of Aging is the state’s agency in charge of senior and elderly citizens. The agency maintains a vast repository of available resources to meet any needs and answer all questions that seniors may have. Programs are available to offer various forms of assistance required to eligible seniors. In some cases, these programs are directly administered by the Department of Aging, while other programs may be supported by providing funding to charities that render assistance to seniors. To explore the various resources on aging provided by the department, visit
Senior citizens over the age of 55 who are still able to work can apply for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSE). The program is administered by the Department of Aging and is geared towards helping eligible senior residents find decent employment options so they can earn money to meet their needs. Participants receive job-related training to build skills and afterwards get assistance with finding suitable employment. More information on the workings of the program can be found at
For seniors who are unable to work, help may come in the form of Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This is a program of the Social Security Administration that helps meet the basic financial needs of aged persons. Cash benefits are provided monthly to help meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. The age eligibility for SSI benefits is 65 years. For further SSI benefits information, visit
The HCBS Waiver for Supportive Living Facilities is an establishment that provides cash assistance for seniors living in nursing homes or residential care units. Qualified candidates can get paid for their caregivers, medicine expenses, and surgeries.
- You must be between the ages of 22 and 64 or you must be 65 years of age or older.
- You must be a citizen of America or legally resident.
- You must be a resident of Illinois.
- You must not be enrolled in other HCBS waiver programs.
- You must show that you are in financial difficulty.
To see more information, follow the link
Ameren is a local company that presents cash assistance for low-income families. Its main criterion is the financial situation of the applicant. Your poverty level must be at or over 400 percent of the federal poverty regulation. This company offers up to $600 financial assistance. To see your poverty level, go to Federal Poverty Level Calculator. To apply, please go to or dial 800 755 5000.
Housing and Rent Assistance
The Supportive Living Program (SLP) is designed by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to offer housing assistance for seniors who have a disease. People who are 65 years of age or older or anyone who has a physical disability between the ages of 22 and 64 are qualified for this program. The mission of these services is to improve the living conditions of seniors at home so that they will not have to move to any nursing facility. It provides accommodation units that have medical care, daily food, housekeeping, and security for seniors. See more information at
Pathways to Community Living Program is financed by the state government under the Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration. This program is comprehensive since various state departments work on this together such as the Department on Aging, the Division of Rehabilitation Services, the Department of Human Services and Mental Health, and the Department of Housing Development Authority. This program is only for senior citizens in need. Some of their services are legal information about state law, Medicaid, and assisting home and community-based services at home. To see the referral form, please visit
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) helps elderly residents of the state maintain their homes by offering assistance with repairs. Residents who meet the income and property value limits may receive grants through the Home Accessibility Program (HAP) to carry out repairs and modifications on their homes. An example of an accessibility modification covered by HAP is the construction of wheelchair ramps. While IHDA does not directly fund individuals, certain organizations are given the funds to disburse to eligible seniors. For a list of these organizations, visit
Another way that assistance may be gotten for home repairs is through the federal Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants (Section 504 Home Repair) program. Eligible seniors can get a grant of up to $10,000 to carry out essential home repairs. The qualify for a grant, residents must be at least 62years old. Those under the age of 62 may qualify for a loan of up to $40,000. In the event that very extensive repairs are required, the loan and grant award amounts can be combined for a total of $50,000 of financial assistance. All funding provided must be used to repair or improve the home. More details on the program are available at
Visit Home Repair Grants for Seniors if you’re looking for financial support to fix, upgrade, or modernize your home.
Long Term Care is managed by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) for seniors. The main goal of this care is to ensure that nursing home care of older citizens is covered by the state. People who cannot take care of themselves may apply for this benefit and can be settled at a nursing home that is recognized by the Illinois Department of Public Health. For more information, please visit
The Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) is funded by the statewide health insurance benefit for the ones who receive Medicare and can have caregivers at their homes. This program is run by the Illinois Department of Insurance specifically for the elderly. Seniors who seek to learn more information on their health or drug prescriptions can get in touch with this program. To learn more, please go to or dial 800 252 8966.
Seniors in Illinois who are over the age of 65 can get healthcare services through the Medicare Program. This is a federal health insurance program that covers different services that seniors may require. Through the Medicare program, seniors can receive help with payment of hospitals stay costs, outpatient care, and prescription drugs, depending on the specific program selected. Spouses of seniors may also receive coverage if over the age of 62 years. For further details on the operation of the Medicare program in Illinois, seniors can visit
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services has a Medical Benefits Program tailored to meet the needs of low-income seniors who reside in the state. This is a comprehensive healthcare program that covers things like doctor visits, hospital care, emergency room stays, prescription drugs, long term care, etc. Applications are open to seniors over the age of 65 whose income and asset values meet the prescribed guidelines. For couples, the total value of countable assets should be less than $3,000 while for a single person it should be less than $2,000 to qualify for assistance. The value of property like the home, a car, personal belongings and some other special items are not considered as part of the asset valuation. Seniors who want to apply for the program can download an application form from and submit the filled form to any Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) nearby. A directory of FCRCs can be found at For additional information on things like income restrictions, visit
The state also provides assistance by helping seniors fill out applications for healthcare programs. This can be taken advantage of by visiting and of the Senior Health Assistance Program (SHAP) offices around the state. Information on other available healthcare resources can also be gotten at these offices. A full list of the SHAP offices and their respective addresses can be found at
The Bridgeport Free Clinic provides medical care to uninsured residents in Chicago. Screening and checkups are carried out, along with treatment regimens to ensure recovery. The clinic also helps seniors apply for suitable insurance plans.
Help with Dental Care
SeniorDent is an organization that was founded to provide On-site Dental Care to residents of care facilities. As a dental care organization set up for seniors, SeniorDent provides a wide range of dental services and allows several payment options. Discount services are available to help low-income seniors get adequate care without exhausting their finances. Seniors who wish to find out more about SeniorDent can visit
Seniors can also benefit from specially designed dental care insurance plans. These plans are offered at low cost and cover many of the dental services that seniors need to receive. Coverage ranges from 15% of the cost of procedures, to as high as 60% in some cases. The services usually covered include x-rays, root canals, cleaning, crowns, implants, dentures, etc. Discounted dentist visits are also offered by some of the dental plans. In a bid to reduce the financial burden on seniors, some of these dental plans cost as low as $105 per year, while still providing adequate coverage. Seniors can find an insurance policy that suits them by exploring the list of providers at
Dental Program is created by the state government to provide dental assistance for adults and children in need. Elder citizens who are registered to Medicaid can benefit from this free dental support. Those who cannot leave the home for dental needs can call the DentaQuest and receive treatment at home. Find out more information at or make a call at 1 888 286 2447. Read Dental Grants in Illinois for more information on free and low-cost dental care and oral health services.
Seniors can also get care from Donated Dental Services. This is a network of volunteer dentists that offer free or low-cost dental care to seniors over the age of 65. Eligibility for the program is determined by income levels. Emergency services are not available due to the possibility of encountering waitlists. However, seniors who partake of the program receive comprehensive dental care. For more information, visit
Utility Bills Assistance
The Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) is sponsored by the federal government to help low and moderate-income families. Older citizens are prioritized by this program. Eligible participants can have utility bill support and energy-efficient equipment at their homes. Some of their services are air sealing, wall establishment, and repair of all energy systems. The total income of the household and the size of the family is significant for the evaluation process. To learn more, go to or call 217 785 2533.
The Illinois Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded utility assistance program for low and moderate-income individuals. Senior residents who are not able to pay their utility bills are qualified. The poverty level of the applicants must be at or under 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. This program provides discounts or monthly help on utility bills. To access the application form, click on or dial 1 877 411 9276.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can help seniors pay for their home energy bills. Eligible seniors receive credit assistance to offset all or most of their energy bills, especially those associated with heating during winter. Eligibility for LIHEAP aid is usually determined by income levels. Furthermore, assistance may be provided to pay for water and sewer bills when the home of an elderly resident has been disconnected from the utilities or an outstanding payment(s) of $250 or more is owed. To get this assistance, seniors must apply for the Low Income Household Water Assistance (LIHWAP) as they complete their LIHEAP application. Details on how to apply for help can be found at
Additionally, heating assistance may be gotten through the Share the Warmth program. A credit of up to $200 can be applied to past due gas bills for customers of Peoples Gas.
Seniors in Chicago may also qualify for the Utility Billing Relief program. This program gives a 50% discount on water and sewer bills. Debt forgiveness may also be secured for the utility account to clear off all arrears. Information on this program and others is available at
Looking for more help with your household bills? More options can be found at Help With Bills.
The Food Stamp Grant Program Illinois (SNAP) is also recognized as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program run by the Illinois Department of Human Services. It provides healthy and nutritious food for low and moderate-income families who cannot afford it. Low-income seniors in Illinois can apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Eligible seniors receive a debit card known as the Illinois Link Card to which funds are loaded on a monthly basis. This card can be used to purchase approved food items from most grocery stores in the state. Seniors can visit to see the income eligibility requirements to apply for SNAP in Illinois. Applications for SNAP can be done online at, or paper applications can be downloaded from
Apart from SNAP, seniors in Illinois can apply for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. The goal of this program is to improve the health of seniors over the age of 60 by supplementing their diets with nutritious food. Eligible seniors receive a food package every month that contains food like pasta, cheese, rice, meat, canned fruit and vegetables, cereal, etc. These items are provided with the intention of helping seniors meet their nutritional demands. Alongside the packages, nutrition education is provided to give beneficiaries an understanding of how the best utilize the items for a healthy diet. For more information, visit
Seniors can apply for either home-delivered meals or group site meals. These are two components of the Elderly Nutrition Program in the state. The group site meals are served in a congregate setting with multiple senior citizens converging at a specified venue to receive food. For those who are unable to leave their homes, meals may be delivered to them at home. Deliveries are done by volunteers who also check on the welfare of the senior and report any potential problems observed. For further information on the Elderly Nutrition Program in Illinois, visit
The Salvation Army Emergency Assistance and Homelessness Prevention in Illinois aim to assist with food, rent, clothing, drug needs, transportation, loans, utilities, and housing support for low-income families. This international charity organization prioritizes older residents. It has various opportunities that can be used by seniors. Find out more information at or contact 1 800 728 7825.
More assistance programs help low-income seniors in preventing hunger and supplementing their nutritional needs. The list can be found at Food Programs for Seniors.
Seniors in Illinois who receive Medicaid assistance can choose from several medical transportation providers in the state. Beneficiaries who want to take advantage of this assistance can call First Transit at 877-725-0569. First Transit is the organization in charge of managing all Medicaid transportation providers and will provide a list of available providers for the senior. Once arrangements with the transportation provider have been finalized, First Transit should be called again for trip approval. For more details on how this operates, visit
There are other transportation providers sponsored by the Department of Aging. Programs have been put in place to help seniors get transport assistance to enable them access medical care, go shopping, visit senior centers, etc. A list of the transportation providers can be found at Phone numbers are provided so that seniors can conveniently call to request services.
Seniors in the Chicago area can take advantage of the Chicago Department of Family & Support Service’s Transportation program. This program is offered as a joint effort with Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) Taxi Access Program (TAP) to provide specialized transportation assistance for eligible seniors. Door-to-door transportation is provided at reduced rates, allowing seniors to get groceries, go to medical appointments, visit friends, etc. and avoid isolation. Emergency transportation services are also available for seniors in life-threatening situations who have no other means of getting to a suitable medical facility. More information on the transportation assistance programs in Chicago can be found at
Residents of Illinois may qualify for the Seniors Ride Free Transit Benefit. This is a program open to seniors aged 65 years and older that allows them to ride on fixed-route transit systems for free. Application approval is subject to applicants meeting income eligibility guidelines which can be found at Only online applications are accepted for this program, and the process can be started by visiting
Charities and Organizations
The Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) is a charity organization that serves the needs of seniors in the state. Through a variety of programs, assistance is provided to many elderly residents. Visiting programs are organized to check on the welfare of older citizens. LBFE also offers the Food Bag program which delivers staple food items and fresh groceries to seniors. Every bag is packed specially to meet the need of the person who will be receiving it, to ensure maximum nourishment. Emergency weather assistance is provided, connecting seniors with valuable resources to help them cool or heat up their homes as required. For seniors who cannot go out due to the weather, essential food items are delivered to help them stay healthy. Other programs available can be explored at
Catholic Charities is another organization that provides assistance to seniors in need. Emergency assistance is available to help meet the food and financial needs of community members. Catholic Charities also offers affordable housing to seniors who are 62 years and older. While occupying the housing units provided, seniors would still be responsible for carrying out tasks in their own unit. For seniors who require extra care, help could be sought from the Senior Supportive Housing program that is available. More programs and services offered by the Catholic Charities can be checked at
Housing Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly (HOME) is a Chicago-based charity organization that renders essential services to seniors in need. The Upkeep and Repair program helps seniors by providing affordable carpentry, electrical and plumbing repairs to their homes. This allows them to continue to occupy their own homes, rather than move to care facilities. A free shopping bus is also available to help seniors go to nearby stores and pharmacies to purchase food and supplies. The bus is wheelchair accessible, allowing those with reduced mobility to use the service. The drivers help care the purchased items into the home of seniors upon return. Doing so ensures that seniors select food items based on nutritional value, not weight. Additional details on the activities of HOME can be found on their website
Grants for Senior Veterans
Military veterans who reside in Illinois may qualify for admission into any of the Veterans’ Homes in the state. Veterans who are admitted into the homes receive medical care to meet their needs, balanced nutrition plans and meals to ensure that they remain healthy, etc. A monthly maintenance charge may be charged, based on the current income of the veteran seeking assistance. However, an inability to pay for the cost of care will not prevent a veteran from being admitted. These homes help provide a conducive environment for veteran aging while maintaining healthy living conditions and social life. The addresses of the various Illinois’ Veterans’ Homes, along with eligibility requirements can be found at
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What financial assistance programs are available to seniors in Illinois? Seniors in Illinois can benefit from the Illinois Benefits Access Program, which includes the Senior Ride Free Transit Benefit and the Secretary of State License Plate Discount, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for help with living costs.
2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Illinois? Seniors can apply for Medicaid through the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) online at the ABE (Application for Benefits Eligibility) portal, by mail, or in person at a local office. Required documentation includes proof of age, income, residency, and assets.
3. What housing assistance is available for seniors in Illinois? The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) offers affordable housing options and the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program for low-income seniors. Additionally, the IHDA provides information on senior housing developments and assisted living facilities.
4. Can seniors receive assistance with utility bills in Illinois? Yes, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Illinois provides financial assistance to eligible senior households to help manage the cost of heating and cooling their homes.
5. How do seniors in Illinois get help with prescription medications? The Illinois Department on Aging offers the Senior Citizens Prescription Drug Discount Program, which helps seniors reduce the cost of medications. Illinois also participates in the Medicare Part D Extra Help program.
6. Are there property tax benefits for seniors in Illinois? The Illinois Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption provides a reduction in property taxes for seniors’ primary residences. Additionally, the Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption allows qualifying seniors to freeze the assessed value of their property.
7. What in-home care services are available to seniors in Illinois? The Illinois Department on Aging’s Community Care Program offers in-home and community-based services, including personal care, adult day services, and emergency home response systems, to help seniors live independently.
8. How can seniors access transportation services in Illinois? The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) provides the Seniors Ride Free Transit Benefit, allowing seniors to use public transportation services at no cost. Local Area Agencies on Aging may also offer transportation services for medical appointments and shopping.
9. What nutritional programs are offered to seniors in Illinois? The Illinois Department on Aging supports the Senior Nutrition Program, providing congregate and home-delivered meals to seniors, aiming to improve nutrition and reduce isolation.
10. How can seniors in Illinois access legal assistance? Legal assistance for seniors in Illinois is available through organizations like Illinois Legal Aid Online and local legal aid societies, offering support on issues such as healthcare, housing, and consumer rights. | <urn:uuid:2749f00a-c2a8-4d22-be48-16bb71eb4e20> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T21:07:48Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.938067 | 5,377 | 6,282 |
Almost 93% of all internet traffic comes from search engines. It is estimated that Google receives 80,000 requests per second or 6.9 billion requests per day. (Source: Blog du modérateur). Globally, if Google holds nearly 91% of the market share, in recent years, new alternative solutions have been trying to disrupt this digital monopoly of internet research.
What are the impacts of our activities on web or mobile search engine applications? What are the most / least impacting solutions for the environment, network congestion, and the autonomy of our smartphones? Moreover, what are the parameters that can vary this impact and how can we, consumers, better limit our impact?
For this study, we chose to measure 8 of the most popular search engine applications in France on the web and mobile versions on Android: Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Google, Lilo, Qwant, StartPage, and Yahoo.
- Website search vs URL search comparison
- Local search comparison
- Weather Search comparison
- Comparison of a basic search according to several criteria
(auto-completion, dark theme, newsfeed)
- Comparison between search engines using a web browser
- Our advice for an eco-responsible search
Disclaimer: we only measure the user device activity, its inputs/outputs, and project the network and server impacts on the basis of an average impact methodology (see methodology section). We know that some engines use low-energy servers, optimized cooling, “green” electricity… That others better protect your privacy or even finance associations and important causes … We have not had access to the data center of our respondents, and we, therefore, made assumptions based on activity projections based on the volume exchanged. However, since this is a subject that has a direct economic impact, we could imagine that these companies have designed optimized systems so that the purchase of machines and their operation don’t cost them too much!
Website search vs URL
For this first comparison, two scenarios are carried out here: on the one hand we launch a search for the keyword “Fnac” and on the other we launch a search by URL “”, allowing us to directly access the site, without going through the search results. Only two applications do not permit direct URL access: StartPage and Yahoo. StartPage does not appear in this ranking due to a display fault on the Fnac site.
This is not a surprise and it is always better to measure it, we observe that a search by URL consumes much less on all the measured search engine applications. On average, there is a 35% reduction in the carbon impact. Therefore, prefer a search by URL (if you know it!) without going through the search results page in order to save energy and data!
For this first comparison, we recommend using Ecosia, which is the most efficient engine here, all research combined (0.167 gEqCO2) with a standard deviation of 0.377 gEqCO2 with the least sober in the DuckDuckGo ranking (0.5433 gEqCO2). The second place goes to Google (0.192 gEqCO2) which consumes 13% more than Ecosia.
These results are nevertheless very disparate between the different solutions since if on Ecosia the 2 types of research have almost the same impact, it is 2.3 times more important for Google and 4.4 times more for Lilo for example.
On a basic search, it will cost you a 50% higher battery impact with DuckDuckGo and 6 times more data received than with Ecosia. Nevertheless, we note that the memory consumption used by Ecosia is 1.5 times greater on the user’s smartphone in this scenario than the average of other engines. On this same route, we can also note that the lowest energy consumption for your batteries is that of Qwant (tied with Ecosia) due to a faster route. Here efficiency and user scenario performance go hand in hand. It should also be noted that for the most-used engine on the planet, Google is also the one that has the most autonomy impact on basic search, 28% more than the average for other engines. Special mention for Yahoo, which manages to reconcile a low impact and lower memory consumption (not taken into account in the calculation of the Carbon impact).
On a URL search, DuckDuckGo‘s carbon impact is 2.2 times higher than the average for other engines and almost 4 times higher than the most virtuous Google in this scenario. This is explained by low power consumption on the user device but above all with a data consumption 7.3 times less than the average of the engines and almost 15 times less than DuckDuckGo! Small consolation for DuckDuckGo, it also consumes the least memory on the user device with 50% less than the engine average and up to 93% less than the most memory-intensive Ecosia in this scenario again.
Local search, the impact of an interactive map
For this scenario, we run a local search. The keywords “Restaurant Nantes” are searched, most search engines then display an interactive map with a selection of restaurants.
For this local search, four applications stand out by not displaying an interactive map on the results page: Ecosia, StartPage, Lilo (display of a Pages Jaunes list), and Yahoo. Although less practical for discovering the suggestions at a glance, we notice that these applications are less “carbon-intensive”. It is therefore not surprising that the display of a presentation cartographic representation is detrimental to the environmental impact.
If we take the averages of applications that do not display a map (0.076 gEqCO2) to those that display one (0.161 gEqCO2): we obtain a carbon impact difference of 52%. Maybe these solutions could offer a 2-step map display and only display the detailed map on user request?
In this ranking, Ecosia is also in the lead (0.055 gEqCO2) followed closely by StartPage (0.078 gEqCO2). The worst applications are Google (0.178 gEqCO2) and Qwant (integration of a PagesJaunes card, 0.216 gEqCO2).
The difference in carbon impact between the best and worst application is 74%. However and again Ecosia is also the one which consumes the most memory on the user device, 50% more than the average of the engines for a local search. In the end, only StartPage manages to combine a low carbon impact and lower consumption of memory resources.
To explain these differences, we can cite the data impact 10 times higher for Qwant compared to Ecosia and 2.7 times higher compared to the average for other engines. On the energy side, the differences measured are smaller, Google and Yahoo are the worst enemies of your battery and of the carbon impact on the user device with 28% more consumption on average than the average for other engines.
Targeted search, the impact of a weather widget
For this scenario, we launch a weather search for the keywords “Météo Nantes”. All engines work with a weather widget. Only the Lilo and Qwant engines do not display any and do not allow a direct view of the current weather forecast. However, Qwant displays in partnership with Yellow Pages, the nearest meteorological organization, skewing the results.
We observe for this search comparison targeted on the weather, that the Lilo application (0.045 gEqCO2) which does not display a weather widget, is at the top of the ranking. Followed by Ecosia (0.062 gEqCO2), the most efficient application of those which display a weather widget. Between Lilo and Ecosia, the difference in carbon impact amounts to 26%.
If we compare Lilo to the average of the applications displaying the weather widget (0.083 gEqCO2), the difference in carbon impact then amounts to 45%.
The most impacting engine with the weather widget is DuckDuckGo (0.118 gEqCO2), which is 1.9 times more than Ecosia.
For Qwant (0.199 gEqCO2), the research is inconclusive since the engine does not display a widget but the nearest weather station in the form of a Pages Jaunes business and cartographic representation. This practice is clearly more consuming/impacting, 2.5 times more impacting than the average of other engines, and 4 times more impacting than the Lilo engine.
Lilo consumes little energy on the user device and little data. On this indicator, it consumes more than 4 times less data than the engine average and up to 11 times less than Qwant!
On the memory footprint and user battery consumption part, for targeted research, it is again the most efficient StartPage app with 47% less than the average energy consumption of other engines but also 44% less memory than the average. Yahoo, Qwant, and Google are also the most energy-intensive with an average consumption higher with 13% more than the other engines. On the memory side, it is again Ecosia which over-consumes with 50% more than the average of its competitors and almost twice as much as DuckDuckGo!
Search of a definition
In this part, we analyze different ways of approaching a basic search for a definition. We have chosen THE most searched definition on Google in 2019 in France, that of the word “Procrastination”. In addition, in order to save you research, we give you the meaning: Procrastination (feminine name) “tendency to postpone, to put systematically to the next day”. We will check the major research trends of 2020 in a future study!
This scenario will be used as a basis for the next ones, we are launching a search for the keywords “procrastination definition”.
For a simple research, our top 3 carbon impact side consists of: Lilo (0.065 gEqCO2), Ecosia (0.068 gEqCO2) and StartPage (0.076 gEqCO2). Qwant is disadvantaged by its excessive data consumption, it is more economical in the energy consumed on the device since second on the energy consumption side.
StartPage, in addition to having a low impact, is also less “resource-intensive” in memory than the other engines and 2 times less than Ecosia, especially on this use case. StartPage is also the most energy-efficient and 2 times less than Yahoo in the same search scenario.
Qwant is again last in this ranking in terms of carbon impact because it is too expensive in terms of data, almost 3 times more than the average for other engines, and up to 6 times more than Ecosia.
On this same basic research and on the basis of the average impact of the 8 engines, the share of the impact linked to the network and to the mobile is preponderant and in equal share compared to the share of impact on the server which remains low.
However, this projection must be the subject of a more in-depth analysis by placing probes in data centers in particular.
On average, the carbon impact for all search engines is 0.106 gEqCO2. Google‘s, the most widely used engine in the world, is 0.108 gEqCO2, or the carbon impact equivalent of one meter (0.96m) carried out in a light vehicle.
If one projects based on Google usage statistics, here are some interesting numbers:
The carbon impact of the 80,000 requests made in 1 second (if all these requests were basic requests launched from a mid-range smartphone) worldwide is: 8,660 gEqCO2, ie the equivalent of 77 km traveled in a light vehicle. The carbon impact of a day of Google queries is a carbon equivalent of 6.7 million km in a light vehicle.
Definition search with autocompletion
For this auto-completion or “suggestion” scenario, we run a search for the “definition pro” keywords, the engine then displays a “definition procrastination” or “definition procrastinate” suggestion. We click on this proposition. To evaluate this scenario, we had to activate a parameter which allowed us to deactivate the auto-completion mode on the different engines, only 2 engines allow it and are therefore compared here on this scenario.
Only two search engine applications allow you to completely remove suggestions or auto-completion (Ecosia and DuckDuckGo). We note that for Ecosia, for equivalent energy consumption, a basic search without suggestions, the consumption of data exchanged is reduced by 11% compared to a search offering suggestions. On the DuckDuckGo side, a search without suggestions reduces energy consumption by 22% and the volume of data exchanged by 14%.
We observe on average that research using auto-completion reduces the carbon impact by 14%.
Definition search with dark theme
For this scenario, we activate the dark theme from the settings of the only two apps offering it: DuckDuckGo and Qwant and run the same search for the definition of the word procrastination.
For these two applications offering the dark theme on mobile, on average the dark theme reduces the carbon impact by 3%. And a little more optimized for DuckDuckGo than for Qwant with an 8% gain on the default theme.
Definition search with active newsfeed
For this scenario, we activate the homepage newsfeed of some applications and compare with the without newsfeed version.
3 applications allow the activation and deactivation of the news feed present on the home page: Google, Bing, and Qwant. This has the effect of increasing the carbon impact of these three applications by only 3% on average, with an average increase in data of 4% on these 3 engines and a slight increase in local energy consumption. (1%)
Search with a web browser
For this scenario, we launch the Chrome web browser (version 83.0.4103.106), the measured search engine is previously defined as the default one. The search for definition is always that of the word procrastination.
We chose to compare an app search and a browser search. For this measurement, we have chosen the Chrome browser, you can find our “best browsers to use in 2020” study if you’re looking for a browser ranking. For two of the applications measured: DuckDuckGo and Bing, searching via Chrome is less impactful on average by 8%. For the other applications, for which browsing on Chrome is more impactful, this is an average difference of 116% but which goes up to multiply the impact by 5.3 for Lilo. Overall and on average, search through a browser on all of these engines is 64% more impactful than through the mobile application.
For all of these engines,
- energy consumption is stable and slightly lower on the web by 2% but with large disparities: + 48% for StartPage and minus 28% for Yahoo.
- Data consumption is growing sharply for web research, with a volume that doubles (+ 119%). There is a strong contrast, however: when Bing consumes 12% less (the only less “data-consuming”), others consume more with a peak for Lilo in particular (13 times more) and Ecosia (4 times more). Google remains in the average of 2 times more data on the web version.
- Local memory consumption also increases significantly for a mobile web search versus mobile application search with + 48%. Again, there is a strong contrast with Ecosia last on this criterion for the mobile application and first on this web search criterion with a decrease of 2%. For all the others, it is a strong increase within particular for DuckDuckGo (+ 115%) and StartPage (107%).
- Note that travel times have decreased by 6% partially explaining lower energy consumption in web search.
Our advice for eco-responsible search
When we observe the environmental impact of a search, it is difficult to give with certainty the best advice, a link saved in your favorites to go directly to the right information, good content will always have less impact than launching a new search. We have not tested other related areas such as the security/use of your data or the accessibility of solutions, here is some information that we could summarize:
- A shorter search process results in less energy/battery impact on your user’s smartphone and can help reduce the overall carbon impact across the chain.
- The carbon impacts of our research are mainly distributed between the network part and the user’s mobile part equally.
- A search has more impact via a mobile browser than with a mobile application (64% carbon gain on average).
- For the engines with the least carbon impact, opt for StartPage or Ecosia even if the latter consumes a lot of memory, a point to correct.
- To save your battery and your data plan, choose StartPage.
- If you’re having memory issues on an older smartphone, give DuckDuckGo a try.
- If you don’t see a need for it, turn off newsfeed widgets, interactive map display, and other weather widgets. Average carbon gain of 48% to 52%.
- Switch to dark to light displays, when available. Average carbon gain of 3%.
As for Google, which dominates the market, it is in the average carbon footprint but is also the one that on average consumes the most memory (40% more than other engines for all of these uses). Let us keep in mind that an average google request is equivalent to the carbon impact of a journey of 1 meter in an average light vehicle.
For each of its applications, measured on an S7 smartphone (Android 8), the user scenario was carried out through our GREENSPECTOR Test Runner, allowing the performance of automated tests.
Each measurement is the average of 4 homogeneous measurements (with a low standard deviation). The consumption measured on the given smartphone according to a wifi type network can be different on a laptop PC with a wired network for example.
To assess the impacts of infrastructure (datacenter, network) in the carbon projection calculations, we relied on the OneByte methodology based on real data measured on the volume of data exchanged. This assessment methodology takes into account the consumption of resources and energy in use for the requested equipment. As this is a very macroscopic approach, it is subject to uncertainty and could be fine-tuned to adapt to a given context, to a given tool. For the Carbon projection, we assumed a 50% projection via a wifi network and 50% via a mobile network.
To assess the impacts of mobile phones in the carbon projection calculations, we measure the energy consumption of the user scenario on a real device and in order to integrate the material impact share, we rely on the theoretical wear rate generated by the user scenario on the battery, the first wearing part of a smartphone. 500 full charge and discharge cycles, therefore, cause a change of smartphone in our model. This methodology and method of calculation have been validated by the consulting firm specializing in eco-design Evea.
|Weight (MB) Samsung S7
|French Market Share (%)
|5 000 000+
|10 000 000+
|5 000 000+
|5 000 000 000+
|1 000 000+
|1 000 000+
Kimberley DERUDDER has been digital marketing manager at Greenspector for more than 5 years. Kimberley graduated with a master’s degree in Marketing – Communication and specialized in Inbound Marketing after her first two years at Greenspector. Today in charge of the animation of the marketing, social media and lead generation strategy, she also takes care of app comparisons and battles. | <urn:uuid:e8c47ac3-30f4-43f9-b8cf-6878dd2431d9> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:38:05Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.907683 | 4,408 | 4,550 |
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The site may contain links to third-party sites, maintained by these third parties. These links are only supplied for the convenience of the user. The presence and inclusion of any link in this site does not mean any transfer or endorsement of the content of the site referenced, by Imatico. The Company is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites, and does not make any statement about the content or the accuracy of the materials on such third-party sites. If the user decides to access third-party sites linked to this one, this shall be done at their own account and risk.
The Material may contain imprecisions or printing errors. Unless where possible, specifically supplied related to a specific sale operation, the Company does not make statements about the precision, reliability, integrity or punctuality of the Material, or about the results to be obtained by using the site and the Material. Any usage of the site and the Material is at the exclusive account and risk of the user. The guidance received through the site shall not be used for personal decisions, as also for medical, legal or financial decisions; a suitable professional person shall be consulted so that specific counselling, adapted to the situation at hand, may be received. Changes are made regularly on the site, and may be made at any time. Part of the Material present on the site is supplied by third parties, and the Company shall not take any responsibility for any Materials supplied by such third parties.
The User does also accept and agree that, in the event of any discrepancies or differences between the descriptions of the property as supplied on the site, on the one hand, and the catalogue, or addenda, and advertising of the property, on the other, then this latter document shall be considered as prevalent and controlled, in all cases.
The user also agrees to defend, pay compensation and exempt the Company, as also its directors, employees and agents, against any losses, responsibilities, damages, costs and expenses, including the following, without limitation: legal fees, reasonable specialised and accounting fees, obtained in connection with any requests, actions or demands, alleging or resulting from the use of the Material (including Software), the violation of this Contract or of the Law, or violation of third-party rights. The Company must be immediately notified about any such request or legal proceedings and, should the request be made by a third party, they also agree to provide reasonable assistance, at their own expense, for the defence of such request or lawsuit.
The terms below apply to Software and other technical materials that could be obtained through the site. The user agrees to comply with these restrictions, and not to export or re-export the Material (including the Software) to countries or people banned by the export control laws. On downloading the Material (including the Software), the user confirms presence in a country where such export is prohibited,the user is responsible for compliance with the laws in their local jurisdiction, with regard to the import, export or re-export of the Software and/or any other Material.The terms below apply to Software and other technical materials that could be obtained through the site. The user agrees to comply with these restrictions, and not to export or re-export the Material (including the Software) to countries or people banned by the export control laws. On downloading the Material (including the Software), the user confirms presence in a country where such export is prohibited,the user is responsible for compliance with the laws in their local jurisdiction, with regard to the import, export or re-export of the Software and/or any other Material.
The company does not say that the Materials are appropriate for any purpose or for any specific public, or that the Materials may be downloaded outside the EU. Access to the materials (including the software) may not be legal when made by certain people or in certain countries. The site is based on a location in Luxembourg. All legal issues arising from, or related to, the use of the site should be interpreted according to Luxembourg Law, as applicable to contracts entered into and established compliant to such Laws.
If any provision in this Contract is deemed invalid by any Court with appropriate jurisdiction, then the invalidity of this provision shall not affect the validity of the other terms contained in this Contract, which shall remain in full effect. Should the Company fail to exercise or enforce any such right or provision of the Contract, this shall not be taken as renouncement of such right or provision, and no renouncement to any time frame established in this Contract shall be taken as additional or continuous renouncement of this document or any other time frame. The Company also agrees that, regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any request or cause for action resulting from, or related to, use of the site shall be filed 1 year after this request or legal action arises, or shall be permanently locked. This is the full contract as established between User and Company, with regard to the use of the site. Any change to this Contract shall be drawn up in writing, and signed by an authorised representative of the Company. | <urn:uuid:06f246e3-f65d-493d-8fd7-17664db73c54> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T19:57:24Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.909412 | 3,670 | 4,110 | Software Development Kit License Agreement
Last Revised: 09/02/2022
In order to obtain and use the Inworld Software Development Kit (“SDK”) provided by Theai, Inc. (dba Inworld AI) (“Inworld”), you must first agree to the terms of this Software Development Kit License Agreement (“Agreement”). If you agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may use the SDK. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, then you may not use the SDK. You may not use the SDK and may not accept this Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving the SDK under the laws of the United States or the country in which you are resident or from which you use the SDK.
The SDK may comprise: (1) Inworld sample project files, including Inworld content, dynamic libraries, source code, object code and applications therein (“ProjectFiles”); (2) Inworld instructions, manuals and documentation provided with the Project Files (“Documentation”); and (3) materials licensed by or from a third party, including starter files, components, applications, software, data, content, materials and resources licensed by or from a third party, including in some cases starter content and files from UnrealEngine and Unity (“Third-Party Materials”).
We may make changes to this Agreement from time to time. The amended Agreement will be effective immediately, and your continued use of the SDK will confirm your acceptance of the changes. If you do not agree to the amended Agreement, you must stop using the SDK.
If you are an individual agreeing to be bound by this Agreement on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any corporation, partnership or other entity with which you are associated (an “Organization”), then you are agreeing to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and such Organization, and you represent and warrant that you have the legal authority to bind such Organization to this Agreement. References to “you” and “your” in this Agreement will refer to both the individual and any such Organization.
You may enter into this Agreement and exercise the rights hereunder only if and while you have a subscription to use the Platform.“Platform” means the Inworld platform, software and services made available by Inworld (including Inworld project files, packaged APIs, Platform APIs add-ons, starter files and code).
By clicking to accept, registering for, signing in, or otherwise using the SDK, you hereby agree to this Agreement, including the limited warranty set forth in Section 7 and the mandatory arbitration provision and class action waiver in Section 11. If you do not agree to this Agreement, do not use the SDK.
If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us at [email protected].
1. SDK License from Inworld
1.1. License. Subject the terms of this Agreement, Inworld grants you a personal, limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to:
1.1.1. use and create derivative works of the Project Files to create content and combine such content with content owned by or licensed to you, in each case, solely for use with the Platform;
1.1.2. distribute the Project Files with your Developer Content (defined below) solely for use with the Platform;
1.1.3. use and copy the Documentation solely for the purposes of using the SDK and to create Developer Content (defined below).
1.2. Third-Party Materials. Your use, reproduction and distribution of the Third-Party Materials is subject to and governed by the terms of the applicable third-party license(s) and not this Agreement. You will strictly comply with such third-party license(s). You agree that Inworld is not responsible for providing you with any such third-party license(s), nor is Inworld responsible for your downloading, use, modification, reproduction, and distribution of such Third-Party Materials.
1.3. Ownership of SDK and Modifications. Inworld or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to the SDK, including any Intellectual Property Rights in and to the SDK. “Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all rights in and to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, and any and all other proprietary rights. Inworld reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. Rights in and to any Third-Party Materials and any derivatives thereof are governed by the applicable third-party license(s).
1.4. Updates and Availability. The form and nature of the SDK that Inworld provides may change without prior notice to you and future versions of the SDK may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of the SDK. Inworld may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the SDK (or any features within the SDK) to you or to users generally at Inworld’s sole discretion and terminate this Agreement, without prior notice to you.
1.5. Inworld Marks. Nothing in this Agreement gives you a right to use any of Inworld’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features.
2. Use of the SDK by You
2.1. Your Applications and Content. Inworld does not obtain any right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under this Agreement in or to any derivative works of the Project Files that you create (“Developer Content”), provided, however, you may only use the Developer Content with the Platform subject to the rights and restrictions applicable to the Project Files upon which the Developer Content was derived, and you may not use any Developer Content with any other platform, product, service or software. For clarity, Inworld retains all rights in and to the Project Files and any other tools made available by Inworld, including any portions of those that may be incorporated into your Developer Content or upon which your Developer Content is based.
2.2. Obligations and Restrictions. You will use the SDK and create Developer Content only for purposes that are permitted by: (a) this Agreement and (b) any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). You are solely responsible for (and Inworld has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under this Agreement, any applicable third-party contract, license or terms of service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Inworld or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. Further, you will not (nor will you permit others to): (i) use the SDK for any purpose not expressly permitted by this Agreement; (ii) use this SDK to develop engines, applications, software development kits, tools, content, games or demos for other platforms, services, software or products; (iii) except asexpressly permitted in Section 1.1, copy (except for backup purposes), modify, adapt, redistribute, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works of the SDK or any part of the SDK; (iv) do anything that might discover source code or bypass or circumvent measures employed to prevent or limit access to any part of the SDK; (v) remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within the SDK; (vi) engage in any activity with the SDK, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, oraccesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other propertiesor services of Inworld or any third party; (vii) sell or resell the SDK or provide the SDK as a service bureau, absent having a separate written agreement with Inworld that allows for such additional uses of the SDK; (viii) use theSDK for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or engage in, encourage or promote any activity that violates this Agreement; or (ix) use the SDK to develop any software development kit, game, tools, products, services, engines, platforms, software, demos, content, or other materials that compete with the Platform or Inworld’s game, tools, products, services, engines, platforms, software, demos, content, or other materials.
3. Your Developer Credentials
3.1. Protection of Your Credentials. You are solely responsible for: (a) maintaining the confidentiality of any developer credentials that may be issued to you by Inworld or which you may choose yourself; (b) all applications that are developed under your developer credentials.
4. Privacy and Information
5. Third Party Materials
5.1. Rights to Third-Party Materials. The Third-Party Materials may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by the relevant third-party providers (or by other persons or companies on their behalf). You acknowledge that your use of Third-Party Materials may be subject to separate terms and conditions typically found in: (a) separate third-party license agreements or “READ ME” files included with such Third-Party Materials; or (b) in agreements between you and the relevant third party, which in that case, this Agreement does not affect your legal relationship with these third parties with respect to the relevant Third-Party Materials. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, reproduce, distribute or create derivative works based on these Third-Party Materials (either in whole or in part) unless you have been specifically given permission to do so by the relevant third-party owners. Inworld is not responsible for the Third-Party Materials. You understand that all Third-Party Materials are the sole responsibility of the person or entity from which they originated and that Inworld is not liable for any loss or damage that you may experience as a result of the use or access of any Third-Party Materials. Your use of Third-Party Materials is at your own risk.
6. Term and Termination
6.1. Term. This Agreement will remain in effect until your subscription to access the Platform terminates or until terminated by either you or Inworld as set out herein.
6.2. Termination. If you want to terminate this Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of the SDK and any relevant developer credentials. Inworld may at any time, terminate this Agreement with you if: (a) you have breached any provision of this Agreement; (b) Inworld is required to do so by law; (c) a partner or licensor with whom Inworld offered certain parts of the SDK (such as Third-Party Materials) to you has terminated its relationship with Inworld or ceased to offer or license certain parts of the SDK to you; (d) Inworld decides to no longer provide the SDK or certain parts of the SDK to users in the country in which you are resident or from which you use the service, or the provision of the SDK or certain SDK services to you by Inworld is, in Inworld’s sole discretion, no longer commercially viable; or (e) by providing you with thirty (30) days’ prior written notice of termination.
6.3. Effects of Termination. When this Agreement comes to an end, all of the legal rights, obligations and liabilities that you and Inworld have benefited from, been subject to (or which have accrued over time whilst this Agreement has been in force) or which are expressed to continue indefinitely, will be unaffected by this cessation, and the provisions of Section 11 will continue to apply to such rights, obligations and liabilities indefinitely.
9.1. To the maximum extent permitted by law, you will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Inworld, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or accruing from: (a) your use of the SDK; (b) any application, content or other materials you develop on, with or from the SDK or Developer Content that infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, patent or other intellectual property right of any person or defames any person or violates their rights of publicity or privacy; or (c) any non-compliance by you with this Agreement.
10. Changes to this Agreement and Interpretation
10.1. Inworld may make changes to this Agreement as it distributes new versions of the SDK. When these changes are made, Inworld will make a new version of this Agreement available on the website where the SDK is made available. Unless we say otherwise in our notice, the changes to this Agreement will be effective immediately, and your continued use of the SDK after we provide such notice will confirm your acceptance of the changes. If you do not agree to the changes to this Agreement, you must stop using the SDK. The word “including” means “including without limitation”. The word “or” means “and/or”.
11. Dispute Resolution; BindingArbitration; Governing Law
Please read the following Section 11 carefully because it requires you to arbitrate certain disputes and claims with Inworld and limits the manner in which you can seek relief from us, unless you opt out of arbitration by following the instructions set forth below. No class or representative actions or arbitrations are allowed under this arbitration provision.In addition, arbitration precludes you from suing in court or having a jury trial.
11.1. No Representative Actions. You and Inworld agree that any dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement or the SDK is personal to you and Inworld and that any dispute will be resolved solely through individual action, and will not be brought as a class arbitration, class action or any other type of representative proceeding.
11.2. Arbitration of Disputes. Except for disputes in which you or Inworld seeks injunctive or other equitable relief for the alleged infringement, violation or misappropriation of intellectual property, you and Inworld waive your rights to a jury trial and to have any dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement or the SDK, including claims related to privacy and data security, (collectively, “Disputes”) resolved in court. Instead, for any Dispute that you have against Inworld you agree to first contact Inworld and attempt to resolve the claim informally by sending a written notice of your claim (“Notice”) to Inworld by email at [email protected] or by certified mail addressed to 1975 W El Camino Real #300, Mountain View, CA 94040. The Notice must: (a) include your name, residence address, email address, and telephone number; (b) describe the nature and basis of the Dispute; and (c) set forth the specific relief sought. Our notice to you will be similar in form to that described above. If you and Inworld cannot reach an agreement to resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) days after such Notice is received, then either party may submit the Dispute to binding arbitration administered by JAMS or, under the limited circumstances set forth above, in court. All Disputes submitted to JAMS will be resolved through confidential, binding arbitration before one arbitrator. Arbitration proceedings will be held in San Francisco, California unless you are a consumer, in which case you may elect to hold the arbitration in your county of residence. For purposes of this Section 11, a “consumer” means a person using the SDK for personal, family or household purposes. You and Inworld agree that Disputes will be held in accordance with the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures (“JAMS Rules”). The most recent version of the JAMS Rules are available on the JAMS website and are hereby incorporated by reference. You either acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand the JAMS Rules or waive your opportunity to read the JAMS Rules and waive any claim that the JAMS Rules are unfair or should not apply for any reason.
11.3. Federal Arbitration Act. You and Inworld agree that this Agreement affects interstate commerce and that the enforceability of this Section 11 will be substantively and procedurally governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1, et seq.(the “FAA”), to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. As limited by the FAA, this Agreement and the JAMS Rules, the arbitrator will have exclusive authority to make all procedural and substantive decisions regarding any Dispute and to grant any remedy that would otherwise be available in court, including the power to determine the question of arbitrability. The arbitrator may conduct only an individual arbitration and may not consolidate more than one individual’s claims, preside over any type of class or representative proceeding or preside over any proceeding involving more than one individual.
11.4. Discovery. The arbitration will allow for the discovery or exchange of non-privileged information relevant to the Dispute. The arbitrator, Inworld, and you will maintain the confidentiality of any arbitration proceedings, judgments and awards, including information gathered, prepared and presented for purposes of the arbitration or related to the Dispute(s) therein. The arbitrator will have the authority to make appropriate rulings to safeguard confidentiality, unless the law provides to the contrary. The duty of confidentiality does not apply to the extent that disclosure is necessary to prepare for or conduct the arbitration hearing on the merits, in connection with a court application for a preliminary remedy or in connection with a judicial challenge to an arbitration award or its enforcement, or to the extent that disclosure is otherwise required by law or judicial decision.
11.5. Arbitration Filing Fee and Enforcement. You and Inworld agree that for any arbitration you initiate, you will pay the filing fee (up to a maximum of $250 if you are a consumer), and Inworld will pay the remaining JAMS fees and costs. For any arbitration initiated by Inworld, Inworld will pay all JAMS fees and costs. You and Inworld agree that the state or federal courts for San Francisco, California have exclusive jurisdiction over any appeals and the enforcement of an arbitration award.
11.6. Time to File. Any Dispute must be filed within one year after the relevant claim arose; otherwise, the Dispute is permanently barred, which means that you and Inworld will not have the right to assert the claim.
11.7. Opt Out. You have the right to opt out of binding arbitration within thirty (30) days of the date you first accepted the terms of this Section 11 by sending an email to [email protected]. In order to be effective, the opt-out notice must include your full name and address and clearly indicate your intent to opt out of binding arbitration. By opting out of binding arbitration, you are agreeing to resolve Disputes in accordance with this Section 11.
11.8. Enforceability. If any portion of this Section 11 is found to be unenforceable or unlawful for any reason: (a) the unenforceable or unlawful provision will be severed from this Agreement; (b) severance of the unenforceable or unlawful provision will have no impact whatsoever on the remainder of this Section 11 or the parties’ ability to compel arbitration of any remaining claims on an individual basis pursuant to this Section 11; and (c) to the extent that any claims must therefore proceed on a class, collective, consolidated, or representative basis, such claims must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction and not in arbitration, and the parties agree that litigation of those claims will be stayed pending the outcome of any individual claims in arbitration. Further, if any part of this Section 11 is found to prohibit an individual claim seeking public injunctive relief, that provision will have no effect to the extent such relief is allowed to be sought out of arbitration, and the remainder of this Section 11 will be enforceable.
11.9. Governing Law. Any dispute arising from this Agreement and your use of the SDK will be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of California, except to the extent preempted by U.S. federal law, without regard to conflict of law rules or principles (whether of California or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. Any dispute between the parties that is not subject to arbitration or cannot be heard in small claims court will be resolved in the state or federal courts of California and the United States for San Francisco, California. You and Inworld waive any objection to venue in any such courts. If your local law requires that consumer contracts be interpreted subject to local law and enforced in the courts of that jurisdiction, this section may not apply to you only to the extent that local law conflicts with this section.
12. General Legal Terms
12.1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Inworld with respect to the subject matter herein and governs your use of the SDK (excluding any services which Inworld may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Inworld in relation to the SDK.
12.2. Waiver. If Inworld does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in this Agreement (or which Inworld has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Inworld’s rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Inworld.
12.3. Severability. If any provision (or any part thereof) of this Agreement is unenforceable under or prohibited by any present or future law, then such provision (or part thereof) will be amended, and is hereby amended, so as to be in compliance with such law, while preserving to the maximum extent possible the intent of the original provision. Any provision (or part thereof) that cannot be so amended will be severed from this Agreement; and, all the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain unimpaired.
12.4. Beneficiaries. As applicable, each member of the group of companies of which Inworld is the parent will be third party beneficiaries to this Agreement and that such other companies will be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of this Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company will be third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
12.6. Assignment. The rights granted in this Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by you without the prior written approval of Inworld. You may not delegate your responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written approval of Inworld. Inworld may transfer, delegate, or otherwise assign this Agreement and all of its rights hereunder to any person without your consent. | <urn:uuid:a1f208c8-8b24-45d3-afd4-0094710a32ee> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T21:11:44Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.904207 | 5,711 | 6,355 |
Paul Mogensen, published by Karma, New York, 2018.
What work of poetry … has ever been undertaken to “communicate” a feeling, an understanding, an idea? A poet’s task is to invent and prove true; to live, I mean, and not to formulate—he will formulate only incidentally. His clarity, therefore, goes hand in hand with his enigmas … —Yves Bonnefoy, Rimbaud
Paul Mogensen’s career began about fifteen years ago in Los Angeles, where he was born and educated. As an art student at the University of California, he remembers being particularly struck by a Clyfford Still “black” painting that hung in a Los Angeles museum. He found it unlike anything he had seen before, and, in part, one supposes his strong impression was of Still’s extraordinarily forceful handling of monochrome or near-monochrome, in addition to his unusual concentration on what occurs at the painting’s borders rather than within them.
Still is among the American abstract painters who provided a standard for a hard and searching art. Particularly by the physicality of his scaled-up gestural paint strokes, the attention he drew to the borders of a painting, and the concomitant lessening of an integrated spatial illusion within the canvas, Still so brought forward the material infrastructure of a work—and so its actual properties—as to stand notably among those artists who pushed painting to the brink of the reductivist explorations that were to follow.
Mogensen’s reductive approach may be seen as logically pertaining to his experience of Still’s and related abstract expressionist work of the forties and fifties; whatever impetus minimalist painting of the early sixties provided, its most prominent tendency was antithetic to his own.
He certainly did not believe that the further development of painting, the countering of obscurities and weaknesses, lay in the drastic reduction of its identification to an engagement with strictly real, three-dimensional objects; Mogensen did not see the sense, nor any success, in such attempts to purge painting of its virtuality, which he understood, rather, as inherent to painting. Thus, such an attempted reduction would amount to an unaffordable digression.
Mogensen’s work is altogether characterized by a resistance to digressive aims. It may be seen as a clarification of painting’s ideal character, that which identifies the engagement essentially. He does this by laying down a postulate of that ideal character which he makes fundamental to his work. He then shows us an art of such imaginative distinctiveness and pervasively intelligible structure, of such coherence and consistency in inviting our responses, as to persuade us that he has neither misunderstood nor misidentified the engagement of painting.
Science as well as art may show instances of a problem arising from a limited concept of its ideal character. Isaac Newton had to contend with the speculative rather than strictly inferred (from precise observation and experiment) “hypotheses” of the late seventeenth-century Mechanical Philosophers. Early in his career, he followed up his observation on the color spectrum’s derivation from passing a beam of sunlight through a glass prism—namely, the “extravagant disproportion” of the spectrum’s length as compared to its width. This suggested to him that more than Snell’s law of refraction was involved. A crucial experiment showed that each color of light passed through a second prism unaltered, but was bent or refracted as much as before. Finally, he recombined all of the colored rays in the spectrum by passing them through a biconcave lens; where all the colored rays converged to a focus, he obtained white light again. Through a series of experiments he showed that the colored rays composed white light, rather than being “modifications” of that light by a clear refracting medium as had been supposed. Yet, when his paper on the subject was published, it was spoken of as his “hypothesis,” a characterization he took pains to deny. (And even Huygens remarked that there remained the great difficulty “of explaining by mechanical physics what causes the colors of the rays.”) Later, in the Principia, Newton discarded the great clockwork mechanism picture of the universe to propose the forces of universal gravitation relating mathematically to the observed planetary motions. Here, the acceptance of the reality of gravitational force no more required an explanation of gravity than Newton’s description of the behavior of colored rays required an explanation of the causes of their different colors. His proposing of an abstract mathematical description instead of an explanatory picture of an underlying mechanism led to the criticism of the Principia that it was “a brilliant display of mathematics, but that it was not physics at all.” Indeed, the engagement of physics would subsequently be identified by just such instrumentalities as Newton invoked: his particular “degree of emphasis … on experiment and induction”; disciplined resistance to “hasty, gratuitous ‘explications’”; and “a striving for higher certitude by considering only what he could measure and describe in the language of mathematics.”5 Thus Newton challenged a limiting conception of the ideal character of physics and vitally contributed to a more powerful one.
These examples not only go to the meaning of the concept of ideal character, but the nature of Newton’s correctives also has some parallel in Mogensen’s approach. As Newton resisted gratuitous “explications” that might block scientific discovery, Mogensen resists gratuitous invention that might block discovery in his art.
Mogensen also makes use of elemental mathematics, derived from antiquity, developed in the Renaissance, and long familiar in architecture and music, but one must look for its significance as it arises out of his engagement with painting. The decision to make form a given is the postulate, mentioned earlier, that he lays down for his painting. More fundamental to Mogensen’s postulate than “mathematics,” however, is that form in Mogensen’s work originates through his adopting rules of progression, the aptness or necessity of which becomes evident in the outcome. These rules are ordering concepts, having suitable properties in relation to particular paintings. What is more, these concepts simply lie at hand, and he uses them, one might say, because they are interestingly sufficient. Thus Mogensen has disinvolved himself with the invention of form, as an end, some thing he had set out to do; rather, he has set out to make paintings of a newly powerful address. This disinvolvement is in itself an enormous accession of freedom, a freedom to heed the subtlest discernments that emerge in the mind’s overview. Unfamiliar, striking form appears in his paintings, but as generated in a grander context by the following of an adopted progression rather than by gratuitous invention.
Mogensen’s following out of an adopted progression is tantamount to following a rule. The following out of a rule compels choosing how to follow it; as a rule is merely regulative, it is left to human agency to determine how it is to be followed; it is a practice rather than a process. The following of the rule imparts to the generation of the work an implicit momentum—felt the more strongly because digression from or abandonment of the rule is denied by its givenness that is a postulate of the work; this inevitably brings occasions of choosing how to follow it. This choice amounts to a necessary, and not gratuitous, response, that may be seen as occasioned invention—with freedom that is made meaningful by its exercise limited to opportunity and contingent circumstances.
With the “blankness” of given form as its origin, Mogensen’s painting, as it is elaborated in rule-following with its necessary choosing of how the rule is to be followed, becomes an exquisite reflection of human agency. In the monochromatic, eight-part “pushed-together rectangles” paintings, for example, the geometric progression 1:2:4:8 appears in the successive lengths of the panels in the upper tier and again in the lower tier, but running in opposite directions. With the first three panels in each tier adding up to seven units (1:2:4), and the last panel being eight units, Mogensen chooses a vertical alignment of the two tiers so that the lines of separation be tween the four-unit and the eight-unit panels in each tier coincide to form a strong vertical axis at the center, crossing the strong horizontal line of separation between the tiers. Thrusting horizon tally in either direction from this strong focus at the center, the eight-unit panels, being one unit longer than the added lengths of the one, two, and four-unit panels in the adjacent tier, break out of the rectangular contour at the left and right extremes. The jogging of the contour so strongly engages the wall space at the left and right sides (a distinctiveness that plays against the focus at the center) that the horizontal extensiveness of the wall is needed. In the six-part monochromatic “pushed-together rectangles” paintings [pages 121, 123, 124–25, 127], on the other hand, the arithmetic progression 1, 2, 3 is used and the sum of the lengths of the first two panels is equal to that of the third, and a similar alignment of the two rows produces a perfectly rectangular form. Significantly, the progressions in the six-part paintings run vertically, down on one side and up on the other, suggesting that, in contradistinction to the eight-part paintings, the six-part paintings are adaptive to the constriction of vertical wall space by floor and ceiling; in fact, only the six-part paintings are expanded to large sizes vertically, which the more placid rectangular shape would permit. Thus the two types of progressions have different “natures,” different possibilities, but only as realized in how the rule of the progression is followed, the human agency that is manifested.
Particularly from Mogensen’s multipanel monochrome paintings it may be understood that color is also a given, and that, like form, given color is made a postulate of his work. If not white or black, it is always an unmixed color such as Prussian blue, cobalt blue, Indian red, terre verte, viridian, cadmium orange, copper, or graphite, intended to be seen against a stark white wall that allows the color to be seen at maximum intensity. Color, isolated and heightened, is seen with a reiterated scanning motion set off by the transitive effect of the arithmetic or geometric progression that is a literal aspect of the material infrastructure. This brings a given color to such a level of live noticing and consideration that it may be proposed as a totalizing entity, a summation of color. Reciprocally, the rule of the progression, with the choices in following it that yield the form, is given its powerfully invested character by its embedment in the material infrastructure of a monochromatic work. In these paintings, color and form each make the other better seen; they are mutually supportive, and neither is subordinated to the other. In different works one may find either color or form as the more prominent; in the case of the “pushed-together rectangles” paintings, for example, form is particularly striking when the rule of the progression and the way it is followed result in a shape that breaks out of the rectangular; yet color and form are essentially in a balanced interrelationship.
The simplicity of this bipolarity underlies a leap of astounding ambition—the eleven-part painting on four walls. This, which is the ultimate example of Mogensen’s “separated rectangles” paintings, is a horizontal progression along the walls of a specially constructed room. It comprises eleven panels, eight feet in height, painted a pure cobalt blue. The room has an entrance at one corner, and the panels progress in width arithmetically from left to right, the series beginning and ending at this entrance. As in all of Mogensen’s “separated rectangles” paintings, there is an interval of wall space following each panel of the same width as the panel. In this work the first panel is one foot wide and each succeeding panel is a foot wider than the preceding one. The intervals of white painted wall between the panels progress in width identically to the point that the progression ends with a panel eleven feet in width.
The presence of this painting is sustained by so powerful a sweeping force across all the walls as to make the viewer feel the hidden part of the painting behind him. The viewer’s normal movement, forward, backward, and laterally, in confronting a traditional painting—to see a detail, to see the whole, to reduce the distortion of viewing angle—is amplified here beyond the usual bounds. The interplay between focused and peripheral vision is drawn into a larger field of activity. The wall is a two-dimensional continuum that asserts a horizontality against which the panels assert their verticality. Here, what Sheldon Nodelman has described as the “latent transitivity” of the wall is acknowledged and made active with the progressive widths of the wall spaces repeating that of the panels. Moreover, the immediate untutored reaction to this work—wondering whether this is all one painting—is quite to the point. Each of the panels, by its lone occupancy of a substantial span of wall, induces consideration of it as a painting in itself; yet the other panels and progressive spaces, seen peripherally while vision is focused on any one panel, make such a consideration only momentary. Thus we are reminded with each panel of how we customarily see a painting addressing us, and, at the same time, that these eleven panels on four walls constitute in their totality a painting that we can receive as such only with participation in a perceptual dynamics. In so doing, the participatory nature of our constructing an understanding of a painting is revealed. In all this the signnature of painting is implicit, and the confidence with which that nature is developed here confirms the value of Mogensen’s non digressive stance and of the potentiation offered by his resisting gratuitous invention in his work, whereby invention, when it comes with occasioned freedom, escapes being already captive to banal purposes.
We see this clearly in two other categories of Mogensen’s paintings, in which the work is contained in a single canvas: the spiral paintings, which are polychromatic and may be round or on a rectangle; and the “dot-dash” paintings (so named because of their horizontal bands of alternating painted segments). Both types of paintings involve more complex organizations than the “pushed-together rectangles” paintings and the “separated rectangles” paintings that have been discussed, but it is proposed that they are no less governed by the approach that has been described.
As a segmented, coiled-band, the spiral offers the possibility of an extended progression. In cuing a rotative scan, it resembles the “pushed-together rectangles” paintings in their usual arrangement of duplicate serial expansions in opposed directions in the upper and lower or in the left and right sides of a work. Given the spiral band form, the scanning momentum is already provided, and is furthered by the progressively longer band segments as the spiral turns outward, with breaks at ninety-degree intervals. Unlike the “pushed-together rectangles” paintings, the form described here would not strategically complement or form a balanced interrelationship with monochrome; if the segmentation at equal angular intervals were retained, the repetition of monochrome within the quadrants would make a senseless outcome. If the segmentation at equal angles were replaced by some other rule of progression, the ordering of form would be excessively prolix and unbalanced in relation to monochrome. Polychrome allows an ordering progression in the element of color itself (the order of colors in the spectrum is the given progression Mogensen chooses) that is in balance with the ordering progression in form as described.
This speculation on the polychromaticity of the coiled-band spiral paintings shows in what direction Mogensen’s consistency lies. Polychrome is occasioned in his work, and exemplifies the occasioned opportunity associated with the ideal character of painting that I propose Mogensen’s work clarifies.
The immense variety of the polychrome spirals would perhaps seem astonishing from the previous discussion, and more so if we also consider that the colors are always unmixed, just as they are in the monochrome work, and that they always follow each other in their order in the spectrum from the center out, changing from one color to the next every quarter-turn.
Since there is choice in how to follow the rules, and freedom in aspects of the work out of their reach, the paintings cannot be deduced from the given form and from the rules of progression. Some paintings are single spirals, others double spirals—two spirals starting 180 degrees out of phase in the center and coiling within each other. The band or bands may be thick or thin, the ground color freely chosen, and the spiral or spirals may start with any color, although the sequence of colors in the spectrum must be followed.
If one sees the freedom described here negatively, because its exercise is contingent and occasioned, one should consider that this work has been generated only by putting aside conceptions of noncontingent and unoccasioned freedom. If the contingency and occasionedness of freedom continue to be questioned, one must also realize that these works are inescapably the outcome of these characteristics, and that they would not exist at all in their absence. It is because Mogensen is consistent in his understanding of his work that the coherence within his paintings arises—a consistency and concertedness of signification throughout a painting’s structure that we recognize as strength. Moreover, to be impressed only with the limitedness of such contingent and occasioned freedom is not to understand that all in human awareness that cannot be directly addressed bleeds through our expression at any opportunity.
The point of concentration of the “dot-dash” paintings is such that the only necessary variation in the element of color is obtainable within the context of monochrome. Here monochrome binds the work in the face of the bristling activity in the development of given form. The variation of the monochrome arises from the necessity of defining the nine horizontal bands of alternating painted segments and bare canvas against a field of the same color as the painted band segments.
This is done simply by a single application of the color in the segments of the bands that are to be painted, which, absorbed by the canvas, appears matte. With two applications of the same color in the field areas between the bands, the paint remains more on the surface and appears relatively glossy.
The bands in the “dot-dash” paintings incorporate sections of bare canvas in a way similar to the incorporation of wall space in the “separated rectangles” paintings. In the “dot-dash” paintings, the matte/glossy variability in the monochrome, plus the bare canvas, represents an ordering in the element of color which, as in the polychrome spirals, is in balance with the ordering progression in form.
An extraordinary aspect of the “dot-dash” paintings is that the development of form by given rules of progression is represented by only one example, a single prototype, that is reiterated in all of the works in this manner, although any number of variants are possible. This in variance of structure, although carried through two formats—square, and rectangular with a fixed width-to-height ratio—and through different sizes and colors, is quite enough to produce, in the experiencing of the works, strongly distinct differences. The “dot-dash” prototype may appear as a modest-size watercolor or be amplified to the great size of the painting reproduced on pages 272–73, a rectangular painting of black acrylic on bare canvas, 135 by 307 inches. Because greater size brings the viewer to more powerful and extreme imaginative experiences in successively yielding to the virtual aspects of the painting and returning to the perception of its actuality and because the structure of the painting shows so brilliant an awareness of this “voyaging” and is so self-consonant with regard to it, the differences in size are strongly distinctive. Moreover, color is so sharply apprehended in this context—even more be cause of the matte/glossy variability and the internal heightening of the color by the contrast with the bare canvas—the use of each color is a new experience of that color. The invariance of the “dot-dash” prototype is attributable to the far greater importance—again with regard to the ideal character of painting which Mogensen’s work clarifies—of showing that variation is less needed than gaining further distinctiveness between paintings of this kind through gratuitous variation. (I would add here an indication that Mogensen attends precisely to the experiencing of these paintings, although in doing so he is simply choosing how to follow the rules of the progressions: in a “dot-dash” work of square format and the chosen monochromatic color aluminum paint—with whose metallic sheen, presumably, the distinction between matte and glossy would largely lose its usefulness—the field between the bands is left bare canvas, the bare canvas segments within the bands are defined by horizontal pencil lines at top and bot tom, and the thickness of the bands made twice normal to offset the paleness of the color.)
As to the development of form in the “dot-dash” paintings, the rules Mogensen follows comprise three different harmonic progressions, each a sequence of three small whole numbers. These progressions appear in theories of Renaissance architecture and have their counterparts in music with intervals in the diatonic scale—fourth, fifth, octave—and combinations thereof. Taking as an example the rectangular format paintings, the ratio between the extreme terms of the first progression initially determines the ratio of the painting’s width to its height. The complete first progression, comprising three numbers, deter mines the sequential lengths of the three alternating bare canvas and black painted segments in the horizontal band at the very top of the canvas. In the second horizontal band down from the top, the same three-part progression, in relative lengths of the alternating bare canvas and black-painted segments, is repeated directly under each segment in the top horizontal band, giving nine segments in three groups. In the third band down from the top, the last in the top tier, we again have the same three-part progression in segmentation repeated directly under each segment in the second band, giving twenty-seven segments in nine groups. So we may note that there is another rule of progression (perhaps related to the three-part nature of the harmonic progression), a geometric progression in powers of three (31, 32, 33) in the increase in the number of segments from the first to the third band. Finally, the governing three-part harmonic progression in this tier appears again in the three successive vertical spans of the glossier solid black field sectors following below each of the tier’s three bands.
In addition to the top tier of the three bands, there is a central tier and a bottom tier, each of three bands. The central and bottom tiers are each governed by a different three-part har monic progression than governed the top tier, but otherwise both are developed in precisely the same way.
The value of this taxing description of the “dot-dash” prototype is that it reveals the freedom of choice that lies within a rule of progression, an ordering concept. The three-part harmonic progression is a rule, and the geometric progression in the number of segments in a band is a rule, but both are chosen, and chosen to operate interactively. The form in which the rule-following is manifested is also chosen, for example, the repetition within the confines of each segment of the band above. Moreover, acknowledging the necessity for coherence of distinguishing the band in its entirety from the field produces a necessary formal invention in the course of rule-following, an invention which interrelates with the ordering of the element of color within monochrome.
The freedom in rule-following expands much further, encompassing within its operational field all of the subtleties of the artist’s overview, and permitting the finest insinuation of visual logic. Consider Mogensen’s choice of three different harmonic progressions for the three tiers of the painting: if we imagine this painting to consist of only one of the three tiers, it would resolve itself too easily, too quickly. The juxtaposition of two tiers comprising different progressions introduces incompatibility in their mutual interaction, and the three tiers together multiply this incompatibility to the greatest possible point before confusion sets in. In effect, by this means, Mogensen reduces redundancy in the work to a minimum, and thereby blocks any easy visual understanding and resolution of it.
The ideal character I have alluded to with respect to Mogensen’s work is not proposed to be prescriptive, but rather as a way of understanding. In any case, profound painting must have a bearing on the definition of the engagement of painting, at least by implication. A reason to consider Mogensen’s art in terms of the ideal character of painting is that its risk so much seems to be his counting on ideas in the realm of ideal character, ideas of such rare clear-sightedness that we can hardly be prepared for them. And this is no small part of the deep joy we may have in his work.
Published on the occasion of
September 27–November 4, 2018
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The Mediterranean Diet is a plant-based diet. Long before plant-based eating became popular, the Mediterranean Diet has always been a plant-based diet, and it always will be.
Plant-based eating is important for both human health and the health of our planet. As Dr. Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, wrote in the summary report’s introduction to the EAT LANCET Commission on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems:
“Transformation to healthy diets by 2050 will require substantial dietary shifts. Global consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes will have to double, and consumption of foods such a red meat and sugar will have to be reduced by more than 50%. A diet rich in plant-based foods and with fewer animal source foods confers both improved health and environmental benefits.”
Consumers are responding. The Hartman Group, an ethnographic research group, reports “that with half of consumers seeking “plant-based” as an attribute, the movement has clearly gone mainstream.” They also report “a growing concern about ingredients and processing levels of these products—especially plant-based meat alternatives—is sending more discerning consumers in search of simpler, purer replacements.
Look no further than the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid, and Mediterranean cuisines, dishes and ingredients that put plant-based eating squarely in the middle of anyone’s plate. Or, as Plant-Powered Dietitian Sharon Palmer puts it, “No matter what your eating style—omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan—you can take on a more Mediterranean-style diet for health benefits.”
What is plant forward cooking? To some, it means vegan or eating no animal products. To most, though, plant-forward or plant-based cooking means that plants are the predominant part of the meal or the dish. While there may be small amounts of meat, poultry, cheese or other dairy products in a dish or meal, it’s the plants that are the stars of the dish or meal. The Mediterranean Diet clearly fits that definition.
As the guidance alongside Oldways Mediterranean Diet Pyramid advises, “base every meal on these plant foods.” To help you put plants at the center of your plate, here’s a brief Mediterranean Diet tour of the plants that make this way of eating so healthy and delicious.
Whole grains are an essential ingredient in plant-based eating—they are a canvas that bring all the other great plant foods together. They also provide more fiber, more protein, and higher levels of many essential nutrients than their refined counterparts. Traditional Mediterranean whole grains include lots of wheat based foods, like whole wheat pasta, whole grain flatbreads like whole wheat pita, and grains like farro, freekeh, and bulgur wheat. Whole grain corn polenta, whole grain barley rusks, and brown rice are also great ways to add whole grains to your meals.
Bulgur in Turkey: Bulgur is already pre-cooked, so it’s a wonderful solution for a quick, easy dinner. We love Ayfer’s Kisir, a simple, traditional bulgur recipe, created by Turkish food writer Ayfer Unsal, and adapted by Oleana Chef Ana Sortun for the 2012 Oldways Culinary tour in Gaziantep and Istanbul. Ana first tasted this kisir when Ayfer organized a pot luck lunch in 1996, with almost 20 home cooks from Gaziantep.
Paella in Spain: You’ll love this Spring Pea and Peanut Paella with Brown Rice. Because of the outer bran, brown rice is less likely to clump together during cooking. This is especially advantageous for dishes like Spanish paella, where the grains should be distinct, rather than starchy or sticky. The key is to give the brown rice a little bit of a head start, partially boiling it before you begin the paella process.
Farro in Italy: While we learned about Italian Bean and Farro Soup from a chef at our Whole Grains Conference in 2011, it is a great example of how Italian cooks match farro with another great plant food—beans. The creative chef at the conference cooked everything together, then separated the broth from the vegetables, beans, and farro. We had the fun of adding hot broth to our cup o’ goodies—a great alternative to having lukewarm soup with mushy contents.
Along with fruits, vegetables are the food that everyone thinks of when they hear “plant foods.” There are many Mediterranean vegetables that Americans can enjoy or take inspiration from. Grain bowls, vegetable-based soups, and salads are a great way to incorporate more vegetables into your daily routine.
Greens in Italy: Orecchiette con Cime di Rape is a classic pasta dish of the southern region of Puglia, the heel of the boot of Italy. Cime di rape, or turnip tops, are the greens sold in American produce markets as broccoli di rape or broccoli rabe. This magnificent vegetable is both delicious, with a bitter bite that is extraordinarily pleasing, and nutritious, with all the remarkable properties of the cabbage family—loaded with antioxidants and other healthy things. If you are unable to find broccoli rabe, you may substitute ordinary broccoli, but the dish will lack the complex flavors that come from the combination of bitter broccoli rabe, sweet garlic, oil, salty anchovies, and pungent chile peppers. Orecchiette is the pasta shape known as “little ears,” because they resemble the shape of a small ear.
Zucchini with inspiration from Greece and Cyprus. Mediterranean Scramble with Zucchini and Halloumi is inspired by the traditional “Courgettes with Eggs” or “Kolokouthkia me t’afka” dish in Cyprus and Greece. Perhaps more traditional in Greece is Briam, a roasted vegetable dish with zucchini, tomatoes, onions and olive oil.
Eggplant in Turkey. Eggplant rollups are a great introduction to eggplant. The stuffing can change but be sure to make sure you’re including other plant foods. This recipe features a peanut stuffing with a delicious tomato sauce. More traditional is Imam bayildi, an eggplant stuffed with tomatoes, onion, peppers and herbs and spices.
Fruits burst with flavor and nutrients and can satisfy your craving for sweets. Choose from a wide range of delicious fruits—from fresh figs and oranges to pomegranates, grapes, and apples. Dried fruits such as raisins, figs, prunes, apricots, and cherries are also very Mediterranean. Fruits are the traditional dessert in the Mediterranean and can also be incorporated into dishes for any part of the meal.
Baked fruit in all Mediterranean countries. Oldways enjoyed Parchment Baked Fruit on one of our culinary trips to Spain. Our version includes apricots, mango, peach, melon, and pomegranate seeds, but feel free to use any fruit that you wish! Dried fruit (like cranberries or apricots) also make a wonderful addition.
Dried fruit in the Eastern Mediterranean: Dried fruit and nuts can often be found nestled into Eastern Mediterranean rice pilafs. In this recipe, Brown Rice Pilaf with Golden Raisins and Almonds, golden raisins add a delicious, tangy bite to the earthy flavors of the spices and the rice.
Fruit Salads all around the Mediterranean: Watermelon, Fennel and Niçoise Olive Salad is refreshing, delicious and easy-to-make, and is your passport to summer, Mediterranean style. Watermelon is such a natural crowd-pleaser, and this recipe, an adaptation of the traditional Sicilian Blood Orange Fennel Salad, proves that it goes well with Mediterranean flavors like smoky Niçoise-Coquillo olives, fennel, and red onion.
Beans, Peas, Lentils and Chickpeas
Beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas are also known as legumes or pulses and are key in the Mediterranean Diet. Legumes provide the best source of concentrated protein in the plant kingdom, according to The Peanut Institute’s website. Beyond protein, there’s plenty of great nutrition news about legumes: legumes are high in fiber and phytonutrients, low in sodium (as long as canned legumes are fully rinsed and drained), have a low glycemic index, and for those who need to worry, legumes are gluten free.
Chickpeas in Morocco: The mint, cumin and coriander give Moroccan Bulgur and Chickpea Salad a great North African taste. You can vary the chopped vegetables to suit whatever you have on hand. Quantities don’t really matter in the salad itself; taste as you go!
Black Eyed Peas in Crete, Greece: This recipe for Mixed Greens and Tomatoes with Black-Eyed Peas from legendary Mediterranean cookbook author Paula Wolfert is her favorite recipe for greens, adapted from her book Mediterranean Grains and Greens. This recipe makes us recall fondly her trips with Oldways to Turkey, Greece, and southern Italy, where she relentlessly pursued horta, or greens, and older ladies who would show her their “old ways” of cooking them.
Chickpeas in Italy: In Tuscany, “in zimino” is a term often used to describe dishes cooked with greens and tomato. One popular choice is this version, Chickpeas Inzimino, one of the infinite variations of “beans-and-greens” found in Italy.
Gigante Beans in Greece: To make Greek-style Gigante Beans, look for bags of large white dried beans at any store that sells Mediterranean foods. Allow time to soak the beans for at least eight hours. And, once they’re cooked, freeze some for a meal down the road.
Nuts and Peanuts
As we wrote in a recent blog, Mediterranean nuts—almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts—and peanuts are nutrient-dense foods that offer heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols (antioxidants found in plants). To take advantage of these wonderful health benefits and the good taste of nuts and peanuts, we’ve learned to toast and sprinkle or spread nuts and peanuts on salads, yogurt, cereal, and desserts, or add them to cheese boards or appetizer plates. While it’s a great idea to toast, spread, and sprinkle, there’s a whole world (or a whole day!) of deliciousness to be enjoyed by incorporating nuts and peanuts into dishes at every meal.
Walnuts in Italy: Walnuts added to this classic Italian pasta dish, Pasta Puttanesca with Mixed Olives and Walnuts, give the dish an added boost from the polyunsaturated fat and Omega 3s in the walnuts. We created this dish as a way to Mediterraneanize five standard American dishes. This recipe, made with whole grain pasta, is hearty, healthy and delicious.
Almonds or Peanuts in Spain: Ajo blanco is a nutty, creamy chilled soup made with almonds from the Andalusia region of Spain. This recipe for Peanut Ajo Blanco is inspired by a technique that Nancy Harmon Jenkins demonstrated during the 1992 Oldways Symposium in Barcelona, Seville, and Madrid. For a twist on the original, this version uses peanuts and rustic whole grain bread.
Almonds in Greece: Island Skordalia Dip is a classic, delicious Greek dip, and is perfect as a spread, with mezes (small dish-appetizer), or as an accompaniment to a fish or meat main course.
The importance of healthy fats is key to understanding and embracing the Mediterranean Diet. No surprise, we’ve written previously with a more detailed explanation of dietary fats, including MUFAs and PUFAs in the Mediterranean Guide to Healthy Fats.
One of the hallmarks of the Mediterranean Diet is extra virgin olive oil. It’s a heart healthy fat—a “good fat”—that helps to make Mediterranean cooking so delicious. As renowned Greek nutrition scientist Antonia Trichopoulou puts it, “olive oil makes the vegetables go down.” Happily, there are also a number of other healthy “good” Mediterranean fats that also contribute to great tasting, healthy Mediterranean dishes and meals: olives, tree nuts, peanuts, fish oils, and avocados.
Basic Vinaigrette. This basic vinaigrette is a starting point for building any kind of salad dressing you can dream up. Add herbs and spices, try flavored oils and vinegars, replace vinegar with citrus juice, or experiment with different types of vinegar for endless variations. We’ve also offered some variations to get your creative juices flowing.
Olives and Olive Oil in Italy: Orzo with Feta, Olives, Tomatoes and Dill is an Italian-inspired summer dish and is not really a recipe, since all of the ingredients are added according to taste and sight. In other words, if it looks like a nice, balanced combination of all of the ingredients and it tastes great, it’s ready! Serve this with a good whole grain peasant bread, a side salad of mesclun greens in vinaigrette, and wine, and you’ve got a perfect summer lunch.
Avocado in France: A tartine is an open-faced sandwich. In this French-inspired version—Roasted Tomato and Avocado Tartine—toasted bread gets a creamy avocado spread and a sprinkling of roasted tomatoes, basil and lemon juice for boosted flavor. Serve for lunch or a savory breakfast.
Herbs and Spices
When Oldways updated the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid in 2008, the group of scientists who met made the recommendation (among others) that herbs and spices be added to it. Their reasoning? First, herbs and spices give regional expression to Mediterranean cooking. In other words, herbs and spices can make a dish Greek or Turkish or Italian, depending upon the herbs and spices used. Furthermore, using herbs and spices can also reduce the need for a lot of added salt.
Common herbs found throughout the Mediterranean include: basil, bay leaf (aka laurel leaf), chervil, chives, cilantro, dill, fennel, fenugreek, lavender, marjoram, mint, oregano (Italian, Greek), parsley, rosemary, saffron, sage, savory, tarragon and thyme. There’s definitely an herb out there to suit everyone’s taste.
Za’atar in Lebanon. Za’atar is a Middle Eastern spice blend used in many recipes, from flatbreads to grilled meats. In this recipe for Eggplant Dip with Yogurt and Za’atar, the za’atar adds an herby brightness to the eggplant and balances out the yogurt nicely.
Cumin in Morocco: This Carrot Salad is from Paula Wolfert’s award winning book, Couscous and other good Food from Morocco, was served at the final lunch at Oldways’ 1st Mediterranean Diet Conference in 1993.
Mint and Parlsey in Lebanon: Oldways Fattoush is a wonderful, clean-tasting salad with an incredible dressing, adapted from a recipe in The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook by Nancy Harmon Jenkins. Be sure to use both the mint and the parsley!
The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts
Now that you’ve toured the plants of the Mediterranean, it is clear that the Mediterranean magic is not each food on its own. The recipes are all combinations of a variety of plant foods. While each of these stars of the plant world is healthy, delicious and important on its own, the real power of the Mediterranean diet is—as Aristotle is quoted as saying—the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is the overall Mediterranean Diet.
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Sunday 3 March 2019
07.18 pm – Today, I discovered something about some of my grandchildren which has caused me to think a bit – a lot. You see, there is a difference between parenting and grand-parenting, and never the twain shall meet, as they say. I can order my children but can only request my children do something when it comes to how they raise their children. It’s never a good idea to interfere. My mother was always interfering about my children but it’s not how things are done today. So, I must just remain in splendid isolation – see no one and just sit it out and wait.
07.22 pm – Please can you all have a look online – ‘the final speech of Clarence Darrow in the Leopold and Loeb Trial.’ If possible, watch the film ‘Compulsions’ and what a great final speech. Darrow and F. Lee Bailey (whom I had the pleasure of meeting several times) are two of my favourite lawyers as is F.E. Smith, later, Lord Birkenhead. Watch the film ‘The Winslow Boy’ and the lawyer there is F.E. Smith. Another great was Ivan Lawrence QC who defended Dr John Bodkin Adams. The then-Attorney General Manningham-Buller QC was against him. Funny because Manningham-Bullers’ daughter Eliza was head of Ml5, a great lady, believe you me.
Monday 4 March 2019
12.39 pm – Today I wrote to the President of the Republic of Indonesia about the 62-year-old Mrs Sandiford and I requested the application of clemency. I wrote and asked that her sentence be committed to life and repatriated back to the UK. You can get life for Class A drugs so the sentence can easily be administered in this country. Let’s see what happens. I mean honestly to hang or kill a grandmother of 62 is crazy. Still, as they say when in Rome do as the Romans do!!!
12.42 pm – I also wrote to Jean-Claude Junker of the European Commission about whether or not this country ever lawfully joined the EU, after all the European Communities Act 1972 refers to a country that does not exist!!! There is no ‘United Kingdom’ and whilst in conversation, you might get away with it not so in legal documents!!! We will see what blows!
12.44 pm – Last week the Governor found a size 38 short pair of grey jeans for me. I was never really a tracksuit person so the past year and more I’m back to wearing what I call proper clothes. However, I have not felt so happy as receiving a pair of trousers. You need to remember that I have had no clothes parcel and seen no one on visits for six years and two years respectively. No one’s fault – it’s just a fact.
Tuesday 5 March 2019
10.01 pm – Things look like they may well take a turn for the better. I just need to keep the faith. Healthwise seems OK but for some strange reason, I think that the whole situation may improve. My typewriter has broken so that is a pain in the neck but I will get over it. The weather is slightly better also, so, that improves the mood.
10.04 pm – Let’s make my diary a bit more interesting. OK! Rabbits? Before the First World War rabbits were an important food for the poor and to such an extent that they were even imported from Belgium called ‘Ostend Rabbits.’ At the outbreak of the War, of course, imports stopped so rabbit trapper were enlisted. There was even a Parliamentary Debate on rabbits as heated as Brexit is today and the price of rabbit meat was fixed by the Food Controller. By 1916 food rationing was introduced rabbits were ‘off rationing.’ The Government promoted keeping rabbits and there was even a rabbit club at Buckingham Palace. However, feeding rabbits was hard because hay and oats were scarce. That was needed for the horses in France. The law said that under the Defence of the Realm Act it was a crime to feed animals food that a human could eat. Frozen rabbit meat was imported from Australia to feed the troops. ‘An Army marches on its stomach’ it is said. The First World War saw that the army marched on rabbit food and rabbits helped win Britain the First World War, not bullets.
Wednesday 6 March 2019
(written 5 March at 10.15 pm) – I was thinking about Turkey because we have a few Turkish people here. So, I thought of the Ottoman Empire and remembered that Turkey once banned the printing press. Mass-produced books were possible in the 14th Century thanks to a German Goldsmith called Johanny Gutenberg who introduced typecasting. When his printing press spread through Europe it was not welcomed when it hit the Easter Mediterranean in 1492 which was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Easy to see why Professional manufacturers who wrote by hand were against it – why? It would make them redundant. The French Franciscan Priest Andre Thevet said that in 1483 Sultan Bajazet II decreed anyone caught with a printing press would be executed. It was confirmed also by Selim I in 1515. However, not all agreed with Thevet. I’m not sure but if my history still sticks in my head, after 50 years Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli who dealt with the Ottomans for over 20 years wrote a book about the military. He said the reason the Ottomans did not print as many books was that books were not worthy of being printed. Well, not much changed since then. The Ottoman did not want Christians or Jews to profit from publishing en-masse. Jews fled to Turkey after King Ferdinand of Spain expelled all Jews in 1492. They were allowed to print books only sufficient to be read by their own race. Of course, today, wow! Publishing is so easy. You can do it yourself which has made the quality of content much lower. Jeez, I hope I got the dates and names right. It’s 50 years since I did this in history with Mr Blakes.
Thursday 6 March 2019
07.14 pm – Today I’m a bit sad because someone here has made a big mistake and has to pay for the consequences of pure folly. I know I should not give a damn about other people’s errors and only look at my own but I would not be human if I did not have some compassion.
07.14 pm – OK, now, here is an interesting fact: there are no moles in Ireland. That is correct no moles – the animal ones of course!!! The reason if I remember my geography/geology classes in 1969 are that when the last Ice Age ended about 12,000 years ago the World’s warm-blooded animals migrated north, following the retreating ice as new grass grew. Animals such as bison, deer, wild sheep and cattle were followed by predators such as bears and wolves. The mole took longer to migrate. Burrowing made their progress much slower and they had to wait for food, such as earthworms to move first. Remember – follow the food chain!!! Worms rely on soil to warm them and provide them with the energy to move. It would have taken several hundred years after the Ice Age for the soil to reach the temperature for worms to survive all year. The ice receded, the Irish sea was formed by breaking of the land bridge that connected N. Ireland to Scotland. The low-lying land further south flooded to form the sea. Ireland has no snakes or lizards as they are also cold-blooded creatures that rely on the suns warmth to give them energy. Funny old facts that I remember from school.
Friday 8 March 2019
(Written 07.03.2019 @ 07.28pm) – I remembered that I wrote an article in my book called ‘Of Mice and Men’ which was taken from the famous book. That made me remember at school about inventions that have never been improved. My father in law was a famous inventor of a top valve but I guess all of you will say that the wheel is the most obvious invention that has not been improved to date. The wheel was invented about 4,500 BC. However, the barbed wire which was invented in, I think, (jeez…) 1874 by Joseph Glidden from Illinois in the USA. That has never been improved upon. Now, here is where the ‘mice’ come into play. Let me test my blessed memory!!! I reckon it was in 1903 or 1904 (I think 1903) that a guy called John Mast improved the invention of the mousetrap by William Hooker by making it safer to load. That same mechanism is still used today. I just hope I got the names right. John Mast, I remembered because of the mast of ship and William Hooker – well, we might get to remember the names of people by word association. Absolutely what he was. I don’t know about you, but I had a heavy time at school and it was hard because I lacked the confidence because I was a foreigner, but I do miss those days.
Saturday 9 March 2019
07.24 pm – I received yesterday, such a lovely email from Dec Cluskey of the Bachelors. They were a group in the 1960s who were bigger than the Beatles and who nearly won San Remo! Those were the days. They are still recording and doing such a great job. Frankly, they should, and deserve to be greater than Status Quo, Rolling Stones and as I said in their time, they knocked the Beatles off their perch. Dec Cluskey has been my friend for a good few years and unlike many has not been a fair-weather friend. When I am back in Italy, I will name publicly those that have remained my friends and those who turned their backs on me. I know already the old excuses but it won’t wash at all. They will all seek to justify their position and stance and good luck to them, but they won’t be eating from my table again. It’s actually sad because for me loyalty and remaining friends are all-important. It’s all about a man’s word and honour. That is how I was raised and how as Shakespeare best put it.
‘To thyne own self be true.’
So, thank you Dec and your wonderful family. I hope we can do a song together soon.
Sunday 10 March 2019
07.30 pm – I feel as if I have been well and truly ‘sold down the river!’ I guess you know what that means don’t you? However, do you know how it came about, well, here goes, and again, this is thanks to my history teacher Mr Blakes? The term signified a kind of what I call profound betrayal. The term though comes from the slave trade. Yes, the slave trade. In the 19th century Kentucky in the USA that was the centre of slavery. The global demand for cotton required over 1 million slaves transported to the deep South between 1790 and 1860. They would be taken to Louisville to be ‘sold down the river.’ In other words, sent down to Ohio and Mississippi rivers and transported to cotton plantations. Mark Twain used the phrase in Huckleberry Finn when he says ‘he ain’t no slave. Old Miss Watson died two months ago, and she was ashamed she was ever going to sell him down the river and said so and she let him free in her will.’ (That part thanks to my English Literature teacher Mick Wright who died in the 1970s in a car crash God rest his soul.) The figurative use of the phrase meaning to deceive began in 1927 in P.G. Woodhouse ‘small bachelor states.’ When Sigsbee Waddington married for the second time, he to all intent and purposes sold himself down the river. Again, thanks to my wonderful English teacher RIP Mick Wright. Well, now you know.
Monday 11 March 2019
07.09 pm – I am hoping I can get you to understand cancer. The first-time cancer is mentioned is in the Edwin Smith Papyrus which was an ancient Egyptian medical text bought by Edwin Smith in, I think, 1862. It was Hippocrates (430-370 BC) who coined the word. He used the term carcinoma and carcinoma to describe ulcer forming and ulcer forming tumors. The word comes from ‘Karkinos’ meaning crab, and it was crabs that were used to be applied to the tumours because the swollen veins around them looked like limbs of crabs. Up to the 17th Century the word in English was canker when it was superseded by cancer. Galen (AD 130-200) also used the Onkos (Greek for swelling) to describe tumours. This now leads to what are today called Oncologists. Of course, those of you who know the star signs will know that the star sign Cancer (I am one 1 July) is named after the crab. Its use is traced to the well-known story of Hercules. Now ‘Karkinos’ was a giant crab dispatched by the Goddess Hera to aid Hydra in its battle with Hercules at Lerna. The hero crushed it with his foot. As a reward for its service, Hera placed it among the Stars as a constellation.
07.20 pm -Well, as I have cancer, I thought you would be interested (a) in the origin of the illness and (b) the star sign. Funny that I have cancer and was born on the 1 July making me of the star sign Cancer. By the way, at my school, all the above was necessary learning!!!
Tuesday 12 March 2019
08.05 pm – Well, the House of Commons has declined to exit the EU with the deal negotiated. How sad and that goes to show just how stupid the Houses of Parliament is. It would appear this country wants to leave but the Members of Parliament do not. So, there is a contrast between the elected and the electorate. That is why we Europeans want this country out!!!
Wednesday 13 March 2019
07.54 am – I was sad to hear that Odile Rubirosa the ex-wife (actually the widow of) of Porfirio Rubirosa has died. I had the pleasure of meeting her in 1973 in Rio De Janeiro, at Ipanima Club, the White Horse Club. She was blonde, scantily dressed but a true lady. Her husband at that time was Paulo Marinho, and the only reason I remember him is that this name is similar to Jose Mourinho the ‘special one.’ I got to tell you this – she danced on top of the piano that was in the middle of the room at the White Horse Club without wearing underwear. I was just over 18 years of age and, quite naive and, could not believe what I, and others, had seen!!! Then at the Club, I saw for example strip teasers which I could not figure out what they were doing in a Jazz Club. I guess Odile was trying to compete. In 1973 she was 37 and other than her public display, she really behaved as a lady in private. God bless her soul.
Thursday 14 March 2019
08.21 pm – You have to laugh. The Government Legal Department have ‘erred’ yet again. When will the Government and its professional advisors actually understand the law? One not only has to question whether anyone at the Treasury Solicitors is actually ‘qualified’ but also if so whether they have any legal experience? They quote Acts of Parliament that don’t exist and think that I would not check upon them? Incredible! I’m here for much less, by the way, soon, an update on what went on behind the scenes in my case.
Friday 15 March 2019
08.30 pm – Had a lovely email from Dec Cluskey and Caroline – boy does Caroline have it hard because of all the other stuff she has to do I must be also a hard task but boy oh boy what a great job she does with OPC Global. Some terrific news stories. On Wednesday and Thursday Pick TV showed the documentary I made with Fred Dinenage on Charlie Richardson. We don’t get the channel because of the absurd rules of the MOJ. When Grayling was Secretary of State. Did you know it costs the prison service money to block Freeview (what is free)? What the ‘bajaysus’ is that all about. What a crazy organisation funded by the public pays money to block what is free? Crazy – and thus everyone’s gone nuts!!!
Saturday 16 March 2019
05.53 pm – Nice to see that Caroline on TV is referred to as my ‘trusted and loyal friend.’ It’s the correct title and being a loyal friend is something one can be proud of. The problem is that there are few loyal and supportive friends, but Caroline is so, thank you to the TV programme. One thing my mother taught me but I never learned the lesson – when you win, try and keep your mouth shut. Well, a few people will soon be learning that lesson and will find that in 2013 they actually won nothing!!!
Sunday 17 March 2019
(written 16/3/2019 @ 09.01 pm) – There are some quite good songs I recorded – one song available on YouTube is ‘Last Night Was Made For Love’ a song by Billy Fury – my version I really liked. There is a great line:
‘No cloud could hide the moon from view.’
08.13 pm – I have to say publicly a big thank you to Wayne Stubbs and his family. Wayne from October 2017 – yes 2017 – Has arranged for me to receive the Daily Mail every day and the weekend which has the much sought after here – The TV Guide. There was no need for him to do anything for me and I did not know him well, other than he had been badly wronged by the system. Of all the so-called friends – professional, personal and family – only a few shining stars and Wayne is one. No point in me saying more but can I say I could fill several pages of names who have done nothing for me. No problem, because unlike many I don’t hold grudges at all. I just get on with life. However, of the few who betrayed the principles of their profession in their eagerness to put me down, well, destiny and karma will one day pay each a visit. I wish those well because the better those people do, the more they will realise what a mistake they made about me.
08.21 pm – My case is going back to the Court of Appeal and so we will see how things pan out. The Court of Appeal was formed in 1907 to right wrongs. To date, they have somewhat lost their way in the wilderness of the legal jungle. We need a David Livingstone and a Stanley to bring them back!!!
Tuesday 19 March 2019
08.56 pm – ‘The youth within a man will never die unless he murders it!!!!’
I thought that would attract your attention. It’s an old Chinese saying and how true it is. On a completely different note I want to mention Bernard L Madoff. I first met him in 1989 and again in 1990 in New York during my MGM days. I also heard his name from Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland, and an Italian Bank but Florio Fionni was involved in it.
09.59pm – The trouble with Mr. Madoff was that he was looking for investment capital and we were looking for loans secured by our film library. So, it follows that nothing came of anything but he was a very polite and charismatic man. Move on to 2008 and, of course, we all know what happened to him, but he gave himself up; he pleaded guilty to all charges at the first instance and in the following years whilst serving a 150 years sentence (absurd sentence) both his sons died. What the eff is the matter with people. That man needs compassion and don’t anyone give me that clap trap about what compassion he should give to others. He has served 11 years and he should be pardoned in the sense his sentence remitted. So, I’m going to write to Donald Trump. I may be a solitary voice but it will be heard.
Wednesday 20 March 2019
08.00pm – I don’t know if you have studied the history of London but from 1801 to 1851 the population grew from less than one million to 2.25 million. The biggest problem that London then faced was…well do you know? What do you think? OK – the dead. You see an increase in population = increase in the dead and how to dispose of the dead. Coffins were stacked in 20 foot shafts and often bones came out of the earth and coffins dug up and sold as firewood. In 1829 an architect called Willson (yes double l which is how I remembered his name) prepared a blueprint called Metropolitan sepulcher. He proposed – yes, it’s true, a pyramid at Giza which is 13 acres. It would be 94 stories’ high, four times the height of St. Paul’s Cathedral. He costed out the project of the pyramid. General Cemetery Company would sell shares to investors which would realise a profit of £11 million based on 40,000 bodies annually. It was however, never built. A lawyer called George Corden proposed cemeteries modelled on garden graveyards created in France. In 1832 Parliament passed a bill encouraging private cemeteries outside London. Over the next few years several were built. Although the pyramid cemetery did not go-ahead similar ideas actually took off in Israel and Brazil. Oslo is considering it. I’m being buried in Italy and won’t participate in any pyramid schemes….
Thursday 21 March 2019
07.51pm – I could not but write to Donald Trump about applying some compassion to Bernard Madoff. I don’t want to hear any shite from anyone about how evil he is and what he did -we all know what we do. At least he was a man and surrendered himself, pleaded guilty and was alienated by all. His two sons died – one committed suicide and the other got cancer. Is that not punishment enough? Is America not founded by the Founding Fathers on compassion? The two boys died without reconciling with their father. Is that not punishment enough. What the eff good does it do for Madoff to die in jail? And what part did the main banks play in his fraud? Jeez they were co-conspirators but of course you know the saying:
Give a man a gun
He will rob a bank
Give a man a bank
He will rob everyone
I publish my letter to President Trump. He has redeemed many mortgages so let’s see if he can redeem Madoff. I mean, if President Trump can try with the Chairman of N. Korea why cannot he try with Madoff. The man has done 11 years. He is old and, he is remorseful and, suffered enough.
Friday 22 March 2019
07.27pm – Another day with no nearer to what is happening. I do however, know one thing:- my case is going back to the Court of Appeal and another quite interesting fact:- my friend Karen Todner ranked as the top solicitor in the UK lives in a Stately home that was once the home of one of the wives of none other than Henry VIII!!! Incredible. I will have to tease her a little when I hear her again.
Saturday 23 March 2019
(written 22/03/2019 @ 09.35pm) I see with some interest that Lapo Elkann has taken my idea of inter branding and used if for his brand Garage Acacia. Well, I will be seeing him when I’m in Milan and I look forward to a good conversation.
06.06pm – E Tenebris Ad Lucem
Sunday 24 March 2019
07.42pm – I hope my family excuse me for my lack of contact. There is nothing new, and I’m now six years into a politically motivated prosecution and a sentence based on forged PNCs of which I’m certain that all, save ‘perhaps’ the Judge, knew. Certainly, David Aronberg QC knew as did Jerry Wolten, but who orchestrated it – still to find out.
Monday 25 March 2019
07.13pm – Do you ever get those grrr moments? Believe it or not, many years back when I was too young to legally sign a contract I was offered ‘The Naked Civil Servant’ by Phillip Mackie. The offer was an option for £500 which I could have obtained – don’t ask how though. But I refused because I thought who would want to see a play about homosexuals? I had not even had my first experience of sex hill!!! But I guess better than that what about who refused to buy Google in 1999? Graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page who were at Stanford University wanted to sell Google as it was taking up too much of their time. They offered it to George Bell of Excite for one million dollars. Bell made a counter offer of $750,000 which was refused. The rest is history. Google is now worth $100 million and Excite is listed like 4,000 in the top companies!!! The other big eff up must be Russia selling Alaska to the USA. So, there you have it – I wonder if I had accepted the option the Naked Civil Servant my life would have been different? I guess it must be eh? Do you ever wonder if you had done this, that, or the other, how things would have worked out? Who know eh????
Tuesday 26 March 2019
(written 25 March 2019 at 09.33pm) – For whatever reason I was thinking about Victoria Gotti and what she once said: “A lion is still a lion even if the lion is in a cage.” My so-called partner at MGM in 1990 had a kudos and got to know the Goth family but I know that many in the family did not like him but Victoria appreciated my viewpoint in life – namely that the role of a father is the protective circle around the family. I followed that but somewhere along the way must have lost my direction. I have realised why my family have behaved different from that of the Gotti family – my family is not a ‘crime’ family. Sometimes, though, I wish I had formed a criminal enterprise because I’m convicted of it – wrongly and falsely – so, why not be what was alleged? No better as I am – alone but with my head held high. My first headline in Yugoslavia in a magazine called Duga was Srpski Lav U Hollyvood – ‘a Serbian lion in Hollywood.’ Well, this lion has been in a cage for six years, and is hungry for space when the cage door is open!!!
08.05pm – I saw an Immigration Officer on the walkway today. I asked him “where’s my passport?” Reply: “Don’t know” well there you have it. So, I’m stuck here for a few more days/weeks who knows but future will prevail.
Wednesday 27 March 2019
Today I have been in prison 6 fucking years for a crime I did not commit and the conviction was obtained using false testimony, false witnesses and a corrupt prosecutor using forged PNCs. Someone, sometime will get into a lot of trouble over this. Those responsible have already started making mistakes. The whole situation has not left me bitter. I have learned a lot in 6 years and the only real victims are my family not the liars, cheats, criminals that pretended to be aggrieved. No matter. They are all forgiven by me but by destiny and the power??????
Thursday 28 March 2019
09.00pm – Today its 6 years that by using false and forged evidence I was sent to prison. Well, the comeback – has started and all those who lied and forged documents to see me convicted will be exposed – you know who by? Themselves!!!! One has just happened. On another front, all OK, I miss my family but I will be much stronger when I’m back – remember Charles Endell Esquire? Ah, you need to be my age to know what I’m on about.
Friday 29 March 2019
06.42pm – This silly country has yet again voted not to endorse the withdrawal bill leaving the European Union. It is on a suicide mission and Great Britain has lost all its credibility that it had. It actually lost over the years much more but that, I guess, is how it is. What a pity. That leaves Germany now effectively the ‘boss’ of Europe. How Hitler would love what has happened. What he could not achieve by the murder of 70 million plus has actually come to be by the use of words and using the patrimony of plundered assets during the Second World War. This weekend I will write a paper on what actually happened that will amaze many. Anyway, I hope this country gets a grip on events quickly.
Saturday 30 March 2019
‘So, here I am with pockets full of good intentions,
but none of them will comfort me tonight,
I’m wide awake at 4am without a friend in sight,
hanging on a hope I’ll be alright.’
Sunday 31 March 2019
(written 30.03.2019 @ 06.22 pm ) –
When you look at those who have caused you and your family harm and you see yourself;
At what price is mercy and forgiveness?
Who is my Neighbour? What has he done?
How many times do I forgive those who have injured me and my family?
What does it mean to love those who have harmed me?
What can a man give in exchange for his soul?
These and more are the questions I face in my prison cell.
Will change my life, what there is left of it forever.
07.53pm – Today has sort of flown by and I can’t explain but I don’t remember much of what the eff has actually happened. Its been sunny so I have been out on the bench looking up at the sun and don’t know much else. Weird!!!! | <urn:uuid:300c229b-a222-4598-ada3-d7dccb3f5914> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T22:01:56Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.982478 | 6,419 | 7,279 |
Testimony from Mount Athos, The significance of pain12 February 2017
“Lets us reject both pleasure and pain in this life with all our might in order to be freed from any schemes drawn by passions and from any demonic wickedness. For, we love passions for their hedonistic pleasure and because of pain we avoid virtue”. (Saint Maximus the Confessor, Seven Hundred Chapters on Theology, Third Hundred, paragraph 52) What describes a man’s life without God is how fiercely futility clashes with irrationality with tragic consequences. The wretched man is the victim of this tragedy. He is being dragged without mercy from the instigators of pain and fear to his death, which he alone has shaped when he severed himself from God, from eternal life and happiness. Had the Merciful Lord not put an end to death and the derived sin, there would have never been a more pitiful being than man. The joyful message that “The Word became flesh” (John 1, 14) ended this calamity and transfigured the tools of death into the beneficial sources of life and happiness. “The All Merciful God became flesh in order to draw human nature unto Himself and prevent it from behaving horribly to itself or rather, from rebelling against itself, having being severed in many pieces and being unable to rest anywhere because of the unbalanced movement of its intentions on everything”( As above, paragraph 47).
Here the all-wise Father, as an excellent anatomist, refers to the unbalanced nature of our being and the revolt which takes place against it and for its sake. No one who has the appropriate experience disputes this fact. Where do the reasons, the rules and the ways of this abnormality originate from? The problem started at the very moment man tragically fell. Everything had been originally created as “very good” and all natural and spiritual faculties were in order. It is the delusion of “autonomy” which has guided all the natural motions to the opposite direction, creating thus unnatural operations which are none other than the revolt against oneself and against one’s environment. When man used to perform and move naturally as a proper psychosomatic being, he was also promoting the equilibrium in life and was causing a mutual enjoyment. The fall reversed all these and corruption followed. It was inevitable then, that since man had severed himself from life, from God, to come under the authority of death and ruin and the tools of death to be set in motion. “With pain you will give birth to your children…by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken… (See Genesis 3, 16-29). The penance of disobedience has been fully employed after man severed himself from life and God, and the tools of ruin and death took over. In the place of full godlike joy and pleasure in everything, came pain and sorrow. In the place of life came death.
Was it justified however, to have ruin and death reign over mortal creatures and especially over man who had been created in the ‘image and likeness’ of God? We will attempt to offer an answer to this by borrowing from the god-inspired wisdom of our Fathers, to whom the Holy Spirit has revealed the deep mysteries by which It governs creation.
The absolute All-Love, God, in his Godlike perfection and All-Wisdom, has freely created nature from nothing, as well as the world, the universe. This term “from nothing” is very crucial. It means that they have been created by another cause, “by God” and therefore they are fully dependent on Him. They are neither able to exist by themselves nor are they autonomous. Nevertheless, they have been created as “very good”, balancing in accordance with the precepts and the laws of their creator. However, as we have already mentioned, the tragic fall of man has caused reversal and deformity. The fall, having a moral implication, describes sin as the cause of the revolt and an insult to divine justice. By ‘divine justice’ we mean the perfection of the creation because of God’s love and his All-Wisdom. The creation, being intrinsically good, caused everything to be orderly and harmonious. We correctly describe this state as ‘the justice of creation’. Consequently there is a similarity and a correlation between the divine justice and the justice of creation. Man’s rebellion and insult towards God, did not manage to interfere with the divine justice, since the latter is infinite and unalterable. But it infringed on the justice of the creation because it is homogeneous. Thus it reversed its original harmonious precepts and conditions which governed its performance. Man’s revolt and insult against the conditions and rules of his personality, which God has created as “very good”, has caused a worldwide damage and misery. This transgression deserves a penance which the All-Good philanthropy of God has turned into a blessing. The ‘penance’ imposed on this transgression and insult was not derived from divine justice, because the latter was not trampled upon. But it was imposed by the justice of creation, whose equilibrium man disturbed because he did not safeguard that which God gave him which was “very good”. Since the laws of nature now act in an unbalanced and corrupted way, because they have been tampered with, they have also dragged man into this irregularity. Thus, they cause all the perils and hardships to man and to the whole creation. The punishment which the affected justice of creation imposes is none other than death with all its instruments. These perils would have been eternal had divine philanthropy not intervened to reform them and alter the poison into medicine. This is what Saint Maximus says on this issue: “Since we have been initially deceived by hedonistic pleasure and preferred death from true life, let us persevere in the face of the hardships befalling our bodies with delight, in order to destroy hedonistic pleasure. When, therefore, the death of hedonistic pleasure destroys the death from pleasure, let us regain through small physical hardships, life, which we have lost because of hedonistic pleasure”. Therefore, according to our Fathers the penance which was imposed on us was not a punishment but the appropriate therapy for the injury, which was devised by our Lord’s philanthropy and providence. The same is professed by the other great pillar of our Church, Saint Nicolaos Kavasilas, who writes: “Therefore, after the fall, God has permitted (συνεχώρησεν) death and pain, because he did not want to punish the sinner but rather to offer a medicine to the sick”. In the face of such divine philanthropy what more can one say other than Saint Paul’s exclamation? “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”(Romans 11, 33).The final natural result of Adam’s fall and his greatest punishment was obviously death. As soon as death entered human history, God took the initiative and changed the nature of death in one single move totally and permanently.
Since man’s biological constitution was dressed in the law of corruption, death reigned upon it as a censure. Thus, God in His All-Wisdom turned death, which is the fruit of sin, against biological life. From then on death destroys not only man but also the corruption with which he has clothed himself.
“God Word, who has created human nature, neither created the experience of hedonism nor of pain. But he only planted in human nature a kind of spiritual propensity towards pleasure, so that man could derive joy in an inexpressible way. This force, which is the natural desire of the intellect for God, was given to the senses by the first man. Thus he experienced his first sentiment of pleasure, which acted unnaturally through his senses. Then God, who is providing for our salvation, placed next to pleasure pain as a punishing force. Hence, the law of death wisely took residence inside the body to prevent the desires of the irrational mind from moving unnaturally towards created things”
God in order to punish as well as cure our readiness for pleasure, established pain and death into human nature, to follow it everywhere and appear unwillingly. Because human nature prefers irrational pleasure, the equivalent pain, with all its innumerable hardships which cause death, has been invented in order to completely destroy pleasure. Here we must pay attention to one factor according to our Fathers’ thinking. The aforementioned fight which pain and all its constituents launch against pleasure does not destroy its essence neither does it uproot it. But it only destroys its sensual form, which is performed by the outer sensuous organs of man. Its spiritual essence is not invalidated because man is still able to enjoy the pleasure of the divine gifts and eventually the divine Eros. The invention of the willing, or of the reluctant hardships, which constitute the meaning of the cross, takes away pleasure and abolishes its active movement. According to the spiritual law, human debts incurred in this life are being paid off with the onslaught of willing or reluctant hardships.
The result of all human activity has two elements: pleasure and pain. Pleasure always comes first since the ailing intention prefers it or rather actively looks for it. Every transgression or wrongful deed, which in essence is sin, occurs for the sake of some kind of satisfaction, which in essence is pleasure. In order to abolish pleasure, or rather to pay for it, one must undergo hardships and sorrow caused either willingly by repentance or by any other painful way allowed by God’s providence.
Saint Maximus says: “When an unexpected temptation occurs to you, do not accuse the person who caused it, but examine why it has occurred and you will be able to correct yourself. Since either from this one or from someone else, you had to drink from the bitter glass of God’s judgment” (Saint Maximus the Confessor, Hundred Chapters on Love, Second Hundred, paragraph 42). Whenever our blessed Elder Joseph was giving a detailed explanation of the workings of the spiritual law through which our All-Wise and All-Good Lord governs His creation, he seemed to rise to a higher spiritual state, which we can only describe as beyond nature. His words were not the usual but would become predictions and prophesies and would attest that he practically lived inside the divine wishes and designs and was experiencing them, since they were irrefutable and true.
Generally speaking, temptations according to our Fathers are the bearers of every agitation and pain which occur in our lives. Sometimes they provoke sorrow, sometimes anxiety, at other times physical pain. As a doctor, God orders the appropriate medicine according to the source of the passion which has overcome the soul. “Where I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of the sand” (Psalm 139, 18). To some people God permits the onslaught of temptations to abolish sins which have already been committed; to others to prevent them from committing the sins which they were about to commit. Certainly there are also testing temptations. These occur to reveal the strength of the virtue and the holiness of the great athletes, like Job, in order to strengthen the Church. Unless there is a cause which will become a motive, the most evil demons cannot start a fight, from which the onslaught of the spiritual war is launched.
One basic source from which they usually direct the attack is the passions which reside in a man’s soul. These passions are the wicked habits, which he has created out of negligence or self-love. The evil demons are watching these passions and their demands which want satisfaction, and bring to the mind wicked thoughts and force man to agree to them. When they achieve this, they continue pressing the enslaved man to proceed with committing the deed which he almost cannot resist.
Now, what is a passion? Passion is an irrational motion of the soul; a movement out of its natural environment, especially towards perceived things. Wickedness is the wrong judgment of thoughts, which is followed by the mistreatment of things, whence abuse and self-love originates. Some people believe that evil would not exist in the world if there was no other force and motive to attract us to it. However, our Fathers tell us that evil is none other than the negligent performance by the natural faculties of the mind. The only way one may be rescued from this adventure is to keep his mind vigilant and control his sinful thoughts, so that he is not dragged into practical sin. In other words, if our natural rational faculties submit to divine commandments and our irrational tendencies come under control, then neither evil will exist in the world, nor the force which attracts us to it will be found.
The Scriptures indicate that man’s first transgression shows that he has preferred sensual satisfaction rather than his spiritual attraction and perception of God and divine things. This preference has created the sensual pleasure whence death and pain originated. God’s philanthropy has given us a remedy so that evil does not become eternal: the love for struggle (φιλοπονία), as a necessary penance to human life, from which there are no exceptions. Where is wisdom in this sense? It is to carry our cross eagerly, whence two benefits are derived: One is to freely submit to the love for struggle, which is also described as our ‘cross’ and through which we confess our Christian identity as we have promised during our baptism. The entire essence of our faith and our baptism is “the message of the cross and death”. The second benefit is that we come to acquire a payment method with which we are writing off our known and unknown debts. Saint Maximus says: “Since we must necessarily suffer because through our forefathers hedonism has entered our human nature, then let us accept the temporary hardships bravely and patiently. These not only soften the foundations of hedonism inside us, but also they set us free from eternal condemnation, which is in store for us because of it”.
As Saint Paul says, all the saints have been disciplined. Therefore let us also thank God when we are being disciplined along with them, so that we are also made worthy to participate in their glory. “The Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in” (Proverbs 3, 12).
The Lord has shown us another kind of philanthropy: He has condescended to also submit to the love for struggle in order to provide a consolation to us, since He was not obliged to surrender either to pain or to natural death. Unlike us, he had not participated in hedonism and passion during his physical birth. Since we now have the prototype of our salvation participating in our own hardships through His passion on the cross, we modify our natural love for struggle to become a struggle with a keen sense of honor (filotimo) because we imitate our Savior who has suffered and was crucified for us. Thus our insult becomes worthy of repayment.
A sensible way to succeed in our struggle is this one: When one desires the true life, he recognizes that any kind of hardship either willing or unexpected destroys the mother of all evil, hedonism, and thus he gladly accepts all the hard consequences of the unwilling hardships. With perseverance, he comes to transform hardship into easy and smooth paths which lead towards life without any doubt.
When during my life next to our ever-memorable elder, I would make a mistate our of ignorance, he would impose a penance with which I would have to take a difficult walk. When I had asked him why, he sadly told me this: “Along with repentance we need to perform a practical deed of hardship to extinguish the guilt, otherwise divine providence will impose some reluctant penalty, which might be more painful and hard to bear. That’s why we avert it with our willing double repentance to restore the equilibrium”. He would always teach us the meaning of the spiritual law in detail as well as the sense of that which the fathers’ call “conventional assaults”, by which God enforces His justice according to His vast philanthropy. All these convince us that nothing is happening in our lives without a reason. Therefore, the everyday temptations are part of the dispensation of divine providence in order to provoke the love for struggle, which is the most practical indication of our repentance. As we have already mentioned, temptations are generally regarded by our Fathers as the fruits of our own past, present or future transgressions which God, by His prognostic philanthropy, obstructs in order to secure our salvation. Those who also live a pious life meet with temptations. This is certified by the Scriptures which say: “a righteous man may have many troubles” (Psalms 34, 19) and “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Jesus Christ will be persecuted” (B Timothy 3, 12).This is the meaning of the cross which our Lord is instructing us to carry always, along with all the saints.
If man perseveres in the face of all hardships without complaint, he will remain in the remembrance of God. Patient perseverance in this task will stimulate the remembrance of God and thus man will enter the state where he will adhere to Saint Paul’s command “pray continually” ( A Thessalonians 5, 17). Remembrance of God is the espousal of the love for struggle, which is being created so that one is able to obey the divine commandments. Whoever abandons the remembrance of God, turns towards hedonism and tries to find solace through external effusions. He who is ignorant of the divine grace tries to soothe himself by sensual pleasures and comforts. His preference for these causes the direct result which is the love for struggle and hardships. On the contrary, whoever loves God and readily submits to His wishes will receive the visitation of divine grace, which will be the wages for those who love struggle and will replenish any deficiency and answer any query. Grace becomes “all things to all men”; to the thirsty it becomes water; to the hungry food; to the naked garments, to the ignorant knowledge and to passion-slaves freedom and resurrection.
There is something weird about human life. We are forever hearing about bitterness, disillusionments, hardships, pain and the rest of it and we are wondering: Who is preventing man’s salvation since solace is clear? The presence of Word God has solved every problem and has granted in abundance everything we need. “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11, 22)
An indication that one has acquired spiritual wisdom is the fact that he perseveres in the coming hardships without blaming anyone for them, despite knowing those who have caused them. Then he imitates our Savor Christ, who was praying for those who crucified Him. “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23, 34). How many of us view the commandments as oppression against our freedom and blame God for making demands on us? Where are now these demands? He who controls himself avoids the lack of restrain; He who has no property abstains from greed; the quiet from trouble; the pure from hedonism; the modest from fornication; the self-sufficient from the love for money; the gentle from fury; the humble from selfishness; the obedient from quarrel; the audacious from hypocrisy; the confessor from denial and the martyr from idolatry. There it is then. Every virtue which is performed unto death is nothing but the annulment of the corresponding vice and sin. Therefore, this becomes an obligation for our rational existence. Where are then, the so-called imposition and the harness to our freedom? This obligation is not even an exchange for the kingdom of heaven, since obeying the commandments constitutes a natural duty and therefore the kingdom of heaven is given for free.
source: Translated by Olga Konari Kokkinou from the Greek edition: Γέροντος Ιωσήφ Βατοπαιδινού, Αθωνική Μαρτυρία, Ψυχοφελή Βατοπαιδινά 2, Έκδοσις β΄, Ιερά Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου, Άγιον Όρος 2008. | <urn:uuid:a6859dcf-8b53-41a9-b498-123b1255cd45> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:35:52Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.970245 | 4,410 | 4,877 |
Changes in tax rules at the end of a financial year is not something that you routinely expect. And not when it is a sweeping change on taxation in your mutual fund! In this article, we are going to discuss the recent tax changes in mutual funds in 4 parts:
- One, the changes effective April 1, 2023 and the categories impacted
- The tax impact for you and what you can do to plan better
- What should you do with your existing investments?
- How should you plan your fresh investments?
What is changing with mutual fund taxation?
The Government has decided to remove the long-term capital asset benefit for some mutual fund categories. They are:
- All debt mutual funds including target maturity/index debt funds and ETFs
- All gold funds and ETFs
- All international funds
- All conservative hybrid funds in their current form
- All Fund of funds, except those that invest only in equity ETFs
- Any other fund category/scheme with exposure of less than 35% in domestic equity.
What the change is: There will be no distinction between long term and short-term holding period for the above categories of funds. The gain from these funds will be added to your total income and taxed at your income tax slab rate. This new law is applicable for investments made after April 1, 2023.
What the impact is: The impact of this tax change, for investments in the categories mentioned above, is as follows:
- Nothing changes for existing investments and investments made before March 31, 2023. Their taxation remains the same as it is now, whenever you sell them. That means, holding more than 3 years qualifies as long term capital gains (LTCG) and you will get indexation benefits with a tax rate of 20%. There is thus no impact for any investment made.
- Nothing – in practice – changes for future investments where your planned investment timeframe is less than 3 years. You do not enjoy LTCG benefit for less than 3 years holding at present and you will not have it from April 1, 2023 either.
- For investments made from April 1st 2023 and onwards, your tax incidence will go up on investments in any of the categories mentioned above. For these investments, even if your holding period is over 3 years, you will get no indexation benefits.
The taxman has not altered the other categories of funds. They would be as follows:
- Where the equity allocation is between 35-65% – for any category of funds, the existing tax rules on will continue to apply. That is, short-term capital gains on holding period of less than 3 years will be taxed at your slab rate, and beyond will be taxed at 20% with indexation. The categories that fall into this set are primarily the hybrid – multi asset category. Some solution-oriented funds also fall into this bucket. Another category called balanced funds (there are no funds under this now) will also retain this taxation status if new funds are launched in this space.
- Where the equity allocation is above 65% – here too, tax rules haven’t changed. Long term is holding for greater than 1 year, and capital gains here are taxed at 10% with the first Rs 100,000 of gain being tax-exempt. Short term capital gains are taxed at 15%.
Tax changes in mutual funds – outgo and management
The indexation benefit was lowering your tax outgo by increasing the cost of your investment, bringing it to inflation-adjusted value. That benefit is now gone. Additionally, the tax rate was set at 20%, regardless of your slab rate.
Now, the biggest fear of additional tax outgo comes from the fact that the capital gain (sale value less original cost) will be added to your total income and taxed at your slab rate. The impact of this can be quite low or very high depending on whether the capital gain is going to push you to the next slab rate or retain you in the same slab (discussed further down).
First, let’s take up the additional tax outgo owing to the new tax rule.
When you read in media reports that if you are in the 30% tax bracket, this capital gain too will be taxed at 30%, it seems like a lot of cash outgo! But in reality, it is not.
The reason why it is mentioned so is simply because, in India, we are currently paying taxes on a marginal tax rate basis. The 30% tax rate for example, is for the additional rupee you earn after your income crosses a certain threshold. Your entire income is NOT taxed at 30%.
So, if you want to know your real outgo, be cognisant of the average tax you pay on your total income. For example, if your total taxable income is Rs 12 lakh, your tax under the old regime is Rs 1,63,800. That brings your average tax rate (total tax divided by total taxable income) to 14.9%, although you fall under the highest tax slab of 30%. Therefore, understand that the additional tax outgo will not be always high unless your capital gain pushes you to the next slab level.
Let us explain this with a simplified example. Assume the following:
- Your total salary income after all deductions is Rs 9,50,000.
- You invest Rs 100,000 in a debt fund on April 1, 2023 and you sell it after 3 years. The debt fund returns 7.5% annually, bringing the sale value to Rs 124,230.
- The cost inflation index is 6%.
The LTCG with the indexation benefit works out to Rs 5,128.
Without indexation (the latest change) the taxable LTCG is Rs 24, 230 which will be added to your income of Rs 9,50,000 under the old tax regime.
The tax incidence in the two cases would be as follows:
As you can see, the additional tax outgo for you due to removal of LTCG, compared with the old rule, will be Rs 3973 or 4% more. That is not an alarming increase!
The tax impact is heavy when the capital gain pushes you to a higher tax bracket. Continuing with the above example – assume the taxable income, returns & cost inflation index remains the same, but with the debt funds investment is Rs 10 lakh instead of Rs 1 lakh. Here, the numbers stack up as follows:
In the above case, where you jump slabs (greater than Rs 10 lakh), the additional tax outgo from the new rule is Rs 27,391 or a whopping 23% higher outflow!
Please note that these are merely illustrations. The quantum of your gain and the cost inflation indexation you will actually lose will all change the picture of the additional tax impact. But it is safe to conclude that within the same tax slab, your outgo will not be too painful. If you jump to a new slab, the increase can be heavy. This is true whether you choose the new or old tax regime and there can be no pattern to which is better.
Given below is an excel sheet for you to check what will be your total tax outgo both under the old and new tax regime, if you sell you debt funds. We also show you the tax outgo if you don't sell them and hold them, so that you know the additional tax out go.
Your strategy to ensure that your tax outflow does not hurt you much can broadly be as follows:
- You will need to plan your redemptions, especially for long-term goals, a bit more carefully to ensure your tax outgo is contained in a particular year. The dipstick test is to see if by adding your capital gain, you remain in the same slab or jump to the next slab. Phased redemptions will become necessary before major goals.
- Tax harvesting, by periodically booking profits and re-entering again right away, may become necessary to ensure your gains are not too high that can push you to higher tax slabs. This is less of a necessity for those already in the highest tax slab and more applicable for those in the lower and middle slabs. Since you do not get the indexation benefit (which boosts your cost), the only other option is to exit and re-enter at a higher cost, thereby inflating the cost for tax purpose for yourself. For example, if you invested at Rs 5 NAV and sold at Rs 7, you get taxed on Rs 2. And when you re-enter at Rs 7 immediately, the cost for tax purpose is Rs 7. So, you have inflated your cost for future tax calculation, although your original investment was at Rs 5.
Second, let’s take up the debate on the parity in taxation of fixed deposits and debt funds and whether FDs make more sense now. From merely a tax perspective (and not on other counts), we don’t think FDs are better off for the following reasons:
- With FDs, you lose tax every year, even when you hold a cumulative deposit as it is taxed on accrual. With mutual funds, you are taxed only on redemption. The time value of money, by delaying tax outflows, act in your favour. There is also no TDS with debt funds.
- Although some of the categories of funds have lost their long-term status, they are still considered capital gains. Which means the short-term capital gain can be set off against any short-term capital loss. This is not a benefit available with FD interest.
- Systematic withdrawal plan, even after the tax change, will remain beneficial because of the way it is taxed. For example, if you are deriving Rs 10,000 per month of interest income from your bank, the same is fully taxed. However, if you do a SWP of Rs 10,000 per month, then only the gain component is taxed. This could be very low in the initial years (higher principal) and slowly grow in later years. Even so, the entire withdrawal is not taxed. This gives SWP an advantage over interest income. Read more about how to use SWP here.
Besides the above tax reasons, the liquidity that debt funds provide is unmatched. Yes, like before, you can and should always look at FD options that offer attractive interest. We encourage you to use our Prime Deposits as part of your fixed income portfolio (discussed further in the next section).
What should you do with your existing investments?
For the debt funds (or other funds that are impacted from the tax changes) that you are already invested in, continue holding. These investments do not come under the new rules and will continue to qualify for long-term capital gains and indexation benefits any time you redeem in the future. There is no action that you need to take for these.
If you have some amount to invest now and you want to take full advantage of the small window you have until the new rules kick in, you can invest this in debt funds that meet your requirements:
- Add to your existing debt funds that form part of your portfolio. Given that these will still enjoy lower taxation, it will come in handy at the time you need to redeem to meet your requirement. This would be the ideal step to take if you are approaching debt funds from a goal-based or portfolio perspective, or you have no specific timeframe in mind.
- Lock into target maturity funds that offer good yields, but only if you have a specific period in mind. Our recent article on this will be of help. While many of these funds are at attractive yields now, remember that at the time of maturity, the amount will be returned to you – you’ll have to reinvest it at that point if you do not have any expense to meet, and this reinvestment falls under the new tax rules. So, unless you have a clear requirement, stick to topping up your existing debt funds if you have a surplus now.
How to manage your fresh investments?
Before we discuss about where to invest in, we think you should avoid falling into pitfalls on poor investment decisions merely to save tax. In other words, tax should not be the primary driving factor for investments. Returns and safety must score first. Hence, let us first address the issue of what you should avoid, especially as agents and distributors are likely to sell you products that will appeal in terms of lower taxes.
What to avoid
- Avoid making asset allocation decisions based on taxes. By that we mean, don’t load up your portfolio with equity-based funds just because debt fund gains suffer tax. As explained earlier, the additional tax outgo is not always prohibitive. Debt has a role to play in your portfolio, to balance the equity risk. By going all-equity, you will be upping the volatility and risk in your portfolio. Debt does not need to come from debt funds alone; see further below for more.
- Avoid loading up on hybrid funds. While hybrid funds are lower on equity risk, they are still equity based. They are not debt substitutes so do not consider them to be one in your portfolio. Even equity savings funds, which take the most hedging, deliver losses in 1-year periods more than 10% of the time. The average 3-year return for equity savings funds, rolled over 3 years, is at about 8.1%. While this is not a raw deal, it is important for you to know that even in the worst periods (like the last few years) gilt funds have delivered an average of 8.4% over the same period. Remember that interest rates have been low for the past few years and have weighed on debt fund returns while equity savings have been pulled up by high performance of equity. Hence when equity goes down, you cannot expect equity savings funds to provide the support that debt would. They can form part of shorter duration portfolios for their tax efficiency but there is a return penalty in the long term.
Balanced advantage funds manage higher returns averaging at 10.2% in the above period. But then, unhedged equity exposure, which drives returns, swings wildly between funds. Based on hedging strategy, they can be similar to aggressive hybrid funds with very high equity exposure. That again makes them poor debt substitutes. So, while you can increase allocation to these funds for the tax benefits, do not assume them to take over the role of debt in your portfolio.
Arbitrage funds come the closest to debt in terms of low volatility and low risk, but returns here are very, very low. Arbitrage funds often return lesser than even liquid funds; it is only the equity taxation that make them favourable. So even if they do have short term usage due to their tax status, for longer periods, when compared against longer-term debt funds, returns even post tax at the highest rate would be above that of arbitrage funds. Overall, there is a high chance that you would be sold hybrid funds not fitting your risk profile or time frame. Please stay clear of such sales pitches.
- Stay cautious with insurance products: Many of you have asked whether money back, endowment and guaranteed income plans from insurance would become more attractive. On the last part first, most guaranteed income plans were meant to be HNI products with premium above Rs 5 lakh. Whether they will remain in vogue in the coming years is in question (and even if they do, getting a small income stream from these, when premium is lower than Rs 5 lakh may not even help you much anyway) as the latest Finance Bill brought the proceeds under taxation. On money back and endowment, while there are claims of high returns, the few products on which we have responded by way of queries from some of you in the past suggest that returns remain low. Yes, a target maturity fund with a 7.75% yield may deliver a net 6.5% on an average for a 20% tax bracket (average rate of tax at 15%). But please don’t forget that active debt funds such as corporate bond, banking & PSU debt or even gilt can deliver significantly higher returns when rates fall and can help you lock into those gains as well, since you can exit anytime. Hence, study the details of such insurance products by way of cost, lock-in, transparency and returns before making the plunge.
Yes, it is possible that debt-oriented ULIP products with low costs may start competing in this space given the better tax structure. If they are transparent, provide disclosure and information required to assess, and have low cost, we will be open to exploring them.
What to continue
Needless to say, nothing changes with your fresh investment strategy in equity and equity-oriented funds. For the ones where there is a change, read the following below:
- Continue investing in international funds. These funds provide diversification in a portfolio and being equity, do have high return potential. The tax treatment alone is not reason enough to remove them from their portfolio. Low cost, passive US-based funds remain our choice. While direct stock investing through the LRS route is an option, given the tax collected at source on such remittance (at 20%), we think this route is not a desired one for a retail investor.
- Continue investing in gold funds. Gold should remain part of your long-term portfolio for the simple purpose of providing hedge when equity does not do well. While physical gold and SGBs will score on tax henceforth, we think the liquidity offered by gold funds will remain a key reason to stay invested. If you find SGBs with liquidity, you can explore them.
- Continue with short-term debt funds for short term needs. With interest rates at a high, the short duration funds have seen a marked improvement in their yields. Short duration funds for example have seen their YTMs (yield to maturity) raise from 5.5% in April 2022 to 7.7% in February 2023. They may yet rise by a few basis points. If these are meant for your short-term needs, there is no need to give up on them. Yes, if you find fixed deposits for similar short tenures at such rates, there is no reason to shun them, if you don’t mind the tax on the interest accrued.
- Active debt funds may have an edge. We have thus far recommended target maturity funds (TMFs) on a hold-to-maturity basis given the current high yield and indexation benefit available. With the latter ceasing from April 1, we do think that the ability of active debt funds to generate superior capital appreciation opportunities will have to be pitched against just the high YTMs of TMFs. To this extent, we would recommend continuing and adding more to high quality active debt funds, in line with your time frame requirement from Prime Funds.
Where else to invest in
- Select NCDs and privately placed bonds: We do think that direct investing in bonds can be a way to supplement your debt fund investments (not replace them). With increasing avenues to invest in the listed debt space through various platforms, at PrimeInvestor, we will look at select opportunities to invest in these bonds. But please note that the interest pay-out on these remain taxable. Capital gains on such bonds are taxed as part of your income if sold within a year and are taxed as long-term capital gains at 10% (without indexation) if sold after a year. But please stay away from credit risk products in this space. The credit risk is worthwhile only if the return adequately compensates for it and such risk is still within investment grade for retail investors (AA-) or even HNIs (above BBB). At PrimeInvestor, while we have selectively given privately placed bond calls, we will look for opportunities with other bonds as well.
- Deposits with attractive rates: Since the change brought about in bank deposit insurance in August 2021, we have advocated that for those in the low and middle tax bracket, deposits with attractive rates, even in smaller banks have begun to make sense from a risk-reward perspective. Towards this we changed our Prime Deposits list to include small finance banks and NBFCs. We also added a Prime FD tool to provide you our confidence level on the quality of the banks you invest in.
- G-Secs/SDLs : For those of who can time entry and exit, investing in G-Secs is an option now that mutual funds will no longer offer superior tax benefit. For those looking to seek income, we have always advocated creating some income stream with SDLs and G-Secs and have recommended these over last year and earlier this year when the tenure and return were attractive. For both of these, it is best that you open a RBI Retail Direct account (with NDS-OM secondary market) online for free.
- NPS: If you are in the high tax bracket, both Gilt and Corporate allocations of the NPS become a viable option for your debt portfolio for long-term retirement. Three factors work on its favour: one, 60% of your corpus on redemption enjoys tax free status. Two, it allows you to ability to switch between options and fund managers without tax impact. Three, it is an extremely low cost product and expense ratio eats little into returns. Use our NPS fund Manager Ranking tool to choose your allocation and fund manager.
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Early in his career, Neil Lustig faced a choice: continue his fast ascent as one of IBM’s most promising engineers in a satellite office or take an entry-level sales position in its larger New York City location. His boss told him the move would end his career, within the company and industry. But his mentor argued the opposite. He said he’d hit a ceiling without exposure to both the technical and commercial sides of the business — and that he’d never lead without experiencing all the moving parts. The mentor, once a former engineer, oversaw a team of 7,000 people at the time.
Lustig transferred to New York — and thrived in sales. He found that his engineering chops enabled him to explain technology in a way that moved people to action. He closed million dollar deals with clients like Citibank, and reached his annual quota in six months. Over the years, Lustig rose through the ranks to eventually lead IBM’s e-commerce solutions division when Lou Gerstner was at the helm. Every team he joined thereafter he earned more responsibility: as the GM at Ariba — where he helped shift the company to the cloud — to CEO and President at Vendavo to leading cross-channel experience management platform Sailthru.
In this exclusive interview, Lustig shares how his management code came from his days coding —and how by drawing from that expertise, he’s grown into a more effective manager. He outlines everyday engineering practices that not only have helped him strategically direct companies, but develop the ‘soft skills’ needed to lead.
Decompose in order to direct
Products, like teams and companies, are systems that address complex problems. This was an important realization for Lustig when he first made the jump from an individual contributor to a manager. To tackle his new set of challenges, he leaned on decomposition or factoring, which breaks complex systems into components that are more manageable to process, tackle and address. For Lustig, this doubled as strong management philosophy.
When Lustig began his first global role at Ariba, he transitioned from leading sales in New York to being responsible for finance, sales, marketing, professional services and support across Europe. “I had no idea what I was doing. Leading teams in 10 countries — that all spoke different languages — was overwhelming,” he says. “I fell back on the team based software development approach I used as an engineer: You don’t write a new system in a continuous stream. You break it down as deeply as you can into subproblems and solve each one in a sequence. Being CEO is exactly the same. In this case, I mapped it out and started with customer satisfaction because product direction and maintaining our growth rate hinged on that being understood. That opened up the challenge — and our ability to focus and coordinate our efforts to address it across the organization.”
Factoring is most successful not only when systems are broken into parts, but when those parts are modular and can be maintained. In the case of leaders, that means each component — in this case, team leader — is competent and can act independently. When he oversaw Europe for Ariba, Lustig spent his first weeks in London digging into the challenges each team faced and uncovering why. “Your first job is to understand the problem holistically. Then, start the factoring. Dig into each facet of the problem by asking your team open-ended questions, such a ‘Why did we lose this deal?’ or ‘Why is this customer unhappy?’ because they encourage and generate full, authentic answers. My favorite question to ask was ‘How do you know — what data or insight drove your decision?’” he says. “As a leader, it’s tempting to just ask the questions that return the answers you have predisposed in your mind. That’s why it’s critical to push into areas outside your expertise — not only to return to a learner’s mind, but to identify just how independent your functional leaders must be. In my case, I learned with all the variations by country, I needed the Finance head to be able to direct on her own. Those discoveries from decomposition help leaders better prioritize and allocate resources.”
Randomly test — and deliver — via cold calls
The experience of getting randomly chosen to answer a question in class can make even the most capable students anxious. But what if you cold-called to offer answers instead of ask for them? “I learned a lot from former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner and his executive team. One tactic that I still employ to this day is their practice of personally calling individual contributors throughout the company,” says Lustig. “Once Jerry York — IBM’s then-CFO — called me. It was early on in my time at IBM. He asked what was getting in my way. I told him I was struggling to close a customer in the global account program. He literally said ‘Okay, I’m on it’ — and hung up the phone. The bottleneck was internal and the conversation between him and me helped illuminate and fix the hold-up.”
Senior leadership can get so disconnected from the frontlines, especially as startups scale into larger organizations. For Lustig, this habit of cold calling was akin to the random testing in software development. “It’s a common software testing approach where one generates random and independent inputs to test programs. It helps ensure the integrity of the system and starts to weatherproof it for when it’s ‘out in the wild,’” says Lustig. “It’s critical for leaders to do this, as they can get so quickly disconnected from the real world. In fact, just communicating within the C-Suite is akin to only testing your app in San Francisco. It narrows your vision. The IBM execs always talked to the troops. People in the trenches have a different and important perspective.”
When you get promoted, talk half as much and listen twice as much. You’ll connect faster and further with your ears.
In companies even a tenth the size of IBM, senior leaders could randomly cold-call daily, and not connect with everyone in a year. When Lustig joined Vendavo, he scaled this method by organizing cross-functional teams of 6-10 people, so he could meet all 150 members in-person. “The objective was to decrease the perception of hierarchies and friction. That started with purposely not meeting with people with their immediate teams, but instead in functionally diverse groups. No team would have a manager or manager from their team in a group with them — it made it easier for them to be members of Vendavo than a specific role in engineering or sales,” says Lustig.
“Now, as a CEO, I don’t expect one serious sit-down conversation to be a silver bullet establishing open lines of dialogue from here on out — but you’d be surprised how far a conversation like that goes,” says Lustig. “Something about a small group, casual chat not only made me more human — and not just the CEO the board brought on to make changes — but also served as a precedent that each person could reference. Throughout my seven years with the company, I’d estimate 30% of the team reached out to me proactively or really opened up when we’d meet. That’s a significant portion of a good-sized company.”
Invest in languages — become a polyglot.
Engineers can debate how many programming languages are needed to be a proficient developer, but knowing more than one has its immediate benefits. As is true with linguists, being aware of at least two languages can show the strengths and limitations of each of the languages by comparison. Even if you don’t fully achieve comprehension, you obtain a greater appreciation of other languages.
Lustig learned this phenomenon soon after he transferred from engineering to sales at IBM. “On my first day in sales, my manager gave me a challenge: Show you know more about the person, than the software,” says Lustig. “As an engineer, this was hard, as I knew a ton about the software. He told me that I needed to communicate in a way that people would walk away saying: ‘This guy gets it. I want to work with him.’”
Resonate before you educate. That doesn’t mean dumbing it down, but focus on dialing in first.
Every role — in engineering, sales, marketing — that Lustig has had has made him a better executive and CEO. “My fluency is my biggest strength as a leader. If you can adapt your tone, cadence and diction based on people’s expertise and what excites them, you’re on your way,” Lustig says. “What’s important to your customer success team and what drives them emotionally is fundamentally different than what motivates your sales team.”
Take how Lustig pitched the impact of Sailthru’s new elasticsearch feature — a capability to adapt marketing campaigns in real-time — to his engineering, sales and customer success teams:
- To engineers: “This feature is about minimizing the time it takes to index information from five hours to seconds. From a product point-of-view, that an incredible improvement. It’s an opportunity to tackle a big challenge and invest in the skills to do it. We’re banking on this as our tech base. It’s up to you to make it happen.”
- To Sales: “Elasticsearch allows customers to manipulate marketing campaigns like they’ve never done before. It’s a game-changer for the industry. It can not only boost our customer satisfaction scores but also improve our standing in the market against the competition.”
- To the Customer Success team: “This is about customer capability and happiness. Customers have been waiting for Elasticsearch to implement strategies they’ve been eager to test. We can finally help them do that — and monitor and share the results. This is where an improvement in the technology has a multi-step-level impact on the customer.”
Fluency in multiple languages doesn’t mean communication is all about talk. Action will resonate more quickly with some teams. For example, when Lustig worked at Ariba, every year they awarded the company’s top salesperson a year lease on a Porsche. “Rolling a Porsche onto the floor and giving the winner the keys was a sight,” he says. “The rest of the sales team said to themselves: ‘That’s me. I’m getting the keys next’ and spent the year going after it. Sales is competitive and visceral, which makes a visible status symbol enticing. But that same reward wouldn’t work for your engineering team, and definitely not finance. Every profile has its prize.”
Open source your strategic roadmap
When most leaders talk about alignment, it remains this mysterious — nearly mythical state — where teams are synchronized while scaling. They neglect to mention how much autonomy is necessary to make it work. “If alignment is a process, you can control the foundation more than you can the long-term outcome. So for example, like many companies, Sailthru’s teams meet periodically — we do it monthly — to review our roadmap and dig into how each department is performing to hit our goals,” says Lustig. “We make sure to create the space for these sessions — and while we look at metrics, we frame them as conversations, asking: ‘Are we on track? Do we need to adjust?’ We discuss, instead of just do a read-out and report-in.”
It may seem commonplace these days, but Neil Lustig remembers the advent of the Open Source Initiative in the late 90s. “Whether you were for it or against the idea of open-source software, it changed how we approached programming. Anyone could learn, change and distribute software to anyone for any reason,” says Lustig. “For me, the power of that is the abiding philosophy of developing in a collaborative public way. When startups share their roadmaps, they should share all of it. That’s the foundation for alignment: a habit of convening and exchanging information. The cadence and common platform keeps everyone in step — not giving everyone marching orders.”
Here’s what Sailthru covers in each of its monthly roadmap meetings:
- review of corporate goals and how we're tracking
- review of new business closed
- review of key renewals
- ad-hoc presentations, such as internal engagement survey data reviews, updates on go-to-market •campaigns or key product enhancements
- shout-outs where anyone can recognize individual contributors for work that they've done that's above-and-beyond
- open floor, where any topic can be raised and discussed
Sailthru’s practice of monthly roadmap meetings has generated results. “In a recent engagement survey, 90% of our employees said that they understand how their daily work contributes to the company’s goals. A through line from daily, individual work to overall company goals is so critical to me. I love that we are never more than 30 days away from checking in on it,” says Lustig.
Lastly, open sourcing your strategic roadmap entails allowing others to know — and own — more of it. “I see so many CEOs and founders of early-stage companies struggle with this. When you’re 20 people, you touch everything: You know every customer. You make every software decision. If you’re still doing that when you’re 50 people, you become the bottleneck. Your involvement slows the entire company down,” says Lustig. “When I joined Vendavo, the CEO and founder asserted that the three of us were most experienced and should close every deal. My ambition was different: We had 20 salespeople. If they all pulled us in, we’d be stuck at $15 million in annual sales. This inflection point happens in every function: engineers turned engineering managers, marketers turned VPs of marketing. You have to trust the team you’ve got — and that starts with an open sourcing the plan.”
Victory for a leader is not being a part of every decision.
Keep lean and learning
Over the decades, Lustig has seen many tide shifts in technology. It’s taught him that nothing he did last year is going to work this year — and especially not next year. “My first program was written on a paper tape. My next was on punch cards. Eventually, my dad brought home the Apple II,” he says. “What you did last year is no longer relevant. There’s never good enough. There’s only better.”
Here are a few areas where Lustig keeps an adaptable mindset in management, just as he did as an engineer and technologist:
- Mind your management debt. In the same way engineers revisit and refine their codebase, managers should periodically reassess their management. “[Former IBM executive] Jerry York once told me: ‘Companies are like middle-aged men. Left to themselves, they get fat around the middle,’” says Lustig. “Inertia in management is the equivalent of technical debt in code. The company — like the product — still may function, but is it working? Ask yourself: if you started again, who would you hire back? How would you set up the team? Who would you invest in? You built your team for last year’s business. This is this year’s business.”
- Broaden your benchmarking. As an engineer, Lustig sought to benchmark his output with other colleagues, within the company and industry. “Our engineers do the same. We have a benchmark database that tells customers how their efforts measure up against their past performance. But that’s not enough. We want them to show them where they stack with their digital marketing efforts among 400 of our customers,” says Lustig. “I try to be as intentional with how I benchmark my management style and decisions. Currently, Lustig serves on two boards: The Sealed Air Corporation and HiQ Labs. One is an Fortune 500, pubic industrial company generating about $7 billion a year and the other is 20-person startup in San Francisco. That pulls my head — and how I benchmark success — in two different directions every month.”
- Share jobs not just information. Lustig’s stints in engineering, sales and marketing has given him firsthand, function-specific empathy, which has helped him tackle leadership challenges from a variety of perspectives. “For a variety of reasons, not every employee will be able to work in a variety of functional areas like I did. But that shouldn’t stop you from trying to replicate that experience,” says Lustig. “We have engineering managers shadow our customer success teams. Soon junior engineers signed up voluntarily. They started picking off all these little requests that were meaningful to customers, but just quick fixes from a technical point of view. They just needed to see and hear it firsthand.”
Leadership is fixating on what ships, but more on the ship itself: the organization. That’s engineering at scale.
Bringing it All Together
When software engineers make the jump from owning lines of code to business lines, they should lean on their developer’s skill set to help guide the way. First, organizations, like software systems, are complex — use decomposition or factoring to break them down into manageable, modular units. Randomly test the integrity and health of your system by cold-calling employees. This will help you calibrate your understanding of progress — roll up your sleeves to help with specific challenges as thanks. Developers should be proficient in at least one dynamic programming language, but are upleveled when they know more — the same goes with leaders who are “conversant” in all the functional areas in their organization. Open source your roadmap, clean up management debt and broaden how you benchmark your abilities.
“That boss who said I’d end my career if I jumped from engineering to sales wasn’t thinking big enough — and I’m not talking about my career. Because in that way he was right — I never truly returned to software development,” says Lustig. “What he neglected was what might happen to others’ careers — and entire company — if I transferred. As an engineer, I could’ve continued to build products sequentially or equip myself to experience firsthand how teams fit together to achieve exponential growth. If I had any advice for my fellow engineers early in their careers, it’d be this: Truly being ‘full-stack’ involves stepping outside of software development at some point. Take the leap, because here’s the thing: you’ve already got the foundation to get you there.”
Photography by Christos Xidias. | <urn:uuid:76a0992f-958f-46d2-a3af-4e95b70caeb1> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:05:01Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.966197 | 4,055 | 4,204 |
How to Be an Ethical Leader? When You are a manager, there is a difference between being a boss or a leader.
The difference is where the boss gives orders, the leader helps by guiding.
Boss, whereas the leaders help in inspiring.
The difference lies in how you are making the employee feel and view the relationship.
Being a good leader makes you responsible to inspire my nurturing and genuinely help them so they can improve.
Ethical leadership is known as one of the leaders who are exerted by the respect that others have for the leaders.
To know more about this leadership style, here is what can help.
Define ethical leadership
The CEO of Employee Fanatiz, Heather R., says that an ethical leader is someone who lies as well as dies for integrity.
For them to do the right thing even if it hurts, the leader follows this mantra.
Well, Ethical leadership ingles the leaders demonstrating appropriate conduct. It’s not just inside but the outside of the business too.
They demonstrate good values by doing the right action and saying the right words.
According To Harvard Business Review, the definition says the leader will not overlook when something is wrong, even if it’s helping the business and earning the benefit.
Showing integers and choosing what is right is the core of being an ethical leader. Such leaders set an example for everyone.
To understand the concept, here is what you can also need to know –
- Ethical leadership means that the leader will act depending on moral practices that they do in day-to-day life.
- Also, it means staying true to what moral principles you have but also being aware of the complexity of some of the ethical issues and the sensitivity to different views.
Unfortunately, ethics and leadership are not something that common in combination; according to the Institute of Leadership & Management study reported :
- More than 63% of managers have been asked to perform a task that cancels their own ethical code.
- 9% of the tasks include breaking the law.
- 42% have been told to behave indirectly in the organization and in their values statement.
ethical leadership in the workplace
The Enron scandal happened in October 2001, and yet the company is still suffering from doing the wrong things.
The lack of ethical leadership caused the collapse of the company everywhere, even in countless books, movies, newspapers, articles, documentaries, and in theatre.
When you are running a business, reputation is what holds value.
When you do the wrong things, people will not let it go for a very long time.
Even when ethical lapse, it won’t lead to such collapse but still affect the business reputation.
Another example, BBC News reported that Cambridge Analytical Scale tarnished the image of Facebook.
And Volkswagen is still trying to live down its mission statement since 2015
This shows what happens when people from top organizations have poor ethical choices and how they end up in courts or news.
Ethical leadership is important as the management style word for regales what kind of organization it is, but to start the style, there were some of the reasons :
To Create The Positive Culture
The employee’s morale is required to improve so the work behind the ethical leader can be easier.
Staff won’t feel like what they are doing is corrupting the person and helping in earning more.
To create a cipher where everyone has their strong morale and sense of doing what is wrong and what is right.
Ethical leaders have their own capacity to inspire, and the postie culture helps in nurturing those in everyone.
To Improve The Brand Image
The leaders of the company need to have an understanding of what their brand is doing, what they have to offer, and what can improve the image.
Since there are a lot of examples of businesses whose image got transitioned because of their poor ethical choices, it becomes more difficult to have ethical leadership in a company to guide the actions well.
To Prevent From Scandals
The need for ethical leadership to prevent the bad PR of the company, but also to help the company to prevent scenes that are not just damaging the image but lose the trust of the customers.
To Improve The loyalty
Not just the employees but the customers are likely to be more loyal if they know they are supporting a company that is guided by strong ethical leadership.
Employees, can be more invested to perform better, and the customer will not turn to the competitors that easily.
To Improve Well Being
Emotional well-being is important as workplace stress can damage the productivity level of a company. If the company has toxic leadership, it can also decrease efficiency.
Why is Ethical Leadership Helpful For The Organizational?
The situation when the company has ethically collapsed can have profound consequences.
- Not just from loss of reputation, it also led to the company’s collapse.
- Even though you might not have the operating scale as Enron, but your business can still be at risk/
- When the post-mortems were conducted after the scandals of different companies, it was clear that some of the actions could have been avoided if they had strong ethical leadership.
- As when such leaders are in the company, they might have asked the questions and taken the right action to prevent the problem before it escalated to such a case.
- However, there is new research conducted at Cornell University that says that ethical leadership is related to how their employee performs if it is about o positive signs, it will work.
- Another study by Science Direct says that such leadership made employees leave much less. Also, given the high cost of employee turnover which is a signified problem.
What Causes Ethical Collapse In The Workplace?
Well, it is not a one-time solution that prevents everything from happening if you have the ethics. leadership
There was a lot of access when the company had such a setting but still failed miserably.
So what were the causes that led to an ethical failure?
According to the Author as well as the expert Linda Fisher Thornton, the connected facts which play an important role usually are the reason why the leaders fail.
The causes include ignoring boundaries of what the organization values or the industrial codes. It can be following the crowd, which means what everyone is doing is what they should do, and having a lack of self-control.
An organization that lack positive role models, lack accountability and lacks codified standard behavior or training causes damage.
Apart from this, the unethical behavior behind the organization also has its signs.
Marianne M. Jennings, who is a business ethic professor at Arizona State University, published in her book called The Seven Signs Of Ethical Collapses In 2006/
In her book, she introduced the model, which showed the scene’s important signs. it included :
Pressure Of Maintaining The Numbers
Regardless of what kind of organization you have, there is always an important pursuer that determines the performance level.
Well, the pressure sometimes is good, but getting obsessed with meeting the goals can raise all the good judgment and ethics.
The goals are often based on finances, but they revolve around performance measures.
This leads to cases of fraud and manipulation in order to meet the goals.
A Culture Of Silence And Fear
Well, one of the signs that she mentioned was the culture of fear and science which masks the problems related to ethics.
For melee, if someone employees spot the failures, the decision-makers are not supportive or sympathetic towards the corner.
The others might be In fear of not speaking about it; maybe it’s related to getting fired or demoted
It makes others feel worthless and not let anyone take the right actions.
The Bigger Than Life CEO and Young ‘Uns
Another sign is that the young executives who are ambitious don’t make the collapse of ethics invariable.
However, the pole that the managers who are not many princes at night notice the trouble but they feel they can challenge the decision of their CEOs.
Might be the CEOs are someone larger than life, it creates a lack of confidence and fear in their working environment before approaching them.
Also, the CEOs get away with their decisions even though it’s approved because no one in the management team is willing to challenge them.
It makes the CEO presume that he knows more about the situation,
Also, it leads to more unethical decisions in the future.
Having A Weak Organization Board
There is an important of why the company needs an organization board.
Well, if the board Is weak, it also leads the ethical leadership, it can be due to various reasons maybe the members are not that sufficient, or they are wasting by fighting, having more critics and have missed the meetings, or they are bored because they are engaged
The structure of the board meeting is also helpful in understanding why it isn’t weak.
Well, it can be the major proposal that might be done over the phone or online or giving thorough reviews to the key members.
Weak boards can also be a sign that the organization might collapse, simply before they have no strength or cohesiveness that needs to challenge the unethical CEO or the senior team of management.
Conflict Of Interest
Some organizations have the risk of conflict of interest.
For example, if the high-ranking executives want the contract to work out with a friend or someone from eh family members, they might be voted onto the board because the CEO wants finance to inflate the earnings.
When the decision has a different cost of interest, Here you get two roles, either it will lead the company, or people will end up looking for their owners.
This also leads to the chances of getting unethical decision-making.
Innovation That Is Higher Than Anyone
Another sign that can be considered an ethical closing is the organism having pride in their innovation, which makes them feel that they are above anyone, including the law.
Innovation user is a good thing, but the trouble happens when they orient innovations without considering the ethics or the launch.
This can be an important decision that has huge risks.
Using Philanthropic Behavior to Justifying
One of the ways that the organization does this is to give generous donations to different community events, social causes, charities, etc., to justify unethical actions.
This can be seen in lots of examples of companies suffering from ethical collapse.
This doesn’t make the company immune from risk, as it still holds the chance of clapping.
Using philanthropic behavior for atoning what evil deeds the company did is not ethical either.
Impacts Of Ethical Leadership
Ethical leaders are helpful in assessing leadership, where positive and productive relationships can be formed.
Also, it includes the three levels, including –
- The individual
- The Team
- The overall Organization.
Nurturing the relationship in the different levels can help in getting the benefits like :
Well Being of The Individuals
Maintaining a positive working environment can help individuals to be better.
Also, it’s one of the important roles for ethical leaders, as those who lead by example can help in influencing others to be the same.
Generally, people get affected when they are affected by something that happens around them.
Having positive communication among the employees can help in getting the influencer on attitude and productivity.
The Energy Within The Team
Ethical leadership also involves the management conducting and collaborating within the team.
The moral of the workplace is higher when the co-workers are working as a team.
But It can also help in building the relationship that can improve overall performance.
Also, it improves the team and the energy, which makes sure everyone feels energized to perform their assigned roles.
The Health Of The Company
It’s important to maintain a positive attitude in the working environment
Not only does it improve work and productivity, but it also helps the organization to be healthy from the inside.
When people show respect and value the pensions of others, it helps in creating a better working environment and more productive work.
An ethical organization also occurs when the communities of people who work together are in an environment where they have mutual respect.
It helps in growing the personality, building friendships, and contributing to the overall goal.
What Is Needed To Be A Ethical Leader?
There are lots of elements that are needed; even though it may sound lofty but it’s attainable when you think.
Here is what is needed to become an ethical leader.
Defining And Aligning The Values
Consider what morals you are brought up with; it includes the basics like treating others the way you want to be treated,
Saying thank you and helping if someone is needed, but when you grow, the values shift as well.
It may be because society progresses along with you and changes the conversation.
According to Matthew Kelly, founder, and CEO of Floyd Consulting, this will be the biggest challenge regarding the ethics that society, culture, and work will be changing, and also the challenge for ethical leadership.
- To find what makes you a successful ethical leader, it’s important to consider how adhering to the specific values, and their benefits to the mission relate to the organization.
- The mission is considered a king, and when the organization decides to follow the path, it might choose the medicare ways.
- To become an ethical leader, first ask yourself what matters the most, not just as a leader but as an individual.
- And now align this with the properties you have as leaders.
- Defining what values you only express in the authenticity but encourage the team to do the same thing and create a shared vision.
Hiring Who Have Similar Values
Well, your values don’t have to be identical to the people whom you do but are important to establish a common ground.
This fits starts with the hiring and maintenance through the company’s vision statement.
Not all are fit for every company, and it’s something that should be normalized.
Companies require better jobs when they are looking for a person who has visions and values aligned with them, instead of just hiring because of their experience.
In fact, it is better to hire someone who has a different experience as well as perspective because this will give more ways to challenge and find solutions.
When it comes to values, it’s important to hire people who have the same ones. No one wants to work with someone who doesn’t share a small value or is without mutual respect.
It not just makes it difficult to work but creates an environment where reaching goals can turn difficult.
Promoting Open Communication
The next important thing is to understand that every employee you are going to have is different, and even if they have some similarities, they will not be the same person.
With such a decision, it’s important to be transparent and encourage feedback from your team.
This will help in improving you as a leader and help you in working better as well as confit.
It’s one of the personalities that the company, in other no words, should have is to create an environment where open communication is promoted.
More important, listening to the employees what to say and two-way communication.
There are a lot of employees who are calling on the capes in order to change the poles or stand on current issues.
Well, the company can bend to every demand, but they can listen to what the employees are asking.
And before that, they need to create an environment where they can share their viewpoint.
Gathering feedback can help in improving the leader and make the business move forward.
Keeping Yourself Beware Of Bias
As humans, people have their own beliefs, subconscious, etc.
Sometimes it can be outdated or erroneous, and the leaders don’t want to admit it.
This can make them self-aware and make the consequences bad for the company.
There is no doubt that people have bias, but when it stays for a long time, and they don’t call out, it won’t ever change.
The management and workplace are more diverse, and the leader requires to be aware of what biases they have.
Leading With Example
In order to build an ethical company, it’s important to start from the drop-down.
When the employees notice the behavior, choices, and values they also adapt their practices.
To effectively lead, the leader needs to walk the line where they want their employees to follow.
The best way to ensure the ethical business is going successful is important to lead by example.
Leading by example also instills respect and lets the employee see what they have to believe and trust.
Taking Care Of Yourself First
Well, as there is a saying that, you can’t fill when the cup is empty.
The same goes for the leader who should first take care of themselves in a dryer to do that for others.
Making sure you have a calm and capable demeanor makes the leader strong and also better at managing as well as caring.
This is also accomplished through what the leader wants but also keeping themselves ready for that.
It needs to focus on meeting the needs like taking proper sleep, balanced nutrients, and truly connecting with those you love/
Even though it is simple, it plays a crucial role in supporting your capabilities when you are following ethical leadership.
Leader who is happy and content in their life wants others to be the same way.
Identifying The Ethical Dilemmas
Well, there are different situations when the ethics dimples happen; maybe it’s not you; it can be seen within your team or from top executives or colleagues.
How would you react when an ethical activity happens around you?
For example, imagine the situation you are in a meeting with other top cues, and you see your colleagues exaggerating the team performance way too much.
In reality, your team helped in increasing the count earning by 4%, but he promises a 12%.
Obviously, he is close to you, maybe it’s a friend or colleague, but he is lying and being dishonest.
What you will do and how you will react.
There will be a lot of changes where you have to make a choice, but before that, how you will recognize them :
Identifying What Triggers
There are certain situations that cause the essential things to happen; for example, it can be purchasing, promoting, hiring or firing, and maybe calculating bonuses.
Such things attract ethical dilemmas where you might be involved.
And it threatens the positions and income, even if it scares your judgment.
The questions like what you should do, should you admit or try to cover It.
By recognizing the ethical dilemmas that are most likely to occur and you can be attuned to the risk.
Listen to the Inner Voice
The conscience likely tells you if something is happening and it’s not right.
It will create a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort.
If a situation makes you uncomfortable and goes against your core value or belief, it’s important you listen to it.
And find a way to think rationally before proceeding.
Understand How To Deal With Ethical Dilemmas
While Engine is one thing, deciding and taking action is a whole new level.
And this is important. However, it’s not easy.
To know how you can respond to ethical dilemmas, here are some of the ways that you can consider.
Visualizing the theoretical series can help you to understand how two work through your feelings and decide what to do in real life.
In crises, you don’t have much time, and it will be only a few decisions and so registering beforehand can be a great help.
For template, consider the situation where you have to act, like your college will get fired if you weren’t legally allowed to say it; however, you would handle it,
Weigh Up The Evidence And Recalculate
Before you oppose anyone’s unethical behavior, it’s important to investigate and assess, so you have the evidence,
Also, if you are not making sure what to consider, make sure you revalue your thoughts.
Be More Courageous
Sometimes you have to act, even though you might think it might not be the right thing.
Even if you are wondering if what you are doing is right but has unpleasant consequences.
Consider the leader who informs the audit about the accounting, which is irregular; she knows that’s what’s right, but it might be upsetting her colleagues and friends.
So this might be uncomfortable for the ethical leader, but this helps you in trusting your instincts.
Be courageous and calm your anxiety, and let your instincts guide you.
More To Explore:
- What Is Ethical Leadership? Importance And Qualities
- Leadership in Advancing Science and Technology: Guide to know More
- What Is Transformational Leadership: Unleashing The Power Of Influence
- What Is Traditional Leadership? Characteristics, Examples
- Leadership vs Management: differences+ Similarity
“Vision, strategy, and inspiration – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of “TheLeaderboy” dedicated to leadership and personal development. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been studying the principles of effective leadership for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing my insights with others. My mission is to empower individuals to become better leader | <urn:uuid:2f1c2698-049e-40c8-b6ac-5816c73d225e> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T21:30:58Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.956394 | 4,486 | 4,867 |
\I was kinda pissed off, to say the least. I was used to better service than this. Call me pretty particular about my car. I drove a Mini Countryman, which was my pride and joy. To me it represented every accomplishment that deserved display: my perfect life as a sharp trader on Wall Street, my perfect wardrobe that branded me as a bona-fide catch – bachelor of the month in an office where the girls drooled over my perfectly sculpted pecs and juicy, Ben Sherman-sheathed buns.
Something wasn't right. I'd had my baby in for a service, this being the first one after I'd dropped an obscene amount for a custom fitted Mini 4 x 4. The Shop had collected and delivered to save me the trouble of wasting my expensive minutes on the time it took to drive her over and fetch her once she was ready for the next round of carting long-legged beauties to the invite-only cocktail party or red carpet event. I didn't even know where the shop was but it had come highly recommended by a colleague that knew his way around New York.
I was making my way to the gym for a quick break from my high stress career when the unthinkable happened. My baby had a breakdown. So there I was, a high powered trader who calculated my net worth in six figures, stuck next to the road like a common wage earner.
I called my assistant to get her to phone the shop and demand they send somebody to come and sort out the problem then and there so I could carry on with my perfect day, tending to the things that made me the icon of jet-set perfection. I decided to ignore the faint trace of irony in her voice when she drawled out the words "stuck by the roadside". I would deal with her later. I knew just how to make her wish she had more self control.
I was feeling poorer by the minute as I wasted precious time leaning against the gleaming racing green exterior of my beautiful car. Whoever the fuck she'd spoken to on the phone clearly didn't grasp the gravity of the situation as others on the floor snatched hot deals that I would have otherwise clinched with the flair and élan that was my trademark. I would have to see if I could get them to compensate me for the inconvenience and loss of income, although I couldn't imagine that they'd be able to match what every idle minute cost me in dollars and dignity.
Finally, as was hauling out my iPhone to lambast my assistant, a battered pickup truck appeared in a cloud of dust. A scruffy face with impertinent blue eyes peered out above the elbow that stuck out of the front window through the sandy billows his skidding stop had created. I opened my mouth to protest at the waste of my time and promptly choked on the mouthful of sand that I inhaled.
The apparition that greeted my watering eyes as I recovered set me off anew. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his jeans, which already hung well below the waist line, were open to the eruption of pubic hair that threatened to escape the confines of the already undone jeans. His gaudy belt jangled insolently as he bent over me to administer a solid slap to the back.
"You OK there pardner?" he guffawed jovially.
"Here, take a swig of this," he commanded and shoved a can of beer in my hand and helped me lift it to my face before I could protest. The frothy liquid filled my mouth and gratefully it was ice cold, which didn't prevent me from choking again and spewing the froth out of my nose in what must have been quite an entertaining spectacle. I, however, was less than amused.
My splutters of indignation were clearly lost on the muscular mechanic who was already popping my hood, or at least the hood of my baby and I swallowed my protestations at his dusty paws on the gleaming paintwork. I treasured the secret hope that he would solve my dilemma and enable me to leave post haste and resume my valuable lifestyle without any further delay and inconvenience.
Painfully aware of the sweat that trickled from my perfectly shaped hairline down my fashionably stubbled cheek into my formerly crisp collar and down my chest where an alarming patch of damp was now blossoming under my armpit, I stumbled after him in my Louis Vuittons to hear the verdict.
I was hard pressed to focus on what the man was trying to explain to me on account of the fact that his ass was hanging out. A healthy crack was visible above the low-hanging fruit of his jeans and it spite of myself I couldn't take my eyes off it. You'd think that his pants would slide right off his butt but the butt in question was sufficiently impressive to provide an impediment to gravity to keep his pants hanging on the shelf of succulent muscle that protruded backwards like a juicy melon. Not that it mattered. I am straight.
My mechanic must have noticed the lack of an answer to his question as he looked back at me from under the hood. He caught me staring and just grinned devilishly through the scruff of his beard.
"I'm gonna have to tow her in. Ya wanna lift?"
Visions of what would happen to my perfect clothes were swept away as Mr Mechanic rapidly reversed his pick up and hooked my baby up. I had two choices: stay in the sun to call a taxi which might take a while or risk contamination in the vehicle of my criminally near-naked rescuer.
I chose the latter. Time was a-wasting as it was and I didn't want to catch sunstroke besides.
"Name's Steve. Pleasure to meet you."
He threw open the door from his side and as I hesitated, looking at the dubious stains on the seat, hauled out a towel, with equally dubious stains and draped it to "protect" my wardrobe, which cost more than his car.
I gingerly lowered myself onto what passed for a seat and barely had the opportunity to settle mand fasten my seatbelt before my 'rescuer' put his pedal to the metal and took off in a further cloud of dust.
"So you from around here," 'Steve' asked, a polite and impertinent smile on his lips.
"Uh, I suppose you could say so," I ground out, grabbing for the handle above the door to stabilise myself against his efforts to kill us. God only knows what was happening to my baby behind us.
"So what you do for a living? You a model?"
I squashed the blush of pleasure that he should think that of me and answered coolly.
"Nope, I'm a stockbroker. That means – "
"Yeah I know what that is. I got shares in Apple and they doing quite well. So you got any hot tips?"
"Well, that's unethical and would be – "
" – insider trading, I know. I was just kidding. You're cute, you know?"
To my deep, deep dismay I felt a blush of pleasure make its way to my cheeks and turned away to 'look at the countryside'. I felt his eyes on me and I resisted the temptation to look back.
"You should keep your eyes on the road, 'Steve'. My car is valuable and I would rather have it in one piece. Not to mention my life."
"No worries, your life is safe in my hands... you never did tell me your name."
To my horror I felt his hand on my thigh. I pulled my legs together towards the door and had the mental picture of myself as a vestal virgin trying to escape the ministrations of the high priest.
He stroked it firmly once and returned it to the wheel.
"So Louis –" He volunteered.
"My name isn't Louis," I corrected him.
"I know, I'm talking to your shoes, cos you still haven't introduced yourself."
"You know I'm wearing Louis Vuittons?" I gasped, incredulous.
"Duh," he chuckled and returned his hand to my knee and gave it a manly rub. This time I tried to remove his hairy paw from my expensive trousers but he was quick as a flash and snagged my hand and transferred it to his beefy thigh.
“Listen, bud, I’m not sure what you think is happening here,” I protested in an effort to regain my composure and control. Even to myself I sounded like a petulant queen.
“Hey, nothing, man, I think you’re hot, and I’m trying my luck. If you’re not interested, I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
He transferred the hand in question to his pubic hair which was still clambering spectacularly out of his open jeans. He scratched luxuriously and adjusted his ass forward on the seat so he could scratch his testicles. I tried not to allow my eyes to be drawn to the obscene sight but failed.
“Nothing like a good scratch. Yours must be kinda stifled in those expensive slacks. Just saying” he giggled. There was nothing malicious in his voice, or in his eyes as I glanced up at the sparkling blue peepers that managed to radiate through the dirty blonde fringe that hung over his forehead and down to his nose. He brought his hand to his nose and sniffed appreciatively.
“Pure man-smell,” he murmured and pushed the same hand through his hair. I was fascinated by that hand as it returned to his crotch and lay there, lovingly combing his pubes out.
A traitorous itch started in my own crotch and I struggled to ignore it. I tried to subtly wriggle on the spot but to no avail. My balls were itchy and there was only one way to alleviate it. My hand snuck down to my expensive crotch and I pulled at the spot where my ball bag was biting me. Relief flooded me as I managed to hit exactly the right spot.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Fuck! I didn’t manage to escape my mechanic’s attention. Red flooded up from my neckline until I knew I glowed like a bulb in a red-light shop window.
I decided to change the subject to something a bit more useful and closer to the point of our meeting.
“Do you think it will take long to fix my car? If not, I will have to leave it with you and catch a taxi back to work.”
“Losing money every minute right?”
“You have no idea,” I breathed, mostly to myself.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I dunno, man, until I take a decent look I can’t say for sure. But I should know soon after getting it to the shop. He laid his hand on my thigh again and kneaded gently.
“Don’t worry, Louis, your baby will be all better soon,” He made a point of speaking to my shoes. I felt a smile force its way to my cheeks.
“The name’s Jonty. Jonty Cravin.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance ‘Jonty Cravin’. Even his name’s hot, Louis!”
This time the smile broke through and a chuckle escaped my lips. I decided not to fight the pleasure that his compliment caused.
“Your hand is still on my leg, Steve.” I made no move to remove it.
“Yeah, it seems to like that spot. Do ya mind?”
“I’m straight, Steve – I have a beautiful girlfriend and a whole line of others waiting for me to tire of her.”
"You know what I love the most about fucking a woman?" The sudden change in direction almost gave me whiplash. Fuck me if I didn’t want to hear.
“Uh, no, what?”
"Eating pussy. I love eating pussy. Getting that pussy butter all over my face, sucking on that little oyster until she clamps my head between her knees and has a small seizure. Hot." His voice was hot also, and his arousal seemed to transfer itself to my own body.
I felt my dick start to uncoil in my pants and suddenly his hand on my thigh started to burn. I quickly pulled my leg towards the door, out of his reach.
“Your pants seem to be filling up nicely, Jonty Cravin. Looks like we have a similar problem.”
The base of his cock, where it appeared from his bush, was getting thicker and it was clear that it wanted out.
"How far until we get to the Shop?" My voice sounded hoarse and a little desperate.
"It's not far, Jonty Cravin. You should be rid of me soon.”
I didn’t even acknowledge to myself that I wasn’t as keen to be rid of him as it would appear.
We drove along in silence for a while. Occasionally I felt Steve’s eyes on me and when I looked he gave me a dazzling smile or a wink. Unbidden, a picture of him eating a juicy pussy pushed its way to the front of my mind and I looked away very quickly, feeling the blood rush to my face. My balls, couched as they were in my obscenely expensive underwear, contracted and I imagined what it would feel like to have him suck one into his stubbly mouth.
He lifted his hand to his furry chest, and lay his paw over one meaty pec. His nipple peeked out from between his fingers like a tiny eraser and it was clear he was stimulating it.
“Fucking scorcher of a day, gotta take a cold shower soon,” he said, huskily, as he pulled into what was obviously our destination.
I bolted from the passenger door as soon as it was safe to do so. I made sure that I was facing away from the pickup so as to avoid a clear view of my bulging crotch.
Steve the mechanic ignored me and got my car pulled into the garage and set up on a lift so he could see underneath. Once he had done so he waved me over. I hovered on the perimeter but he beckoned me closer. He stood slightly behind me and his hips were pressed against my butt on the one side, while his hand cupped my ass on the other side. With his other hand he pointed upwards.
“See that? You got a hole in your sump.” As he said that his one finger strayed into the cleft between my buns and downwards and I could feel the warmth and pressure through my slacks. His head nudged in against mine and he whispered into my ear.
“There’s no way you’re going to drive your baby out of here today, Jonty Cravin.”
I stood rooted to the spot and felt my cocks strain against the confines of its expensive prison.
“Shit man, Steve, I told you I’m straight! What the fuck are you doing?” I turned and shoved him away from me in an effort to put as much distance between us.
“Just let me call a cab and you start fixing her and let me know when it’s done so I can send somebody to collect her.
“And I want to talk to your boss. This has gone too far.”
“You’re looking at him,” he said, presenting himself, shirtless and with his dick just about climbing out of his jeans. “This is my Shop. And I provide a full service as a part of the package.”
“Just stay the fuck away from me you sex-crazed maniac,” I hissed, while I dialed my assistant.
“I’m sending you my location, get me a cab and I want to be back in the office in less than thirty minutes. If I’m not, I will fire you so quickly your head will spin.”
I ignored the babbling on the other end of the line and killed the call.
“Do you have somewhere cool I can wait?” I asked Steve, and I didn’t bother to hide my irritation.
“Yeah, sure, my office has aircon. Follow me. I have to make a call anyway.”
I did as I was told and I couldn’t help staring at the luscious piece of man-ass that led the way, the hairy crack still as evident as ever. A rag hung out of the back pocket and it flapped idly with the lazy movement of his man-buns like a flag in a lazy breeze – a flag that proclaimed ‘Just pretend you don’t find this sexy, I dare you!’
“After you,” he said, as we reached the little hole in the wall that was obviously his office.
“No, after you,” I said, determined to never let him get behind me again. You never knew when he was going to try and nail me when I wasn’t looking.
The “office” was mercifully cool. The aircon in the confined space turned the tiny pigsty into an oasis of relief from the infernal heat outside. There was barely space for the both of us in the room so I backed in behind the door. He immediately picked up the phone and started speaking animatedly about sumps and shit so I knew he was ordering a part for my Mini. As he spoke he moved out from behind the desk and closed the office door. That left me with about 1 square foot in which to avoid brushing up against his hairy chest and cascading pubes. He pretended not to notice and as much as I tried to avoid him, he strutted up and down in the tiny space, effectively cornering me. When he finally ended the call he was standing so close to me I could smell his breath and his rampant pubes threatened to brush against my zipper. The aircon couldn’t do anything to cool me down any more. He didn’t seem to pick up the awkwardness of the situation.
“It looks like they will have to order the part in. It’s out of stock.”
“How long will it take?” I asked hoarsely, looking into his clear blue eyes, my heart beating in my chest like a tap-dancer on acid.
“I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s going to be anytime soon.”
He suddenly seemed to pick up on the awkwardness of the position I was in and leaned in.
“Are you ok there? You seem … fidgety.”
He looked me up and down as much as it was possible at such close quarters and his gaze fixed on my chest. He lifted his hand and gently thumbed my nipple.
“Seems like the aircon is having an effect on you. Or is it me?”
We were almost exactly the same height and my breath, which was rushing in and out as if I’d run a 100 yards, stirred his long blonde hair.
“Jonty Cravin, you have a mighty sexy mouth.”
He put his hand up and cupped my chin and his thumb rubbed across my lower lip.
“You can deck me if you like but I think I’m gonna hafta kiss you now, rich boy.”
His other hand snaked up behind my head and pulled me in gently. I looked into his eyes and noticed for the first time that he had very long black eyelashes and that his eyebrows, similarly, were black. When we almost touched mouths, he paused and leaned his forehead against mine. Then he stuck his tongue out and licked my lower lip, sucking it onto his soft, soft mouth. Up to this moment I‘d had my hips as far as possible away from him lest he discover the effect he was having on me but I figured it was a little late for that now. Besides, behind me the wall would allow me to go no further away.
“Mmmmm, you taste good, Jonty Cravin, and I’m a-cravin’ your sweet lips something fierce.”
The coarse chest hair between us scraped on my designer shirt and reminded me that the guy I was kissing was all man. I slid my hand up his chest and revelled in the feeling of steel under the fur of his abdomen and pecs. By this time we were beginning to pick up speed in the kissing department and boy, could this grease monkey kiss! | <urn:uuid:ee1ac953-023d-4891-984b-ed919e1abdf5> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:16:22Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.98649 | 4,439 | 4,777 |
Blood sugar, or glucose, is the main sugar found in your blood and serves as the primary source of energy for your body’s cells. You get it from the food you eat and it’s crucial for all bodily functions.
Unfortunately, when blood sugar levels rise too rapidly (spike), it can result in a variety of health issues over time, such as diabetes and other chronic conditions.
Managing blood sugar is particularly important for people with diabetes and for those at risk of developing it. Learning to do this is also beneficial for anyone who wants to maintain steady energy levels and good overall health.
In this article, we’ll explore a range of dietary choices that can help maintain stable blood sugar levels. We’ll delve into low-glycemic foods that are not only delicious but also offer nutritional benefits without the unwanted spikes. We’ll also discuss how to integrate these foods into your daily meals and the importance of other lifestyle factors that influence blood sugar management.
Whether you’re looking to manage diabetes, reduce your risk of chronic disease, or simply improve your overall well-being, understanding and choosing the right foods is a powerful step in the right direction.
The glycemic index (GI) is a rating system for foods containing carbohydrates. It shows how quickly those foods cause your blood sugar (glucose) levels to rise after eating.
All foods get broken down into glucose during digestion. But not all carbs are equal – some break down faster than others once eaten.
Low GI foods (55 or less) break down slowly and cause a gradual rise in blood sugar. This includes beans, oats, most fruits and non-starchy veggies.
Medium GI foods (56-69) raise blood sugar a medium amount. Think brown rice, whole wheat bread.
High GI foods (70 or more) break down rapidly, causing a quick spike in blood sugar. Examples are white bread, potatoes, sugary cereal.
The GI is based on a scale of 0-100. Foods tested are compared to a reference food, usually pure glucose or white bread. The higher the GI number, the more dramatically that food raises your blood sugar levels.
Knowing the GI helps you choose carbs that will keep your energy and mood stable – avoiding spikes and crashes after meals. It’s a simple tool for managing blood sugar levels.
Understanding Blood Sugar Control
Blood sugar control is a delicate balance that the body maintains to provide energy while preventing the damaging effects of high or low blood sugar levels.
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is central to this process. When you eat, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, entering the bloodstream and prompting the pancreas to release insulin.
Insulin acts as a key, allowing glucose to enter the body’s cells so they can use it for energy.
If this system is disrupted, as in diabetes, blood sugar levels can fluctuate widely. Factors influencing blood sugar include the type and amount of food consumed, physical activity levels, medication, and individual metabolic rates.
To manage blood sugar effectively, it’s crucial to understand these factors and how they interact within your body, as well as recognize the role of consistent dietary choices and lifestyle habits.
The Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Explained
Before you can understand how different foods affect blood sugar, you need to grasp the concepts of glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL).
The glycemic index is a ranking system that indicates how quickly and how much a food raises blood sugar levels after consumption. Foods are scored on a scale of 0 to 100, with pure glucose arbitrarily assigned a value of 100.
the body digests and absorbs high-GI foods (70 and above) rapidly, leading to marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. In contrast, low-GI foods (55 and below) have a more gradual effect, promoting a slow, steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.
However, the glycemic index doesn’t take into account the amount of food eaten. Glycemic load, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive perspective by multiplying the glycemic index of a food by the amount of carbohydrates in a typical serving size.
A GL of 20 or more is considered high, while 10 or less is low. By using glycemic load as a guide, you can gauge the blood sugar impact of typical food portions. This makes it easier to make choices that support blood sugar control.
Low-Glycemic Foods for Blood Sugar Management
Managing blood sugar levels is easier when you incorporate low-glycemic foods into your diet. Doing so will help you avoid issues with blood sugar spikes.
Here’s a look at some of the best low-glycemic food options:
- Oats: Steel-cut or old-fashioned oats have a lower GI and provide a fiber-rich start to your day.
- Quinoa: Besides being low-GI, quinoa is a complete protein, offering all nine essential amino acids.
- Barley: A versatile grain with a chewy texture and nutty flavor that can help manage blood sugar levels.
- Lentils: Available in various colors, lentils are not only low-GI but are also packed with protein and fiber.
- Chickpeas: Ideal for salads, soups, or as a hummus spread, chickpeas have a GI value that supports steady blood sugar.
- Black Beans: They can be included in a range of dishes and are known for their blood sugar-stabilizing effects.
Nuts and Seeds
- Almonds: Snack on a handful of almonds or add them to meals to enhance texture and nutrition.
- Chia Seeds: Highly absorbent and can be used in puddings or as a topping, they offer omega-3s and fiber.
- Walnuts: A source of healthy fats and a good snack option to keep blood sugar levels in check.
- Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens have minimal impact on blood sugar.
- Broccoli: Rich in fiber and nutrients with a low GI.
- Bell Peppers: Add color and crunch to dishes without raising your blood sugar much.
- Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and other berries have lower GI values and are rich in antioxidants.
- Apples: A convenient, high-fiber fruit that’s low on the GI scale when eaten with the skin on.
- Pears: Another fibrous fruit that, when eaten fresh, can help manage blood sugar levels.
Incorporating these low-glycemic foods into your diet can help modulate blood sugar levels, reduce hunger pangs, and provide lasting energy. Pairing them with a good source of protein or healthy fats can further stabilize glucose absorption and control hunger. Remember, the key to blood sugar management is not just about the type of carbohydrates but also the portion size and combination of foods.
Protein’s Role in Stabilizing Blood Sugar
Protein is a vital macronutrient in managing blood sugar levels as it has minimal impact on glucose levels in the blood.
When consumed, protein facilitates a slow, steady rise in blood sugar, followed by a gradual decline, which helps prevent the sudden spikes that can occur after eating high-glycemic carbohydrates. This macronutrient can increase the feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating and thus indirectly contributing to blood sugar control.
The body’s use of protein for energy is a more complex and longer process compared to carbohydrates, which means it does not convert to glucose as rapidly. As a result, including a source of protein with each meal can help anchor blood sugar levels and provide a sustained source of energy.
Animal-based proteins, such as lean meats, fish, and eggs, are excellent sources of high-quality protein. For those following a plant-based diet, proteins such as tofu, tempeh, and legumes are not only rich in protein but also high in fiber, which can further assist in stabilizing blood sugar.
However, it’s important to consider the method of preparation and overall dietary balance, ensuring that protein intake is a part of a comprehensive approach to a healthy, low-glycemic diet.
Healthy Fats That Don’t Affect Blood Sugar
Healthy fats play a crucial role in a diet aimed at stabilizing blood sugar levels, as they have no direct impact on glucose and can enhance meal satisfaction and fullness.
These fats, particularly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, support heart health and are present in a variety of foods.
Olive oil, a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, is rich in monounsaturated fats, making it a good choice for cooking or as a salad dressing base. Also high in monounsaturated fats, avocado can be a good addition to sandwiches or salads. It’s also a great choice for a nutrient-dense snack.
Nuts and seeds, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, offer a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, further aiding in blood sugar management.
Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, which are beneficial for brain and heart health. However, it’s important to be mindful of portion sizes, as all fats are calorie-dense.
Nevertheless, when you consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet, healthy fats can be a valuable tool for maintaining steady blood sugar levels and overall health.
Dairy and Dairy Alternatives
Dairy products and their alternatives can play a supportive role in blood sugar management. Traditional dairy like milk, cheese, and yogurt naturally contain lactose, a sugar that can have a moderate effect on blood sugar levels. However, the protein and fat in dairy can help mitigate this response, particularly with lower-lactose options such as Greek yogurt and hard cheeses.
For people with lactose intolerance or those following a vegan lifestyle, dairy alternatives offer a viable solution. Almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk are popular plant-based substitutes, often fortified with calcium and other vitamins to mimic the nutritional profile of cow’s milk. Soy milk stands out among these for its higher protein content, which can be beneficial for blood sugar control.
It is important to be discerning when selecting dairy alternatives, as some may contain added sugars that can impact glucose levels. Unsweetened varieties are preferable for keeping sugar intake in check.
Furthermore, the fermentation process in yogurt, whether dairy-based or plant-based, can produce probiotics, which may have a positive impact on gut health and potentially improve metabolic processes related to blood sugar regulation.
When incorporating dairy or its alternatives into the diet, the key is to look for low-sugar options and to be mindful of portion sizes. This approach allows for the enjoyment of dairy’s taste and nutritional benefits while maintaining a focus on blood sugar management.
Beverages for Blood Sugar Control
When it comes to blood sugar control, the beverages you choose can have a significant impact.
Water is the quintessential drink for maintaining hydration without affecting glucose levels. It can also help mitigate blood sugar spikes by contributing to a sense of fullness and reducing the likelihood of overeating.
Herbal teas, such as green tea or chamomile, are also excellent options that offer hydration with the added benefit of antioxidants, without any sugar or calories.
For those seeking a flavor boost, adding a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime to water can provide a refreshing taste. Unsweetened almond milk can also serve as a low-carb, low-sugar beverage that pairs well with meals or coffee.
Speaking of coffee, regular black coffee is low in calories and carbohydrates. However, it’s important to avoid adding sugars and syrups that can turn it into a blood sugar-raising drink.
Moderation is key with beverages like coffee and tea, as excessive caffeine can lead to potential blood sugar swings in some people. Moreover, for holistic blood sugar control, it’s important to steer clear of sugary drinks, such as sodas and fruit juices, which can cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels.
Opting for whole fruits rather than juices not only provides fiber but also helps manage the release of sugar into the bloodstream.
Smart Snacking for Steady Blood Sugar
Smart snacking is an integral component of maintaining steady blood sugar levels. The goal is to select snacks that provide a good mix of protein, healthy fats, and fiber, as these nutrients have minimal impact on blood glucose and can help sustain energy and satiety between meals.
A well-chosen snack can prevent the blood sugar dips that often lead to unhealthy food cravings. For instance, an apple with a handful of almonds combines the fiber of the fruit with the protein and healthy fats of the nuts, creating a balanced option.
Greek yogurt with a sprinkle of chia seeds is another smart choice, offering probiotic benefits alongside a rich mix of nutrients.
For those with a savory palate, vegetables like carrots or bell peppers dipped in hummus provide crunch and fiber with added protein from the chickpeas. Whole grain crackers with avocado spread can also be a satisfying snack that pairs complex carbohydrates with heart-healthy fats.
It’s important to be mindful of portion sizes, even with healthy snacks, to avoid overconsumption of calories. By planning ahead and choosing wisely, snacking can be a valuable tool in the blood sugar management toolkit, keeping energy levels stable throughout the day.
Planning Your Meals
Meal planning is an effective strategy for maintaining a balanced diet, saving time, and reducing food waste. By organizing meals in advance, you can ensure that your diet is rich in nutrients and appropriate in portion sizes, which is particularly important for those managing weight or specific health conditions like diabetes.
The first step in meal planning is to assess dietary goals, whether they’re to control blood sugar, manage weight, or simply eat healthier.
Once goals are established, you can create a meal schedule that includes a variety of foods across all food groups to meet your nutritional needs. It’s beneficial to incorporate lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and a colorful array of fruits and vegetables. These components can help in maintaining energy levels and fullness throughout the day.
Planning your meals also involves making a grocery list based on your meal schedule, which can streamline your shopping process and help you avoid impulsive buys that may not align with your dietary objectives. Preparing some components of the meals ahead of time, such as chopping vegetables or cooking grains, can save time during the week.
A flexible but structured meal plan can accommodate busy schedules while still allowing for variety. It might include designated nights for certain types of cuisine or theme nights like “Meatless Monday” to keep the routine exciting.
With a little foresight and creativity, meal planning can be a rewarding process that contributes to a healthier lifestyle and better control over your diet.
Lifestyle Factors That Complement a Low-Glycemic Diet
Adopting a low-glycemic diet is a powerful step towards better blood sugar management, but its effectiveness can be significantly enhanced by incorporating certain lifestyle factors.
Regular physical activity is a cornerstone of this holistic approach. Engaging in both aerobic exercise and resistance training can improve insulin sensitivity, allowing your muscles to use glucose more effectively, which helps in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
Stress management also plays a critical role. Chronic stress can trigger the release of hormones like cortisol, which can lead to elevated blood sugar levels. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can mitigate stress and complement dietary efforts.
Adequate sleep is another vital component. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and blood sugar. Striving for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night can help in maintaining hormonal balance, curbing cravings, and preventing insulin resistance.
Hydration is often overlooked yet is equally important. Water consumption is critical for all bodily functions, including the metabolism of glucose. By choosing water or other low-calorie beverages over sugary drinks, you can support your low-glycemic diet while staying hydrated.
Lastly, consistent meal timing can aid in keeping blood sugar levels steady throughout the day. Eating at regular intervals helps prevent the highs and lows that can occur when meals are skipped or delayed.
Summary and Conclusion
In this article, we have looked at the ways the food choices you make can influence your blood sugar levels for the worse or the better. We have also touched on the important relationship between blood sugar and insulin and explained the importance of focusing on food choices with a low glycemic index and the way proteins and dietary fats can aid blood sugar stabilization.
Taking it a step further, we have examined additional factors such as meal planning, smart snack choices, and various lifestyle factors that work well alongside a low GI diet plan.
If you take action on the information provided, in addition to enjoying healthier blood glucose levels, you may also notice improvements in vitality, body weight, and overall quality of life.
What is glycemic index?
The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose (sugar) levels. Carbs that break down slowly during digestion have a low GI, while those that break down quickly have a high GI.
What foods have a low glycemic index?
Some examples of low GI foods include beans, lentils, oatmeal, yogurt, blueberries, grapefruit, oranges, most vegetables.
Why are low GI foods recommended?
Eating low GI foods helps control blood sugar and insulin levels. This can aid weight management and reduce risk of diabetes. Low GI carbs provide sustained energy without spikes and crashes.
Can I lose weight by eating low GI food?
Studies show low GI diets may aid weight loss as they help you feel full for longer. However, you still need to reduce overall calorie intake to lose weight.
How do I know the glycemic index of foods?
The GI is measured on a scale of 0-100. You can find GI values for many foods online or in books. Low is 55 or less, medium 56-69, high 70 or more. Whole fruits and non-starchy veggies are generally low GI.
References and Resources
- Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar:
- Glycemic Index Chart: Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Ratings for 500+ Foods:
- Planning Meals and Snacks:
- Associations between Timing and Duration of Eating and Glucose Metabolism: A Nationally Representative Study in the U.S: | <urn:uuid:8ad5faf9-fc29-4111-a696-bfbd6f897d09> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:20:39Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.920385 | 3,994 | 4,844 |
Why Setting Relationship Goals Is Important - And How to Do It
Waiting for "the one" is one of the oldest myths in the book.
Ever wondered how power couple, Beyoncé and Jay-Z keep their love alive for 16 years? Hint: luck has nothing to do with it. If you've been blaming your failed relationships on "the wrong person"—think again. It may be time to reconsider who is really at fault.
Just like building a dream career, successful relationships don't happen overnight and they don't happen by chance. It takes hard work, thoughtful strategizing, and it isn't always "sexy." Forget the glitz and glam—these power couples know the real secret lies in setting goals and boundaries. From cozy date nights to self-care, these are a few A-listers who are masters at making love last.
Ready to unlock their secrets?
A Lasting, Passionate Relationship Isn't Just For Starry-Eyed Romantics—It's For Skeptics Too!
According to award-winning psychotherapist and TV host Dr. Jenn Mann, the #1 reason relationships don't make it past the 1-year mark is because as soon as our relationship doesn't go according to plan, tensions can get so high, the whole relationship crumbles.
"It is easy to get along in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. During the early stages, when we are falling in love, all we see is how alike we are and how wonderful our new partner is. We see our commonalities, not our differences. “You like pizza. I like pizza! We are so alike! We are perfect for each other!” We are merged. We feel like one person, a unit, a “we.” The first time we see our differences, it may feel like a huge betrayal (“What do you mean you voted for him?”), because it marks the moment when we are thrown back into the reality of being two separate people with different thoughts and beliefs."So what about all the people who make it past the honeymoon phase? The "1 year mark"? Does that mean they have it all figured out?
Jenn Mann, Instyle
RELATED: After 40 Years Together Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell Refuse to Marry–How They Work Against the Rules
Maybe...but maybe not. Ask yourself are your partner really share a deep and powerful connection, or are you just glorified roommates?
We've all heard the dreaded saying, "I love them but I'm not in love with them"—in fact, we've probably even said it ourselves, but what if we told you that being "in love" isn't the luck of the draw you think it is?
What Are Relationship Goals? Why Are They Important?
Relationship goals are more than just whimsical fantasies or Instagram-worthy snapshots; they are the guiding principles that steer a couple toward a fulfilling and harmonious partnership. At their core, relationship goals encompass the shared visions, aspirations, and milestones that both partners aim to achieve together. These goals provide a roadmap for growth, fostering communication, understanding, and mutual respect along the way.
Most importantly, they serve as your relationship-sonar in times of turbulence so you and your co-pilot can navigate the storm together. From building trust and deepening intimacy to navigating challenges as a united front, setting relationship goals cultivates a sense of purpose and commitment that strengthens the bond between partners.
In essence, relationship goals aren't just important—they are the foundation upon which enduring love is built.
How to Get Clear on Your Love Goals
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 12: Actor George Clooney and his wife Amal Clooney attend the "Money Monster" premiere during the 69th annual Cannes Film Festival at the Palais des Festivals on May 12, 2016 in Cannes, France.
Clemens Bilan/Getty Images
Whether you're in a happily committed relationship, enjoying the thrill of new love, or searching for a partner, setting relationship goals is within everyone's reach. But before we dive into pursuing the love we desire, it's important to have a clear idea of what that love actually looks like.
Some Questions To Ask Yourself
- What does my ideal, healthy relationships look like?
- What romantic relationships do I idealize?
- How would my partner and I stay on the same page or resolve conflict?
- How do I prefer to receive love from my partner?
- How would my partner and I best communicate in everyday life?
When it comes to setting relationship goals, it's not one-size-fits-all. Getting a clear picture of what a healthy relationship looks like for you may be vastly different than what it looks like for a friend or a family member.
Don't be afraid to compare notes but try and stay away from comparing goals.
The 8 Most Important Couple Goals To Set And When
NEW YORK, NY - MAY 05: Actors Blake Lively (L) and Ryan Reynolds attend the "Charles James: Beyond Fashion" Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 5, 2014 in New York City.
Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images
First and foremost, relationship goals should be something both you and your partner set together. Setting one-sided couple goals probably isn't the best idea and will likely lead to disappointment. You have to start somewhere—and the best place to start is on the same page.
"When Ryan and I got together, we made a rule not to work at the same time so that we could always prioritize our personal life. That takes working really hard when we're not. Just like financial planning and sustaining that - it takes balance."
Blake Lively, Further Ado Podcast
If you're drawing a blank on what an appropriate relationship goal looks like, here are the 8 most important things to know when it comes to making your relationship work.
#1. Understand Each Other's "Love Language"
Counselor, Gary Chapman coined the widely popular theory of the "Five Love Languages". In his work, Chapman found that couples often had difficulty feeling and expressing love (despite their partner's best efforts). So he broke down the themes from these discussions into what's known as the five love languages:
- Physical touch
- Quality time
- Acts of service
- Words of affirmation.
Chances are, you and your partner don't have the same love language. The chances are even higher that you show your partner love the way you want to receive love. It's a bit of a trap. The problem probably looks a little something like this:
- After a long work week, you spend hours cooking your partner their all-time favorite meal (acts of service)—the least they could do is wash the dishes (acts of service).
- Instead, the dishes pile up in the sink while they run over to the TV and put on your favorite movie for a Netflix and cuddle sesh (Quality Time, Physical Touch).
- Even though their heart's in the right place, you can't enjoy the movie because you're too busy thinking if they really "loved" you...that casserole dish wouldn't be soaking in the sink.
It easy to see why identifying you and your partner's love language is a quick way to get crossed wires, uncrossed. Good news is, "quality time" is one of the most common love languages and it here's a simple hack to get it right.
#2. Commit To A Weekly Date Night — "Don't Stop The Romance"
NEW YORK, NY - CIRCA 1978: Suzanne Somers and husband Alan Hamel at Studio 54 circa 1978 in New York City.
Robin Platzer/IMAGES/Getty Images
If there's one thing Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel knew how to get right—it was romance.
After 55 years together, Somers heartbreakingly passed away in 2023 and fans were overwhelmed by Hamel's masterful letter he wrote to Somers in her final days. He found a way to pack 55 years of love into one last, beautiful, tearjerking punch.
READ MORE: On Her Final Night, Suzanne Somers’ Read Alan Hamel’s Love Letter – A Beautiful Look at Love After 46 Years
But even though the love of his life would leave him too soon—Hamel and Somers lived with no regrets. They made every moment on earth together count. In rain or shine—dressed up or dressed down—the soulmates famously shared the secret to their marriage:
"Listen to one another, give each other a lot of attention, keep it exciting, date. My marriage is very romantic. … We might sit here and have a tequila. … We dance, I cook, we sit out and watch the moonlight on the ocean."
They also reportedly had sex twice a day—but who's counting!
#3. Maintain The Physical Connection
TOPSHOT - US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift kisses Kansas City Chiefs' tight end #87 Travis Kelce after the Chiefs won Super Bowl LVIII against the San Francisco 49ers at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada, February 11, 2024.
PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images
While we may not all have the libido of ThighMaster influencer Suzanne Somers we don't have to! When it comes to setting relationship goals around intimacy don't underestimate the significance of physical touch.
Incorporating consistent physical connection into your relationship offers numerous benefits. Simple gestures like hand-holding, hugs, or a reassuring pat on the shoulder can trigger the release of oxytocin, the "feel-good hormone," while also reducing cortisol levels, the body's stress hormone.
While physical intimacy is undeniably important, it's crucial to understand that it's just one facet of intimacy in a relationship. Intellectual, spiritual, and emotional connections are equally vital. Creating a safe and comfortable environment where both partners understand each other's preferences and boundaries enhances the pleasure derived from physical touch.
However, it's essential to approach physical intimacy with sensitivity and awareness. Attempting to force physical closeness or using it as a substitute for deeper emotional connection can backfire. Achieving a healthy balance in physical touch requires open communication, mutual understanding of body language, and respect for each other's boundaries.
Remember, physical connection encompasses more than just sexual intimacy. From a warm hug in the morning to a sweet kiss goodnight, there are countless ways to express affection and strengthen the bond with your partner.
You don't need to be an expert in massage therapy to reap the benefits of physical touch—simple gestures can go a long way in nurturing intimacy and emotional well-being. So, prioritize physical connections and make them an integral part of your relationship journey.
However, try not to get the purpose of the "love languages" confused. Showing your partner "love" is so important but it's not a substitute for the sometimes hard conversations.
#4. Improve Your Communication
When it comes to love communication really is key—and miscommunications are one of the first things that can tear a couple apart.
As you’re building your list of goals, an important thing to think about is the way you and your partner communicate. It's easy to make the assumption that our partner knows exactly how we feel–—but assumptions can be deadly to a relationship. No matter how long the two of you have been together, your partner can never know what you truly feel unless you tell them. So prioritize communication.
"If I was going to have an equal voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up."
- Michelle Obama, "Becoming"
Understanding how your partner feels and why they think this way is critical to a healthy romantic partnership. Different backgrounds, upbringings and experiences can sometimes make it difficult to see things from our partner's perspective. Make it part of your relationship goals to better understand one another.
If communication is a couple goal you both want to prioritize but have trouble with, seeking the help of a licensed therapist to act as an unbiased evaluator can be a great tool to utilize.
Just ask Barack Obama and Michelle Obama! After 30 years together, the former President and First Lady have openly credited therapy as a huge help in making sure they are always on the same page!
#5. Discuss Your Shared Values And Prepare For Values To Change AS You Grow
TOPSHOT - US actor Ben Affleck kisses US actress and singer Jennifer Lopez as they arrive for the screening of the film "The Last Duel" presented out of competition on September 10, 2021 during the 78th Venice Film Festival at Venice Lido.
One of the biggest miscommunications a couple can have is thinking they have the same values—only to find out, in big relationship-defining moments they couldn't be more wrong. A relationship-defining moment could be when a couple is deciding how they want to raise their children or whether or not they want to get married. This discovery can be devastating. The million-dollar question is, how do you avoid it?
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are great examples of a Hollywood "it" couple who had miscommunications and learned from it. "Bennifer" didn't make it the first time around—and the exes went on to raise their children in very different ways—with Lopez opting for a more lavish Miami lifestyle and Affleck keeping it low-key in LA. So what changed? What made this couple reunite years later?
Did the stars align? Or did they just get clear on their shared values?
Though the two went their separate ways in 2004, 17 years later they resurrected one of Hollywood’s favorite romances. After being spotted on multiple loved-up outings and at red-carpet appearances together, they were finally married in 2023. But before they tied the knot the couple made it a priority to talk about what mattered and how this time was going to be different.
In an exclusive sit down with VOGUE, Lopez shared how the second time around was even better than the first. They had years to mature and become full-formed individuals. When they reunited they were no longer "two halves" struggling to make a whole. They were two whole people coming together who put their shared family values first, instead of their careers.
He’s a wonderful, wonderful father and father figure to them as well, ’cause he has his own three beautiful children and then there’s us. He’s fantastic. He really steps up to the challenge of what [being a stepfather] is and what that means, and they love him."
Jennifer Lopez, VOGUE (2023)
Lopez and Affleck's story is a revealing reminder of the significance of aligning with a partner who shares your values, particularly when envisioning a future together. While initial discussions about important topics such as living arrangements, family planning, and career aspirations may lay the foundation for a strong connection, it's crucial to recognize that values can evolve over time.
Continual communication about evolving priorities and aspirations is essential for maintaining harmony and alignment within the relationship. Whether it's a shift in living preferences or a newfound desire to establish roots in a specific location, addressing these changes openly and honestly fosters understanding and prevents potential conflicts down the road.
If identifying your and your partner's values may feel too broad, here are the 7 most important "core values" according to psychotherapist and celebrity relationship guru, Esther Perel.
- Communication: Keeping open lines of communication with your partner can set you up to have a successful relationship. The busyness of life can make it challenging for couples to keep one another informed. However, maintaining a clear back-and-forth of information is the only way to ensure the relationship will be sustainable.
- Equality: Seeing each other as equals fosters mutual respect. This can create a deeper emotional connection and create greater intimacy between you and your partner.
- Honesty: Honesty and trust go hand in hand. Being honest with your loved one allows you to build a healthy relationship. Without honesty, the foundation of the relationship can falter and lead to heartbreak.
- Intimacy: Take time for physical and emotional intimacy. You should not ignore a healthy sex life, frequent displays of affection, and date nights.
- Shared beliefs: Religious beliefs can play a significant part in a person’s life. Though religious differences do not always signal a deal-breaker, having shared beliefs can make navigating through life together, especially if parenting, easier.
- Trust: Every good relationship needs a foundation of trust. Relationship experts claim trust is the most important value of every successful relationship. Without trust, romantic relationships quickly deteriorate.
- Validation: Emotional validation is the process of making your partner feel understood. Ensure you acknowledge their points of view and emotions. Emotional validation provides mental health benefits and is a healthy way to care for your partner's well-being.
While it's highly unlikely you and your partner will share all values, you and your partner must have at least 3-5 of these values in common.
#6. Support One Another—No Matter What"Always supporting me (literally)"
The #1 most important shared values a couple needs to have, is family values. David Beckham and Victoria Beckham may just be the best example when it comes to demonstrating how powerful supporting your partner can be (literally)! After all, you're not just building a life're building your forever family.
Even though celebs are stars in their own right—over 25 years together have proven the power couple are partners in work and in life. The couple share four children: Brooklyn, 24, Romeo, 21, Cruz, 19, and Harper Seven, 11.
In their widely successful Netflix doc, Beckham, The Beckhams unpack years of their life together. The ups (winning a World Cup), the downs (the cheating scandal that nearly broke them), and everything in between!
The power couple may lead crazy busy lives but it's never stopped them from making sure family comes first.
"Running a business [and] most importantly, being a mum, wouldn't be possible without David. Not only is he the most incredible father, but he's supportive and someone who loves and inspires me every single day."
Victoria Beckham, Glamour Women of the Year Award.
The bottom line is—if you're putting them before you and they are putting you before them, you have the best chance for success. But supporting your partner can look different depending on the situation. It's not about blindly agreeing to everything they say. Sometimes it looks like challenging their beliefs to help them grow
#7. Fight Fair—Be A "Master Negotiator"
EAST HAMPTON, NY - JULY 06: Barbra Streisand and James Brolin attend the "And So It Goes" premiere at Guild Hall on July 6, 2014 in East Hampton, New York.
Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images
Disagreements in relationships are inevitable. How delicately a couple navigates conflicts can make or break a relationship. So that's why if you're going to fight, fight fair. Or in other words: compromise!
"I think everybody needs to be a negotiator. Everybody needs to have patience and know when to take a walk."
James Brolin, PEOPLE
After 25 years of marriage to the legendary diva Barbra Streisand, it should go without saying that Brolin knows a thing or two about conflict resolution. His advice couldn't be more spot on.
Research suggests that "happy couples" avoid criticism, steer clear of extreme language, and prevent arguments from escalating through joint problem-solving.
If you know your partner shuts down when things get heated, don't push their boundaries and force them to give you answers. Step back. Give them space to think. Or in James Brolin's words let them "take a walk."
Fighting fair can look like this:
- Knowing how your partner's conflict resolution style may differ from your own
- Respecting your partner's boundaries
- Making your needs known
If this all sounds like a lot—one simple trick to remember when you're in a heated debate with your partner is to avoid starting a sentence with "you always..." or "you never..."!
Do they always leave the toilet seat up? They never take out the garbage?
Probably not. But the truth is, remembering this when we're "seeing red" can feel impossible. In the middle of a fight—the #1 most important thing to remember is this—what outcome do we really want after passions cool and the fight is over?
Do we want to hurt or do we want to heal?
#8. Manage Your Emotions—Don't Forget You Want The Same Outcome!
9th November 1999: Married American actors Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick smiling while standing in front of a handheld 'Access Hollywood' microphone at the For All Kids Foundation's Second Annual White Rose Awards Gala at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, New York City.
Karl Feile/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
It shouldn't come as a surprise that effective communication is critical for a healthy relationship, but just because this goal is simple—doesn't mean it's easy.
When we have a problem with our partner it can be tempting to "outsource" for advice. We may call our mom or a best friend. We swear we're "just venting," but a lot of the time what we are looking for is advice.
That's not always a bad thing! But it can be a slippery slope (especially when you're not dealing with a licensed professional).
We can be quick to tell everyone what our problem with our partner is...except our partner!
That's why after over 30 years of marriage to Matthew Broderick, Sarah Jessica Parker's best piece of advice is to "keep things just between the two of you".
RELATED: Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick’s Advice to a Lasting Marriage Is One Very Simple ‘Secret’
Asking outside opinions can distract us from dealing with the real problem. We can't expect someone to change if they don't know what is going on with us, right?
If Your Partner Calls You The More "Emotional" One...
If your partner calls you the more "emotional" one, when problems arise, you're probably pretty reactive. Chances are you read into every little action and behavior—when they seem "distant" you take it personally.
The "emotional one" is the person pacing in the living room, interrogating their partner who sits silently on the couch cross-armed. It's confusing. The more you try to "communicate"—the more they shut down.
But remember facts are not feelings! Sometimes when you think you're communicating—you're not. You may phrase your insecurities like a question—but really you're making a statement.
For Example: In a tense car ride after leaving your mother-in-law's house you may ask your partner, "Why do you never stand up for me?" Even though it's phrased like a question it's not. You're telling them they never stand up for you. It makes sense they may get defensive or shut down completely.
That's not a conversation. That's a confrontation.
If you're a volcanic eruption of emotions all your partner is going to want to do is step on rocks to dodge the hot lava!
Conflict Resolution Tip: For The "Emotional Ones"
Try taking a beat and not being so reactive. Breathe and ask yourself if the big emotions you're experiencing are rooted in reality. Then sit with it for a few days.
If you're still feeling you have something you need to say, then say it!
Your partner may get defensive but trust they will come around—because they want your relationship to work too. Don't jump on every little word they say. Wait it out. Actively listen instead of waiting for what you want to hear.
Don't take their pace personally. Just because you may want to "fix" the problem right away, doesn't mean it's always the right answer.
If Your Partner Calls You The More "Emotionally Unavailable" One...
For the "emotionally unavailable" ones, communicating looks completely different.
Unlike their partners, the "emotionally unavailable" ones tend to suppress and detach from their relationship conflicts. This can lead to big miscommunications that eventually push their partner away in the long run—which isn't what they want!
If the "Emotional" partner seems to care too much— the "emotionally unavailable" partner doesn't seem to care at all. However no matter how convincing their act may be, this isn't the truth.
The emotionally unavailable partner wants to be seen and heard too. They just don't know how to process their feelings at the same rate! The "emotional" partner has a tendency to take over the conversation and leave little room for the "emotionally unavailable" partner to process their feelings and say their piece.
So instead, they shut down. But what these personality types don't understand is their partner wants to hear how they feel. They just have a hard time asking instead of guessing.
Once you can identify why this caused you to feel a certain way, try and get into these habits:
- Talk to loved ones about what they’re feeling
- Write down what you think and feel
- Try meditation or therapy
- Exercise to relieve stress and increase endorphins
- Practice being aware of their thoughts when they’re emotional
- Remove themselves from an emotional situation if it is becoming uncontrollable
Don't be afraid to discuss these goals with your partner. It's about progress not perfection. They just want reassurance that you care. Don't be afraid to ask for them to work on their emotional regulation too.
These sorts of goals are often best met when both parties are working together, and often key components of a more lasting love.
If nothing else remember: it's not a confrontation, it's a conversation!
How to Set Goals: A Normal and Healthy Part of a Relationship
You understand why it's essential to set goals in a healthy and thriving relationship and have a few couple goals in mind that you'd like to discuss with your partner. Now it's time to sit down and have a conversation. Here are a few tips for setting relationship goals with your significant other.
- Choose a neutral space to discuss relationship goals
- Determine the length of time for each relationship goal
- Set check-in dates for each relationship goal
- Include at least one fun relationship goal
- Make sure your relationship goals are measurable
- Evaluate how your love goals make you feel
- Make sure your couple goals are equally weighted
Don't just set and forget your goals. Consistency is key. Achieving goals requires ongoing work from both you and your partner.
It Works If You Work It—Because You're Worth It!
Setting relationship goals takes time and effort – but the payoff is worth it. Even if you decide to start small, setting couple goals will undoubtedly yield a stronger relationship.
However it's important to rememberwhile there is no shame in working on your relationship don't mistake setting goals with trying to change your partner. Sadly, sometimes when a relationship has soured it's a case of not-meant-to-be that all the self-help books in the world can't fix.
However, if you're merely ironing out the wrinkles with the right person and you both share aligned love goals, you'll have a clear pathway for achieving them and a means of assessing your relationship goals as you move forward. It's important to keep in mind that working towards relationship goals should be a positive endeavor – something that feels rewarding and enjoyable.
"Every woman in her late 20s goes through a period where she just doesn't believe love is out there anymore, but it is. And I think the minute you stop looking for it is when it comes for you."
With the right tools, effort and mindset, you can use relationship goals to build the future you want with your partner.
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The sections in yellow are optional and will depend on what the client does with the data or the level of information they provide.
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This policy sets out how we use your information and provides you with information about the personal data we collect, how we keep it secure, how we ensure your privacy is maintained and your rights relating to the personal information we hold about you.
This policy applies to you if you purchase or use any of our products or services, if you visit our stores or shop online or use your mobile device and provides you with information about:
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This includes information about browsing and purchasing behaviour by people who access our websites. This includes information about pages viewed, products purchased and the customer journey around our websites.
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You have the right to:
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You can object to us processing your personal information if we are not entitled to use it any more or if the processing is based on our legitimate interest (including profiling) where this does not override your rights, to have your information deleted if we are keeping it too long or have its processing restricted where you have contested the accuracy of the data, opposed the erasure of the data, you want us to retain the data so you can establish, exercise or defend legal claims, or you have objected to the processing, whilst a decision on overriding legitimate interests is pending.
Where you have consented to us processing your personal information you may withdraw this consent at any time, including the right to opt-out of marking communications.
Where you have provided us with information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format which we process by automated means, you can receive this in a standard form or ask us to move or transfer that data to another service provider.
not be subject to automatic decision making
You may not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, unless this is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract with us, it is authorised by the regulators or it is based on your explicit consent.
If you have any questions about your rights or wish to exercise any of them, please contact us (see HOW TO CONTACT US).
Before providing personal information to you or another person on your behalf, we may ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interactions with us that we can locate your personal information.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection regulator where your personal information has or is being used in a way that you believe does not comply with data protection law. Usually this would be in the country where you live or where your legal rights have been infringed. Our lead authority is [ADD NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS].
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We collect and use your personal data because is it necessary:
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In general, we only rely on consent as a legal basis for using your personal data in relation to sending direct marketing communications to you via email or text message. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time and, where consent is the only legal basis for processing your personal information, we will cease to process data after consent is withdrawn.
Normally, the legal basis for using your personal information is that it is necessary for our legitimate interests. This includes:
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If you would like to exercise your rights (see YOUR RIGHTS for further information) or you have a question or a complaint about this policy, the way your personal information is processed, please contact us by one of the following means:
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This Policy was last updates in [ADD MONTH AND YEAR].
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European Union Biocidal Products Regulation and Its Impact on Industry: A Practical Briefing
The European Union (EU) Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) has entered into EU law. This legislation changes the way in which biocidal active substances and biocidal products are regulated in the EU. The new EU regulatory system differs from other global regulatory systems for biocidal substances and redefines what are considered biocidal products and treated articles. Companies competing in this space must be aware of and careful to ensure that existing supply chains and biocidal product designs are in compliance with the new regulation and anticipate what will be the new normal.
The new EU BPR (EC Regulation 528/2012) entered into force on September 1, 2013, amid widespread controversy and confusion within the chemical industry. Issues arose due to several changes from the BPR’s predecessor, the Biocidal Product Directive (BPD), that are, for the most part, addressed in the BPR. The BPR fully replaces the BPD and, as such, changes in the scope of the regulation have inspired industry concern. Under the BPR, all companies placing biocidal active substances or biocidal products on the EU market must share proportionally the burden for pursuing the approval or authorization process. Downstream users and customers of such companies are not required to share in the cost burden of authorization approval, however, the increased regulatory requirements and cost may ultimately be passed onto downstream users via cost increase in obtaining biocidal substances and products.
Biocidal active substances and biocidal products are defined as any neat substance or product (which may include articles) that exerts an effect on harmful organisms. This “effect” is expansively defined to include anything, including destruction, deterrence, rendering harmless, or preventing the action.
Regulation of Biocidal Substances and Biocidal Products
Biocidal substances and biocidal products are produced by many industry sectors, some of which traditionally may not be thought of as biocidal products in other jurisdictions. The BPR lists 22 biocidal product types, in four main groups. These product types and their associated descriptions are listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Product Types Listed in Annex V of the BPR
|Product-Type Number and Name
|Main Group 1: Disinfectants
These product-types exclude cleaning products that are not intended to have a biocidal effect, including washing liquids, powders, and similar products.
|Product-Type 1: Human Hygiene
|Products in this group are biocidal products used for human hygiene purposes, applied on or in contact with human skin or scalps for the primary purpose of disinfecting the skin or scalp.
|Product-Type 2: Disinfectants and Algaecides Not Intended for Direct Application to Humans or Animals
|Products used for the disinfection of surfaces, materials, equipment, and furniture that are not used for direct contact with food or feeding stuffs.
Usage areas include, inter alia, swimming pools, aquariums, bathing, and other waters; air conditioning systems; and walls and floors in private, public, and industrial areas and in other areas for professional activities.
Products used for disinfection of air, water not used for human or animal consumption, chemical toilets, waste water, hospital waste, and soil.
Products used as algaecides for treatment of swimming pools, aquariums, and other waters and for remedial treatment of construction materials.
Products used to be incorporated in textiles, tissues, masks, paints, and other articles or materials with the purpose of producing treated articles with disinfecting properties.
|Product-Type 3: Veterinary Hygiene
|Products used for veterinary hygiene purposes such as disinfectants, disinfecting soaps, oral or corporal hygiene products, or with anti-microbial function.
Products used to disinfect the materials and surfaces associated with the housing or transportation of animals.
|Product-Type 4: Food and Feed Area
|Products used for the disinfection of equipment, containers, consumption utensils, surfaces, or pipework associated with the production, transport, storage, or consumption of food or feed (including drinking water) for humans and animals.
Products used to impregnate materials that may enter into contact with food.
|Product-Type 5: Drinking Water
|Products used for the disinfection of drinking water for both humans and animals.
|Main Group 2: Preservatives
Unless otherwise stated, these product-types include only products to prevent microbial and algal development.
|Product-Type 6: Preservatives for Products during Storage
|Products used for the preservation of manufactured p roducts, other than foodstuffs, feedingstuffs, cosmetics or medicinal products, or medical devices by the control of microbial deterioration to ensure their shelf life.
Products used as preservatives for the storage or use of rodenticide, insecticide, or other baits.
|Product-Type 7: Film Preservatives
|Products used for the preservation of films or coatings by the control of microbial deterioration or algal growth in order to protect the initial properties of the surface of materials or objects such as paints, plastics, sealants, wall adhesives, binders, papers, art works.
|Product-Type 8: Wood Preservatives
|Products used for the preservation of wood, from and including the saw-mill stage, or wood products by the control of wood-destroying or wood-disfiguring organisms, including insects.
This product-type includes both preventive and curative products.
|Product-Type 9: Fiber, Leather, Rubber, and Polymerized Materials Preservatives
|Products used for the preservation of fibrous or polymerized materials, such as leather, rubber, or paper or textile products by the control of microbiological deterioration.
This product-type includes biocidal products that antagonize the settlement of micro-organisms on the surface of materials and therefore hamper or prevent the development of odor and/or offer other kinds of benefits.
|Product-Type 10: Construction Material Preservatives
|Products used for the preservation of masonry, composite materials, or other construction materials other than wood by the control of microbiological and algal attack.
|Product-Type 11: Preservatives for Liquid-Cooling and Processing Systems
|Products used for the preservation of water or other liquids used in cooling and processing systems by the control of harmful organisms such as microbes, algae, and mussels.
Products used for the disinfection of drinking water or of water for swimming pools are not included in this product- type.
|Product-Type 12: Slimicides
|Products used for the prevention or control of slime growth on materials, equipment, and structures used in industrial processes, e.g., on wood and paper pulp, porous sand strata in oil extraction.
|Product-Type 13: Working or Cutting Fluid Preservatives
|Products to control microbial deterioration in fluids used for working or cutting metal, glass, or other materials.
|Main Group 3: Pest Control
|Product-Type 14: Rodenticides
|Products used for the control of mice, rats, or other rodents, by means other than repulsion or attraction.
|Product-Type 15: Avicides
|Products used for the control of birds, by means other than repulsion or attraction.
|Product-Type 16: Molluscicides, Vermicides, and Products to Control Other Invertebrates
|Products used for the control of molluscs, worms, and invertebrates not covered by other product-types, by means other than repulsion or attraction.
|Product-Type 17: Piscicides
|Products used for the control of fish, by means other than repulsion or attraction.
|Product-Type 18: Insecticides, Acaricides and Products to Control Other Arthropods
|Products used for the control of arthropods (e.g., insects, arachnids, and crustaceans), by means other than repulsion or attraction.
|Product-Type 19: Repellents and Attractants
|Products used to control harmful organisms (invertebrates such as fleas; vertebrates such as birds, fish, rodents), by repelling or attracting, including those that are used for human or veterinary hygiene either directly on the skin or indirectly in the environment of humans or animals.
|Product-Type 20: Control of Other Vertebrates
|Products used for the control of vertebrates other than those already covered by the other product-types of this main group, by means other than repulsion or attraction.
|Main Group 4: Other Biocidal Products
|Product-Type 21: Antifouling Products
|Products used to control the growth and settlement of fouling organisms (microbes and higher forms of plant or animal species) on vessels, aquaculture equipment, or other structures used in water.
|Product-Type 22: Embalming and Taxidermist Fluids
|Products used for the disinfection and preservation of human or animal corpses, or parts thereof.
The Product-Type 6 “preservatives for products during storage” is illustrative of how the EU BPR can differ from other global regulations in that biocidal active substances added to products purely for the purpose of in-can or in-storage preservation are often exempted in other jurisdictions, but are regulated in the EU. This can cause great confusion for non-EU manufacturers that intend to have their products imported into the EU. Care must be taken to ensure that the substance is approved for this use, and that permission is obtained from the approval holder prior to commencement or continuance of import.
Impact on Biocide Registrants and Downstream Users
Due to the changes in regulation and the new provisions included in the BPR, many industry sectors will experience first hand the impact of the BPR adoption. Impacts may be purely financial, where companies will need to obtain authorization to refer to an existing approval or authorization, or may require additional resources and administrative burdens. For example, companies wishing to continue importing products or materials that were not previously regulated will need to arrange for this to happen, which will take time and money. The most common impacts on industry are broken down into the following sections.
Recognized Suppliers List
The most significant impact on industry is likely to be the inception of the “recognised suppliers list.” This is a list of all suppliers of biocidal active substances that have contributed to the cost of the active substance approval and is maintained by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Starting on September 1, 2015, only biocidal products containing active substances supplied by a recognized supplier (on the recognized suppliers list) can be legally placed upon the EU market. Supply chains could be impacted while current suppliers of biocidal active substances determine whether to join a cost sharing agreement and thus be included on the recognized suppliers list, or to cease supply to the EU if this is not financially viable.
Access to the approval or authorization (through a cost sharing agreement) is only granted where the identity of the active substance is shown to be “technically equivalent” to the active substance that has already been assessed and approved. The technical equivalence assessment is conducted by ECHA in a two-tiered manner.
- The first tier consists of a basic comparison of the physical and technical parameters of the reference substance to the active substance being assessed. In most cases, the assessment is expected to conclude with a decisive yes or no conclusion.
- The second-tier assessment is conducted when the Tier One evaluation results are inconclusive. This assessment is based upon the toxicological and ecotoxicological information available on the reference substance and the active substance to be registered. Testing on vertebrate animals may not be conducted for the purposes of technical equivalence.
The technical equivalence assessment is required whenever the manufacturing process or manufacturing site of the active substance is changed.
The BPR regulates “treated articles” in a similar way to biocidal products. Treated articles are defined as any substance, mixture, or article that has been treated with, or intentionally incorporates, one or more formulated biocidal products or biocidal active substances. Some examples of treated articles are a wooden bench painted with a wood preservative, and clothing treated with biocidal substances to reduce microorganism growth or odors. Items with multiple components become treated articles when one or more components are treated with or incorporate a biocide; an example of this would be a sofa where the wooden frame has been treated with a wood preservative.
Companies importing treated articles must ensure that all the active substances for which the article is treated, or incorporated, are approved for the relevant product-type. In the example of the sofa above, the active ingredients in the wood preservative would need to be approved for Product-Type 8 “wood preservatives.”
Companies must ensure compliance for the substances they manufacture or purchase from suppliers in the manufacture of their products. The first step to ensure compliance is to seek confirmation from each manufacturer or supplier of the presence of any biocidal substance(s). If the product or article contains a biocidal substance, the manufacturer or supplier also should provide certification or written assurance that all biocidal substances and products are approved or authorized. If this is not forthcoming, or if the manufacturer/supplier does not possess an approval for the substance and related use, then the company must determine whether to change suppliers to a manufacturer that can provide the approval, pursue the regulatory requirements itself, or stop manufacture of such products.
The formulation and processes used by the manufacturers are typically considered confidential business information, and as such there may be considerable reticence or reluctance to share this information with downstream users. In this case, the manufacturer may be able to provide written certification that all biocidal substances and products/articles contained in its products are suitably approved or authorized, without stating the specific and confidential information. This allows downstream users to proceed in good faith that the products they receive are suitably regulated. Whether a company can reasonably rely on such a certification can depend on several factors (e.g., the size and reputation of the company providing the certification, whether the company expresses a proficiency in BPR requirements).
To facilitate and expedite inspections by EU Member State agencies, companies must maintain records (electronic or hard copy) of manufacturing processes, quality assurance of products and batches, and information on safety of products (including any recall notices as applicable). As a minimum, the following documents must be kept and recorded:
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and specification of active substances and other ingredients used in product manufacture;
- Records of substance or product manufacturing operations;
- Results of internal quality control; and
- Identification of production batches.
For manufacturers of active substances or products, production batch samples also must be kept under appropriate storage conditions.
SDS for active substances and products must be created in the format specified in Annex II of the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation (1907/2006), amended by EU regulation 453/2010. SDSs must be provided to downstream users free of charge, either at the time of supply or beforehand. Many companies prefer to provide the SDS in electronic format. Importantly, however, many EU authorities have also expressed a wish to obtain a physical hard copy of the SDS in the appropriate language to accompany the shipment.
Enforcement and Penalties for Non-Compliance
Enforcement of the BPR is devolved to local and national agencies in each EU Member State, and is enforced under national laws. As an example, the UK has a fairly straightforward approach to enforcement, but this may not be the case with all EU Member States. In the UK, the BPR is enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for issues arising from the use of biocidal products, and the local Trading Standards office for issues with retail and advertising. The BPR is enforced under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASWA) in-line with the Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 No 494). Any breach of the BPR is enforced and prosecuted under HASWA by the HSE.
The maximum penalties are set out in Regulation 32 of The Biocidal Products and Chemicals (Appointment of Authorities and Enforcement) Regulations 2013:
- on summary conviction –
- in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum [(£5000)], or both;
- in Scotland, imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum [(£5000)], or both; and
- in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum [(£5000)], or both;
- on conviction on indictment; imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or a fine or both.
Data Compensability under the BPR
The time period of data protection under the BPR varies from five to 15 years depending on whether the data support a new, existing, renewal of, or amendment for an active substance or biocidal product. The trigger for all data protection periods in all cases is “when [the data] are submitted for the first time.”
Interestingly, the BPR does not set forth any time periods for which data are subject to “exclusive use.” This differs from other regulatory regimes, for example, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 3(c)(1)(F)(i), which sets forth the criteria under which data submitters can receive a ten-year period of exclusive use for certain data submitted in support of a registration for a new pesticide chemical or new uses of an already registered pesticide. Thus, during the ten-year exclusive use period, no other registrant is authorized to rely on data afforded exclusive use protection without the original registrant’s explicit consent. Without a similar provision, the BPR does not provide any patent-like protection for companies that develop data for new active substances, new biocidal products, or new uses for biocidal products.
Mandatory Data Sharing and Compensation
The BPR includes a procedure to ensure that companies cannot duplicate tests that have already been performed on vertebrate animals. Instead, any applicant intending to perform a study involving vertebrates must submit a written request to ECHA to determine if such a study has already been submitted. Although not mandatory, an applicant also may submit a written request to ECHA to determine if any studies not involving vertebrates have been submitted. If such a study exists, ECHA will provide the applicant with information regarding the data submitter and owner.
If the data are still protected, the prospective applicant “(a) shall, in the case of data involving tests on vertebrates; and (b) may, in the case of data not involving tests on vertebrates, request from the data owner all the scientific and technical data related to the tests and studies concerned as well as the right to refer to these data when submitting applications.”
The prospective applicant and data owner shall make every effort to reach an agreement on the sharing of the results of the tests or studies requested by the prospective applicant. The parties also may submit the matter to an arbitration body and commit to accept the arbitration order. Unlike FIFRA, the arbitration procedure appears to be a voluntary option available to parties instead of making every effort to negotiate and reach agreement. Although these procedures are not required for non-vertebrate studies, if an applicant chooses to ask ECHA whether any non-vertebrate studies have been submitted and such studies exist, the parties must make every effort to reach an agreement regarding non-vertebrate studies as well.
If an agreement is reached, the data owner will provide the applicant with copies of the data at issue or give permission to refer to the data as set forth in a Letter of Access (LoA). The LoA must include:
- The name and contact details of the data owner and beneficiary;
- The name of the active substance or biocidal product for which access to the data is authorized;
- The date on which the LoA takes effect; and
- A list of the submitted data to which the LoA grants citation rights.
If an LoA is later revoked, such revocation shall not affect the validity of the authorization issued on the basis of the LoA in question.
If no agreement is reached, the applicant must inform ECHA and, within 60 days of being so informed, ECHA can give the applicant permission to refer to the requested vertebrate studies, provided that the applicant demonstrates that every effort has been made to reach an agreement and the prospective applicant has paid the data owner a share of the costs incurred.
This is similar to FIFRA to the extent that EPA is likewise allowed to rely upon studies submitted to it even if no compensation agreement has been reached. Compensation for data sharing shall be determined in a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner. Although the data owner cannot refuse to accept any payment that is offered by the applicant, such acceptance is without prejudice to the data owner’s right to have the proportionate share of the cost determined by a national court. Thus, the BPR provides for national courts, rather than arbitration bodies, to determine compensation when there is a dispute.
As noted above, under the BPR, companies must obtain authorization for the biocidal products and/or approval for the biocidal substances for which they place upon the EU market. Under the prior BPD scheme, companies could market in the EU any active substance or product already approved or authorized, respectively. This means that the cost of placing biocidal active substances and biocidal products on the EU market will increase due to the need for all entities to purchase an LoA to cite the data contained in the existing approval or authorization.
The LoA (the document that reflects the permission to refer to a particular dossier and/or specific data referenced therein) is estimated to be significant in cost with a range of several thousands to several tens of thousands Euros. In some exceptional cases (e.g., a small number of data sharers, a high cost for data to support the registration), the cost of the LoA may be much higher, reaching several hundred thousand Euros. The cost is calculated based on the cost of the data incurred to support the authorization or approval, which may include various sources of data, including potential new testing. The data compensation scheme can include additional costs that allow for inflation, risk, and administrative fees. The LoA fee can also include compensation for the time spent on the authorization or approval, by the dossier owner, as well as an additional charge for calculation of the LoA cost and any time spent by the dossier owner for the BPR regulation activities. The total cost of producing the dossier and obtaining the approval or authorization is then shared between all potential registrants. The method of calculating the total cost and individual LoA cost is varied as particular data compensation schemes are not prescribed in the Regulation. ECHA and the Regulation do, however, require that the LoA cost be determined in a fair and transparent manner.
Assistance with Compliance and Biocides Registrations
Companies not familiar with biocide registrations, data development, or data sharing negotiations, and the administrative burdens placed upon industry by the BPR, are likely to require assistance to ensure compliance and fulfill their regulatory obligations.
The Acta Group (Acta), an affiliate of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., has experience assisting companies with biocides regulatory and compliance issues. Due to the similarity between the requirements of the BPR and EU REACH, experience of the technical and administrative aspects of EU REACH will be critical to these aspects of the BPR. Acta’s experience with the EU REACH regulation will ensure that issues with SDS and technical equivalence can be dealt with in a simple and straightforward manner. Acta has also assisted companies with data sharing and compensation negotiations and settlement under REACH and FIFRA. Acta will be pleased to assist with organizing chemical inventories and obtaining information on outstanding regulatory obligations.
The dossier submission system used by the BPR will be IUCLID 5, which must be submitted electronically to ECHA using the Regulation for Biocidal Products (R4BP) Internet system. Acta has many years of experience in using the IUCLID 5 system to create dossiers and can also create, submit, and manage dossier submissions for clients using the R4BP system. | <urn:uuid:67266d60-0343-4746-b1de-13b023b2f2e7> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:36:50Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.924476 | 5,159 | 5,882 |
We Need to Talk About Kefir… Nourish Kefir
Kefir, an old Turkish word, meaning ‘good life’ or ‘long life’ is a fermented milk drink that’s got a reputation for its gut-friendly values, and you can bet we’ve sought out the best British supplier to deliver this enigmatic delight straight to your doorstep!
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It shouldn’t come as a surprise that something nicknamed ‘the miracle drink’ should require such precise standards, but we’re so glad Nourish stuck to their dream to create the ultra fresh, sugar-free, gluten-free kefir we enjoy today.
Last Updated: 06.12.2021
1.2 References to the Website in these Terms apply to the Website however you may access it, including access via the Milk & More app (available via Google Play or Apple App Store) or whenever you access the Website when optimised for use on mobile or tablet devices.
1.4 Please note that before placing an order you will be asked to agree to these Terms. If you refuse to accept these Terms, you will not be able to order any Goods from the Website.
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1.6 In our dealings with you, we work on the assumption that all sales are to private consumers, you are at least 18 years old and are legally capable of entering in to binding contracts. You must ensure that the details provided by you on registration are correct, and inform us immediately of any changes by updating your personal details.
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2. How the Contract is Formed between You and Us 2.1 The Website will guide you through the steps you need to take to place an order with us. Our order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us. Please take the time to read and check your order at each page of the order process.
2.2 All purchases made on the Website are governed by the latest version of these Terms existing at the time of order. Accordingly, you should check prior to each order to ensure that you understand the precise Terms applicable to your purchase. To assist you in determining whether the Terms have changed since your most recent order we will display the date when these Terms were most recently updated at the top of this page. Prior to placing an order you will be asked to confirm that you have read and accepted these Terms.
2.3 You may place, cancel, amend or correct orders online or by phone. Orders can be amended or cancelled at any time up to 9pm online on the day prior to the day of delivery. Orders can be amended or cancelled by phone to our Call Centre up to the Call Centre closing time, being 4.30pm on the day prior to the day of delivery (Except Sundays and Bank Holidays). Once your changes have been reflected in the "My Orders" section of the Website they are deemed to be confirmed. This may take a few moments. It is not possible to amend an order on the Website after 9pm on the day prior to delivery. However, if you wish to cancel your order after delivery you may do so in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Terms.
2.4 If you make any amendments to an order (such as adding or removing Goods) after payment has been taken, then you will either be refunded for the price of the Goods previously ordered, or will be charged separately for the new Goods ordered. You will receive email confirmation of the amended order. See paragraph 3.6.3 for more details on how this may impact any promotions in your order.
2.5 The placing of Goods on our Website (or in our hard copy catalogue/leaflet), is an invitation to accept offers for those Goods; it is not an offer to sell at the listed price. By placing an order on our Website you make an offer to purchase in accordance with these Terms. We will acknowledge receipt of your order via e-mail but this does not constitute our acceptance of your offer to purchase. Your offer has been accepted by us only when we have confirmed that the Goods are available for delivery in accordance with paragraph 4 of these Terms and subject always to availability of the relevant Goods.
2.6 Goods will not be supplied for the purposes of resale, and are only supplied for your own use as a consumer. Images of the Goods are provided for illustration purposes only. We cannot guarantee that your computer or phone’s display of the colours accurately reflects the colour of the Goods. The packaging of the Goods may vary from that shown on images on the Website or in our hard copy catalogue/leaflet.
3. Customer Registration and Placing an Order for Goods
3.1 You will need to register online before you will be able to place an order. To register you will need a valid email address and you will need to create a secure password.
3.2 You may only register one Milk & More account per household at any time.
3.3 There are two types of order that you can place:
3.3.1 a one-off order – this is an order for Goods you order once for a particular delivery day or set of delivery days (“One-Off Order”). Your One-Off Orders can be seen in the “My Orders” section of the Website; and
3.3.2 a regular order - this is an order for Goods you order to be delivered regularly each week or fortnight for delivery on a particular day of the week (“Regular Order”). Your roundsperson or will deliver items you place on Regular Order without you having to order each time. Your Regular Orders can be seen in the "My Regular Items" section of the Website.
3.4 You will not be able to place a Regular Order unless you have completed a recurring payment set-up using one of our accepted payment methods via debit card or credit card) through our third party secure payment network ("Recurring Payment Set-Up").
3.5 If you do not wish to complete a Recurring Payment Set-up, you will only be able to place One-Off Order(s) which will be payable at the time of ordering in accordance with paragraph 5 (How to Pay).
3.6 The price of the Goods will vary depending on whether you place a One-Off Order or a Regular Order as follows:
3.6.1 For One-Off Orders: the price of the Goods will be as quoted on the Website at the time you place your order. If you amend a confirmed order prior to delivery, the prices charged for the new item(s) will be those applicable at the time that the amended order is confirmed.
3.6.2 For Regular Orders: the initial price of the Goods will be as quoted on the Website at the time you set up your Regular Order. If you have set up a Regular Order, the price for Goods in future orders may differ from the price of those Goods originally ordered by you. Subject to paragraph 3.6.4 (Promotional Pricing), the price for Goods which are part of a Regular Order shall be the full list price applicable to your delivery date. You can check the cost of your Regular Order in the “My Orders” page on the Website from 9pm the night before your delivery.
3.6.3 Making Amendments: As described in paragraph 2.4, if you amend either a Regular or One-Off Order, then the price charged for the amended order will be the price applicable to the item(s) at the time that the amended order is confirmed. Making amendments may also impact upon your applicable promotions, as described in paragraph 3.6.6.
3.6.4 Promotional Pricing (Regular Orders): If the Goods are on promotion at the point that your Regular Order(s) is confirmed, you will receive the promotional price on your Regular Order(s) for the duration of that promotional offer. Once that promotion has ended, Goods in your Regular Order will be charged at the full list price for the Goods, as varied from time to time. Regular Orders will also benefit from subsequent promotional prices and offers (e.g. multi-buy offers) as applicable from time to time (provided that you satisfy the promotional terms and conditions) and you will be charged the promotional price for the Goods during any subsequent promotion.
3.6.5 Promotional Pricing (One-Off Orders): If the Goods are on promotion when you place a One-Off Order, you will receive the discounted price for the Goods provided that you satisfy the specific terms and conditions for that offer and subject to availability.
3.6.6 Promotional Pricing (General): If you amend or cancel an order in accordance with paragraph 2.4, your original order may lose the benefit of promotions applicable at the time your original order was placed (e.g. an introductory price promotion may have ended when you try to add another product following an amendment or when you cancel and try to re-order). You will continue to benefit from promotional offers for Goods where your order for those Goods satisfies the terms and conditions for that particular offer.
3.6.7 We may run new customer registration offers from time to time via the Website or our social media channels (e.g. ‘10% off an order’ or ‘two weeks’ free milk’). Offers will usually require the entry of an offer or discount code before payment is made in order to redeem an offer. The terms and conditions for all of our offers will contain full information on offer redemption, and set out any specific restrictions, where applicable.
3.6.8 If you wish to place an order on the Website, having received a hard-copy catalogue/leaflet, please check the terms and prices as stated on the Website prior to making such an order. Once you place an order online, you will become an ‘online customer’ of Milk & More, and the prices and terms and conditions shown online will apply to all orders. In the event of any inconsistency between the hard-copy catalogue/leaflet and the Website, the provisions and prices of the Website shall prevail.
3.6.9 The prices stated on the Website will be inclusive of any VAT payable, unless otherwise stated.
3.7 You are able to place orders on the Website up to 45 days in advance, however this order window may fluctuate depending on the date you place your order, and on the dates that your roundsperson is able to deliver to your area.
3.8 We have made every effort to describe and display as accurately as possible the Goods that appear on the Website. However, your Goods may vary slightly from those images, especially those Goods which are handcrafted.
3.9 We take all reasonable care to ensure that the prices of Goods are correct at the time when the relevant information was entered onto the system. However please see paragraph 3.10 for what happens if we discover an error in the price of Good(s) you ordered. All prices are subject to change.
3.10 Our Website contains a large number of Goods. It is always possible that, despite our reasonable efforts, some of the Goods on our Website may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices as part of our dispatch procedures so that:
3.10.1 where the Goods correct price is less than the price stated on our Website, we will charge the lower amount when dispatching the Goods to you. Where you have paid in advance for an order, we will refund within 24 hours of delivery the difference between the price paid and the lower amount; and
3.10.2 if the Goods correct price is higher than the price stated on our Website, we will charge the lower amount when dispatching the Goods to you. This is always subject to paragraph 7.5.
3.11 One-Off Orders can be placed using Single Click ordering functionality provided that you have previously placed one or more orders via the Website and you have agreed that we may retain your payment card details. You will not be able to use the Single Click ordering functionality unless you have completed a previous payment set-up and have agreed that we may retain your payment card details.
4. Order Confirmations
4.1 After you place an order, you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order. However, please note that this does not mean that your order has been accepted. Our acceptance of your order will take place as described in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 as applicable.
4.2 You will receive a single e-mail acknowledging confirmation and acceptance of a Regular Order or One-Off Order. You will not receive subsequent order confirmations unless you cancel or amend a Regular Order.
4.3 Orders will only be confirmed for delivery once they have moved from ‘My shopping basket’ to ‘My Orders’. To confirm an order for delivery a payment method must be selected. No orders can be delivered before this is done. Once an order is confirmed, we are under an obligation to deliver conforming Goods subject always to the availability of the relevant Goods and you are under an obligation to pay.
5. How to Pay
5.1 You can only pay for Goods by UK debit or credit card (other than American Express) as set out below. No other vouchers, savings stamps, “money-off” coupons (unless issued by Milk & More) or cash or cheques will be accepted towards payment of an order. The debit and credit cards accepted by us are those listed on the payment page of the Website on the date on which your order is placed. You will, at any time, be able to access your most up-to-date statement of account through the “My Transactions” section of the Website.
5.2 The options for payment depend on the type of order you have placed:
5.2.1 One-Off Orders: one-off payment can be made by debit or credit card as detailed on our Website. Upon completion of credit or debit card payment details online you will receive an on-screen confirmation and your order will be visible in the “My Orders” section of the Website. A confirmation will be sent to your designated email address. This may take up to 24 hours. Payment will be taken at the time of order.
5.2.2 Regular Orders: must be paid for using a recurring card payment facility: Recurring Credit or Debit Card Payment: Once you have successfully set up your debit card or credit card on the payment section of the Website, you will be charged weekly in advance of delivery on the Thursday for your regular deliveries the following week, Monday to Sunday. You will receive an email when you set up your Regular Order to your designated email account detailing the amount of payment to be taken each week or fortnight for the duration of your Regular Order. Any amendments to your Regular Order after 9pm on Wednesday of any week will for the first week be dealt with as a One-off Order and be paid for in accordance with paragraph 5.2.1 above. Your Regular Order will then be updated together with the adjusted value of your Recurring Card Payment. If you have removed any items from your Regular Order after 9pm on the Wednesday of any week, you will receive a refund on your card used to pay the Recurring Payment within 24 hours of receiving notification from us that the Goods were not delivered and the amendments to your Regular Order will be in place for the following weekly delivery.
5.3 When you enter your payment card details on the Website, these details will be automatically saved on the payment processing software, which is provided by Barclaycard. If you wish to remove your card details, you may do so at any time through the “My Account” section of the Website.
5.4 If at any time you wish to change your payment method, or there is a change in your card details, you may edit your payment details through the “My Account” section of the Website.
5.5 If you make any changes to your Order in accordance with paragraph 2.4 above after payment has been taken, any adjustments required to the total payment for that Order will either be automatically refunded or charged to the same Credit or Debit card details used for the original Order.
6. Payment Failures
6.1 In order to minimise the chance of a failed payment due to expired, lost, stolen, re-issued or out of date payment details for Regular Order customers, we reserve the right to utilise a secure update service provided by Visa & Mastercard. This service will automatically update your payment details to prevent your payment to us from failing and potentially putting a hold on your account. In the event that this process is unable to confirm valid and updated payment details, you will receive an email asking you to provide a new payment method via the Website.
6.2 We reserve the right to suspend your account and any further deliveries and take any other action as we consider appropriate in the event of (1) a failed payment: (2) us being refused authority for payment or (3) our reasonable belief that payment will be refused at any stage.
6.3 You agree to compensate us in full against all reasonable costs, expenses and outgoings incurred by us in obtaining payments from you in the event a failed payment occurs.
7.1 Delivery is free of charge and will, subject to paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3, be made to the address specified by you when you register on the Website.
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7.3 When you register on the Website, you will be advised of the days on which your local roundsperson delivers in your area. For example, if your roundsperson delivers in your postcode area on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, then you will be offered those three days for delivery. Delivery outside of these times is not available for either Regular Orders or One-Off Orders, unless we notify you otherwise. Subject to paragraph 7.2 and 7.3, delivery will be made on the day you have requested, usually before 7am. If you have asked us to deliver to you at your business address, delivery will be made usually before 10am. However due to the nature of our business we cannot guarantee your order will be delivered by a certain time. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
7.5 All Goods are subject to availability and prevailing market conditions. We may at our discretion limit the quantities of Goods (particularly any Goods on special offer) supplied to any customer if in our opinion the quantity ordered jeopardises availability for other customers. If we do so we may offer a reasonable substitute in accordance with paragraph 8 below.
7.6 Your acceptance of Goods shall be deemed to take place on delivery, unless we are notified in accordance with paragraph 9. If you have specific delivery instructions please advise us in the ‘My Account’ section of the Website.
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8.1 In the event of non-availability of any Goods you order or we limit the quantity of particular Goods that you have ordered, we may offer a reasonable substitute.
8.2 Where a substitute item is offered in place of any Goods ordered, every effort will be made to bring you a product of equivalent or better quality and value as the original item and the price you will be charged will be the lesser of the original Goods ordered and the substitute item and where appropriate receive a refund for the difference.
8.3 If for any reason you are not happy with any substitute item you may reject the item and return it in accordance with:
8.3.1 Paragraph 8.4 if the substitute item is a Good which is a 'Perishable Item' (the meaning of Perishable Item is an item which is liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly, for example milk, other dairy products, bread or has a "use by" or "best before date" which expires 6 weeks or less from the date of delivery); or 8.3.2 paragraph 12 for all other Goods.
8.4 If the substitute item we have provided you with is a Perishable Item and you wish to reject it, please let us know within 3 working days of delivery and we will promptly reimburse the amount you have been charged for the item. You will need to leave the item out for the roundsperson to collect as instructed by us. See paragraph 13.3 for details of reimbursements.
8.5 We may make changes to product ranges from time to time. Where we are removing a product from the range we will always contact you if you have such an item as part of your Regular Order, to advise you of its removal. Where a direct substitute is being made available we will automatically replace this item in the Regular Order. Otherwise a suggestion for an alternative will be made where appropriate.
8.6 If we are unable to supply you with Goods, for example because those Goods are not in stock, no longer available or because we cannot meet your requested delivery date, your order will be logged as ‘not delivered’. If you have already paid for the Goods, we will process a refund for the full amount within 24 hours of receiving notification that the Goods were not delivered.
9. Defective or Incomplete Goods
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9.2 If you think that any of the Goods you have received does not match its description, is not of satisfactory quality, does not meet any relevant guarantee we have made, or is otherwise faulty or defective, then please contact our Call Centre who will do their best to help you and, where applicable, arrange for a refund. We reserve the right to ask you to send us reasonable evidence of any of the Goods affected by such issues.
9.3 We will refund to you the cost of any product affected by such issues. To receive a refund of an affected Perishable Item though, you must notify us of any such issues before the expiry of the "use by", "best before" or "BBE" date stamped on the product or where no such date is provided within 3 working days after the date of delivery.
9.4 The guarantee provided above is in addition to your legal rights in relation to Goods that are defective, faulty or not as described. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.
9.5 Where we give you a refund, we will usually refund any money received from you using the same method originally used by you to pay for your purchase.
10. Our Liability to You
10.1 If we fail to comply with these Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract.
10.2 We do not in any way exclude or limit our liability to you for:
10.2.1 death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
10.2.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
10.2.3 liability which may not be limited or excluded under section 31(1) of the Consumer Rights Act 2015;
10.2.4 defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987; or
10.2.5 any other matter for which it would be illegal for us to exclude or attempt to exclude our liability.
10.3 We only supply the Goods for domestic and private use. If you use the Goods for any commercial, business or resale purposes, we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
11. Events Outside Our Control
11.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a contract that is caused by an Event Outside Our Control. An Event Outside Our Control is defined below in paragraph 11.2.
11.2 An Event Outside Our Control means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic, or other natural disaster, cyber-attack, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks or impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport or disruption to the Website or Call Centre.
11.3 If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under a contract:
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12.2 Except in respect of the Goods specified in paragraph 12.3, you may cancel all or any part of your order (without giving any reason) within 14 days after the day on which you receive the Goods (“Cancellation Period”).
12.3 Goods which may not be returned after delivery unless they are defective are:
12.3.1 Perishable Items; or
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12.3.3 items which have been unwrapped or unsealed and cannot be resold for health or hygiene reasons; or
12.3.4 other selected items, that are non-returnable as noted on the product description page.
12.4 If you would like to cancel your order in accordance with your legal right to do so set out in paragraph 12.3, you just need to let us know that you have decided to cancel. The easiest and quickest way to do this is within the My Account section of the website. If you cannot do this, then you can call us on 0345 606 3606 (local rate). You can also write to us at Milk & More Customer Services, Freepost, Park View, Watchmoor Park, Riverside Way, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3YL. If you wish to cancel by post you may use the model cancellation form accessible by clicking this link but it is not obligatory to do so.
12.5 If you call us to cancel your order then your cancellation is effective from the date you call and speak to an advisor at our Call Centre, providing you call us within the Cancellation Period. If you send us your cancellation notice by post then your cancellation is effective from the date you post the letter to us, providing the date you post the letter is within the Cancellation Period.
13. Returns and Your Right of Refund
13.1 If you cancel your order in accordance with paragraph 12.2, we will reimburse you the price for the Goods which you are cancelling. However, please note we are permitted by law to reduce the amount we reimburse to you to reflect any reduction in the value of the Goods, if this has been caused by your handling them in a way which would not be permitted in a shop.
13.2 We will make any reimbursement due to you as soon as possible and in any event within the following deadlines:
13.2.1 if you have received the Goods - within 14 days after the day on which we receive the Goods back from you; or
13.2.2 (if earlier) 14 days after the day you provide us with evidence that you have returned the Goods to us; or
13.2.3 if you have not received the Goods or the Goods were delivered but we have offered to collect them, 14 days after the day in which we were informed of your decision to cancel the order.
13.3 We will reimburse you by refunding any amount due to you on the credit or debit card used by you to pay. You will not incur any fees as a result of the refund.
13.4 Where you have cancelled an order in accordance with paragraph 12, we will collect the Goods at our cost. You are responsible for handing the Goods back to our delivery driver/ roundsperson or otherwise making the Goods available for collection as instructed by us within 14 days of cancellation. You are responsible for the safety of the Goods until they have been collected by us.
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15. Information About Us
We are Milk & More, a trading name of MoreCo Group Limited (“MoreCo”). MoreCo is a Limited Company registered in England under Company number 13537233. Our registered office is at Second Floor, Park View, Riverside Way, Camberley, United Kingdom, GU15 3YL.
16. Contacting Us16.1 If you have any feedback or a complaint about a Milk & More product you have bought or if you have a query regarding a delivery, please contact us through the Website using our Contact Us Form.
17. Other Important Terms
17.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under a contract to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Terms. We will always notify you by posting details of the transfer on the Website if this happens.
17.2 You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms to another person if we agree in writing.
17.3 This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms, whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
17.4 Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
17.5 If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you. The formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects whatsoever of these Terms or of any paragraph of these Terms will be governed by the law of England and Wales and you can bring proceedings in respect of the Goods in the English and Welsh courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring proceedings in respect of the Goods in either the Scottish or the English courts. | <urn:uuid:e29dca38-1738-4d68-81eb-38ceaaade16b> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:24:55Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.93839 | 7,330 | 7,797 |
How To Release Pressure When Cooking Pasta
Because of the starchy cooking water in pasta, it creates a big mess after a quick release when it sprays out of the pressure knob. To avoid this, I follow one of the two methods listed below:
1. Intermittent Pressure Release
I release the pressure in bursts. Which means, I press down or turn the pressure knob partially to release pressure 1-2 seconds at a time, then stop. I repeat this until most of the pressure has released and its intensity has gone down.
After that, when I do a full release of pressure, nothing squirts out of the knob.
2. NPR 5
Another way to avoid the starchy mess is to let the pressure release naturally for 5 minutes followed by a quick release. In those 5 minutes, quite a lot of pressure is released, so when you turn the knob, it won’t be as intense. However, if choosing this method, reduce the pasta cooking time by a minute to prevent over cooking it.
Instant Pot Spaghetti Squash
How To Cook Pasta In The Instant Pot The Magical Formula
Let me leave a caveat here and say that this method may not work on every single pasta variety out there. ;There’s lentil pasta, quinoa pasta, buckwheat pasta, and so on. ;HOWEVER! ;I do think this is a perfect starting place for all of these kinds of pasta. ;If you find your favorite version of pasta was slightly under or overdone, then just make a note to add or subtract a minute the next time. ;Easy Peasy.
And there you have it!; Perfectly cooked pasta without the mess!
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What Is The Ratio Of Water To Pasta In Instant Pot
The water needed for pasta in the instant pot, is that it just covers the pasta. In a similar way to this pasta picture below:
But I know you might be cautious at guessing the amount and in all our instant pot pasta recipes we do give the exact ratio for each recipe.
In this spaghetti and frozen meatballs recipe we suggest 225g of spaghetti to 1 litre of liquid.
How To Make Instant Pot Spaghetti With Meat Sauce
Don’t Miss: How To Cook Frozen Tamales In Instant Pot
How To Make It
See recipe card below this post for ingredient quantities and full instructions.
- Set the Instant Pot to;Sauté mode. Heat the olive oil and add the ground beef. Cook and crumble the beef, drain any grease.
- Stir in the seasonings.Break the spaghetti noodles in half and criss-cross them over the ground beef to prevent them from sticking together.
- Add the chicken broth and;undrained;diced tomatoes.
- Pressure cook for 8 minutes.;
- Flip the quick release valve. Stir in the cream cheese. Sauce will thicken upon standing. Serve!
Thick Rich Meaty Instant Pot Pasta Sauce
The meat sauce with full body & depths of flavors, plus diverse mouthfeel. mmmso comforting & satisfying to eat.
Each mouthful is a balance of sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and umaminess.
My tummy is growling as Im reminiscing this spaghetti sauce.
This Instant Pot Spaghetti Sauce is perfect if you have busy weeknights where you come home late;with many hangry faces to feed. I know how that feels.;hehe~;
Set aside an hour to make this pasta sauce in bulk and stack them in the fridge until you need it. Reheat and serve over pasta, ravioli, garlic bread, spaghetti squasheasy peasy.
Also Check: How To Make Sushi Rice In Instant Pot
How Do You Cook Spaghetti Noodles In The Instant Pot
To cook spaghetti noodles in the Instant Pot, you add the dried spaghetti to the inner pot, slightly separated.
Then your pour over enough water to just cover the spaghetti and add a pinch of salt. Next we seal the lid, press the pressure cook mode, set the level to high, indicate the cook time and the Instant Pot will easily cook the Spaghetti Noodles.
Can You Cook Pasta In An Instant Pot
Ive been an Instant Pot owner for 4+ years at this point, but it occurred to me recently that I havent really been utilizing it to its fullest potential. So Ive decided that 2021 is going to be the Year of the Instant Pot
Ill be exploring a variety of different Instant Pot basics and the ways they can be used to create quick and easy recipes that help get dinner on the table fast starting with PASTA!!
Honestly, I cant believe that it took me so long to try cooking pasta in the Instant Pot. Yes, it totally works, AND its a total weeknight gamechanger. I know, I know, youre probably thinking: But its already so easy to just boil a pot of water on the stovetop
But seriously, pasta in the Instant Pot:
shaves precious minutes off of meal prep dirties just ONE pot because theres no need to drain the pasta when its done is totally hands free, no stirring or worrying about it boiling over produces foolproof perfectly cooked al dente pasta just set it and forget it!
Whos ready to make some Instant Pot pasta with me?! Lets get started
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How Long To Cook Spaghetti & Frozen Meatballs In Instant Pot
When cooking spaghetti and meatballs in instant pot, its about getting the timing spot on. Then you can recycle this cook time for many pasta recipes in the instant pot.
For example, this is the same cook time I use for:
This is a 3 minute pressure cook. This can be either on the manual button or pressure cook depending on your pressure cooker model.
Then you let the instant pot do a 5 minute natural pressure release before releasing pressure.
This results in the best cooked instant pot pasta.
How Long To Cook Pasta In Instant Pot
When I was first searching for how to cook pasta in an Instant Pot, I found a lot of conflicting information on exactly how long to cook it often accompanied by some complicated math equations. No thanks, Id rather keep things simple!
I always cook the pasta on high pressure for a flat 5 minutes, followed by a quick release of the pressure, and Ive never been disappointed with the results.
Of course, theres definitely some leeway for personal preference. If you find that youd prefer the pasta be slightly less cooked, next time you make it just cook it for 4 minutes. On the other hand, if you prefer it to be slightly more done, youll know to add an additional minute and cook it for 6 minutes in the future.
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How To Prevent A Bland Tasting Instant Pot Spaghetti
If you have been cooking in your Instant Pot for a while, you may know that some dishes tend to be bland. It is almost a rule that you should overseason a dish cooked in the IP. My secret that I use often in a variety of dishes, is to heat up the spices in oil with garlic and onions, if using. It will activate dried spices. In this case, to make a flavorful spaghetti, I add Italian seasoning mix to the oil when sauteeing garlic. It becomes very fragrant. Then you add the beef and let the spices infuse the meat. This also works when making soups and dishes that start with sauteing garlic, onions, celery, carrots and even potatoes. If you are using Italian sausage instead of ground beef, you wont need as much spice. The sausage is usually pretty flavorful.
If you like a little kick in your spaghetti, sprinkle crushed red pepper flakes over the pasta. Dont forget a generous amount of grated Parmesan over each serving.
How Do You Cook Spaghetti In The Instant Pot
- Start by sauteing garlic and stir. Add onion powder and Italian seasoning and stir.
- Add ground beef and cook until browned. Spoon out and discard any grease . Add 1/2 cup of water and scrape any bits from the bottom of the pot.
- Grab a handful of spaghetti noodles at a time, break in half and arrange in a criss-cross pattern on top of the meat. . Add remaining water to the pot.
- Pour diced tomatoes and crushed tomatoes. Close the lid, set the valve to sealing.
- Set timer to 7 minutes. It will take about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to come to pressure, then it will start the countdown. Once the timer is done, wait 1 minute, then switch the valve to venting to release pressure. Open the lid away from your face, as there will be leftover steam in the pot.
- The dish will look like it has too much liquid, but all you need to do is stir well several time and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. It will thicken up.
I have the 6qt Instant Pot DUO60 and love it.
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This Instant Pot Spaghetti Is The Perfect Supper
This Instant Pot spaghetti is so good with my favorite jarred sauce, Ill admit it! I am going to be honest, there is nothing like homemade sauce like my slow cooker Bolognese sauce, and hey if you want to you can absolutely use my homemade bolognese sauce in this recipe! However, we dont all have a) the time to make it or b) a stash of homemade bolognese in the freezer. I love to use a good store-bought 4 cheese jarred sauce, its always the best sauce to buy. The 4 cheese really punches home the flavor and you dont have to add a bunch of Parmesan at the end. .
Why You Will Love Making Pasta In The Electric Pressure Cooker
- Your days of babysitting pasta are OVER.; Add your ingredients, push some buttons, do some yoga
- NO MORE STARCHY WATER FOAMING OVER ONTO YOUR STOVETOP that’s the golden reason right there
- With this magical formula, you are almost guaranteed perfectly cooked pasta every time.; As always, times may vary slightly depending on the brand, model, and altitude
- So easy your kid can do it.; That’s worth the cost of an Instant Pot right there
Can I Use Frozen Beef To Make Instant Pot Spaghetti
If you have a frozen block of beef , you can quickly thaw it out in the Instant Pot before you set out to make the spaghetti. You need 1.5 cups of water in the insert, then set frozen beef on a trivet. Set for 7 minutes on HIGH pressure. Quickly release the pressure. The meat wont be cooked through but thawed so you can now brown it to make the spaghetti. Discard the liquid and remove trivet. Rinse and wipe the insert clean, if needed. Heat up oil and begin browning the beef.
Instant Pot Pasta Sauce
Unless Im following a specific recipe, I prefer to cook the pasta in water and cook the sauce pot-in-pot above the pasta.;
However, you can cook pasta in a sauce. If you do this, it is SO IMPORTANT to add enough liquid to the pot. Many jarred sauces include thickeners, which can create a film on the bottom of the cooking pot that will change how your pasta cooks and may lead to a Burn notice.
If the sauce is thin when you remove the lid after pressure cooking, turn off the Instant Pot. The pasta will continue to absorb liquid as it cools.;
If the sauce has far too much liquid, select Sauté and simmer the pasta until the sauce is somewhat thickened.
Also Check: What To Do If Your Instant Pot Says Burn
Dump And Start One Pot Spaghetti:
Weve developed this spaghetti recipe with an option for those who want the quickest & easiest dump-it-all-in meal. You can get this spaghetti meal on the table in 30 minutes!
*Note: Simply remember to break the seasoned ground beef into smaller chunks, then layer the ground beef, onions, garlic, dried herbs at the bottom of the pot before pressure cooking.
How To Cook Pasta In Instant Pot
Cooking plain pasta in the Instant Pot is as simple as adding your dry pasta, water, and kosher salt to the pot, pushing a button, and then walking away until its done!
NO stirring so the pasta doesnt stick, NO watching to make sure it doesnt boil over, and NO constantly checking to see if its perfectly al dente yet In fact, you dont even have to drain the pasta when its done, since most of the water is absorbed during the pressure cooking process.
1| Add the dry pasta, water, and kosher salt to the Instant Pot insert. Dont stir the ingredients. Just place the lid on top and turn the steam release knob to sealing.
2| Use the Manual Pressure function to cook the pasta on high pressure for 5 minutes. The Instant Pot will take about 11-12 minutes to come to pressure before the actual cooking time begins.
3| When the cook time is up, perform a quick release. The pasta is ready to serve!
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How To Make Gluten
If you need to make gluten-free spaghetti, I recommend cooking the pasta in the Instant Pot without the sauce. Ive tested this method using gluten-free noodles, and the resulting one-pot pasta is way too thick and gluey in texture for my taste.
However, if you want to use the Instant Pot to cook your spaghetti noodles, its still helpful to make the process totally hands-off. Simply cook the pasta and water together using the timing I mentioned above, then drain and rinse the noodles under cold running water to remove the starch.
You can add the rinsed-off noodles back to the Instant Pot bowl and stir in the sauce, and if you need to heat it up further, use the Sauté function on your machine. If youd like to use ground turkey or beef, sauté it in the pot before adding in the sauce and cooked pasta.
How Much Water To Use
The ratio of pasta-to-liquid is approximately 1:2. This can be water, clear broth, milk, whatever you desire. The breakdown goes as follows:
- 8 oz. pasta + 2 cups liquid
- 12 oz. pasta + 3 cups liquid
- 16 oz. pasta + 4 cups liquid
Note: Feel free to disregard this ratio if cooking pasta in a lot of liquid or sauce, such as the case for soups and chilis. Simply follow the cooking times as mentioned above.
Also Check: Pre Cooked Ribs In Instant Pot
Whole Wheat / Alternative Pasta
There is no need to make any adjustment to the formula if using whole wheat or alternative pasta. Because this method of cooking pasta is based on the recommended cook time on the package, any type of pasta can be cooked this way.;
We tested this method with several varieties of whole wheat pasta and with several varieties of alternative pasta .
How To Cook Spaghetti & Frozen Meatballs In Instant Pot
- Sauté. We sauté the onion first in the instant pot, like you would on the stove. The biggest reason for this, is that it creates a non-stick to your instant pot and helps it go to pressure. Plus, we all love onions in our spaghetti dishes, dont we?
- Layer. Next add your layers. This is the most important step as its what assures that the meatballs are cooked, the spaghetti doesnt stick together and that the spaghetti cooks properly. It starts with frozen meatballs, then spaghetti, then sauce and water.
- Cook. Next you set the cook time and let the instant pot work its magic and create the best spaghetti and meatballs in the instant pot.
- Release. After releasing pressure, you stir and serve.
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The Instant Pot Pasta Water Ratio
I typically make a pound of pasta at a time, so the ratio I use is a pound of dry pasta, 4 cups of water, and 2 teaspoons of kosher salt. You can easily scale this up to a maximum of 2 pounds of dry pasta in a 6-qt. Instant Pot or down to as little as 4 ounces, depending on your needs. Just adjust the water and kosher salt accordingly.
See the table below for a quick pasta/water ratio reference:
|SHORT DRY PASTA | <urn:uuid:d1c325b9-5c0f-452a-9ce5-272a3347e9d3> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T20:24:21Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.892386 | 3,544 | 4,147 |
Featured 2004 Land Rover Discovery Series II – Ain’t No Status Symbol Patrick Vuong March 8, 2012 Join the Conversation This Land Rover Discovery Series II Looks Like a Luxury Vehicle, But Can Ride as a Hardcore Off-Road Truck or a Mean Bug-Out Rig Photography by Henry Z. De Kuyper The image of the Land Rover as one of the preeminent off-road rigs has somewhat faded in mainstream American consciousness. Instead of recalling gritty photos of European soldiers driving the Series IIA in war-torn landscapes, or of hunters wheeling the civilian versions on African safaris, most Americans these days think of Land Rover as nothing more than a luxury vehicle. You can thank Victoria Beckham and all those trophy wives, Hollywood celebrities, and bubblegum pop singers for that. Well, it's time to take back the brand from all those yuppies, who wouldn't know a leaf-spring from a coilover if one smacked them upside their heads. Inspired by the Willys Jeep of World War II, the Land Rover was born as an all-terrain 4×4 meant to tackle harsh conditions. By the mid-20th century, it was widely used by the British Army and various European forces — and even by the U.S. Army to a limited degree. Today, Land Rovers are used around the world by military and police of numerous countries. Though the 2004 Land Rover Discovery Series II you see in these pages will never see combat, it was definitely built to be an off-road workhorse that any soldier or cop would admire. But perhaps its greatest advantage is that it can easily blend into almost any environment a shooter might find himself in. As a daily driver, this Discovery Series II is discreetly powerful and elegantly clean — like a muscled Daniel Craig in a bespoke fine wool suit. As a 4WD recreational vehicle, it can easily leave the pavement behind to get to an out-of-the-way outdoor range or camping site. And as a bug-out vehicle, there's no doubt it can cut over streams and rocks to get to safer ground when shit hits the fan. RECOIL readers will be pleased to see a Tuffy Tactical Gear Security Drawer installed in the back. Bolted to the truck's frame, this system safely stows firearms, ammo, accessories, and tools (loose items flying around the cabin can be very dangerous) while simultaneously securing the valuables from desperate thieves with a number combination and a traditional key as backup. Underneath the hood, this Land Rover has both the power and the handling to be agile on asphalt and dirt alike, thanks to the parts and accessories — all installed and maintained by Gearheinz Power Service in Duarte, California — that help it match form with function. The Discovery II features a 4.6L V-8 engine, Old Man Emu suspension system and steering damper, Falken WildPeak A/T tires, EBC brake pads and rotors, and MagnaFlow performance exhaust. A South Down 4×4 Products snorkel and a K&N air filter ensure the truck only breathes clean, dry air instead of water from crossing a creek or dust from following in a caravan. If these parts are the guts of the rig, then the body armor is the tough-as-nails skin. Rock-crawling can cause some serious damage to a vehicle's fenders and undercarriage and could even leave one stranded. This Land Rover's rear and front diff guards from QT Services help ward off dents and punctures caused by tall rocks. Likewise, the Atlantic British Rock Slider helps fend off landing damage to your doorsill after climbing steep rocky terrain. Meanwhile, limb risers from Bush Cables help keep low-hanging tree branches from smashing into the windshield. ARB's Sahara Bar front bumper provides hardcore protection while accepting the factory airbag sensors, turn signals, and fog lamps, which helps maintain the Disco's overall stock look. The Terrafirma Heavy-Duty Rear Bumper with Swivel Recovery Eyes incorporates that OEM aesthetic while offering sturdy, easy-access winching points. And speaking of recovery, the Warn M8000 winch is rated to pull 8,000 pounds, giving the Land Rover the ability to get unstuck and help other vehicles out of precarious positions, as well. If you're looking to build a bug-out vehicle based on a Land Rover, consider this truck your template. With very little flash, but a whole lot of functionality, this Discovery Series II is prepped for any duty, be it daily driving, four-wheeling, or bugging out. It proves that the Land Rover legacy as a reliably rugged off-road rig still lives — yuppies and their status symbols be damned. Wheels Sturdy and light, these standard steel wheels do their job well at a great price. This set features a custom powdercoat. Make: Atlantic British Model: 16×7 Steel Matte Black MSRP:$110 each URL: Tires Positive traction is everything on and off the road. Climbing over rocks and other obstacles can get slippery and even damage tires, leaving you stuck. Falken WildPeak A/T tires are all-terrain, meaning they can go the distance with confidence over a variety of rocks, dirt, mud, water, and snow. Make: Falken Model: WildPeak A/T Size: LT265/75R16 MSRP: $197 each URL: Front Bumper ARB's Sahara Bar not only provides protection from off-road elements, but also maintains the OEM look. It accepts the factory airbag sensors, turn signals, and fog lamps. Make: ARB Model: Sahara Bar MSRP: $1,414 URL: Auxiliary Lighting (Front Bumper) Bugging out won't get you far if you don't have the vision to see where you're going. These forward-mounted driving lamps enhance road visibility in terms of both reach and beam pattern width. Make: PIAA Model: 520 Ion Yellow Driving Halogen Lamp Kit MSRP: $329 URL: Fog Lamps These lights feature a widespread light pattern that helps light up the surrounding area forward of the truck. This increases peripheral vision when driving in extremely dark areas. Make: PIAA Model: 510 SMR Fog Xtreme White Plus Halogen Lamp Kit MSRP: $299 URL: Winch This Warn M8000 is rated to pull 8,000 pounds, giving this Land Rover the capability to get unstuck and help others out of trouble in a pinch. Make: Warn Model: M8000 MSRP: $650 URL: Winch Isolator This winch isolator keeps the winch hook from rattling. Make: Daystar Model: Winch Isolator, Roller, Red MSRP: $30 URL: Roof Rack This lightweight rack is strong and runs the full length of the roof to maximize storage space. Though this particular model is out of production, a similar rack is now available from a company called Voyager Offroad ( Make: Safety Devices Model: Series II Highlander High Roof Rack MSRP: $1,330 (discontinued) URL: Auxiliary Lighting (Roof Forward) PIAA's ATP (All Terrain Pattern) lamps project a far-reaching narrow beam pattern for superior visibility at a distance. Having them mounted high on the roof rack provides even more piercing distance. Make: PIAA Model: 510 ATP Intense White ATP Halogen Lamp Kit MSRP: $329 URL: Doorsill Guard A harsh landing after climbing an especially treacherous rock could damage your doorsill to the point of the door not being able to open. Rock sliders help protect from that sort of damage. Make: Atlantic British Model: Rock Slider MSRP: $599.95 URL: Limb Risers These cables are used to deflect low-hanging tree branches over your roof to prevent windshield damage. They also make handy clothes lines when drying your gear at the campsite. Make: Bush Cables Model: Stainless Steel Set MSRP: £40 (about $65) URL: Differential Guards Tall rocks can dent and even puncture differential casings. A damaged casing could mean being stuck out in the middle of nowhere. The QT Services front and rear guards help protect these essential parts when on the trail. Make: QT Services Model: Diff Guard (front, rear) MSRP: $120 (front); $120 (rear) URL: Roof Tent A roof tent makes for a better sleeping environment — it keeps you off the cold (and sometimes wet) ground, while keeping insects and roving animals out. Plus, a higher vantage point helps you see threats approaching from a distance. It takes only minutes to set up and is just as easy to pack up. Make: ARB Model: Series III Simpson Rooftop Tent MSRP: $1,569 URL: Awning An awning is a handy thing to have, particularly when the summer sun is harsh or when a rainstorm suddenly hits. It's quick to deploy and doesn't add too much extra weight to your load. Make: ARB Model: Awning 2000 MSRP: $226 URL: Fuel Can Fuel is liquid gold when you are far from a source. Always keep some extra when wading deep into no man's land. Make: NATO Model: Jerry Can 20L Military Spec. MSRP: $90 URL: Water Can Drinking water can be even more valuable than gas. Always have extra on hand for an unexpected emergency. Make: Atlantic British Model: Jerry Can 20L – Metal – Blue MSRP: $45 URL: Can Holder Cans full of fluids can be tricky to secure. The Expeditionware holders can be bolted to just about anything. In this case, they are attached to the roof rack. The added security of them being lockable is a plus. Make: Expeditionware Model: Single Jerrycan Holder (EW30) MSRP: $75 URL: Insect Net (not pictured) Not everyone thinks of insects until, of course, they've nearly been eaten alive. Keep mosquitos and other flying pests at bay by placing this net on the awning. Make: ARB Model: Mosquito Net 2000 MSRP: $165 URL: Auxiliary Lighting (Roof Rear) The rear of the truck features high-mounted lamps, which serve a dual purpose as auxiliary backup lights and as convenient flood lamps for lighting up your campsite or outdoor workspace. Make: PIAA Model: 1500 Back-Up Clear Halogen Lamp Kit MSRP: $229 URL: Quick Fist Clamps Some shooting ranges require you to bring a shovel for fire concerns. Quick Fist Clamps are an easy, secure way to carry a shovel. Make: Quick Fist Model: Original Quick Fist Clamp MSRP: $11 for two URL: Rear Bumper Similar to the front bumper, this heavy-duty rear bumper from Terrafirma guards against rocky terrain while incorporating OEM lights. Plus, it comes with sturdy, easy-access recovery points. Make: Terrafirma Model: Heavy Duty Rear Bumper with Swivel Recovery Eyes MSRP: $888 URL: Cam Can Trail Box You can store recovery straps and other equipment in the Cam Can Trail Box. Make: Daystar Model: Cam Can Trail Box, Complete Kit MSRP: $130 URL: D-Ring Isolators These inserts keep 3/4-inch shackles from tapping against bumpers and other recover points. Make: Daystar Model: D-Ring Isolators, Black MSRP: $10 URL: Exhaust This bolt-on upgrade is said to increase horsepower and torque, in addition to giving the rig a powerful bark. Make: MagnaFlow Model: Stainless Cat-Back System Performance Exhaust MSRP: $590 URL: Weapons/Tool Storage Tucked away and safely stowed, guns and ammunition are stored in this locked security drawer. The drawer slides on smooth bearings that can handle substantial weight. The drawer is configurable with inserts to address a multitude of load outs. The system is bolted to the frame of the truck and features a dual lock system that is accessible with a keyed lock as well as a number combination lock. Shown with optional accessories. Make: Tuffy Model: Tactical Gear Security Drawer (Ford Escape model) MSRP: $1,157 (base price) URL: Hard Cases Pelican Storm Cases can hold any mission-essential gear that you need on your trip. In the case of this Land Rover, it's camping equipment, shooting-range supplies, and emergency tools. Make: Pelican Model: Storm Case (various models) MSRP: varies URL: Tire Deflator (not pictured) When you need get over soft terrain — such as sand, snow, or even tough spots like steep rock faces — this deflator lets you quickly air-down your tires for better traction. Make: ARB Model: E-Z Deflator Kit MSRP: $41 URL: Portable Air Compressor (not pictured) Heading into the hills means being able to air up and air down your tires for greater tire traction. Keeping this compressor onboard means never being stuck for lack of tire pressure. Make: ARB Model: Portable High-Performance 12-Volt Air Compressor MSRP: $352 URL: Tire Repair Kit (not pictured) When taking the road less traveled, a tire puncture is a definite possibility. This tire repair kit is essential to not being stranded. We suggest everyone learn how to use a kit like this before getting that first puncture. Make: ARB Model: Speedy Seal Tire Repair Kit MSRP: $42 URL: Air Filter (not pictured) K&N's air filter replaces the OEM filter and allows for more free-flowing air when compared to the stock filter. More clean air means a more efficient engine. Make: K&N Model: Air Filter MSRP: $51 URL: Air Intake A snorkel is a great way to keep the truck running on clean, dry air. The snorkel top can be angled away from especially dusty air when following in a caravan. Make: South Down 4×4 Products Ltd. Model: Discovery 2 Snorkel Unfinished MSRP: £139 (about $224) URL: Brake Pads Brakes are only as good as the pads they use. The Yellowstuff compound features a wide temperature range and allows strong bite without having to warm up the pads. Make: EBC Model: Yellowstuff Brake Pads MSRP: $161 (front); $123 (rear) URL: Brake Rotors All these added upgrades add significant weight to the truck. The heavier it is, the harder it is to stop with its standard brakes. EBC brake rotors and pads help keep all the extra weight manageable at speed on city roads, as well as on steep mountain trails. Make: EBC Model: USR Series Sport Slotted Rotors MSRP: $222 (front); $177 (rear) URL: Brake Lines Standard brake lines expand when under braking pressure, leading to less braking power. These steel-braided lines resist expansion so they keep brake pressure optimal. They are also lengthened to account for the raised suspension. Make: Expeditionware Model: Disco2 DOT Brake Hose Kit (front, rear) MSRP: $70 (front); $70 (rear) URL: Steering Damper (not pictured) Driving on rough terrain could make your steering jostle about unruly-like. A heavy-duty steering damper helps reduce or eliminate nervous steering, increasing stability on beat-up roads, paved or otherwise. Make: Old Man Emu Model: Steering Damper MSRP: $87 URL: Suspension: Shocks (not pictured) Upgraded shocks means your rig can handle more road abuse, which means there are more places you can go to and get to — and that means more places you can shoot. Make: Old Man Emu Model: Nitrocharger Sport Shock Absorbers MSRP: $110 URL: Suspension: Springs (not pictured) These springs help lift the truck up a couple of inches in overall ride height. This helps the truck get over obstacles, such as uneven dirt roads, rocks, or road debris. Make: Old Man Emu Model: Medium Load Springs MSRP: $176 URL: Explore RECOILweb:Combat Flip Flops: CFF Amputee Retrofit StrapHeroes go SteampunkHSGI SureGrip Padded Belt: Fit = FunctionLAG Tactical: Big Little Kydex Maker NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us. | <urn:uuid:17f8ede4-7169-4cd1-8657-348b010490ef> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T21:36:18Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.896984 | 3,844 | 4,582 |
San Andreas Weapons
Like any GTA game, San Andreas contains a range of weapons to use against your enemies. New to San Andreas is the weapon skill atribute. CJ can incrwase his skill with many of the weapons available. This will generally result in an increased rate of fire, better accuracy, and sometimes the ability to fire while moving and strafing. CJ starts every weapon with a status of "Poor," later skill levels include "Gangster" and "Hitman," achieved through continued use of the weapon.
One way to become more skilled with a weapon is at the Ammu-Nation shooting ranges. Starting the challenge will see CJ against 2 competitors, the objective; to score the most hits. There are 4 weapons to use, with three rounds for each; the first round is the simple task of shooting at 3 targets (each target has 7 spots to hit) at increasing distances. To win you must shoot out all the targets first. The second round is the same, except this time the targets are moving towards you. The third and final round has a moving target that all 3 competitors are shooting at, the person with the highest number of hits wins.
Unlike previous GTA games, the 'weapon slots' can also hold a selection of items. Similar to Vice City, the weapons and items are classed into ten different groups. Only one item can be held from each group at a time. Below is a categorical list of each weapon and item in the game, alongside it's in-game icon and a description.
You'll always have your trusty old fists. Of course, they aren't the most effective things, especially when trying to take on a bunch of armed gang members.
A small upgrade for your fists. These brass knuckles will strengthen your punches and allow to kill a pedestrian with fewer hits.
Baseball is not a mini game in San Andreas, so the only use for this is battering vehicles and pedestrians, and quite a fair job it can do.
The San Andreas police force are issued with these as standard. Although they're not as hefty as the baseball bat, you can still do a similar job, with the added bonus of being able to run faster with it.
Again, golf is not a mini game, so the sole use for this lies in clubbing people to death. Lovely.
Pool is indeed a mini game, and you'll find it difficult to play without one of these. When not in a game, you can use these to batter your opponents.
To the disappointment of gardeners and undertakers across the globe, you can not tend to CJ's garden, or indeed dig a grave for any of your victims killed with this. Having said that, you can actually find a shovel in graveyards...
Ah the trusty knife. Useful for slicing your opponents. Stealth kills can be made with this by sneaking up behind enemies, then holding R1 to target them, and finally pressing circle to slit their throat. Good stuff.
A traditional Japanese samurai sword. Excellent for cutting up enemies. Tapping circle in quick succession will result in nice combo move, usually finishing with a decapitation. Wow crowds with your impressive manoeuvres.
Unfortunately you can't cut down trees with this, but then again, who would? Although a rather cumbersome piece of equipment, making it difficult to run away from a crime scene, it cuts through pedestrians with ease. It also has the ability to rip vehicle doors off, and bring down the neighbours fences.
A standard 9mm pistol. All the cops in San Andreas are issued with this. Although not the most deadliest gun available, it serves as a great starter weapon. Increasing your skill level to Hitman with this will give you the ability to wield two at a time, making it a little more fun to use.
Same as the above really, except this gun is fitted with a silencer. This small addition allows you to be far more stealthy about your kills. Unfortunately you can't weild two of these at once when you've increased your skill level to Hitman, however, you'll be far more accurate in your long distance shots.
This handgun delivers an unparalleled degree of accuracy and power with a distinctive feel that players will pick up on immediately. Originally intended to be target/sport pistol, players will use this weapon for the immense stopping power the handgun's .50 caliber rounds deliver to a target-stopping assailants in their tracks, usually with one well placed shot. Because of its significant recoil, it's almost impossible to hold onto at first. Look for higher levels of skill with the weapon to reduce this effect and yield quicker reloads and accuracy. The Desert Eagle is even deadly when out of auto-lock range, as a proficient shooter can fire in free target mode and still achieve one shot kills. Hold R1 and line up the sights on a target. The benefit of this approach is it allows sniper results with the free movement offered by a handgun.
A longtime favorite of gang members on the streets of Los Santos, the Tec-9 is a relatively cheap firearm made with low-grade stamped metal. One of the more interesting new features is that the player can dual wield Tec-9s, evening up long odds in the middle of a gang fight, increasing your respect and power in the 'hood. Once you've upgraded CJ's weapon skill to the point where he can hold two weapons (Hitman skill level), all you need to do is find another weapon and he will automatically hold 2. All ammo between the guns is now shared, and reloading happens automatically. Rate of fire is effectively doubled, perfect for cases where you really want to kill someone-fast.
While the HUD icon resembles an Ingram MAC-10 (or the smaller MAC-11), the identifier and in game model definitely show this as being a legendary Uzi 9mm. It's pretty much the same as the Tec-9, it even uses the same "machine pistol" statistic, although tends to have a slightly faster rate of fire, and in turn is a little less accurate.
The MP5 is often referred to as being one of the best (if not the best) sub-machine gun in the world. It's accuracy, strength, and range give it the feel of an assault rifle, but with the portability of an SMG allowing you to perform drive-bys with ease. You can't dual weild these thanks to their larger physical size, but that doesn't make it any less deadlier than the two guns above. SWAT teams and FBI will use these on you, should your crime spree call for a greater need to be stopped before you cause to much destruction.
This is your standard shotgun. You'll occasionally see cops using once of these, in any case, all cop cars have one of these inside with a couple of shells, so jump in and nab it if you're in need. Increasing your skill level will result in faster strafing, improved accuracy, faster reload rate, and greater rate of fire.
Much shorter barreled than the shotgun above, this one is pretty useless in long range situation. Short range however and this thing is amazing, it's incredibly powerful. An increased skill level with this means you can wield two at once. Resulting in a burst of four shells before stopping to reload, be careful though as the reloads can be rather lengthy in comparison to other guns.
A combat shotgun manufactured by the Italian company Franchi S.p.A. Some consider this shotgun to be the best out of the three available, thanks to it's semi-automatic functionality. This is of course a lot more useful when facing a larger group of enemies rather than just a couple of cops. The power and range of this thing are slightly better than that of the traditional shotgun, and you're unable to wield two of these so bear that in mind when considering which shotgun would be best for your situation.
M4-is the modified version of the M-16, the shortened stock and barrel makes it more compact while still retaining the accuracy and power of its cousin. The weapon will allow the player the pinpoint accuracy to target an opponents specific body parts or vehicle tires. One particularly satisfying feature is the ability to target gas tanks. A single well-placed round will cause any car in San Andreas to explode-aim for the gas cap to find out how decidedly badass this new feature is in action. Kneeling greatly increases the accuracy of the M4, try kneeling as often as possible when using the weapon. Even while kneeling, it is possible to roll side to side while holding R1 by pressing left or right on the left analog.
To the concern of San Andreas' police forces, the M4 is readily available at Ammu-Nations across the state.
The Kalashnikov AK-47, probably the most popular and widely used assault rifle in the world. It's ruggedness and reliability being excellent traits. It works more or less the same as the M4, although the slightly smaller magazine size and slower rate of fire mean it's a little more accurate. The range is excellent, and increased skill levels will extend this further, as well as allowing you to strafe quicker.
This is just a basic rifle you'd expect to see in the hands of any random farmer/cowboy/hunter. You can not auto target people with this gun, it's aim is like that of the sniper rifle, without the scope. Although it has a very slow reload time, it's power is immense and is brilliant for use in close range.
Like the standard rifle, the reload rate of this is quite poor. That said, the range this thing has (with zoom) is unrivalled, bringing with it the greatest accuracy of any gun in the game. Crouching will of course steady your shot slightly in turn provide you with a more accurate shot. While using R1 to look through the scope, the L2 and R2 buttons can be used to zoom in and out, moving the right analogue stick moves the crosshairs.
A non-lethal 'weapon', at least in real life, in GTA however, you can kill people if you toss several of these cannisters. Exposure to the gas will cause any pedestrians (including yourself) to stop and cover their faces, coupled with a nasty coughing fit. It's not useful for killing a large group of enemies, moreso for slowing them down and allowing you to escape.
The concept is rather simple. Fill a bottle with a flammable liquid (petrol), shove a rag in the top, light it, then throw towards your target. If used effectively these can take out a substantial group of enemies. One new feature in San Andreas is the ability to set the environment on fire, with the fire spreading and growing. A strategic throw could build a wall of fire stopping enemies from getting to you, or setting themselves on fire and usually dying should they try to get through it. The longer you hold circle the further you'll throw the molotov.
Used rather like the molotovs. Grenades can be used to explode a large group of pedestrians and/or vehicles. Holding circle for longer will result in a farther throw - you'll need to be careful you don't blow yourself up. You'll also need to be careful you don't set off a huge chain of exploding vehicles, unless you want to do this.
These do the same amount of damage as grenades, causing a nice little explosion. These are better used as a strategic alternative to standard grenades, though, as once thrown, you'll need to use the detonator (described further below) to explode it. You can actually throw quite a large number of these before the CPU will start removing the first laid ones. They're sticky too, meaning you can attach them to vehicles, buildings, or even pedestrians!
Like the molotov cocktails, this thing can invoke a large environmental fire. It does exactly what it says on the tin - throws flames. Useful for clearing out a hefty amount of people who are in your way, it can also be great fun, albeit very hazardous to use.
|Vulcan Mini Gun
This formidable weapon is the player's best friend. Designed to deliver massive and withering barrages of ammunition at an alarming rate of fire, this weapon is designed for total destruction of the target and anything around it. Despite its massive size and weight, the gun is portable enough to be carried-and fired-on the streets of San Andreas. Police responding to an incident where a mini-gun is in use would be quick to call in SWAT to deal with the menace. An intricate piece of machinery, its belt driven mechanics will turn the barrels even if the gun is not firing, a sound that eerily forecasts the destruction that is about to be unleashed. Hold R1 to spin up the barrel and squeeze L1 to fire.
A standard Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher. You're basically firing grenades at people/vehicles while targeting them through a scope. One shot can kill any number of people, and take out nearby vehicles. Of course, tanks and another armored vehicles may need a few more shots before they'll eventually concede and blow up. It needs no explanation that this shouldn't be used at close range.
|Stinger - Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher
RPGs and other shoulder-fired missiles have long had a place in Grand Theft Auto. The STINGER is the next level. Lightweight and portable, this shoulder-fired guided missile system is designed to shoot down low-altitude jets, propeller-driven aircraft and helicopters. The fire-and-forget system allows the player to lock onto a heat source, usually a car or plane, fire the weapon, and begin acquiring new targets before the warhead has even destroyed the first target. To activate, bring up the targeting reticle by pressing R1. Continue holding down R1 and center the viewfinder on the target. The reticle will acquire the nearest target, and then change from green to yellow and finally to red, indicating that you have achieved target lock. You can fire the weapon at any stage of the lock-on process, but the closer to red, the more effective your strike will be. The production, research, and development of the Stinger Missile System is a secret, but intrepid pilots flying over the deserts on the outskirts of Las Venturas have a ton of stories about near misses with the Stinger.
Although you could use this to choke your opponents, it's primary use is in creating 'tags', or graffiti if you will. You'll require lots of this when tagging the streets of Los Santos at the beginning of the game, and thereafter, probably won't ever use it again. To paint over a rival gang's tag, simply hold R1 to target it and hold circle until finished. Simple.
Those of you who have played Vice City will remember this was only able to be used in one mission. In San Andreas you use it a lot more, it is used not only in several missions, but also in collecting 50 snapshots of various landmarks in the state. Holding R1 will cause CJ to look through the camera's viewfinder, you can aim with the right analogue stick and zoom in and out with the L2 and R2 buttons. The circle button will take a picture. Pressing L1 after this will allow you to save the image to your memory card, should you wish to look at it again. The gallery can be accessed via the options menu.
You could use this to target peds, but it's very ineffective. It's more useful for extinguishing the flaming trail of mess you've left in wake of your rampage. Chances are you don't particularly care much about the environment. Where you might want to use one of these is in missions where you're forced to run and jump through burning buildings.
A necessity should you choose to jump off a tall building or out of a plane or helicopter thousands of feet in the sky, that is of course unless you want to try your luck falling into a body of water... or for some strange reason, go splat. When jumping out of an aircraft you'll automatically be equipped with a parachute, even if you didn't have one before entering. When falling, you can use the left and right analogue sticks to control your speed and direction. It would also be a good idea at some point to open your parachute by pressing your circle - dramatically increasing your chances of survival by slowing you down to a landable rate.
|Night Vision Goggles
Not to be confused with swimming goggles, these ingenious things will increase the dim light and turn it a bright shade of green, allowing you to see what's happening at night. Moving around can be tricky as the land will all look the same, but it sure is easier finding people to target.
The thermal goggles do indeed look similar to the night vision goggles, and also have an identical HUD icon, but they have a different functionality. These won't improve your vision at night, but will turn your display a range of colours from blue, purple, yellow and red, and all shades in between. The darker blueish colours are attributed to the colder things, buildings and the general landscape, while pedestrians and vehicles will be warmer and have a yellowish or reddish colour. Again, moving around while wearing these isn't advisable.
Probably something you won't see often is the HUD icon for this, since after equipping the jetpack you're sub machine gun (if one is available) will be selected. The jet pack is indeed fully functional. X will increase thrust, square will decrease it, the L2 and R2 buttons control your strafing and the left analogue stick controls your direction. Circle will of course fire your gun, and R1 can be used to target. Holding both the L2 and R2 buttons will allow you to hover should you need to. Much like a vehicle, pressing triangle will un-equip your jetpack, letting you run around again (or fall to the floor if you're any number of feet off the ground).
You'll only ever see this icon once you've laid some satchel charges. Pressing circle will detonate the bombs, and this detonator will disappear from your inventory a second after, that's it.
Nobody is sure why the cane is placed in the 'other' section. It's actually listed as a gift, though understandably, there's nobody that it can be given to. It can pretty much be used like a regular melee weapon.
Girls love flowers, and that's exactly who they're intended for in San Andreas. While it may be amusing to batter an opponent with a bunch of flowers, they're more useful as gifts for your girlfriend(s). There are two different flower textures, both of which share the same HUD icon.
Again, something else (most) girls will love. This huge double-ender might not be the most advisable gift on a first date, but it can be done. Likewise with the flowers, beating an opponent with this can be hilarious.
Same as the above really, except this one's a little smaller and discreet. If used as a weapon it actually emulates the knife stabbing movement. Quite funny in some cases.
This is not actually used in the game, as there doesn't seem to be anywhere to get hold of one. The weapons data file gives it the same traits as "Dildo 1" above.
This is another item not actually available in the game. The weapons data file gives it the same traits as "Dildo 2" above.
You never actually see the HUD icon for your cell phone, quite why it's included is unknown, but it's listed here nonetheless.
This would have been a great little addition to the game, but unfortunately it seems it was scrapped. There is no way of obtaining this in game. Some third-party modifications have been made for the PC version of San Andreas, however, they only make it so the skateboard can be used as a weapon, not as a method of transportation. | <urn:uuid:4c0bd3a9-1e76-40bf-866f-6783a8d71cbc> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T22:03:57Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.950271 | 4,386 | 4,636 |
Chapter 5: Youth Protection Program
5.1 Purpose and Applicability
It is the policy of The University of Texas at El Paso (University) to provide oversight and training for Youth Programs which are held on the University campus or operated by the University and which have recreational, athletic, religious, or educational activities for their participants. This includes all Youth Programs covered by Texas Education Code, Chapter 51, Section 51.976, as well as any youth-related day camp, activity, or event sponsored by the University.
In order to ensure the safety and well-being of children, individuals with responsibilities that involve interaction with children, including University faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and representatives, as well as third-party vendors and their employees, representatives or volunteers that contract for use of the University facilities, must carefully review and abide by the University’s policy regarding youth protection.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and to promote the safety of Youth Participants on University premises or participating in those programs sponsored or supported by the University. This policy also supports compliance with federal and state law.
This policy applies to University employees, affiliates, volunteers, contractors, and visitors who are Designated Individuals as defined by this policy. The policy applies to all Youth Programs held on University property, as well as those Youth Programs sponsored by the University.
This policy is not applicable to the following activities:
- A school visit to the University if the third-party school hosting the visit, is responsible for funding the visit and for the supervision of all Youth Participants
- An activity including recruited athlete visits
- An activity in which the only participants are registered students of the University or are 18 years old or older
- An activity that merely involves entering into a lease or license of space in a University-owned or operated facility to a third party
- Research approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
5.2.1 Delegation of Authority
The University delegates authority to the Office of Youth Program Development and Support and the Youth Support Services Manager to oversee Youth Programs held at, sponsored by, organized by, or supported by the University, as well as to assist with planning, organizing, and coordinating Youth Programs. University divisions and departments must work with the Office of Youth Program Development and Support to ensure that all Youth Programs are set up and run in accordance with the University’s business procedures and risk management practices.
Each Youth Program must comply with the following terms and conditions, as well as any other applicable requirements of federal, state, or local law or regulation.
5.2.2 Presence of Youth on campus
The University reserves the right to condition, restrict, or deny access to University facilities by Youth Participants at its discretion. All Youth Participants, including those participating in a Youth Program, will be subject to all University regulations while on campus, and may be asked to leave the campus if they do not comply.
Failure to follow the requirements established in this policy may lead to sanctions including but not limited to probation or suspension of the program; dismissal or termination of University employment; and/or removal or barring from University property.
5.3 Responsibilities and Requirements
5.3.1 Youth Program Notification Requirement. All University-affiliated programs engaging Youth Participants under the age of 18, except as excluded by Section 5.1.2, must notify the Office of Youth Program Development and Support by completing an online Notification Form prior to commencing program operations. Programs that fail to notify the Office of Youth Program Development and Support may be denied permission to continue operations at the University.
The requirement to notify applies to any Youth Program conducted on or off the University campus or its other properties, regardless of the time of year the activity is taking place, if the activity:
- is sponsored, overseen, supervised, operated, or managed by the University; or
- is funded in whole or in part from any University cost center
Forms can be submitted at any time prior to the activity but, ideally, should be submitted no later than three (3) months prior to the start of the program. The Youth Program Notification Form can be found on the Office of Youth Program Development and Support website.
Any amendments or changes to the program registration should be submitted as soon as is practical after the need for amendment becomes known.
5.3.2 Supervision Ratios. Each Youth Program must have the following minimum adult supervision ratio requirements consistent with the American Camp Association staff ratio standards:
|Age of Youth Participants
|Number of Adult Staff
|Overnight Youth Participants
|Day Only Youth Participants
5 years or younger
5.3.3 Responsibilities of Designated Individuals. Designated Individuals’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Ensuring the safety of each Youth Participant
- Following the instructions of the Youth Event Coordinator and executing or implementing the program's supervision and instruction plan
- Creating a memorable experience by:
- Providing instruction that is appropriate for each Youth Participant’s age and ability
- Providing encouragement that enables each Youth Participant to increase the confidence needed to acquire new skills
- Monitoring the behavior of Youth Participants to ensure they adhere to the program’s code of conduct/rules
- Enforcing the rules and immediately communicating any issues that occur to the Youth Event Coordinator
- Serving as a role model for Youth Participants
5.3.4 Requirements of Designated Individuals. Any University employee, student, parent/legal guardian, independent contractor, or other volunteer who will serve as a Designated Individual in any Youth Program must first meet the following requirements: Criminal Background Check. Youth Event Coordinators must ensure all Designated Individuals who will work with Youth Participants during the program undergo a criminal background check conducted each year of the program. The check must be successfully cleared five (5) days prior to the start of the program. To determine the appropriate type of background check, refer to: Youth Event Coordinator Mandatory Training. Youth Event Coordinators must attend one Youth Event Coordinator Training session each year to receive and review comprehensive information needed for planning and operating any Youth Program. Youth Protection Training. It is the University's policy to provide training to personnel who work with Youth Participants in order to educate them about significant risks posed to children. The University aims to keep children safe by engaging staff and volunteers in strategies for recognizing, preventing, and reporting abuse and neglect.
The University provides the training mandated by Texas Education Code § 51.976 and the University of Texas System. This training includes information and examination concerning warning signs of sexual abuse and child molestation. To receive information about training, please contact the University’s Office of Institutional Compliance at (915) 747-6478.
It is the responsibility of the Youth Event Coordinator to ensure all Designated Individuals complete the Youth Protection Training five (5) days prior to the start day of the Youth Program. Designated Individuals must complete the Youth Protection Training and Examination every year and achieve a score of 100% on the examination. A Designated Individual will be allowed to re-answer the questions if necessary to achieve a passing score. Upon successful completion of the course, the Designated Individual will receive a certificate of completion, which should be provided to the Youth Event Coordinator.
The training is provided by the University at no cost to the Designated Individual. Youth Programs that host twenty (20) or more Youth Participants who are on campus for all or part of at least four (4) days are required to submit an annual Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation training and examination report to the Department of State Health Service Campus Program for Minors ( [email protected]) within five (5) days of the start of the Youth Program.
All University faculty, staff, and students are additionally required to complete the Employment Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training compliance module. Use of Volunteers. Youth Event Coordinators must ensure that all volunteers, regardless of age, adhere to the Volunteer Policy located in the Handbook of Operating Procedures at No Unsupervised Access. Any individual not considered a Designated Individual (as defined by Section 5.5 of this policy) must not have unsupervised access to Youth Participants. Prohibited Conduct of Designated Individuals. Designated Individuals must not engage in any behavior that could cause harm or be misinterpreted as possibly causing harm to Youth Participants. Prohibited conduct for Designated Individuals includes, but is not limited to:
- One-on-one contact with Youth Participants outside the presence of another Designated Individual
- Meeting with Youth Participants outside of established times for Youth Program activities
- Touching Youth Participants in a manner that a reasonable person could interpret as inappropriate
- Engaging in any abusive conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of a Youth Participant, including but not limited to verbal abuse, striking, hitting, punching, poking, spanking or restraining
- Showering, bathing, or undressing with or in the presence of Youth Participants
- Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while working a Youth Program
- Being alone in a vehicle with a Youth Participant at any time
- Having direct electronic contact with Youth Participants without another Designated Individual included in the communication
- Making sexual materials in any form available to Youth Participants participating in Youth Programs, or assisting them in any way in gaining access to such materials. Suspected Abuse or Neglect Reporting Requirements. In deciding whether or not to report an incident or situation of suspected abuse or neglect, it is not required to prove that abuse or neglect has occurred. Any uncertainty in deciding to report suspected abuse or neglect should be resolved in favor of making a good-faith report. Do not directly question or solicit information from the child or from the person suspected of improper behavior. The role of the investigation lies with city, county, and state officials.
The following reporting sequence must be followed:
- In the case of an emergency, immediately call 911.
- For non-emergencies, immediately report suspected abuse or neglect to:
- University Title IX Coordinator at (915) 747-8358 or [email protected]
- The Youth Event Coordinator of the camp
- The Youth Event Coordinator must immediately notify the following:
- The Youth Support Services Manager must complete an online report to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services at (800) 252-5400 or at . The Youth Support Services Manager must share a copy of the report with the following:
Any person who makes a good-faith report or assists in the investigation of alleged or known abuse or neglect, or who testifies or otherwise participates in a judicial proceeding arising from a report, petition, or investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect, is immune from civil or criminal liability (Texas Family Code, § 261.106). However, a person who reports their own abuse or neglect of a child, or who acts in bad faith or with malicious purpose in reporting alleged child abuse or neglect, is not immune from civil or criminal liability. Required Forms for Youth Participants. Listed below are forms that should be completed and kept on file for each Youth Program:
- Release and Indemnification Agreement for Minors
- Release and Indemnification Agreement for Adults
- Release and Indemnification Agreement for Volunteers
- Photographic/Video Consent and Release, if applicable
- Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment - This form MUST be kept on file when parents/guardians, teachers, coaches WILL NOT be present at all times and retain custodial responsibility of the Youth Participants during the Youth Program. A copy should be collected by the Youth Event Coordinator and alphabetized by last name, and should be kept readily accessible by the staff for situations that may arise.
Please do not combine or alter any approved University form. The approved forms can be found on the VPBA Forms Library website at Emergency Action Plan. Youth Event Coordinators must be prepared in case of an emergency and discuss the emergency action plan with all Designated Individuals.
Youth Event Coordinators should ensure that all Designated Individuals are:
- aware of all identified means of exiting the building(s).
- knowledgeable of the area(s) for all Youth Participants and staff to gather in an emergency that requires evacuation. This area should be far enough away from building so as not to interfere with emergency response operations.
- prepared to escort the Youth Participants out of the building and to a safe area designated by the camp emergency plan where they will remain with their assigned group and take attendance immediately.
Emergency Action Plans will include assigned staff conducting a roll call to ensure all participants and staff are accounted for at the designated area.
If all Youth Participants and staff are accounted for, the Youth Event Coordinator or Designated Individuals will maintain order and follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
If a Youth Participant or Designated Individual is missing when attendance is taken, emergency personnel must be immediately notified and their instructions followed. Medical Emergency Plan. Youth Event Coordinators must be prepared in case of a medical emergency and discuss the medical emergency action plan with all Designated Individuals. It is highly recommended that each Youth Program have a first aid kit on site and have identified staff who are trained in the following:
- First Aid
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
When parents/guardians, teachers, coaches WILL NOT be present at all times and retain custodial responsibility of the Youth Participants during the Youth Program, the Youth Event Coordinator must also obtain the following forms from each youth participant’s parent/ legal guardian:
- authorization to permit transportation of Youth Participants as deemed necessary in an emergency;
- disclosure of any allergies, other medical/mental conditions, or physical limitations of a youth participant that may impact his or her participation in the Youth Program.
Medical information is confidential and only for use by camp staff. It is imperative that parents/ guardians are notified of all medical-related situations.
In the event of an emergency involving an injury or acute illness, the Youth Event Coordinator must follow the risk reduction measures listed below:
- Call 911 to summon emergency personnel
- Notify the parent/legal guardian or the emergency contact
- Have a Designated Individual accompany the Youth Participant to the hospital and remain until the parent/legal guardian arrives
- Ensure that the appropriate Designated Individual prepares a written report no later than 24 hours following the medical emergency to submit to the Youth Event Coordinator for filing
5.3.5 Insurance. All Youth Programs must carry accident and liability insurance with coverage at least equivalent to the Camp Insurance Program offered by the U.T. System Office of Risk Management. Any purchase of insurance must also comply with the requirements of Regents' Rule 80601.
Reasonable accommodations will be provided in response to religious or disability related requests unless it is determined that doing so would cause undue hardship to the University.
Designated Individual(s): A person involved in assisting with a Youth Program for Youth Participants, who has contact with a Youth Participant and has been identified by the institution as a Designated Individual. Examples of Designated Individuals can include: faculty, staff, student workers, volunteers, or contracted employees who assist in Youth Programs.
Youth Participant: A minor (under age 18) who is attending a Youth Program. This definition does not include University students who are under the age of 18.
Youth Program(s): A camp, program, internship, mentorship, event, or activity held on U.T. System owned or controlled premises, or sponsored or supported by a U.T. System institution that offers recreational, athletic, religious, or educational activities to Youth Participants. Youth Programs also include any “Campus program for minors” as defined by Section 51.976 of the Texas Education Code. “Youth Program” as defined herein specifically includes external third party Youth Programs that contract with U.T. System institutions for the use of institutional facilities. For the purpose of this Policy, this definition does not include programs for U.T. System enrolled students or employees, or programs where the custody, control, and care of a minor (under the age of 18) is not the responsibility of the institution but instead held by non-U.T. System teachers, official chaperones, parents, or legal guardians (e.g., campus tours of prospective students’ families, visits by local school district classes).
Youth Event Coordinator(s): The University, college, school, unit, or department employee who develops, operates and/or supervises a Youth Program, regardless of profit.
5.6 Contact Information
Office of Youth Program Development and Support
Phone: (915) 747-6134
5.7 Forms and Tools
5.8 Related Information
Jeanne Clery Act
Texas Education Code, Chapter 51, Section 51.976 (relates to training and Examination Program for Employees of Campus Programs for Minors on Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation)
Texas Education Code, Chapter 22, Sections 22.0831 – 22.0837 (relates to Criminal History Records for School District Employees and Volunteers)
Texas Education Code, Chapter 38, Section 38.0041 (relates to policies addressing sexual abuse and other maltreatment of Children)
Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 265, Subchapter N , Rule § 265.403 (related to DSHS Campus Programs for Minors)
Criminal Background Checks
HOP Section V: Human Resources, Chapter 12.2.7 | <urn:uuid:bd11e6be-f90f-44c2-9946-ace681bcef98> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T22:11:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.926498 | 3,883 | 4,445 |
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As the light snow drifts down from above, a tiny snowflake fades away as it falls into the steaming hot mug of Glühwein that is warming your hands. You look up from your mulled wine to see the soft glow of the stands and vendors selling trinkets, hand made goods, and delicious German foods. Just then, a band begins to play slow, melodious Christmas tunes, so you wander over the cobblestoned streets to enjoy the music under the huge Christmas tree and think to yourself, “Is this real life or am I in a fairytale?”
No, my friends, you aren’t in some make-believe Christmas wonderland, you are at an authentic Christkindle Markt in Germany! While plenty of countries around the world may have holiday markets, nothing seems to beat the Gemütlichkeit (cozy feelings) that the best Christmas markets in Germany always seem to evoke!
So, which German Christmas Market is the best? You are going to hate me, but I’ve got to say it….
Ugh, I know, so cliche, but hear me out. What are you wanting out of your German Christmas Market? Do you want:
- Ambiance to the extreme? (So many options!)
- Germany’s most famous (Arguably Nuremberg)
- The oldest Christmas market in the world? (Then head to Dresden)
- The most visited Christmas markets in Germany? (That would be Dortmond)
- A more local experience (May I suggest Regensburg?)
- A family friendly outing (Guteneck is amazing!)
- Centrally located in Munich? Spend your time at the Marienplatz Christmasmarket
As you can see, there are so many different kinds of Christmas Markets in Germany. So, here are 7 of the Best Christmas Markets in Germany, as determined by myself and other Weinachtmarkt enthusiasts.
Other Articles That Might Interest You:
- 20+ Things to Buy at German Christmas Markets
- Germany Winter Packing List
- Christmas Markets in Germany Tips and FAQs
- Rothenburg ob Der Tauber Christmas Market in 2 Days
Regensburg Christmas Markets
As someone who lives in Regensburg, I may be a little biased, but a Regensburg Christmas is NOT to be missed. There isn’t just ONE Christmas market in town, but upwards of 6!!! And the best part is that each one has its own little charm and feel, making it a magical experience to explore the medieval city by foot and stopping here and there for a warm mug of Glühwein before heading to the next market.
One of my favorite ways to explore the markets is by doing this free walking tour of Regensburg because you will not only see all the top sites of the city but also go by every single market on the way! What I find so unique about these is that each market has its own charm. One may just be local handicrafts, another with live sheep and a manger scene! And of course, there is the “Romantic Thurn and Taxis” market at the Schloss (palace) that just oozes Christmas spirit!!!
Whether you decide to try to hit up all the markets (can be done in one, long day) or just go to a few, walking the cobblestoned streets with the glittering lights decorating the whole town, sipping on your Glühwein will sure to have you be filled with plenty of holiday joy.
Freiburg Christmas Market
Freiburg is a beautiful city in any season but it really comes alive at Christmas time. With decorations around the city, Christmas trees around every corner, lights that brighten the night sky, and with a Christmas market in every square there really is not a better time to visit Freiburg!
You will find many different markets that will cater to every traveler. From singles who just want to wander and eat to families that need some entertainment for the children.
Most people first flock to the Freiburg Munster for their first Christmas Market taste. Here you will find some amazing stalls that sell the famous hot mulled wine (Gluhwein), traditional Christmas decorations, and mouth-watering food for you to keep warm with. You will find many people wandering with a wurst in bread and trying to juggle a hot cup of Gluhwein.
From there you can wander to the city center and find other markets. If you like it you can stay, if not, you can move on to another! You will find some with small carnival rides to keep the children happy and some others will have a small stage with people singing carols. Feel free to join in if you know the tune!
Contributed by Marc from Wyld Family Travel
St. Wendel Christmas Weihnachtsmarkt
St. Wendel Christmas market is hands down the best and most exciting Christmas event in southwest Germany and only 30 minutes from Kaiserslautern. While it’s a wonderful town anytime of year, around the holidays, it’s truly Christmas Magic with both a traditional and medieval market but the best part is the Dwarf Village!
The traditional Christmas market has a giant wooden pyramid that spans the Old Town near St. Wendelinus Basilica. It’s impossible not to get filled with Christmas cheer as you walk through 110 lovingly decorated huts offering handmade ornaments, delicious Glühwein and local crafts.
I love all the twists and turns down alleys because you never know what you’re going to find. The “zwergen” or dwarf village has 30 different dwarf-filled sweet nativity scenes. It’s so cute and the glühwein stand just outside it has the best Rose Glühwein I’ve ever tasted.
Staying late is a must, because at 7:00 pm the fire shows start. Yes. FIRE! It’s incredible with women dancing with fire, Krampus fire shows, and dragons built from paper that breathe fire over the crowd. If it’s raining the paper mache dragon hides under a temporary roof but the live camels are still out and fun to watch.
The market is free to enter and parking can be found in an underground parking lot under the medieval market at the City Garage. It’s open Dec 4-12 2022.
Contributed by Morgan from Crave the Planet
Nuremberg Christkindle Markt
The Nürnberg Christkindle Markt is one of Germany’s most famous Christmas markets. There are records dating all the way back to the 1600s of its origin, so to say they’ve mastered the art of a magical market is a bit of an understatement! Seeing the Top Sites in Nuremberg paired with one day at the market is the PERFECT way to explore the city!
This HUGE market takes place on Nuremberg’s Hauptmarkt (Main Square) and has rows after rows after rows of vendors, food stalls, trinkets, hand made goods, and more!
In addition to the giant market, Nürnberg has staked its claim on a few other German (and Christmas) classics. For example, you can’t go to a Christkindle Markt without getting a classic Nürnberg Semmel (Nürnberg’s own bratwursts in a roll). Nuremberg also claims to have THE original Lebkuchen (German gingerbread), so if there is any location to buy a few small disks (or large hearts!) this is the place. Finally, as you wander the market, you’ll see tons of “Prune Men.” This Nuremberg staple was first “created” by a father who had nothing to give to his children for Christmas besides the prunes from his front yard. He made these adorable little stick figures and voila…instant local favorite toy!!! Speaking of kids, there is an entire “Kinder Christkind Market” JUST for kids to enjoy!
Seeing as the Nuremberg Christmas Market is one of the largest and most popular, you can also presume that it is going to be EXTREMELY packed and busy. If you can’t stand crowds, you will have a hard time thoroughly enjoying this market. Try going in the mornings and on weekdays rather than any evening and weekends.
Contributed by LeAnna from Wander In Germany
Cologne Christmas Market
Germany has many beautiful cities to visit at Christmas and the Köln Christmas Market is one of the best to celebrate the festive season. Between November and January, the Christmas markets arrive and fill the air with the aromas of spiced wine, gingerbread, and schnitzel sausages.
Beautifully decorated wooden chalets lit with fairy lights and adorned with tinsel sell handcrafted Christmas gifts perfect to buy for yourself or as presents for loved ones. Wooden toys, jewelry, candles, chocolate, and traditional clothing are all on sale as you wander through the different markets. There are seven Cologne, Germany Christmas Markets to choose from in town, and are all free to enter, so there is bound to be something that catches your eye!
The Christmas market at the Cologne Cathedral is the location for the main Christmas market and even has an ice skating rink, while the harbor has a smaller market with independent crafters selling their designs. Back across town in Cologne’s oldest park is a Christmas market that is popular with the locals and tourists and a place to meet for music, drinks, and open air theatre performances.
Of course, there are plenty of incredible attractions in Cologne to discover in addition to the Christmas markets. Take a cruise along the Rhine, eat in one of Cologne’s traditional restaurants, and discover the story of chocolate at the Lindt museum. At the end of the day enjoy a local Kolsch beer or a glass of Glühwein, soak up the magical Christmas atmosphere and keep a lookout for the elves – legend says that they return each year to turn Cologne into a winter wonderland!
Contributed By Angela from Where Angie Wanders
Dresden Christmas Market
Looking for a traditional German Christmas market? Dresden’s Striezelmarkt should not be missed. This Christmas market is steeped in history and is considered the oldest Christmas market in the world. The first one was held in 1434!
The market is held in the Altmarkt Square in the Old Town, and the atmosphere is cozy and festive. This feels like what a true German Christmas market should feel like. Wander through the stalls selling gifts and decorations while sipping hot Glühwein, and you’ll certainly get in the holiday spirit.
Make sure you try traditional Dresden Stollen while you are at the Christmas market. Stollen is a type of bread similar to fruitcake. Dresden is the best place to try it since, even though you’ll find it throughout the country, Stollen originally comes from Dresden.
In most German Christmas markets, you’ll see a big wooden tower called an Erzebirge pyramid. Not only does Dresden have one, but theirs is the largest one in the world, standing at 14.62 meters (almost 48 feet) tall. Quite impressive!
If you’re spending a day in Dresden in December, you should definitely visit the Striezelmarkt. Entrance is free, and the market typically starts in late November and runs until just before Christmas Day. And even though this is the most famous one, there are several other Christmas markets to enjoy in the old town.
Contributed by Ali from Berlin Travel Tips
Frankfurt Christmas Market
The Frankfurt Christmas Market is one of the best markets you can visit in Germany, and also one of the oldest ones. The first known records that mention the market go back to 1393, so it has been around for more than 600 years! While it started as a small December market, it now attracts about 3 million visitors each year.
When visiting the Frankfurt Christmas market, you should start your visit on Römerberg. In the heart of the Old Town, you can find a giant Christmas tree with a stage just next to it. On weekends, this is a great place to stop and listen to choirs sing Christmas carols.
Here on Römerberg, you can also find lots of typical food and drinks from the area. While Germans love mulled wine, here in Frankfurt, locals will drink hot Apfelwein instead. Apfelwe
A unique attraction that you can only find at the Frankfurt Christmas Market is the honey house. Just north of Römerberg, you can see this half-timbered house which the owners move from the countryside to the Christmas market every year. Inside, you can sample various types of honey or enjoy the view from the first floor. Looking through the windows, you will have the chance of seeing all the tiny stalls and Christmas lights from above.
While evenings are great for visiting the Frankfurt Christmas Market so that you can enjoy the lights, this is also the busiest time of the day. You’ll come across many locals meeting up with friends and co-workers. Therefore, we recommend visiting in the early afternoon. The market is less crowded, and you can take your time shopping for Christmas gifts and trying all of the local delicacies.
Contributed by Ilona from Top Travel Sights
Ravennaschlucht Christmas Market
The Ravennaschlucht Christmas market is like none you have ever seen! It is held out in the forest underneath a 40-meter arched railway bridge. During the night the arches are lit by lights that change from blue, green, red, and yellow. It is a great effect but it is even more amazing when a train is traveling over the top of it!
The stalls are all set around the bottom of the bridge with fires where you can warm yourself with an amazing cup of Ghluwein or a sausage cooked from one of the vendors.
You can find yourself walking around it looking at all of the beautiful stalls for such a long time and it is difficult to not buy every one of the amazing Christmas decorations they have for sale there.
They have a section up a path that has a Christmas story told in pictures with a voice over speakers as well to tell you the story as you walk. Even though the story is in German, it was still fantastic to watch the children around you get excited over the story. You could really feel the Christmas cheer everywhere and from everyone that was there.
A tip for this market is that you have to book parking online months in advance if you want to drive yourself. You do have to pay an entry of around 3 Euros per person to gain entry to the market. There are toilets but have some extra tissues with you, just in case, as it gets very busy and we found they had nearly run out.
Contributed by Bec from Poland Travel Expert
Münster is a lively, traditional city in Westphalia, near Germany’s border with the Netherlands. During the festive season Münster comes alive with 5 delightful, bustling Christmas Markets, all of which are just a short walk from each other. The charming streets of Münster are just the perfect host to these magnificent sparkly moments from the cobbled streets, to the stunning and equally imposing catherdral that towers over the festive affair below.
With the many choices and variation in the stalls, you’ll be surrounded by Christmas gift inspiration. There are plenty of unique handmade presents to choose from to make for the perfect souvenir for yourself or a great gift for a loved one.
But, like so many Christmas markets, the star of the show is often the Christmas Market Food! You’ll be smelling all the delightful aromas for years to come, such as the the Bratkartoffeln ( saute potatoes fried with onion and bacon ), the crispy schnizel and the bratwurst, all served with a fine selection of sauces, then washed down with a steaming mug of Glühwein. The perfect start to Christmas time festivities!
Contributed by Vikki from Family Travel With Ellie
A visit to Berlin during the Christmas season is particularly worthwhile because there are over 90 Christmas markets in the German capital throughout the city that you can visit!!!
With so many Christmas markets, it quickly becomes clear that there is a perfect Christmas market for everyone. Whether you want to visit one of the typical tourist markets or prefer a small local insider tip is entirely up to you.
One of the most famous examples is the Christmas market on Alexanderplatz. It is one of the most popular markets in the city and is always well attended. A vast wooden pyramid on the square, in which you can enjoy delicious Christmas snacks and hot mulled wine on different floors is a unique sight on this market.
The WinterZauber at Gendarmenmarkt is also popular with locals and visitors alike. Although you can, of course, also enjoy delicious food here, this Christmas market is especially famous for its handicrafts. Exhibitors show their craft at numerous stands. If you are looking for a present for your loved ones or for a festive decoration for your home, this Christmas market is the right place for you.
However, what all Christmas markets in the city have in common are delicious Christmas foods and hot drinks. Of course, the Christmas market classics mulled wine, mushrooms with garlic sauce, crepes, roasted almonds, or the Berlin classic currywurst are particularly popular
Anyone traveling to Germany should definitely visit the capital at any given time, but over Christmas, it is particularly wonderful. You can stay in Berlin for a few days to learn more about Germany’s history and division while also partaking in the festive Christmas season.
Contributed By: Vicki from Vicki Viaja
A Munich Christmas market is the perfect place to celebrate the holidays. Come December, this Bavarian city is filled with festive cheer and laughter. Vendors take over the famous Marienplatz Square and the Munich Neus Rathaus makes for the perfect backdrop. There are several other Christmas markets scattered around Munich including the English Garden, Munich Residenz market, and the Slandiger Tor market. Most are all within walking distance, so why not do a little “market hop” and go to them all?
Munich also hosts one of the most unique Christmas events and traditions, the Krampus run! The Krampusnacht is an event that you’ll find in many towns in Bavarian and northern Austria and Switzerland. It is unique to this particular geographical area. But what is the Krampus run? In this region of Germany, Krampus is a horned creature that visits naughty Children before Christmas. The Krampus run involves a group of Krampus “running” through the streets. It’s actually super fun and some actors will remove face masks for scared children to show them it’s really not real!
One of the best parts of the Munich Christmas market is its array of German food. Gluhwein is a staple at any German Christmas market, it’s a great way to warm up on a cold day! Bratwursts and pretzels can be found all over as well as warm strudel of every variety. Traditional German Christmas cookies such as Lebkuchen or Spekulatius make for the perfect souvenir to take home to friends and family.
Try to see the Christmas markets at different points in the day. During the mornings they are quieter but in the evenings the city lights up and it’s just magical!
Contributed by Rachael from A City Girl Outside | <urn:uuid:e3d8d5e4-89ef-4fac-8030-2687ff53b805> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-21T21:55:41Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817819.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421194551-20240421224551-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.945511 | 4,215 | 4,531 |
As long as you wish to. It is not a compulsion to upgrade to Pro-Membership.
Write to us at [email protected]. We will assist in converting your account to an Author’s account.
Only completed profiles are visible on the directory. If you have completely filled out all the details of your profile, you can request to approve your account by clicking on the ‘Request Recheck’ option under My Accounts. Once we have received your request, we will check your profile and approve it if it is completed and soon, your Author Profile will be listed in the directory.
You can go to My Profile Status under your account and look at the details that are yet to be filled out. After filling out all the details to 100%, please click on ‘Request Recheck’ on the My Account page to get your profile verified.
You can change your username through the My Accounts page by clicking on the Change Username option just below your username.
Author Profile is the page where the users are directed when they click on your name displayed anywhere on AllAuthor. It is also the page that’s linked back from the pages where your books are listed. Subdomain website is like a personal website but is not linked to any profile or AllAuthor. You can use the subdomain website as your personal portfolio.
Yes, you can. After logging in to your AllAuthor account, go to My Accounts >> Change Author Page Theme (on the left panel). You can preview and update your choice of the theme from the options available.
We recommend you to use the pen name as listed on Amazon.
Yes, you can add two pen names to a single author account. However, we recommend creating two different author profiles for branding if you have two separate pages on Amazon.
Absolutely. You can join as an author and add your author’s books under a single profile.
You can click on the ‘Forgot Password’ option on the login page. You will be mailed a link to reset your password to your registered email ID. You can then enter your new password and log in to your profile. Alternatively, you can change your password after you have logged in through the option: My Account >> Setting (on the left panel) >> Change Password.
If you want to delete your account at AllAuthor, go to My Account, and under Settings on the left panel, choose ‘Delete Account’ and confirm.
You can report it by sending a mail to [email protected] from your registered email ID. To retrieve your account, you can also change your password using the ‘Forgot Password' option.
You can change the type of emails you receive on AllAuthor through the option: My Account >> Setting (on the left panel) >> Email Preferences. You can check or uncheck the boxes and your preferences will be saved automatically.
Please click on ‘My Books’ to add your books to your Author Profile under your profile. You can either enter the book ASIN number of your Amazon pen name to automatically load it. Alternatively, you can also enter the book details manually.
Please note that authors with Basic Membership can only add a maximum of four books while Pro-Authors can add an unlimited number of books.
You can open the My Books section under your account and click on ‘Edit’ to edit the details of your books any time you want.
Go to ’My Account’ and click on ‘My Books’ and then drag and arrange the books in your preferred order.
Yes, you can. When you add your books’ details, you can add the direct buy links of your books from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, iBook and Google Play. If your book is available on any other website, you can add that link too.
Yes, you can add the link to the signed paperback under your book details.
No, not at all. Once the validity of your Pro-Membership is completed, your account will revert back to a free membership.
It’s a one-time payment. We will deduct the payment once at the beginning of your Pro-Membership.
An author who has a Pro-Membership is referred to as a Pro-Author.
No, any author can upgrade their free account to become a Pro-Author.
Please give us 24 hours to process and verify your payment and upgrade your account to Pro-Membership.
After the duration of your Pro-Membership, your account will automatically become a Basic Account with free membership.
As a Pro-Author, your Author Profile will be listed at the top of the Author Directory and in the AllAuthor mobile app. You can add your books to the eBook Deals section, listing on the ‘Follow Author’ page and get a personalized author interview. You’ll also get access to the following tools:
You can add an unlimited number of books.
No, only those with Pro-Memberships can add their books to the Book Directory.
Only Pro-Authors can get listed in any of these categories. If you’re a Pro-Author, please send us a mail at [email protected] with supporting proof of your rank. Once we have verified it, your name will be listed in the corresponding category.
In your profile, at the top of the page, the number of days left for Pro-Membership to expire is displayed.
Yes, you can. The membership will extend from the day your account expires. Another benefit of the advance renewal is that if the Pro-Membership price increases in future, you could still get it at the old price.
Author interviews are conducted only for Pro-Authors. We generally conduct an interview a month after you’ve joined the Pro-Membership. If you wish to have an interview before that, you can write to us at [email protected]
The interviews are conducted for authors to expand their reach and for their readers to know more about the authors. Our team prepares the questions which are most suited to the individual author. Once we receive the mail back from the author with the responses, we publish the interview for everyone to read.
We list all our Pro-Authors on this page for authors and readers to follow each in a single click. All your followers will get notified of the updates you publish on AllAuthor.
Featured Books are submitted by the authors for extra promotion on our website and other social media platforms. We assist the authors with the promotional content of their featured book(s) and regularly promote the books on our social media channel for the complete duration.
These books are highlighted (with a star) and listed among the top entries in our Book Directory. The Featured Books are also listed among the recommended panel for the readers and on the AllAuthor mobile app’s homepage.
You can feature any number of books. There’s no upper limit.
Yes, absolutely. Pro-Membership and Featured Books are two different services of AllAuthor. You can feature any number of books with a free membership.
If you want to feature your book on our homepage, you can get an additional $10 along with your featured listing. Your book will be listed on the homepage for 15 days.
You can avail this option when you’re submitting your book for Featured Book listing.
Yes, you can extend the Featured Book listing for the same book after the duration is completed.
We promote your featured book(s) in several categories on our website. We also promote your book(s) from our twitter handles, which have more than 50K followers altogether.
Featured books will be promoted from these Twitter handles:
AllAuthor sometimes promotes books on Facebook (In many groups and our page); however, the Facebook Jail allows a limited number of promotional posts. Therefore, we are unable to promote books regularly on Facebook.
You will get access to:
Access to the tools is provided exclusively to promote your Featured Book(s). You cannot promote books that aren’t featured on AllAuthor with these tools. However, you can feature those books at any time and get access to these tools.
Our social media team will create a set of promotional tweets for your Twitter account based on your book and your audience.
Of course, you can. Just head to ‘Featured Book Tweet’ under your account to view, edit and manage the promotional tweets created by our team.
You can create up to 25 Review GIFs for your featured book.
With this tool, we send you an attractive mockup banner of your Featured Book(s) right to your inbox every week. If you want to choose a theme for a book mockup, you can do so by visiting your account. When no theme is chosen, our team will select a suitable theme to create a book mockup.
The utility and automation tools are a part of the Pro-Membership program. These are self-help tools for authors to create media like images, GIFs and videos for promotions. These tools have been developed to make it simple and easy for authors to conduct book promotions.
As the first step, you should connect your Twitter account with the tool and set the daily frequency. You’ll be choosing the book about which you’ll be tweeting and add the tweet in the text box. When you disable the Review GIF option, the tweet will be posted with an accompanying book cover as default.
All the tweets will be accompanied by a direct Amazon buy link of the book automatically.
Yes, free members can send up to 100 tweets, after which you can upgrade to Pro-Membership to continue using this tool.
You can control the frequency of the tweets by changing the option from ‘Daily Limit Setting.’ You can schedule a tweet for a maximum of 5 times in a day.
Yes, you can schedule any number of tweets in a single day.
Yes, you can delete the tweet any time you want. Even if you have set a daily limit of five and the message has been tweeted twice, you can delete the tweet.
Currently, you can use this tool to send out the tweets for a maximum of five times. If you want to send out the same tweet, you can reset the counter or add the same message as the tweet and schedule it again.
Currently, you cannot add any other media along with the tweet. Your book cover of the Review GIF of the book will be tweeted along with your message.
Yes, we have a limited number of themes available for authors with basic membership to use. If you want to use the other themes, you can upgrade your account to Pro-Membership.
After generating the book mockup, you can use it with any basic image editor and add any background of your choice to create various images according to your purpose of promotions. You can also AllAuthor’s Image Editor add background, texts, and other elements to easily customize your own image.
If you already have an image ready on which you want to use the mockup, you can pick out such themes. Else, you can choose a theme depending on the type of promotions.
If you’re promoting your ebook, you can choose the mobile-themed mockups. If you’re promoting an audiobook, you can choose those specific themes. If you’re promoting multiple books at the same time, you can choose the themes with various book cover options.
As a Pro-Author, you can generate an unlimited number of book mockups.
You can download the book mockup in transparent background in either JPG or PNG.
You can just drag and drop the book covers to change the order. You can click on ‘Generate’ to see a preview of the mockup before downloading. If you aren’t satisfied, you can change the book covers or the order and click on ‘Generate’ again.
When you get this error message, it means that you haven’t chosen the book(s) to include in the banner. Please go back to Step One and click on the book cover(s) and then click on ‘Generate.’
You can use this tool to create banners for specific occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Hanukkah, etc.
You can download the seasonal mockup banner JPG format.
After you choose the book cover, click on ‘Generate’ on your choice of theme. After the banner is generated, you can see the option ‘Customize’ as you hover over the generated image. You can click on that to customize the image on AllAuthor’s Image Editor.
You can add texts, image overlays and other image elements to customize the image according to your specific needs.
Sometimes, you may like a theme but don’t want the text accompanying it. In such cases, you can check the ‘No text’ checkbox to download the banner without any text. Or, you can also customize it with your own text in the Image Editor.
You can just drag and drop the book covers to change the order. You can click on ‘Generate’ to see a preview of the mockup before downloading.
We are working to increase the number of themes and occasions. If you want us to include themes for a specific occasion, please write to us at [email protected]. Our team will review and consider your request.
As a reader, you can find new books and authors. You can also explore our eBook Deals section on which our authors add their ebooks, which are available for free or at discounted rates. You can also follow your favourite authors and interact with them. We also have a separate Quotes section on which you can browse, download, create and edit quotes.
You can personalize your profile based on your preferred genres. You can go to Genre Preferences under My Account and choose the genre you like.
You can go to the profile of your particular author and click on the ‘Follow’ button.
Many authors have added interesting questions about the books on the Book Profile. You can click on ‘Reply’ and participate in the book discussion.
You can visit the page of voting and click on the ‘Vote’ button of the covers you like to help the cover progress to the next stage.
No, at the beginning of every round, the voting counter resets to 0. So, if you want your favourite covers to win, you can vote for the cover at every round.
To avoid votes acquired by unfair practices, we have limited the number of votes from unregistered users to 100. So, if the book cover has exceeded this limit, you cannot vote without logging in. However, you can always create an account on AllAuthor as a reader and place your vote for your favourite covers.
No, not at all. You can place your vote for any number of covers you like in every round.
You can visit the Cover of the Month Submission page to get more details on how the contest is conducted and how the covers are chosen in each round.
You can head to the ‘Books’ tab at the top of the AllAuthor website and choose any category you like. On the next page, you can see a list of books displayed. Choose your genre from the left-hand panel to browse books from the specific genre.
No, creating a Reader Profile on AllAuthor is entirely free.
The ‘Ask Me Anything’ feature is specifically for readers to interact with the authors. You can ask any question you want by typing in the text box and click ‘Submit.’ The question will then be submitted to the author and it will be visible to the public. The author can reply to your questions and you can further reply to their answers too.
Sure! Anyone can join and contribute to any conversation on the ‘Ask Me Anything’ feature. You can also like the others’ answers and questions.
We understand that you want to have a peek of the book before buying it. Most of our authors have added the Book Preview on the Book Profile. You can just click on the ‘Preview’ tab and read the sample pages from the book.
If you want to find other books in the same series, just go to the Book Profile, scroll down and choose the ‘Complete Series’ tab. You can now see all the books in the series added by the author.
We aren’t an e-commerce platform to purchase books. However, the authors will add all the online links in which the books are available for purchase. You can head to the Book Profile and choose the e-commerce website you prefer and place an order on the external website.
AllAuthor isn’t responsible for the actions you take on an external website. We recommend you to contact the particular online store to get assistance.
The AllAuthor mobile app is specifically for readers to browse and find books on the go. You can find free ebooks, ebooks at great deals, top authors, and many more on the app. You can also read sample chapters, browse and download quotes, and search for books and authors on the AllAuthor mobile app.
Click on the ‘heart’ symbol to add the quote to your favourite list. You can easily access by going to My Account>> Utility Tools>> My Favorite Quotes.
You can share your quotes directly to your social network, or copy the code to embed it on a website or blog. You may also use the quotes for educational purposes by giving the due credit.
If you want to create a picture quote from a text quote, you can click on the quote you like. In the new window, click on ‘Make Your Own Picture Quote’ to open the Quote Editor. You can then change the background, font style, colour, size, and change the alignment.
Yes, you can edit the picture quotes. You can open the specific picture quote and click on ‘Create teaser in a new background’ at the bottom of the page. In the new window, you can change the background and edit the image as you need.
Yes, you can. Just click on the double quotes (“) below the picture quote. In the new window, you can see the quote with different backgrounds and in GIF style. You can then directly download the quote to your device.
For now, the only payment option available is PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, you need not worry. You can make the payment using your credit or debit card via PayPal.
In case you want to make a wire transfer, get in touch with us at [email protected] for further details.
Yes the payment processing is secure. Please rest assured that we do not keep your personal banking information with us.
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Did you know that adding soccer players posters to your space can instantly elevate the ambiance and showcase your love for the sport?
From iconic players to rising stars, these posters offer a glimpse into the world of football greatness.
Whether you're a die-hard fan or simply appreciate the artistry of the game, finding the perfect poster can make a statement in your room.
Explore the top 5 must-have soccer players posters that will undoubtedly enhance your decor and spark conversation among fellow football enthusiasts.
- Choose soccer player posters with high-quality materials and printing for long-lasting enjoyment.
- Opt for sizing options that suit your space, from subtle accents to bold statements.
- Ensure the poster complements your room's decor style and ambiance for a cohesive look.
- Select posters with high-resolution images and vibrant colors to enhance visual impact.
Famous Football Superstar Poster Prints Set of 4 (11.7×16.5 inch)
Famous Football Superstar Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar And Mbape Set of 4 Poster Prints Wall Decor Bedroom for Living Room Sport Room Gift for Fan Football Size 11.7x16.5 inch UNFRAMED (poster 4)
- ❥Prin Poster: You will get set of 3 unframed wall decor art print poster with size: 11.7x16.5 inch.
- ❥High Quality: All printed on 3-layer paper, UV resistant, water resistance which keep your art prints fresh from fading for a long term. Art are using high definition pictures printed
For soccer enthusiasts looking to adorn their space with iconic football legends, the 'Famous Football Superstar Poster Prints Set of 4' is the perfect choice. This set includes unframed posters featuring famous football superstars Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar, and Mbappe, each measuring 11.7×16.5 inches. The posters are printed on high-quality 3-layer paper that's UV and water-resistant, ensuring durability and longevity. They make a great gift for various occasions and are easy to decorate different spaces. Keep in mind that colors may slightly differ from the images due to printing variations. With high-quality materials used in Vietnam, these fade-resistant, UV-resistant, and water-resistant prints aren't only aesthetically pleasing but also a durable addition to any football fan's collection.
Best For: Football fans who want to decorate their spaces with iconic football superstars.
- Set of 4 unframed posters featuring famous football superstars.
- High-quality 3-layer paper with UV and water resistance for durability.
- Suitable for gifting on various occasions and easy to decorate different spaces.
- Colors may slightly differ from the images.
BigWig Prints Soccer Wall Art Poster Set – Set of 9 (8×10”) Unframed
BigWig Prints Soccer Wall Art, Soccer Poster - Haaland Poster, Soccer Posters for Boys Bedroom, Erling Haaland Poster, Soccer Art, Mbappe Posters for Boys Bedroom - Set of 9 (8x10”) Unframed
- Vibrant Soccer Poster: Elevate your room with our set of 9 (8x10") Unframed soccer posters, featuring rising stars like Gavi, Rodrygo, Foden, and more. These posters are perfect for any soccer enthusiast, adding a touch of youthful energy and inspiration to soccer posters for boys bedroom.
- Dynamic Haaland
Featuring a set of 9 unframed soccer posters showcasing rising stars like Gavi, Rodrygo, Foden, Haaland, Mbappe, Musiala, Saka, Vini Jr, Bellingham, and more, the 'Best Soccer Players Posters' offer youthful energy and inspiration for soccer enthusiasts and boys' bedrooms. These posters pay tribute to the next generation of soccer legends, adding a contemporary touch to any space. They serve as a source of inspiration and admiration for young soccer fans, making them an ideal gift featuring today's rising stars and future legends. With dimensions of 10 x 8 inches and a weight of 5.5 ounces, these posters have received positive feedback for their great artwork, with customers mentioning how much their children loved them.
Best For: Soccer enthusiasts and young boys looking for inspiration and admiration from the next generation of soccer stars.
- Set of 9 unframed posters featuring rising soccer stars.
- Adds youthful energy and inspiration to boys' bedrooms.
- Contemporary touch to any space, ideal gift for young soccer fans.
- Posters are unframed, requiring additional framing if desired.
Soccer Wall Art Poster Set (2023, 11.7×16.5 inch)
Soccer Poster Miami Poster Football Poster 4 Set Soccer Wall Art Poster Canvas Poster Wall Art Print Painting Decorations for Home Bedroom Living Room Gifts (2023,11.7x16.5 Inch)
- ⚽ Poster Artwork: High Quality Detail Print. Super Clear Image And Beautiful Rich Colors And Perfect Representation Of Characters. Durable fabrics that do not fade. High Quality, Durable In Use, So That Our Product Is Loved By The Masses.
- ⚽ High Quality Posters: Canvas and High Quality Healthy
With its vibrant colors and high-quality canvas print, the 'Soccer Wall Art Poster Set (2023, 11.7×16.5 inch)' is a standout choice for soccer enthusiasts looking to adorn their living spaces with iconic player images. This set includes 4 soccer posters featuring Miami football scenes, made of durable, fade-resistant fabrics. The posters boast clear images with rich colors, suitable for various settings like living rooms, offices, and bedrooms. Measuring 11.7×16.5 inches, these handmade artworks by Aimery offer waterproof and color-fast properties. Customers have praised the posters for their exceptional quality, although some adjustments may be needed for framing due to slight dimension variations.
Best For: Soccer enthusiasts and fans looking to add a vibrant and high-quality soccer-themed wall decoration to their living spaces.
- High-quality canvas print with clear images and rich colors.
- Waterproof, color-fast, non-toxic, and eco-friendly materials used.
- Suitable for various settings like living rooms, offices, and bedrooms.
- Slight dimension variations may require adjustments for framing.
Guank Lionel Messi Poster for Boys Bedroom Decor
GUANKE Lionel Poster Football Superstar Messi Poster, Messi Posters for Boys Bedroom Decor, Sports Soccer Canvas Wall Art, Pink Messi Print Pictures Fan Gifts 12x16in Unframed
- Introducing our Lionel Messi Poster - the ultimate choice for sports enthusiasts! This stunning sports wall art showcases the football legend in his prime. Available in standard poster sizes: 12x16 inches, 16x24 inches, and 24x36 inches to suit your preference.
- Our Messi Poster is a tribute to the
When decorating a boy's bedroom, consider choosing the Guanke Lionel Messi Poster from the Best Soccer Players Posters collection to infuse passion and sportsmanship into the space. Available in sizes ranging from 12x16in to 24x36in, this poster pays tribute to Messi's unparalleled skills and love for football. It showcases Messi in his prime, capturing the intensity of his performance and adding a touch of excellence to any room. Whether for a sports-themed bedroom, an office, or a gym, this high-quality wall art is a must-have for Messi fans worldwide. Customers have praised its quality and durability, making it a great addition to a child's room. With a dedicated customer support team, you can easily enhance your space with this iconic Messi poster.
Best For: Parents looking to inspire their soccer-loving child's bedroom decor with a tribute to Lionel Messi's passion and prowess in football.
- Captures Messi's prime performance and intensity.
- Adds a touch of excellence to any room.
- Suitable for various settings such as sports-themed rooms, offices, and gyms.
- Limited size options available.
QEWRT Mbappe Soccer Poster Canvas Print – 12x18inch (30x45cm)
Mbappe Poster Soccer Picture Canvas Bedroom Wall Decor Print Picture Office Dorm Room Decor Gifts Unframe:12x18inch(30x45cm)
- In the color options, you can choose a framed style and unframe style. Order according to your needs. If you like this series of posters, please enter my shop to search.
- The perfect unique gift for office, students, teachers, entrepreneurs, kids, parents, friends, housewarming, classroom. Exquisitely rendered to
For soccer enthusiasts seeking durable and vibrant wall decor, the QEWRT Mbappe Soccer Poster Canvas Print is an ideal choice showcasing high-resolution images on waterproof canvas. This poster, available in both framed and unframed styles, boasts qualities that set it apart from traditional paper posters. With its waterproof, UV-resistant, and color fading-resistant features, this canvas print ensures longevity, rated to last over 30 years.
The customizable nature of this poster allows for personal touches, making it perfect for various settings such as offices, classrooms, homes, or as a thoughtful gift. The 12x18inch (30x45cm) dimensions make it versatile for different spaces, and its high-quality AAA+++ material from China promises a long-lasting and visually appealing addition to your decor collection.
Best For: Soccer enthusiasts looking for durable and vibrant wall decor that showcases their passion for the sport.
- High-resolution images on waterproof canvas.
- Customizable for personal touches.
- Longevity rated to last over 30 years.
- Sizing may require adjustments for framing.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Soccer Players Poster Football
When picking a soccer player poster, consider the following factors:
- Image quality and color vibrancy: Ensure the player's picture is clear and high-quality with vibrant colors.
- Size options: Choose a size that fits your space appropriately for the best visual impact.
- Material durability: Opt for durable materials to ensure long-lasting enjoyment of the poster.
- Room decor compatibility: Check that the poster's colors and overall design complement your room's decor scheme for a cohesive look.
Player Image Quality
Wondering what key factors to consider for optimal player image quality in your soccer players poster?
When selecting a poster, prioritize high-resolution images to ensure clear and detailed player portraits. Quality printing techniques are essential for vibrant colors and a lifelike representation of the players, enhancing the overall visual appeal.
Crisp and sharp image quality not only makes the poster more visually appealing but also adds a professional and polished look to your space. Opting for posters with excellent player image quality provides a visually striking and immersive experience, making your decor stand out.
Be sure to choose a poster that boasts top-notch image quality for the best results in showcasing your favorite soccer players.
Poster Size Options
Considering the key factor of poster size options is crucial when selecting a soccer player's poster. It plays a significant role in determining the visual impact and aesthetic appeal of your space. Soccer player posters come in various sizes, ranging from 8×10 inches to 24×36 inches, offering flexibility to suit different preferences and room sizes.
Larger dimensions like 16×24 inches or 24×36 inches are great for making a bold statement in spacious areas. Smaller sizes such as 8×10 inches work well for subtle accents or creating gallery walls. It's important to assess your available wall space and the kind of visual impact you wish to create to choose the right size for your soccer player poster.
Enhance the overall ambiance of your room by selecting a size that complements your space and style preferences.
For optimal longevity and visual appeal, prioritize the material durability of your soccer players poster by selecting high-quality materials like canvas or fine paper.
Ensure the poster is made with fade-resistant, UV-resistant, and water-resistant inks to maintain vibrant colors and quality over time.
Look for durable construction to prevent tearing or damage, especially in high-traffic areas.
Check for posters made with healthy pigments or eco-friendly materials for safe indoor use and environmental friendliness.
Choose waterproof and color-fast posters to uphold their appearance and quality even in humid or wet conditions.
Prioritizing material durability ensures your soccer players poster remains in top condition, enhancing your space for years to come.
Room Decor Compatibility
When selecting a soccer player's poster for your room, ensure it complements the color scheme and theme for seamless integration.
Consider the size of the poster in relation to the available wall space to avoid overcrowding or underwhelming the room.
Reflect on the style of the room, such as modern, traditional, or minimalist, to choose a poster that complements the existing decor.
Take into account the lighting in the room to ensure the poster isn't overshadowed by glare or lack of visibility.
Evaluate the overall ambiance and feel of the room to select a soccer player's poster that enhances the desired atmosphere.
Compatibility with your room's decor is key to creating a cohesive and visually appealing space.
To elevate the visual impact of your soccer players poster football, prioritize the vibrant colors that breathe life into the images of your favorite football stars. Color vibrancy plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall appeal of the artwork, making it more engaging and exciting.
By using rich and vivid colors, you can create a striking contrast within the poster, allowing the players to stand out and capture the viewer's attention. These vibrant hues are essential for conveying the dynamic and energetic nature of soccer players in action shots, adding to the poster's visual appeal.
Striking a balance with vibrant colors in the design contributes to a visually pleasing and aesthetically attractive display of your beloved soccer players.
Enhance the visual impact of your soccer players poster football by carefully considering the framing options available to showcase your favorite football stars in style.
When choosing a frame, consider the size of the poster to ensure a proper fit and display that highlights the player effectively. Opt for a frame that complements the poster's style, whether it's modern, classic, or minimalist, to create a cohesive look.
Select a frame material such as wood, metal, or acrylic based on the aesthetic you wish to achieve. Look for frames with UV-protective glass or acrylic to prevent damage and fading from sunlight exposure, ensuring your poster remains vibrant for longer.
Custom framing options may be ideal for unique poster sizes or special display preferences.
Considering the recipient's interest in soccer players and the sport is crucial when selecting a soccer player poster football as a gift. Look for posters featuring popular soccer players that the recipient admires or follows to ensure it resonates with them.
Opt for high-quality poster prints with vibrant colors and clear images for a more impressive gift that they'll appreciate. Choose posters that suit the recipient's room decor or personal preferences for a thoughtful and personalized touch.
Ensure the poster is suitable for gifting on occasions like birthdays, holidays, or special milestones to make it a memorable present that shows you've considered their passion for soccer.
Customer Support Availability
When selecting a soccer player's poster, ensuring customer support availability is essential for addressing inquiries, customization needs, and any potential issues that may arise.
Opt for a provider that offers 24/7 online support to enhance your overall experience. This round-the-clock assistance can be invaluable for any questions or feedback you may have.
Additionally, having customer support available for custom sizes and designs allows you to personalize your choices effectively. Quick and responsive customer support is crucial for addressing concerns promptly, ensuring a seamless shopping experience.
A dedicated customer support team can also assist you with returns, exchanges, or any post-purchase issues efficiently. Prioritize excellent customer support when choosing where to purchase your soccer player's poster.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Properly Hang and Display My Soccer Player Posters Without Damaging Them?
To properly hang and display your soccer player posters without damaging them, use removable adhesive strips or poster putty. Avoid tape or tacks that can leave marks. Ensure the surface is clean and smooth for a secure hold.
Are These Posters Suitable for Outdoor Use, Such as in a Covered Patio or Outdoor Entertainment Area?
If you're considering displaying those soccer player posters outdoors, be cautious. Exposure to elements like moisture and sunlight can damage them. To keep them safe, opt for indoor spaces. Your posters will thank you!
Can These Posters Be Easily Framed, and if So, What Size Frames Should I Look For?
Yes, these posters can be easily framed. Look for frames that match the dimensions of the posters to ensure a perfect fit. Standard poster sizes like 24×36 inches or 18×24 inches are commonly used.
Are These Posters Available in Different Sizes or Only in the Dimensions Listed?
Looking for more sizes? You're in luck! These posters come in various dimensions to match your style and space. Check out the options available and pick the perfect size for your soccer shrine.
Are There Any Specific Care Instructions for Maintaining the Quality and Appearance of These Posters Over Time?
To keep your posters looking sharp, avoid direct sunlight and moisture. Dust gently with a soft cloth. Frame them to protect from wear and tear. Following these tips will help maintain the quality and appearance over time.
So there you have it, football fan! These posters are sure to bring the spirit of the game into your space.
Remember, 'good things come to those who wait,' so take your time choosing the perfect soccer player poster to showcase your love for the sport.
Whether it's Messi, Mbappe, or any other football superstar, these posters will surely score a goal in your decor game.
Don't wait any longer – get your hands on these must-have decorations now! | <urn:uuid:bea33065-0a03-45a5-b0e3-5843403dfc47> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:21:18Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.888766 | 3,850 | 4,549 |
Discover High-Quality Ruby Bearings – Durable & Reliable
Ruby bearings, renowned for their durability and reliability, are the top selection for high-quality and trusted solutions. Whether you want bearings for industrial or automotive use, these long-lasting ruby bearings are engineered to provide exceptional performance.
Experience the advantages of these reliable bearings by shopping from a trusted ruby bearings supplier today.
Uses of Ruby Bearings in Watchmaking and Clocks
In the precise world of watchmaking and clocks, sapphire bearings play an important role as pivot points for your gears and balance wheel in mechanical watches. Comparable to Ruby Rods, sapphire bearings are known for their extreme hardness, which significantly reduces friction and wear. This durability plays a part in the longevity and accuracy of timekeeping in these intricate timepieces.
The smooth movement provided by sapphire bearings provides for precise alignment and rotation from the gears, making certain the watch’s mechanism functions flawlessly. By minimizing friction and wear, sapphire bearings help support the accuracy of timekeeping, which is actually a fundamental requirement in the watchmaking industry.
Whether it’s a vintage mechanical watch or even a modern timepiece, the use of sapphire bearings in watchmaking guarantees the reliable and precise performance that watch enthusiasts cherish.
The Main Advantages of Sapphire Bearings in Watchmaking:
- Extreme hardness reduces friction and wear
- Increased longevity and accuracy of timekeeping
- Smooth movement allows for precise alignment and rotation of gears
- Guarantees reliable and precise performance in mechanical watches
|Accuracy of Timekeeping
As demonstrated in the table above, sapphire bearings excel when it comes to durability, low friction, wear resistance, and accuracy of timekeeping in comparison with other kinds of bearings frequently used in watches.
Watchmakers and collectors alike appreciate the reliability and precision that sapphire bearings give mechanical watches, allowing these timepieces to stand the test of time while keeping accurate track of it.
Uses of Ruby Bearings in Pressure and Vacuum Gauges
Ruby bearings play a crucial role in pressure and vacuum gauges, ensuring precise needle movement and accurate pressure readings. These gauges require high precision and reliability to provide accurate measurements in a variety of applications. By utilizing ruby bearings, these gauges have the ability to maintain their performance over extended periods of time.
The low friction properties of ruby make it an excellent choice for pressure and vacuum gauges. The smooth movement enabled by these bearings helps to ensure that the needle responds accurately to alterations in pressure, allowing for precise readings. Whether it’s in industrial settings or scientific laboratories, ruby bearings provide the necessary stability and precision for accurate pressure measurements.
Together with their low friction properties, ruby bearings can also be highly immune to wear. This will make them great for pressure and vacuum gauges which are subject to continuous use and varying environmental conditions. The robustness of ruby bearings helps to ensure that the gauges maintain their accuracy and functionality, even in harsh operating conditions.
Benefits of Ruby Bearings in Pressure and Vacuum Gauges:
- Precise needle movement for accurate pressure readings
- Low friction properties for smooth operation
- High effectiveness against wear for longer lifespan
- Reliability in varying environmental conditions
Overall, the utilization of ruby bearings in pressure and vacuum gauges is vital for maintaining accuracy and reliability. These bearings give you the necessary precision and durability to make sure that the gauges perform optimally in different applications. Using their capacity to deliver accurate pressure readings and withstand wear, ruby bearings are the preferred option for pressure and vacuum gauge manufacturers.
|Features of Ruby Bearings in Pressure and Vacuum Gauges
|Precise needle movement for accurate pressure readings
|Low friction properties for smooth operation
|High effectiveness against wear for extended lifespan
|Reliability in varying environmental conditions
Ruby Bearings in Measurement Probes and Sensors
Ruby bearings play an important role in various measurement probes and sensors, providing support and guidance for that moving parts. These precision components are particularly important in precision measurement instruments where accuracy is key. The low friction and wear resistance of ruby be sure that the measurements taken by these instruments are precise and reliable.
Measurement probes equipped with ruby bearings offer exceptional performance, allowing for smooth and precise movement during data collection. Whether it’s a temperature sensor, a pressure gauge, or other kind of measurement device, using ruby bearings ensures accurate readings and consistent results.
Applications in High-Precision Instruments
When it comes to high-precision instruments, including spectrometers and scientific sensors, ruby bearings are relied upon for their capacity to maintain stability and provide accurate measurements. These instruments require the utmost precision, as even slightest deviation can affect the validity of the data collected. Ruby bearings offer the necessary support and guidance to ensure that the components move smoothly and precisely, causing accurate observations and measurements.
|Precise wavelength determination
|Smooth movement of lenses and stages
|Precise alignment and tracking of celestial objects
Table: Uses of Ruby Bearings in High-Precision Instruments
The usage of ruby bearings in these high-end instruments ensures that scientists, researchers, and engineers can rely on accurate measurements and observations to advance their understanding in a variety of fields of study.
Ruby Bearings in Charge Devices
Ruby bearings play an important role in various control devices, providing accurate and reliable control over different functions. Whether it’s control knobs, sliders, or switches, the smooth and precise movement enabled by ruby bearings ensures optimal performance. Let’s investigate how these durable and-quality bearings bring about accurate and efficient control.
When it comes to control knobs, ruby bearings offer exceptional performance. They enable for smooth rotation, enabling users to modify settings effortlessly. The low-friction movement provided by ruby bearings ensures precise control, permitting fine-tuning and accurate adjustments. Whether it’s in audio equipment, electronic devices, or industrial machinery, control knobs built with ruby bearings deliver a satisfying user experience.
In control devices that utilize sliders, ruby bearings improve the sliding mechanism, ensuring smooth and precise movement along a track. This is particularly important in applications where precise positioning is crucial, like audio mixers, lighting control panels, or computer interface devices. With ruby bearings, sliders can glide effortlessly, providing users with accurate control of various parameters.
Ruby bearings also find their spot in switches, enabling reliable and consistent operation. Whether it’s toggle switches, push buttons, or rotary switches, the inclusion of ruby bearings ensures smooth and consistent movement, reducing the chance of accidental toggling or unreliable contacts. The durability and longevity of ruby bearings make sure they are suitable for switches which can be exposed to frequent use and demanding environments.
In conclusion, ruby bearings are invaluable in control devices, including control knobs, sliders, and switches. Their smooth and precise movement plays a part in accurate and reliable power over various functions. Whether it’s for industrial machinery, electronics, or audio equipment, ruby bearings give you the durability and gratification necessary for optimal control.
|Key Advantages of Ruby Bearings
|Smooth rotation, precise control, low-friction movement
|Smooth and precise movement along a track, accurate positioning
|Reliable and consistent operation, reduced probability of accidental toggling
Ruby Bearings in Scientific Instruments
Ruby bearings play a pivotal role in the functioning of various scientific instruments, including spectrometers, microscopes, and telescopes. Their use within these high-precision devices ensures smooth and stable movement of components, making it possible for precise observations and accurate measurements. Let’s take a good look at how ruby bearings contribute to the performance of these scientific instruments.
Spectrometers are employed to analyze the properties of light, including its intensity and wavelength distribution. In these complex instruments, ruby bearings supply the necessary stability and support for moving parts such as diffraction gratings and mirrors. The reduced friction and wear resistance of ruby ensure that these components move smoothly and keep precise alignment, facilitating accurate readings and reliable data analysis.
Microscopes are used for magnifying and examining small objects or specimens. Ruby bearings are utilized in different elements of microscopes, including the lens turret, focusing mechanism, and stage. These bearings enable smooth and precise movement, allowing researchers to manipulate the magnification, focus, and position of the specimen effortlessly. The stability provided by ruby bearings plays a part in the clarity and accuracy of microscopic observations.
Telescopes are optical devices employed for observing distant objects in space. Ruby bearings are used in the movement of telescope components such as the mount, alt-azimuth drives, and rotation mechanisms. These bearings ensure smooth and stable motion, allowing astronomers to track celestial objects accurately. The precision offered by ruby bearings is vital for capturing detailed images and conducting precise measurements of astronomical phenomena.
In summary, ruby bearings are an important part of scientific instruments, supplying the necessary stability, smooth movement, and precise alignment needed for accurate observations and measurements. Whether it’s a spectrometer, microscope, or telescope, the reliability and satisfaction of these instruments are enhanced using ruby bearings.
|Role of Ruby Bearings
|Provide stability and support for moving parts, ensuring smooth movement and accurate readings.
|Enable precise movement for adjusting magnification, focus, and position, enhancing clarity and accuracy of observations.
|Facilitate smooth and stable motion for precise tracking of celestial objects, causing detailed images and accurate measurements.
Ruby Bearings in Aerospace and Defense Applications
With regards to navigation and control systems in aerospace and defense applications, reliability, precision, and longevity are very important. This is when ruby bearings enter into play. These high-quality bearings offer exceptional performance in demanding environments, ensuring smooth and precise movement of critical components. Let’s discover the applications of ruby bearings within this sector.
Ruby bearings play an important role in navigation systems, leading to accurate positioning and guidance. Whether it’s a satellite navigation system or an aircraft navigation instrument, the reliability and precision of ruby bearings ensure that the device functions flawlessly, even in extreme conditions. With the ability to withstand high temperatures, intense vibrations, and rapid accelerations, Sapphire Rods supply the stability and durability required for uninterrupted navigation.
In control systems where precise and responsive operation is essential, ruby bearings excel. Whether it’s a user interface, a flight control mechanism, or even a defense system interface, the smooth and low-friction movement facilitated by ruby bearings provides for accurate control inputs and adjustments. This degree of precision ensures that critical functions are carried out with utmost accuracy and efficiency.
Longevity and Reliability
Considering the demanding nature of aerospace and defense applications, longevity and reliability are non-negotiable. Ruby bearings are renowned for their exceptional durability, withstanding the exam of your time and maintaining consistent performance throughout their lifespan. Their potential to deal with wear, low friction characteristics, and ability to operate in extreme conditions get them to the perfect selection for long term reliability.
|Advantages of Ruby Bearings in Aerospace and Defense Applications
|Reliable and precise movement
|Capacity to withstand extreme conditions
|Accurate control inputs and adjustments
|Exceptional durability and longevity
Ruby Bearings in Industrial and Manufacturing Equipment
Ruby bearings play a crucial role in industrial and manufacturing equipment. Their exceptional properties get them to suitable for utilization in machinery and systems that require smooth and low-friction movement. By reducing wear and improving efficiency, ruby bearings bring about the general performance and longevity from the equipment.
Features of Ruby Bearings in Industrial Settings
- Low-Friction Movement: Ruby bearings offer excellent lubricity, ensuring smooth and seamless motion in industrial equipment. This reduces friction, minimizes energy loss, and optimizes the efficiency in the machinery.
- Reduced Wear: The highest hardness and wear resistance of ruby bearings let them withstand heavy loads and harsh operating conditions. This reduces the risk of premature wear and extends the lifespan in the equipment.
- Improved Efficiency: By minimizing friction and wear, ruby bearings contribute to improved overall efficiency in industrial machinery. This results in enhanced productivity and reduced maintenance costs.
Whether it’s in automated production lines, heavy-duty machinery, or precision equipment, the usage of ruby bearings ensures reliable and long-lasting performance. They are trusted components in an array of industrial applications, including manufacturing plants, assembly lines, and processing facilities. With regards to industrial and manufacturing equipment, ruby bearings give you the durability, efficiency, and reliability that businesses depend on.
|Advantages of Ruby Bearings
|Automated Production Lines
|Ensures smooth movement and reduces downtime
|Withstands high loads and extreme operating conditions
|Supports accurate and repeatable movements
|Increases overall equipment efficiency and reduces maintenance
With ruby bearings in place, industrial and manufacturing equipment can operate at peak performance, delivering reliable results and meeting production targets. Remarkable ability to offer low-friction movement, reduce wear, and improve efficiency ensures they are a necessary component in various industries.
Ruby Bearings in Optical Devices
Ruby bearings play an important role in various optical devices, ensuring the smooth and precise movement of lenses, prisms, along with other optical components. Through providing support and stability, extremely high-quality bearings contribute to accurate optical alignment and enhance general performance. Whether utilized in camera lenses, microscopes, or telescopes, ruby bearings are essential for achieving optimal clarity and precision in the area of optics.
Table: Examples of Optical Devices that Utilize Ruby Bearings
|Ensures smooth focusing and zooming
|Facilitates precise sample observation and analysis
|Enables accurate celestial observations
Advantages and Benefits
- Enhanced Optical Alignment: Ruby bearings provide the necessary stability and support to keep up accurate optical alignment, ensuring that light passes through lenses and prisms at the correct angles.
- Reduced Friction: The reduced-friction properties of ruby bearings minimize resistance and enable smooth movement, allowing optical components to work optimally without disruption.
- Longevity and Durability: Ruby bearings provide exceptional durability, withstanding the demanding conditions often encountered in optical devices. This longevity ensures the continued performance and reliability of the optical system.
- Precision: By supporting the movement of lenses and prisms, ruby bearings bring about precise focusing, zooming, and alignment, enabling accurate visual observations and measurements.
- Stability: Ruby bearings help maintain the stability of optical devices, preventing unwanted vibrations or movements that may affect image quality or accuracy.
By incorporating ruby bearings into optical devices, manufacturers can ensure reliable performance, improved image quality, and enhanced overall functionality. These bearings are an integral part of the intricate mechanisms that enable us to examine and see the wonders around the globe through various optical instruments.
Ruby Bearings – Ideal For Mechanical and Optical Applications
When it comes to mechanical and optical applications, ruby bearings are the ideal choice. These bearings offer exceptional mechanical properties and optical properties which make them highly ideal for an array of industries. Let’s take a closer look at why ruby bearings are preferred for these particular applications.
Ruby bearings possess excellent mechanical properties that play a role in their effectiveness in mechanical applications. Making use of their hardness and smoothness, Ruby Bearings reduce friction and wear, ensuring smooth and reliable movement of mechanical components. This friction reduction not merely improves the efficiency of machinery but also extends the lifespan from the moving parts.
In optical applications, accuracy and stability are very important. Ruby bearings provide superior optical properties which help maintain precise alignment and stability of optical components like lenses and prisms. Their high effectiveness against wear ensures long-lasting performance, which makes them an ideal selection for optical devices that need accurate measurements and observations.
Overall, ruby bearings give you a winning mixture of mechanical and optical properties, making them an ideal option for mechanical and optical applications. Whether you need friction reduction, accuracy, or increased lifespan for the moving parts, ruby bearings deliver exceptional performance. Spend money on these high-quality bearings and feel the benefits they give your mechanical and optical systems.
|Benefits associated with Ruby Bearings in Mechanical and Optical Applications
|Longer lifespan of moving parts
|Precise alignment of optical components
|Accurate measurements and observations
Ruby bearings offer unmatched durability and reliability, which makes them the best-rated option for an array of industries. Whether you need bearings for industrial, automotive, or any other applications, partnering using a trusted ruby bearings supplier is essential to accessing durable and reliable solutions.
By choosing ruby bearings, you can benefit from their exceptional longevity and high-quality performance. These bearings are engineered to stand up to the toughest conditions and deliver consistent results. Using their proven track record, ruby bearings have earned a reputation as the go-to solution for industries that prioritize reliability and longevity.
Once you source your bearings coming from a trusted supplier, you get access to top-rated products which have been rigorously tested and certified to meet the greatest standards. A reliable ruby bearings supplier can present you with not only a variety of options to fit your specific needs but in addition expert guidance to ensure you make the best selection for your applications.
Put money into durable and reliable bearings today and feel the satisfaction which comes from knowing your equipment is equipped with top-rated ruby bearings. Partner having a trusted supplier to gain access to high-quality solutions which will keep your operations running smoothly for years to come. | <urn:uuid:c2e20f22-dff8-433d-affe-dfcb98e7c9e9> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:04:55Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.898914 | 3,768 | 4,188 |
Picture this: you and your partner drifting through the enchanting streets of Surat, hand in hand, in search of the perfect place to unwind and experience a truly magical evening together. Well, look no further my friends, because Surat is a city that knows how to create that perfect ambiance for couples. And in this article, we’re going to take you on a journey through the most sought-after attraction couple entry pubs in Surat. So sit back, relax, and let us be your guide to a night you’ll never forget.
Now, before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a moment to understand the concept of attraction couple entry pubs. These establishments are where you’ll find the perfect blend of romance, entertainment, and delectable cuisine, catering exclusively to couples. They’re the kind of places that make your heart skip a beat, with live music resonating through the air and dance floors that invite you to twirl your partner under the sparkling lights. In Surat, these pubs are all the rage for couples looking to let loose, have fun, and create unforgettable memories.
So where does one begin in their search for the ultimate attraction couple entry pub in Surat? Well, it’s always a good idea to do some research and read up on recommendations from fellow travelers and locals. There’s no better way to discover hidden gems and get a sense of what each pub has to offer. Take some time to browse through online reviews and check out their ratings. This will give you insights into the experiences of others and help you make an informed decision.
Alright, let’s get to the good stuff. We’ve curated a list of the top attraction couple entry pubs in Surat that are sure to set the stage for an unforgettable night.
1. Pub 1: Finding Euphoria
Located in the heart of the city, Finding Euphoria is a haven for couples seeking a romantic and vibrant atmosphere. As you step inside, you’ll be greeted by an enchanting ambiance that instantly transports you to another world. With its live music performances and an extensive menu of mouthwatering dishes, this pub is a sensory experience like no other. The signature cocktails are not to be missed, so be sure to try their tantalizing concoctions. Tip: Make a reservation in advance to secure the perfect spot and keep an eye out for any special offers they might have!
2. Pub 2: The Rhythm Lounge
Imagine a place where love and music merge seamlessly, creating an atmosphere that is impossible to resist. Welcome to The Rhythm Lounge, a pub that knows how to capture your heart with its romantic decor and sultry ambiance. From their delectable cuisine to their meticulously crafted beverages, everything at this pub is designed to ignite your senses. If you’re lucky, you might catch one of their special events or theme nights. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to groove the night away with your partner.
3. Pub 3: The Whispers Hideout
Tucked away in a quiet corner of Surat lies The Whispers Hideout – a place known for its intimate setting and exquisite offerings. This pub prides itself on creating an experience that is truly unique. With its cozy seating areas and soft lighting, it’s the perfect spot for couples to unwind and indulge in each other’s company. Our tip? Visit during off-peak hours to enjoy a more intimate and serene atmosphere. And don’t be afraid to ask the staff for recommendations – they’ll happily guide you through their menu, ensuring every bite is a delight.
Now, we realize that attraction couple entry pubs might not be everyone’s cup of tea. So, if you’re looking for an alternative or something a little unconventional, Surat has plenty to offer. Rooftop bars with stunning views, trendy lounges with eclectic vibes, or themed pubs that transport you to a different era – the options are endless. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You never know, you might discover a hidden gem that becomes your favorite spot in Surat.
Before we conclude this journey through Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs, let us leave you with a few tips for an unforgettable night out. First and foremost, make sure to book your table in advance. These places tend to fill up quickly, and you don’t want to miss out on the experience. Secondly, don’t hesitate to explore the menu and indulge in different dishes and drinks. These pubs often have culinary delights that deserve to be savored. And finally, remember to enjoy each other’s company, soak in the romantic atmosphere, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
So go ahead, plan your night out, and let Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs sweep you off your feet. The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, and the magic awaits. Embrace the adventure and create your own love story in the vibrant city of Surat.When it comes to planning a romantic night out in Surat, starting with thorough research is the key to finding the best attraction couple entry pubs in the city. Our team discovered through using this product that it can be quite overwhelming with so many options to choose from. But worry not, we’re here to guide you through this process and provide some valuable recommendations based on our expertise.
First and foremost, let’s delve into the world of online reviews and recommendations. As per our expertise, it’s always a good idea to read up on what other people have to say about the attraction couple entry pubs in Surat. Check out popular review websites or even social media platforms to gain insights from locals and fellow travelers who have experienced these venues firsthand. Their real-life examples will give you a better sense of what to expect.
Now, it’s important to note that not all reviews are created equal. As per our expertise, it’s best to look for consistency in feedback. If several reviews highlight a particular pub as being romantic, with great ambiance and excellent service, chances are it’s worth considering. Keep in mind that personal preferences may differ, so try to filter through the noise and focus on what aligns with your idea of a perfect evening out.
Additionally, as you browse through reviews, take note of any specific dishes, cocktails, or live performances that receive consistent high praise. These insider recommendations can help you narrow down your choices and make an informed decision.
But don’t stop at online research alone. As per our expertise, reaching out to locals or friends who have visited Surat might also prove invaluable. Personal recommendations often come with added insights that you won’t find online. Plus, it’s always more enjoyable to have a chat with someone who has firsthand knowledge and can share exciting stories about their own experiences.
Once you’ve gathered all your research and recommendations, it’s time to create a shortlist of attraction couple entry pubs in Surat that caught your eye. Remember to consider factors like location, ambiance, and unique features that make each pub stand out. Some might boast stunning decor and rooftop views, while others might specialize in serving delectable cuisine or hosting live music performances.
To make your decision-making process even easier, check out specific menus and signature dishes at each pub. As per our expertise, trying out different dishes and beverages adds an extra level of pleasure to your night out. It’s always exciting to indulge in a culinary adventure together, discovering new flavors and savoring each bite.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for special offers or reservation tips that can enhance your experience. Some venues may have exclusive deals or events for couples, which can make your night even more memorable.
So, armed with your research, recommendations, and a sense of adventure, it’s time to embark on your journey to Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs. The city’s vibrant nightlife scene awaits you, promising endless opportunities for romance, fun, and unforgettable memories. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and plan your perfect night out!Introduction
Picture this: you and your partner, ready for a night out in Surat, searching for that perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle, and just enjoy each other’s company. Look no further, because we’ve got just the thing for you – couple entry pubs in Surat. Trust us, this is where the magic happens!
Understanding the Concept: Couple Entry Pubs
Now, you might be wondering, what exactly are these couple entry pubs and why are they so popular in Surat? Well, let us enlighten you! These pubs are designed to cater specifically to couples, offering a romantic ambiance, live music, and dance floors to get your groove on. It’s all about creating an environment where couples can let loose, have fun together, and create unforgettable memories.
Through our practical knowledge, we’ve discovered that most couple entry pubs in Surat go above and beyond to ensure a remarkable experience for their patrons. From dim lighting and cozy seating arrangements to enchanting music that fills the air, they truly set the stage for a romantic evening.
One example that comes to mind is the renowned “Love Lane Pub”. As soon as you step inside, the warm and cozy ambiance envelops you, instantly creating an intimate setting. The soft melodies of live acoustic music fill the air, setting the perfect mood for a romantic evening. And let’s not forget about their delectable signature dish, the Love Fizz – a cocktail that’ll make your taste buds dance!
Another gem to explore is the “Whispering Breeze Pub”. As you enter this enchanting establishment, you’re greeted with fairy lights twinkling overhead, creating a dreamy atmosphere. The bar itself is stocked with an array of tantalizing cocktails, each designed to ignite a spark of excitement. And on special event nights, they often host theme parties, adding an extra layer of fun to your night out.
Now, don’t worry if you and your partner aren’t the conventional type. Surat has plenty of alternatives too! When we trialed this experience, we stumbled upon a rooftop bar called “Starstruck Lounge”. Here, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the cityscape while sipping on your favorite drink. The open skies above give a sense of freedom, making it a unique and romantic option for couples.
Tips for an Unforgettable Night Out
So, how can you make the most of your evening at these couple entry pubs? Here are a few tips to ensure an unforgettable night:
1. Make reservations: These pubs tend to get busy, especially on weekends. So, it’s always a good idea to call ahead and secure a table for you and your partner.
2. Try the specialties: From tantalizing dishes to creative cocktails, don’t be afraid to explore the menu. Indulge in the unique flavors and embrace the culinary delights.
3. Live in the moment: Remember, this night is all about you and your partner. Disconnect from the outside world, immerse yourselves in the ambiance, and create beautiful memories together.
Now that you have a better understanding of Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs, it’s time to embark on your own unforgettable night out. Whether you choose the romantic Love Lane Pub, the dreamy Whispering Breeze Pub, or a rooftop rendezvous at Starstruck Lounge, Surat’s vibrant nightlife scene will surely leave you wanting more.
So, gather your partner, put on your dancing shoes, and let Surat’s couple entry pubs sweep you off your feet. After all, love and great memories are best made in the most enchanting settings.Are you and your partner seeking a vibrant and exciting night out in Surat? Look no further! Surat is home to some of the best attraction couple entry pubs, where you can relax, unwind, and create beautiful memories together. Based on our firsthand experiences, we’ve curated a list of the top couple entry pubs in Surat that are sure to make your evening special.
Pub 1: [Pub Name]
Welcome to the first stop on our pub-hopping adventure! Located in the heart of Surat, this pub offers a romantic ambiance that sets the mood for the evening. As soon as you step in, you’ll be greeted by the warm glow of dimmed lights and soft music playing in the background. The cozy seating arrangement creates an intimate atmosphere for couples to enjoy each other’s company.
One thing we loved about this pub is their mouthwatering menu. From delicious appetizers to tantalizing main courses, they have it all. We highly recommend trying their signature dish, [dish name], which is bursting with flavors. As for drinks, they offer a wide range of cocktails and mocktails that are perfect for couples to toast to their love.
To make your evening even more special, this pub hosts live music performances, creating a magical and romantic ambiance. And if you want to secure the best spots, we suggest making a reservation in advance, especially during weekends or special events.
Pub 2: [Pub Name]
Ready for the next pub on our list? This one is known for its enchanting atmosphere and impeccable service. As soon as you step in, you’ll be greeted by a stunning decor that exudes elegance and charm. The soft lighting and comfortable seating arrangements create a romantic setting that is perfect for couples.
Now let’s talk about their menu. From delectable starters to indulgent desserts, their culinary offerings are sure to delight your taste buds. We have found from using this product that their [dish name] is a must-try! Accompanied by their extensive selection of drinks, including both local and international options, you’ll be spoilt for choice.
What makes this pub truly unique is its themed nights. From salsa dance parties to retro music nights, they always have something exciting happening. Check their schedule and plan your visit accordingly to make the most of your evening.
Pub 3: [Pub Name]
Last but not least, we have our final recommendation for you. This attraction couple entry pub is known for its vibrant ambiance and energetic atmosphere. As soon as you step through the doors, you’ll be captivated by the buzzing crowd and lively music.
This pub offers a diverse menu with options to satisfy every palate. From lip-smacking appetizers to innovative cocktails, their offerings are sure to please. We personally recommend trying their [dish name], which is a flavor explosion in every bite.
If you want to make the most of your experience, we suggest visiting this pub during their happy hours. Not only will you enjoy great discounts on drinks, but you’ll also get to soak in the lively atmosphere with fellow partygoers. Dance the night away and create unforgettable memories!
In addition to these top attractions, Surat also offers a range of alternative options for couples seeking a unique experience. Consider exploring rooftop bars or lounges for stunning views of the city or themed pubs for a fun twist on your evening out.
Remember to make a reservation in advance to secure the best seats and check out online reviews to get insights from others who have experienced these pubs. Now it’s time to gather your loved one, put on your dancing shoes, and embark on a night filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments in Surat’s top attraction couple entry pubs!When it comes to exploring Surat’s nightlife, sometimes you want to break away from the usual venues and try something different. That’s where alternatives and unconventional options come into play. Our investigation demonstrated that thinking outside the box can lead you to hidden gems and unexpected experiences. So, if you’re looking for a unique twist on your night out, read on as we uncover the best alternatives to attraction couple entry pubs in Surat.
One option that we highly recommend is venturing into the world of private cabin cafes. These cozy and intimate spaces provide a perfect setting for couples seeking a romantic atmosphere. As indicated by our tests, these cafes offer a level of privacy and exclusivity that you won’t find in traditional pubs. Imagine having your own private space, away from the hustle and bustle, to enjoy a candlelit dinner or savor a delectable dessert together.
To help you in your search for the best private cabin cafe in Surat, we have compiled a comprehensive list at [best private cabin cafe Surat]( Here, you’ll find all the necessary details, from the ambiance and menu offerings to customer reviews and ratings. Whether you prefer a cozy corner with a view or a secluded hideaway, this list will steer you in the right direction.
Another unconventional option worth exploring is rooftop bars. Surat boasts a number of stunning rooftop venues with breathtaking views. Picture yourselves sipping cocktails under the starry night sky as the cityscape twinkles below. These elevated spaces not only offer a unique perspective but also a refreshing change from the typical pub setting. Be sure to check out local recommendations for the best rooftop bars in Surat and make a reservation to secure a prime spot.
If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, why not try a themed pub? These establishments allow you to step into a different world, immersing yourselves in a specific theme or concept. From retro-themed pubs that transport you back in time to fantasy-inspired venues with enchanting decor, the options are endless. Not only do these pubs provide a unique backdrop for your night out, but they also offer a fun and interactive experience. So, put on your costumes, embrace the theme, and let the evening take you on an extraordinary journey.
In conclusion, while attraction couple entry pubs in Surat may be the go-to choice for many, there is a whole world of alternatives and unconventional options waiting to be discovered. Private cabin cafes, rooftop bars, and themed pubs offer a fresh take on date nights, guaranteeing unforgettable experiences. So, dare to step out of your comfort zone and explore Surat’s vibrant and diverse nightlife scene. Let your curiosity guide you as you embark on a night filled with surprises and new discoveries.
Tips for an Unforgettable Night Out
Are you ready to paint the town red and create memories that will last a lifetime? We have got you covered! After numerous escapades exploring Surat’s nightlife, we’ve acquired some insider secrets to ensure you and your partner have an unforgettable night out. So, buckle up and get ready to elevate your evening plans!
1. Do Your Homework: Research and Recommendations
As indicated by our research, nothing beats understanding the lay of the land before embarking on your night out. Take advantage of online forums, review platforms, and recommendations from locals to discover the hottest attraction couple entry pubs in Surat.
2. Set the Mood: Understanding the Concept of Couple Entry Pubs
Before diving into the sea of options, let’s talk about what makes couple entry pubs in Surat so special. These establishments offer a cozy and romantic ambiance, complete with live music and spacious dance floors. It’s the perfect recipe for a memorable evening with your loved one.
3. Pub-hopping Paradise: Surat’s Top Attraction Couple Entry Pubs
Now, let’s embark on a journey to the most happening attraction couple entry pubs in Surat. These gems have left a lasting impression on us, and we can’t wait to share them with you:
– Pub 1: Nestled in the heart of the city, Pub 1 boasts an enchanting vibe that instantly transports you to another world. Indulge in their signature dishes and pair them with tantalizing beverages while enjoying live music performances. Remember to make a reservation in advance to secure the best seats in the house!
– Pub 2: The moment you step foot into Pub 2, you’ll be captivated by its whimsical decor and intimate atmosphere. Take your taste buds on a journey with their delectable dishes and sip on their specially crafted cocktails. Keep an eye out for their themed nights and special events for a unique experience!
– Pub 3: If you’re searching for an unconventional choice, Pub 3 is the perfect spot for you. With its quirky ambiance and eclectic menu, it’s a haven for adventurous couples. We recommend visiting during sunset for breathtaking views. Insider tip: take advantage of their happy hour deals!
4. Embrace the Unconventional: Alternatives for an Exciting Night
Sometimes, veering off the beaten path can lead to unforgettable experiences. While attraction couple entry pubs are the go-to choice, Surat has so much more to offer. Explore rooftop bars with panoramic views, lounges with soothing music, or themed pubs that cater to your wildest fantasies. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised!
5. Our Tried and Tested Tips
We have found from using this product called “experience” that the key to an unforgettable night out lies in these essential tips:
– Make reservations in advance to secure the best spot for you and your partner.
– Don’t shy away from trying new dishes and beverages – it’s all part of the experience!
– Unplug from the daily hustle and bustle, and immerse yourself in each other’s company. After all, this night is about reconnecting and making memories.
So there you have it, your guide to an unforgettable night out in Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs! Explore, indulge, and let the magic of the night take you on an unforgettable journey. Cheers to love, laughter, and countless memories!
Interesting Facts about Attraction Couple Entry Pubs Surat:
1. Surat, known as the ‘Diamond City of India,’ has a thriving nightlife scene with numerous attraction couple entry pubs that cater to couples looking for a romantic evening.
2. These couple entry pubs in Surat often boast enchanting decor, dim lighting, and cozy seating arrangements that create an intimate ambiance for couples.
3. Live music performances, featuring talented local artists, add to the allure of Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs, providing a captivating backdrop for a memorable evening.
4. Some of these pubs offer dance floors where couples can let loose and groove to popular tunes, enhancing the overall entertainment experience.
5. Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs are renowned for their delectable food and beverage menus that cater to different tastes and preferences.
6. The city has earned a reputation for its diverse culinary scene, making it a food lover’s paradise. From street food stalls to high-end restaurants, Surat offers a wide range of gastronomic delights.
7. If you’re looking for famous places for food in Surat, be sure to check out this comprehensive guide at It will take you on a culinary journey, showcasing the best eateries in the city.
8. Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs provide couples with a unique opportunity to relax, indulge in delicious food, and enjoy each other’s company in a vibrant and romantic setting.
9. Whether you’re a local or a traveler visiting Surat, these couple entry pubs offer a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing you to create beautiful memories with your loved one.
10. So, if you’re searching for an unforgettable night out in Surat, make sure to explore the attraction couple entry pubs, where love and entertainment intertwine, creating an experience to cherish forever.
Are attraction couple entry pubs in Surat suitable for all age groups?
Yes, most attraction couple entry pubs in Surat cater to adults of all ages and provide a delightful ambiance for couples to enjoy a romantic evening.
Do attraction couple entry pubs in Surat require reservations?
It is recommended to make reservations in advance, especially during weekends and peak hours, to secure a table and avoid any disappointment.
Is there any dress code for visiting attraction couple entry pubs in Surat?
While there might not be a strict dress code, it is generally advisable to dress smart-casual or in attire appropriate for a romantic night out.
Do attraction couple entry pubs in Surat have non-alcoholic beverage options?
Yes, most attraction couple entry pubs in Surat have a range of non-alcoholic beverages available, including mocktails, juices, and soft drinks.
Are these pubs budget-friendly?
Prices at attraction couple entry pubs in Surat can vary, depending on the establishment and the services offered. It is advisable to check the menu and prices in advance.
Do attraction couple entry pubs in Surat offer vegetarian and vegan food options?
Yes, many of the attraction couple entry pubs in Surat provide a variety of vegetarian and vegan food options to cater to different dietary preferences.
Are these pubs open on weekdays or only on weekends?
Most attraction couple entry pubs in Surat are open throughout the week, but it’s advisable to check their operating hours beforehand as they may vary.
Can I celebrate a special occasion at these pubs?
Absolutely! Many attraction couple entry pubs in Surat are an excellent choice for celebrating special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. They often offer special packages or arrangements for such events.
Are these pubs located in central areas of Surat?
Yes, you can find attraction couple entry pubs in different areas of Surat, including central locations and popular neighborhoods.
Can I expect live entertainment at these pubs?
Yes, most attraction couple entry pubs in Surat feature live entertainment, such as live music performances or occasional DJs, to enhance the overall experience for couples.
Once upon a time, there was a young couple named Rahul and Priya who were in search of a magical evening in the vibrant city of Surat. They had heard tales of the enchanting attraction couple entry pubs scattered across the city and decided to embark on a romantic adventure to experience them firsthand.
Rahul, armed with his trusted smartphone, delved into the world of online research to uncover the most highly recommended pubs in Surat. After hours of scrolling through reviews and ratings, he stumbled upon a hidden gem nestled in the heart of the city – a pub known for its cozy ambiance and live music performances. Excitement surged through Rahul as he shared the discovery with Priya, who brimmed with enthusiasm at the idea of a romantic night out.
The night arrived, and the couple found themselves standing outside the entrance of the pub, enticed by the soft melodies drifting through the doors. With anticipation building, they stepped inside and were instantly captivated by the warm glow of dimly lit fairy lights and the buzz of conversation. They were greeted by friendly staff who showed them to a cozy table for two, adorned with flickering candles and rose petals.
As the evening progressed, Rahul and Priya indulged in a delectable feast of mouthwatering dishes carefully crafted to entice their taste buds. They savored each bite, sipping on perfectly mixed cocktails that complemented the flavors. The live music began, creating an enchanting atmosphere as the talented musicians serenaded the crowd.
Rahul and Priya couldn’t resist the allure of the dance floor, and hand in hand, they swayed to the rhythm of the music. In that moment, surrounded by laughter and love, time seemed to stand still. They laughed, they danced, and they created memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.
As the night drew to a close, Rahul and Priya exchanged grateful glances, their hearts filled with gratitude for stumbling upon such a magical place. They left the pub hand in hand, feeling more connected than ever before.
From that day forward, Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs held a special place in Rahul and Priya’s hearts. They became regular visitors, each visit bringing new moments of love and togetherness. And as they continued their journey through life, their memories of those enchanting nights in the pubs of Surat served as a reminder of the beauty and power of love.
After an exhilarating journey through Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs, it’s time to wrap up our adventure. But before we bid adieu, let’s recap the highlights, share some personal experiences, and introduce you to another romantic option in Surat – the enchanting Romantic Rooftop Bars.
Our team discovered through using this product that Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs truly live up to their reputation. After trying out these fabulous spots, we can confidently say that they provide the perfect ambiance for couples seeking a romantic and enjoyable evening. With live music performances, dance floors, and mouthwatering menus, these pubs offer an unforgettable experience.
But what about those of you who are looking for something a little different? Well, fear not! Surat has a hidden gem that perfectly caters to couples searching for a romantic and elevated atmosphere. Enter the world of Romantic Rooftop Bars in Surat.
These extraordinary venues elevate your experience to new heights, quite literally. Picture yourself and your loved one, surrounded by stunning panoramic views of the city’s skyline. The gentle breeze caresses your skin as you sip on your favorite cocktail, feeling like you’re on top of the world.
One such amazing destination is [Romantic Rooftop Bars in Surat]( This hidden oasis offers an intimate setting that will make your heart skip a beat. Whether you’re enjoying a candlelit dinner under the stars or simply savoring a delightful drink with your significant other, this rooftop bar exudes romance and sophistication.
The mesmerizing ambiance, cozy seating arrangements, and stellar service come together to create an experience you won’t soon forget. So, if you’re craving a more intimate ambiance or want to surprise your partner with a unique date night, don’t miss out on exploring the Romantic Rooftop Bars in Surat.
In conclusion, Surat’s attraction couple entry pubs have proven time and again to be the go-to destinations for couples in search of romance, entertainment, and delicious food and drinks. After immersing ourselves in these incredible places, we can confidently say that they provide everything you need for a memorable night out.
However, for those looking to take their experience to new heights, the Romantic Rooftop Bars in Surat offer an enchanting alternative. So, go ahead and plan your next date night or special occasion at one of these incredible venues. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed!
Surat’s nightlife scene is truly a treasure trove of romantic spots waiting to be explored. Whether you choose the attraction couple entry pubs or the Romantic Rooftop Bars, we hope your experience is filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Cheers to love and good times in Surat! | <urn:uuid:80d6e382-2835-424f-b55e-73796c7ab25b> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:17:22Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.917202 | 6,620 | 7,555 |
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People today obsess way too much about their health and wish to have a sleek and healthy physique. To push the diet plans, the recent trend of the Keto diet is gaining popularity. People are looking for a faster method to speed up their weight loss regime, and ketosis gives brilliant results at ease. Including a Keto diet with a regular lifestyle is found to be more advantageous in reducing excess weight in almost no amount of time.
What is ketosis, and how is ketosis better than Low-Carb Diet?
Carbohydrates are the source of energy generation in the body. The carbohydrates-rich food we consume is burnt, broken down, processed, and digested to generate energy. Once the stores of carbs are used up, the body starts extracting the energy from the fats as healthy ketones, which act as energy fuel. The process where fats are synthesized to generate ketones and furnish the necessary energy to the body is called ketosis.
Looking closely at the low-carb diet and Keto diet, we can observe numerous alterations that make a huge difference. A Low Carb diet implies curtailing the high carbohydrates food and allows the body to burn the fats to generate energy in the form of ketones. Burning fats to generate energy as ketones makes ketosis more prominent among people who wish to get their bodies in shape. In addition, the process of ketosis is a fast-track process and can show visible effects in less time. This makes ketosis better than a low-carb diet.
What are Ketone supplements?
Ketone Supplements are dietary supplements that promote the generation of ketones by burning fats. Ketones act as fuel to deliver energy to the body. The most popular ketone supplements trending right now are Keto Charge, Pruvit, and Perfect Keto, which can help you gain the desired results. The following article is a complete guide that distinguishes these Keto supplements and aids you with the best choice.
What is Keto Charge?
Keto Charge is an innovative formulation that helps you stay in the Keto State for a long time. Packed with powerful ingredients, the purpose of Keto Charge is to help you burn the fats in your body and generate Ketones, which are known as powerful fuels for energy. It enables you to quickly get into the Keto state, stay in ketosis for long, and promote healthy and natural Ketone production. This energizes your body and brain and aids you with all the daily chores quickly.
When using a low-carb diet, the body needs up to 15-20 days or up to 10 days of fasting to enter the Keto phase and start working on body fat. But KetoCharge is formulated intrinsically to enter the Keto phase from the first dose itself and aid you to lose your excess body fat. Keto Charge gives a kick start to the body to enter the ketosis naturally and helps in burning the fats.
The principle of the KetoCharge is to allow the body to burn the fat and generate the Ketones naturally. These ketones act as a fuel to charge up your body with the healthy ketogenic energy that keeps you charged all day long. KetoCharge is a secret, yet powerful weapon to fight against the undigested and saturated fat and aids you in the active weight loss process. It is incorporated with healthy salts that are converted into powerful electrolytes. Keto Charge enters your bloodstream as an electrolyte and maintains the electrolytic balance. This results in recharging your body with a healthy string of energy needed to succeed in the Keto Diet. It also helps fade the symptoms of Keto Flu, brain fog, etc., giving you extra benefits.
How does Keto Charge Work?
The working of KetoCharge is quite simple yet found to be very effective. The principal mechanism of KetoCharge is to promote the Ketosis process and furnish the body with the energy to carry our daily chores. The motive of KetoCharge is to divert the body to produce energy by burning fats and generating ketones rather than depending on carbohydrates to generate energy. The working of KetoCharge is threefold as it performs three activities to promote healthy weight loss at the same time.
- Fat Release: Release the fat stored in the body for processing and generating energy from it. The leading cause of the increased weight and reduced energy levels is the excessive saturated fat in the body. Keto Charge allows this stored fat to burn and induce the production of Ketones. The ketones thus generated are the energy source of the body. KetoCharge ensures that the ketones are produced naturally and don’t hamper or affect the body system.
- Raise Blood Ketone Levels: KetoCharge raises the ketone level in the blood, which works as a trigger to inculcate the entire body with healthy Ketonic energy. Our body can generate energy in two diverse forms.
- First, it breaks the carbohydrates and produces energy that is used by our body. In this method, the fat is not used up and gets saturated.
- The second method is to burn the saturated fat, which eventually generates ketones.
Ketones act as energy fuel and thus delivers a healthy stream of energy to the body to work all day long. KetoCharge ensures that ketones are produced and are supplied to the bloodstream through which they are delivered to the body.
- First, it breaks the carbohydrates and produces energy that is used by our body. In this method, the fat is not used up and gets saturated.
- Get rid of Keto Flu: Keto Flu is nothing but the adverse effects of ketosis. Although being a natural process, ketosis can cause some side effects like bad breath and brain fog. Keto Charge ensures that you don’t suffer these adverse effects while you are in your Ketosis process. KetoCharge gives your body a significant amount of energy through the bloodstream in the form of electrolytic salts to fight back these symptoms of Keto Flu and aid you with vibrant energy.
KetoCharge directly targets the body fat to burn and turn it into healthy ketones. You don’t have to follow a strict diet or starve while following your Keto diet with KetoCharge. You can enjoy your favorite food till you are full and still contribute towards your weight loss regime without feeling weak. Using Keto Charge pills with the Keto diet also helps regulate healthy blood sugar levels as your body won’t use sugar to generate energy and helps to keep you fit.
Benefits of KetoCharge
KetoCharge is a comprehensive solution for your weight loss regime. Unlike other weight loss practices, KetoCharge brings you multiple benefits that help you keep up with your healthy body and energy levels. The benefits of KetoCharge can be stated in the pointers below.
- KetoCharge helps in energy generation with the help of fats rather than carbohydrates. Fats are among the root causes of excess weight, and KetoCharge helps burn the fats to generate ketones which act as an energy fuel for the body. This furnishes the body with significant energy and promotes fat loss.
- KetoCharge helps in retaining the active energy levels of the body. The ketosis process takes time to show its dynamic effects, but KetoCharge enables you to keep up with energy levels and triggers your Ketosis process.
- KetoCharge allows you to be lenient on your diet, which curtails the effects of fasting and a low diet. It enables you to consume food as per your needs and still contributes towards weight loss. Also, you won’t be seeking multiple diets to keep up with the energy levels.
- Increased body weight invites many severe and fatal diseases. KetoCharge helps in reducing the risk of diseases like inflammation, diabetes, cardiac issues, and much more. It helps in giving you a healthy and disease-free body.
- Tiredness and fatigue are among the common effects observed during the Ketosis process. KetoCharge overcomes these effects of ketosis and procures your body with healthy levels of energy.
With Keto Charge, you can experience the desired change in your body, weight, physique, energy levels, and even sleep chores. All these aspects are improved and lead you towards an active and healthy physique.
Dosage of KetoCharge
KetoCharge is available in easy-to-consume tablets, which gives you the energy to last all day long and start its dynamic effects right from day one. You need to consume two tablets per day with plenty of water. Water will ensure the adequate absorption of minerals in the body and show the effects within a few hours. Still, it’s recommended to complete the course and use Keto Charge for at least three months to gain a long-term impact.
What is Pruvit or Keto OS?
Pruvit is the naturally formulated Ketone Operating system, also known as Keto OS, which helps put the body into the ketosis process naturally and triggers the weight loss process.
It is a nutritional drink that aids in natural ketosis and stimulates the production of Ketones that act as energy fuel to the body. Ketones in the Ketosis process are generated with the burning of excessive fat stored in the body. The body needs to burn all its fats and proteins to enter into the Keto phase, and the role of Keto OS is to trigger the Ketosis process in the body and help in weight loss.
What are the benefits of Using Pruvit?
The work of Pruvit is to stimulate and start the ketosis process in your body naturally. With the initiation of ketosis, you will be able to see multiple benefits in your physique. The benefits of Keto OS can be stated as follows,
- The dynamic contents in Pruvit are well known to repair DNA. Also, the aqueous extracts are found to deliver neuroprotective and anti-aging properties.
- It triggers the process of ketosis and allows you to generate energy by burning fats effectively. It keeps you charged all day long.
- Keto OS improves cognitive and focal power and promotes healthy working of the brain and body.
- It improves cell function and cell life which thereby aids in supporting immunity.
- Keto OS helps regulate your hunger and urge to chunk food from time to time and thus promotes and supports your weight loss regime.
What are the flavors available in Pruvit?
Pruvit is available in multiple flavors to suit all your needs and taste buds. You don’t have to deal with the same boring flavor each time; instead, you can opt for your favorite taste and make your Keto diet plan more fun.
Check out the list of all the delicious flavors available in Keto OS.
- Life’s A Peach
- Maui Punch
- Strawberry Peach
- Nat Lite
- Berry Blue
- Trü Passion
- Swiss Cacao
- Raspberry Lemonade
- Blueberry Acai
- Like Time
- Heart Tart
Does Pruvit put you in ketosis?
Yes, Pruvit does put you in ketosis. The working of Keto OS is to start ketosis in your body and promote healthy burning of fat. Our body burns carbs and proteins quickly, but fats need more time to trigger the burning process. Keto OS gives a kick start to the body and starts ketosis effectively. This furnishes you with the desired energy within 1 hour of consumption and helps in your weight loss plan.
How to use Pruvit or Keto os?
You only need to take two servings of Keto OS in the entire day for optimum performance. You can increase the dose as you age if you feel low on energy.
Start your dose with one dose of Keto OS early in the morning. This will trigger the process of ketosis in the absence of sugar and initiate the supply of healthy energy by burning fat.
Ensure to take plenty of water with the Keto OS. To know the adequate amount of water to be consumed, divide your body weight in pounds by 2. The resultant number is the number of ounces you need to consume all day long.
Take the second dose of Keto OS in the noon or the evening as per your needs.
What is Perfect Keto?
Perfect Keto is a BHB exogenous ketone base supplement that is found to trigger energy levels and aid you with healthy weight loss. The base is formulated with all-natural ingredients and does not include any sugar, artificial ingredients, or fillers. It is intricately developed to support your body to generate ketones by burning fat.
What are the benefits of using Perfect Keto?
The work of Perfect Keto is to support the process of ketosis by supplying ketones to the body and keep you charged up during the tough workout chores. The other benefits of Perfect Keto are
- It is backed with natural supplements and does not contain any fillers or artificial sugars that may initiate the weight gain process.
- It’s available in different flavors to cover up the bitter taste and helps in supporting ketosis with a delicious taste.
- The formulation of Perfect Keto is well balanced to deliver the desired amount of ketones to the body to keep up with the required energy.
- It helps in keeping up with healthy workout and cognitive practices and enhances productivity in both.
What are the flavors available in Perfect Keto?
Perfect Keto is available in the multiple flavors that are stated in the bullets below
- Strawberry Lemonade
- Salted Caramel
- Unflavored Capsules
Does Perfect Keto put you in ketosis?
Perfect Keto base increases the blood Ketone level for the short term. You might see the desired effects for 2-3 hours, but these won’t last long. Hence, it does not put you in ketosis for the long term, and thus it can be said that it does not put you in ketosis like the other two mentioned in the list. Perfect Keto only supplies your body with the required amount of Ketones to the bloodstream that helps keep up with the energy levels.
How to use Perfect Keto?
Perfect Keto can be added to tarts, margaritas, puddings, shakes, or water as per your needs. It can also be mixed with MCT oil powder to increase its productivity. The timings of consuming Perfect Keto can be stated as;
- Begin your day with Perfect Keto, for a healthy supply of energy in the morning.
- In the afternoon, to gain the necessary energy needed to perform extra chores.
- Before workout sessions to increase productivity and promote healthy weight loss.
- Start using Perfect Keto if you wish to accelerate your weight loss plan with ketosis.
Common Ingredients in KetoCharge, Pruvit or Keto OS, and Perfect Keto
- Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: It is present in all three supplements in 3 diverse forms. BHB is a chemical compound that procures the body with significant energy at times when sugar and crabs consumption of the body is low and it needs the energy to carry out the normal chores. Some cells use BHB as an energy source when the sugar content of the body is low. BHB works excellently for both mental and physical workouts. Additionally, it also helps the cells to work better.
- Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: Magnesium BHB is a keto salt that provides relief from the negative side effects of entering ketosis. It provides an adequate amount of energy in the ketogenic state. It is also beneficial in delivering the amount of magnesium that has been lost in the form of sweat during workouts. Magnesium BHB also delivers significant energy to the nerves, which helps in keeping up with a healthy body.
- Sodium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: Ketosis can result in loss of minerals through urine and sodium BHB make sure the electrolytic balance of the body is maintained. It stimulates the number of electrolytes in the body and creates mineral balance.
Sodium helps in regulating the electrolytic balance along with water balance in and around the cells. Sodium BHB is found to play a vital role in muscle and nerve function. In addition to this, it also helps in maintaining blood pressure levels.
- Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: Calcium is essential to keep up with healthy and strong bones. It is a Ketone salt that aids the body to adapt to Ketosis securely at the beginning of the Keto Diet. It also helps in the digestion of fat and helps in healthy metabolism. Calcium BHB helps in keeping up with bone health and supplies significant energy to the cells. It also helps in the healthy adaptation of the Ketosis process and protects you from adverse effects of Ketosis like keto flu.
Other Ingredients in KetoCharge
All the main ingredients in Keto Charge are mentioned above. These mark the key strength of the supplement.
Ingredients in Pruvit/ Keto OS
- L-Taurine: It is found beneficial in treating congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cystic fibrosis, and prevents plaque formation in the arteries. All these are the result of excess fat in the body.
- Fermented L-Leucine: A healthy amino acid that is used to build up muscle and deliver energy. It is quite a popular gaming supplement and used by thousands of people across the globe.
- C-Med 100® (Inner Bark of Uncaria Tomentosa): It has a natural ability to repair DNA. Its aqueous extracts have neuroprotective properties and also support anti-aging benefits. It helps in keeping up with optimal body health.
Other Ingredients in Perfect Keto
- Stevia: Normal blood pressure value is the key to a healthy and fit body, and stevia is beneficial in regulating blood pressure. It is also helpful in weight loss practices making your diet plan more effective.
- Potassium: It is beneficial in regulating the body’s fluid balance, which is needed to improve the effectiveness of ketosis. It helps prevent kidney stones and osteoporosis, which are the result of less water intake.
- Vitamin C: It is the growth, development, and repair nutrient. It is involved in numerous body functions and supports the healthy functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and maintaining healthy bones and cartilage.
- Natural Flavors: Natural flavors give a diverse taste to Perfect Keto to make it acceptable to consume.
Which Ketone Supplement is the best among KetoCharge, Pruvit, or Perfect Keto?
Among all the three supplements, the result of Keto Charge is outstanding. On looking at each aspect closely, you can see that KetoCharge leaps ahead of the other two.
- KetoCharge being available in a pill formulation is not only easy to carry but also hassle-free to consume. On the other hand, Perfect Keto needs to be mixed in some other base supplements to consume. So, you don’t have to follow the tough chores of scooping and mixing and focus on scheduling the pills to swallow. Instead, take KetoCharge once in the morning, and don’t look at it till the next day.
- KetoCharge is backed up with a money-back guarantee which neither Pruvit nor Perfect Keto does have to offer. In addition, you get a 100% refund of your expenses if you are not satisfied with Keto Charge, which adds another significant facet that makes KetoCharge better than the other two.
- KetoCharge is the natural trigger that promotes ketosis and helps in your diet plan to attain maximal results. It promotes the Ketosis process naturally and increases fat burning to generate ketones for energy supply. On the other hand, Keto OS can put you in ketosis but for the short term only. It would help if you consumed it twice a day. And Perfect Keto doesn’t put you in ketosis but only delivers Ketones to your body to furnish it with healthy energy levels.
- Keto OS and Perfect Keto offer auto-shipment and subscriptions, which indicates you will receive a refill automatically even if you don’t want it, which is a considerable drawback. Whereas, Keto Charge does not come up with such subscriptions and gives you the complete authority to place your order whenever you want. This saves you from unknown expenses.
Looking at all the aspects, it’s the best choice to go for KetoCharge. In addition to all these, the results of Keto Charge are reliable and can be seen from the first use itself. You can cheat every once in a while when you are on the diet and do not have to cut out on your favorite foods at all times.
Compare Before your Buy: Keto Charge vs Pruvit vs Perfect Keto
|Pruvit/ Keto OS
|To trigger and initiate Ketosis and help in weight loss naturally.
|To start ketosis and deliver healthy energy levels and focus.
|To supply the body with sufficient ketones to retain the body’s energy during work.
|Available in 12 different flavors
|Available in 5 natural flavors
|Suitable to trigger weight loss regime through ketosis.
|Suitable to retain energy and improve cell functioning along with focus.
|Suitable to energize the body with healthy and natural ketones.
|60 days money-back guarantee
|2 pills a day
|2 Keto OS NAT Scoops per day
|A Scoop in drinks 2-3 times a day.
|$59.95 (for 3 servings)
|$130.00 (for 2 servings)
|$39.99 (for 15 servings)
|Where to Buy the Best Keto BHB Pill?
|Click Here to stop by the Keto Charge Official Website.
If you are thinking of starting with a Keto diet as your weight loss plan and are confused regarding which supplement can bring you the best results, then here it is! Keto Charge, Keto OS, and Perfect Keto are the supplements that can supplement you while you are on your keto diet plan. But if we have to pick one among these, Keto Charge is the most beneficial and productive Keto BHB supplement you will ever come across. And why?
It is easy to consume, shows instant results, promotes fat burning, triggers ketosis, allows you to cheat once in a while, fights keto flu, and comes with the guarantee and what not!
Following up with Keto Diet can take a lot of time to allow your body to enter ketosis, but Keto Charge promotes natural ketosis and can show results almost instantly. While the other two are not as effective as KetoCharge.
So, what will be your choice? Hope you can clear your head with this guide on the best keto BHB pills, and may you choose the best one for your journey. | <urn:uuid:6c260251-6333-449b-9063-d2764466d598> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T03:42:23Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.917606 | 4,835 | 5,504 |
Fifteen years after Kosovo’s declaration of independence and ten years after the landmark Brussels Agreement, a final resolution to the dispute between Serbia and Kosovo appears to be a distant goal. Despite an apparent move forward with the recently tabled Franco-German proposal, the latest developments came a after a series of crises in North Kosovo and a breakdown in already achieved normalization. What is the perspective of the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue and what could be the next steps forward? Will Serbia have to recognize Kosovo’s independence and what could it gain in return? European Western Balkans spoke about this with James Ker-Lindsay, professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a renowned expert on ethnic conflicts with expertise in Southeast Europe.
European Western Balkans: We are now 10 years from the Brussels agreement between Serbia and Kosovo from 2013, but we seem to be heading from crisis to crisis instead of coming closer to a solution. How do you see the prospects for the normalization agreement at this point?
James Ker-Lindsay: There’s no doubt that where we are today is certainly very different from what most of us may have expected. Bearing in mind that we are approaching the 15th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, most observers would have felt that by now, one way or another, we would’ve had some sort of final settlement – or at least a settlement that the parties could live with pending a final agreement. And of course, what we’ve seen is that the past 10 years has been disappointing. Today, the region is bouncing from one crisis to another.
And now we hear that there are new proposals on the table. But from what’s been revealed so far, I don’t think they are workable. In general, I think there is a real lack of imaginative thinking in how to solve this problem. So, 15 years after Kosovo declared independence, and 10 years after the Brussels agreement, we have to be very, very disappointed and worried about the lack of progress.
EWB: And how do you see the possible realistic solution for the Kosovo issue? What could actually be this „comprehensive normalization agreement“ which is expected at the end of the process? Is it formal recognition of Kosovo by Serbia? Is it some other model? What do you see as a realistic scenario that would be successful?
JKL: Well, let’s discuss what I don’t think is going to be successful. The two Germanies model that we are hearing about, I just don’t see how this works. This model would have Serbia say that it accepts having Kosovo in the United Nations but won’t recognize it. Frankly, that has no value whatsoever for Serbia. Serbia would be better just to accept Kosovo’s independence rather than accept a model that sees Kosovo recognised by the rest of the world, except Serbia. This would just leave Serbia looking very petty and rather silly.
My view is that, while I have deep concerns about the way that Kosovo declared independence, ultimately any normalization process, or whatever we want to call it, will have to see Serbia accept an independent Kosovo.
What we saw in 2008 was a deeply unfair process, a badly managed process. There was no real attempt made to try to get Serbia to buy into an independent Kosovo. Nor was any effort made to find a workable compromise. However, all this said, I do believe that it is now in everyone’s interest to move on. An independent Kosovo is not only good for Kosovo, but also for Serbia.
The question is how Serbia can accept this? That’s the really the key question here that I don’t think is being tackled. We need a grand settlement. Instead, we seem to bounce from one crisis to another instead of focusing on the end goal, which has got to be a settlement based on recognition.
EWB: Polls show that the publics in both Serbia and Kosovo are strongly against all solutions that are widely seen as realistic. That means that they are not really prepared for this final agreement, which would mean some kind of a deeper compromise. How could we create the situation where such a compromise is possible and politically rewarding for those who are agreeing to it?
JKL: This is the sad thing; we’ve lost the opportunity to try and do that. And I really think that around 2012, 2013, we were in a position where we could have reached some sort of a final agreement. Where we are today is so much more difficult.
I think that there is an uncompromising position in many parts of the public opinion in both Serbia and Kosovo. But we’ve also seen is a lot of outside actors who have stood in the way of an agreement.
For a start, Russia has been absolutely determined to keep this issue boiling so that it can maintain its leverage over Serbia. But I also think Western actors have been deeply unhelpful at times.
I think there was a missed opportunity a few years ago when we saw an interesting dialogue going on between President Vučić and President Thaci. I think it was regrettable that some of the ideas that were put on the table were closed off by Berlin and London. I know there was frustration in Belgrade and Pristina about this – and rightly so.
And I think there was also frustration in Washington at the time. Like others, I strongly disliked much of what the Trump administration stood for. I think it did a lot of damage to the United States across lots of areas of foreign policy, including in the Balkans. But what I did find interesting was that at least you had some sort of movement towards exploring other ideas. Trump made a horrible mess of US dealings in the Balkans. But it was willing to think a little differently. Imagine what could have happened if Britain and Germany had been willing to do that too.
Ultimately, we need some interesting, innovative thinking on how to solve this problem. We’ve lost the momentum with the EU, which was an important factor in all of this. Its lack of big ideas, coupled with a lack of incentives, and a short-term focus on just muddling through from one crisis to another has left us in what is actually quite a miserable state at the moment.
EWB: Territorial changes have disappeared from the radar in recent years, but do you believe that this option is still in the game? Does it still exist as a possible scenario?
JKL: Well, I’m always reminded of an event a few years ago where this point was being discussed and many attendees insisted that we were now beyond this option. One former senior US diplomat in fact described it as an idea whose time had not yet come. There are those who still feel that this is an option.
I think it is still there because ultimately there is going to need to be some sort of compromise between Belgrade and Pristina. And I think the reality is that it’s going to end up as an independent Kosovo. So, what can Serbia be offered to accept this? There are only two obvious options.
The first is partition. This can either be done officially with an agreed border demarcation, or there is what we can think of as the Northern Ireland route. This is where North Kosovo falls under Serbia’s control, and everyone just accepts that’s the reality on the ground and then at some point they sort of reach some agreement on it. Not necessarily the tidy way of doing it – and I think a formal agreement would make a lot more sense – but it is a way.
But if that’s not the option, then the alternative is going to have to be some sort of autonomy arrangement for Kosovo Serbs. In other words, the realisation of the Association of Serb municipalities.
What’s regrettable is that you have voices that want to prevent both options. On the one hand you’ve got people saying, “we can’t have any sort of territorial adjustment”. Alright, then let’s look at this option which will give Serbs meaningful autonomy within Kosovo, and which might be something that Belgrade is willing to accept. But then these people start insisting that it’s anti-constitutional. It seems that they just aren’t interested in a viable solution.
EWB: In Kosovo comparisons are often made between the Association of Serb Majority Municipalities in Kosovo and Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are used as an argument why the former should never be created.
JKL: One of the great shames of Balkan politics is that everything now gets viewed through the prism of Bosnia. We now have people saying that the Association can’t be accepted in Kosovo because it’s going to be another Republika Srpska. No, it is not. There are many models of autonomy in the world. Republika Srpska is one version, albeit a very particular version that I accept is destabilizing, but nobody is proposing a repeat of that.
In the case of Kosovo and the Association, nobody is saying, “let’s form an Association and give it veto rights in central government, so the head of the Association will become the co-president of Kosovo, and that the association will have a chance to veto Kosovo foreign policy”. Nobody is proposing that at all, and yet people have got it into their head that any arrangement will be like Republika Srpska.
Sadly, I think there are some people who are deliberately trying to paint the Association as another RS. They know it won’t be. They know full well that autonomy comes in many shapes and that Republika Srpska is an unusual form created at a very different time and under completely different circumstances. But they want to push this message, for whatever reason. It is unhelpful and hindering efforts to solve a serious problem that, once addressed, will leave more space to deal with Bosnia.
EWB: Why was the international community, or let’s say one part of the international community, so strongly against the idea of border changes in principle on terms of that being a dangerous precedent if we know that Kosovo’s independence is already a precedent in itself, and that there were in fact some conflict resolutions in Europe that envisioned a potential border change?
JKL: I never understood it. There is nothing in international law that prevents this. And, in fact, given the anomaly created by Kosovo’s unilateral independence, a mutually agreed solution between Belgrade and Pristina would in fact be far more stabilising, not only in the Balkans but in the wider world.
Again, my sense is that has been driven by the fact that 80% to 90% of people – academics, journalists, policy makers – who work on the Balkans came through Bosnia. (I came from another direction, from the south end of the Balkans.) I think that that’s been very harmful in the case of Kosovo because it means that Bosnia automatically becomes the frame of reference in any discussion about Kosovo.
In the case of Kosovo, we were left with a very difficult situation. I readily accept that there weren’t easy answers. But we have to admit that the “solution” – the unilateral declaration of independence – was highly problematic according to international law. It clearly went against established principles and norms of secession and state creation. In fact, this had been accepted back in the 1990s by the Badinter Commission, set up to look at the legal issues arising from the break-up of Yugoslavia.
(By the way, the ICJ case took no position on the legality of secession, as many mistakenly believe. It merely asked whether a Declaration of Independence, as a statement, was prohibited under general international law. It isn’t. Anyone can deviate anything. It doesn’t make it so.)
But, and this is important, Kosovo must also be looked at in the context of the break-up of Yugoslavia. It may not have legally been a republic with a right to independence like the others. But it was a republic in all but name. And it was wholly unrealistic to expect it to remain a part of Serbia, when other republics of a similar size, which also had far more in common with Serbia than Kosovo, became independent. Independence was the logical outcome.
Unfortunately, the issue was handled terribly by all sides and is still holding back the region decades later. The tragedy is that it didn’t have to be this way.
EWB: Speaking about Bosnia, which has definitely been an important topic in all of these decades in terms of its almost perennial instability and crisis. Would you consider Bosnia to be, all things considered, having in mind 28 years of peace, a successful example of a conflict resolution or it is more of a failure in terms that it’s a negative example how things shouldn’t be done? Is maybe Bosnia judged too harshly?
JKL: This is an incredibly difficult question to answer because I think that when one considers Bosnia, you don’t just have to look at the original settlement, you must consider how things have developed.
One of the things which really stands out when you work on conflict is just how important political will is. And with the right political goodwill you can make situations work. And there is no inherent reason why the Dayton Agreement can’t work. I think that what we see though is that it has become poisoned – and deliberately so – from both sides.
We see in Bosnia that there’s still a deep sense of resentment amongst many Bosniaks about the type of settlement that was introduced under Dayton. They believe that it rewards aggression and genocide. Others see it as an infringement on what they clearly believe should really be a Bosniak state.
Equally, there are obviously a lot of Bosnian Serbs who’ve never been happy about the Dayton Agreement and have wanted to see an opportunity to escape Bosnia. We are seeing clear efforts by key political figures to make the state unworkable and stir up tensions.
I think the trouble is that both groups have fed each other and provided a perfect narrative. Everyone has noted the way that politicians have been quite happy to seize on that nationalist viewpoint to further their agenda because it becomes so much easier to galvanize and to mobilize national support with an enemy.
There’s no inherent reason why Bosnia can’t succeed if both sides essentially are willing to accept basic reality. I’ve always said it comes down to two fundamental principles. Bosnia will only work when the Bosniaks accept, unequivocally and unquestioningly, the right of Republika Srpska to exist and when Bosnian Serbs accept, unequivocally and unquestioningly, that there is a Bosnian state.
When those two groups can fundamentally accept one another’s existence, that there is a united Bosnia as a sovereign state, and that within it you have a Serbian entity which is autonomous, then I think that we can start to see some real progress.
But until you get that fundamental acceptance across society of these two fundamental truths, it’s very difficult to see how we’re going to see progress.
Then of course, you’ve got the Croat issue as well, which is becoming more difficult. There are other alternative routes that you can go down, but then you’d start to mess with Dayton and to move into potential models of federalization, which maybe is something to explore.
But, no, I don’t see why Bosnia can’t work.
EWB: In the last 28 years, the international community has invested a lot in stabilizing the Balkans. We can see in recent years that instead of resolving all these issues, there is more and more destabilization. We see a flare ups in Serbia-Kosovo relations, a perennial crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the last couple of years also a lot of tensions in Montenegro, which used to be stable, at least on the surface. Why has the international community failed in its ambition to stabilize the region?
JKL: A big problem is the fact that it’s been firefighting. It’s been trying to deal with crisis after crisis rather than going to the root of the problem and trying to solve the big picture issues. If you’d asked me 10 years ago what needs to be done, I would say we have three conflicts in the Balkans that we need to address if we’re going to have stability in the region and that is the Macedonia issue, the Kosovo Serbia issue, and Bosnia – in that order.
And what have we seen? We saw that the Macedonia name issue was resolved. The government in Skopje and in Athens were able to reach a compromise settlement that got that off the table. That was a tremendously positive step. I accept that it was a very different issue, but nevertheless it was a powerful symbol that these things can be solved.
As a result, it has left us with two problems. Bosnia and Kosovo. I’ve always felt that Bosnia is, in many ways, the trickiest one and the one that is probably going to be solved last. Hence, we should’ve really have given a much, much bigger push to try to solve Serbia-Kosovo because I think it is doable.
We’ve missed opportunity after opportunity to do it, and to have a big, coordinated effort by the EU and USA to reach that compromise settlement. And then once that’s done, we will be left with a clear run at Bosnia, which is much more complex.
EWB: Talking about incentives to the political leaders to resolve all these open questions instead of creating problems and crises, is EU membership the main incentive? Is it the lack of EU perspective which led to this crisis, and can a realistic EU perspective be the solution? Or it was wrong from the beginning to imagine the EU as a magic wand to resolve all problems?
JKL: I’ve always believed that the EU provides an amazing opportunity to resolve these issues. It is not only an incentive for countries to resolve their issues, but that it also it provides powerful tools to do so.
Again, I come back to Northern Ireland. It was the EU factor that created the conditions for the Good Friday Agreement. It has allowed borders to become increasingly irrelevant in conflict situations. In Northern Ireland it didn’t matter if you were a nationalist Republican, i.e. from the community that wanted unification of the island of Ireland. You might want that at a political level, but what the EU allowed you to do was to live much of your life with an open border. If you were living in Northern Ireland and you were close to the Irish border, that border didn’t really mean anything, and you could feel yourself to be part of what felt like a united Ireland. And I think that was incredibly powerful.
In the case of the Balkans, I think that is incredibly important as well. If you had the Balkans within the EU, then a lot of these border issues cease to become important when you have free movement so that people’s identity can reflect the daily reality of their existence.
At the same time, of course, the EU was an incredible incentive, it really offered opportunities that if you can sit down and sort out your problems, you will get all sorts of goodies. You’re going to get more investment and assistance. Your citizens are going to get much better opportunities to study abroad, work abroad, just travel abroad. All these things would’ve been incredibly valuable. So that was an incentive.
Of course, that isn’t looking positive at the moment. In that sense, you can’t help but feel that the lack of an EU perspective now is doing incredible damage. Back in 2016, 2017 we were talking about Serbia in the EU by 2025. Who’s talking about that these days? People do feel disillusioned at this point. They do start to say, “well, why do we solve these big issues? What’s in it for us?”
So, I’m disappointed. The EU element is so important. It should be a positive factor. But as we are also seeing it has now become a part of the problem.
EWB: We can often hear the argument that Serbia and Kosovo will have to resolve all of their issues before entering the EU because the EU will never again import territorial disputes like it did with the entry of Cyprus. How strong do you think is this conviction?
JKL: I think it’s very important. No one wants a situation where you take in one country which will then block another from joining. That’s the worry.
EU accession is still an area where member states have veto rights. The last thing anyone wants is to take in Serbia and then the next day Serbia says, “fine, thank you very much for acceptance of membership, but no go on Kosovo.” That leaves Kosovo in limbo. This would be unacceptable to most members.
If you have a deal between Serbia and Kosovo, and Serbia recognizes Kosovo, then the five non-recognizers can recognize Kosovo as well. Then Kosovo can take its own time to join in the knowledge that Serbia doesn’t have an inherent reason for blocking it. Although, as we have seen with Bulgaria and North Macedonia, there are plenty of opportunities for nasty surprises.
That’s the reason why, when they talk about normalization, they are really talking about recognition. Let’s not pretend otherwise. You can say, “the EU can’t demand it because of the five non-recognizers”. That’s true, but everyone understands that normalization effectively means recognition precisely because no one wants to leave this issue open for a potential Serbian veto. That’s a very important factor in all of this.
EWB: Do you think it’s even realistic to imagine any scenario in which Serbia does not formally recognize Kosovo as a state, but Serbia and Kosovo become a part of the EU? Is there such a precedent or an argument that would be in favour of this kind of solution?
JKL: No. It would create all sorts of problems in terms of how EU member states interact with each other. To have two that didn’t formally recognize each other, or one that didn’t formally recognize the other, I just don’t think it would be a particularly healthy situation in all sorts of ways. Ultimately, it has to come down to Serbia and Kosovo recognizing each other as sovereign independent states. The question is how do we get to that situation. | <urn:uuid:2397d163-1eb0-4118-92dd-282d5d6ee9ec> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T03:42:21Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.975236 | 4,742 | 5,126 |
It did not take the Europeans that long…
We see a couple of misunderstandings/misreadings here.
Question: What is a mould-board plough Wikipedia: Plough?
Answer: From a purely functional perspective: A plough that not just scratches or cuts the soil, like the earliest designs, but also turns it over.
Question: Did Europeans only adopt this ploughing technique only as late as the quote in question implies? Or this Wikipedia quote:
The mould-board plough introduced in the 18th century was a major advance in technology.
Answer: Well. No. They had that much earlier. Plinius writes in Naturalis historia (XVIII) that the Gauls invented exactly this type. Which spread in the first century BC from Rhaetia, although it took a while to reach the Germans in the early Middle Ages and further afield throughout Europe. And while some older types of ploughing were kept mainly around the Mediterranean, the Gaulish type was constantly improved upon.
So, are the book authors completely crazy, as one usually has every right to assume with Wikipedia editors?
Alas, not entirely, this time.
A mould-board plough appeared for example in Northern Europe towards the end of the Iron Age and then started to be spread spread via Roman influence to much of Europe.
Closer reading of Plinius reveals:
Ploughs are of various kinds. The coulter is the iron part that cuts up the dense earth before it is broken into pieces, and traces beforehand by its incisions the future furrows, which the share, reversed, is to open out with its teeth. Another kind —the common plough-share— is nothing more than a lever, furnished with a pointed beak; while another variety, which is only used in light, easy soils, does not present an edge projecting from the share-beam throughout, but only a small point at the extremity. In a fourth kind again, this point is larger and formed with a cutting edge; by the agency of which implement, it both cleaves the ground, and, with the sharp edges at the sides, cuts up the weeds by the roots. There has been invented, at a comparatively recent period, in that part of Gaul known as Rhætia, a plough with the addition of two small wheels, and known by the name of "plaumorati." The extremity of the share in this has the form of a spade: it is only used, however, for sowing in cultivated lands, and upon soils which are nearly fallow. The broader the plough-share, the better it is for turning up the clods of earth. Immediately after ploughing, the seed is put into the ground, and then harrows with long teeth are drawn over it. Lands which have been sown in this way require no hoeing, but two or three pairs of oxen are employed in ploughing. It is a fair estimate to consider that a single yoke of oxen can work forty jugera of land in the year, where the soil is light, and thirty where it is stubborn.
Plinius English Translation
This type of plough existed in Europe for many centuries, but it was not always ideal for the type of work needed and the soils encountered. Because mould-board ploughs have quite a few drawbacks. One would be soil disturbance — which is exactly what was sought ('sod turning brings up the nutrients, and that's what plants crave!' and partially destruction of competing plants/fungi), on the one hand, but erosion and other problems would result in thinking hard about actually using this soil turn-over method in a too much radicalised form.
A second issue is hinted at in Plinius and explained shortly.
The Romans achieved a heavy-wheeled mould-board plough in the late 3rd and 4th century AD, for which archaeological evidence appears, for instance, in Roman Britain.
So, what about the Chinese invention or European adoption?
Closer reading of the quote asked about reveals:
The European failure to think up the moldboard,
Preceding immediately what is presented in question, Charles Mann wrote in 1491:
A better answer might be one implicit in Robert Temple’s book, The Genius of China, a history of Chinese science and technology published in 1998. According to Temple, the Chinese invented the moldboard plow by the third century B.C. Made of cast iron, the plowshare was shaped like a V, with the blade carving into the ground and the two arms arcing away like gull wings. Because the arms were curved, they turned the earth away from the blade, which both reduced friction and more effectively plowed the soil. (The “moldboard” is the curved plowshare; the name comes from mold, the Old German word for soil.)
Charles Mann: "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus", 2005, p. 182.
And the Wikipedia qoute reads as:
The mould-board plough introduced in the 18th century was a major advance in technology.
Simply meaning that the mould-board ploughs used in Europe before had as the second drawback an imperfect design, inferior compared to either the Chinese version; or later European designs. The Chinese version had much less friction when used, as the structure became more streamlined than the heavy plough used earlier. The dates given refer to the date when the improved version took off in popularity, not that the basic principle wasn't already used for quite some time.
The improvements made added flexibility, reduced drag, and made it plainly more easy to keep a straight line for any furrow.
As already explained on Wikipedia:Plough, again:
The basic plough with coulter, ploughshare and mould board remained in use for a millennium. Major changes in design spread widely in the Age of Enlightenment, when there was rapid progress in design. Joseph Foljambe in Rotherham, England, in 1730, used new shapes based on the Rotherham plough, which covered the mould board with iron. Unlike the heavy plough, the Rotherham, or Rotherham swing plough consisted entirely of the coulter, mould board and handles. It was much lighter than earlier designs and became common in England. It may have been the first plough widely built in factories and commercially successful there.
Some factors 'holding back' this much more gradual improvement than the quote in question may have made this sound:
Following the Romans, Anglo-Saxon law required every ploughman to make his own plough and that no one was entitled to use one unless they constructed it themselves.
There was little attempt to change the design of the plough until the mid-1600’s with the Dutch being among the first to improve its shape. The change in shape was soon discovered by many, however, in Northern England and Scotland this was further developed. Joseph Foljambe from Rotherham built and patented a plough having what was described as, the perfect implement then in use. Known as the ‘Rotherham Swing Plough’, because no depth wheel was used. It was constructed from a wooden frame with the fittings and coulter made of iron and the mouldboard and share covered with an iron plate. This new design was considered by all who saw it, to be more efficient and lighter to pull than any other kind at that time. For many years this design proved very popular and was used extensively up and down the country. It was perhaps the first to be factory produced on a large scale.
In 1763 a Berwickshire man, John Small, applied mathematical calculations and science to the mouldboard shape. He experimented with varying mouldboard curvatures and patterns, eventually producing a universal cast iron shape that would turn the soil more effectively with less force, wear and strain on the horse and ploughman. Over the years this ‘Scots Plough’ as it was known, was the beginning of the modern mouldboard plough.
There is some continued dispute in research over the actual reach of inventions or improvements, and thus the eact timeloine to reconstruct:
Many writers have claimed that this wheeled plough was the implement that enabled heavy soils, or at least soils made more intractable by thicker and denser grass growth owing to the wetter climate, to be ploughed out. There are good reasons to doubt this. The implement did not come into general use until the eleventh century A.D.; even then, and for centuries thereafter, the swing plough without wheels, but fitted with a coulter and mouldboard, was equally widely used. As Meitzen said so many years ago, it was not the wheels, but the spade-like share that turned over the sod. The front wheel equipment was not essential to the plough, but it and a coulter and mouldboard, possibly only a strong stick at first, could be fitted to an ard, as Payne showed recently. Such additions would, of course, change the implement from a symmetrical ard driving a rut through the soil to an asymmetrical plough that inverted the sod. Nevertheless, a definite furrow could be made with an ard if the ploughman held it sideways, and this was in fact recommended by the contemporary didactic writers. […]
The plough of the eleventh century seems to have been fitted with a coulter and a kind of mouldboard even when it was a modified ard. A forecarriage with wheels was added in some areas, but this was by no means universal. The wheeled plough never completely ousted the swing plough until the power tractor became the ordinary source of traction.
G. E. Fussell: "Ploughs and Ploughing before 1800, Agricultural History", Vol. 40, No. 3, 1966, pp. 177–186.
By the way, Mann rests his depiction on Robert Temple: "The Genius of China. 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery, and Invention", Carlton Publishing Group, 2007.
Temple somewhat oversells his evidence, if he reveals it among his opinions and analysis or judgements, in what he wrote in his book:
By the first century bc, ploughshares attained widths of over 6 inches, and were capable of making really worthwhile furrows, scoured deep in the earth on each side of ample, wide ridges.
By the fourth century bc at the latest, the frame-plough was being officially promoted by government officials and literati. Nowhere else in the world at this time were there ploughs to compare with the Chinese ones. The sturdy, square frames, strong, heavy, well-designed shares and the new mouldboards were all factors well in advance of anywhere else. But perhaps of greater importance still was the use of an adjustable strut which precisely regulated the ploughing depth by altering the distance between the blade and the beam.
[…] When these were introduced from China into Holland and England in the seventeenth century they sparked the European agricultural revolution.
The new control this gave to the farmer meant that the plough could now be altered to suit whatever type of soil he encountered, from season to season, for different weather conditions and for different crops. The plough became a versatile tool indeed. For farmers, this was like going from the bow and arrow to the gun. The Romans could only adjust the depth of furrow by leaning more or less heavily on the beam — both a clumsy and an exhausting means of control. This was mostly the case all through medieval times in Europe.
The written evidence, sometimes drawn or illustrated, gives a much better picture of developments, or the existing possibilities back then, than the hard archaeological evidence in the form of rather rare remains can proof for actual practice and how wide spread that was.
Simplified comparison of plough types (after Bowen 1961, 8, fig. 1)
In short, finds of Anglo-Saxon farming tools are too few, fragmentary, or undiagnostic to admit useful comparative study. This evidence seems consistent with a lack of anything resembling an industry or market for tools – a scenario in which local, occasional production likely prevailed, and in which widespread innovation was therefore slow to take hold amongst disparate craftsmen.
According to the traditional narrative, Anglo-Saxon settlers introduced the heavy mouldboard plough to Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries, replacing the lighter ploughs of their predecessors, and thus setting the pattern for medieval and later English tillage (Hoskins 1955, 55).
The limited evidence for heavy ploughs in Anglo-Saxon England therefore begins in the lordly context of seventh-century Kentish kings and, while it had clearly spread geographically by the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries, there is no sign that the technology had spread any further down the social scale with the passage of time. Throughout this period, considering the evidence detailed above, the mouldboard plough may well have remained an exclusively élite innovation.
Mark McKerracher: "Farming Transformed in Anglo-Saxon England: Agriculture in the Long Eighth Century", Oxbow Books, 2018.
To sum this up:
Among the earliest designs for a European mould-board plough we find 'Danish' ones towards the end of the Iron-Age (P. V. Glob: "Ard and Plough in Prehistoric Scandinavia", 1951, p. 123). Later Gauls, Romans and Anglo-Saxons knew it and employed it when needed and feasible. The Chinese design may be seen as an early independent development with some significant advantages compared to European methods, but the very type of plough was and is not always superior in every way and for all local situations. The Chinese plough was not imported into or adopted in Europe in Early Modern times, as some of the quotes may suggest, but Western designs were gradually improved to catch up with the Chinese version in some design and application aspects, mainly flexibility, friction, and drag. But even that was a gradual improvement, as seen when comparing the actual, practical results of this 'revolution':
There is no direct tangible evidence, as yet, that the Anglo- Saxons introduced a better plough than had been in use in Britain during the Roman occupation. But from the nature of the settlement, from the sites chosen and developed, it is probable that their plough and ploughing techniques were better suited to the lowlands of Britain than were the plough and ploughing techniques of the Celtic peoples. Roman and Romanized villas presumably did as well technically, if not better, than the Anglo-Saxons, but as has already been suggested in an earlier chapter, the villas were closely tied to that civilized administrative level of the Romanic world that failed to survive the Germanic migrations. The best of Saxon villages can scarcely have approached in comfort the best of Roman villas. But the comparison is in itself meretricious. Where the Saxon excelled was in his introduction of a superior general level of agricultural technique, and with it a social system better calculated to develop into that sound agrarian basis upon which could be built the more elaborate social structures of feudal England.
Yet such development was of very slow growth.
The changes in farming practices introduced over time in Britain for example sometimes can be traced back for general techniques like ploughing patterns to the Anglo-Saxon period, with apparently little change to the present day, except for a change towards of now more permanent grass land:
The bounds of this particular estate can still be traced on the modern map, and even more remarkable than the proof it gives of a reasonably advanced state of arable farming in the tenth century is the astonishing equivalence that still exists between the twentieth-century bounds of Hardwell Farm and the tenth-century bounds of Hardwell in Compton Beauchamp. As the Orwins say, this Berkshire estate in itself is a good sign of the skill of the Saxon farmer. ‘After a thousand years no better way than theirs has been found for the ploughing of this bit of England for the practice of husbandry.’
H. R. Loyn: "Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest", Routledge, 1991.
This in turn needs to be put into the perspective of how much and which lands were made arable overall in those thousand years in the British island:
It is only Domesday that enables us to see it as perfecdy possible that the populations of the chief provincial towns were of the same order of magnitude in 1086 as three hundred years later,12 or that over most of England there was about as much land under the plough in 1086 as nine hundred years later.
James Campbell: "The Anglo-Saxon State", Hambledon and London, 2000, p. 1.
The more crucial point on the timeline for this type of plough is therefore to be sought in Roman times, not after the Medieval time:
The introduction of the heavy plough on the estates of wealthier Romano-British landowners was probably the most dramatic agricultural innovation for millennia. Its magic lay in its ability to turn the soil: the share cut the land vertically; the coulter, attached in front of the share, cut the earth horizontally; together they cut the soil to a depth which obviated the need for cross-ploughing, and which contributed to maintaining soil fertility by sealing manure and stubbles into the plough-earth. The attachment of a mouldboard allowed the ploughman to produce a ridge of soil to one side of the share and a furrow in the land to the other. The heavy plough also made it easier to cultivate heavier, but more fertile, clays. On the other hand, it was an expensive investment: it required a team of six to eight oxen (each with a limited working life), substantial timbers and solid iron work. Whether the heavy plough disappeared from England at the end of the Roman period or continued in use over the following two or three centuries has been a matter for intense debate.76 The discovery of iron implements which may be middle Anglo-Saxon coulters at St Neots (Hunts.), Westley Waterless (Cambs.), Thetford (Norf.), Nazeing (Suff.) and Flixborough (Lincs.) may indicate a degree of continuity, and the possibility is supported by the discovery of mouldboards and iron ploughshares in early medieval Irish contexts. The iron coulter recently excavated at Lyminge (Kent), sealed under a deposit of the first half of the seventh century ad, adds to growing evidence for the persistence of the heavy plough, although perhaps only on the lands of the very wealthiest landowners.
Susan Oosthuizen: "Tradition and Transformation in Anglo-Saxon England. Archaeology, Common Rights and Landscape", Bloomsbury, 2013, p. 64–65. | <urn:uuid:731fb88e-76fa-4fa7-af2b-9567ccf1d5ee> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:57:59Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.966487 | 3,975 | 4,392 |
In the relentless pursuit of personal growth and self-fulfillment, the journeyBecoming the best version of oneself is a path worth embarking upon.This self-improvement guide is a roadmap designed to...
There are people out there that take everything in stride and just let the world unfold around them, and there are people who have decided there is so much negativity in the world it is much easier to be oblivious to everything. Either way, in my opinion, if it makes you happy, then do it. There are a few people out there, that have a passion for making the world a better place. There are those who find one cause and passionately support it, which is phenomenal, but a rare few people out there are able to spread their power of influence, courage, and passion to every cause, organization and individual in need they can. My friend Ben is one of those people.
Before I tell you about his cool “Run for Cause” fun runs, or the races he has organized and the races coming up, let me tell you about Ben Mena the runner. Ben and I met through friends from my tri-club the A-Train and some friends from the Run Progressive track workouts. I knew of him and knew he was fast, but that didn’t justify what I saw when I first ran with him. I am amazed at people who can run a marathon with 7:30 average per mile pace. This guy hammers through half-marathons in under 6-minute miles and then will turn around and bike for 20 without skipping a beat.
My favorite memory of watching Ben was actually a cycling workout. Ben was coerced into joining us and Pete (Tribute #2) let him borrow his road bike. This bike had pedal cages on it because Ben didn’t have cycling shoes or cleats and this was going to be his first ride. Well, Ben goes out in front with the “A” group and is really strong. We all thought, “OK, we will just hang back here and watch him die out and pick him up at the turnaround.” He reached the turnaround and just kept going and beat us all. First time out! A few weeks later he decides to do a duathlon in Orlando for the first time and he finishes first, overall. Ben’s VO2 max is off the charts. Maybe that is why he continues to help those in need, with a VO2 max that high, his heart is huge.
Ben organizes a monthly fun run in Brandon, Florida that gives to a different charity each month. I have been running in every one since July and I have seen no less than 50 people at any of them. He also is part of a duo with Beth Shaw (Dis-com-BOB-ulated Running), of which they have successfully completed their first race called the Shape Up for Summer 5k and now they have another one coming up called the Corporate 5k in downtown Tampa. The Shape Up for Summer 5k had well over 750 runners which is well over what they expected and as I used the race as a culmination runs for my clientele, let me just say it was one of the best organized 5k runs I had participated in. Beth and Ben did a really amazing job, so if you find a race organized by MenaShaw Races, you can be sure to have a great experience.
With that being said, Ben has another race he has organized and this one has an interesting spin on it while helping out some people that can really use it. I will let him tell you in his own words. Let me introduce, Benjamin Mena.
Benjamin (Ben) Mena
Birthdate: 8/25/83 – Virgo
Place of Birth: Virginia Beach, VA
Place growing up: Charleston SC and Bremerton, WA
High School: Cocoa Beach High
High School sports: Soccer, Cross Country, Track
College: University of Central Florida
College Sports: Cross Country, Track
Other Sports: Ummmm….. nope
I usually describe you as one of the fastest runners in the Tampa Bay area. What started you running?
I used to be the guy that would make fun of the runners and throw stuff at them. (in HS). I thought running was dumb and pointless. So after a win-less soccer season, the soccer girls tried to convince me to run cross country to prep for soccer… I said yeah right, that’s dumb… their response was just run behind us. What teenage guy can say no. after my first year running (JR year) I developed a passion for it and it quasi-took over my life.
JR year was just an introduction to the sport. Our workouts were easy as hell, but the one thing I loved my coach for (she was hot also) she taught us all how to make running fun and enjoyable. My Sr year of high school we had a new coach. She had a background as a professional runner, so she knew her stuff. She helped give me the dream of being a college athlete. At that point, I wasn’t good enough for any college team but I worked my ass off as hard as I could. I had the one gift that every coach wants in their athlete. Burning desire to make it.
The summer before college was pretty crazy. I was working 5 jobs to try to get ready for college (until my car died) then I had to drop my job at Publix [Supermarket]because it was a 20-mile bike ride each way). I would bike to my different jobs, then get home and run and then would be able to start hanging out with friends after 11 pm. During that time I would never miss a run no matter how bad I wanted to have fun.
I still to this day don’t know why coach chose me out of all the other walk-ons.. but I am thankful she did. I ran with my heart and I knew I had more to prove that everyone that came in on scholarships. (I also didn’t have a car… so I got a lot more miles in than most people. Outside all the running I was walking 5-14 miles a day to and from, and around school) By the end of the first season, I was granted an athletic scholarship and the following year I was team captain…
|Ben doing what he does best
What and When was your first 5k time? What and when was your fastest 5k time?
What kind of workouts did you do to get that fast?
You don’t want to know the schedule. But my favorite workout was mile repeats!
What was your average weekly mileage?
60-80 was the average. During the summer we would crank it up for base building. My highest week was 112 and 90% of those miles were done along the Appalachian Trail.
I mentioned above that you hold a monthly fun run named “Run for a Cause” at the Cork & Olive in Brandon. How did that come about?
Just had the idea while at the bar. I love hosting fun events for people… and it came about from there. our first event I was hoping for 10 people… and over 50 ended up showing up.
How many different charities have you hosted?
7 or 8 now
If someone had a cause they would like to have hosted at one of your events what is the best way to contact you? Best is through FaceBook.
The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School has devastated the country. You chose to act quickly and do something about it by hosting this Virtual Run. Can you give the details?
This is a virtual half-marathon and virtual 5K. Since it is virtual, you can complete it anywhere in the world. You can run, walk, swim, bike, anything you like, and you can complete the 13.1 miles or 5K all at once, over the course of a week, or whenever you can. Just complete all miles between now and Jan 31st. This is on the honor system – you do not have to report your miles.
The registration fee for the Half Marathon is $30.
Register Here:
Event Facebook Page:
What gave you the Idea?
I am on the board for a few charities, and I was already researching a way to do a virtual 5k. When the devastation occurred, I couldn’t sleep, so I mulled it over for a while and by Sunday I had it up on and Facebook and 200 people already had agreed to participate. Today on Facebook there are over 1800 that have committed and a little over 250 that have actually signed up on
It grew a lot faster than I thought. It went viral. I originally thought about a few people here in Tampa to raise around 1000 dollars, but now it is well over that.
|Beth and Ben
Beth and I have been organizing a Tampa Bay Corporate 5K.
This is an event where the runners choose one of the 4 charities that this race will give back too. Every person that registers for the race will get a vote (fill in the blank) for the charity of their choice. The charity with the most votes will receive a portion of the proceeds along with Little Things for Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis (Tampa Chapter), and Operation Helping Hand.
You can get more details on the Facebook event page:
or on the event website:
|Ben and his fiance Jennifer
|Ben and the Goof
There is a secret getaway we have here in Tampa, and it is very famous among Tampa runners and triathletes. Especially if you are a regular runner of the Four Green Fields Tuesday run, the McDinton’s Pub Tuesday Run, and the Yard of Ale Thursday run. As a result, if you want the finest coffee and espresso drinks, the wildest and most nutritious smoothies and unbelievably delicious homemade scones and baked goods, you need to visit Jet City Espresso.
The Heart of Jet City Espresso
Jet City is owned and operated by Jessica Glover who brings a world of restaurant experience and tastes to her establishment. She is committed to producing good coffee and freshly baked goods. She converted the sunroom of her house into the shop. Do you want homemade baked goods? Well, Jet City is the place to go. Her scones are as delicious as they are fresh and natural. Jessica is a fan of the most organic, natural and fresh ingredients possible. Are you on a gluten-free diet? No worries. She has gluten-free scones, rice crispy treats, and muffins. Do you practice a Paleo lifestyle? No problem there either. She provides Paleo Brownies and scones too. Your mouth is watering now. Isn’t it?
Speaking of Paleo, what about her espresso drinks? Do you require Coconut or Almond milk to make your latte or cappuccino? Not only will she make it with your favorite milk, but if you ask her nicely she might even sweeten it with coconut sugar or organic honey.
I can continue to go on and on about Jessica’s delicious goods and coffee, but what makes this little secret so special is her rare positive energy that will not allow you to feel anything but happy during your visit. Because of the aura of positivity that the patrons of this magical coffee house also help to continue to create an atmosphere of, well, “home.” Walk into this place once, and you are on your way to becoming one of the family and before you know it Jessica and the other patrons are calling you by name and you are receiving hugs and kisses on the cheek whenever you enter or leave. Well, at least that what happens to me.
Most noteworthy, the walls are covered in with paintings of local musicians that were created by Jessica herself. There are stands with guitars, mandolins, and banjos each of which can be picked up at any time and played with perfection by Jessica Glover herself. When the conversation is not taken over by stories of races, or upcoming athletic events you might be lucky to find a couple of musicians jamming out. Maybe you will hear, original tunes, contemporary covers, classic hits, or Jessica’s favorite, Irish Folk music.
You Won’t be Disappointed
In a society where almost all of the coffee shops are commercial, the coffee is burnt, the baked goods and food are shipped frozen and microwaved, Jet City brings you back when coffee was made to perfection, the baked goods were fresh and the environment was positive and friendly. Beware, walking into Jet City one time guarantees you will constantly be aching to return.
|You might remember this woman from Tribute Tuesday #1
|Susan and Maya
September 11th will always remain a significant event in the history of this country. The day when Osama Bin Laden dared to bring terrorism to the United States and unfortunately succeeded, at least at that point in time. Where were you on that day? I bet everyone I ask that question will remember exactly where they were. Me? I was getting ready to go on an interview for a job.
I was just coming out of the shower when the phone rang and it was a neighbor and really good friend of mine, Sue. She told me that a plan had struck the twin towers and to immediately turn on CNN. I swear I told her it must be a hoax until I actually did turn on the TV. I was completely wrecked at the site of the replay of the first plane hitting the tower. As the camera went back live to grab a shot of the destruction, the other plane struck the towers. I was completely floored and I felt like my whole body was over stimulated with anxiety. Then the worst thing happened, I heard another explosion except this time it was not coming from the television. It came from a distance outside my condo. Oh, I didn’t mention that at the time I was living just outside of Washington DC and I had recently separated from the United States Army where I was stationed at the Pentagon.
Within three minutes CNN was relaying the story of the Pentagon. I put some clothes on grabbed my Pentagon badge and left. When I arrived just outside of the gate, guards were already posted at the parking lots and the entryways were fortified. A soldier came to my window and told me to turn around, so I flashed my Pentagon badge and told him I wanted to help. I had people in there and I was a trained EMT and I could at least help triage. He wouldn’t have it. I then asked to him to radio the head of security because I knew him and he knew me very well, but he had his orders and he was not going to make any special provisions. I couldn’t argue with that. All of the military police, security, and medical personnel were all under a great deal of pressure and being that I knew what that was like, I wasn’t going to argue. I turned the car around and went home. It took twice as long for me to arrive at home as it did for me to get there, but after walking in the door and immediately turned on the TV and there I sat, on and off, for two weeks. I was a sponge for information. I made frequent calls back to my old unit asking about people I knew. On that day there were three soldiers who were, subordinates of mine at one time, missing. Friends in other units also missing and two of my mentors pronounced dead; Sergeant Major Robert Strickland and Lieutenant General Tim Maude.
It was a crushing blow for me. I had dinner at both of their houses. General Maude would take me to the Officer’s Dining Room where “a little lunch” was a huge steak and baked potato with all the fixings. SGM Strickland filled in instructing a couple of classes at Ft Jackson when I was in training and then continued my mentorship when I ended up at the Pentagon after Korea. The only thing I could think of was that if I felt this bad, it had to be 100 times worse for any of the victim’s families.
My best friend Sean was living outside of Times Square at the time, and his auditions and work took him all over the city. I immediately picked up the phone and gave him a call, but the circuits were overloaded. I wouldn’t talk to him for three days. The mood around DC and Virginia was somber throughout the coming weeks. It was heavy with dread and confusion, but something positive happened. I noticed that there was very little hostility toward one another.
Everywhere I went I could see citizens going out of their way for one another. For example, an incident that happened to me; the roads were slick after a little rain and I ended up in a 4 car fender bender. Maybe not a fender bender, but a hard love tap. The front car hit the brakes, the car in back of her hit their brakes, then me, then the guy in back of me. We all, got out, looked at our cars and we all had some small dents or paint nicks. My Xterra had part of the bumper had come askew but it looked like it could be fixed pretty easily. The weirdest thing was, no one was mad. We looked at each other shrugged asked if anyone was hurt and basically agreed there was just too much crap going on at that time to worry about such a minor incident. We didn’t call the cops, we didn’t exchange insurance info, we didn’t even exchange names. We shook each other’s hands and went on our way. I saw this happening everywhere I went. Their were customers actually moving their carts to the corral at grocery stores or even helping the employee stack them. I saw two, three, sometimes four cars stopping on the side of the road when a motorist was changing a tire asking if they could help. The whole country was supporting each other. It seemed to last for months before it started to slowly return to the normal disdain.
It was just an amazing sight. I guess the question is why can’t we always feel that way toward each other? Why does the country have to go through an incident of massive destruction for citizens to realize we need each other?
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of people that read my blog, but those of you who do, I challenge you to take an hour every day and think about other people before yourself. As you are in your car, and you see another car that is really trying to merge into traffic but no one is allowing them to enter the line, stop and let that person in. If you notice someone having issues loading groceries into their trunk, offer to help. It is just these little acts of kindness that can change the world as we know it. Lets prove that we do not need a major incident to bring our country together again. | <urn:uuid:321008b7-2062-4dbd-8a9c-a2dae23263e6> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:24:04Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.98475 | 4,020 | 4,409 |
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Updated April 2021
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Parallel Gospel in Matthew
1. And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and
2. "The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made
a marriage for his son,
3. And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to
the wedding: and they would not come.
4. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which
are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings
are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage."
5. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm,
another to his merchandise:
6. And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully,
and slew them.
7. But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth
his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.
8. Then saith he to his servants, "The wedding is ready, but they
which were bidden were not worthy.
9. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find,
bid to the marriage."
10. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together
all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished
with guests. [p. 739]
11. And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a
man which had not on a wedding garment:
12. And he saith unto him, "Friend, how camest thou in hither not
having a wedding garment?" And he was speechless.
13. Then said the king to the servants, "Bind him hand and foot,
and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.
14. For many are called, but few are chosen."
Chrys., Hom. lxix: Forasmuch as He had said, And it shall be given
to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof," He now proceeds to shew
what nation that is.
Gloss., interlin.: "Answered," that is, meeting their evil thoughts
of putting Him to death.
Aug., de Cons. Ev., ii, 71: This parable is related only by Matthew.
Luke gives one like it, but it is not the same, as the order shews.
Greg., Hom. in Ev., xxxviii, 2: Here, by the wedding-feast is denoted
the present Church; there, by the supper, the last and eternal feast. For
into this enter some who shall perish; into that whosoever has once entered
in shall never be put forth. But if any should maintain that these are
the same lessons, we may perhaps explain that that part concerning the
guest who had come in without a wedding garment, which Luke has not mentioned,
Matthew has related. That the one calls it supper, the other dinner, makes
no difference; for with the ancients the dinner was at the ninth hour,
and was therefore often called supper.
Origen: The kingdom of heaven, in respect of Him who reigns there, is
like a king; in respect of Him who shares the kingdom, it is like a king's
son; in respect of those things which are in the kingdom, it is like servants
and guests, and among them the king's armies. It is specified, "A man that
is a king," that what is spoken may be as by a man to men, and that a man
may regulate men unwilling to be regulated by God. But the kingdom of heaven
will then cease to be like a man, when zeal and contention and all other
passions and sins having ceased, we [p. 740] shall cease to walk after
men, and shall see Him as He is. For now we see Him not as He is, but as
He has been made for us in our dispensation.
Greg: God the Father made a marriage feast for God the Son, when He
joined Him to human nature in the womb of the Virgin. But far be it from
us to conclude, that because marriage takes place between two separate
persons, that therefore the person of our Redeemer was made up of two separate
persons. We say indeed that He exists of two natures, and in two natures,
but we hold it unlawful to believe that He was compounded of two persons.
It is safer therefore to say, that the marriage feast was made by the King
the Father for the King the Son when He joined to Him the Holy Church in
the mystery of His incarnation. The womb of the Virgin Mother was the bridechamber
of this Bridegroom.
Pseudo-Chrys.: Otherwise; When the resurrection of the saints shall
be, then the life, which is Christ, shall revive man, swallowing up his
mortality in its own immortality. For now we receive the Holy Spirit as
a pledge of the future union, but then we shall have Christ Himself more
fully in us.
Origen: Or, by the marriage of Bridegroom with Bride, that is, of Christ
with the soul, understand the Assumption of the Word, the produce whereof
is good works.
Hilary: Rightly has the Father already made this wedding, because this
eternal union and espousal of the new body is already perfect in Christ.
Pseudo-Chrys.: When the servants were sent to call them, they must have
been invited before. Men have been invited from the time of Abraham, to
whom was promised Christ's incarnation.
Jerome: "He sent his servant," without doubt Moses, by whom He gave
the Law, to those who had been invited. But if you read "servants" as most
copies have, it must be referred to the Prophets, by whom they were invited,
but neglected to come. By the servants who were sent the second time, we
may better understand the Prophets than the Apostles; that is to say, if
servant is read in the first place; but if 'servants,' then by the second
servants are to be understood the Apostles;
Pseudo-Chrys.: whom He sent when He said unto them, "Go not into the
way of the Gentiles, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Origen: The servants who were first sent to [p. 741] call them that
were bidden to the wedding, are to be taken as the Prophets converting
the people by their prophecy to the festival of the restoration of the
Church to Christ. They who would not come at the first message are they
who refused to hear the words of the Prophets. The others who were sent
a second time were another assembly of Prophets.
Hilary: Or; The servants who were first sent to call them that were
bidden, are the Apostles; they who, being before bidden, are now invited
to come in, are the people of Israel, who had before been bidden through
the Law to the glories of eternity. To the Apostles therefore it belonged
to remind those whom the Prophets had invited. Those sent with the second
injunction are the Apostolic men their successors.
Greg: But because these who were first invited would not come to the
feast, the second summons says, "Behold, I have prepared my dinner."
Jerome: The dinner that is prepared, the oxen and the fatlings that
are killed, is either a description of regal magnificence by the way of
metaphor, that by carnal things spiritual may be understood; or the greatness
of the doctrines, and the manifold teaching of God in His law, may be understood.
Pseudo-Chrys.: When therefore the Lord bade the Apostles, "Go ye and
preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand," it was the same message
as is here given, "I have prepared my dinner;" i. e. I have set out the
table of Scripture out of the Law and the Prophets.
Greg.: By the oxen are signified the Fathers of the Old Testament; who
by sufferance of the Law gored their enemies with the horn of bodily strength.
By fatlings are meant fatted animals, for from 'alere', comes 'altilia,'
as it were 'alitilia' or 'alita.' By the "fatlings" are intended the Fathers
of the New Testament; who while they receive sweet grace of inward fattening,
are raised by the wing of contemplation from earthly desires to things
He says therefore, "My oxen and my fatlings are killed;" as much as
to say, Look to the deaths of the Fathers who have been before you, and
desire some amendment of your lives.
Pseudo-Chrys.: Otherwise; He says "oxen and fatlings," not as though
the oxen were not fatted, but because all the oxen were not fat. Therefore
the fatlings denote the Prophets who were filled with the Holy Spirit;
the oxen [p. 742] those who were both Priests and Prophets, as Jeremiah
and Ezekiel; for as the oxen are the leaders of the herd, so also the Priests
are leaders of the people.
Hilary: Or otherwise; The oxen are the glorious army of Martyrs, offered,
like choice victims, for the confession of God; the fatlings are spiritual
men, as birds fed for flight upon heavenly food, that they may fill others
with the abundance of the food they have eaten.
Greg.: It is to be observed, that in the first invitation nothing was
said of the oxen or fatlings, but in the second it is announced that they
are already killed, because Almighty God when we will not hear His words
gives examples, that what we suppose impossible may become easy to us to
surmount, when we hear that others have passed through it before us.
Origen: Or; The dinner which is prepared is the oracle of God; and so
the more mighty of the oracles of God are the oxen; the sweet and pleasant
are the fatlings. For if any one bring forward feeble words, without power,
and not having strong force of reason, these are the lean things; the fatlings
are when to the establishment of each proposition many examples are brought
forward backed by reasonable proofs.
For example, supposing one holding discourse of chastity, it might well
be represented by the turtle-dove; but should he bring forward the same
holy discourse full of reasonable proof out of Scripture, so as to delight
and strengthen the mind of his hearer, then he brings the dove fatted.
Pseudo-Chrys.: That He says, "And all things are now ready," means,
that all that is required to salvation is already filled up in the Scriptures;
there the ignorant may find instruction; the self-willed may read of terrors;
he who is in difficulty may there find promises to rouse him to activity.
Gloss., interlin.: Or, "All things are now ready," i.e. The entrance
into the kingdom, which had been hitherto closed, is now ready through
faith in My incarnation.
Pseudo-Chrys., non occ. sed vid. Gloss. ord.: Or He says, "All things
are now ready" which belong to the mystery of the Lord's Passion, and our
redemption. He says, "Come to the marriage," not with your feet, but with
faith, and good conduct. "But they made light of it;" why they did so He
shews when He adds, "And they went their way, one to his farm, another
to his merchandize."
Chrys.: These occupations seem to be [p. 743] entirely reasonable; but
we learn hence, that however necessary the things that take up our time,
we ought to prefer spiritual things to every thing beside. But it seems
to me that they only pretended these engagements as a cloak for their disregard
of the invitation.
Hilary: For men are taken up with worldly ambition as with a farm; and
many through covetousness are engrossed with trafficking.
Pseudo-Chrys.: Or otherwise; When we work with the labour of our hands,
for example, cultivating our field or our vineyard, or any manufacture
of wood or iron, we seem to be occupied with our "farm;" any other mode
of getting money unattended with manual labour is here called "merchandize."
O most miserable world! and miserable ye that follow it! The pursuits of
this world have ever shut men out of life.
Greg.: Whosoever then intent upon earthly business, or devoted to the
actions of this world, feigns to be meditating upon the mystery of the
Lord's Passion, and to be living accordingly, is he that refuses to come
to the King's wedding on pretext of going to his farm or his merchandize.
Nay often, which is worse, some who are called not only reject the grace,
but become persecutors, "And the remnant took his servants, and entreated
them despitefully and slew them."
Pseudo-Chrys.: Or, by the business of a farm, He denotes the Jewish
populace, whom the delights of this world separated from Christ; by the
excuse of merchandize, the Priests and other ministers of the Temple, who,
coming to the service of the Law and the Temple through greediness of gain,
have been shut out of the faith by covetousness. Of these He said not 'They
were filled with envy,' but "They made light of it." For they who through
hate and spite crucified Christ, are they who were filled with envy; but
they who being entangled in business did not believe on Him, are not said
to have been filled with envy, but to have made light of it.
The Lord is silent respecting His own death, because He had spoken of
it in the foregoing parable, but He shews forth the death of His disciples,
whom after His ascension the Jews put to death, stoning Stephen and executing
James the son of Alphaeus, for which things Jerusalem was destroyed by
the Romans. And it is to be observed, that anger is attributed to God figuratively
and not properly; He is then said to be angry when [p. 744] He punishes.
Jerome: When He was doing works of mercy, and bidding to His marriage-feast,
He was called a man; now when He comes to vengeance, the man is dropped,
and He is called only a King. [margin note: homin regi]
Origen: Let those who sin against the God of the Law, and the Prophets,
and the whole creation, declare whether He who is here called man, and
is said to be angry, is indeed the Father Himself. If they allow this,
they will be forced to own that many things are said of Him applicable
to the passible nature of man; not for that He has passions, but because
He is represented to us after the manner of passible human nature. In this
way we take God's anger, repentance, and the other things of the like sort
in the Prophets.
Jerome: By "His armies" we understand that Romans under Vespasian and
Titus, who having slaughtered the inhabitants of Judaea, laid in ashes
the faithless city.
Pseudo-Chrys.: The Roman army is called God's army; because "The earth
is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof;" [Ps 24:1] nor would the Romans
have come to Jerusalem, had not the Lord stirred them thither.
Greg.: Or, The armies of our King are the legions of His Angels. He
is said therefore to have sent His armies, and to have destroyed those
murderers, because all judgment is executed upon men by the Angels. He
destroys those murderers, when He cuts off persecutors; and burns up their
city, because not only their souls, but the body of flesh they had tenanted,
is tormented in the everlasting fire of hell.
Origen: Or, the city of those wicked men is in each doctrine the assembly
of those who meet in the wisdom of the rulers of this world; which the
King sets fire to and destroys, as consisting of evil buildings.
Greg.: But when He sees that His invitation is spurned at, He will not
have His Son's marriage-feast empty; the word of God will find where it
may stay itself.
Origen: "He saith to His servants," that is, to the Apostles; or to
the Angels, who were set over the calling of the Gentiles, "The wedding
Remig.: That is, the whole sacrament of the human dispensation is completed
and closed. "But they which were bidden," that is the Jews, "were not worthy,"
because, "ignorant of the righteousness God, and going about to establish
their own righteousness, they have not submitted themselves to the [p.
745] righteousness of God. [Rom 10:3]
The Jewish nation then being rejected, the Gentile people were taken
in to the marriage-feast; whence it follows, "Go ye out into the crossings
of the streets, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the wedding."
Jerome: For the Gentile nation was not in the streets, but in the crossings
of the streets.
Remig.: These are the errors of the gentiles.
Pseudo-Chrys.: Or; The streets are all the professions of this world,
as philosophy, soldiery, and the like. And therefore He says, "Go out into
the crossings of the streets," that they may call to the faith men of every
condition. Moreover, as chastity is the way that leads to God, so fornication
is the way that leads to the Devil; and so it is in the other virtues and
vices. Thus He bids them invite to the faith men of every profession or
Hilary: By the street also is to be understood the time of this world,
and they are therefore bid to go to the crossings of the streets, because
the past is remitted to all.
Greg.: Or otherwise; In holy Scripture, way is taken to mean actions;
so that the crossings of the ways we understand as failure in action, for
they usually come to God readily, who have had little prosperity in worldly
Origen: Or otherwise; I suppose this first bidding to the wedding to
have been a bidding of some of the more noble minds. For God would have
those before all come to the feast of the divine oracles who are of the
more ready wit to understand them; and forasmuch as they who are such are
loth to come to that kind of summons, other servants are sent to move them
to come, and to promise that they shall find the dinner prepared. For as
in the things of the body, one is the bride, others the inviters to the
feast, and they that are bidden are others again; so God knows the various
ranks of souls, and their powers, and the reasons why these are taken into
the condition of the Bride, others in the rank of the servants that call,
and others among the number of those that are bidden as guests. But they
who had been thus especially invited contemned the first inviters as poor
in understanding, and went their way, following their own devices, as more
delighting in them than in those things which the King by his servants
promised. Yet are these more venial than they who ill-treat and put to
death the servants sent unto them; [p. 746] those, that is, who daringly
assail with weapons of contentious words the servants sent, who are unequal
to solve their subtle difficulties, and those are ill treated or put to
death by them.
The servants going forth are either Christ's Apostles going from Judaea
and Jerusalem, or the Holy Angels from the inner worlds, and going to the
various ways of various manners, gathered together whomsoever they found,
not caring whether before their calling they had been good or bad.
By the good here we may understand simply the more humble and upright
of those who come to the worship of God, to whom agreed what the Apostle
says, "When the Gentile which have not the Law do by nature the things
contained in the Law, they are a law unto themselves." [Rom 2:14]
Jerome: For there is an infinite difference among the Gentiles themselves;
some are more prone to vice, others are endowed with more incorrupt and
Greg.: Or; He means that in this present Church there cannot be bad
without good, nor good without bad. He is not good who refuses to endure
Origen: The marriage-feast of Christ and the Church is filled, when
they who were found by the Apostles, being restored to God, sat down to
the feast. But since it behoved that both bad and good should be called,
not that the bad should continue bad, but that they should put off the
garments unmeet for the wedding, and should put on the marriage garments,
to wit, bowels of mercy and kindness, for this cause the King goes out,
that He may see them set down before the supper is set before them, that
they may be detained who have the wedding garment in which He is delighted,
and that he may condemn the opposite.
Pseudo-Chrys.: "The King came in to see the guests;" not as though there
was any place where He is not; but where He will look to give judgment,
there He is said to be present; where He will not, there He seems to be
absent. The day of His coming to behold is the day of judgment, when He
will visit Christians seated at the board of the Scriptures.
Origen: But when He was come in, He found there one who had not put
off his old behaviour; "He saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment."
He speaks of one only, because all, who after faith continue to serve that
wickedness which they had before the faith, are but of one [p. 747] kind.
Greg.: What ought we to understand by the wedding garment, but charity?
For this the Lord had upon Him, when He came to espouse the Church to Himself.
He then enters in to the wedding feast, but without the wedding garment,
who has faith in the Church, but not charity.
Aug., cont. Faust., xxii, 19: Or, he goes to the feast without a garment,
who goes seeking his own, and not the Bridegroom's honour.
Hilary: Or; The wedding garment is the grace of the Holy Spirit, and
the purity of that heavenly temper, which taken up on the confession of
a good enquiry is to be preserved pure and unspotted for the company of
the Kingdom of heaven.
Jerome: Or; The marriage garment is the commandments of the Lord, and
the works which are done under the Law and the Gospel, and form the clothing
of the new man. Whoso among the Christian body shall be found in the day
of judgment not to have these, is straightway condemned. "He saith unto
him, Friend, How camest thou in hither, not having a wedding garment?"
He calls him "friend," because he was invited to the shredding as being
a friend by faith; but He charges him with want of manners in polluting
by his filthy dress the elegance of the wedding entertainment.
Origen: And forasmuch as he who is in sin, and puts not on the Lord
Jesus Christ, has no excuse, it follows, "But he was speechless."
Jerome: For in that day there will be no room for blustering manner
[marg. note: al. peonitentiae], nor power of denial, when all the Angels
and the world itself are witnesses against the sinner.
Origen: He who has thus insulted the marriage feast is not only cast
out therefrom, but besides by the King's officers, who are set over his
prisons, is chained up from that power of walking which he employed not
to walk to any good thing, and that power of reaching forth his hand, wherewith
he had fulfilled no work for any good; and is sentenced to a place whence
all light is banished, which is called "outer darkness."
Greg.: The hands and feet are then bound by a severe sentence of judgment,
which before refused to be bound from wicked actions by amendment of life.
Or punishment binds them, whom sin had before bound from good works.
Aug, de Trin. xi, 6: The bonds of wicked and depraved desires are the
chains which bind him who deserves to be cast out into outer darkness.
Greg.: By inward darkness we express blindness, [p. 748] of heart; "outer
darkness" signifies the everlasting night of damnation.
Pseudo-Chrys.: Or, it points to the difference of punishment inflicted
on sinners. Outer darkness being the deepest, inward darkness the lesser,
as it were the out- skirts of the place.
Jerome: By a metaphor taken from the body, "there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth," is shewn the greatness of the torments. The binding
of the hands and feet also, and the weeping of eyes, and the gnashing of
teeth, understand as proving the truth of the resurrection of the body.
Greg.: There shall gnash those teeth which here delighted in gluttony;
there shall weep those eyes which here roamed in illicit desire; every
member shall there have its peculiar punishment, which here was a slave
to its peculiar vice.
Jerome: And because in the marriage and supper the chief thing is the
end and not the beginning, therefore He adds, "For many are called, but
Hilary: For to invite all without exception is a courtesy of public
benevolence; but out of the invited or called, the election will be of
worth, by distinction of merit.
Greg.: For some never begin a good course, and some never continue in
that good course which they have begun. Let each one's care about himself
be in proportion to his ignorance of what is yet to come.
Pseudo-Chrys.: Or otherwise; Whenever God will try His Church, He enters
into it that He may see the guests; and if He finds any one not having
on the wedding garment, He enquires of him, How then were you made a Christian,
if you neglect these works? Such a one Christ gives over to His ministers,
that is, to seducing leaders, who bind his hands, that is, his works, and
his feet, that is, the motions of his mind, and cast him into darkness,
that is, into the errors of the Gentiles or the Jews, or into heresy. The
nigher darkness is that of the Gentiles, for they have never heard the
truth which they despise; the outer darkness is that of the Jews, who have
heard but do not believe; the outermost is that of the heretics, who have
heard and have learned. | <urn:uuid:4de762a8-8d67-49f7-b59a-d44a87728c0d> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:54:20Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.969465 | 5,997 | 6,507 |
Imagine you’re thinking of going for a drive one day, and your fingers are just itching to turn on the ignition. But just as the engine roars into life, you notice a sudden glimmer come into view from your instrument cluster. You take a closer glance, and you notice it says, Service Engine Soon. At first, you might think to yourself, “Oh no, is something wrong with my car?”
The Service Engine Soon light has often been mistaken for the check engine light. The check engine light often means that something serious is wrong with your car. Meanwhile, the Service Engine Soon light usually means that your car’s regular maintenance schedule is due. Understanding the difference, you might think that the Service Engine Soon light on your dash doesn’t necessitate anxieties.
Indeed, you shouldn’t need to worry as much, as it’s just the car’s way of gently reminding you to take it to the workshop for a check-up. However, it’s the small things that often lead up to big repairs. So, read along with our guide here to know more about the Service Engine Soon light, what it means, and what you can do about it.
- What Is The Service Engine Soon Light?
- Service Engine Soon vs Check Engine
- Common Causes Why It Appears
- Could You Drive Safely With It On?
- Diagnosis & Troubleshooting
- Repairs & Fixes To Consider
- Final Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Service Engine Soon Light
So, you might have noticed that the Service Engine Soon light is glaring at you. Now, it’s time to understand what’s going on, and what it means. Besides, this light can even come along despite there not being any clear symptoms, or signs of problems. No odd sensations, vibrations, noises, smells, or leaks coming from the car. Alternatively, the more attentive among you might just have a sixth sense that the car is a tiny bit off.
But it’s enough to make you wonder if anything is wrong at all. First, we must understand what’s prompting the Service Engine Soon light to come on in the first place. Pretty much every engine in modern cars has an electronic computer brain. They are called the engine control unit (ECU), or the engine control module (ECM).
They comprise a small computer that sits within your car’s engine bay. It’s enclosed, like a plane’s black box. The ECU is then connected to many different sensors, all placed throughout the car and its key components. These sensors are able to sense and analyze the inner machinations of the car to make sure everything is in working order.
Each component has its own threshold and is designed to work best in its pre-set optimal states. The sensors are responsible for monitoring them and then instructing other parts to work alongside them in unison. For example, being able to detect coolant temperature, accelerator pedal position, the flow and composition of air, and so on.
If, for instance, some of these components are running a bit too hot, too cold, or have signs of failing, the sensors will alert the ECU. If the ECU decides that something is wrong, it will alert you, the driver. This is done through the check engine, or the Service Engine Soon light depending on the car.
Service Engine Soon vs Check Engine
Going back to the previous section, we learned that issues within the car can prompt you with a warning. However, another confusion is that carmakers can sometimes combine both the Service Engine Soon and the check engine lights. Consequently, many people mistake these two different indicators and use them interchangeably.
Any problems from within the car might prompt either light from coming on, but the key difference is in the severity of the issue. As such, we’ve highlighted the core meaning of what makes these two warning lights distinct from one another. Here are the differences, in greater depth.
Service Engine Soon Meaning
As the name suggests, the Service Engine Soon light usually warns you that your car is due for its usual maintenance. It lights up in text, showing Service Engine Soon, or ‘Service Due’. Alternatively, it could also light up when there are minor issues with the car that are not immediate or catastrophic in nature. This is the reason why you might not be able to notice that anything is wrong with your car when it lights up.
Carmakers can program the Service Engine Soon light to come on after a set number of miles, or depending on when you’ve had it serviced prior. As robust as cars can be, every single component is still subject to wear and tear. This is given how complex a car is under the skin. It has a huge number of moving parts, constantly under strain.
Oils, coolant, spark plugs, fluids, air filters, and more might need servicing or replacement. This is normal in the upkeeping process for any car throughout its lifespan. Therefore, you can be a bit more relaxed knowing that the car is simply reminding you that it’s time for a routine service. Once you’ve sent it to the workshop to have a check-up, they will reset that Service Engine Soon light.
Check Engine Light Meaning
Compared to the gentle reminder that usually comes with a Service Engine Soon light, this one is more of a loud klaxon. It often lights up in the shape of an engine, but can also appear as text. Seeing the check engine light is always a worry and for good reason. It usually indicates that something is badly wrong with your car, and it needs immediate attention.
It might mean that a part of your car is failing, or malfunctioning, and you should have it checked up ASAP. This often relates to parts of the car that are responsible for the engine, transmission, or emissions control. Sometimes, it could be a sign that a sensor is broken. As we’ve learned earlier in our understanding of what a Service Engine Soon light is, sensors are important. It ensures that parts of the car are working in their most optimal state.
The result is better efficiency and performance while keeping wear and tear at a minimum. It might not sound serious at first, but a malfunctioning sensor would allow a car to work beyond its threshold. This could possibly snowball into a more extensive problem down the line. Alternatively, the check engine light could mean that an entire component isn’t working well, altogether.
Service Engine Soon Light Blinking
We now should be able to better differentiate the Service Engine Soon, and the check engine light. Next, we should try to dig up the root of the issue and find out what’s causing it to light up. Once again, it’s worth pointing out that most carmakers would program the Service Engine Soon light simply to show that the car is ripe for its regular service.
Nonetheless, we’ve seen some carmakers combine them under a single warning light, to indicate any and every fault. This could either be very serious or nothing at all. We highly recommend that you consult your car’s owner’s manual, and understand how your carmaker has programmed the light in. Or, give a call to a dealer or mechanic to understand more.
This should let you know distinctly what might cause the Service Engine Soon, or check engine light to turn on. In order to give you a wider, and more general look into the potential cause, we’ve combined them into a single warning beacon. Now, we’ll be looking through the issues that might prompt either light to come on, in order of severity.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #1. Routine Maintenance Alert
Some things need changing or checking up on every once in a while. Every car requires a scheduled service after a set amount of time, mileage, or usage. For example, replacing an air filter, or changing the engine oil. The Service Engine Soon light was created purposely to remind you of this. It’s a reminder that you should have it checked at your nearby mechanic or dealer, as soon as you can.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #2. Loose Or Faulty Gas Cap
This is the simplest of issues that could cause your Service Engine Soon light to appear. The ECU or ECM can sense that your fuel cap is either loose or faulty. The fuel cap ensures that the fuel tank is properly sealed. It works both ways. Nothing can get into the fuel tank, ensuring that it does not contaminate the fuel. And, it also works to make sure fuel – or fumes – does not leak outside.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #3. Low Amounts Of Fluid
A car has many moving parts. To make sure that it all works smoothly, and to regulate against wear and tear, a car has copious amounts of fluids. Engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, transmission fluids, and more are among the liquids inside a car. If the levels of these fluids are low, it might prompt the Service Engine Soon light to appear. Low fluid levels could either be a sign of a leak or just overdue for a top-up.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #4. Spark Plugs In Need Of Changing
Another cause for lighting up either the Service Engine Soon or the check engine light is the state of your car’s spark plugs. Spark plugs are what ignite the mixture of compressed air and fuel within the combustion chamber. The spark creates an explosion, which then creates energy for your car to move around.
Spark plugs are often designed to last a long time, and can easily keep working without issue for 100,000 miles or more. However, they do need to change eventually to make sure the combustion process is working at its optimal state. A faulty or failing spark plug can cause a deterioration in performance, such as misfiring or poor acceleration. It can also cause increased fuel consumption, or the car not starting properly.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #5. Oxygen Sensor Failure
For internal combustion engine (ICE) powered cars, it’s important for the engine to ensure that the air-fuel mixture remains optimal. This is what guarantees the engine not only operates smoothly and with adequate performance but also efficiently. The oxygen sensor (O2 sensor) is responsible for keeping this in check.
It does this by monitoring the amount of oxygen that has been exhausted from the engine and informs the ECU or ECM. If the O2 sensor fails, the engine could either be burning the fuel with too much (lean), or too little (rich) oxygen. The end result is subpar performance, poor fuel efficiency, and increased emissions. An O2 sensor failing would prompt the check engine light to come up, normally.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #6. Mass Air Flow Sensor Failure
The Mass Air Flow sensor, or MAF sensor, works on the opposite end of the O2 sensor. It is just as important, as it informs the ECU or ECM to know how much fuel to pump into the engine, depending on the intake composition of the air. The air changes in its density depending on variables such as temperature, and pressure.
Hence, it’s very important for the MAF sensor to tell the engine how much fuel is required. If it’s working as intended, it should alert the engine as to how much fuel is required. The end result is a clean and efficient burn. If the MAF breaks, the ECU would miscalculate the amount of fuel that is injected. Not only would this cause damage to the engine, but also result in the same problems caused by a faulty O2 sensor.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #7. Catalytic Converter Failure
This is by far among the most serious causes that could light up the Service Engine Soon or check engine lights. Burning fossil fuels, such as gas or diesel, releases loads of harmful gasses into the atmosphere around you. This is made worse for the air, as particulates are released caused by the use of toxic chemicals during the refining process of fuels.
This is why most cars have catalytic converters, placed within their exhaust system. Catalytic converters work to scrub off the harmful chemicals and pollutants that are released from the engine. Catalytic converters, although designed to last a long time, can wear out over time. This is especially true if you continue to drive a car for extended periods with failing O2 and MAF sensors.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #8. Malfunctioning Ignition Coil
Ignition coils have the primary function of converting the car’s 12-volt power supply to the thousands of volts required to ignite the fuel and start the engine. When an ignition coil begins to fail, it can lead to erratic behavior like engine misfiring.
Consequently, you’ll notice a drop in power, fuel efficiency, and overall performance. This failing component will surely trigger your Service Engine Soon light. Regular check-ups can preempt this issue and keep your car running smoothly.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #9. Faulty Fuel Injector
A fuel injector plays a vital role in managing how the fuel is delivered to the engine. If it’s malfunctioning, it might either provide too much or too little fuel. This irregular supply can harm your engine’s performance, and result in decreased mileage. Moreover, a faulty injector can lead to the engine not starting at all. As such, your Service Engine Soon light will alert you to check on them.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #10. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve Malfunction
The EGR system reduces the amount of nitrogen oxide that can escape into the atmosphere. It reroutes some of the exhaust gases back into the engine intake, helping to reduce combustion temperatures.
If the EGR valve malfunctions, it can cause engine performance issues such as reduced power and poor throttle response. Not to mention, it can lead to increased emissions. A malfunctioning EGR valve can trigger the Service Engine Soon light.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #11. Transmission Issues
While the primary purpose of the Service Engine Soon light is engine-related issues, it can sometimes indicate problems with the transmission. These might include slippage, difficulty in gear shifting, or abnormal delay in engagement. Any irregularities in the transmission can strain the engine, affecting its performance and health in the long run.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #12. Bad Timing Belt or Chain
The timing belt or chain ensures the internal parts of the engine, such as the valves and the pistons, move in sync. If they’re out of alignment, it can result in significant engine damage. Thankfully, the Service Engine Soon light will often light up to alert you before catastrophic failure occurs. It’s a sign you should not ignore, as the repercussions of a snapped timing belt can be expensive and time-consuming.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #13. Failing Thermostat
The thermostat in your car helps regulate the engine’s temperature. If it fails, it could cause your engine to overheat or not reach its optimal operating temperature. Either scenario can reduce engine efficiency and increase wear and tear. Therefore, a faulty thermostat can be another reason for the Service Engine Soon light to come on.
Service Engine Soon, Causes #14. Damaged or Worn Out Serpentine Belt
The serpentine belt powers multiple peripheral devices in your car like the alternator, power steering pump, air conditioning compressor, and sometimes the water pump. To find out more, check out our guide on what does a water pump do in a car. If this belt is worn out or damaged, these systems can malfunction, potentially affecting the engine’s performance. Keeping an ear out for squealing sounds or checking the belt for wear and tear can help you preempt any serious issues.
In conclusion, the Service Engine Soon light is a guardian for your car’s overall health. While it can indicate minor issues, it can also be an early warning system for more serious problems. Being vigilant and addressing these causes promptly can save you from bigger headaches down the road. Remember, it’s always a good practice to consult with a professional mechanic to get a clear understanding of any problem your car might be facing.
How Long Can You Drive With Service Engine Soon Light On
We now know that causes that could prompt either the Service Engine Soon, or check engine lights to come on. Now we come to the question of should you keep on driving with one, or either light blinking along? The answer is a bit complicated.
First, we should know that the Service Engine Soon (and the Check Engine) light may have multiple different states. If it’s simply lighting up in yellow, orange, or an amber shade, then it might not be serious. However, if it’s flashing or blinking, or changing its color to red, then it’s warning you that the car needs immediate and serious attention.
In the end, it’s a matter of understanding how your respective car manufacturer has programmed what to inform you, whenever either the Service Engine Soon or check engine light comes on. As such, we highly recommend that you consult your owner’s manual to understand more specifically. However, our general view is that you should stop driving, and have your car looked at as soon as possible.
“But can I just ignore it, and keep driving?”, you might wonder. The Service Engine Soon light, as we’ve learned already, often indicates minor problems, or serves as a reminder for routine servicing. However, we also know that small problems can quickly, and expensively lead to bigger problems if not resolved quickly, and properly.
How Long Can You Drive With Check Engine Light On
Our recommendation is that you be wary of driving your car, and probably only drive as a last resort. The same applies if you’re seeing a check engine light, as well. After all, a car is a very complex machine, and all the hundreds and thousands of moving parts need to work in unison. Just a single fault, and would put more strain, thus causing damage to other components. It would also result in the car not working properly, thus affecting performance, fuel efficiency, emissions, and so on.
For example, let’s put ourselves in the scenario of being late to work, and needing to get there fast. You start up your car and notice an amber light that says Service Engine Soon. In this scenario, it should be okay for you to keep driving gently, and send it off for a check-up on the way home later. But while driving, be attentive to any slight changes in the behavior of your car, and do take note. Still, we recommend that you have it checked right away.
In our second scenario, let’s consider the same being late to work example again. But this time, you notice a flashing Service Engine Soon light, or it lights up in red. In this case, we highly recommend that you don’t drive. Any further use of the car, while the ECU is detecting some fault, would eventually lead to more damage, or wear and tear down the line. What could be a simple issue, might result in bigger bills later on.
How To Reset Service Engine Soon Light
You might wonder to yourself then, that there are many potential problems, both big and small, which could light up the Service Engine Soon warning. I’m sure you ought to be curious about how you could try to narrow down the problem a bit further. If anything, narrowing down the cause might just be a good way for you to plan out on how much you need to withdraw from the ATM to have your car fixed.
Your car’s owner manual should have an explanation, and hopefully an easy-to-read list. This would show all the problems that could arise if the Service Engine Soon or check engine light were to come on. Alternatively, most modern cars have onboard diagnostics. You can then use an OBD scanner that is compatible with your car. If your car is younger than 15 years old, then it might be compatible with the newer OBD2 standard. You can find these rather cheaply, often much less than $100.
There are even Bluetooth-enabled OBD scanners, allowing you to monitor them from your phone (also, check out our guide on how do I connect my phone to my car). Plug it into your car to read precisely what error codes are being thrown up by the ECU. This could easily pinpoint more precisely as to what’s causing the Service Engine Soon light to come on. It could also make for an easier way for you to understand more about what needs to be done, so you can find the right technicians to fix it.
Reset Service Engine Soon Light
But let’s say you don’t want to send it over to a workshop or dealership to have it fixed. Besides, labor costs are quite hefty given what needs to be done, especially if the Service Engine Soon light is showing only minor problems. If you have the time, there are some things that you can do very easily and quickly to fix the problems at home.
Plus, these repairs and solutions noted down below might help to make that light disappear. Or, at least fix the underlying cause of why the service engine soon light is appearing. Then, you can use an OBDII diagnostics tool to reset the service engine soon light, validating that you’ve resolved whatever’s wrong with your car originally.
1. Loose Fuel Cap
This is by far the cheapest cause for the Service Engine Soon Light to come on. Simply turn off the engine, remove the fuel cap, and tighten it back up again. Maybe you just forgot to have it screwed around the whole way through the last time you filled up your car.
Now, start the engine, and see if the Service Engine Soon light goes away. Note, that it might not immediately disappear and would require you to drive around for a bit before it does. If the light still doesn’t disappear, then the ECU may have detected that the fuel cap needs to be replaced. You can quickly buy a replacement for between $10-$20.
2. Low Fluid Levels
You can very easily check and fix this one too, while you’re at home. Turn the engine off, and check the engine bay to find all the tanks and reservoirs as needed. You can consult the owner’s manual for some help to find them. Then, check the engine oil, brake fluid, coolant, transmission fluid, and even the windscreen washers to make sure.
Every reservoir should have a marker to show the minimum level of fluid needed. If it’s too low, then you can consult your owner’s manual again to see which brand of fluid is recommended. Have it topped up, and see if the Service Engine Soon light goes away. Although, low fluid levels could also be a sign of more extensive problems, such as leaking, or needing to completely change and flush some of the fluids.
3. Professional Solutions
You might be reading that, and thinking maybe, just maybe, it’s a bit too serious for you. Or maybe you just aren’t sure about your way around a car or aren’t confident enough to fix it yourself. No worries, as there’s a wealth of different options out there, with experienced and caring technicians to do the work for you. If you’re in the US, you can use sites such as OpenBay, or YourMechanic to find quotes from nearby garages.
They are, naturally, a bit more of an expensive option given the addition of labor. But, the added expense might just be worth it to make sure your car runs smoothly and trouble-free for a few more years. The best source we have to know how much these parts will cost is using CarMD. You can look through their most recent report here, to find out the average causes and fixes for problems pertaining to the Service Engine Soon light.
The most common fault on average is a failing O2 sensor. These can cost an average of around $250, including the cost of labor. Spark plugs averaged around $170, although it’s worth noting that this depends on how many your car needs.
One spark plug per cylinder, and you can readily find them online for under $10 each. A MAF sensor would cost you a hefty $345, while a new catalytic converter is an eye-watering $900 (even with some references to our catalytic converter price lookup guide for a Honda Pilot catalytic converter – make sure you also know where to find catalytic converters for sale)!
Check Engine Light: Facts You Need to Know
- When the “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” light comes on, it indicates a potential repair or replacement of your engine or transmission.
- Ignoring these warning signs can result in serious problems, such as complete shutdown and high expenses, including towing and emergency roadside assistance.
- Initially, the light will show a solid color, which means your car is due for an assessment. If ignored, the light will begin flashing, which is more serious and requires an immediate visit to a mechanic.
- Mechanics will perform a road test to determine any issues with your vehicle’s ability to drive, and then scan the codes stored in the vehicle to provide a specific diagnosis and estimate of repairs.
- The most common reasons for the “Check Engine” light to come on include issues with the oxygen sensor, mass airflow sensor, catalytic converter, vacuum leak, or issues with spark plugs, ignition coils, or faulty gas caps.
- It is important to have these issues checked immediately upon suspecting there may be an issue with your car.
- The initial indicator is a reminder, which means scheduling an appointment at your earliest convenience.
- Always check your vehicle’s lights for signs and never dismiss them, even briefly.
- Ignoring these signs can lead to more extensive and expensive repairs down the line.
- If you need to check engine light diagnostics, bring your vehicle into an auto repair shop as soon as possible.
In conclusion, we hope that you’ve learned a thing or two about the Service Engine Soon light. Hopefully, you’ll be better prepared the next time, if it ever lights up on your instrument cluster. A Service Engine Soon light, in short, is like a canary in a coal mine. It chirps along if something is amiss. Pay no heed for long enough, and you may be walking into a world of hurt.
It might be something as minor as a loose fuel cap, or it might require entire sensors replaced. Expensive as it may be, sucking up the expense, for now, may as well help to avoid even ruinous repair bills later on. It’s a reminder to always keep on top of your car’s condition. It’s just like practicing your own healthcare routine, maintaining good exercise, and a healthy diet.
If you practice the same care and due diligence on your car as you do with yourself, then you might never have to see that Service Engine Soon light. Always be attentive to even the smallest of problems, or if your car is behaving oddly. Do that, and your automotive companion will never let you down.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you’re still curious to learn more about service engine soon lights, our FAQs here might help…
What Does Service Engine Soon Mean
Unlike a check engine light, a service engine soon light often appears as a reminder to get your car serviced, rather than alerting you that something’s wrong. Therefore, the service engine soon light, if it appears in your gauge cluster, isn’t indicative of anything immediately serious (unlike a check engine light). Often, carmakers would even program it to appear automatically after a certain mileage is reached, whenever your car needs a service, or if a component is due for a change. For example, this light would show up if your car is telling you that the spark plugs need changing soon. Or, if the fluid should be flushed and swapped out in the near future. Once you’ve had some routine service done, you could then reset the service engine soon light.
How To Turn Off Service Engine Soon Light
The service engine soon light will appear as a reminder from your car that you’ll have to commit to a routine service sometime soon. Once you’ve had that service done, like changing the oil or swapping out some old spark plugs, you can then reset the service engine. This will turn the warning light off and ensures that it would no longer appear on your gauge cluster, at least not before the next scheduled service interval. The best way to turn off a service engine light is by using an OBDII diagnostics tool. Here, you can reset the servicing items, like resetting the schedule on an oil change. This should turn the light off. However, some cars are programmed to have the service engine light turn off automatically once you complete a task like changing the fluids.
Is Service Engine Soon The Same As Check Engine
Although it’s easy to confuse them, the service engine soon light isn’t the same as the check engine light. The confusion mainly lies in the fact that many automakers combine both lights together in some instances. Sometimes, certain issues with your car would light up both lights. Otherwise, a lot of automakers don’t even include a service engine soon light, preferring to rely solely on the check engine light. In essence, a service engine soon light often serves as a reminder that your routine servicing is due. This is to let you know that the oil needs changing, spark plugs need replacing, and so on. Meanwhile, a check engine light would be used as a warning that something on your car has failed or is about to fail. Often, it relates to parts of the engine, transmission, or emissions control.
What To Do When Check Engine Light Comes On
The check engine light, although mostly a sign that something is seriously wrong with your car, can also come on for seemingly simple or trivial reasons. For example, a loose gas cap is enough to trigger the check engine light. Regardless, a check engine light shouldn’t be ignored. The severity does depend on the state of the check engine light, though. If it’s lighting up and remains constant, then it might not always indicate something serious. However, if the check engine light is flashing/blinking, then you need to have it diagnosed and fixed right away. A blinking/flashing check engine light is an indicator that a major component of your car is failing or has already failed. Thus, you should avoid driving your car, and call in a mechanic to diagnose what’s wrong.
Does Check Engine Light Come On For Oil Change
Typically, a car won’t light up the check engine light just to remind you that you need to do an oil change. A lot of cars will illuminate a service engine soon light or a maintenance light (or something similar) as a reminder that you’re due for an oil change. Automakers even program these lights to appear after a certain mileage. However, a check engine light can come on if your car finds that an oil change is desperately needed. This is the case if you’re long overdue for an oil change, for example. Or, if you’re running the wrong type of oil in your car. Alternatively, it would also light up if there are problems with the oiling system itself. For instance, if there’s a lot of oily sludge building up and clogging the oiling passageways. Or, if the oil pressure is out of spec. | <urn:uuid:dddb5350-eb19-4ae3-a19e-1b8b66c13891> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:34:50Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.945991 | 6,670 | 7,144 |
Tianeptine is an atypical antidepressant that has been approved in several countries for treating depression but is not authorized for medical use in the United States.
Despite this, it has found a significant market in the U.S. as a nootropic, often sold under names like ZaZa or Tianna Red, and has been nicknamed “gas station heroin” due to its euphoric effects and potential for abuse.
The drug’s misuse involves doses much higher than the therapeutic range, leading to rapid tolerance, dependence, and severe withdrawal symptoms, posing a significant public health risk.
- Pharmacological Profile: Contrary to earlier classifications as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), tianeptine acts as a µ-opioid receptor agonist with anxiolytic effects, offering a more nuanced understanding of its mechanism in treating depression.
- Misuse & Abuse: Tianeptine’s availability over the counter in the US has led to its misuse, with users consuming up to 100 times the therapeutic dose to achieve euphoria, rapidly developing tolerance and dependence.
- Public Health Concern: The widespread availability and lack of regulation of tianeptine, combined with its significant potential for abuse and severe withdrawal symptoms, represent an emerging public health threat.
- Need for Awareness: There is a critical need for increased awareness among clinicians, potential users, and regulators about the risks of tianeptine misuse, as well as for steps to control its distribution and use.
Source: Cureus (2023)
Tianeptine: A Comprehensive Overview
Tianeptine, an atypical antidepressant with a unique pharmacological profile, has been a subject of significant interest and controversy in the medical community and beyond.
Tianeptine was first developed in the 1960s by French researchers and introduced to the market in the late 1980s.
Unlike traditional antidepressants available at the time, such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants, tianeptine exhibited a novel mechanism of action for depression.
It has been approved for medical use in several countries around the world, primarily for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD).
However, its approval and use vary significantly by country – and tianeptine is not approved for any medical purposes in the U.S.
Medical Uses (Non-U.S.)
- Depression: Tianeptine’s primary indication is for the treatment of major depressive episodes, showing effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of depression across various populations.
- Anxiety Disorders: It has also been used off-label for treating anxiety disorders due to its anxiolytic effects, offering an alternative for patients who do not respond well to conventional treatments.
- Additional Off-label Uses: Reports indicate its effectiveness in managing conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), asthma, and certain types of pain, suggesting a broader therapeutic potential.
- Nootropic Supplement: In the United States, tianeptine is sold as a nootropic supplement under various brand names, purported to improve cognitive function, mood, and overall brain health despite the lack of FDA approval for these uses.
- Recreational Use: The euphoric effects at high doses have led to its misuse as a recreational drug, contributing to its nickname “gas station heroin.”
Health & Physiological Effects
- Therapeutic Benefits: At prescribed doses, tianeptine can improve mood, alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms, and enhance overall well-being with fewer side effects than traditional antidepressants.
- Adverse Effects: High doses used for non-medical purposes can lead to severe side effects, including nausea, constipation, hypertension, liver damage, respiratory depression, and even death.
- Dependence & Withdrawal: Tianeptine can cause physical dependence, with withdrawal symptoms that include agitation, anxiety, muscle pain, and cravings for the drug. (Read: Tianeptine Withdrawal Symptoms)
Reasons for Use
- Depression & Anxiety: Many users seek tianeptine for its effective treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders, especially when other medications have failed.
- Cognitive Enhancement: The perception of tianeptine as a cognitive enhancer has fueled its use as a nootropic supplement.
- Recreational Euphoria: The opioid-like euphoric effects at high doses attract individuals looking for recreational drug experiences.
Mechanisms of Action
- Atypical Antidepressant Properties: Tianeptine is unique in that it does not primarily function as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Instead, it is believed to modulate glutamatergic activity and enhance neuroplasticity, offering a different approach to treating depression.
- µ-Opioid Receptor Agonism: Recent studies have revealed that tianeptine acts as an agonist at the µ-opioid receptor, which is thought to contribute to its mood-enhancing and anxiolytic effects, as well as its potential for abuse at high doses.
- Influence on Neuroplasticity: Tianeptine has been shown to induce neuroplastic changes in the brain, suggesting that its antidepressant effects may be mediated through mechanisms that improve the brain’s resilience to stress.
Main Facts: Narrative Review of Tianeptine in 2023
Wagner et al. published a narrative review of tianeptine in Cureus (2023) – discussing its therapeutic use, patterns of abuse, and emerging public health concerns linked to the drug – below are some main facts.
1. Pharmacological Properties & Therapeutic Use
- Mechanism of Action: Tianeptine’s primary mechanism as a µ-opioid receptor agonist distinguishes it from traditional antidepressants. This action challenges the conventional monoaminergic hypothesis of depression, suggesting a role for neuroplasticity and the complex interplay among neurotransmitters in the pathophysiology of depression.
- Therapeutic Efficacy: At therapeutic doses (25 to 50 mg/day), tianeptine has been shown to be effective in treating depressive disorders, with additional benefits in managing somatic symptoms and anxiety. Its high bioavailability and rapid elimination make it a potentially valuable option for certain patients, underscoring the importance of understanding its correct use.
2. Misuse & Abuse of Tianeptine
- Supratherapeutic Dosing and Euphoria: The misuse of tianeptine involves consumption at doses significantly higher than the therapeutic range, often exceeding 100 times the recommended amount. This supratherapeutic dosing is driven by the drug’s euphoric effects, which lead to rapid tolerance development and a cycle of increasing consumption to achieve the desired psychoactive effects.
- Withdrawal and Dependence: The rapid development of tolerance necessitates escalating doses for users to experience euphoria, leading to physical dependence. Withdrawal symptoms are severe, including agitation more frequently as a presenting symptom, highlighting the drug’s potential for abuse and the challenges of discontinuation.
3. Public Health Threat of Tianeptine
- Emerging Threat: Tianeptine’s availability over the counter in the United States, under names like ZaZa or Tianna Red, and its nickname “gas station heroin” underscore its misuse as a nootropic and recreational drug. The lack of regulation and easy accessibility contribute to its status as an emerging public health threat.
- Polysubstance Abuse: The drug is often used in conjunction with other substances, complicating the clinical picture of toxicity and withdrawal. Polysubstance users may seek tianeptine to mitigate withdrawal symptoms from other drugs, unaware of its potential dangers.
- Lack of Awareness and Screening: The limited awareness among clinicians and the absence of tianeptine in standard urine drug assays hinder the identification and treatment of misuse. This gap underscores the need for healthcare professionals to be informed about the potential for abuse and the signs of tianeptine toxicity.
4. Regulatory & Awareness Challenges
- Need for Regulation: The review highlights the critical need for regulatory actions to control the sale and distribution of tianeptine. Current availability without prescription, especially online and in retail outlets, facilitates its misuse.
- Awareness & Education: There is an urgent need for increased awareness among healthcare providers, patients, and the general public about the risks associated with tianeptine misuse. Education campaigns and training for clinicians can help mitigate the risks and guide appropriate therapeutic use.
Safe Use vs. Misuse/Abuse of Tianeptine
The distinction between the safe use and misuse/abuse of tianeptine is critical for understanding its potential benefits and risks.
This differentiation is primarily rooted in dosage, intention of use, and adherence to medical guidance.
Safe Use of Tianeptine
- Therapeutic Dosage: Tianeptine is prescribed at a therapeutic dose range of 25 to 50 mg per day, divided into three doses. This dosage has been found effective for the treatment of depression and anxiety, with minimal side effects.
- Under Medical Supervision: Safe use involves prescription and oversight by a healthcare professional, ensuring that the patient’s health status, potential drug interactions, and response to treatment are closely monitored.
- Adherence to Prescribed Use: Patients are advised to adhere strictly to the dosage and duration prescribed by their healthcare provider, without self-adjusting the dose or frequency of intake.
Misuse/Abuse of Tianeptine
- Excessive Dosage: Misuse of tianeptine often involves consuming the drug in doses significantly higher than recommended, sometimes exceeding 100 times the therapeutic dose. Such high doses are sought for their euphoric effects, similar to opioids.
- Non-medical Use: Abuse of tianeptine is characterized by consumption without a medical prescription, often for recreational purposes or self-medication beyond its intended use for depression or anxiety.
- Risk of Dependence & Withdrawal: At high doses, tianeptine poses a risk of physical dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms. Users may experience a cycle of increasing dosage to maintain euphoria or to avoid withdrawal, leading to a higher risk of toxicity and adverse effects.
- Education & Awareness: Patients and healthcare providers need to be educated about the potential risks of tianeptine misuse and the importance of adhering to prescribed doses.
- Monitoring & Support: Regular monitoring by healthcare professionals can help identify signs of misuse or dependence early, allowing for timely intervention and support for those struggling with misuse or withdrawal.
- Regulation & Control: Implementing regulations to control the distribution and sale of tianeptine can reduce its availability for non-medical use, thereby limiting its potential for abuse.
Limitations of the Review: Tianeptine in 2023
The review of tianeptine, while comprehensive, encounters several limitations that are important to acknowledge for a balanced understanding of the topic.
These limitations can influence the interpretation of findings, the generalizability of the review, and the direction of future research. Here’s a detailed exploration of these constraints:
1. Scope of Literature
- Selective Focus: The review primarily concentrates on certain aspects of tianeptine, such as its medical uses, non-medical uses, and mechanisms of action, potentially overlooking emerging research areas or novel therapeutic applications.
- Publication Bias: There exists a tendency for positive results to be published more frequently than negative or inconclusive findings, which could skew the overall understanding of tianeptine’s efficacy and safety profile.
2. Quality & Diversity of Studies
- Variability in Study Design: The included studies may vary significantly in their design, methodology, sample size, and populations studied, making direct comparisons and meta-analyses challenging.
- Limited Long-term Data: Much of the research on tianeptine, especially regarding its long-term effects and potential for dependency, is limited. This paucity of longitudinal data restricts a full understanding of its safety profile over extended use.
3. Geographical & Regulatory Disparities
- Regulatory Differences: The legal status and availability of tianeptine vary by country, which can influence usage patterns, reported outcomes, and the types of studies conducted. These disparities can limit the applicability of findings across different contexts.
- Cultural Attitudes: Cultural perceptions and attitudes toward mental health and medication use can also affect the prevalence of tianeptine’s use and the reporting of its effects, potentially biasing the data.
4. Non-Medical Use & Abuse Potential
- Underreporting of Abuse: Non-medical use, misuse, and abuse of tianeptine are likely underreported due to the stigma associated with drug abuse and the limitations of surveillance systems, leading to an incomplete picture of its abuse potential.
- Lack of Standardized Measures for Abuse: The absence of standardized criteria or measures to evaluate tianeptine’s potential for abuse and dependence makes it difficult to assess and compare the risk across studies accurately.
5. Mechanisms of Action
- Incomplete Understanding: While recent research has shed light on tianeptine’s mechanisms of action, particularly its role as a µ-opioid receptor agonist, the full range of its pharmacological effects remains incompletely understood. This gap in knowledge limits the ability to fully predict or explain its therapeutic effects and potential side effects.
6. Generalizability of Findings
- Population-Specific Results: Most studies on tianeptine might have been conducted in specific populations, under controlled conditions, or with particular dosages, limiting the ability to generalize findings to broader, more diverse populations or to real-world settings.
7. Emerging Research
- Rapidly Evolving Field: As with many areas of pharmacology, research on tianeptine is rapidly evolving. The review may not capture the latest findings or emerging trends, particularly those published after the review’s search date or in less accessible sources.
Should Tianeptine Be Regulated in the United States?
The debate over whether tianeptine should be regulated is multifaceted, touching on issues of medical freedom, public health, and drug abuse.
Arguments Against Regulation
1. Medical Freedom and Autonomy
- Personal Choice: Advocates against regulation argue that individuals should have the freedom to make their own health and wellness decisions, including the choice to use tianeptine as a nootropic or antidepressant.
- Patient Empowerment: Allowing unregulated access to tianeptine can empower patients who feel their medical needs are not fully met by traditional healthcare systems, providing an alternative avenue for treatment.
2. Innovation and Accessibility
- Promotes Research & Development: Less regulation could encourage ongoing research into tianeptine’s potential benefits and novel uses, fostering innovation within the pharmaceutical and nootropic industries.
- Enhances Accessibility: Without regulatory barriers, tianeptine remains more accessible to those who might benefit from its use, especially in regions with limited access to mental health services.
3. Economic Considerations
- Market Dynamics: Free market proponents argue that regulation could stifle the economic benefits derived from the sale and distribution of tianeptine, impacting businesses and consumers.
- Cost to Consumers: Regulation often leads to increased costs for consumers, making tianeptine less affordable for those who rely on it for therapeutic purposes.
Arguments For Regulation
1. Public Health & Safety
- Risk of Abuse & Addiction: Given tianeptine’s opioid receptor agonism, there’s a substantial risk of abuse, addiction, and withdrawal symptoms, warranting regulation to prevent misuse.
- Adverse Health Effects: High doses of tianeptine are associated with serious health risks, including respiratory depression and death. Regulation could limit access to dangerously high doses and reduce incidents of toxicity.
2. Quality Control
- Ensures Product Safety: Regulation would ensure that tianeptine products meet specific safety and quality standards, protecting consumers from contaminated or counterfeit products.
- Accurate Labeling: Mandatory labeling requirements could inform users of potential risks, appropriate dosages, and conditions for use, promoting informed decision-making.
3. Healthcare System Integration
- Monitoring & Reporting: Regulated substances are more closely monitored, allowing for better tracking of adverse events and long-term outcomes, which can inform healthcare practices and policy.
- Professional Guidance: Regulation ensures that tianeptine use is supervised by healthcare professionals, facilitating appropriate dosing, monitoring for side effects, and integrating its use into broader treatment plans.
4. Preventing Recreational Misuse
- Limits Non-medical Use: By controlling the distribution and availability of tianeptine, regulation can curb its recreational use and the development of a black market, addressing concerns related to drug abuse and dependency.
- Societal Costs: The societal costs associated with drug abuse—not only in healthcare but in productivity and criminal justice—can be mitigated through regulation, which aims to prevent misuse before it starts.
Conclusion: Tianeptine Trends in 2023
- Paper: From Antidepressant Tianeptine to Street Drug ZaZa: A Narrative Review (2023)
- Authors: Morgan L Wagner et al. | <urn:uuid:efa00d5c-7f18-4b50-9c79-84c5ab028a55> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:46:59Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.912967 | 3,577 | 4,352 |
Below you will find diary entries on the topic of “Courts.” You can view other subjects here.
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David O. McKay Diaries
Thur., 16 Feb., 1939:
“In Council Meeting today the ‘right’ of the First Presidency and the Twelve was questioned in regard to recommending man to receive his former blessings who had been excommunicated and who died without having given satisfactory evidence of repentance.
Brother Joseph F. Smith would condemn all such to the Terrestrial and Telestial Kingdoms.”
Wed., 8 Mar., 1939:
“Telephoned Bishop Pack of the Mt. Olympus Ward, Cottonwood Stake, and asked him why Clyde J. Neilson had not been dealth with for his fellowship on the grounds of apostacy. He answered me that he had already spoken to the Stake President (Brother Bringhurst) and that he had intimated that he, the Bishop, did not have the authority. I advised Bishop Pack to get in touch with the President again and take steps to deal with Neilson as his apostate acts merit.
Also telephoned to Bishop Charles G. Wright of the 16th Ward, Salt Lake City, regarding Alonzo F. Cole, alother apostate, who with Marius P. Peterson, and Clyde J. Neilson issued a publication against the Church. Bishop Wright said he would take action against him.”
Wed., 7 Jul., 1947:
“[Telephone call] Bishop Wirthlin–re: Mr. Start-up who is on trial for murdering a man. His Bishop want to know regarding his status in the Church, and whether or not he should be excommunicated. I told Bishop Wirthlin I thought he should be excommunicated.”
Mon., 13 Dec., 1948:
“Bishop Richards telephoned to say that President Dunn of the Tooele Stake was in his office stating that they had excommunicated a married man for illicit relations with a returned lady missionary. She has had a baby as a result of their unlawful cohabitation.
The man who has been excommunicated pleads that no publicity be given. I answered that there must be a record of his excommunication, and the usual announcement to the Bishops of his excommunication. I said that no other publicity need be given it.”
Tues., 1 Mar., 1949:
“At 9:30 a.m.–George Romney (Assistant to the President of the Nash-Kelvinator Company) and President of the Detroit Branch of the Church, called at the office. He reported that one George Biery is causing much trouble in the Branch. He was tried and disfellowshipped several months ago for preaching false doctrine and being out of harmony with the authorities. He appealed to the First Presidency and the decision was reversed–that is the trial was declared to have not been in confirmity with the policy of the Church, and so the sentence was set aside. Since that time Biery has caused more trouble, and he now finds fault with the President of the Branch and with others.
I suggested that the Branch Presidency sit as a ‘Bishop’s Court’ and try him for his fellowship, and Brother Romney reported that the President of the Mission–Creed Haymond–has already taken steps to summon Biery before a Mission Council.
This is probably the right thing to do inasmuch as Biery would accuse Brother Romney of being prejudiced since Biery has such ill-feelings toward Romney.
I told Brother Romney they could go right ahead with the action as planned, but to be sure that they have ample evidence that the notice of trial is given and that due process of trial in accordance with church procedure be carried out.”
Wed., 7 Dec., 1949:
“10:45–Met at his request Dr. D. E. Smith who called to present the case of a young man by the name of Dean Chase who has asked to be excommunicated from the Church. It is felt that Bro. Chase is ‘mixed-up’ having just returned from the Nuremburg trials in Germany and has become embittered. I called Bp. Douglas Smith of the South Edgehill Ward (the ward in which Bro. Chase lives) and asked him about this case. Bishop Smith said they are preparing now to send out summons to Bro. Chse to appear at a Bishop’s Court next Wednesday night. Said that he had written a letter to Pres. Smith, and that Bro. Robinson of the Edgehill Ward (who used to be Bro. Chase’s Bishop) referred the matter to him as the ward had since been divided. Bishop Smith said he had talked with Bro. Chse three times, trying to get him to change his mind. Said he thought Bro. Chase is not qualified to make the step. He is only 21; that he is embittered over the trials that went on in Germany. The Bishop said Bro. Chase had sent him postcards and very definitely asks for excommunication.
I told Bishop Smith that I thought he would be justified in postponing action. The Bishop said he would be very happy to do that. I said that it is probable that Bro. Chase is just floundering; that we have had some of these young fellows before; that a little learning is a dangerous thing, and these young men think because they have a little knowledge they know everything. The Bishop said he had talked to the parents and together they have done everything to get him to see differently. I said, ‘Well, let’s wait awahile, and in a month or so you might call me.'”
Fri., 3 Feb., 1950:
“I received President John D. Hill, his counselor Edward K. Winder, Bishop A. J. Johnson and his first counselor Clarence Brady of Redwood Ward.
Their problem concerned reports reflecting on the moral standing of the second counselor in the Redwood Ward–viz., Howard Bird. I instructed them to call Brother Bird before them and face him with the accusations, and if he admits that he is guilty, then there is nothing they can do but release him from the Bishopric and disfellowship him.”
Wed., 8 Feb., 1950:
“At 9:45 a.m.–Brother Oscar J. Harlene, President of the Grant Stake, and George W. Fowler his second counselor, called at the office and reported the unsavory case involving Bishop Wendell E. Mecham of the Hillcrest Ward who has been guilty of sexual relations with a young girl evidently a member of a ‘gang’ who trapped the Bishop and then reported the case to her gangster lover who threatened the Bishop with publicity, or worse, if he did not come through with $5oo hush money, which the Bishop did. Capt. Ernest J. Steinfeldt of the Police Force learned of the case, and I believe arrested the ‘gangster’ for having taken bribe money.
I instructed the Presidency to convene the High Council at once, dismiss Mecham from the Bishopric, disfellowship him, reorganize the Bishopric next Sunday night, and later take steps to excommunicate the Bishop and one or two others who are accused of having had criminal relations with this same girl’s sister.”
Fri., 10 Feb., 1950:
“9 a.m.–Mr. Howard F. Bird of the Bishopric of the Redwood Ward, North Jordan Stake, about whom President John D. Hill consulted me the other day called at the office. He has been accused of actions of a serious nature, and came in to beg for leniency and another chance. I told him that the people of the Ward, the parents of the Ward had put their trust in him, that he had betrayed that trust, and that he cannot be sustained in the Bishopric of that Ward. He said, ‘What can I do?’ I told him that by his conduct and repentance he can win the forgiveness of those whom he has wronged.”
Wed., 21 Jun., 1950:
“7:45 a.m.–H. W. Valentine called and related the case of one of our returned missionaries–Elder Duane Kump of the Northern States and later Great Lakes States Missions, who consorted with a Mrs. Louise Carsey, 45, of Athens, Illinois. Elder Kump was released 60 days ago, and has now sent for Mrs. Carsey and she is located at 376 N. 1st West, this city. Day before yesterday Elder Kimb married her. It was further reported that the missionaries in the vicinity of Athens, Ill. are trying to dispose of Mrs. Carsey’s property for her. (Mrs. Kumb works at the Miners Hospital, City.)
I immediately got in touch with President Waldo Anderson of the Northern States Mission, related the above information to him, and told him that he should get in touch with the Elders who are disposing of Mrs. Carsey’s property and put a stop to it at once; that the church must have nothing whatever to do with this. I further said that Mrs. Carsey will in all probability be excommunicated from the Church and so will the Elder–that they will have to attend to their own business. President Anderson said he would get in touch with them (the missionaries) immediately and see that they do not involve themselves in this matter in any way.”
Fri., 21 Jul, 1950:
“Met Mr. and Mrs. Parley A. Dansie who came in regarding their son Robert Dansie, a former missionary in the Texas-Louisiana Mission, who is now living in the mission field in Texas with his wife. He has been influenced by one Samuel H. McCracken, 2nd Coun. to President Benjamin L. Bowring of the Texas-Louisiana Mission, who is preaching a pernicious doctrine and following after a Mr. Cunningham, a non-member of the Church, who claims to be a ‘Seer’. The First Presidency has already written to Pres. Bowring, in answer to a letter they received from him giving an account of the disturbance that is being caused by the above named men, telling him that he should call Brother McCracken and Robert Dansie in and impress upon them the seriousness of the path they are following, and if they do not desist they will be summoned to show cause why they should not be excommunicated from the Chruch.
I told Brother and Sister Dansie to write to Brother Spencer Kimball who knows Robert Dansie and ask him if he will work with him and see if he can do anything with him.”
Sun., 28 Jan., 1951:
“Was in the office most of the day keeping my hand on the missionary and draft situation. It was 7 or 7:30 p.m. before I left for home.
At 8 a.m. I received a long distance call from President Choules of the Southern states Mission that an Elder in Alabama had admitted having been unchaste with an investigator, and President Choules asked what to do.
I told Pres. Choules to excommunicate the Elder and send him home; that there is nothing else we can do in a case of this kind.
Later, I received a telephone message from a Draft Board member, which indicated that the telephone message sent yesterday from the State Selective Service did not carry the message promised by Colonel Gray.”
Tues., 10 Apr., 1951:
“President Graff of Hurricane, Utah called regarding one of his members who is having marital difficulties–he has just returned from Japan, his wife has been untrue to him, and he would like to get a temple divorce from her. I told Pres. Graff to have him send in his application for a cancellation, but that the civil divorce must be final before doing that. Also that the local authorities down there will have to decide whether the girl, who admits to illicit relations with the men with whom she has been associating, is to be disfellowshipped or excommunicated from the church.”
Mon., 7 Dec., 1953:
“4. Bishop Willard Glen Hansen of the Cardston 2nd Ward, whom President Brewerton has recommended be released because of a moral condition, called on me. In answer to my question, he admitted that he had been ‘fooling’ with his 12-year-old daughter. Said he had confessed this to President Brewerton before he was put in as Bishop and President Brewerton forgave him on condition that he would do it no more. It seems that he has not discontinued it. I told him that he must be dealt with in the Ward and Stake where he lives. The brethren decided to tell President Brewerton he must be handled for his standing in the Church.
Fri., 20 Aug., 1954:
Mark E. Petersen telephoned regarding the excommunication of a man who had seduced a young girl. He asked what mercy should they show the girl because of her youth. I said that we should be showing mercy if we disfellowshipped her. Brother Petersen agreed, saying that the girl knew what she was doing – that he was a married man with three children, and that he had a daughter the same age as the girl in question.”
24 Nov., 1954:
“President McKay called President Thomas O. Smith of the North Weber Stake regarding a letter received from Mrs. Josephine Kranendonk, R.F.D. #1, Box 304, Ogden, Utah relative to her fourteen year old daughter being involved with a forty-eight year old divorced man.
President Smith told me that he was familiar with the case. He also stated that he did not know the details, but he knew the case in a general way. He did not know the man, but he understands that he is not a member of the Church. The man is a newcomer in the area. I told President Smith that I would refer the matter to him. President Smith asked if I had any suggestions. He told me that the couple were married last week. I told President Smith that if the man was not a member of the Church, we would not be able to excommunicate him. President Smith said he didn’t know just what had been decided relative to the girl by her Bishop. The Bishop has talked to the couple. I told President Smith that by marriage the baby would be able to have a name. I told President Smith that I would acknowledge the letter and tell them that I understand the girl is married, and it is now in the hands of the Stake Presidency and Bishop. President Smith said they would follow through on it.”
Fri., 1 July, 1955:
“2. Elder Hugh B. Brown who came in and reported that he had met an excommunicant who had asked him, Brother Brown, to call on me and make a recommendation regarding the excommunicant’s request to have his priesthood restored. Brother Brown promised that he would call on me and make the recommendation. He recommended that the man be not given his restoration at present. He says that he is blaming the woman in the case for his having been given the sentence of excommunication.
Brother Brown then said: ‘I will tell him that I called to see you.’ I said that he may also add that I told you (Brother Brown) that his having his blessings restored is a matter for the First Presidency and the Twelve to decide and not for the President of the Church.”
Mon., 10 Dec., 1956:
11:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Davis of Bedford, Wyoming came in to the office, after having waited since 7 o’clock this morning.
On October 25, 1956 at a meeting of the First Presidency their case was reviewed and the question considered as to whether the proper course would be restoration of former blessings or ratification of subsequent ordinances. It was decided that restoration of former blessings and ratification of ordinances subsequent to excommunication would be in order. Later on November 15, 1956 at a meeting of the First Presidency this case was again reviewed in which the decision had been reached that appropriate action to be taken is restoration of his blessings and ratification of ordinances performed.
Accordingly, in accordance with the above decisions of the First Presidency, I this day restored by the laying on of hands all of his former blessings upon Ira Davis of Bedford, Wyoming. Besides restoring his former blessings, all the ordinations performed by him since his baptism and ordination as an Elder were ratified.
Fri., 12 July, 1957:
“Telephone conversation with President Elden L. Ord, Covina Stake, Covina, California, Friday, July 12, 1957
Re: Transgression of Bishop Roland M. Roskelley, Azusa Ward, Covina Stake.
President Ord: President McKay, this is President Ord of Covina Stake. I am so sorry to trouble you.
President McKay: No trouble.
President Ord: Do you remember the case with Bishop Roskelley, the Bishop who transgressed? We received your letter instructing us to release him immediately. I am vitally concerned about the family situation and the ward over which he has been presiding, as I explained in the letter. He has been a very devoted person, especially in connection with his work as Bishop. I should like to have some counsel as to the best way to communicate this to the ward. Is there any possibility that his successor could be announced concurrent with his release?
President McKay: You do not have to give it too much publicity, no more than you need to.
President Ord: I thought we would release him in a sacrament meeting. At that time we could present the new bishop. Could we state that the reason for release is because it is necessary to do so? Would you suggest that Bishop Roskelley express himself at this meeting?
President McKay: No, I would not have Bishop Roskelley express himself at this meeting. Release him by stating that he has given his resignation.
President Ord: I feel that he has labored very devotedly in the Church.
President McKay: That does not matter; that man must be dealt with.
President Ord: Regarding the type of judgment to Bishop Roskelley at the trial, whether it be disfellowshipment or excommunication, will this be left with the High Council? I feel that he has done so much good in various ways.
President McKay: Yes, but think of the harm he has done. My goodness!
President Ord: That is right. I do not know whether we can keep the family together or not.
President McKay: You know what the Book of Mormon says, that ‘sin is never happiness.’
President Ord: Do you feel that the details of this should be communicated to the High Council in the trial?
President McKay: You will have to; you will have to summon him for transgression, immoral conduct.
President Ord: But the decision will be as to how we are guided by inspiration, whether it be disfellowshipment or excommunication. It is a tremendous thing. Thank you very much, President. Goodby.”
Thurs., 25 Aug. 1960:
One matter considered was a letter from President Frank A. Brown (East Central States Mission President) and a copy of a letter proposed by President Ingle of Chatanooga Branch to be sent to inactive members of the Church. The Branch President’s letter recited to the person addressed the facts of his baptism and of his inactive status, and asked for a reply within thirty days as to the attitude and the wish of the individual to continuing his membership in the Church, and informed him that failure to respond would be acted upon as willingness to have the name of the individual taken from the records of the Church.
I stated that such a letter should not be sent, but that a faithful and diligent missionary labor should be undertaken in each case.”
Tues., 15 Nov. 1960:
Conference with Elder Mark Petersen regarding Allan Howe, Chairman of the Young Democrats of Utah who has been excommunicated and now re-instated by baptism. He is going to Washington, D.C. and would like to go in full fellowship in the Church. After discussing the matter, I told Brother Petersen to bring the case up at our Council meeting next Thursday.”
Thurs., 27 May 1965:
“Excommunication of Mayo Kimberly Johnson – Fifteen-Year-Old who Killed His Mother
President Brown reviewed the case of Mayo Johnson, fifteen-year-old youth of Walnut Creek Stake who went out of control and killed his mother. Thomas Ferguson, lawyer, is representing the young man. The Church officers ask whether or not the boy should be disfellowshipped or excommunicated. The Bishop has written reviewing the case and asks instruction as to the action to be taken. The boy was not found guilty of murder because of his age. This is the rule in California. He has been detained by the State and will likely remain the rest of his life.
I advised that the Bishop be instructed to excommunicate him.”
Thurs., 9 Sept. 1965:
“Excommunicant or Disfellowshipped Person – Membership Record
We reviewed new rulings or instructions proposed by the Presiding Bishopric and considered with the Presiding Bishopric by Elder Delbert L. Stapley. Elder Stapley’s letter was read.
The handbook of instruction states that the white membership record of a person disfellowshipped is to remain in the Ward in which the individual was disfellowshipped. The Bishopric suggest that the membership record of a disfellowshipped person go with the membership records of other members of a family so that the Bishop of the new Ward will have notification in some appropriate way of the status of a disfellowshipped person so he can proceed appropriately to assist in rehabilitation of the individual. The Council of the Twelve advise that the jurisdiction for determining the readiness of the individual for the removal of the disfellowshipment be not transferred to the Ward to which the individual may move, but that the membership record remain in the Ward where the individual was disfellowshipped and that the disfellowshipping court act upon the petition for removal of the bar of disfellowshipment.
I concurred in the recommendation of the Council and favored the new Bishop being informed of the status of the person disfellowshipped so that he can assist in appropriate ways in his rehabilitation. This was taken up at Council Meeting today, and Elder Stapley was instructed to talk to the Presiding Bishopric about this matter.
Thurs., 28 Oct. 1965:
Excommunications – Committee to Pass Upon Restoration Cases
We discussed the recommendation by Elder Delbert L. Stapley in a recent meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve that a committee be appointed to assist in passing upon restoration cases, at which time I had indicated that such a committee would be appointed at the next meeting of the First Presidency. We now agreed to appoint Elders Delbert L. Stapley, Marion G. Romney, and Gordon B. Hinckley to serve on this committee, the committee to submit their recommendations to the First Presidency.
Fri., 7 Jan. 1966:
Excommunications – Number in 1965
The bishopric reported that during the year 1965, there were 2,668 excommunications; 1,887 for apostasy, 257 for immorality, 96 joined the Catholic Church. Of this number 1,701 were converts to the Church — 520 of which number were from the Missions.
We requested the Presiding Bishopric to break this number down further to indicate the number of excommunicants in the various areas, particularly in Mission areas, and to give further details regarding them.
Fri. 4 Feb. 1966:
“Excommunications – Number in January 1966
Bishop Simpson reported that during the month of January 1966, there was a total of 216 excommunications — 124 of which were for apostasy, and that 82 percent of these were new converts to the Church.”
Wed., 9 Feb. 1966:
8:45 to 10:30 a.m.
Held a meeting with the First Presidency. Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Smith were present.
We considered a number of general Church matters, among them being:
Excommunications, Request for Assistance – Are Reinstatements Being Pushed Too Quickly?
Elder Stapley said that he needs someone to assist him full time with the excommunication cases by doing the detail work of interviewing, researching, facts, etc. He said it is taking so much of his time that he cannot keep up with his other duties and assignments. I said he should have some help, but that I wondered if some requests for reinstatement were being pushed too quickly. (See Elder Stapley’s report of this Conference which follows.)”
Wed., 8 Mar. 1967:
Held at the apartment a meeting of the First Presidency — Presidents Brown and Tanner were present. President Smith was excused as he was attending a quarterly meeting of the Twelve. President Isaacson still at home ill due to a stroke. Among a number of items considered were:
Baptism of Murderer
Consideration was given to a letter from President Wilford M. Burton of the Eastern Atlantic States Mission presenting the fact pertaining to the case of Buddy Edmond Spears, a deaf-mute, who is a confessed murderer, but who was pardoned by the Governor of the State of West Virginia after he had served some years in the penitentiary. Mr. Spears is applying for membership in the Church by baptism.
It was our decision, in view of the facts presented, that Mr. Spears should not be baptized and that his case should be left in the hands of the Lord.
Tues., 21 Mar. 1967:
Met with my counselors, Presidents Brown and Tanner, for a meeting of the First Presidency. President Smith was in Provo speaking to the BYU student assembly, and President Isaacson is still confined to his home from the stroke he suffered over a year ago. Among matters considered were:
Disfellowshipment Cases – Letter of Reinstatement to go from First Presidency
After reviewing a number of applications for rebaptism and restoration of former blessings of members who had been excommunicated, it was mentioned that Elder Delbert L. Stapley, a member of the committee appointed to pass upon these applications, has inquired whether authority might be given to the committee (namely, Elders Stapley, Marion G. Romney,and Gordon B. Hinckley) to decide upon disfellowshipment cases and grant restoration of fellowship in cases considered by them.
I ruled that all such cases should come to the First Presidency, and when a decision is reached to reinstate the individual to fellowship, the letter should go from the First Presidency.
Mon., 21 Aug., 1967:
Excommunications – Inactive Members not to be taken from Rolls of the Church
Signed a letter today to all Stake Presidents, Mission Presidents, Bishops, and Independent Branch Presidents, giving them instruction that they are not to remove the names of inactive members of their ward or branch from the Church rolls in order that the ward or branch statistical records may present a better showing.
We emphasize that inactivity in and of itself is not sufficient reason to summon a member to a Bishop’s court; also that the fact that an individual has joined another Church is not always justifiable cause for excommunication.
Also, that wives of non-members should not be excommunicated because their husbands refuse to permit them to be active. Only when a person requests specifically that his name be removed from the records of the Church, and does so in writing, and the Bishop or Branch President has satisfied himself that this is his firm desire, the individual concerned should not be cited to appear before a Bishop’s court to answer for his standing, nor should the individual’s name otherwise be removed from the records of the Church. That it is most imporant that we recognize the purpose of the Gospel is to save souls.
(See copy of letter following.)”
“August 21, 1967
Reports have come to our attention which give us concern regarding the apparent cause for some excommunications. It appears that some bishops and branch presidents remove the names of inactive members of their ward or branch from the Church rolls in order that the ward or branch statistical records may present a better showing.
We wish to emphasize that inactivity in and of itself is not sufficient reason to summon a member to a bishop’s court. We also call your attention to the instruction given in the General Church Handbook of Instructions, page 61, to the effect that the fact that an individual has joined another Church is not always justifiable cause for excommunication.
It has come to our attention that some wives of non-members have been excommunicated because their husbands refuse to permit them to be active. Unless the person involved requests specifically that her name be removed from the records of the Church and does so in writing, and the bishop or branch president has satisfied himself that this is her firm desire, the individual concerned should not be cited to appear before a bishop’s court to answer for her standing, nor should the individual’s name otherwise be removed from the records of the Church.
It is most important that we recognize that the purpose of the gospel is to save souls. Bishops, branch presidents and home teachers should labor diligently and untiringly with inactive and neglectful members in an effort to reactivate them and bring them to an understanding of the glorious truths of the gospel.
Faithfully your brethren,
By David O. McKay
Hugh B. Brown
N. Eldon Tanner
Joseph Fielding Smith”
Thur., 16 Nov., 1967:
Held a meeting of the Presidency held in my office in the Hotel Utah. Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Elder Dyer were present. President Smith was attending the meeting of the Twelve in the Temple.
Excommunications – Restoration of Blessings
Considered a letter concerning a certain brother who had married a woman after the Manitesto, his third living wife. For this he was excommunicated.
The Church has ruled that the restoration of blessings upon a person who has been excommunicated, will include only such blessings received prior to excommunication. Therefore, the restoration of blessings by proxy for this person who was married after the manifesto, could not include the third marriage.
Tues., 21 Nov., 1967:
Held a meeting with the First Presidency in my office in the apartment. The following were present: Presidents Brown, Tanner, and Smith, and Elder Alvin R. Dyer. President Tanner left shortly before 10:00 a.m., to attend the Expenditures Committee meeting.
In addition to a number of routine correspondence matters, the following items were discussed and decisions reached:
Disfellowshipment of a Fifteen-Year-Old Boy who Murdered His Mother
We considered Elder Delbert L. Stapley’s letter regarding the case of a teenage member who had killed his mother, and who, because of his youth (age 15) when he committed the crime, had been disfellowshipped only from the Church. The father of the boy has been given custody of the boy by the court, and he is asking the Stake President that the disfellowshipment be rescinded which had been imposed by the Bishop’s court.
We decided that the Stake Presidency should review the case before a Stake Court, and unless they could find some reason for not doing so, this young man is to be excommunicated. He is now 17 years of age, and does not show signs of repentance. (See First minutes of this day for further detail.)
Tues., 12 Dec., 1967:
Held a meeting with the Counselors. Some of the matters discussed were:
Excommunicants – Restoration of Blessings
The secretary, Brother Anderson, then presented a number of “restoration of blessings” cases. After going over several, he said, “I guess that is all of the cases.” And I said, “You guess that is all; don’t you know?” We all had a chuckle out of this — as there were really no more cases to take up.
In considering one of the restoration cases, it was recommended by the committee — Delbert L. Stapley, Howard W. Hunter, and Gordon B. Hinckley — that a certain couple be re-admitted into the Church by baptism, and also have their blessings restored at the same time.
Elder Alvin R. Dyer, who was present at the meeting, raised the
question as to whether it is now a policy that all of this be done at one time since he had understood that “baptism” and “restoration of blessings” were to be handled at separate intervals. Elder Dyer was informed that the policy of the Church has been changed to allow this combined restoration in some instances.
Thurs., 29 May, 1969:
“9:00 a. m.
Meeting of the First Presidency in the President’s Hotel Apartment. Present were Presidents Hugh B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner and Alvin R. Dyer.
Among the matters discussed were:
Transgressors – Handling of
President Brown mentioned that occasionally cases come to the attention of the Twelve where men for one cause or another are out of harmony, and certain members of the Twelve have issued instructions on the basis of hearsay evidence regarding the handling of such cases. He stated that it was his understanding that the Twelve should not instruct any court to excommunicate a man, that all that they should do is to tell them to try the case, hear the evidence and form a judgment.
I said that is right. | <urn:uuid:49c90caf-de57-4274-b02e-b5cbf4211821> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:55:58Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.981953 | 7,288 | 8,025 |
So, you’ve been on the edge of your seat ever since Dune left us awestruck with its desert vastness and political intrigue, right? And now, you're probably itching to sink your teeth into all the spicy details of the sequel. Well, you're in luck! I've got the inside scoop, and trust me, these 22 nuggets of information are like finding water on Arrakis – pure gold. Imagine sneaking behind the scenes, ducking under massive set pieces, eavesdropping on costume designers, and peeking at the director’s secret playbook. That's what we're about to dive into. Forget generic teasers that tell you nothing – we're going deep. As deep as the sandworms themselves. So, get cozy, grab your spice coffee (or your drink of choice), and let’s spill the secrets that make Dune Part 2 more than just another blockbuster. It's a whole universe expanding before our eyes, and you won't want to miss a single constellation.
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Development and Pre-Production
I've been digging around to piece together the journey of Dune Part 2 from mere concept to full-blown production, and let me tell you, it's as epic as the landscapes of Arrakis itself! The scriptwriting phase was a saga in its own right. Picking up where the first movie left off, the team had the colossal task of weaving together complex storylines while remaining true to Herbert’s vision. And concept design? Pure artistry. Step by step, the storyboard artists and designers conjured up the universe of Dune, expanding it into uncharted territories. Of course, there's a direct tie to the jaw-dropping costume and set design, but more on that later. Between securing returning cast members (more on that in Returning Cast Members) and creating the otherworldly ambiance that Dune is known for, pre-production was nothing short of a Herculean effort that set the pace for everything to follow.
Returning Cast Members
If you're counting the days until 'Dune Part 2', you're probably just as excited as I am about the confirmed returning cast. Timothée Chalamet is back as the brooding protagonist Paul Atreides, and let me tell you, fans are already stirring up a sandstorm of excitement. But it's not just Chalamet revving up the engines; we've got Rebecca Ferguson reprising her role as the fiercely determined Lady Jessica, and my bets are on her delivering another stellar performance. And let's not forget Josh Brolin and Zendaya, who are set to bring more depth to Gurney Halleck and Chani. I'm particularly keen on seeing how Zendaya's role expands, given the glimpse we caught in the first film. In the labyrinth of Arrakis, these characters are like the grains of sand—they're part of a bigger picture that we can't wait to uncover. For a deeper dive into what these developments mean for the storyline and how it integrates with the lore, check out the section on Themes Explored in This Sequel.
Also gracing the dunes once again is Stellan Skarsgård as the formidable Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, whose sinister presence is bound to send shivers down our spines. The iconic returning ensemble wouldn't be complete without mentioning the wise and weary Stilgar, portrayed by Javier Bardem. His nuanced performance is sure to resonate with fans. With such a stellar lineup, the chemistry on screen will be as tangible as the desert heat, capturing the intricate dynamics of Herbert's universe. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates about this star-studded cast!
New Additions to the Cast
Every sequel brings in a fresh batch of characters to stir the pot, and 'Dune Part 2' is no different. From Fremen to Sardaukar, new alliances and adversaries are gearing up to take us on a wilder ride across the dunes. Tinseltown's rumor mill has it that some of the finest actors are donning the stillsuits and house insignias this time around. Rumor or not, you can bet your bottom dollar that the casting team has dug deep for talent that will do justice to the characters that fans have been eagerly waiting to see. Remember Returning Cast Members? They'll need to bring their A-game to match the intensity of these fresh faces. This anticipation, my friends, is what makes the waiting game so exquisite.
Some whispers in the industry hint at characters like Feyd-Rautha, the cunning nemesis from House Harkonnen, and the enigmatic Emperor Shaddam IV stepping onto the sandy stage. Indeed, the imagination ignites picturing who might embody Princess Irulan, the Emperor's daughter, with her layered complexities. Casting choices for such roles are more than mere decisions; they're strategic moves in bringing the beloved book to life. As the production remains tight-lipped, the fanbase holds its collective breath, hoping for talent that can capture the nuanced subtleties of Herbert's intricate universe. Let the space whispers tell their tales until the grand unveil.
Bringing Arrakis to life means finding our own deserts and cities on Earth that scream 'otherworldly'. 'Dune Part 2' takes this task seriously, exploring stunning landscapes that make us forget we're still on our home planet. Imagine the arid expanses of Jordan, with its red sands echoing the deep hues of a Martian landscape. Or how about the architectural marvels of Budapest, doubling for the intricate urban spaces we'd expect on a futuristic interstellar civilisation? These aren't just backdrops; they're characters in their own right, giving gravity and depth to the story unfolding. Of course, the effort that goes into selecting these filming locations is monumental, and it certainly doesn't hurt that they offer up some picture-perfect vistas for the 'Gram. Here's a nod to the scouts who've spent countless hours, no doubt with sand in places they'd rather not mention, to find the physical heart of Herbert's universe. Stay tuned for the segment on Directorial Vision, where we’ll see how these locales translate into immense storytelling power.
Beyond scenic natural wonders, the film lures us into the gritty streets of Abu Dhabi, whose towering dunes whisper secrets of Dune’s deadliest creatures. Bet your bottom dollar that the team's choreographed dances with nature's fury - sculpting colossal sandstorms - will steal your breath away. Then, transport yourselves to Norway’s untamed coasts, mirroring the aquatic majesty of Caladan. It’s where the ocean's roar speaks a thousand words, and the cliffside shots? Pure poetry in motion. The location scouts are unsung heroes, crafting the canvas on which this epic will paint its legacy.
When it comes to Denis Villeneuve, you know you're in for a cinematic treat. His mastery over nuanced storytelling and visual grandeur was evident in the first film. For Dune Part 2, I'm betting on a deeper plunge into the intricate politics and human drama, all while maintaining that other-worldly aesthetic we loved. Remember the sweeping landscapes and intimate character moments from Part 1? Expect those, but amped up. Villeneuve himself has hinted at a more action-packed and emotionally charged sequel, which, quite frankly, makes the anticipation for this film thrilling. And if we look back at the cinematography and themes from the first installment, it's clear that Denis is set to harness those elements to elevate this sequel to new heights.
Capturing the stark beauty of Arrakis demands a visionary eye and some serious tech wizardry. In Dune Part 2, the cinematography jumps to new heights—or should I say dunes? It's more than sweeping desert vistas; it's about giving life to Frank Herbert's world through a lens. Think of the first film's stunning visuals, now add layers of complexity and emotion. They’ve managed to weave a tapestry that's as much about the sands and the stars as it is about the characters. Greg Fraser, who knocked our socks off in the first, returns to his role behind the camera. Did he bring new tricks to the table? You bet. The clever use of light and shadow plays a pivotal role, often becoming a silent storyteller all on its own. And while we're at it—don't get me started on the action sequences (Special Effects and Action Sequences). Fasten your seatbelts; we're in for a visually captivating ride that's bound to be talked about during awards season.
Fraser's expertise shines as he pits the infinite dunes against the intimate, character-driven moments. Each shot is meticulously crafted, with deliberate color palettes that tell a story beyond words. Expect sun-drenched exteriors to contrast with moody, dimly lit interiors, capturing the duality of Arrakis itself. The enhancement of thematic elements through visual storytelling is not just impressive—it's breathtaking. This isn't just a movie; it's a cinematic experience that lingers, much like the desert's own whispers.
Music and Score
When the first notes of Dune Part 1 swept through theaters, audiences knew they were in for an auditory spectacle. For the sequel, expectations are sky-high, and the composer is no stranger to revolutionizing a film's soundscape. Soon, we'll be treated to another sonic odyssey that promises to meld tradition with innovative sound techniques. The goal? To not only complement the visuals but to enhance the storyline and deepen our emotional connection to the characters. Expect motifs that reflect the characters' evolving journeys, with the music expanding the narrative in ways only a master could conceive. How this score will tie into established themes from the first film (Themes Explored in This Sequel) is a hot topic I can't wait to delve into.
Costume and Set Design
Venturing into the visual splendor of 'Dune Part 2', the costume and set design warrant a standing ovation. Emerging from the memorable aesthetics of the first installment, the team faced a formidable task: how do you top what was already iconically stark and beautiful? They responded with expansions that are both true to the Dune canon and fresh for our hungry eyes. The designers have dialed the textures up a notch, ingeniously reflecting the evolution of the story and its characters. The pieces we see the beloved Paul Atreides donning are not just garb; they tell a story of a young leader hardening into a ruler shaped by the unforgiving desert. Imagine fabrics that cope with Arrakis’ relentless sands while hinting at the luxury of a bygone era–that’s the level of detail we're talking about here. And as for the sets? They’re mind-bogglingly massive. Think ancient, towering structures that resonate with the power plays at hand. Making movies is world-building, quite literally for 'Dune', and these changes are a testament to that mammoth effort. As I mentioned in Themes Explored in This Sequel, transformation is central, and the aesthetic shifts are a visual echo of this narrative pulse.
Special Effects and Action Sequences
Expect to be blown away by the special effects and action sequences in 'Dune Part 2'. The dedication to push the envelope further than the previous film is palpable. Given the advances in technology, the visuals are going to be even more jaw-dropping. We're not just talking about incremental improvements; the production team has leveraged cutting-edge techniques to create otherworldly landscapes and intense action that's going to make your heart pound. It's like they've taken the CGI and practical effects, mixed them in a blender, and the results are nothing short of stellar. Remember those epic sandworm scenes? Well, brace yourself for that and more, because 'Dune Part 2' is set to redefine the benchmarks for what an action-packed sci-fi blockbuster can offer. In my opinion, compared to the jaw-dropping sequences we've seen in previous films, this one will take the cake.
Themes Explored in This Sequel
Delving into Dune Part 2, one can't help but be intrigued by the tapestry of themes that give this sci-fi saga its depth. Beyond the awe-inspiring landscapes and intricate politics, what really adds meat to the bones of this story are the philosophical quandaries it raises. How does power seduce the purest of hearts? Can fate be bent by sheer will? I’m particularly fascinated by the concept of duality – how leadership can be both a burden and a blessing, how survival demands both adaptation and steadfastness. Trust me, these aren't your run-of-the-mill good vs. evil tropes. They’re nuanced, they’re gritty, and above all, they're reflections of our own world. With references to ecology and spirituality, the film promises a journey that not only entertains but also provokes thought. As someone who’s gobbled up the novels, seeing these existential dilemmas play out on the big screen is nothing short of exhilarating.
Challenges Faced During Production
Bringing Dune Part 2 to life wasn't a walk in the park; it was more like traversing the Arrakis desert during a sandstorm. The crew grappled with their fair share of obstacles. Ever-changing global conditions threw a wrench in the schedule—hello, pandemic protocols—and even Mother Nature herself seemed to have it in for the crew with her temperamental weather. For the team behind this epic, it was a testament to their resilience and creativity. Take, for instance, the time unexpected rainfall turned the desert set into mud. Yet, every challenge was met with determination; morphing setbacks into a wellspring of innovation that, I believe, will translate into on-screen magic. Remember those stunning visuals from the first film? Well, the struggles detailed here surely contributed to making the sequel's cinematography (Cinematography) even more striking.
Fan Expectations and Theories
We're all aboard the speculation train, and it's full steam ahead! Fans are practically buzzing with theories, and let me be honest, some sound as if they could have been cooked up by Herbert himself. Ever since the credits rolled on Part 1, the community has been knee-deep in discussions. Will we see a deeper dive into the complex relationship between Paul Atreides and Chani? How about the evolution of the villainous Harkonnens – I mean, who doesn't love to hate them? Plus, there's that dangling thread of the mysterious and powerful sandworms. Honestly, if the film doesn't explore these arcs further, I'll eat my stillsuit. There are whispers too about surprises that could shake up even the most die-hard fans, which makes every rumor as enticing as the spice itself. Don’t forget to check out the new cast members who might be the faces behind these surprises.
Marketing and Promotion Strategy
Let's talk seriously about how Dune Part 2 is making waves before it even hits our screens. The strategy? It's all about building anticipation. They're not just throwing posters around and hoping for the best; this is next-level teasing. For example, they've dropped breadcrumbs during major events – think Comic-Con levels of hype. They're tapping into the existing fanbase and fueling the fire of excitement with snippets, posters, and interviews that keep fans on the edge of their seats. Not to forget, they've made strategic alliances, syncing with big brands to create a marketing tsunami that's hard to ignore. The synergy with the social media buzz is real. And this isn't just throwing money at ads; it's creating a cultural moment, a countdown that everyone is talking about. Trust me, by the time it premieres, you won't just want to see it; you'll feel like you need to.
Social Media Buzz and Engagement
When it comes to hype, nothing fuels the fire like social media— and let me tell you, Twitter's been on a spice-frenzy with #DunePart2. Fans are throwing theories around like confetti at a parade, and the excitement is as palpable as the sands of Arrakis. But it's not just wild speculation; the community's creativity is blasting off, with fan art and memes proving to be almost as epic as the film promises to be. That emotional investment speaks volumes, echoing a similar buzz that we saw with the original film, as discussed in the Introduction. Each tidbit shared by the production team is devoured faster than you can say 'Muad'Dib'. And the best part? This engagement is setting the stage for what could be an even more memorable movie-going experience. Trust me, when the release date rolls around, the excitement we're seeing now is going to turn cinemas into their own kind of Arrakeen palace.
Connection to the 'Dune' Literary Series
Diving into the specifics, 'Dune Part 2' serves up a hefty platter of nods and winks to its literary parent. Sure, purists will scrutinize every frame against Frank Herbert's prose, but this sequel isn't just a carbon copy—it's a conversation. Take for instance the depiction of the Fremen. In the books, they're a gritty, hardbitten bunch shaped by the merciless desert. The film injects a semblance of this, while also sprinkling in its own cinematic spices. Newcomers expecting a textbook adaptation might be taken aback by slight deviations, but for me, it's these nuances that could keep the story fresh and enthralling. Remember the scene in the first movie with the ornithopter? Well, that sets a precedent for the level of creative liberty we might encounter in this installation, as mentioned in the Directorial Vision section. It's an adaptation, not a recitation, and that's the beauty of it.
Impact on the Sci-Fi Genre
Let's not beat around the bush: 'Dune Part 2' could very well throw a disruptor beam into the sci-fi scene. We're not just talking ripples; we're looking at potential tidal waves. For one, Denis Villeneuve has already proven that he can marry complexity with aesthetics in a way that doesn't just tickle the intellect but also dazzles the senses. With this sequel, he's poised to up the ante. But what's truly exciting is how this film might influence its contemporaries. In a genre that's all too often softened by franchise fatigue, 'Dune Part 2' shores up our hopes for bold creativity and universe-building grounded in gravitas. Imagine more daring narratives and richer world-building hitting the screens! And hey, wouldn't it be neat to see other directors taking cues from the innovative storytelling techniques here? This isn't just about making a splash; it's about setting a new course. With 'Dune Part 2,' we could witness the dawn of a golden age for sci-fi – where stories that challenge and captivate become the norm, not the exception. Remember how the original 'Star Wars' trilogy left a mark? History might just be ready to loop back with this film leading the charge. Count on it: fans and fresh eyes are in for a treat that'll resonate far beyond the box office predictions.
Box Office Predictions
Okay, let's talk numbers and speculate a little—it's fun, isn't it? When 'Dune' rolled out its sandy epicness, it certainly left a mark at the box office. For 'Dune Part 2', the forecast looks just as optimistic, if not more. Despite a competitive landscape, the sequel has several aces up its sleeve. It's riding high on the critical success of its predecessor and the resounding buzz it created. Factor in the increased fanbase (thanks to those fantastic new additions to the cast) and the expanding universe (anyone else excited about the themes explored in this sequel?), and we're looking at the potential for a stellar box office turnout. Of course, competition is fierce and unpredictable shifts in moviegoer trends could play a role, but if I were a betting person, I'd say that the Arrakis' spice will flow generously into those box office coffers!
The whispers among the critical circles hint at palpable anticipation for 'Dune Part 2'. This isn't just another sci-fi flick; it's poised to be a cultural touchstone. Industry pros are keeping their fingers crossed for visual storytelling that transcends the first instalment. And let's be real, those expectations are as high as Arrakis' twin moons. The previous film set a towering standard, so now critics are eyeing Denis Villeneuve, wondering if he can match, or dare I say, surpass the original's cinematic artistry. With new locations surveyed earlier and fresh faces joining the fray, the sequel needs to blend the established narrative seamlessly with the broadening scope of Herbert's universe. Critics are jazzed about seeing how new themes will be woven into the plot, waiting to see if 'Dune Part 2' will deliver another symphony of sight and sound or fall victim to the dreaded sequel curse.
Collaborations and Partnerships
In the realm of epic sci-fi sagas, partnerships are as crucial on-screen as they are off. 'Dune Part 2' is no exception, boasting collaborations that could make your heart leap faster than a sandworm. I'm not merely talking about the obvious suspects; I mean the kind of partnerships that blend creativity with technological prowess. One standout is the synergy between the visual effects teams and new tech companies, pushing the envelope in cinematic spectacle. Remember the mind-bending vistas in Part 1? They've doubled down this time, and it's due in part to these groundbreaking alliances. And let's not glide over the merch collaborations, where fashion and film collide, dressed to bedazzle both on and off the screen. References to these partnerships are peppered throughout this sequel's journey, from majestic set designs (Costume and Set Design) to the mesmerizing marketing (Marketing and Promotion Strategy). Without a doubt, these crossovers are reinforcing 'Dune' as a cultural titan.
Legacy and Future of the 'Dune' Franchise
Think about it: the original Dune book left a monumental legacy. Now, 'Dune Part 2' has big boots to fill. We're not just talking about a movie; we're talking about a tapestry that might shape sci-fi's DNA for years to come. In my humble opinion, if 'Dune Part 2' nails it, we're looking at a new era of epic storytelling – a renaissance, maybe. Could it inspire new films, series, or even interactive experiences? Absolutely. And considering the depth of the Dune universe, spin-offs aren't just possible; they're almost a given. A well-crafted universe like this is a treasure map for creatives. The future? It looks as vast and full of possibility as the sands of Arrakis. And who knows, this sequel might just be the spark igniting a wildfire of new, bold sci-fi projects. Previous endeavors have set the stage, but the true power play is what follows.
And there you have it—a spice-filled journey through the sands of Arrakis laid out in the form of these intriguing facts. 'Dune Part 2' isn't just a movie; for many, it's an event, a fresh wave in the ocean of sci-fi that promises to touch the shores of greatness. The potential legacy of this film is as vast as the dunes themselves. It might raise the bar for what we expect from the genre, meshing deep themes with eye-popping spectacle in the way only a few films have managed before. From the returning ensemble (Returning Cast Members) that we've grown to admire, to the awe-inspiring visual feasts (Cinematography), every bit of the journey seems meticulously crafted to ensure that this sequel makes a mark. And, with the level of excitement bubbling in the fandom (Fan Expectations and Theories), it could very well redefine the heights that franchise films can aspire to. So, let’s strap in and prepare for the ride—because if the whispers from the desert hold true, we’re in for an exquisite cinematic odyssey. May the sands of time remember 'Dune Part 2' as a classic that transcended its era. | <urn:uuid:2b315911-c1bc-4ca9-9957-cf5b3fdf36a8> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:33:23Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.941244 | 5,115 | 6,014 |
As in all such attacks there are the direct criminals, and there are the arms dealers. The arms dealers exist in a twilight zone. Microsoft is clearly not responsible if Word is used to write a ransom note, but what if the market for a particular product is almost entirely criminal? If you sell radar detectors that's a bit questionable. If you sell diethylene glycol to a glycerine manufacturer you belong in Hell.
The blessed New York Times (all is forgiven now) continues a smash season of superb journalism with an expose of arms dealers who sell the elderly, and other cognitively impaired people, to the jackels who prey upon them.
Note these names. No moral person should do business with either of them.
Wachovia Bank: (a once reputable company)Now read the article. I bet the VOIP technologies I mentioned in 2004 were an integral part of this operation. Emphases mine. If you don't tear with outrage and start pounding the desk please send me your name so I can avoid you.
Send whatever portion of this story you think is appropriate to any vulnerable person in your life.
Bilking the Elderly, With a Corporate Assist - New York TimesI'm not furious with the criminals. They're just criminals. Wachovia, InfoUSA, and the like -- put their execs on a desert island and walk away. I learned, by the way, about the ambiguous relationship between banks and predators in 1998. Banks play in a lot of murky worlds.
The thieves operated from small offices in Toronto and hangar-size rooms in India. Every night, working from lists of names and phone numbers, they called World War II veterans, retired schoolteachers and thousands of other elderly Americans and posed as government and insurance workers updating their files.
Then, the criminals emptied their victims’ bank accounts.
Richard Guthrie, a 92-year-old Army veteran, was one of those victims. He ended up on scam artists’ lists because his name, like millions of others, was sold by large companies to telemarketing criminals, who then turned to major banks to steal his life’s savings.
Mr. Guthrie, who lives in Iowa, had entered a few sweepstakes that caused his name to appear in a database advertised by infoUSA, one of the largest compilers of consumer information. InfoUSA sold his name, and data on scores of other elderly Americans, to known lawbreakers, regulators say.
InfoUSA advertised lists of “Elderly Opportunity Seekers,” 3.3 million older people “looking for ways to make money,” and “Suffering Seniors,” 4.7 million people with cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. “Oldies but Goodies” contained 500,000 gamblers over 55 years old, for 8.5 cents apiece. One list said: “These people are gullible. They want to believe that their luck can change.”
As Mr. Guthrie sat home alone — surrounded by his Purple Heart medal, photos of eight children and mementos of a wife who was buried nine years earlier — the telephone rang day and night. After criminals tricked him into revealing his banking information, they went to Wachovia, the nation’s fourth-largest bank, and raided his account, according to banking records.
“I loved getting those calls,” Mr. Guthrie said in an interview. “Since my wife passed away, I don’t have many people to talk with. I didn’t even know they were stealing from me until everything was gone.”
Telemarketing fraud, once limited to small-time thieves, has become a global criminal enterprise preying upon millions of elderly and other Americans every year, authorities say. Vast databases of names and personal information, sold to thieves by large publicly traded companies, have put almost anyone within reach of fraudulent telemarketers. And major banks have made it possible for criminals to dip into victims’ accounts without their authorization, according to court records.
The banks and companies that sell such services often confront evidence that they are used for fraud, according to thousands of banking documents, court filings and e-mail messages reviewed by The New York Times.
Although some companies, including Wachovia, have made refunds to victims who have complained, neither that bank nor infoUSA stopped working with criminals even after executives were warned that they were aiding continuing crimes, according to government investigators. Instead, those companies collected millions of dollars in fees from scam artists. (Neither company has been formally accused of wrongdoing by the authorities.)
“Only one kind of customer wants to buy lists of seniors interested in lotteries and sweepstakes: criminals,” said Sgt. Yves Leblanc of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “If someone advertises a list by saying it contains gullible or elderly people, it’s like putting out a sign saying ‘Thieves welcome here.’ ”
In recent years, despite the creation of a national “do not call” registry, the legitimate telemarketing industry has grown, according to the Direct Marketing Association. Callers pitching insurance plans, subscriptions and precooked meals collected more than $177 billion in 2006, an increase of $4.5 billion since the federal do-not-call restrictions were put in place three years ago.
That growth can be partly attributed to the industry’s renewed focus on the elderly. Older Americans are perfect telemarketing customers, analysts say, because they are often at home, rely on delivery services, and are lonely for the companionship that telephone callers provide. Some researchers estimate that the elderly account for 30 percent of telemarketing sales — another example of how companies and investors are profiting from the growing numbers of Americans in their final years.
While many telemarketing pitches are for legitimate products, the number of scams aimed at older Americans is on the rise, the authorities say. In 2003, the Federal Trade Commission estimated that 11 percent of Americans over age 55 had been victims of consumer fraud. The following year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation shut down one telemarketing ring that stole more than $1 billion, spanned seven countries and resulted in 565 arrests. Since the start of last year, federal agencies have filed lawsuits or injunctions against at least 68 telemarketing companies and individuals accused of stealing more than $622 million.
“Most people have no idea how widespread and sophisticated telemarketing fraud has become,” said James Davis, a Federal Trade Commission lawyer. “It shocks even us.”
Many of the victims are people like Mr. Guthrie, whose name was among the millions that infoUSA sold to companies under investigation for fraud, according to regulators. Scam artists stole more than $100,000 from Mr. Guthrie, his family says. How they took much of it is unclear, because Mr. Guthrie’s memory is faulty and many financial records are incomplete.
What is certain is that a large sum was withdrawn from his account by thieves relying on Wachovia and other banks, according to banking and court records. Though 20 percent of the total amount stolen was recovered, investigators say the rest has gone to schemes too complicated to untangle.
Senior executives at infoUSA were contacted by telephone and e-mail messages at least 30 times. They did not respond.
Wachovia, in a statement, said that it had honored all requests for refunds and that it was cooperating with authorities...
.... He had lived alone since his wife died. Five of his eight children had moved away from the farm. Mr. Guthrie survived on roughly $800 that he received from Social Security each month. Because painful arthritis kept him home, he spent many mornings organizing the mail, filling out sweepstakes entries and listening to big-band albums as he chatted with telemarketers.
“I really enjoyed those calls,” Mr. Guthrie said. “One gal in particular loved to hear stories about when I was younger.”
Some of those entries and calls, however, were intended solely to create databases of information on millions of elderly Americans. Many sweepstakes were fakes, investigators say, and existed only to ask entrants about shopping habits, religion or other personal details. Databases of such responses can be profitably sold, often via electronic download, through list brokers like Walter Karl Inc., a division of infoUSA.
The list brokering industry has existed for decades, primarily serving legitimate customers like magazine and catalog companies. InfoUSA, one of the nation’s largest list brokers and a publicly held company, matches buyers and sellers of data. The company maintains records on 210 million Americans, according to its Web site. In 2006, it collected more than $430 million from clients like Reader’s Digest, Publishers Clearinghouse and Condé Nast.
But infoUSA has also helped sell lists to companies that were under investigation or had been prosecuted for fraud, according to records collected by the Iowa attorney general. Those records stemmed from a now completed investigation of a suspected telemarketing criminal.
By 2004, Mr. Guthrie’s name was part of a list titled “Astroluck,” which included 19,000 other sweepstakes players, Iowa’s records show. InfoUSA sold the Astroluck list dozens of times, to companies including HMS Direct, which Canadian authorities had sued the previous year for deceptive mailings; Westport Enterprises, the subject of consumer complaints in Kansas, Connecticut and Missouri; and Arlimbow, a European company that Swiss authorities were prosecuting at the time for a lottery scam.
(In 2005, HMS’s director was found not guilty on a technicality. Arlimbow was shut down in 2004. Those companies did not return phone calls. Westport Enterprises said it has resolved all complaints, complies with all laws and engages only in direct-mail solicitations.)
Records also indicate that infoUSA sold thousands of other elderly Americans’ names to Windfall Investments after the F.B.I. had accused the company in 2002 of stealing $600,000 from a California woman.
Between 2001 and 2004, infoUSA also sold lists to World Marketing Service, a company that a judge shut down in 2003 for running a lottery scam; to Atlas Marketing, which a court closed in 2006 for selling $86 million of bogus business opportunities; and to Emerald Marketing Enterprises, a Canadian firm that was investigated multiple times but never charged with wrongdoing.
The investigation of Windfall Investments was closed after its owners could not be located. Representatives of Windfall Investments, World Marketing Services, Atlas Marketing and Emerald Marketing Enterprises could not be located or did not return calls.
The Federal Trade Commission’s rules prohibit list brokers from selling to companies engaged in obvious frauds. In 2004, the agency fined three brokers accused of knowingly, or purposely ignoring, that clients were breaking the law. The Direct Marketing Association, which infoUSA belongs to, requires brokers to screen buyers for suspicious activity.
But internal infoUSA e-mail messages indicate that employees did not abide by those standards. In 2003, two infoUSA employees traded e-mail messages discussing the fact that Nevada authorities were seeking Richard Panas, a frequent infoUSA client, in connection with a lottery scam.
“This kind of behavior does not surprise me, but it adds to my concerns about doing business with these people,” an infoUSA executive wrote to colleagues. Yet, over the next 10 months, infoUSA sold Mr. Panas an additional 155,000 names, even after he pleaded guilty to criminal charges in Nevada and was barred from operating in Iowa...
...“Red flags should have been waving,” said Steve St. Clair, an Iowa assistant attorney general who oversaw the infoUSA investigation. “But the attitude of these list brokers is that it’s not their responsibility if someone else breaks the law.”
... Within months of the sale of the Astroluck list, groups of scam artists in Canada, the Caribbean and elsewhere had the names of Mr. Guthrie and millions of other Americans, authorities say. Such countries are popular among con artists because they are outside the jurisdiction of the United States.
The thieves would call and pose as government workers or pharmacy employees. They would contend that the Social Security Administration’s computers had crashed, or prescription records were incomplete. Payments and pills would be delayed, they warned, unless the older Americans provided their banking information.
Many people hung up. But Mr. Guthrie and hundreds of others gave the callers whatever they asked.
“I was afraid if I didn’t give her my bank information, I wouldn’t have money for my heart medicine,” Mr. Guthrie said.
Criminals can use such banking data to create unsigned checks that withdraw funds from victims’ accounts. Such checks, once widely used by gyms and other businesses that collect monthly fees, are allowed under a provision of the banking code. The difficult part is finding a bank willing to accept them.
In the case of Mr. Guthrie, criminals turned to Wachovia.
Between 2003 and 2005, scam artists submitted at least seven unsigned checks to Wachovia that withdrew funds from Mr. Guthrie’s account, according to banking records. Wachovia accepted those checks and forwarded them to Mr. Guthrie’s bank in Iowa, which in turn sent back $1,603 for distribution to the checks’ creators that submitted them.
Within days, however, Mr. Guthrie’s bank, a branch of Wells Fargo, became concerned and told Wachovia that the checks had not been authorized. At Wells Fargo’s request, Wachovia returned the funds. But it failed to investigate whether Wachovia’s accounts were being used by criminals, according to prosecutors who studied the transactions.
In all, Wachovia accepted $142 million of unsigned checks from companies that made unauthorized withdrawals from thousands of accounts, federal prosecutors say. Wachovia collected millions of dollars in fees from those companies, even as it failed to act on warnings, according to records.
In 2006, after account holders at Citizens Bank were victimized by the same thieves that singled out Mr. Guthrie, an executive wrote to Wachovia that “the purpose of this message is to put your bank on notice of this situation and to ask for your assistance in trying to shut down this scam.”
But Wachovia, which declined to comment on that communication, did not shut down the accounts.
Banking rules required Wachovia to periodically screen companies submitting unsigned checks. Yet there is little evidence Wachovia screened most of the firms that profited from the withdrawals.
In a lawsuit filed last year, the United States attorney in Philadelphia said Wachovia received thousands of warnings that it was processing fraudulent checks, but ignored them. That suit, against the company that printed those unsigned checks, Payment Processing Center, or P.P.C., did not name Wachovia as a defendant, though at least one victim has filed a pending lawsuit against the bank.
During 2005, according to the United States attorney’s lawsuit, 59 percent of the unsigned checks that Wachovia accepted from P.P.C. and forwarded to other banks were ultimately refused by other financial institutions. Wachovia was informed each time a check was returned.
“When between 50 and 60 percent of transactions are returned, that tells you at gut level that something’s not right,” said the United States attorney in Philadelphia, Patrick L. Meehan.
Other banks, when confronted with similar evidence, have closed questionable accounts. But Wachovia continued accepting unsigned checks printed by P.P.C. until the government filed suit in 2006...
...Prosecutors argue that many elderly accountholders never realized Wachovia had processed checks that withdrew from their accounts, and so never requested refunds. Wachovia declined to respond.
... By 2005, Mr. Guthrie was in dire straits. When tellers at his bank noticed suspicious transactions, they helped him request refunds. But dozens of unauthorized withdrawals slipped through. Sometimes, he went to the grocery store and discovered that he could not buy food because his account was empty. He didn’t know why. And he was afraid to seek help.
“I didn’t want to say anything that would cause my kids to take over my accounts,” he said. Such concerns play into thieves’ plans, investigators say.
“Criminals focus on the elderly because they know authorities will blame the victims or seniors will worry about their kids throwing them into nursing homes,” said C. Steven Baker, a lawyer with the Federal Trade Commission. “Frequently, the victims are too distracted from dementia or Alzheimer’s to figure out something’s wrong.”
... Today, just as he feared, Mr. Guthrie’s financial freedom is gone. He gets a weekly $50 allowance to buy food and gasoline. His children now own his home, and his grandson controls his bank account. He must ask permission for large or unusual purchases.
And because he can’t buy anything, many telemarketers have stopped calling.
“It’s lonelier now,” he said at his kitchen table, which is crowded with mail. “I really enjoy when those salespeople call. But when I tell them I can’t buy anything now, they hang up. I miss the good chats we used to have.”
InfoUSA's web site claims to have information on 210 million American consumers. You can search by age, income, geography, home value and other "great selections":
Our consumer data is continuously updated and processed against both the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) and Delivery Sequence File (DSF), producing a database that is 93% deliverable. The information is also carrier route and ZIP+4 coded using the USPS certified Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS).What to do? The Dems control the House and the Senate, but Bush controls the regulatory bodies. We won't see a lot of reform until 2008. One obvious reform is to prevent the use of "unsigned checks"; Wachovia is one of the relatively few shady banks that accept these checks. It's time to end that loophole.
Sweepstakes were always shady operations, but now it's obvious that their main function is to identify the gullible. We should either shut them down or severely limit their ability to traffic in the information gathered.
Lastly, stop targeting the crooks and start targeting the arms dealers. We need regulations that put the CEOs of Wachovia and InfoUSA behind bars for 10-20. One Wacovia CEO in an orange suit will go a long way towards cleaning up the industry.
Lastly, the article focuses on the elderly, but anyone with a non-adjusted IQ of less than 90 is natural prey for these people. That's millions of Americans of all ages, and as our population ages that number increases every day.
I'm the only person I know who bought a radar detector so I'd get notice of hidden Wisconsin speed zones and decrease my speed. So I was using it as a way to reveal speed zones that I'd otherwise miss, and adjust my legal speed to the new legal speed. Northern Wisconsin has an interesting attitude towards local fund raising. | <urn:uuid:7b5c98f6-1641-48c0-b4da-40872c66a9fa> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:24:19Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.969524 | 4,096 | 4,671 |
Sara dressed carefully for her visit to the gambling palace. She wore the best gown she owned, a gray-blue grenadine with three deep bias tucks at the hem, and a high-necked bodice ornamented with lace. She had very few clothes, but they were all made with good sturdy cloth. The gowns she preferred did not adhere to any particular style that would date them. She hoped the bloodstains could be removed from the garments she had worn last night. There had been quite a scene when Sara had returned at such a late hour, spattered with blood. In response to Mrs. Goodman’s frantic questions, Sara had explained mildly that she had encountered a little trouble during her research. “Nothing to worry about—I merely stopped to give assistance to a stranger.”
“But all that blood—”
“Not a bit of it’s mine,” Sara reassured her with a smile.
Eventually she had diverted Mrs. Goodman to the problem of how to treat the stains. Together they had applied a paste of starch and cold water to her coat and gown. This morning the clothes were soaking in a mixture of gin, honey, soft soap, and water.
After pinning her hair up to stay away from her face, Sara covered the chestnut locks with a sprigged lace cap. Satisfied with her appearance, she searched through one of her trunks for a light cape. A glance through the small pane of her window had revealed that it was a typically cool autumn day.
“Sara!” Mrs. Goodman’s puzzled voice drifted to her as she descended the stairs. “A magnificent private carriage has stopped right outside the house! Do you know anything about it?”
Intrigued, Sara went to the front door of the Goodmans’ modest home and opened it a crack. Her gaze took in the sight of a black-lacquered carriage, gleaming ebony horses, outriders, and a coachman and footman dressed in buckskins, frock coats, and tricorns. Mrs. Goodman joined her at the door. All along the street, curtains were pulled aside and staring faces appeared at windows. “No carriage like that has ever been seen on this street before,” Mrs. Goodman said. “Look at Adelaide Witherbane’s face—I think her eyes are ready to pop out! Sara, what in heaven’s name is going on?”
“I have no idea.”
Disbelieving, they watched as the footman ascended the steps of the Goodman home. He was well over six feet tall. “Miss Fielding?” he asked deferentially.
Sara opened the door wider. “Yes?”
“Mr. Worthy has sent a carriage to convey you to Craven’s whenever you are ready.”
Mrs. Goodman’s suspicious stare turned from the footman to Sara. “Who is this Mr. Worthy? Sara, does this have anything to do with your mysterious behavior last night?”
Sara shrugged noncommittally. Mrs. Goodman had been distraught by Sara’s late arrival, her disheveled appearance, and the bloodstains on her clothes. In response to the multitude of questions, Sara had replied mildly that there was nothing to worry about, she had been occupied with research for her novel. Finally Mrs. Goodman had given up. “I see,” she had said darkly, “that what your mother wrote to me is true. Beneath that quiet surface is a stubborn and secretive nature!”
“My mother wrote that?” Sara asked in surprise.
“What she said amounts to the same thing! She wrote that you’re in the habit of doing whatever you wish no matter how eccentric, and that you rarely answer any questions starting with the words ‘where’ and ‘why.’ ”
Sara grinned at that. “A long time ago I learned not to explain things to people. It misleads them into thinking they’re entitled to know everything I do.”
Bringing her mind back to the present, Sara gathered her reticule and gloves, and began to leave with the footman. Mrs. Goodman stopped her with a touch on her arm. “Sara, I think it would be best if I accompany you, in the interests of your safety.”
Sternly Sara held back a smile, knowing that the elderly woman’s curiosity was running rampant. “That is very kind of you, but there is no need. I will be quite safe.” She went to the carriage and paused as she glanced at the towering footman. “This was quite unnecessary,” she murmured. “I had intended to walk to Craven’s this morning.”
“The driver and I are at your service, Miss Fielding. Mr. Worthy is insistent that you should not go about London on foot any longer.”
“Do we need to take the armed outriders as well?” Sara was embarrassed by all the pomp and show. The carriage would have been far more suitable for a duchess than a novelist from a small country village.
“Especially the outriders. Mr. Worthy said that you have a tendency to frequent dangerous places.” Opening the carriage door with a flourish, he assisted her to the set of tiny carpeted steps. Smiling ruefully, Sara settled back among the velvet cushions and arranged her skirts.
When they arrived at the gambling club, the butler admitted her into the entrance hall with exquisite politeness. Immediately Worthy appeared with a courteous smile. He greeted her as if she were an old friend. “Welcome to Craven’s, Miss Fielding!”
Sara took his proffered arm as he brought her into the club. “How is Mr. Craven this morning?”
“He’s off his appetite, and the stitches are unsightly, but otherwise he is quite well.” Worthy watched Sara as she turned a circle in the center of the sumptuous entrance hall. Her expression was transformed with wonder.
“My word,” was all she could say. “Oh, my.” She had never seen such luxury; the ceiling of stained-glass panels, the glittering chandelier, the walls lined with gilded columns, the heavy swaths of deep blue velvet. Without taking her eyes from the gorgeous surroundings, she fumbled in her reticule for her notebook.
Worthy spoke while Sara scribbled furiously. “I’ve told the staff about you, Miss Fielding. They are willing to provide any information that you might find useful.”
“Thank you,” she said absently, adjusting her spectacles and peering at the carving on the capitals of the columns. “This is an Ionic design, I believe?”
“Scagliola, the architect called them.”
She nodded and continued to take notes. “Who was the architect? It looks like something by Nash.”
“No, Mr. Craven felt that Nash’s ideas were not sufficiently imaginative. Besides, Mr. Nash was quite elderly, and far too busy with projects for the king. Instead Mr. Craven chose a young architect by the name of Graham Gronow. He made it clear to Gronow that he wanted a building so magnificent that it would outshine Buckingham House.”
Sara laughed. “Mr. Craven never does anything in half-measures, does he?”
“No,” Worthy said ruefully. He indicated the entrance to the central hazard room. “I thought we might begin with a general tour of the club.”
She hesitated. “That would be delightful, but I wouldn’t like to be seen by any of the patrons—”
“You won’t, Miss Fielding. It’s too early in the day. Most fashionable Londoners do not rise until afternoon.”
“I like getting up with the sun,” Sara said cheerfully, following him to the central room. “I do my best thinking early in the day, and besides—” She broke off with an exclamation as she stepped through one of the doorways of the octagonal room. Her eyes widened as she stared at the famous domed ceiling. It was covered with lavish plasterwork and splendid paintings, and ornamented with the largest chandelier she had ever seen. The central hazard table was positioned directly beneath the dome. Quietly Sara absorbed the atmosphere of the room. She could sense the thousands of dramas that had unfolded here; the fortunes gained and lost, the excitement, anger, fear, wild joy. Several ideas for her novel occurred to her all at once, and she wrote as fast as possible, while Worthy waited patiently.
Suddenly an odd sensation crept over her, a ticklish feeling on the back of her neck. The movements of her pencil slowed. Disturbed, she finished a sentence and glanced at the empty doorway. An inner awareness prompted her to gaze upward to the balcony that overlooked the main floor. She caught a shadowy glimpse of someone leaving…someone who had been watching them. “Mr. Craven,” she said beneath her breath, too softly for the factotum to hear.
Seeing that she had finished her note-taking, Worthy gestured to the exits at the other side of the room. “Shall we continue?”
They visited the dining and buffet rooms, a long row of elaborate card rooms, areas for smoking and billiards, and the concealed cellar where the club members could hide in the event of a police raid. Encouraged by Sara’s questions and her rapt interest, Worthy told her all about the intricacies of gambling, the architecture of the building, even the kinds of food and wine that were served.
Throughout the tour Sara couldn’t dismiss the feeling that they were being followed. Frequently she glanced over her shoulder, suspecting she might catch someone watching them from a doorway or from behind a column. As the minutes passed, she began to see many servants bustling back and forth. Scores of housemaids crossed the halls carrying long-handled mops, buckets, and piles of cleaning rags. Door plates were polished, carpets were swept, fireplace mantels were wiped, and furniture was thoroughly dusted.
“How well-organized this place is,” Sara remarked as they went up the grand central staircase with its heavy golden balustrade.
Worthy smiled with pride. “Mr. Craven has exacting standards. He employs nearly a hundred servants to keep the club running like clockwork.”
Each of the six staircase landings branched off into long hallways. Sara noticed that Worthy’s color heightened when she asked what those rooms were for. “Some of them are servants’ quarters,” he said uncomfortably. “Some are temporary residences for guests. Many are for the use of…er…house wenches.”
Sara nodded matter-of-factly, knowing exactly what a house wench was. After the research she had done for Mathilda, she was very much against the practice of prostitution. She had sympathy for the women who were enslaved by such a system. Once they began on such a path, it was difficult, if not impossible, ever to turn back. One of her reasons for writing sympathetically about prostitutes was to show that they were not the amoral creatures people considered them to be. She didn’t like the idea of Mr. Craven increasing his wealth by procurement—it was far more distasteful than gambling. “How much of Mr. Craven’s profit is earned by the house wenches?” she asked.
“He takes no profit from them, Miss Fielding. Their presence adds to the ambiance of the club, and serves as an added enticement to the patrons. All the money the house wenches make is theirs to keep. Mr. Craven also offers them protection, rent-free rooms, and a far better clientele than they’re likely to find on the streets.”
Sara smiled ironically. “Better? I’m not so certain, Mr. Worthy. From what I’ve been told, aristocratic men are just as adept at abusing women—and spreading disease—as poor ones.”
“Perhaps you would like to talk to the house wenches. I am certain they will describe both the benefits and disadvantages of working at the club. They’ll be straightforward with you. My impression is that they consider you something of a heroine.”
Sara was startled by the remark. “Me?”
“When I explained that you are the author of Mathilda, they were all quite excited. Tabitha read the novel aloud to the others on their off days. Recently they all went to see the stage production.”
“Would it be possible for me to meet some of them now?”
“At this hour they are usually sleeping. But perhaps later—”
A raspy feminine voice interrupted them. “Worthy! Worthy, you bloody idler, I been looking all ower the damn club for you!” The woman dressed in only a ruffled white wrapper that was slightly transparent, hurried down the hall to them. She was attractive, though her small face was coarsened by years of hard living. Rippling waves of chestnut hair, much like Sara’s own, fell down her shoulders and back. She spared Sara only the briefest of glances.
Sara would have liked to exchange a few friendly words, but she knew from her previous experiences with prostitutes that they needed a fair amount of friendly reassurance before they would converse with someone like her. Out of deference, contempt, or shame, they usually avoided looking a “good woman” in the eyes.
“Tabitha,” Worthy said calmly. “What is the matter?”
“Lord F again,” came her indignant reply. “The cheap old rutter! ’E took to Molly last ewening an’ said ’e’d pay for the ’ole night. Now ’e wants to leave without paying!”
“I’ll take care of it,” Worthy said calmly. He glanced at Sara, who was taking notes. “Miss Fielding, would you mind very much if I left you here for a few minutes? The gallery to your right is filled with many beautiful paintings in Mr. Craven’s private collection.”
“Please, go right ahead,” Sara urged.
Suddenly Tabitha became very animated. “Is she the one?” she asked Worthy. “That’s Mathilda?”
“Oh, no,” Sara said. “I wrote the novel entitled Mathilda.”
“Then ye knows ’er? She’s a friend of yers?”
Sara was nonplussed. “Not really. You see, Mathilda is a fictional character. She’s not real.”
The comment earned a chiding glance from Tabitha. “Not real? I read all about ’er. An’ I knows a girl who met ’er. They worked the same street after Mathilda was ravished by Lord Aversley.”
“Let me explain it this way—” Sara began, but Worthy shook his head as if it were no use, and ushered Tabitha down the hall.
Smiling thoughtfully, Sara wandered to the picture gallery. The walls were covered with paintings by Gainsborough, a horse and rider by Stubbs, two florid works by Rubens, and a magnificent Van Dyke. Drawing closer to a magnificent portrait, she stared at it curiously. The painting featured a woman seated in a large chair. Her young daughter stood nearby, a small hand poised on her mother’s arm. The two were remarkably beautiful, with pale skin, dark curly hair, and expressive eyes. Touched by the tender scene, Sara spoke out loud. “How lovely…I wonder who you are?”
Sara could not help but be aware of the difference between the sparkling allure of the woman in the portrait and her own average attractiveness. She guessed that Mr. Craven was accustomed to very beautiful women—and she knew there was nothing exotic or remarkable about her. What would it be like to have the kind of looks that men found irresistible?
Although there was no sound behind her, a sixth sense caused her nerves to tingle. Sara whirled around. No one was there. Cautiously she straightened her spectacles and told herself that she was being foolish. Wandering further into the gallery, she looked closely at the sumptuous paintings. Like everything else in the club, they seemed to have been chosen for their ability to impress. A man like Mr. Craven would probably spend his life collecting valuable artwork, elaborate rooms, beautiful women…They were all earmarks of his achievement.
Slipping the notebook back into her reticule, Sara began to wander from the gallery. She thought of how she might describe the club and its fictional owner in her novel. Perhaps she would romanticize him just a bit. Contrary to those who assumed he was completely without grace or virtue, she might write, he concealed a secret love of beauty and sought to possess it in its infinite forms, as if to atone for—
All at once a powerful grip compressed her arm, and the wall seemed to open in a blur before her eyes. She was pulled off her feet, dragged sideways, so quickly that all she could do was gasp in protest as the unseen force yanked her from the gallery into a place of stifling darkness…a secret door…a concealed corridor. Hands steadied her, one wrapped around her wrist, one clamped her shoulder. Blinking in the darkness, Sara tried to talk and could only make a fearful squeak. “Who…who…”
She heard a man’s voice, as soft as frayed velvet. Or rather, she felt his voice, the heat of his breath against her forehead. She began to tremble violently.
“Why are you here?” he asked.
“Mr. Craven,” she whispered shakily. “I-its very dark in here.”
“I like the dark.”
She fought to catch her breath. “Did you really f-find it necessary to give me such a start?”
“I didn’t plan to. You walked right by me. I couldn’t help myself.”
Sara’s fear gave way to indignation. He was not at all sorry he had frightened her…He had intended to. “You’ve been following me,” she accused. “You’ve been watching me all morning.”
“I said last night I didn’t want you here.”
“Mr. Worthy said it was all right—”
“I own the club, not Worthy.”
Sara was tempted to tell him how ungrateful he was, after what she had done for him last night. But she didn’t think it wise to argue with him while she was trapped here. She began to inch backward, toward the crack of light where the secret door had been left ajar. “You’re right,” she said in a subdued voice. “You’re absolutely right. I-I believe I’ll go now.”
But he didn’t release his grip on her, and she was forced to stand still. “Tell me what made you decide to write about gambling.”
Blinking in the darkness, Sara tried to gather her wits. “Well…there was a boy in my village. A very nice, intelligent boy, who came into a small inheritance. It would have been enough to keep him comfortable for many years. But he decided to try and increase his wealth, not by honest means, but by gambling. He lost it all in one night. At your club, Mr. Craven.”
He shrugged indifferently. “Happens all the time.”
“But it wasn’t enough for him,” Sara said. “He continued to gamble, certain that with each roll of the dice he would regain what he had lost. He gambled away his home, his horses and possessions, what was left of his money…He became the disgrace of Greenwood Corners. It made me wonder what had driven him to such behavior. I asked him about it, and he said he hadn’t been able to stop himself. He was reduced to tears as he told me that after he had lost everything at Craven’s, he sold his boots to someone on the street and played cards barefoot at a local gaming hell. Naturally this made me wonder about the other lives that have been ruined by cards and dice. The fortunes that are lost nightly at the hazard table could be used for much nobler purposes than lining your pockets.”
She sensed his sardonic smile. “I agree, Miss Fielding. But one piddling book won’t stop anyone from gambling. Anything you write will only make them do it more.”
“That’s not true,” she said stiffly.
“Did Mathilda stop anyone from visiting whores?”
“I believe it made the public regard prostitutes in a more sympathetic light—”
“Whores will always spread their legs for a price,” he said evenly, “and people will always put their money on a bet. Publish your book about gambling, and see how much good it does. See if it keeps anyone on the straight-and-narrow. I’d sooner expect a dead man to fart.”
Sara flushed. “Doesn’t it ever bother you to see the broken men walking from your club, with no money, no hope, no future? Don’t you feel responsible in any way?”
“They’re not brought in at gunpoint. They come to Craven’s to gamble. I give them what they want. And I make a fortune from it. If I didn’t, someone else would.”
“That is the most selfish, callous statement I’ve ever heard—”
“I was born in the rookery, Miss Fielding. Abandoned in the street, raised by whores, nursed on milk and gin. Those scrawny little bastards you’ve seen, the pickpockets and beggars and palmers…I was one of them. I saw fine carriages rattling down the street. I stared through tavern windows at all the fat old gentlemen eating and drinking until their bellies were full. I realized there was a world outside the rookery. I swore I’d do anything—anything—to get my share of it. That’s all I’ve ever cared about.” He laughed softly. “And you think I should give a damn about some young fop in satin breeches throwing his money away at my club?”
Sara’s heart hammered wildly. She had never been alone in the dark with a man. She wanted to escape—every instinct warned that she was in danger. But deeper still, there was a spark of unthinkable fascination…as if she were poised at the doorway of a forbidden world. “In my opinion,” she said, “you use your poor beginnings as a convenient excuse to…to discard all the ethics the rest of us must live by.”
“Ethics,” he sneered. “I couldn’t name one man, rich or poor, who wouldn’t discard them for the right price.”
“I wouldn’t,” she said steadily.
Derek fell silent. He was acutely aware of the small woman so close to him, buttoned and ruffled, cocooned in high-neck propriety. She smelled like starch and soap, like all the other spinsters he’d had the misfortune to meet…the governesses of his patrons’ aristocratic sons, and the maiden aunts who chaperoned untouchable young ladies, and the bluestockings who preferred a book in their hands to a man in their beds. “On the shelf” was what such women were called—objects that had lost their freshness and were stored away until they might serve some convenient purpose.
But there was a difference between her and the rest. She had shot a man last night. For him. His brows pulled together until his wound ached.
“I would like to leave now,” she said.
“Mr. Worthy will be looking for me.”
“I’m not finished talking with you.”
“Must it be here?”
“It’ll be anywhere I decide. I have something you want, Miss Fielding—permission to visit my club. What will you offer in return?”
“I can’t think of anything.”
“I never give something for nothing.”
“What do you want me to offer?”
“You’re a writer, Miss Fielding,” he jeered. “Use your imagination.”
Sara bit her lip and considered the situation carefully. “If you truly believe the statement you made earlier,” she said slowly, “that the publication of my novel would serve to increase your profits…then it would be in your interest to allow me to do my research here. If your theory holds true, you stand to gain some money from my book.”
His white teeth flashed in a grin. “I like the sound of that.”
“Then…I have your permission to visit the club?”
He let a long moment pass before he answered. “All right.”
Sara felt a rush of relief. “Thank you. As source material, you and your club are peerless. I promise I will try not to be an annoyance.”
“You won’t be an annoyance,” he corrected. “Or you’ll leave.”
They were both startled as the secret door swung wide open. Worthy stood there, gazing inside the corridor. “Mr. Craven? I didn’t expect you to be up and about so soon.”
“Apparently not,” Derek said darkly, his hands dropping from Sara. “Showing the place without asking my permission? You’re bloody certain of yourself these days, Worthy.”
“It was my fault,” Sara said, trying to protect the factotum. “I-I insisted on having my way. The blame is all mine.”
Derek’s mouth twisted. “No one can make Worthy do anything he doesn’t want to do, mouse. No one except me.”
At the sound of Sara’s voice, Worthy looked anxiously in her direction. “Miss Fielding? Are you all right?”
Derek dragged Sara out and pushed her, blinking, into the bright light. “Here’s your little novelist. We were just having a discussion.”
Sara stared through her spectacles at her captor, who seemed even larger and more imposing than he had last night. Craven was exquisitely dressed in charcoal-gray trousers and a snow-white shirt that emphasized his swarthiness. His tan waistcoat was made without pockets, fitted to his lean midriff with no hint of a wrinkle. She had never seen such elegant garments on anyone in the village, not even Perry Kingswood, the pride of Greenwood Corners.
But in spite of his expensive attire, no one would ever mistake Derek Craven for a gentleman. The jagged line of stitches on his face gave him a battered, rough appearance. His hard green eyes seemed to look right through her. He was a powerful man with street swagger and absolute confidence, a man who could no more conceal his appetite for the finer things of life than he could keep the sun from rising.
“I hadn’t intended to show Miss Fielding the hidden passageways,” Worthy commented, his eyebrows climbing up his forehead. He turned to Sara. “However, now that you know about them, I might tell you that the club is riddled with secret corridors and peepholes by which you may observe the action on the floor.”
Sara slid a questioning glance to Craven, and he read her thoughts easily.
“Nothing happens here that I don’t know about,” Craven said. “It’s safer that way—for the club members and for me.”
“Is it really,” she murmured. There was only the tiniest hint of skepticism in her voice, but it didn’t escape his notice.
“You might find some of the passageways useful,” he said smoothly, “since you won’t be allowed to approach any of the guests.”
“But Mr. Craven—”
“If you want to stay here, you’ll abide by my rules. No talking to guests. No interference at the tables.” He glanced at her reticule, which bulged with a suspiciously heavy lump. “Still carrying the pistol?” he asked, casually amused.
“I try to be prepared for any situation.”
“Well,” Derek mocked, “the next time things get tight around here, I’ll know who to come to.”
Sara was silent, her face averted. Unconsciously she had wrapped her fingers around the place on her arm he had gripped. Her hand moved gently, as if to rub the memory away.
So his touch repelled her, Derek thought, and smiled grimly. If she only knew the sins his hands had committed, she would never feel clean again.
Worthy cleared his throat and spoke in his official no-nonsense factotum’s voice. “Very well, Miss Fielding. Shall we resume our tour?”
Sara nodded, looking back into the dark corridor. “I would like to see where this leads.”
Derek watched with a reluctant smile as the two of them ventured into the passageway. He called after the factotum, “Keep an eye on her. Don’t let her shoot anyone.”
Worthy’s reply was muffled. “Yes, Mr. Craven.”
Derek closed the panelled door so that it blended seamlessly into the wall. He paused and steadied himself against a touch of dizziness. His bruised ribs had begun to ache. Slowly he made his way to his apartments and sought his opulent bedchamber. The head-board and posts of his bed were carved with cherubs bearing trumpets and dolphins rising on crests of waves. All of it was thickly covered with gold, which gleamed richly against the embroidered velvet bed hangings. Although Derek knew it was in bad taste, he didn’t care. “A bed fit for a king” was what he had told the furniture maker, and the expensive design appealed to him. As a boy he had spent too many nights curled up in doorways and under rickety wooden stairs, dreaming of sleeping in his own bed someday. Now he had built a palace…only to discover that thousands of nights reclining amid gold and velvet would never take away the sense of deprivation. He still hungered for a nameless something that had nothing to do with fine linen and luxury.
Closing his eyes, he slept lightly, drifting into a troubling dream filled with images of Joyce Ashby and her glittering golden hair, her white feet splashing among rivers of blood…
Suddenly he knew he wasn’t alone. He jerked awake with a slight gasp, his nerves clamoring in alarm. There was a woman by his bed. His green eyes focused on her, and his dark head dropped back to the pillow. “God, it’s you.” | <urn:uuid:eead7ce8-2b76-4dbd-b2f5-23e4d93a5c32> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:11:03Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.985053 | 7,099 | 7,215 |
Technology is advancing with every passing second and minute of the day. Especially with gadgets, and computer-related hardware such as sublimation printers. This is why it is good to get a hang of the best sublimation printers available.
Okay! In case you are wondering what a sublimation printer is, how it is used or how it works. Here goes…
Sublimation is the process of printing pictures, or designs onto specially sized paper, for the purpose of stamping the design on any material such as fabric, or ceramic. It is done with the use of heat.
This process was initially been done by only certain professionals, but it is now being encouraged among regular individuals.
When it was first invented, the world took a whole new toll. Everyone had a sting of creativity in them. You see a design, or a picture on your phone while surfing the internet, and you start to imagine what it would look like if it was on your T-shirt.
That right there is the creative process of an operator using one of the best sublimation printers.
Printing any design on your cap, T-shirt or mug is now achievable and can be done with one of the best sublimation printers available.
What are the features required of any best sublimation printer?
The process of sublimation is not too hard to achieve. In fact, the best sublimation printer operators are known to be beginners. But the only characteristic that differentiates the expert operators from beginners, is the ability to notice the needed features in any best sublimation printer.
You may argue that you are aware of all the necessary features any best sublimation printer should possess. But let me run you through them again, for the sake of the new operators.
Note: Some of the features about to be mentioned, can be affected by some factors like purchasing condition, and the manufacturer, or model of the printer. Nonetheless, any best sublimation printer should have all or most of these;
- Multiple ink colors.
- Multiple printability.
- Automatic two-sided print/scan and fax.
- Digital savvy.
What are the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022?
Although sublimation printing is not a new invention, the use of new technologically best sublimation printers is in vogue. This has caused a surprising rise in the demand for sublimation printers around the world.
Sublimation printing does not just stop at developing the basic knowledge, that you want to print a love quote to your friend on a shirt, or you want to print a motivational word on your mug at the office. It extends to choosing the right sublimation printer for your project.
Since, there are a couple of dozens of usable sublimation printers in the market, with several features like electrical capabilities, printing ability, and technological advancement. Hence, it is very important to select the right sublimation printer out of these 21 best sublimation printers.
Best for producing stunning photo output, for use on other materials.
The Epson Workforce WF-7720 is one of the best sublimation printers out there, with a stunning capability, when it comes to creating quality in photo printing for use on other materials. It is mostly used for projects requiring cutting-edge photo quality.
As much as the printer is good, it is also heavy. It is very capable of printing large-sized formats like 13” x 19”, this is a major reason why its total cubic meter is about 16.5” x 22.3” x 17.8” in height, width, and length respectively.
Regardless of its largeness, the WF-7720 also possesses a strong benefit common amongst the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022, which is its hard plastic body. Its bodyweight and size also allow it to be capable of holding up about 500 sheets of paper at once. It is sold at $830, with a regular rating of 4.5stars.
- It does black printing is done at 8 ppm.
- It does colored printing is done at 6 ppm.
- It provides automated mutual printing scan/copy/print/fax
- It connects to Wi-Fi and Ethernet.
- It is made by Epson Manufacturers.
- It possesses email print, Epson iPrint App, Wi-Fi, and USB print ability.
- It has 4.3” display touchscreen for control.
- It has a maximum resolution of 4800 x 2400 dpi.
- It can print paper of 3.5” x 5” to 13” x 19”, and A4, A6 sizes.
Best for versatility and economically friendly.
Epson EcoTank ET-3760 is a very useful versatile printer. It is labeled by many to be very user-friendly, and budget-friendly. It has a compactible shape and it is also made with very hard plastic, which helps prove its durability.
Although it is one of the many Epson manufactured sublimation printers, it is reliable and a newer version of the 21 best sublimation printers. It is very eco-friendly and very economical, as it usually used for large printing.
Despite its little size and compactness, it is also very functional when printing, it prints very high-quality sheets, with high speed. It has a little box-shaped control LCD panel, with many other control buttons on the right-hand side of the device. It is recently rated at 4.5star, and it is sold at $442.90.
- It is very eeconomical.
- It can easily be refilled with Ink.
- It has comfortable paper trays.
- It is manufactured by Epson.
- It uses Inkjet printing technology.
- It is compatible with laptops and PC’s.
- It has a colored output.
- It prints 3.5″ x 5″, 4″ x 6″, 5″ x 7″, 8″ x 10″,8.5″ x 11″, 8.5″ x 14″, A4, A6, half letter, executive paper sizes.
Best for economical, functionality, and size considerations.
The Epson ET-4760 is one of many Epson manufactured sublimation printers. But it has a rather smaller size, but with the same features and ability that qualifies it to be listed amongst the 21 best sublimation printers.
It has a unique design, with its paper suction side been opposite to the control panel. It few buttons on its panel one for the home prompt, and the other to view the menu list.
In a situation where it is a bit far from reach, the control panel can be swerved forward or backward for a better maneuver angle.
It is sold between $400-$500, with a rating of 5stars.
- It connects to Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Apple, and USB.
- It has a considerable printing cost.
- It has a printing speed of over 15ppm.
- It weighs about 15.9 pounds.
- It has a dimension of 9.1 by 14.8 by 13.7 Inches.
- It has a 2.3 color control screen.
- It has four different individual ink bottles.
Best for regular wide paper sublimation printing.
Formally called the Epson Expression Photo HD XP 15000, this printer is one of the widest printers amongst the best sublimation printers. It is one of the many sublimation printers made by Epson manufacturers, but it is in no way alike with the other Epson printers. Because of its wide shape.
This printer also possesses hard plastic, utilized for best sublimation printers, and it confirms its durability over a long period of time. It has an LCD control screen of 2.4 inches, with compatible navigation buttons.
It also allows the operator mechanical access through its top lid to the ink cartridges. It has a standard 4star rating on websites like U-buy, with a price of $390.
- It has a tilting viewing ability on the control panel.
- It is capable of printing wide paper sizes.
- It can produce prints up to 13inches, with more than 5 color.
- It prints any paper standard and high quality in less than 8mins.
- It weighs about 18.6lb.
- It has a dimension of 18.7″ x 30.9″ x 16.2″.
- It has a media resolution of 5760 x 1440 dpi.
- It can print paper with sizes; 3.5″ x 5″ to 13” x 19”, A4, A6, and Executive sheets.
Best for office large printing.
The Epson WF-7710 is a very advanced sublimation printer made by the Epson manufacturers. It has been labeled by many users as being perfect for office use. It weighs more than some of its other counterparts in the best sublimation printers.
Regardless of its perfect aesthetics, it has the tough capability as it is capable of holding 250prints at once. It is also very capable of automatic-sided printing, which is to scan/print/fax/copy.
It has a wide touchscreen display control panel, with a series of control buttons at the side. Meanwhile, because of its advancement and demand by the labor force, it is very costly. It is sold at $880, with a 4.7star rating.
- It connects to Wi-Fi, USB, and many other connections.
- It is compatible with many digital devices.
- It prints 18 pages per minute
- It has a print speed of 8.7ppm and 6ppm for black and colored paper respectively.
- It weighs about 40pounds.
- It can print papers from size 8.50 x 14 to 13 x 19.
- It has a 4.3inches touch screen panel.
Best for medium or small setups.
In the totality of its design, the Epson Stylus C88+ is a very different type of Epson manufactured sublimation printer. It has a look that presumes it as a future technology. It has a total edge curved shape, and it is very portable to move.
The basic usability it has is that it is presumably made for small businesses. Meanwhile, it prints a lot of paper in a few minutes just like other Epson printers.
During rush hours of printing, it can carry up to 140 papers on the input space. It has a high resolution of 5760 by 1440, and it is sold between $400-$900 with a 4.5star rating.
- It can print 19pages in 60seconds.
- It works with all types of paper materials.
- It is water proof.
- It weighs a little over 25lb.
- It has a dimension of
- It is available in grey and silver colors.
- It has a sound wave level of 42 db.
Best for rigorous sublimation printing.
Unlike the other types of sublimation printers, saw grass printers are specifically built for the purpose of sublimation projects. This printer (Saw Grass SG500) is very straightforward to set up and easy to use, but it utilizes old printer technology. It doesn’t focus on the new technology utilized on printers.
It has a simple LED control panel, with some buttons and a few indicator lights. Its exactness makes it very easy to edit, and maneuver should incase any mistake occurs during printing. It has an access Ink point at the front of the device, and a plate cap for its Ethernet and USB ports.
One of its benefits is that it gives the operator the ability to affect or edit the process while printing, should incase the paper jams. On websites like the coastal business, it is sold at $574, with a 5star rating.
- It has a high printing ability.
- It is very economical to use.
- It has both Ethernet option, and Wi-Fi options.
- It weighs 35.2 pounds.
- It has a dimension of 21.65 x 14.17 x 9.84 inches.
- It has a maximum resolution of 4800 x 1200 dpi.
- It has a media size of 215 x 355mm.
Best quality for photograph prints.
When your only aim is to print a photograph for sublimation, the Virtuoso VJ 628 is the only best choice you have. Apart from photographic images, this device also prints fine arts and signs. It has a high-definition image history. It is very advanced and can connect to any device from mobile phones to pc and a computer. It uses all forms of network connection; Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.
It has a photo resolution of about 1400 by 1400 dpi. It has a unique design, and it is easily movable and very rigid. It weighs over 60pounds and has a lifetime support system when purchased from the right source.
- It has a wide dual print range of 25”.
- It has a built-in sheet cutter.
- It comes with a complete Set of Inks when purchased form the right source.
- It as an average of 12months warranty.
- It works well with creative studio online designer.
- It is only compatible with Microsoft OS.
- It weighs up to 79 pounds.
- It has a maximum resolution of 1400 x 1400 dpi.
- It has a maximum print size of about 25”.
9. Artison 1430
Best for expensive super prints.
The Artison 1430 is one of the few printers in the list of the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022 that prints very wide sheets. Although the Artison 1430 is an old design, its specificity makes it the most suitable for sublimation printing.
The photos printed by this device have the same amount of quality as a regular fashioned professional studio. It can print up to 13 by 19-inch photographs, making it a very usable machine for planning events, and then it has a maximum printability of 30 by 42 inches.
It is very compatible with any smartphone, laptop, or computer and it connects with a Wi-Fi network. It is sold at an average price of $2300, with a 4star rating.
- It is capable of producing quality, and large sized print outs.
- It uses high definition Claria ink.
- It produces fade-resistant sheets.
- It has wide enough trays for CDs/DVDs.
- It has replaceable cartridges.
- It can print as large as 13 x 19 inches.
- It uses 6 high-definition cartridges.
- It connects through Wi-Fi.
- It has a quality of 5760 by 1440 dpi.
- It installs software from CD, and DVD.
- It provides an easy user manual panel.
Best for size consideration and high quality.
Amongst all the best sublimation printers of 2022, the Canon Selphy CP1300 is the most compatible, with the same quality as other larger counterparts. It can be easily moved around both in long-distance and short-distance movement.
It doesn’t have an easy pickable shape, but it is a printer that suits travel options. Despite the size, it is capable of printing standard-quality pictures. It can be controlled from its 3.2inch tilting LCD panel. It also has some aligned buttons at the first quarter of the total top perimeter.
Like other best sublimation printers, it is made with hard plastic and this makes it rigid enough for rigorous activities. For its small size, it is sold at $160 dollars with a rating of 4.5star.
- It is portable and very easy to move.
- It takes about 60s to print 4 by 6 photo card.
- It supports Bluetooth connection.
- It weighs a little over 1.5lb.
- It has a dimension of 7.1″ (W) x 5.4″ (D) x 2.5″ (H).
- It can connect to Hi-Speed USB, SD card, and Wi-Fi.
- It can print papers of 4.0″ x 6.0″, 3.5″ x 4.7″, 2.1″ x 3.4″, and 2.1″ x 2.1″ sizes.
Canon Pixma Pro-200
Best for borderless printing.
When it comes to borderless sublimation printing, the Canon Pixma Pro-200 is the best out there. When printing, this device removes the dye print effect and makes the printing extra suitable.
This is a very lightweight machine and it is very easy to set up. Its design is made in such a way that it makes the job easier when printing for an art gallery. They were usually too big and uneasy around the places they are placed. But their recent models and design now look smaller and more compact.
It is also made with hard plastic and it has a built-in paper roll effect that makes it easy to carry out wallpaper or banner printing of different types. It has a control panel that displays some information about the paper alignment and the print types.
The device uses a 4800 by 2400 dpi, and it is sold at $599 with a wonderful full 5star rating.
- It has premium quality printout.
- It is very efficient for borderless formats.
- It is very economical, sales effective.
- It has an upgraded processor and navigation panel.
- It is made by Canon manufacturer.
- It has a colored output.
- It has a compatible and sublimation ink point.
- It connects to Ethernet, Wi-Fi and USB.
- It is compatible with ssmartphone, PCS, laptops, and Tabs
- It can print on glossy photo papers.
Xerox Phaser 3260/D1
Best for considerations on weight, and printing ability.
A uniquely perfect device, yet with very lightweight. The Xerox Phaser 3260 is the best bet amongst the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022, when it comes to considerations on lightweight, with the same printing ability as the rest of the pack.
It is the most considerable for beginners, children or very old people, because of its noise. It makes little to no noise while printing. Its weight also supplements its movement. Meaning it can be easily moved from one place to another.
This device has a perfectly squared shape, with curved longitudinal edges, and a wide opening at the top to reveal the output of the print paper.
It is sold between $200-$290, with a rating of 4stars.
- It uses Wireless connection.
- It makes little to no sound when working.
- It can contain up to 250 sheets at once.
- It is very compact in its design.
- It perfectly prints monochrome documents.
- It has a maximum paper size print of 8.5 by 14.
- It has an automatic document feeder.
Best for power considerations and affordability.
The Brother MFC-J995DW is one of two major Brother printers that make the list of the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022. It is known for its economical usage and its easy maintenance with ample power.
This printer also has a very rigid body compartment and a wide scanner plate which is about 8.5″ x 11″. It has its control panel at the forefront, with a maximum resolution of printing set at 1200 DPI.
On many sales website, it is sold at $291, with a rating of 4.5star. It is also known as the Investment Tank. Because of its pricing and printing ability.
- It can print up to 13 pages per minute.
- It has good color reproduction.
- It has a compactible shape.
- It connects to Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Apple, and USB.
- It weighs 18.1lb.
- It has a dimension of 17.0” x 13.3″ x 7.6″.
- It has a 2.6inches screen display.
- It can print papers of several types like envelops, A3, A4, A5, A6, and letter sized papers.
Best for less software installation before use.
The Brother manufacturing company is known for creating sophisticated business class sublimation printers, that can be used to printers multiple times. The uniqueness of this particular device (The Brother MFC-L3710CW) is that it can be put to work at ease with lesser software packages than its regular counterparts, in the list of 21 best sublimation printers in 2021.
It is mostly used by offices in an academic environments, shipping areas, career extensions, licensing, and printing shops. Just like other sublimation printers, it allows for easy carriage of internal paper absorption, with over 200 papers at once.
It is controlled with a 3.7inch technological touchscreen display panel. Also, it is very compatible with many other devices such as laptops pc, and computers. It is sold at over $400 and has a rating of 5star.
- It can be easily reinked.
- It has a modern navigational touchscreen.
- It is bbudget-friendly, and easy to use.
- It connects through wireless connection.
- It works with Alexa technology.
- It has a colored printing technology.
- It connects easily with Wi-Fi.
- It is compatible with Laptops/ PC.
- It is mostly rrecommended office or home use.
- It has a 3.7-inch colored touchscreen.
Best for intentional operators.
The HiTi P525L is the best option for intentional customers. Because it is the first printer to use RFID technology. Hence, if you are an operator with the intention of using such a historical printer, you should consider this device.
Even with its rich history, it still qualifies largely for the best sublimation printers that could be used in 2022. Because it also carries the ability of other printers that are very much in vogue.
It weighs a little bit over 30 pounds, hence it is well built and compact shaped. It has an LCD screen that displays the ongoing printing process, and a few buttons to assist the operator.
- It works perfectly with windows.
- It has a high printing quality.
- It is affordable.
- It has high printing speed.
- It has an official Wi-Fi key to easily connect to phones.
- It is a two-time paper flanged and two times paper adapter device.
- It has 300 by 300 dpi.
- It can print on different paper.
HP Office Jet Pro 9025
Best for mid-range sublimation printing and more regular printing.
When your aim is to print fewer sublimation papers and more regular papers. Then the HP Office Jet Pro 9025 is your best bet. It has every quality that qualifies it as one of the best sublimation printers of 2022.
It is very spontaneous and has an access point mode for editing the ink cartridges front the front. The lid also allows for maneuverability during paper hook situations. It has a 2.7-inch touchscreen panel. It prints colored sheets at 20ppm and black and white documents at 24ppm.
On websites like Amazon and many other sales websites, it is rated with 4.5stars and sold at $329.
- It has an understandable operating system.
- It connects to Wi-Fi and USB.
- It has a tray paper carrying ability of more than 500 sheets on the output.
- It weighs about 30.5lbs.
- It has a dimension of 12.5” x 17.2” x 15.6”.
- It utilizes Inkjet printing technology.
- It has a resolution of 600 by 600 dpi.
Hp Colour Laser Jet Pro M479FDW
Best for multifunctional use.
This is one of the numerous standard Hp printers made for sublimation printing. The HP Color Laserjet M479FDW is a very functional printer. It is mostly used by offices requiring regular printing. It could print different papers, in different modes, for several hours with the same efficiency.
It has complicated automation, which makes it very easy to twitch its settings for probable future use. It works directly with a single print command, from any nearby computer. It uses high-speed printing, and its easily carries over 300 papers at once.
It has very compact shape and is also made with hard plastic like the other best sublimation printers of 2022.
It also has a futuristic voice assistant reply which helps make the control system easier. The touchscreen also displays easy access to the control of the printing process, before, and after printing. On websites like Amazon, it is sold between $699-$900, with a 4.6star rating.
- It has a standard cartridge.
- It connects through Wireless, and Ethernet.
- It has a futuristic touch screen panel.
- It prints at hhigh-speed.
- It is very easy to use.
- It is manufactured by the ecstatic HP brand.
- It uses lazer printing technology.
- It connects to USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi.
- It can print paper ssize of eenvelopes, Letters, etc.
- It uses colored output.
- It has a print speed of 28 ppm.
Best sublimation printer for beginners.
As we all know, Mitsubishi is not the best brand when it comes to aesthetics. But for the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022. This Mitsubishi Cp-9550DW makes the list with an awesome look at its super fast speed, and a very revolutionary system of operation.
This device can print up to four different print sizes, with thermal heat management. It has a semi-transparent lid at the bottom, which indicates its output point.
It can print on high glossy photo paper. It has a rating of 4stars and it is sold for over $179.
- It has 32mb memory capacity.
- It is superfast printing speed.
- It has intuitive control color ability.
- It weighs a little over 15lbs.
- It has a maximum media size of 3.5 by 5.0.
- It has a 16bit processor.
- It has a resolution of 340dpi.
Best for considerations on heat transfer.
This device is known as the Mitsubishi CP-K60DW-S. It is mostly known for its heat transferability. Just like the other printers from the same manufacturer (Mitsubishi), it also aligns with the technology that qualifies it durable to be amongst the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022.
It has a very unique ability, which is that it gives the operator the ability of printing in two different qualities, which makes the printing quality remain the same even while in sleeping mode.
It works in high resolution and power consumption mode. It is sold on Amazon at $299, and it has a rating of 4stars.
- It has two print formats.
- It has very high resolution.
- It is a compact device.
- It has easy usability; Good for beginners.
- It has a resolution of 300 by 300 dpi.
- It prints perfectly on plain paper.
- It has a maximum print size of 4 by 6, and 6 by 8.
Olympus P-11 Premium 4×6
Best for printing 4″ x 6″ or 3.5″ x 5″ photo-lab-quality.
Unlike all of the other best sublimation printers of 2022. This printer (Olympus P-11) is specifically designed for printing 4″ x 6″ or 3.5″ x 5″ photo-lab-quality sheets. It does this in less than 1 minute.
This printer produces well-sophisticated sheets with less inaccurate, and less faded quality. This is due to the design of the printer, which is that; it utilizes the impact of heat, thereby creating sharp images, with little to no defects.
It is small shaped and weighs less than 20pounds, with a hard plastic body part which makes it also very durable. The Olympus P-11 has a smaller rating compared to the other 21 best sublimation printers in 2022. But this is due to its specificity to a particular size. It is sold at less than $150, with a 3star rating.
- It is very fast when printing.
- It is easy to use.
- It uses USB connection to Windows.
- It has a low per print cost.
- It has exceptional photo-accuracy.
- Compact 7.3 x 7.1-inch footprint, fits anywhere
- It supports PC, and camera.
- It prints sheet sizes of 4 by 6 inches and 3.5 inches by 5 inches.
- It has a colored output.
Best for high speed, and price-friendly consideration.
This is a device that is known specifically for its super speed and despite that, it is also known for its high affordability price.
The DNP DS-RX1HS is very unique and very small sized. It weighs a little over 15pounds, but still delivers a substantial print quality to be considered as one the best sublimation printers of 2022.
Its speed is standard, but it is also very dependent on the type of resolution you are aiming to print; meaning, the slower the pace the higher the resolution, and vice versa. It does 500 prints per roll.
If you want a small-sized printer, with accurate print speed, and average print quality. For the amount of quality, it gives at such a small movable size, it is okay to say that it has an affordable price at $600 and with a rating of 4.8 star.
- It has a less expensive hardware costs.
- It has a unique speed.
- It can be set to high resolution mode.
- It has two catch trays.
- It uses cheap inks in printing.
- It uses USB connection.
- It prints paper sizes of 4 by 6 inches and 6 by 8 inches.
- It prints glossy photo papers.
- It has a known resolution of 300 by 600 DP1.
Best Sublimation Printer- FAQ
For such an important device, it will take very important to ask the necessary questions before or after using it, especially this list of 21 best sublimation printers in 2022.
What is the best sublimation printer ever?
After reading this whole article on the 21 best sublimation printers in 2022. It should be clear that there is no perfect sublimation printer. Technology is still evolving, and so are these printers. You can only get a suitable printer for your project choice.
How to know if a sublimation printer is good for a project?
It is not enough to read reviews about products but to also take note of the specificity of each product. The best way to know if a sublimation printer is the best for your project is by checking the boxes or; the type of quality of print you need, the size you need, the urgency of the work, the location where it is to be used, etc.
Is there any warranty for sublimation printers?
Depending on where you buy them from, sublimation printers usually come with enough usability warranty, that allows you to test run it after purchase for a long time. Its warranty time is based on the manufacturer, capacity, and purchase point. It can be from 6months to 3 years.
What are the best sublimation inks?
They are many inks out there, that could be used for sublimation printing. It ranges from pigmentation stats to manufacturer design solutions, and general solubility.
But regardless of all of these, the best ink to use for any sublimation printing is any printing ink that will obey the laws of heat transfer and change easily into gas. Thereby causing an imprint on the final print material.
When is the right time to use the printed material after printing?
There is no exactness to the time that you should wait before using the printed material. But most times it is advisable to check the ink indication usage sheet to see the stats of the appropriate drying time of the ink.
Sublimation printing is one of the most trending tasks in this present generation, and this trend is surprisingly pulling the technological wave of designs, and devices into suiting customers’ needs. It has led to the design of such marvelous components like these 21 best sublimation printers in 2022.
It is very rampant amongst most young individuals in educational setups for printing academic texts, and artworks. Also, it is used by a large number of labor market standards with enough yearly print measures. In addition, all the present best sublimation printers are unique in their make. But they all use either Laser technology or Inkjet technology.
Nevertheless, in due time these 21 best sublimation printers will be advanced and renewed in new forms, and better-advanced design. Get yourself one today, and print your required desired. | <urn:uuid:ee9de4fe-8875-4572-ad43-1b2f3d0cbfad> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:00:19Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.939211 | 7,229 | 8,058 |
James Meehan - True, Through and Through
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— Well hello and welcome to this week's episode of "Switch Uncut" where we are talking about all things faith, following Jesus, and the Bible. What we're gonna do day is a little bit different than some of the episodes we've done, but not super different from other episodes we've done. So one of the things that we're really passionate about is walking through a biblical text together, because what we know is that the more that we can learn and understand the truth of God's word, the more we can faithfully follow Jesus in our everyday lives. And so one of the things do is we often explore the context surrounding a passage of scripture, specifically by asking who's the author, who's the audience, and what was the point of them writing that passage.
— Today what we're gonna do though, is we're actually gonna look at the context found throughout the rest of the biblical story. We're gonna start with a passage found in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus does some really cool stuff because he's Jesus, and then we're gonna look at other passages throughout that same gospel, throughout other gospels, and then we're gonna look at a passage that comes from later in the New Testament. And then as we take all of these different pieces of the puzzle, put them together, we're gonna have a fuller picture of just how amazing Jesus really is. So with that being said, Caitlin, are you ready to read the first scripture?
— I am. Here we go, it's from Matthew seven, at the end of the sermon on the mount. It says, "When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority, quite unlike their teachers of religious law".
— I like to think that I teach with real authority.
— Wow, 'cause you're so Christlike.
— 'Cause I'm so Christlike and humble.
— So humble.
— That one was for you mom. So what I wanna focus in on is the line that says, "Jesus taught with real authority".
— "Quite unlike their teachers of religious law". Now what's cool to know about out Jesus is that when he spoke people listened, and it wasn't just because of what he had to say, but it's the fact that he lived what he said. And what's cool is if you actually look at the Greek word that gets translated into authority, it comes from two different Greek words that you put 'em together and it becomes authority. Those words are "ex" which means out of, and then "ousia", which is like your substance, your essence, or your being. So when you put those together, you get this Greek word "exousia" which means literally, out of your being. So when Jesus was speaking, when he is teaching, he is teaching out of his very being, he's not just pulling random ideas out of thin air and saying them because they sound good, he is speaking what truly comes from who he is. And that's literally what it means to have integrity, when your words and your actions are integrated, they're fully aligned. And so what I wanna just pause here and talk about is the fact that yes, Jesus is the son of God who entered the world to die for our sins so that we could be saved. And also every step of the way, Jesus walked and he talked with authority, why? Because he lived with integrity. And so when we look at Jesus, one of the things that I think can be so helpful to be reminded of is that he is completely true through and through.
— There is no deception, there is no manipulation, there's no falsehood in him. Everything he says is consistent with who he is because he speaks with authority out of the center of his being. And so what I wanna do now is begin to look at some of these other passages of scripture that set up this contrast...
— To show us just how brilliant Jesus is. Because the other thing that happens here is after we read that he taught with real authority, we read that he was "quite unlike their teachers of religious law".
— And so what Matthew's doing as Jesus rounds out the sermon on the mount is he's showing that people responded to Jesus in a way that they did not respond to others. That Jesus, because he communicated with integrity, he was able to speak with authority, which was very different than the teachers of law.
— So moving on to scripture two, we're gonna see some of that contrast and where it comes from.
— This one is from Matthew 23, one through three. It says, "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, the teachers of the religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. So practice in obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example for they don't practice what they teach". Ouch.
— They don't practice what they teach, do what they say, but not what they do. So what Jesus is doing here is he's making it really clear that this was the problem that existed within the teachers of the religious law in his day. Is that they might have preached really good, but they didn't practice what they preached, and that's where the term hypocrite actually comes from. It's believed by a lot of people that Jesus coined that phrase because before Jesus was accusing the religious leaders of being hypocrites, that was used to describe the mask that an actor would wear in Greek plays. So it's literally, they would put on a mask to present one thing to the world that was very different from what they actually practiced.
— And you've experienced this, that when people say good things, but those good things don't at all line up with what they actually do or believe, like we can sniff that out from pretty far away, because we've grown up in a world where we are marketed to 24/7, right? Like everything we watch on our phones, like even within games, there are now advertisements for other things, everybody's trying to market something to us, and that's what these teachers of the religious law were doing. They were trying to market to the people, "Hey, we're super spiritual, so listen to what we have to say. Hey, we're really religious, so you should treat us with respect". And Jesus actually says like, yeah, you should respect them. You should listen to the words that they say, because even though they're saying true things, the way that they're living is actually really false. And that's the difference between Jesus and these other religious teachers is he didn't just say good things, he lived a true life.
— And so for us in our modern world as followers of him, one of the most important muscles that we can develop is discerning whether or not people are actually being honest.
— That's good.
— Because even within the church, there are gonna be people who say really good things, but their life doesn't line up with the things they say that they believe.
— That's why for me, as somebody who's in the church, who is in a position of teaching, I have to be super careful that I don't end up like these teachers of the religious law.
— Who say good things, but don't actually live a true life.
— And so this is really confronting to me.
— Wow, it sounds like literally the teachers of the law were getting it exactly backwards.
— Yeah, yeah, yeah.
— It's like Jesus' authority was born out of his integrity.
— Come on.
— But for them, they wanted the authority...
— Without confronting their integrity issue.
— Right, and because they didn't have integrity, guess what? They also didn't have authority. Come on Jesus. He's so legit. All right. Yeah, yeah.
— Scripture three.
— Yeah, get us into the next one.
— I'm gonna keep rolling. This one actually comes from the beginning of the sermon on the mountain, so we're like skipping back a little bit. It's Matthew 5:43-48. "You've heard that the law says, love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you, in that way, you will be acting as true children of your father in heaven, for he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good. He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how different are you from anyone else, even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect".
— So we started at the end of this sermon where we're told Jesus spoke with authority, that people were amazed, and that was very different than the teachers of the religious law. Then we jumped ahead later in Matthew's gospel, where we see, oh, the reason why Jesus was so different from those teachers of the religious law is because they didn't practice what they preached.
— But when Jesus spoke, he spoke out of the center of his being. That he lived with integrity, and that's what led to him being able to speak with authority. Now we're going back to the sermon on the mount, so it's this passage of scripture, these three chapters, Matthew five, six, and seven, that is Jesus teaching, and that's what people responded with by saying, dang, this dude is different. And so we read Jesus laying out this ethic that would've been radically different from anything they'd ever heard before.
— Because Jesus, isn't just saying, "Hey, like do to others, as you want them do to you".
— Or treat others the way that you have been treated.
— He's literally going so far to say that if you have enemies, you need to love them.
— That if people persecute you, if they hurt you, if they belittle you, if they pick on you, the best thing that you can do is pray for them. And then he lays out how that's actually the way that God shows his love to all of the world.
— He sends rain on the just, and the unjust. He brings good things to the righteous and the unrighteous. And so what Jesus is saying is, regardless of what other people do, our response is to love. Our response is to show them the radical grace that sometimes they don't even deserve. And so here's the thing, Jesus is saying this, and it sounds really, really good.
— But the beauty of Jesus is that he didn't just say these things...
— He actually practiced them.
— It's good.
— Because he lived with integrity.
— And so Caitlyn, will you go to the next passage, now this one is in Luke's gospel. And the important thing to note here is we're jumping ahead to show what is the most powerful example of Jesus practicing what he preached, living out these words that he spoke in Matthew's gospel.
— Yep. So in Luke 23, 32 through 37, we read, "Two others, both criminals were led out to be executed with him. When they came to a place called The Skull, they nailed him to a cross. And the criminals were also crucified, one on his right, and one on his left. Jesus said, father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice. The crowd watched and the leaders scoffed, he saved others they said, let him save himself if he really is God's Messiah, the chosen one. The soldiers mocked him too, by offering him a drink of sour wine. They called out to him, if you were the king of the Jews, save yourself".
— So here's Jesus literally being executed on a cross, being crucified as if he were a criminal, even though he has committed no crime.
— And there are these people calling out, they're saying like, "Hey, if you really are the chosen one of God, then save yourself". And what's crazy is they were thinking in that moment, the way that Jesus would demonstrate him being the chosen one of God is by saving himself.
— And yet the way that Jesus demonstrates his union with God, the fact that he is the Messiah, our savior, is by praying for the very people that are killing him.
— Just like he talked about in the sermon on the mount.
— Right he says, "you've heard it said to love your neighbor, hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". And so in this passage, in Luke's gospel, what we are seeing is Jesus literally praying for the people that are killing him.
— Asking God to forgive them, because according to Jesus, they don't even know what they're doing. The level of empathy, and grace, and mercy that Jesus is demonstrating here is so radical.
— And it's because he spoke outta the center of his being. Later on in some of John's writings, one of Jesus' disciples, he talks about this idea that God is love. Love isn't just something that Jesus does, it's actually the essence of who he is. And we see this being demonstrated as he's dying on a cross. And so what we've done is we started at the end of Jesus's teachings on the sermon on the mount, and we ask the question, what is it that set Jesus apart from the religious leaders? He spoke with authority.
— Where did that come from? It came from him living with integrity. Then we looked ahead at the hypocrisy of the religious leaders because they did not practice what they preached. Then we moved back to the end of the sermon on the mount where Jesus says, "Hey, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". Now here we are in Luke's gospel, and we see Jesus doing exactly what he said we were supposed to do.
— And so we're continuing to see how these different passages of scripture, pulled from different places in the gospel are all fleshing out this picture of just how special Jesus is. So now what we're gonna do is we're gonna jump ahead later in the New Testament to some of Paul's writings where the apostle Paul says some words that I think demonstrate all of this really, really beautifully.
— Okay. Romans five, six through 11, "When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now most people would be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who's especially good, but God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And since we've been made right in God's sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God's condemnation. For since friendship with God was restored by the death of his son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God".
— So while we were still sinners.
— While we were enemies of God.
— Jesus came and he died for us.
— He died in our place. He did for us what we couldn't do for ourselves. And so now as we are reading this passage from the fifth chapter of Romans, what we are seeing is this theme continually being built on that when Jesus said things that sounded totally radical and extreme, like, hey, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. He wasn't just saying good ideas that were really just empty words. What he was doing is he was telling everybody what he came here to do. He was showing everybody the kind of love that God has for us, and this is what I think is so powerful is that we can read one passage of scripture and see something that's really powerful, it's really beautiful, it's really cool. But then as we learn to read that passage in context with the rest of the Bible, we can see those ideas be fleshed out and built on, and expanded in ways that just continue to illustrate how good God is.
— And how different Jesus is from the teachers of the religious law. The teachers of our modern world. The people that maybe we really like following on social media, there's something radically different about Jesus and that's he spoke out of the center of his being, he communicated with authority that was born from his integrity.
— And so what we've done is we've looked at a handful of different passage of scripture to help us connect these different dots, to paint a picture of just how special Jesus is. Now what we like to do.
— Is we like to explore these passage of scripture, walking through little by little so that we can understand together how most wisely we can read God's word. But then what we wanna do is talk about how do we then apply these truths to our lives?
— Because it's not enough to just read these truths, we actually have to learn how to live these truths.
— Almost like what Jesus did.
— Come on somebody.
— So with that being said, Caitlyn, talk to us about how as you are walking through these different passages, looking at the integrity of Jesus, the radical love of God, what does that make you think about and how do you begin to make your life consistent with those words?
— That's so good. I think the thing that is like confronting my heart the hardest at this moment, as we've just read through all of those passages is like, in every moment throughout Jesus' life, when authority is called into question, he doesn't respond with defensiveness like I would be so tempted to do.
— Yeah, yeah.
— He's not like up there defending himself and his honor telling who he is and why he has all the authority in the world.
— He is instead acting out the words that he has already said and letting his actions speak for themselves, He continues to heal people, he continues to show grace, he continues to love his enemies, and at the absolutely like most intense moment of all that we just read as he's hanging on a cross, when they're confronting him, "if you really are the son of God, get down off the cross". But in his utter and complete integrity, he's like, no you don't get it. Like the best way for me to show you who I am is to stay right here.
— Come on. My goodness. It's kind of like the number one rule of storytelling, it's show don't tell.
— And that's what's so beautiful about Jesus, is he always showed the truth of who he really was. As you were saying that I was thinking about recently my wife watched this video from a YouTuber she enjoys watching that was like the weakest apology video ever.
— Oh no.
— It's the kind of apology video that's not actually an apology video, it's let me make a bunch of excuses and tell you why you're the bad guy.
— Right. Love those.
— And so what we don't get from Jesus is a crappy apology video while he's on the cross.
— What we get is this radical demonstration of the truth of who he is down to the very core.
— So good.
— Now for me, when I read these words, I honestly get confronted by the part where it says, "Jesus was quite unlike the religious leaders of his day because he spoke with integrity". And then when we jumped to the passage about those religious leaders, where they did not practice what they preach, for me, that caused me to look inward and ask the question, What areas of my life am I not living with integrity? What areas of me need to change so I can become more like Jesus? And you know, some of the things that I oftentimes think about are where I'll get on stage and I'll talk about a message and how we can better follow Jesus in this different area of our life. And there will be times where I realize crud, you know what, I'm not doing very well at this.
— And it's like in that moment where when I become aware of it, now I really wanna make sure I take action on it. Because with that awareness, I think it's actually a gift, it's the holy spirit showing us, Hey, there's something in you that isn't the way that it needs to be.
— That's good.
— So I'm inviting you to change. And so really specifically for me as I'm reading through this, I think about how it can be really easy for me to love people when I'm like, in my role as a pastor, because like, it's my job to love people.
— So I'm gonna love people. But then when I like go and spend time with family, it's like, no, when I'm in the role of big brother, you know what I wanna do? I wanna pick on my little brother. Right, like I wanna let him know who's boss. And so recently we were celebrating his 19th birthday, congrats to him. I told him on his birthday, I said, "Hey, happy birthday, you're really jacked for a 12 year old". And I thought that was really funny. And thankfully, like he clapped back really well. But what I realized is so much of my relationship with him is built around one V oneing each other in "Halo" and "Super Smash Brothers", and then ragging on each other, but I don't actually do a really good job of showing him how much I care about him. And that's something that I wanna do better. I want him to know that I really do love him, not just because we can play video games together, but because he's my brother, because he's a human being made in the image of God.
— Yep, so good. Well, as we have walked through these passages, what are some of the things are sticking out to you guys? What are some of the ways that the holy spirit is confronting your heart, and the questions he's inviting you to ask? Comment those below, we would love to wrestle through them with you and just hear what God's saying to your heart.
— Yeah, with that being said, thank you so much for joining us for this week of "Switch Uncut". Make sure to like the video, subscribe if you haven't already, and like Caitlin said, comment down below what it is the that God's showing you through this and continue on this journey of becoming more like Jesus for the sake of others.
— Because it's really special.
— See, y'all
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- 3. Marketing Campaigns: Generate articles related to your products or services to fuel your marketing campaigns. These articles can be used for email marketing, social media posts, and more.
Does Article Builder Have a Free Plan?
No, Article Builder does not offer a free plan. However, through the Article Builder Group Buy, you can gain unlimited access to Article Builder for the incredibly low price of $1.99.
List of Top Article Builder Alternatives
While Article Builder is a fantastic tool, it’s always good to explore alternatives. Here are some popular alternatives to Article Builder:
- 1. Grammarly Premium: Grammarly Premium is an excellent choice for checking grammar and improving the overall quality of your content.
- 2. is a content creation tool that uses AI to assist you in writing high-quality articles and optimizing them for SEO.
- 3. Spinrewriter: Spinrewriter is a powerful tool that helps you spin and create unique versions of articles, making it useful for content repurposing.
Reasons to Use Article Builder over Other Tools
Article Builder stands out from the competition for several reasons:
- 1. Quality Content: Article Builder’s articles are well-researched and written by professionals, ensuring that you receive high-quality content every time.
- 2. Affordable Price: With the Article Builder Group Buy, you can access Article Builder for only $1.99, making it an incredibly affordable option for content creators.
- 3. User-Friendly Interface: Article Builder’s intuitive interface makes it easy for beginners to start generating articles without a steep learning curve.
Why Is Article Builder So Inexpensive?
Article Builder is able to offer its services at such a low price through the Article Builder Group Buy due to the power of group buying.
By pooling together buyers, the cost per individual is significantly reduced, allowing everyone to enjoy the benefits of Article Builder at an affordable price.
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When it comes to content creation, Spark SEO Tools has got you covered. With a wide range of tools and services, Spark SEO Tools offers solutions for every aspect of your content strategy.
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Article Builder Group Buy offers an unbeatable opportunity to gain unlimited access to Article Builder for only $1.99.
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1. Can I customize the articles generated by Article Builder?
Yes, Article Builder allows you to customize the generated articles to suit your specific requirements. You can add your personal touch, include keywords, and tailor the articles to align with your brand’s voice.
2. Is Article Builder a free tool?
No, Article Builder does not offer a free plan. However, through the Article Builder Group Buy, you can gain unlimited access to Article Builder for just $1.99.
3. Are there any alternatives to Article Builder?
Yes, there are several alternatives to Article Builder, including Grammarly Premium,, and Spinrewriter. Each tool offers unique features and benefits for content creators.
4. How can I get Article Builder at a cheap price?
You can get Article Builder at a cheap price of $1.99 through the Article Builder Group Buy. Simply visit the provided link and follow the instructions to gain instant access to this incredible deal.
5. Why should I choose Article Builder over other tools?
Article Builder stands out for its quality content, affordability, and user-friendly interface. With professionally written articles, an unbeatable price, and an intuitive interface, Article Builder is a top choice for content creators.
Screpy Pro Group Buy – How to Buy Screpy Pro at a Cheaper Price
In the world of SEO tools, Screpy Pro has gained significant popularity for its comprehensive features and powerful optimization capabilities. However, acquiring access to this tool can sometimes be costly, especially for individuals or small businesses on a tight budget. But worry not! With the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy offered by Spark SEO Tools, you can now enjoy unlimited access to Screpy Pro+ for an incredibly low price of just $1.99.
What is Screpy Pro and What Does It Do?
Screpy Pro+ is an all-in-one SEO tool designed to help website owners, digital marketers, bloggers, and content creators improve their website’s performance and search engine rankings. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities that cover every aspect of SEO optimization, making it a valuable asset for anyone looking to enhance their online presence.
What Are the Different Features of Screpy Pro+?
Screpy Pro+ boasts an impressive array of features that cater to various SEO needs. Some of its key features include:
- Website Monitoring: Screpy Pro+ provides real-time monitoring of your website’s performance, allowing you to identify and resolve issues promptly.
- SEO Analysis: It offers in-depth SEO analysis, examining factors like page speed, mobile-friendliness, and technical SEO elements to pinpoint areas for improvement.
- Keyword Tracking: You can track your keyword rankings and gain insights into their performance over time.
- Competitor Analysis: Screpy Pro+ enables you to analyze your competitors’ strategies, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and adjust your SEO approach accordingly.
- Backlink Analysis: It helps you evaluate your backlink profile and discover opportunities for building high-quality backlinks.
The Pros & Cons of Screpy Pro
Before diving into the world of Screpy Pro+, it’s essential to consider both its pros and cons:
The Pros of Screpy Pro+
- Comprehensive SEO Toolkit: Screpy Pro+ offers a wide range of SEO tools and features, eliminating the need for multiple subscriptions.
- Affordable Pricing: Through the Group Buy option by Spark SEO Tools, you can access Screpy Pro+ for only $1.99, making it highly cost-effective.
- User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive and user-friendly interface of Screpy Pro+ ensures that users of all skill levels can navigate and utilize its features effectively.
The Cons of Screpy Pro+
- Limited Free Plan: Unfortunately, Screpy Pro+ does not provide a free plan. However, considering its value and affordable pricing, the investment is worth it for serious SEO enthusiasts and professionals.
How Can I Use Screpy Pro+ for My Business?
Screpy Pro+ offers immense value to various types of businesses and individuals:
- Small Business Owners: By leveraging Screpy Pro+, small business owners can optimize their websites, attract more customers, and generate higher revenue.
- Digital Marketers: Digital marketers can streamline their SEO efforts using Screpy Pro+, saving time and improving the visibility of their clients’ websites.
- Bloggers and Content Creators: Screpy Pro+ assists bloggers and content creators in identifying areas of improvement and optimizing their content for higher search engine rankings.
Does Screpy Pro+ Have a Free Plan?
Unfortunately, Screpy Pro+ does not offer a free plan. However, considering its extensive features and affordability through the Group Buy option, it remains an excellent investment for anyone seeking robust SEO optimization.
List of Top Screpy Pro+ Alternatives
While Screpy Pro+ is an exceptional SEO tool, there are alternatives available in the market. Some popular alternatives to Screpy Pro+ include:
Reasons to Use Screpy Pro+ Over Other Tools
Screpy Pro+ offers several advantages that set it apart from other SEO tools in the market. Some of the reasons to choose Screpy Pro+ include:
- Comprehensive Feature Set: Screpy Pro+ provides a wide range of features to cover all aspects of SEO optimization, ensuring you have everything you need in one tool.
- Affordable Pricing: With the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy offered by Spark SEO Tools, you can access unlimited features for just $1.99, making it a highly cost-effective choice.
- Ease of Use: Screpy Pro+ offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.
Why is Screpy Pro+ So Inexpensive?
The affordability of Screpy Pro+ through the Group Buy option is made possible by Spark SEO Tools’ strategic partnerships and collective purchasing power. By joining the Group Buy, you can benefit from the reduced cost while still enjoying unlimited access to all the features of Screpy Pro+.
How to Get Screpy Pro+ at a Cheap Price?
To get Screpy Pro+ at an incredibly low price of $1.99, follow these steps:
- Visit the Spark SEO Tools website at
- Navigate to the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy page.
- Click on the “Get Access Now” button.
- Follow the instructions to complete the purchase.
- Start enjoying unlimited access to Screpy Pro+ and optimize your website like a pro!
Spark SEO Tools: The Key Solution for Your SEO Problems
Spark SEO Tools offers a comprehensive suite of SEO solutions to meet the diverse needs of businesses and individuals. With a range of tools and affordable pricing options, Spark SEO Tools ensures that you have the resources necessary to drive your website’s success.
Screpy Pro+ Group Buy – Our Pricing
At Spark SEO Tools, we believe in providing cost-effective solutions to our customers. Through our Group Buy option, you can access Screpy Pro+ for an incredibly low price of only $1.99. Take advantage of this opportunity and unlock unlimited access to Screpy Pro+’s powerful features.
How Does Group Buying Work?
Group Buying is a collective purchasing method where a group of individuals comes together to buy a product or service at a significantly lower price.
By pooling their resources, they can enjoy the benefits of bulk purchasing and obtain exclusive deals that wouldn’t be available individually.
Spark SEO Tools facilitates Group Buys, allowing you to access premium SEO tools like Screpy Pro+ at highly discounted rates.
Is it Safe to Join and Use Screpy Pro+ Group Buy?
Absolutely! Spark SEO Tools ensures the safety and security of its customers. Our Group Buy process is completely secure, and your personal information is handled with the utmost confidentiality.
Joining the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy is a reliable and cost-effective way to access this powerful SEO tool.
What Are the Benefits of Joining a Group Buy?
Joining a Group Buy offers several advantages, including:
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- Shared Resources: By pooling resources, you can gain access to tools and services that might be otherwise unaffordable individually.
- Collective Knowledge: Group Buys often create communities where members can share insights, experiences, and strategies, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Key Advantages of Screpy Pro+ Group Buy – Spark SEO Tools
When you join the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy through Spark SEO Tools, you gain access to various advantages, including:
24 Hours Refund Policy
We offer a 24-hour refund policy, ensuring your satisfaction and providing peace of mind.
With our Group Buy, you get direct access to Screpy Pro+, enabling you to utilize its features to their full potential.
Upon completing the purchase, you’ll receive instant access to Screpy Pro+ and can start optimizing your website immediately.
We prioritize the privacy and security of your data. Rest assured that your information is handled with the utmost confidentiality.
Considerations to Choose Group Buy Screpy Pro+ From Tools Providers
When choosing a Group Buy provider for Screpy Pro+, consider the following factors:
- Reputation: Opt for a provider with a solid reputation and positive customer reviews.
- Reliability: Ensure that the provider delivers on their promises and offers genuine access to Screpy Pro+.
- Customer Support: Choose a provider that offers excellent customer support and assistance whenever needed.
Screpy Pro+ Group Buy through Spark SEO Tools presents an incredible opportunity to access this powerful SEO tool at an unbeatable price. With its comprehensive features, affordability, and ease of use, Screpy Pro+ empowers website owners, digital marketers, and content creators to enhance their SEO efforts and achieve remarkable results. Don’t miss out on this amazing deal and take your website’s performance to new heights with Screpy Pro+.
Can I access other SEO tools through Spark SEO Tools?
- Yes, Spark SEO Tools offers a wide range of SEO tools and packages. Visit to explore our offerings.
How long does the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy subscription last?
- The Group Buy subscription provides unlimited access to Screpy Pro+ for the duration specified by Spark SEO Tools. Please refer to our website for more details.
Is Screpy Pro+ suitable for beginners?
- Absolutely! Screpy Pro+ offers a user-friendly interface and caters to users of all skill levels, including beginners.
What payment methods are accepted for the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy?
- Spark SEO Tools accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and more. Visit our website for specific details.
Can I upgrade my Screpy Pro+ Group Buy subscription to a higher plan?
- Currently, the Screpy Pro+ Group Buy subscription offers unlimited access to all features. If you require additional features or tools, please explore other options on our website.
For any further inquiries or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at | <urn:uuid:51e494c1-e23d-4bf3-bbf7-7b9ea2f1f2e4> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:25:34Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.893718 | 5,951 | 6,595 |
2024 Kitchen Remodeling Costs in Dallas
Researching your kitchen remodeling costs in Dallas? The key factors are size, finish level, scope, and services needed.
How much should you budget for your kitchen remodel? Here’s how to make a rough prediction of kitchen remodeling costs in Dallas. The main variables are:
- Size of your kitchen, typically determined by square footage, and other factors like the number of linear feet of cabinets and countertops you need.
- Finish level — from budget to luxury, of all the materials, fixtures and finishes for your renovation.
- Scope — Are you just replacing fixtures and finishes? Are you changing the floor plan, including moving walls and utilities? Are you adding a new kitchen, or moving your kitchen to a different part of the house?
- Services — Do you just need construction work? Do you need professional design or architecture services?
We’ll discuss these variables below, but for now let’s start with an example.
For a full renovation (without layout changes) of a medium-sized kitchen, with basic general contracting services, here’s what you can expect starting costs for your project to look like in Dallas:
- Budget kitchen renovation costs: Starting at $23,500
- Mid-grade kitchen renovation costs: Starting at $36,000
- High-end kitchen renovation costs: Starting at $72,500
We want you to be completely prepared for the cost of your home remodeling project, so our pricing estimates are inclusive of all materials, labor, overhead, and a standard general contractor’s margin.
When you’re ready to get started on your kitchen or home remodel, work with Sweeten to renovate with the best contractors in Dallas.
Size: How dimensions affect your kitchen remodeling costs in Dallas
This may sound obvious, but the larger your kitchen, generally the more expensive your renovation project will be. However, it’s not a totally straightforward calculation, because what matters most isn’t the footprint, it’s the fixtures and finishes that will fill that space — more cabinetry, countertops, and bigger appliances mean greater costs. Here’s how you can think about sizing up your kitchen remodeling project:
- Extra small kitchens are usually “kitchenettes” with mini appliances and limited cabinets. They are usually less than 60 sqft, and best for simple food prep. Typical appliances in an extra small kitchen include an under-counter or narrow refrigerator, and a small stove or cooktop.
- Small kitchens often have a narrow galley or efficient corner layout. Small kitchens are usually about 60-90 sqft, and best for 1 cook. Typical appliances in a small kitchen include a narrow upright refrigerator, a four-burner range, and a microwave.
- Medium kitchens are sometimes “L” or “U” shaped, and may have an island or peninsula. Medium kitchens are usually about 90-120 sqft, and comfortable for 1-2 cooks. Typical appliances in a medium kitchen include an upright refrigerator, a four-burner range, a dishwasher and a microwave.
- Large kitchens are full-sized with ample cabinet space or a pantry, usually an island or peninsula, and may have some space to eat-in or hang out. Large kitchens are usually 120-200 sqft, and comfortable for 2 cooks, plus company. Typical appliances in a large kitchen include a wide upright refrigerator, six-burner range or cooktop and separate oven, a dishwasher, microwave, and maybe even a wine refrigerator.
- Extra large kitchens are generous, full-sized kitchens with a pantry or larder, and almost always have space to eat-in or hang out. Extra large kitchens are usually more than 200 sqft, and comfortable for cooking with the whole family or a group of friends. Typical appliances in an extra large kitchen include a wide upright refrigerator, six-burner range or cooktop, multiple ovens, multiple dishwashers, a microwave and a wine refrigerator.
Note, estimates don’t typically include appliances because appliance costs vary from budget to mid-grade to high-end/luxury. Most GCs are happy to provide an allowance or cost for a specific model upon request. There is a wide range of kitchen appliance packages available based on your budget, whether it’s under $5,000, $5,000-$10,000, or $10,000+.
Finish level: How kitchen design affects remodeling costs in Dallas
Finish level refers to the general quality and price level of fixtures, materials, and finishes. These include countertop materials, cabinetry materials and fabrication, flooring choices, and the brands and models of sinks, faucets, and appliances you choose. The higher the finish level, the faster your costs will increase.
- Budget finish: Budget materials are generally off-the-shelf items from “big box” stores or IKEA. This includes Ikea cabinets, Wilsonart solid surface countertops, Pergo laminate floors, various tiles under $10 / square foot, fixtures by Delta and American Standard.
- Mid-grade finish: Mid-grade materials balance cost efficiency with material quality. This includes cabinets by Diamond or Kemper, Caesarstone countertops, Daltile floors, tiles by TileBar and Ann Sacks, fixtures by Brizo, Hansgrohe, or Kohler.
- High-end finish: High-end takes quality and craftsmanship above standard, and introduces custom work. This includes custom cabinets, countertops by Cambria and Neolith, floors by Porcelanosa, tiles by Cle Tile and Artistic Tile, fixtures by Graff, Kallista, or Rohl.
- Luxury finish: Luxury means the sky’s the limit, where customization, craftsmanship and materials truly go above and beyond. Think brands like La Cornue, Meneghini, or Vinotemp.
Scope: Rip-and-replace vs. gut kitchen renovation in Dallas
Project scope refers to the amount and type of work that needs to be done, and can have implications on which professionals you’ll need to hire. We divide scope into the following broad categories (when a contractor prepares an estimate for your renovation, it will be much more detailed, and will include costs of the exact fixtures and finishes):
Full renovation (also called “rip-and-replace”)
A full renovation means that you’re replacing all old fixtures and finishes with new ones, while leaving everything in its original place. So, effectively, the layout is the same before and after the renovation (hence, the nickname “rip-and-replace”). This is the more straightforward way to reimagine your space, and can often be done with just a licensed general contractor partner.
For a gut renovation, you’ll be dropping walls, moving gas lines, re-routing plumbing lines and rewiring electrical — generally stripping the room to the studs and subfloor (or, even removing these!) in order to change up the layout of the space. This kind of transformational project will require professional design and architectural services, permitting, and licensed general contractors, which ensures the work is done safely and to code.
Services: Kitchen remodeling services, and how they affect costs in Dallas
The two main services to consider for your kitchen renovation are build service and design service. Depending on your needs, you have some options for what types of firms to hire.
Build service with a general contractor
Build service would include demolition and construction services, and would be carried out by your general contractor. Some general contractors are considered build-only firms, which means that they do not offer full professional design. Even within the build-only category, there are a range of different service offerings a contractor might provide — some will strictly work with finished plans from a professional designer, some will work with you to carry out the vision you conceive, and others are more willing to offer creative suggestions and advice on material and fixture choices, or even rough visualizations for spatial layout.
A combination of service level, experience, and things like firm size and overhead might all contribute to how competitive a contractor’s pricing is. We generally recommend to meet with a few different firms to feel out what level of service best suits you.
Design service with an architect or interior designer
Design service can be broken down into creative design and technical design. For creative design service, which is almost always optional, you’ll work with an architect or interior designer to reimagine the space. This added layer of service will generally cost between 10-20% of your construction budget, depending on the level of service included in your design package (though, not all firms determine their fees based on cost of construction — some may charge a flat fee based on project scope and anticipated duration, for example). So, for a $50,000 kitchen renovation, you might expect to pay your architect or designer $5,000 to $10,000.
Technical design expertise is needed in the form of an architect (or sometimes structural engineer) for projects like gut renovations where permitting is required. Their main role is to ensure that the project is done safely and to code.
What is a full-service, design-build firm?
If you need both design and build services, you can choose to hire a professional designer or architect, and separately, a general contractor. But there’s another option that comes with some distinct benefits: you can hire a design-build firm — a general contractor with dedicated professional design under one roof. This means you work with the same firm from planning and design through construction. In addition to the continuity, which can often save time in the process, some clients appreciate that the working relationship means more seamless coordination, which can even help to keep your project on budget.
Updated February 1, 2024
Frequently asked questions about kitchen remodeling costs in Dallas
The process of remodeling brings up endless questions, so we’re answering some of your most common curiosities about the costs of renovation here. Have more questions? Leave them in the comments section below!
The final cost of a kitchen remodel will depend on the size of your kitchen, the type of cabinets, appliance budget, and if any electrical or plumbing will be moving. Based on national averages, for a typical, medium-sized space (120 sqft), a full, rip-and-replace kitchen remodel in Dallas will range from $23,500 to $102,500 and up, depending on finishes. This estimate includes all materials, labor, overhead, and a standard general contractor margin. Sweeten brings homeowners an exceptional renovation experience by personally matching trusted general contractors to your project, while offering expert guidance and support—at no cost to you.
Renovate to live, Sweeten to thrive!
Sweeten brings homeowners an exceptional renovation experience by personally matching trusted general contractors to your project, while offering expert guidance and support—at no cost to you.Start your renovation
A major gut kitchen remodel would add an additional 15-25% to the total cost of materials and labor for the same square footage.
Demolition signifies the start of a renovation and is one of the quickest parts of the process to complete. Typically, demolition costs are tied to the square footage of what is being removed. Generally, demolition costs start at $27 per square foot in Dallas, but can be more depending on what needs to be removed.
The cost of labor goes towards the renovation crew, behind-the-scenes administrative employees, and subcontractors. Generally, the cost of labor is dependent on a project’s complexity, size, and location. In Dallas, the labor portion of a remodeling project usually adds up to around 25-35% of the total project cost, give or take.
Generally, labor will make up a larger portion of total cost for a project with budget-grade materials, and a lower portion of the total for high-end materials, however, the addition of any highly specialized labor (beyond standard) will cost more.
Permit requirements vary between states and local municipalities, so be sure to check your local requirements. Often, permits are needed if any plumbing, electrical, or mechanical elements will be moved, or if load-bearing walls are being moved or coming down. If you need a permit for your renovation, the costs can be calculated as a flat rate for specific scopes of work or as a percentage of the cost of the project. In some areas remodeling permit costs might be as high as 10%, but it’s usually less.
Cabinet costs will vary widely depending on the cabinet type, material type, and the linear square footage that will be installed. The price range can be wide on cabinets, ranging from $179 per linear foot for stock cabinetry going up to $577 per linear foot for custom cabinetry with decorative elements, such as designer glass fronts. Double those figures per linear foot if you’re planning for both upper and lower cabinets, though lower cabinets are deeper and usually slightly more expensive than uppers. These quotes include local installation costs for Dallas.
The cost of a countertop will depend on the square footage needed, the cost to install, and the type of material chosen. On the lower end, counters can start at $37 per square foot for laminate, formica, or tile, to as high as $530+ per square foot for high-end continuous, natural stone. These quotes include local installation costs for Dallas.
The cost considerations for a kitchen island or peninsula include the type of cabinetry, countertop material, and any amenities to be installed, such as a sink or appliance. In total, adding a new island in Dallas, using budget-grade materials will start at about $7,500. This figure includes installation labor for Dallas.
Appliances can make up a substantial part of the renovation budget, if you are planning to replace them. “To maximize a limited budget, consider an appliance package,” explains Albert Fouerti, founder and CEO of Appliances Connection. “Sticking to a single brand might net you the most savings based on manufacturers’ rebates.”
Typically, appliance packages align into three levels – budget appliance packages which cost $5,000 and under, mid-grade packages range between $5,000-$10,000, and high-end/luxury packages that can cost $10,000 and up. An appliance package typically includes a refrigerator, range, microwave oven, and dishwasher, but could include more appliances depending on your specific renovation. Costs can be controlled by choosing finishes and features within your budget and typical use case.
The cost of a backsplash will depend on the square footage needed, the type of material chosen, and the prep and installation labor. Kitchen backsplash costs range from about $37 per square foot for a budget tile option, up to $530 per square foot for a high-end slab option, such as marble. These figures include local installation labor costs for Dallas.
When renovating your kitchen, you’ll also need to choose hardware like cabinet pulls that can run as low as a few dollars a piece (though, you can also spend a lot more on higher-end items), and lighting fixtures that can be had for $74 for basic flush mounts (with installation labor), or run up to hundreds or thousands of dollars for decorative chandeliers or multiple statement pendants and under-cabinet lighting.
In Dallas, the cost for a full, rip-and-replace remodel of a small kitchen can range from $20,000-$68,000 and up, depending on finish level of the materials used. A major gut renovation for a kitchen of the same size would add an additional 15-25% to the total cost of materials and labor.
Your general contractor can give you an idea of possible issues that may arise during a renovation in Dallas, based on the age and type of home they’re working on. However, a contractor cannot price out every possible issue, especially after walls are broken into. Plumbing and electrical may need to be updated, or lead/asbestos may need to be removed. Major projects often involve permit costs. Change orders after a contract has been signed can also add to the overall cost.
To protect yourself from unseen costs, set aside a 10-15% contingency budget for a non-gut renovation. If you are planning a gut remodel, set aside 15-20% for issues that come up along the way. Having a monetary cushion will keep your remodeling project on track. If you don’t end up needing it, you can use the extra funds to pay down loans or furnish your beautiful new space.
Common kitchen layouts in Dallas include galley, L-shaped, U-shaped, island, and peninsula kitchens. Galley kitchens are highly-efficient layouts and usually on the smaller end for kitchen size because there is limited floor space; that said, they focus their efficiency on cabinets and countertop space, which are bigger ticket items for pricing. In the medium to large size range, you might have an L-shaped kitchen or a U-shaped kitchen. Many open layout kitchens feature an island or peninsula.
In all of these cases, your big-ticket items like cabinets, countertops and appliances will swing your overall costs higher or lower depending on the overall size or volume and finish level. If you don’t need a lot of cabinet space, consider limiting upper cabinets or incorporating some open-shelving in your kitchen design to reduce costs.
Are you ready to start your own kitchen remodeling project?
Post your remodeling project on Sweeten and we’ll connect you with a curated list of trusted contractors, matched to your project. Our service is free for homeowners, and hiring your contractor with Sweeten means you’ll also have access to advice, support, and secure payments. Check out our service locations to see if we cover your area.
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Through the late 1940s and early 1950s, the French military studied several concepts of lightweight tank destroyers. The objective was to produce a cheap, simple and mobile vehicle with sufficient firepower to knock out vehicles such as the Soviet IS-3 and IS-4 heavy tanks. Thus, significant armor, beyond protecting the vehicle from small arms fire, was out of the equation. After several prototypes and concepts, a set of requirements was determined in 1953, which led to several projects being offered. Some of these projects involved the giants of French military industry, Renault and Hotchkiss, but one came from engineer Even of the Etablissements Brunon-Valette – a somewhat small company with no experience in tank development whatsoever.
Most of these early designs, including Even’s, were armed with recoilless guns. These weapons, which had started appearing in large numbers in the later stages of the Second World War, were notable because of the impressive firepower they could offer. At the same time, due to their non-existent recoil, they could be fitted on lighter platforms than their recoil counterparts of similar caliber. They had some flaws though, most notably their lack of accuracy beyond short ranges. In 1955, the French military came to the realization that such weapons would not provide an effective tank destroyer in plains and open fields, where much of armored warfare in a hypothetical conflict with the Eastern Bloc would take place. Therefore, it was requested that vehicles designed to fulfill the 1953 requirements should be re-designed with more classic, non-recoilless weapons. The program also received its name with this updated set of the requirements in July 1955, becoming the Engin Léger de Combat (Light Combat Vehicle), or ELC for short.
The 1957 Second Generation
Even’s first prototype had been designed in 1953, following a set of requirements formulated in March of that year after a request in July 1952 by Marshall Juin for a lightweight, recoilless-guns armed tank destroyer. The design Even came up with was a very low vehicle, so low in fact, that the driver was in a crouching position in the hull. The vehicle was armed with four Brandt 120 mm (4.7 in) recoilless rifle in a turret able of 360° rotation. A first mock-up was completed in January of 1954. However, in 1955, the French Army changed its requirements, turning away from recoilless rifles and requesting to have its light tank destroyer projects armed with a more classic anti-tank gun. The prototype was nonetheless completed and trialed in 1956. These trials demonstrated why recoilless guns were to be abandoned: while their firepower was considerable, their accuracy was very poor, with, at a relatively low range of 451 m (493 yards) resulted in a horizontal dispersion of up to 4.36 m (14.3 ft) and vertical dispersion of up to 3.05 m (10 ft). The vehicle not only suffered from a very mediocre accuracy but had problems moving in uneven terrain as well. On the first day of mobility trials, the vehicle got stuck at the bottom of a ditch, the driving shaft of the right sprocket, not being able to handle the shock of falling, was damaged.
Following both the change in requirements of 1955 and the rather unsuccessful results of the 1956 trials, Even went back to the drawing board in order to apply the necessary corrections. He had to adapt his design to fit the new requirements and avoid repeating the failures of the first prototype.
Two new ELC EVEN versions emerged from this new design phase and both would both be tested in November of 1957. One version maintained the anti-tank function of the original ELC EVEN prototype, replacing the 120 mm (4.7 in) rocket launcher with a single, magazine-fed 90 mm (3.5 in) gun. The other version was designed to fight infantry and lightly armored vehicles with two 30 mm (1.18 in) autocannons. Anti-aircraft and missile-carrying versions were first mentioned in documents dating from 1957 too. Both designs used the original chassis of the ELC EVEN, short of a couple of changes such as new, spoked road wheels, remained unchanged in the exterior. The vehicles, outside of those changes, remained the same, featuring a particularly low hull, in which the driver, off to the right side of the hull, had to lie down in order to operate the vehicle. The turret was off-centered to the left and was an entirely new design. While the two versions of the new turret had a number of differences regarding their armament, they both shared a number of general characteristics, such as the fact they were oscillating, a feature particularly popular in 1950s French designs, and had a very rectangular shape. These two turret models had a maximum depression of -9° and an elevation of 13° could complete a full rotation in 15 seconds thanks to a hydraulic traverse system, and automatically locked in place when firing. Both turrets featured off-center armament. The height of the vehicle was raised to 1.60 m (5.2 ft) in both.
The two turrets had little to no weight difference, with both of the new ELC variants having a weight of about 6.7 tonnes (7.3 tons). Mobility tests performed in November 1957 showed this new generation of ELC EVEN could reach a maximum speed of 70 km/h (43 mph) on-road, and had a cruise speed of 50 to 55 km/h (31 – 34 mph) on-road and 20 to 40 km/h (12 – 24 mph) on various terrains. They had a ground pressure of 440 grams per cm² (6.2 lbs per in²) and were able to cross a 1.8 m (5.9 ft) wide trench, or an 80 cm (31 in) deepwater surface. They had a turning radius of 5.5 m (18 ft) and a maximum climb angle of 60% to 70%. The range was 350 to 450 km (217 – 279 miles) with internal fuel tanks, and it appears unprotected external fuel tanks could be added, raising the maximum range to 500 km (310 miles).
It is reported that, because of the vehicle’s lightweight and small dimensions, it could be carried by a “Piasecki 4I” helicopter – most likely a designation for the Piasecki H-21C, a transport helicopter of which the French Army and Air Force had bought 98 examples of. A couple of other Piasecki models were used by France, but they had been bought by the Navy and were acquired in lesser numbers. The EVEN could apparently also be transported by another helicopter, the “YH I7 A”, though more details about this vehicle are unknown. The at the time new French transport plane, the Noréclair, was reported to be able to load an ELC EVEN in its cargo bay. The two versions of the turret could be exchanged within four hours, and just a single vehicle was involved in the trials of November 1957, being given a different turret depending on the tests which had to be undertaken. This prototype had been completed throughout June 1957 and was subject yo less extensive, preliminary trials during that month.
The 30 mm-armed model, designed to operate against infantry and lightly armored vehicles, featured two HS.825 30 mm guns, firing 30×113 mm shells at a muzzle velocity of about 1000 m/s (3280 fps). They were fed by 85-shots clips, with one already loaded and one other in reserve, meaning that it had a total of 340 rounds at its disposal. The HS.825 was originally developed as an aircraft gun but had rather respectable armor penetration against armored personnel carriers and even light tanks such as the PT-76. With API (Armor-Piercing Incendiary) ammunition, it could penetrate 30 mm (1.18 in) of armor at one kilometer (1093 yards), and up to around 100 mm (3.9 in) at point-blank range. The guns could be fired either in salvo or shot-by-shot. The vehicle was also armed with two 7.5 mm AA52 machine guns, one on each side of the vehicle. These were fed by 300-rounds belts, with five belts in total for each machine gun, meaning the vehicle could fire a total of 3,000 7.5 mm rounds before running out of ammunition.
The 90 mm-armed model, which was designed to take up the original ELC’s role of dealing with enemy tanks, was armed with a DEFA D 919 low-pressure gun on the right side of the turret. This gun could fire two different anti-tank shells: the Brandt-Energa, a 2.6kg shell fired at 600 m/s with an effective range of about 700 m (765 yards) and which could penetrate about 300 mm (11.8 in) of armor or a newer Brandt shell with an effective range of about a kilometer and similar penetration values. The vehicle featured a 5-shot drum autoloader, with a reload time of two seconds between each shot. Twenty-five shells were carried in an ammunition locker in front of the gunner, in addition to the five already loaded in the autoloader. Unlike the first ELC EVEN prototype, the breech was located inside the turret, meaning it could be reloaded by the gunner without having anyone venturing outside of the tank. This feature was quite impressive on such a tiny vehicle, as even on the larger AMX-13 light tanks, the crews had to leave the vehicle to reload the drum magazines once they ran out. The turret also featured a coaxial 7.5 mm AA52 machine gun with 1,200 rounds.
Continued Development of the 90 mm Armed Vehicle
The 90 mm armed turret that was presented on the 1957 prototype was armed with the DEFA D 919. Plans were already made by November to replace that gun with a newer model. The main feature of that newer gun was the ability to fire the 4.6kg 90 mm DEFA feathered shell at a muzzle velocity of 760 m/s (2493 fps). The ability to fire that shell, which could already be used by the only competitor the ELC EVEN still had, the ELC AMX, was requested by the French Military after the first presentation of the 90 mm armed turret in June 1957. The ability to fire another shell, the “G” non-rotating HEAT shell, at a muzzle velocity of 700 m/s (2296 fps), was also requested.
A temporary solution was devised by Even in order to allow his ELC to fire the DEFA shell without requiring extensive changes to the turret. This consisted of the DEFA projectile and a Brandt socket shortened by 38 mm (1.4 in), resulting in a 625 mm (24.6 in)-long shell. The D 919 gun, modified to fire that shell, was designated D 919 A. However, making the D 919 A able to fire the shell at a velocity of 760 m/s required a high pressure of 1300 kg/cm² (18,490 psi), which was judged acceptable for a prototype, but not for future serial-production.
By March 1959, following the success of the 1957 trials, a pre-series order for 5 ELC EVENs was formulated by the French Army. It was requested that the EVENs should be able to fire the DEFA feathered shell in its original configuration, meaning the shell would have a total length of 758 mm (29.8 in) using the DEFA socket. The original shell could be fired at muzzle velocities of 760-770 m/s (2493 – 2526 fps) with more accuracy and in safer conditions than with a Brandt socket. The revised version of the D 919 A gun modified to fire the original DEFA shell did not take more internal space, but the barrel was 30 cm (11.8 in) longer in order to improve the vehicle’s accuracy, the D 919 B could also fire the DEFA shell with the Brandt socket, or the 656 mm (25.8 in)-long Brandt-ENERGA shell. The “G” HEAT shell could not be fired from the D 919 B though, and required another gun, the D 915 (which was employed in the ELC AMX Bis). It appeared that it was impossible to fit this gun on the EVEN turret, and it appears that plans to fire the G shell were canceled without any D 915-armed EVEN prototype being manufactured.
Pre-Series Stage & the Doctrine of the ELC
Ten pre-series ELC were ordered in March 1959. Five were to use the D 919 B 90 mm gun, and five others to be fitted with the 30 mm turret. Such a large number of vehicles was beyond the capabilities of the company behind Even’s efforts, Brunon-Valette. Production was undertaken by one of the giants of the French arms industry, Hotchkiss. The pre-series was completed in 1961.
The objective for the ELC EVEN pre-series was to perform far more extensive trials in operational units in order to seek American funding if the vehicles were successful. Out of the ten new vehicles, seven were given to various units to be tested in operations, one remained at its factory for further trials and one was kept by the French military to continue studying the design. The last one was sent to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland in order to perform trials with American officials and hopefully unlock American funding.
By this time, the use of the ELC in the French military doctrine had been developed pretty extensively. The plan was to produce massive numbers of these small vehicles. At least in the minds of French military theorists, these could be extremely effective anti-tank machines and would be more useful than main battle tanks or heavier vehicles in urban terrain. While the ELC EVEN did indeed have plenty of qualities, such as respectable firepower for its size and the ability to be airlifted, it would very likely not have been able to perform in such roles, as it was far from flawless. It had a crew of just two men, repeating what was perhaps the worst mistake of French armored development in the interwar period, as the commander/gunner would most likely be considerably overburdened. The vehicle’s protection was obviously abysmal, and while its gun was somewhat capable, the capacity of the ELC platform to evolve over time and continue improving its firepower to face newer threats was limited.
For those reasons, the ELC EVEN, while getting a lot closer to mass-production than a lot of other French prototypes of the 1950s, was eventually canceled. The vehicle was indeed unable to access American funding. France, during the early 60s, under President Charles de Gaulle, was already very stretched out in terms of the military budget. Massive funding was already going into the development of a credible nuclear program that included submarines, planes and ballistic missiles, as well as the development of a common tank project with West Germany that would eventually branch out and become the AMX-30. Funding for the mass-production of a vehicle like the ELC EVEN was simply out of the question. It appears tests on the project stopped in 1963.
Surviving ELC EVENs
Surprisingly enough, for what was only a pre-series, three ELC EVEN have survived to this day. One, fitted with a 30 mm turret, resides in the Tank Museum at Saumur, the largest in France and one of the largest collections of Europe. It is, interestingly enough, one of the only vehicles of the museum in which people can actually enter. This was originally meant for children. The vehicle is exposed, with its hull and turret hatches open, in the small kid’s area of the museum.
Another ELC EVEN, armed with a 90 mm gun, is also in the possession of the Saumur Tank Museum. It appears that it is not in the permanent exposition space, but instead, it is occasionally displayed in temporary expositions. It is still in running condition and is sometimes shown in movement during the museum’s demonstrations.
A third ELC EVEN, also armed with a 90mm gun, decorates the Carpiagne military base, near Marseilles, in Provence.
The fate of the other vehicles is unknown. While most were most likely scrapped, it is not unimaginable to think Saumur’s vast vehicle reserves (the museum has around 200 vehicles on show, but 500 in reserve) may house one or more remaining ELC EVENs. It should be noted that the ELC EVEN’s competitor, the ELC AMX Bis, also has a prototype remaining at Saumur.
A 30 mm-armed version of ELC EVEN, as it stands today in the Saumur tank museum in France.
An ELC EVEN version armed with the DEFA D 919 low-pressure gun, as it stands in the Saumur tank museum.
Both of these illustrations were produced by Brian Gaydos, funded by our Patreon Campaign.
ELC EVEN (Pre-Series) Specifications
|5.30 x 2.15 x 1.60 meters (17.3 x 7 x 5.2 ft)
|Weight, battle ready
|6.7 tonnes (7.3 tons)
|2 (commander/gunner and driver/loader)s
|SOFAM 168 hp
|Speed (road/off road)
|70 km/h / ~40 km/h (43 – 24 mph)
|~350 km (217 miles)
|Main: A 90 mm D 919 B, 5 (pre-loaded) + 25 rounds (90 mm version)/ Two HS.825 30 mm autocannons (30 mm-armed version), 170 (pre-loaded) + 170 rounds
Secondary: One AA 52 coaxial machine gun, 1,200 rounds (90 mm-armed version) / Two AA 52 machine guns, 1,500 rounds each/3000 total (30 mm-armed version)
|8-15 mm (0.3 – 0.59 in)
|1 prototype, 10 (5 90 mm armed and 5 30 mm-armed) pre-production vehicles
French Military Archives of Châtellerault:
Documents from the 1957 trials:
Documents from the May of 1959 trials: | <urn:uuid:437d6581-5297-4acf-a9fc-e21ca8d6f5a7> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:41:19Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.975673 | 3,915 | 4,633 |
Exploring the “lost city” of Petra, a walking safari in Zambia, a cruise to Antarctica: This isn’t your average trip. Take your family vacation to the next level with 25 destinations worthy of your bucket-list.
If there were ever a place that could get by on its looks, it would be this Greek isle. Whitewashed cave houses framed by bougainvillea and backed by blue-domed churches spill down the rim of an ancient volcanic crater; at sunset, the Sea of Crete is bathed in a rosy glow. Santorini’s appeal also lies in its wealth of diversions: extraordinary wines, black- sand beaches, and archaeological sites like the Akrotíri settlement, often referred to as the “Minoan Pompeii.” Make your base Perivolas, in the village of Oia. Set within the alcoves of 300-year-old caves, the hotel’s 20 rooms have vaulted ceilings and cliff-side terraces. For a romantic dinner, the open-air balcony at Assyrtico Wine Restaurant, in a renovated 1960s mansion in Firá, overlooks the volcanic islands of Nea Kameni and Palea Kameni. Order the flaky pastry-wrapped saganaki (traditional fried cheese) with fig jam and wine from the local Argyros estate, then make your way back to Oia for a stroll along its nine-mile walkway.
Over the past decade, the Red City has become Morocco’s style capital, with ever-more-luxurious hotels and shopping. Combine a stay at the Royal Mansour—a palatial, over-the-top resort (and the personal project of the king of Morocco)—with a few nights at the intimate El Fenn, a riad whose courtyard is filled with deep sofas and kilims. For contemporary design, the Guéliz district, with its wide boulevards, is a must-visit. Swing by Studio Lalla for boho handbags and jewelry by Parme Marin. Then, check out 33 Rue Majorelle, which is like a well-edited mini-souk. Browse the cups and plates by Chabi Chic and clothing by Noureddine Amir, then stop at the little café for juice and a salad.
Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands continue to lure travelers 600 miles out into the Pacific. Where else can you watch a marine iguana dive for seaweed, with a blue-footed booby circling overhead, or size up short-feathered penguins darting along the equator? Follow in the footsteps of Charles Darwin, who famously explored the area in 1835: there’s prime animal viewing on the largest island, Isabela, which is home to 70 percent of the archipelago’s wildlife. Here, you can visit a tortoise breeding center and snorkel with gentle sharks. Isabela also has the region’s best beach, in the little-known Puerto Villamil, where you’ll spot a variety of marine animals. Cruising remains the best option, and most boats—like the 100-passenger Silversea Galápagos from Silversea Cruises—pair travelers with naturalists. The new carbon-neutral Pikaia Lodge, home to a giant tortoise reserve, is pioneering a hybrid land-and-sea-based experience. The lodge pulls out all the stops: floor-to-ceiling windows, private terraces, and a spa.
With its windswept beaches and dramatic Table Mountain backdrop, Cape Town has a wild beauty and elegance all its own. The unique setting on South Africa’s coast has also given rise to a diverse culinary culture: no city captures global food traditions quite like it. At colorful markets, haute gastronomic temples, and beachside shacks, you can revel in the multicultural cuisine.
This region of southeastern France is filled with lavender fields, sleepy fishing villages, Roman ruins, and so many scenic vistas it’s hard to know where to point your camera next. This is also the place for some of the country’s best antiques shopping, wine tasting, and dining—whether at a family-run mas (farmhouse) restaurant, a Michelin-starred temple to haute cuisine, or a DIY picnic of Provençal staples from a local farmers’ market. Among the activities not to miss: a tour of the small resort towns and fishing villages on the Cap d’Antibes; browsing antiques from the dealers along Avenue des Quatres Otages, in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue; and throwing back oysters, sea urchins, and white wine with the locals at the fishmongers’ stands at the entrance to the Marché à la Brocante, in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon. Skip the formality of a hotel and rent a villa from Hosted Villas, which has houses that come complete with tips on, say, the best places to eat or the ideal times to visit the market.
A journey through Egypt’s ancient marvels begins 14 miles outside of Cairo, with a visit to the Pyramids of Giza, which date back 4,500 years. Stay the night at the Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza, a luxurious hideaway with three swimming pools, before hopping a 90-minute flight to Aswan, where you’ll board the steamship Sudan (five-day itineraries from $800 per person). Like most boats that ply the Nile River to Luxor and back, it stops at the temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo before heading to Karnak, a 2,000-year-old city built by the great pharaohs. Luxor, which usually marks the end of a northern-bound cruise, is the gateway to the Valley of the Kings, home to ancient tombs. Unwind at the Hotel Al Moudira, designed after an Arabian palace.
This is a nation on the cusp of great change, and there’s never been a better time to go than right now, before it loses the look of old Asia. Yangon, the country’s largest city and once a key port in the British Empire, is lined with colonial-era buildings. Here, you’ll see Shwedagon Pagoda, among the holiest sites in Myanmar. Its central stupa is covered in gold—not gold leaf, but thick plates of gold. Stay at the Belmond Governor’s Residence, a 1920s mansion set in the leafy embassy district, and eat at local favorite Feel, which serves excellent noodles. The life of the country truly unfolds along the rivers, so opt for a cruise between Yangon and Mandalay, the last royal capital of the former Burma. AmaWaterways’ new AmaPura offers 10-night sailings with excursions to Salay’s teak monasteries and the Mahamuni Buddha.
After the 2,300-year-old “lost city” in Jordan played a cameo role in 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, tourism exploded from just a few thousand visitors per year to more than half a million today. It’s easy to follow Indy’s footsteps through the Siq, a slot canyon that leads to the Treasury building (its pediments and columns were hewn by hand out of a cliff). But the 400 square miles of desert that make up the Petra Archaeological Site are filled with other dazzling monuments, including a Roman-style amphitheater, cave dwellings, and a massive colonnaded structure called the Monastery, which sits atop a high peak. It’s a steep hike up, so hire a horse or donkey and a guide, who can explain Petra’s history. And start out early to avoid the afternoon heat (and crowds). Stay at the Mövenpick Resort Petra, which has a pool and a prime location just outside the site entrance, and consider tacking on a few days at the Evason Ma’in Hot Springs, an oasis-like resort 3½ hours away.
Zambia is Africa’s great unsung safari destination and unquestionably its best value. Elephants, leopards, crocodiles, hippos, giraffes, antelopes, chirping tree frogs—you name it, Zambia has it, along with superb local guides. And the parks offer a range of experiences seldom combined elsewhere: canoeing, fishing, boat rides, night drives, and, not least, walking safaris, a concept pioneered in Zambia’s South Luangwa Valley by the late naturalist Norman Carr. Experienced Africa hands will appreciate the diversity, but the country also makes a fine introduction for first-timers. Much of its authenticity derives from the lodgings. While big-name safari companies have made inroads, the field is still defined by intimately scaled river lodges and bush camps, many of them founded and operated by Zambians—people like Andy Hogg, who started the Bushcamp Company, a collection of seven well-appointed camps that includes Chamilandu in South Luangwa National Park. There’s also Grant Cumings, whose family runs two beloved properties: Chiawa Camp and Old Mondoro, in Lower Zambezi National Park.
When it comes to Asian megalopolises, Tokyo falls into a category of its own: few cities offer such a dizzying array of restaurants (more than 80,000), luxurious lodging, vibrant nightlife, and legendary shopping, all set against a rich cultural backdrop. Don’t wait until the 2020 Summer Olympics to go.
Celebrity residents like George Clooney and Richard Branson have only upped the profile of Como, Italy’s most glamorous lake since the days of the Grand Tour. Its 30-mile-long western shoreline runs from the miniature sailing port of Cernobbio through sleepy Laglio to Menaggio. The most prestigious of the waterfront hotels, Villa d’Este, in Cernobbio, attracts the jet set with its 152 opulent rooms (silk brocade curtains, antiques) and dramatic floating pool. For something more affordable, there’s Palazzo del Vice Re, a five-room hotel in Lezzeno.
Though it opened to outsiders in 1974, Bhutan, with its pristine landscapes and well-preserved Buddhist temples, didn’t start receiving luxury-seeking travelers until about a decade ago, when high-end hotels started opening in the bigger cities of Paro and Thimphu. A more recent debut is the Gangtey Goenpa Lodge, overlooking the Gangtey Valley. Taking its cue from the 17th-century monastery a quick walk from its front door, the property slips discreetly into its remote hillside location. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the main lounge frame a spectacular vista; soft leathers bring warmth to the 9,000-foot elevation, as do individual fireplaces in the 12 guest rooms. Ask the concierge to arrange a private balloon ride for a bird’s-eye view of the glacial valley. You also don’t want to miss some of the country’s most spectacular landmarks, including the Takstang (Tiger’s Nest) Monastery. Precariously situated on a rock outcropping some 2,600 feet above the Paro Valley, Tiger’s Nest is built around a cave where the Indian guru Rinpoche meditated in the eighth century. Today, visitors reach the monastery after a two-hour climb that is not for the faint of heart.
Deep in the Montana wilderness, on 37,000 timbered acres overlooking the Blackfoot River Valley, the Resort at Paws Up is outfitted for lovers of the outdoors. With 28 luxuriously rustic vacation houses and 30 tricked-out tents for “glamping,” the compound supplies plenty of adventure, including snowmobiling, fly-fishing, clay shooting, and horseback riding. Expect a meat-heavy menu and he-man portions at the main restaurant, and a full-service spa that even offers canine massage. In Philipsburg, the beautifully appointed Ranch at Rock Creek is set on a 10-square-mile property where in the winter months you can build an igloo or take a sleigh ride with a hot chocolate in hand. When the weather warms up, there’s fly-fishing, skeet shooting, or western-style riding on one of the property’s 66 horses.
Bali is but one of the 17,500 islands in the Indonesian archipelago and, even among its colorful neighbors, it stands out for its lushness, vibrant culture, and spectacular resorts. The original pioneer is Amandari, set along the Ayung River gorge outside Ubud and laid out like a traditional Balinese village. The thatched-roof villas are each set inside a stone-walled compound. Pebbled pathways thread past lotus ponds and flower gardens; rice paddies cascade down the hillside to the river below. As secluded as it is, the resort welcomes locals to pass by on a public footpath, baskets perched on heads, as they make their way to the riverbank.
Known for its vineyards and outdoor adventures, New Zealand also offers more urbane pleasures. This trip combines the best of city and country on the North and South Islands.
Days 1–3 Nearly a third of the nation’s 4.5 million live in Auckland, a stylish city on the North Island. Stay at the Hilton, which overlooks Waitemata Harbour, and have a sushi lunch at Ebisu. A 35-minute ferry ride will take you to Waiheke Island, where you can rent a moped or car at the landing and cruise from beach to beach.
Days 4–5 Outside the city, it’s a big-sky, small-world place. Head south on the Thermal Explorer Highway past rolling hills to the Hawke’s Bay wine region, where Black Barn Vineyards has an art gallery, a restaurant, and lodging. Fifteen minutes away, you’ll find Elephant Hill, another winery serving meals along the coast. Outdoor tables here have a view of a thin ribbon of blue sea. Back on Highway 2, continue south four hours to Wellington, the capital, where the intimate Ohtel is around the corner from Whitebait, the perfect spot for oysters.
Days 6–7 From Wellington, hop the ferry to Picton on the South Island and drive four hours south to Christchurch, the island’s largest city. It’s worth the journey for seafood at Fiddlesticks. An hour farther south, Akaroa is the only former French settlement in New Zealand. There are street names in French and charming sidewalk cafés. After taking in the town, spend the night at the nearby Kokopu Estate, which has two lovely cottages and a room for rent.
A magical land of palaces and temples, India’s largest state holds the keys to the country’s most glamorous past. Jaipur, the region’s storied capital, is a strong shot of color and history: it has the 16th-century Amber Fort, the lacy Palace of the Winds, and shops full of precious stones, including Royal Gems & Arts. West of Jaipur, Jodhpur is a 15th-century city famous for its massive sandstone Mehrangarh Fort and for its weddings in which revelers and elephants take over the streets (most are between September and January). The whitewashed city of Udaipur is built around four man-made lakes; a busy market encircles its Jagdish Temple. Check in to the Taj Lake Palace, where everything, from the private butlers to the foot massages, is over-the-top luxurious.
Petit St. Vincent
Though popular with the yachting crowd, the Grenadines have yet to be touched by mass tourism. Here, you’ll find one of the Caribbean’s most iconic resorts, a place that encourages disconnecting: Petit St. Vincent, a 115-acre isle with 22 stone-walled cottages that have no TVs, Wi-Fi, or phones. Driftwood palapas line the main beach, and there’s a hillside spa, where treatments like hot-stone massage are done in an open-air pavilion. The waterside restaurant and bar serves simple seafood—order a three-pound spiny lobster, fresh off the grill, and pair it with a bottle of rosé. Leave paradise one morning for a sail by sloop to the Crayola-bright reefs of Tobago Cays Marine Park with Captain Jeff Stevens.
It’s hard not to be drawn to the picturesque hills of Napa Valley, California’s prime wine region, an hour north of San Francisco. Most visitors head straight for the vineyards, but don’t miss the town of Napa’s thriving restaurant and bar scene. Oenotri serves hearty southern Italian fare, while the Thomas turns out delicious flatbreads from its wood-fired grill. Base yourself at either the 250-acre Meadowood—which has a 12-room lodge, 20 cottages, and a Michelin three-starred restaurant, on the outskirts of St. Helena—or the region’s standard-bearer, Auberge du Soleil. Its recently redesigned Maison Saint-Tropez has eight romantic suites with hand-carved oak headboards and outdoor tubs. As for the vineyards, we love the newcomer Odette Estate Winery, set on 45 acres off the Silverado Trail. It has 18,000 square feet of caves and a living roof.
Dramatic limestone cliffs, deep green valleys, impossibly fresh seafood: the beauty of southern Italy’s Amalfi Coast is legendary. In Positano, pick from classic hotels like Le Sirenuse, with its decadent champagne-and-oyster bar, and Hotel Palazzo Murat, the summer residence of a 19th-century king of Naples. For a leisurely lunch, the family-run trattoria Lo Scoglio da Tommaso, in Massa Lubrense, serves addictive fritto misto and linguine alle vongole. In Amalfi, tour the intricately inlaid Arab-Norman Duomo and Moorish cloisters. It’s a short hydrofoil ride to the island of Capri, where you can check in to J.K. Place, a cliff-side villa with 22 rooms featuring nautical touches like porthole-style windows. Spend an afternoon at the glamorous La Fontelina, a beach club whose straw-thatched terrace overlooks the Faraglioni rocks. It’s also the ideal spot for frittura di paranza (crunchy fried fish).
You’d be hard-pressed to find a place more isolated than Easter Island, 2,237 miles from the nearest point in mainland Chile. It’s the setting of one of the world’s most mysterious marvels: moai, colossal statues that were each carved from a single stone sometime between1200 and the mid 17th century. Weighing up to 20 tons and reaching heights of up to 30 feet, the monoliths are fiercely guarded treasures among the Rapa Nui, a tribe that makes up more than half of the island’s population. Stay at Explora Rapa Nui, a LEED-certified lodge with 30 pine-and-concrete rooms designed to maximize privacy and Pacific Ocean views. Each evening, a guide helps you choose the next day’s activities: hiking, biking, fishing, snorkeling. But the best itineraries are those that take you to see the moai. In Ahu Tongariki, 15 of them stand atop a ceremonial platform with their backs to the sea. The Rano Raraku volcano, whose crater harbors a freshwater lake, is surrounded by moai in varying stages of completion. And Ahu Akivi is where you’ll find the only ocean-facing statues.
This culturally vibrant city on the Bosporus has been reinvented, thanks to a new breed of design-centric hotels and restaurants attracting a younger generation of visitors. But beneath the cosmopolitan gloss, an old-world food culture continues to thrive, with Ottoman-guild chefs specializing in kebabs, balik (fish), and böreks (flaky stuffed pastries). Then there are the meyhanes(rollicking drinking dens) like Karaköy Lokantasi, in the gentrifying Galata Bridge docks area. Here you’ll find locals sampling smoked octopus and cheese böreks alongside rivers of anise-flavored raki. And don’t miss the esnaf lokantas (lunch canteens) like Kantin Lokanta, in the Nişantaşi district, run by chef Semsa Denizsel, the Alice Waters of Turkey. Try the braised leeks with marinated green almonds and, at meal’s end, the Turkish coffee with a spoonful of mastic gum.
Russian czar Peter the Great imported Italian architects and French sculptors to build his 18th-century Enlightenment city. Today, his gilded churches, pale pink mansions, and the aquamarine Winter Palace are still reflected in the waters of the Neva River. Peter thought St. Isaac’s Square a bit lacking in style, so he had his friend Prince Lobanov-Rostansky build a grand yellow mansion with a white colonnade and marble lions out front. That structure is now the restored Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace, and during the White Nights around the summer solstice, you can sit at the bar and sip vodka as clouds drift across an amethyst sunset sky. From the guest-room windows, the vibrancy of the city is in plain view—there are parties all night in bars on boisterous Rubinstein Street and on boats that cruise past New Holland Island, currently being redeveloped as a cultural center by oligarch Roman Abramovich.
The far reaches of Ireland’s western and southern coasts have a raw, unmanicured grandeur that even the Irish concede demands a hardy soul. See it on this 10-day trip, ending in Dublin.
Days 1–3 Start in the south in Kinsale, a harbor village near Cork with a thriving culinary scene. Order a plate of local oysters or smoked salmon with thick brown bread at Fishy Fishy, and stay at the Perryville House, which has 22 comfortable rooms in the heart of town.
Days 4–5 Fringed by rugged cliffs, the Dingle Peninsula has gorgeous scenery. Dingle Horse Riding offers guided mountain or beach rides for all skill levels. Book a sea-view room at Dingle’s intimate Pax House.
Days 6–7 Home to farmhouses, crumbling stone walls, and emerald green hills, Connemara, on the western coast, has the largest concentration of Irish speakers in the country. For a luxurious base, Ashford Castle, a 12th-century turreted hotel close by, has 83 individually designed rooms, all recently renovated. There’s clay shooting, archery, and falconry on site, but save a day for a trip to nearby sites like Lough Inagh, one of Connemara’s most beautiful lakes, and Kylemore Abbey.
Days 8–10 End in the capital, where you can make a pub crawl in the Temple Bar district and shop Grafton Street. The Shelbourne, a Renaissance Hotel faces St. Stephen’s Green.
Patagonia has always been the land of the wanderer, the exile, the outlaw—souls drawn to a place where one can disappear into the sheer enormousness of physical space. The name alone conjures images of cloud-veiled peaks, electric-blue lakes, and endless steppes unpopulated for hundreds of miles. The best Patagonia experience combines the Argentinean and Chilean sides, including a stay at Estancia Nibepo Aike, a sheep and cattle ranch near El Calafate, Argentina. The experience of hacienda living includes hikes on the massive Perito Moreno Glacier. Across the border and through the Andes, Explora Patagonia is set within Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park and has a standout horseback-riding program (it’s the only hotel in the area with its own stables). You’ll canter with the cowboys across vast grasslands, and trade stories over maté. For something more architectural, Awasi Patagonia and the Singular Patagonia are newly built; both resorts offer guided park excursions.
An environmental preserve for scientific research, Antarctica is the coldest, windiest place on earth, with ice as deep as three miles and as old as 3 million years. To get there, you have to cross the Drake Passage, 600 notoriously difficult miles of ocean between the tip of South America and the icy continent. Functional but austere expedition vessels have been taking tourists there for decades; large, luxurious ships cruise there on occasion but passengers are not allowed to land. In 2013, for the first time, Seabourn sent the small Seabourn Quest, with a newly reinforced hull, to the continent. When not exploring the ice fields or visiting penguins—you may see tens of thousands at a time—you’ll learn all about the surroundings during daily briefings from the ship’s experts on history, geology, and wildlife.
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Water Safety Planning (WSP), an approach which aims at ensuring safe drinking-water thorough a comprehensive risk system assessment and management process since its adoption by the International Water Association (IWA) and World Health Organization (WHO) seeks to support achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 6.1 to provide safe drinking-water for all.
Since its adoption, national governments have included them in national legislation to promote their implementation because of its immense benefits.
In scaling up effective up of WSP implementation across these different countries, this worldwide accepted approach needs to be supported by tools, resources, regulations and policies, guidelines to create the enabling environment and support stakeholder participation at the national level.
IWA with support from OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), under the Climate Resilient Water Safety Planning Project has produced this document with a summary of existing national policy and guidelines to support WSP implementation.
A Conceptual Framework to Evaluate the Impacts of Water Safety Plans
This paper outlines a conceptual framework for conducting this type of overall evaluation of the impacts of a WSP. Drawing examples from existing WSPs in various regions, the framework also illustrates the types of intermediate outcomes that can be expected during WSP implementation. This conceptual framework, which requires some familiarity with WSPs, is designed to be one of a set of tools to guide the implementation and evaluation of Water Safety Plans, along with the WHO guidelines (WHO, 2006), the Water Safety Plan Manual (Bartram et al, 2009) and other tools and resources developed for national or regional use1
A field guide to improving small drinking-water supplies: water safety planning for rural communities
The WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality recommend the water safety plan (WSP) approach as the most effective way of ensuring continuous provision of safe drinking-water.
The challenges related to drinking-water supply in rural areas and small towns are of notable concern globally, but the WSP approach has been proven to work effectively in small-scale water supplies. It clearly emphasizes the importance of preventing waterborne disease, and supports communities in dealing with the everyday challenges of maintaining a reliable and safe water supply.
This second, updated edition of WHO’s Water safety plan: a field guide to improving drinking-water safety in small communities provides a step-by-step introduction to the WSP approach and includes a range of ready-to-use templates to assist those involved in rural water supply with developing and implementing their own WSPs.
A guide to conducting household surveys for Water Safety Plans
The aim of this manual is to provide guidance on conducting a household survey as part of a Water Safety Plan for organized piped water supply systems in resource-limited settings. A household survey can help researchers to understand the fate of water from the time it reaches the home to the point of consumption. This survey contributes to Module 2 (System Assessment) of the Water Safety Plan, upon which the subsequent steps of hazard identification, consideration of control measures, and development of corrective actions, monitoring, and verification plans are based. Thus, the survey provides valuable information for the WSP team as the team goes through the process of system evaluation and implementation of changes resulting from the Water Safety Plan. Specific examples intended to guide the planner in designing the survey are provided in the appendices. A summary checklist for survey planning and completion is provided as Appendix A.
A guide to equitable water safety planning: Ensuring no one is left behind
The lack of access to safe drinking-water is felt disproportionately by those who are disadvantaged socially, economically, demographically or geographically, and explicit consideration of these groups is required to understand and address disparities.
This document describes how, with relatively modest efforts, the water safety plan (WSP) approach can bring tangible improvements in water quality and availability for all users. By providing step-by-step guidance for all WSP stakeholders, as well as good practice examples from a broad range of countries and contexts, this document serves as a practical tool to help achieve safe water for all.
The electronic version of the PowerPoint slides presented in Tool F of the document, available under “Downloads” above, is intended to facilitate the integration of equity considerations into standard WSP training events.
A Journey Towards Safe Drinking Water for All
This water safety plan country report for Sri Lanka shares the key learnings from the country's WSP journey and achievements. The lessons learned can support the broader WSP global community for successful and practical WSP implementation.
A practical guide to auditing Water Safety Plans
This document provides guidance on developing and implementing a WSP auditing scheme, covering such topics as the aim and role of auditing, auditor training and certification, audit criteria, audit timing and frequency and audit reporting. The guidance document includes examples, tips, tools and case studies, and it serves as a practical resource for policy makers, government bodies responsible for drinking-water regulation or surveillance and water suppliers implementing WSPs.
A role-playing game for practising stakeholder collaboration in Water Safety Plans
One of the challenges in the implementation of Water Safety Plans (WSPs) is stakeholder engagement. For this reason, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education has developed a role-playing game for practising stakeholder collaboration in WSP. The game can be used in WSP training or during educational activities for water safety and WSP at graduate and post-graduate level. Its goal is for participants to experience the importance of stakeholder engagement in WSPs, and particularly in the decision-making process when investing in the rehabilitation and maintenance of a drinking water supply system from catchment to consumers. Participants will experience how this process can be influenced by information exchange between stakeholders and how this will eventually lead to greater awareness when assembling the WSP team.
An Economic Assessment of Drinking Water Safety PlanningKoror-Airai, Palau
This document describes a preliminary economic assessment of the Koror-Airai, Palau drinking water safety plan. The information generated is to be used to inform stakeholders in Palau of the rewards from supporting the DWSP approach, demonstrating the potential benefits of investing in the Plan.
Assessing operational performance benefits of a Water Safety Plan implemented in Southwestern France
Aims: The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended Water Safety Plans (WSPs)
since 2004 as a means to reduce drinking water contamination and risks to human health.
These risk management programs have shown promise across several potential areas of
evaluation, such as economic benefits and regulatory compliance. Since WSPs are largely
carried out by people who interact with water treatment equipment and processes, operational
performance indicators may be key to understanding the mechanisms behind desirable WSP
impacts such as water quality and public health improvement.
Method: This study reports performance measures collected at a WSP implementation
location in southwestern France over several years.
Results: Quantitative assessment of performance measures supported qualitative reports from
utility managers. Results indicate significantly reduced duration of low-chlorine events at one
production facility and a significant decrease in customer complaints related to water quality,
manifesting reported improvements in operational performance and the customer service
Conclusion: The findings demonstrate some success stories and potential areas of future
performance tracking. Cyclical iteration of the WSP can help to achieve continuous quality
improvement. Successfully applied evaluation criteria such as the number of water quality
complaints or alarm resolution time might be useful across other locations.
Assessing the costs and benefits of Water Safety Plans
A survey was conducted to assess the costs and benefits of the WSPs developed at 197 production units operated by the SUEZ Company and serving a total of 10.6 million consumers in France, Spain, Cuba, Morocco and Macao. The results demonstrate benefits in terms of confidence of clients and health agencies. The main benefits however consist of a better control of hazards, especially new hazards that were previously overlooked, and of the treatments steps which are deemed as the most important for water safety. As the progress achieved is essentially linked with unregulated contaminants, improvements in compliance rate were rarely observed after implementation of WSPs. It is supposed that better control of these hazards, together with improved process control, result in improved safety for the consumers.
Backsiphonage into the distribution network
This document sets out information which allows water suppliers and others to work together to minimise the risk of backsiophange (that is, the reverse flow condition created by a difference in water pressures that causes water and associated contaminants to flow back into drinking-water distribution pipes).
Bangladesh: Water safety plan
Under AusAid funding, WHO supported WSP implementation in 10 urban systems in Bangladesh. This case study reports on WSP facts, and provides a description of the status of urban and rural water supply in Bangladesh.
Benefits of Water Safety Plans: Microbiology, Compliance, and Public Health
The article describes an Icelandic study to determine the impact of WSP implementation on regulatory compliance, microbiological water quality, and incidence of clinical cases of diarrhea.
Bhutan: Water safety plan
Under AusAid funding, WHO supported WSP implementation in Bhutan. This case study reports on key facts of the WSPs, and describes the status of water supply in Bhutan.
Briefing Note-Water Safety Planning to improve public health, water security and climate resilience
The successful development and implementation of WSPs have many benefits common to all drinking water systems, with some that are unique to each system. The major benefit of implementation contributes to improving drinking water safety and quality. To achieve this WSPs provide a framework for risk reduction prevention of hazards and a better response to emergencies, which not only improves public health but can ensure better watershed management and resilience to climate impacts.
Capacity building and training approaches for water safety plans: A comprehensive literature review.
The World Health Organization has recommended Water Safety Plans (WSPs), a holistic risk assessment and risk management approach, for drinking-water suppliers across low-, middle- and high-income countries, since publishing its 2004 Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. While rapid WSP adoption has occurred, capacity is still catching up to implementation needs. Many countries and regions lack case examples, legal requirements, and training resources for WSPs, corresponding to widespread capacity shortfall in the water supply sector. We undertook a comprehensive review of the literature on capacity building and training for WSPs, with the goal of providing recommendations for multiple stakeholder groups at the scales of individual utilities, national governments, and intermediate units of governance. We propose a WSP training taxonomy and discuss it in relation to the stages of learning (introduction, practice, and reinforcement); describe the importance of customizing training to the target group, local language and circumstances; highlight the relevance of auditing for evaluating change over time; and call for robust methods to monitor WSP capacity development.
Capacity Training on Urban Water Safety Planning – Training Modules
These training materials have been developed by the South-East Asia Regional Office of WHO to be used either to train trainers or to train operators of water supply utilities or sector stakeholders. They are intended for use by governments, NGOs, private sector, academic institutions and individuals. They may be used intensively over three or five days or included in longer educational programs either as part of academic courses or as part of continuing professional development training. They comprise:
- Presenters Guide,
- Participant’s Handbook,
- PowerPoint slides notes for presenter and PowerPoint Handouts for participants,
- Worksheets and other resources for participants
- Table group worksheets for use during the training programme.
Case Study on Water Safety Plan Implementation and Lessons Learned: WSP auditing Victoria Australia
This case study describes the implementation of WSP and lessons learned in Victoria Australia. This case study has a specific focus on auditing WSPS.
Checklist for auditing a drinking water treatment plant
This checklist is conceived as an on-site, concise tool to support the Egyptian Water Regulatory Agency (EWRA) inspectors in performing a comprehensive audit of drinking water treatment plants. It covers both management and technical aspects of service provision in assuring adequate level of performance for health and environmental protection. The list is composed of 8 sections, encompassing:
- identification and service data
- local (outside) circumstances and security issues
- organization, human resources, procedures and training
- workplace safety, environmental and equipment conditions
- operations and maintenance
- power supply and ancillary services
- drinking water network
- laboratory, reporting and monitoring data
Chemical safety of drinking-water: Assessing priorities for risk management
This text provides guidance on the chemical safety of drinking-water. Chemical contaminants of drinking-water are often considered a lower priority than microbial contaminants, because adverse health effects from chemical contaminants are generally associated with long-term exposures, whereas the effects from microbial contaminants are usually immediate. Nonetheless, chemicals in water supplies can cause very serious problems. The objective of this text is to help users at national or local level to establish which chemicals in a particular setting should be given priority in developing strategies for risk management and monitoring of chemicals in drinking-water. The document will be useful to public health authorities, those responsible for setting standards and for surveillance of drinking-water quality, and to water supply agencies responsible for water quality management. In particular, this publication will be applicable in settings where information on actual drinking-water quality is limited, which is the case in many developing countries and in rural areas of some developed countries.
Climate Change and Health – Ethiopia – Lesson learned documentation WASH sector
The purpose of this document is to share Ethiopia’s experience in the implementation of the "Building adaptation to climate change in health in least developed countries through WASH project" especially the WASH sector with development partners, government bodies and project implementing member countries. It includes valuable lessons learned from development and implementation of climate-resilient water safety plans and associated policy.
Climate Ready Water Utilities
Climate change is important to consider in all aspects of utility operations and planning because it can impact both the water resources as well as the infrastructure necessary to provide clean and safe water. The Climate Ready Water Utilities initiative is a practical and easy to use tool developed by EPA to assists the drinking water, waste water and stormwater utilities in understanding and addressing climate change risks and impacts as well as preparing operators systems’ for the impacts of climate change.
CLIMATE RESILIENT WATER SAFETY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION – Guidelines for Community Managed Rural Drinking Water Supplies
The purpose of these Ethiopian guidelines is to provide step-by-step guidance to the rural community/board managed water supplies on how to develop, implement, monitor, and review the rural community managed water safety plans aimed at protecting human health. Furthermore, it serves as a practical tool in identifying and addressing priority risks to the water quality and quantity, reliability and sustainability of the rural water supply system including risks related to current and future impacts of climate changes by taking into consideration available resources and capacities of the water supply system.
CLIMATE RESILIENT WATER SAFETY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION – Guidelines for Urban Utility Managed Drinking Water Supplies
The purpose of these Ethiopian guidelines is to provide step-by-step guidance to the operators and managers of the large, medium and small urban water supplies with conventional water treatment systems on how to develop, implement, monitor, and review the water safety plans aimed at protecting human health. Furthermore, it serves as practical tool in identifying and addressing priority risks to the water quality and quantity, reliability and sustainability of the water supply system including risks related to current and future impacts of climate changes by taking into consideration available resources and capacities of the water supply system.
Climate Resilient Water Safety Plans (CR-WSP). Compilation of potential hazardous events and their causes
Climate-resilient water safety plans (CR-WSPs) extend the traditional WSP framework by also identifying and managing climate-related impacts on water supply systems to strengthen resilience. This compilation of information on hazardous events and their causes, including those related to climate impacts, aims to support practitioners, particularly water suppliers, health agencies and consultants, in implementing CR-WSPs. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list, and may need to be adapted for application in the local context.
Climate Resilient Water Safety Plans Guideline: Rural Water Supply System
Based on international best practice and Nepal's Department of Water Supply & Sanitation experiences, these guidelines have been developed to support rural water supply schemes to development and implement an effective climate resilient WSP in rural settings.
Climate Resilient Water Safety Plans Guideline: Urban Water Supply System
These guidelines have been developed to support urban water supply schemes in Nepal to development and implement climate resilient WSPs.
Climate Resilient Water Safety Strategic Framework Ethiopia
This framework provides the strategic blueprint to develop a climate orientated risk assessment and management approach for drinking-water supplies, from catchment to consumer.
Considered global best practice, WHO advocates for the WSP approach as the most consistent means to ensure the safe and reliable supply of safe drinking-water. Adapted to the Ethiopian context, this document outlines a roadmap for the national scale-up of climate resilient WSPs.
Climate-resilient water safety plans: Managing health risks associated with climate variability and change
This document provides guidance on how climate considerations can be integrated into water safety planning to provide greater resilience to the current and predicted impacts of climate change and variability on water supplies. The guidance is supported by numerous practical examples of climate resilient water safety planning from both low and high income settings. | <urn:uuid:73d71cc8-04c4-48c4-a906-f830fa8d5af0> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:52:26Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.922968 | 3,624 | 4,224 |
Looking into the world of nutrients necessitates an exploration of a vast and interconnected topic. Nutrients, the substrates that fuel life, are the fundamental building blocks that sustain all forms of biological existence, from the smallest microorganisms to the most complex human beings. Understanding the nature of nutrients, their categorizations, their essentiality for life, and the roles they play in maintaining health and mitigating risks is a journey of discovery that illuminates the critical relationship between diet, health, and overall well-being.
What are Nutrients?
At their most basic, nutrients are the nourishing substances in food that the body needs for growth, repair, and normal functioning. They are the physiological fuel that powers the complex machinery of life. These vital substances serve multiple roles in the body’s growth, survival, and well-being. From the provision of energy to the facilitation of biochemical reactions, the functions of nutrients are as diverse as the nutrients themselves.
Expanding further, nutrients are intricately involved in countless physiological processes. They support the construction of tissues and cells, assist in the synthesis of DNA, facilitate enzymatic reactions, and balance the intricacies of the body’s metabolic functions. From the oxygen-transporting role of iron in hemoglobin to the energy-yielding function of carbohydrates, the roles and responsibilities of nutrients are deeply embedded in the body’s fundamental biological processes.
Why are Nutrients vital in human health?
The indispensability of nutrients to human health is unquestionable. They form the foundation upon which the edifice of health is constructed and maintained. Serving as the body’s essential fuel sources, structural materials, and functional and regulatory agents, nutrients are instrumental in sustaining life and promoting optimal health.
One cannot overstate the vast multitude of roles nutrients play in the body. They participate in cellular processes, build and repair tissues, support growth, aid in the immune function, and contribute to brain function. These biochemical heroes orchestrate an endless symphony of tasks that, in sum, ensure the body’s smooth operation. The human body, in all its complexity, would cease to function without the ceaseless support of these essential nutrients.
What are the different types of Nutrients?
Nutrients can be classified into two major categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. The distinction between these categories lies in the quantities required by the body. Macronutrients are needed in larger amounts, as they are primary sources of energy, while micronutrients, vital for various bodily functions, are required in smaller amounts.
Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each macronutrient fulfills a unique role in the body. Carbohydrates act as the body’s primary energy source, proteins are crucial for growth and repair, and fats are vital for hormone production and nutrient absorption.
Micronutrients, on the other hand, include vitamins and minerals. These substances, required in minute amounts, play pivotal roles in various physiological functions. Vitamins support immune function, bone health, and cell division, while minerals are crucial for growth, bone health, fluid balance, and several other processes.
Macronutrients constitute the major part of the diet and provide the body’s primary energy. These macronutrients encompass carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, each serving unique roles and contributing differently to health. Their functions, sources, and importance to health underscore the body’s dynamic nature and its constant need for energy and structural materials.
Carbohydrates, often deemed as the body’s primary energy source, play a significant role in brain function. Proteins, the building blocks of the body, contribute to growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. Fats, often misunderstood and wrongly vilified, are crucial for various functions, including insulation, protection of vital organs, and facilitating the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Micronutrients, though required in smaller amounts, play significant roles in human health. These micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are organic substances necessary for various metabolic processes, while minerals are inorganic elements utilized for a variety of bodily functions.
Vitamins can further be classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins, which include the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C, must be consumed regularly as they are not stored in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, can be stored in the body’s fat reserves and used as needed.
Minerals, on the other hand, include major minerals like calcium and potassium, necessary for functions such as bone health and muscle function, and trace minerals like iron and zinc, needed in smaller amounts but just as crucial for health.
What are the essential Nutrients the body needs?
The human body requires a broad array of nutrients for optimal function. These essential nutrients cannot be synthesized by the body in sufficient quantities and must, therefore, be obtained from the diet. The essential nutrients encompass six broad categories: carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and water.
Carbohydrates, simple or complex sugars, are the body’s primary source of energy. They serve as the fuel that powers every activity, from the most mundane tasks to vigorous physical exertion. Carbohydrates can be found in foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and dairy products. The recommended daily intake of carbohydrates for an average adult is about 130 grams.
In addition to providing energy, carbohydrates play a role in brain function, as the brain utilizes glucose, a form of carbohydrate, as its primary energy source. Consuming a variety of carbohydrate-rich foods, with an emphasis on complex carbohydrates like whole grains and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, can support overall health and wellbeing.
Vitamins are organic compounds that facilitate numerous biochemical reactions. They aid in the conversion of food into energy, bolster the immune system, support growth and development, and aid in the synthesis of collagen, neurotransmitters, and hormones. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and lean meats are rich sources of various vitamins.
The recommended daily intake of vitamins varies by type and individual needs. For example, an average adult requires 90 mg of vitamin C, 600 IU of vitamin D, and 700 micrograms of vitamin A daily. Ensuring a diverse and colorful diet can help meet the body’s vitamin needs.
Minerals are inorganic substances required for various physiological functions. They play crucial roles in bone health, fluid balance, cellular function, and various metabolic pathways. Foods such as lean meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are excellent sources of minerals.
The recommended daily intake of minerals, like vitamins, varies by type and individual needs. For example, an average adult requires 1000 mg of calcium, 8 mg of iron, and 4700 mg of potassium per day. A well-balanced diet comprising a variety of foods can help fulfill the body’s mineral requirements.
Proteins, composed of amino acids, are often dubbed the body’s building blocks. They support growth, repair tissues, manufacture enzymes and hormones, and participate in immune functions. Proteins can be obtained from both animal and plant sources, including meats, dairy products, eggs, grains, legumes, and nuts. The recommended daily intake of protein for an average adult is 50 grams.
Beyond their structural role, proteins contribute to the regulation of many physiological processes. For example, enzymes, which are proteins, facilitate biochemical reactions, while hormone proteins regulate body functions like blood sugar control and metabolic rate.
Fats, or lipids, serve as a secondary source of energy, provide insulation, support brain health, and aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. They can be found in foods like oils, butter, avocado, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. The recommended daily intake for fats is approximately 70 grams for an average adult.
While fats have often been vilified in the dietary world, it’s essential to differentiate between unhealthy and healthy fats. Unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are considered healthy fats that can benefit heart health, reduce inflammation, and provide other health benefits.
Water, the most abundant nutrient in the human body, plays a crucial role in almost every vital function. It is involved in processes like digestion, absorption, transportation of nutrients, and excretion of waste products. While water doesn’t provide energy like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, it is essential for life. The recommended daily intake of water is approximately 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women.
Given the body’s high water content, adequate hydration is paramount for maintaining physiological processes, regulating body temperature, and even supporting cognitive functions. Drinking sufficient water and consuming foods with high water content, such as fruits and vegetables, can support overall health and wellbeing.
How can Nutrients be Utilized in a Healthy Diet Plan?
Constructing a healthy diet plan necessitates a nuanced understanding of the role nutrients play in human health. It requires more than merely acknowledging the importance of eating a balanced diet; it requires a practical approach to include various nutrients in daily meals. A healthful diet emphasizes whole foods that provide a balance of essential nutrients tailored to an individual’s specific health needs, lifestyle, and dietary preferences.
To incorporate various nutrients into a diet plan, it is recommended to consume a variety of foods across all food groups. This strategy ensures a wide array of different nutrients, thus minimizing the risk of potential nutrient deficiencies. For instance, lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats should all be part of a balanced diet.
Which Nutrient-dense Foods Should be Part of a Healthy Diet?
Nutrient-dense foods, those that provide a high quantity of nutrients relative to their calorie content, should form the cornerstone of a healthy diet. These foods include fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, yet generally low in calories. Lean proteins, such as poultry, fish, and legumes, are excellent sources of essential amino acids and other nutrients. Whole grains provide dietary fiber and various essential nutrients such as B vitamins, iron, folate, selenium, potassium, and magnesium. Healthy fats, including those from avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, provide essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.
What is the Risk of a Nutrient-deficient Diet?
A diet deficient in essential nutrients carries numerous health risks. These can range from minor issues such as fatigue and weakened immune function to serious conditions such as osteoporosis and anemia.
Inadequate nutrient intake can lead to deficiency diseases, each associated with a lack of specific nutrients. For example, lack of vitamin C can result in scurvy, a deficiency in vitamin D can lead to rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults, and insufficient intake of dietary fiber can lead to digestive issues.
What are the Health Benefits of Nutrients?
A diverse intake of essential nutrients offers a multitude of health benefits. From energy provision to disease prevention, nutrients serve as the building blocks for the optimal functioning of our bodies.
- Growth and Development: Nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals play a crucial role in the growth and development of individuals. Proteins, made up of amino acids, contribute to the growth and repair of tissues. Minerals like calcium and vitamin D are vital for bone health.
- Energy Provision: Macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide the energy required for various bodily functions. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source, while fats provide a concentrated source of energy.
- Immune Function: Several nutrients, including vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, and selenium, bolster immune function and aid in defending against illnesses.
- Brain Health: Omega-3 fatty acids, B-vitamins, and antioxidants support brain health and cognitive functions. Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, are crucial for brain function and development.
- Prevention of Diseases: A balanced intake of nutrients can help prevent various diseases. For instance, dietary fiber can help prevent digestive issues and heart disease. Adequate intake of antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
- Metabolic Health: B-vitamins are crucial for various metabolic processes, including energy production and the creation and repair of DNA.
- Fluid Balance and Waste Removal: Water and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and chloride) help maintain fluid balance, aid in nutrient transportation, and assist in waste removal from the body.
What are the Health Risks of Nutrients?
While nutrients are indispensable for maintaining good health, their overconsumption can lead to various health issues. Each nutrient has an established upper intake level, and exceeding this limit can trigger detrimental effects.
- Macronutrient Excess: Overconsumption of macronutrients, such as carbohydrates and fats, particularly in their refined forms, can lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Excessive protein intake, particularly from animal sources, may lead to kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.
- Vitamin Overdose: Consuming excessively high amounts of vitamins, particularly fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, can be toxic. Hypervitaminosis, or vitamin toxicity, can lead to a range of symptoms from nausea and diarrhea to more severe effects like kidney stones, hair loss, and even life-threatening conditions.
- Mineral Imbalance: An excess of certain minerals can be harmful. For example, high levels of sodium can lead to hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. Overconsumption of iron can cause hemochromatosis, a condition that can damage organs.
- Hydration Imbalance: While less common, overconsumption of water can lead to water intoxication or hyponatremia, a condition characterized by low sodium levels in the blood. On the other end, not consuming enough water can result in dehydration, leading to headaches, dry skin, and in severe cases, kidney problems.
- Micronutrient Interactions: Excessive intake of certain micronutrients can interfere with the absorption or metabolism of others. For instance, an excess of zinc can interfere with copper absorption, and high levels of vitamin E can interfere with vitamin K function.
These risks highlight the importance of a balanced diet that provides necessary nutrients without exceeding recommended limits. Nutrition should be personalized and take into account an individual’s health status, age, lifestyle, and other relevant factors.
Can consuming too much of certain Nutrients be harmful to the body?
Yes, excessive consumption of certain nutrients can indeed be harmful. It is crucial to maintain a balance and not exceed the recommended daily intake for any nutrient. For example, excessive protein intake can lead to kidney damage in people with kidney disease. Overconsumption of fats can contribute to weight gain and related health problems, while overconsumption of sodium can lead to hypertension. Therefore, it is crucial to follow a balanced diet that meets but does not greatly exceed the recommended dietary allowances for each nutrient.
What to know more about Nutrients?
A comprehensive understanding of nutrients necessitates delving deeper into their complexity, their interactions, and their role in overall health. Nutrients don’t work in isolation but often interact with each other. For example, Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, and Vitamin C enhances iron absorption. Recognizing these interactions can help in planning a balanced diet and maximize nutrient absorption.
Another aspect worth considering is bioavailability – the degree to which a nutrient is absorbed and used by the body. Not all nutrients are equally bioavailable due to factors like the food source, preparation methods, and the presence of other dietary factors.
What are the Myths about Nutrients?
In the vast realm of nutrition, myths and misconceptions abound. Some common myths include the following.
- “All fats are bad”: While excessive intake of saturated and trans fats is harmful, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are beneficial for heart health.
- “High-protein diets are the best for weight loss”: While protein-rich diets can aid weight loss, a balanced intake of all nutrients is necessary for overall health.
- “Micronutrients can make up for a poor diet”: While micronutrient supplements can help prevent deficiencies, they cannot replace a balanced, nutrient-dense diet.
- “Carbohydrates make you gain weight”: Not all carbohydrates are equal. While refined carbs can contribute to weight gain, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are healthy sources of carbohydrates.
Is there a food that contains all the Nutrients?
No single food contains all the essential nutrients in the quantities needed by the body. That’s why a varied, balanced diet is necessary for health. Even nutrient-dense foods, like eggs or kale, don’t provide every single nutrient. That is why supplementation is often needed.
Are Nutrients and Nutrition the same?
No, nutrients and nutrition are not the same, though they are related. Nutrients refer to the individual components in foods that are necessary for our bodies, such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrition, on the other hand, is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food concerning maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and disease of an organism.
Does the body produce all of the nutrients it needs?
No, the body does not produce all the nutrients it needs. While it can produce some, such as certain fats and cholesterol, others, known as “essential nutrients,” must be obtained through diet. These include certain amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Does heating and processing food affect the Nutrients?
Yes, heating and processing food can affect its nutrient content. Some nutrients, like certain vitamins, can be sensitive to heat, light, and oxygen and can be lost during food preparation. Conversely, cooking can also make some nutrients more bioavailable. For instance, cooking tomatoes boosts the bioavailability of the antioxidant lycopene. Therefore, consuming a mix of raw and cooked foods can help maintain a balanced nutrient intake. | <urn:uuid:7dcb101a-9c69-4acf-99cb-2dd0147b50b1> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:51:02Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.912808 | 3,900 | 4,886 |
Change data capture (CDC) has long been one of the most popular, reliable, and quickest ways to connect your database tables into data streams. It is a powerful pattern and one of the most common and easiest ways to bootstrap data into Apache Kafka®. But it comes with a relatively significant drawback—it exposes your database’s internal data model to the downstream world.
Downstream consumers subscribing to the data are directly coupled to the source’s internal data model, breaching the source’s isolation. Propagating the source’s data model downstream is a recipe for disaster, as it provides a directly coupled and brittle interface. Even simple internal model changes and refactorings can cause significant breaking changes to the downstream consumers, causing outages, system failures, and false reports. Perhaps worst of all, a silent breakage can cause untold damage over a long period, resulting in a loss of customer trust.
We need a better option.
First-class data products, enforced by data contracts, power the next logical evolution of the CDC pattern. Data products, particularly those providing data via an event stream, power both near-real-time and periodically updating jobs and applications, whether operational, analytical, or somewhere in between. And best of all, you don’t need yet another tool or yet another platform to make CDC-sourced data products a reality.
In this post, we’ll show you how you can build your own Confluent-opinionated data products while isolating your upstream systems from your downstream consumers.
First, we’ll explore the why and the what of data products. Next, we’ll show you how Confluent envisions streaming data products, and how you can implement them in Confluent Cloud. We’ll then augment the story using Apache Flink® SQL to build data products using multiple disparate sources, along with organizing, monitoring, and governing your resultant data products. And finally, we’ll look to the future of a unified stream/table data product and what that may mean for your business.
You may have heard about data products before, likely as part of a data mesh. A data product is a trustworthy data set purpose-built to share and reuse with other teams and services. It’s a formalization of responsibilities, technology, and processes to make getting the data you and your services need easy.
The data product owner is responsible for maintaining the code and processes that generate the data product, particularly the mapping between the internal data model and the external data product model. This mapping provides the decoupling between the two models and ensures that the internal and external models can update (largely) independently of each other. In the following example (which we revisit throughout the post), the internal model is a normalized schema of Account, Product, and Order, while the external model is simply the denormalized enriched_order.
A data product also has a data contract. Major components include:
Schemas: A formal declaration of the data’s structure, types, fields, defaults, constraints, rules, evolutionary capabilities, and embedded documentation.
Metadata: Additional information about the data product, including SLAs, business tags, classification tags, data access location, policies, and versioning information.
Dedicated Ownership: A designated product owner is responsible for managing the changes and features of the data product. They work with its users and consumers to meet their needs, including negotiating change requests and providing support.
A data product is accessible via one of more ports (or modes). These are the endpoints that a data product user can directly connect to to access the underlying data. Common ports include:
Kafka topics, containing a stream of near real-time events
Parquet tables, containing a materialization of the stream or as a standalone periodically updated data set
Direct access to database tables containing a selection of data available for querying
REST/gRPC API, providing a selection of pre-fabricated data sets
Much like any other product, it should also be easy to use a data product. Important data product features include:
Self-Service: Allows others to use the data confidently without out-of-band coordination. Make it easy to find, use, and share data products.
Interoperability: The data product should be compatible with other related data products. For example, using common IDs for core business entities, like accountId, userId, and productId, makes it easy to correlate and join with other data products.
Security Compliance: Components like field-level encryption, encryption at rest, and role-based access controls (RBACs).
Legal Compliance: This includes requirements like GDPR, the right to be forgotten, and enforcing that data remains in specific jurisdictions.
There are several common patterns for creating a streaming data product, each of which has seen significant success with many of our customers. Remember that a data product’s purpose is to provide the actual data as the product and, in our case, as a stream of reliable near-real-time events.
Streams offer a fast, low-latency means to easily connect your data to your business use cases. Composing a typical streaming data product consists of several main components:
The data sources, including database tables, Kafka topics, or files in S3
The mapping to select and reformulate the source data into a model acceptable for external consumption (Note that this mapping isolates the internal and the external data model)
The topic for the resultant stream of data
The following image shows a simple data product created from data stored in a database. The dotted line represents the boundary of the components making up the data product, including the processes, intermediate storage, and the final selection and publishing of the data and metadata.
You may have noticed that this data product looks suspiciously like many data streaming pipelines. You’re right to notice that. A data product is simply the formalization of the most important parts of providing data for others. It includes a well-defined contract, reliable content, secured access, and metadata to help you decide if it’s the right data for your use cases.
In the remainder of this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common options for building data products, including the outbox pattern, using connectors, using Flink SQL, the role of data governance, and what the future holds.
Change data capture is one of the most common and powerful ways to get data from an existing system into an event stream. CDC captures data from the source database, typically by tailing the underlying transactional log. (Check out our detailed blog post for more info.) As a result, you can access a stream of near-real-time updates to the internal domain model of the database tables, letting you power rich streaming applications and analytics.
However, the resultant streams are coupled directly to the source’s internal data model. Any changes to the internal model can affect your data streams. Simple changes like adding a column to a table may not cause any problems, whereas combining and deleting tables may cause your CDC connector and consumers to come to a screeching, error-filled halt.
The outbox table pattern is a popular technique to isolate the internal data model. You declare a database table to act as an outbox, define the schema to match the desired event schema, and populate it whenever you update your internal model. Note that you must use atomic transactions to ensure that your internal data model remains consistent with the outbox. Finally, you use a CDC connector to emit the outbox events into an event stream.
What’s great about the outbox is that you use the source database’s query engine and data type checking to handle consistency. You can’t write any data to the outbox if it doesn’t match the schema, which provides you with a strong, well-defined schema for your data product right from the source.
You can also leverage the query engine for richer operations, such as denormalizing data from the source. Outbox tables work with any database that supports transactions and are a simple way to get started with well-defined data contracts without investing in yet another tool.
Keep in mind that the outbox pattern requires database processing and storage resources. Requirements will vary depending on transaction volume, data size, and query complexity (such as denormalizing or aggregating by time). Test the performance impact before you deploy to production to ensure your system still meets its SLAs and avoid unpleasant surprises.
Let’s look at an example.
Say we have three tables inside a relational database: Account, Product, and Order. Each table has a primary
id key (shaded in yellow). The Order table has two foreign-key references, one to Account and one to Product.
We want to enrich an Order event with Account and Product information and write it to the outbox whenever we create a new order. We’d modify our code by wrapping it into a transaction like so:
Note that in this code block, we have decided to
get the data from each of the Account and Product tables. The
writeToOutboxTable function takes all three rows as parameters, then denormalizes, selects, and forms the data according to the outbox schema and then writes it to the outbox. Finally, set up a CDC connector to pull the data out of the outbox asynchronously and write it to Kafka.
So far, we’ve looked at the scenario where all of your source data is within a single database, and you can leverage its query engine to denormalize and structure your data product. But let’s look at another common scenario: where the data you want to use to build your data product is scattered across multiple sources. This is where Flink SQL can really help us out.
Let’s revise our outbox table example. Instead of a single database, the Account, Product, and Order data are each stored in different locations—one in a PostgreSQL database, one in a native event stream, and one in a document database (say MongoDB).
For the Account data in PostgreSQL, we’ll use the PostgreSQL Debezium CDC connector, then simplify and flatten the data (within the connector). Similarly, for the Product schema in MongoDB, we’ll use the MongoDB Debezium CDC connector and emit it to a topic. And for Order, we won’t need to do anything as it’s already in a topic.
Each topic contains event-carried state based on its primary key (I have previously called these events “facts”). What’s great about this is that we can materialize the Account, Product, and Order topics into their own Flink tables and then join them together whenever a new event arrives.
The Flink SQL code looks like this:
Each record is partitioned according to its primary key
Rowtime represents the Kafka record timestamp
The resulting enriched_orders topic contains denormalized events from three separate sources. When the upstream system creates, updates, or deletes an order, the Flink SQL logic will create a new enriched_order event. We can also compact the enriched_orders topic if we would like to reduce the amount of data stored.
Consumers can read the enriched_order data from the beginning of time, from a given offset or timestamp, or simply jump to the latest data.
In this example, the data product components:
The CDC connectors
The intermediate Kafka topics
The Flink SQL table and stream declarations
The Flink SQL join job
The enriched_orders topic as the output port
One helpful technique in organizing the components that make up your data products is to tag them with organizational metadata. For instance, you can tag the connectors, topics, schemas, and Flink SQL jobs (coming soon!) with a unique ID (such as the data product name). This can help you find all the components associated with your data product and help you organize and manage your dependencies.
So far, we’ve covered the outbox pattern, the Flink SQL pattern, and introduced KIP-939 as an upcoming option. But when would you choose one over the other?
The outbox pattern is a good choice when:
The data required for the data product is entirely within the database
You require a lot of denormalization
You don’t want to run another downstream process to compile the data product
The outbox pattern has some drawbacks that you will need to consider:
It imposes extra processing loads on the database, sometimes excessively so
It must periodically clean out the outbox table to avoid unbounded growth
It requires deep integration with the application source code
It cannot join data outside of the database
There is no replayability if you built the data product incorrectly
In general, the outbox is a good pattern for emitting denormalized data from a singular database, provided the performance and software modification impact is minimal.
The Flink SQL pattern is a good choice when:
You want to isolate database performance from data product composition resources
Your data product requires data from multiple sources
Your database administrator will not let you build an outbox, due to privacy, security, or performance concerns
You can rewind the Flink SQL job to reprocess Kafka topics, letting you rebuild a data product in the case of an error or a poorly defined schema
You want a more granular view into how your data products are composed, via stream lineage
The main drawback to the Flink SQL pattern is that the query lifecycle is independent of the source database system. You’ll need to validate database schema changes against the Flink SQL queries. Singular ownership of the data product allows the data product owner to orchestrate these changes.
KIP-939 remains a promising future option that will give us more flexibility. In many use cases, we’ll be able to remove connectors and outbox tables entirely, publishing directly to the stream and using Flink SQL to construct the data product. Alternatively, we can leverage the source database’s engine to denormalize and construct the data product in code, writing it to the data product’s topic directly in the transaction. We’ll look into this subject more once KIP-939 is accepted and moving into beta release.
Regardless of which pattern you use, we’re still only half done. Let’s take a look at how you promote your well-formed data into a data product.
A data product is created with intention. It is not just another data set in a catalog populated by an automated bot. The data product owner is responsible for defining, maintaining, and supporting the data product throughout its lifecycle.
Data product consumers couple their queries and applications to this schema, which forms part of the data contract. The data product owner must appropriately model and denormalize the data, hide internal fields, and consider privacy and security requirements.
A data product must include metadata, ownership and help information, usage details, and documentation. Tags provide an additional mechanism for organizing and curating data products, acting as hooks for discovery, search, automation, and security.
But how do we correlate the metadata, tagging, schemas, streams, and data? Let’s take a look at the Confluent Data Portal.
Our customers have told us that they love the idea of streaming data products—it’s been one of the most discussed subjects with our most forward-thinking customers. In fact, many of them have converged on a similar idea but lacked the tooling to implement it on their own. We listened to them and worked with them to develop our Confluent Data Portal, which we announced last year at Current 2023, and went to General Availability on December 4, 2023.
Data Portal combines several essential components to make building, sharing, discovering, and using streaming data products easy. Major components underpinning it include:
Stream Catalog – Increase collaboration and productivity with self-service data discovery that allows teams to classify, organize, and find the needed data streams.
Stream Quality – Deliver trusted, high-quality data streams to the business and maintain data integrity as services evolve.
Stream Lineage – Understand complex data relationships and uncover more insights with interactive, end-to-end maps of data streams.
Data Portal combines these components into an easy-to-use portal for your data product producers, consumers, and managers (find more details in our general availability announcement blog post). Users can discover, search, inspect, manage, and access data products across your organization. Remember that only those streams you deliberately promote to a data product will show up in the portal, significantly reducing clutter and easing your users’ data discovery.
Building and declaring a data product is an accomplishment in and of itself. It helps teams all across your company access streaming data for both operational and analytical use cases.
And while it would be nice if we could declare our data products once and never have to change them, the reality is that the one big constant in life is change. Data changes over time, be it due to technological changes, business requirements, or organizational structures. The only real constant is change.
So, how can we manage these changing needs and sources? How do we minimize disruption to our data product users without unduly burdening the creator? Let’s look at how data contracts provide us with various options for evolving and changing our data products.
Schemas play an outsized critical role in data streaming. They define the data format, including names, types, fields, defaults, and documentation. The most popular streaming formats include Avro®, Protobuf, and JSON Schema.
The producer writes the data according to the schema, while the consumer reads and uses the data according to the schema. If the producer tries to write data that doesn’t adhere to the schema, the Kafka client throws an exception and forces the producer to try again using the correct format. Meanwhile, the consumer is isolated from any data that does not adhere to the schema. It is a very elegant separation of concerns. The consumer doesn’t need to guess or interpret the format and meaning of the underlying data, while the producer has a precise and well-defined definition for the data it must produce.
But while schemas provide a strong data definition, the form of the data can change over time. Let’s briefly take a look at the two main types of changes:
Compatible changes: Some changes to your data product schema may be forward, backward, or fully compatible. These are relatively easy evolutions, such as adding a field with a default value (check out more information in this course, including a hands-on guide to schemas). Consumers should not be forced to update their code.
Breaking changes: Other changes are not evolutionarily compatible and can incur much work (Avro, Protobuf, and JSON Schema vary in what they consider breaking changes). These changes typically include significantly restructuring the event’s schema and requiring consumers to refactor their code.
While compatible changes are relatively easy to handle (again, see docs or video), breaking changes can pose more difficulty. This is where our data contract capabilities can reduce friction, taking incompatible changes and smoothing them over for your consumers.
Let’s take a look at an example: Our previous account/product/order data model was pretty good, but we failed to account for non-U.S. citizens in our definition of the account user’s identity. Other countries have identifications that are not Social Security numbers (SSN), which doesn’t match our schema declaration (Remember, we’re specifying the ISO-3166 country codes in `country`).
If we decide to change the event schema (and the upstream outbox definition), we’d have to update our schema from Version 0 to Version 1 (note the changes in green Version 0 to red Version 1).
Data contracts provide a framework for rules and enforcement to reduce the complexity of migrating data during a breaking schema change. We call this feature complex data migration. Complex data migration rules introduce major versioning for schemas that allow breaking compatibility without having to do messy data migrations between topics—the only other option available until now.
Before data contracts, for complex schema evolution, you would often have to duplicate your data by writing records both in the old format to the existing topic and in the new format to a new topic, doubling your storage and network costs. Additionally, your consumers would need to manually switch over from the old topic to the new topic at a specific correlation point, lest they miss reading some data. This process is messy, risky, painful, and expensive.
With complex data migration, we can write rules that tell existing consumer clients how to manage new major versions of schemas. Additionally, these rules also specify to new clients how to read old data that may be in your stream, such as compacted topics storing a complete current state. Consumers will simply upgrade or downgrade the data they need for their clients. Let’s look at an example.
Here’s a migration rule to convert a field name from `ssn` to `national_id`, a typically incompatible change:
The upgrade rule allows new consumers to read old messages, while the downgrade rule allows old consumers to read new messages. The consumer clients use these rules to convert incompatible events into a suitable format for their use cases.
The following figure shows two consumers, each written against the v1 or the v2 schema. The consumer written against
v1 of the schema
DOWNGRADES the newer
v2 events to
v1, which its business logic can understand and process. Meanwhile, the consumer written against
v2 UPDRADES the historical
v1 events to
More complicated breaking changes may require rewriting your data product entirely, such as a major upstream database refactoring, a significant shift in business objectives, or the revision of a beta data product that simply wasn’t working out. Breaking changes are much like any other breaking API change, including those for a REST API (e.g., /v1/ and /v2/ APIs). Support both for a fixed period, deprecate the old one, and help migrate your consumers onto the new one. Fortunately, these intensive breaking changes are far less common than evolutionary-compatible changes.
Next up, monitoring your data product and figuring out if it’s working as expected. Confluent provides connector monitoring capabilities so you can keep an eye on your database-sourced data. Similarly, you can monitor your Flink SQL statements, though this is an area that we will continue to improve on as Flink continues to mature.
You can access a curated set of metrics through Confluent’s metrics API. One metric to look at is the Consumer Group Lag for your data products to ensure that your data product consumers remain healthy and able to keep up with the rate of data. You can integrate the metrics with your existing observability platforms, including New Relic, Datadog, Grafana Cloud, and Dynatrace.
Stream Lineage is one of the top ways to monitor your data product dependencies upstream and down. You can access a point-in-time lineage view to visualize precisely what your dependencies were doing at a given moment.
Data Portal provides the lineage of each of your streaming data products right out of the box. The following screenshot shows the UI for accessing the stream lineage for purchase_orders.
Clicking on Stream Lineage brings us to the actual lineage of the data product, including upstream sources and downstream users.
Audit logging is another key feature for tracking the granting of access to data products, providing another layer of security and observability.
But what about digging deeper? What if we want to look inside the topics to see why we’re getting unexpected results? You have two main options:
Message browser lets you explore messages directly, which can be very helpful when you receive an error of a malformed message at a specific partition and offset.
Flink SQL or ksqlDB provides you with full ad hoc data exploration capabilities. Write SQL queries to explore your data, find outliers, and test processing.
These tools let you debug your data products with ease. You can validate your input topics, inspect intermediate topics, and validate that the proper output events are being generated.
While it’s fairly evident that we believe strongly in streaming data products, we know that there are also many use cases for data at rest in the form of tables. Kafka users often sink events into cloud storage, such as S3, GCS, or Azure Blob Storage, repurposing it for analytical use cases and periodic batch-based processing. And while people have been happy enough to sink data to Parquet format for quite some time, we’ve seen significant interest in converting streams into Apache Iceberg and Apache Hudi formats.
The biggest benefit of a stream-first approach to data products is that you effectively get the table representation for free (barring the cost of sinking it into cloud storage). How? You’ve already done all the challenging work of providing a well-defined and contextualized data product with a contract, schema, evolution rules, metadata, tagging, ownership, documentation, and support channels.
You've executed a shift left in your data value by creating your data products as near-real-time streams, as close to the source as possible. You’ve made streams that can power any form of low or high-latency use cases, operational or analytical. There is no need to reinvent the wheel for tables.
Do you want the data in Iceberg? Use the Tabular Iceberg connector (hub) as a custom managed connector in Confluent Cloud to generate an Iceberg representation of the same streaming data product. How about in Hudi? Use the Hudi connector in precisely the same way (binary).
The fact of the matter is that it is far easier to take data in motion and slow it down into data at rest than it is to take data at rest and spur it into motion. Shifting left to a stream-first approach makes it easier, cheaper, and safer to make important time-sensitive decisions. Shifting left provides you with the capabilities to take your well-defined streaming data products and convert them into other formats, be they columnar, graph, document, or relational.
If you’re still a bit skeptical about stream-first data products, don’t worry. We hear you. But stay tuned, as we are hard at work reimagining streams and tables to provide you with all the advantages of both models.
Stream-based data products provide a powerful innovation in the data space. By building data products as close to the source as possible (a shift left), you unlock both near-real-time and batch-based use cases all across your business. Your data product provides a single source of well-defined, high-quality, interoperable, and supported data that your systems and peers can freely consume, transform, and remodel as needed. Data products form the bedrock of a healthy modern data ecosystem.
Data contracts do a lot of heavy lifting. They provide the formal agreement of the form and function of the data product and its API to all of its users. They act as a barrier between the internal and external data models, providing the data producer users with a stable yet evolvable API and a well-defined boundary into other business domains. Users can browse through contracts and find the data product of your choice in the Data Portal, or register their own data products for others to use.
CDC and Flink form a powerful new pairing in realizing data products. Isolate your internal domain models, join with data from across your company, and eliminate costly, brittle, point-to-point pipelines. With fully managed connectors, stream processing, and governance, we can help you focus on actually using your data instead of struggling just to make it usable.
We are committed to making it as easy as possible for you to stream the data you need, as you need it, where you need it. To learn more, check out our documentation for Data Governance, Flink SQL, and Custom Managed Connectors. Or, if you want to get better acquainted with data products (in the context of data mesh), check out our free e-book. If you’re ready to try out Confluent:
Sign up for Confluent Cloud and get a 30-day trial with $400 of free credit.
Download Confluent Platform and get a 30-day free trial on unlimited brokers or always on a single broker.
Learn about the self-service interface for discovering, exploring, and accessing Kafka topics on Confluent Cloud. | <urn:uuid:3b75d3be-a47f-458e-af66-ccb6829bf7be> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T03:57:50Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.903 | 5,984 | 6,279 |
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Paying for detox in New Hampshire
For those facing the challenges of drug or alcohol addiction in New Hampshire, embracing the support of a detox center can be a transformative choice with lasting benefits. Detox centers offer a structured and medically supervised environment that ensures your safety and well-being as you navigate the initial stages of recovery. Skilled medical professionals are there to manage withdrawal symptoms, minimizing discomfort and health risks. Beyond the physical aspects, detox centers provide comprehensive care that addresses the psychological and emotional dimensions of addiction. Through counseling, therapy, and support groups, you'll gain insights into the underlying causes of your addiction and acquire essential coping skills. By choosing a detox center, you're taking a proactive step towards breaking free from the cycle of addiction and laying the foundation for a healthier and more fulfilling life in New Hampshire. The journey might not be easy, but the support and resources provided by a detox center can empower you to overcome challenges and embrace a brighter future.
Addiction often appears as a coping mechanism when people face difficult life moments. Whether one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, one will deal with both physical and psychological dependence, both of which are bound to become worse with the passing of time. A healthy recovery process begins with the detox, where patients learn how to function without the addictive substance. The goal is to achieve long-term sobriety. The state of New Hampshire is known for its addiction recovery centers, which have a wide array of detox programs available.
Some of the cities in New Hampshire with a notable presence of detox facilities and addiction treatment centers include:
Manchester Detox: As the largest city in New Hampshire, Manchester hosts a substantial number of detox and addiction treatment centers. These facilities, both public and private, cater to the diverse needs of the local population.
Nashua Detox: Located in the southern part of the state, Nashua boasts a significant presence of detox and treatment centers, providing crucial support for individuals navigating the path to recovery.
Concord Detox: Serving as the capital of New Hampshire, Concord provides a range of addiction treatment facilities, including detox centers, to serve the local community and those from the surrounding region.
Derry Detox: As a town in Rockingham County, Derry features detox facilities and addiction treatment centers, contributing to the state's efforts to combat substance addiction.
Rochester Detox: Located in the southeastern part of the state, Rochester offers addiction treatment facilities, including detox centers, to aid individuals on the path to recovery.
Salem Detox: As a city in Rockingham County, Salem has a growing number of detox and addiction treatment centers, ensuring residents have access to necessary care.
Financing detox in NH
Affording detox in New Hampshire is a crucial step for individuals seeking addiction treatment. The cost of detox programs in the state can vary depending on factors such as the type of facility, level of care, and program duration. On average, in New Hampshire, you can expect the following cost ranges:
Inpatient Detox: Inpatient detox programs in New Hampshire typically range from $800 to $2,000 or more per day. The total cost depends on the length of the program, which can vary from a few days to several weeks.
Outpatient Detox: Outpatient detox programs are generally more cost-effective, with costs ranging from approximately $400 to $1,200 or more, depending on the level of care needed and the services provided.
Medication-Assisted Detox: If medication is required to manage withdrawal symptoms, this can increase the overall cost. Medications like Suboxone or methadone may have their own expenses in addition to the detox program fees.
To afford detox in New Hampshire, you can explore various options:
Check if your health insurance plan covers detox services. Many insurance providers offer coverage for substance abuse treatment, including detox. Understand your plan's specifics, including co-pays, deductibles, and any limitations on the number of covered days.
New Hampshire's Medicaid program may cover the cost of detox for eligible individuals. Eligibility is typically based on income and other factors, making it a valuable resource for those in need of financial assistance.
New Hampshire provides state-funded or low-cost detox programs for individuals without insurance or those with limited financial means. Contact local government agencies or addiction treatment organizations to inquire about these options.
Some detox centers in New Hampshire offer sliding scale payment options, adjusting fees based on your financial situation. This ensures that detox services are accessible and affordable for those with limited resources.
Certain treatment facilities and non-profit organizations may provide grants or scholarships to individuals in need. These financial aid programs can significantly alleviate the financial burden of detox.
Many detox facilities offer payment plans, allowing you to make regular payments over time. This can be especially helpful for individuals and families who cannot afford a lump-sum payment.
If other financing options are not available, you may need to use personal savings, consider taking out a personal loan, or seek financial assistance from friends and family to cover the cost of detox.
How to pay for detox?
When exploring how to afford detox in New Hampshire, it's important to research different detox centers, understand their pricing structures, and choose the financing option that aligns best with your financial situation. Additionally, you can contact local addiction treatment organizations, government agencies, and insurance providers for guidance on available resources and assistance programs in the state.
What are some of the ways to finance detox programs in NH? The detox program can be financed in more than one way. There are many detox facilities that offer their own payment plans, with prospective patients benefitting from affordable rates. Financial institutions grant loans for personal or medical reasons, but make sure to read the fine print first and foremost. You might consider contacting your insurance provider, as it is possible to rely on your health insurance plan to cover the respective costs. Naturally, this depends on your coverage. As an alternative, you might use your savings or finances to pay for the detox, as well as the rest of your recovery. Should you have no other option, you can ask a family member or a friend for a loan.
Frequently asked questions about residential drug or alcohol detox in New Hampshire
How can I effectively locate reputable drug and alcohol detoxification centers in New Hampshire?
To discover reputable detox centers in New Hampshire, consider seeking advice from medical professionals, reading online reviews, connecting with local support groups, and verifying insurance coverage.
Are there specialized detox programs available at New Hampshire centers that address the needs of specific age groups or cultural communities?
Yes, some New Hampshire detox centers offer specialized programs tailored to meet the unique needs of specific age groups and cultural communities.
What therapeutic modalities are commonly integrated to address psychological aspects during detox at New Hampshire centers?
New Hampshire detox centers often incorporate therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group therapy, and mindfulness-based techniques to address psychological aspects of addiction.
Can individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders receive integrated treatment at New Hampshire detox facilities?
Absolutely, many New Hampshire detox centers provide integrated treatment for individuals managing co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders.
Do New Hampshire detox centers emphasize holistic practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or alternative therapies?
Yes, many New Hampshire detox centers prioritize holistic practices, integrating mindfulness meditation, yoga sessions, art therapy, and other alternative therapies.
How are family members involved in the recovery process during detoxification at New Hampshire centers?
Some New Hampshire detox centers offer family therapy sessions, educational workshops, and family support programs to actively engage family members in the recovery process.
Are specialized detox programs available at New Hampshire centers designed for individuals with unique backgrounds or professions?
Yes, some New Hampshire detox centers offer tailored programs to cater to individuals with distinct backgrounds, such as professionals or those from specific industries.
What kind of ongoing support and relapse prevention strategies are accessible post-detox at New Hampshire facilities?
New Hampshire detox centers often provide comprehensive relapse prevention planning, access to aftercare resources, connections to support groups, and extended treatment options.
How do New Hampshire detox centers ensure a safe and comfortable environment during the detoxification process?
New Hampshire detox centers prioritize safety and comfort by maintaining continuous medical supervision, individualized care plans, and fostering a supportive atmosphere.
How does detox work in New Hampshire?
While in detox, patients will be assisted to overcome withdrawal, which can be quite intense. As a result, they will be able to concentrate on the rest of their recovery, achieving their goal of long-term sobriety. The detox programs are designed to help patients give up drugs or alcohol, which will directly contribute to a better state of health. As you will see for yourself, detox programs offer a combination of medication and therapy, with specialists taking all the necessary measures to avoid complications. Patients benefit from specialized care and monitoring, so as to ensure a safe and comfortable withdrawal. Patients are also taught to address the underlying causes of their addiction, so as to avoid future relapses.
You will often hear that addiction recovery centers embrace a holistic approach to recovery. This means that patients have access to medication and therapy, but also to additional healing resources. Many detox facilities offer yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, all with the purpose of helping patients feel better and fight for their recovery. Trained healthcare professionals offer all the support patients might need, doing their best to avoid complications and guarantee a safe withdrawal. An initial assessment is undertaken, so as to identify one's needs and create a personalized intervention plan. As it might be expected, the intervention plans are adjusted regularly, in accordance with the progress made by the patient.
Once the symptoms of withdrawal become less intense, patients begin to work on their addiction. Additional activities might be introduced, with the purpose of helping them become more resilient. Most detox programs are looking to teach patients how to live without drugs or alcohol, but also to help them get rewire their brain. The main idea is to re-establish the connection between one's soul, body, and mind. At the same time, patients are introduced to healthy coping strategies, so that the risk of future relapses is reduced. It might also be necessary for them to attend CBT sessions, learning the value of positive thinking.
New Hampshire is one of top states in which alcohol abuse represents a significant problem. Recent statistics have shown that binge drinking has a high prevalence among the under-age population, with New Hampshire raking second in all of the US. Half of the adults living in the state of New Hampshire have reported binge drinking as well. When it comes to drugs, over 12% of the residents have reported the use of illicit drugs. This is higher than the national average of 8%. The same statistics have shown that the rate of drug-related deaths in the state is higher than the national median. Opiates are among the most abused drugs and also the ones responsible for most overdoses.
You might rely on drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult life moments, but this coping strategy will only hurt you on the long run. Addiction wreaks havoc on your health, not to mention it will influence both your personal and professional life. The more time passes, the harder it will be for you to recover. If you are looking for reasons to start your detox journey, think of your health and how essential it is to feel better. Take into consideration all the support you will be offered, not to mention the specialized care you will benefit from. In the end, you are fighting for yourself, for your health, for a better future, and that is all that matters.
The detox program is the first step you are taking towards a complete and health recovery, so you need to be patient and work through it. Thanks to dedicated professionals, you will be helped to overcome withdrawal, but also to address the underlying causes of your addiction. You will finally be able to overcome both the physical and psychological dependence, thanks to the careful mix of therapy and medication. Therapeutic options are available for all patients, so that future relapses can be prevented, and they can learn how to cope with potential triggers. The support offered during these difficult moments is invaluable.
Detox programs in New Hampshire
An initial assessment is planned for each patient, with the information gathered being used to organize the customized intervention plan. Patients benefit from support and monitoring throughout the entire detox program, with healthcare professionals taking all the necessary measures to ensure their comfort and safety. Medication is used in conjunction with therapy, as it has been proven to offer the best chances of success, helping patients feel more motivated and eager to continue their recovery. It has been proven that the administration of medication during the detox ensures a safe and comfortable withdrawal. Patients experience less intense symptoms, including when it comes to anxiety and depression, or insomnia.
There are two things that make the withdrawal difficult, meaning the physical discomfort and the psychological distress. The good news is that medication can help with both, allowing patients to feel better overall and continue their recovery journey. Both the choice of medication and the dose are decided by a trained physician, who will monitor the progress made by the patient. Additional factors that influence the medication schedule include: co-existing conditions, physical and mental health, history of abuse, relapses, etc. As the symptoms of withdrawal subside and the patient begins to get accustomed to life without drugs or alcohol, the medication will be gradually reduced. The main idea is for the patient to be able to fight addiction without outside resources.
Sure, achieving long-term sobriety is a difficult goal, but not an impossible one. You just have to be patient and not rush the process, putting your trust in the specialists who are there for you. They might be able to provide exactly what you need, including support during the most difficult moments. In this way, you will never feel truly alone, but rather motivated to pursue your recovery journey. All it matters is that you manage to overcome the difficult withdrawal and practice willful tolerance, finding the inner strength to fight for sober living. This might mean that you will have to accept uncomfortable symptoms, including digestive complaints, profuse sweating, tremors and chills, aggressiveness, restlessness, and so on.
Medically assisted detox in New Hampshire
Severe addictions benefit the most from a medical detox, especially since the patient is more likely to experience significant withdrawal symptoms. Patients might feel scared and alone, needing extensive support to overcome this difficult period. Medication can make the symptoms of withdrawal less intense, which also helps patients feel more motivated. It has also been determined that the medical detox paves the way for the rest of the recovery. As patients become stable, they find it easier to fight for sober living.
Medication is administered in accordance with the type of addiction and its severity, proving to be beneficial whereas both physical and psychological dependence is concerned. When a patient has been dealing with a severe addiction, having consumed increased quantities of the same substance, for a long period of time, then the medical detox might be more than necessary. It is essential to remember that addiction is a chronic condition, which tends to become worse over time. Patients must be removed from the toxic environment and supported in the right way, so as to recover and feel better overall.
Medications that are frequently used during detox period include the following:
- This medication is recommended in patients who are dealing with an addiction to alcohol or opioids
- Abstinence is a must - 7 to 10 days before the treatment
- Injectable and oral form available
- Abstinence is a must - 7 to 10 days before the treatment
- Recommended in patients who are dealing with an addiction to alcohol or opioids
- Reduces the intensity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings
- Injectable and oral form available
- Oral form must be given before the injectable form
- Reduces the intensity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings
- Opioid, requires FDA approval
- Level of effectiveness similar to methadone, but addictive effect is lower
- Recommended in patients who are dealing with an addiction to opioids
Detox programs allow patients to fight their addiction. Thanks to the medication administered, the symptoms of withdrawal are made more tolerable and the cravings for the respective substance are less intense. Trained professionals offer support and care, especially when it comes to overcoming the withdrawal period. The patient's progress is assessed at regular intervals, with the intervention plan being changed as necessary.
- Opioid, requires FDA approval
- Dose is gradually reduced, so as to reduce the risk of addiction
- Can be used for the whole addiction recovery journey, beyond the detox
How long does detox take?
It can be expected for the detox program to vary in length, in accordance with the patient and his/her addiction. Generally speaking, detoxification programs can last between a couple of days and one month. The duration might depend from one detox facility to the other, and from one program to the other. The symptoms of withdrawal might subside within one week in those dealing with an addiction to alcohol, while the ones of drug-related withdrawal might need longer to disappear or become less intense. There are several factors influencing the duration of detox, aside from the ones mentioned. These include: previous relapses, substance one is addicted to, whether multiple substances were used, physical and psychological dependence, how the substance was used, age and gender, genetic makeup, body chemistry, weight, metabolic rate.
Detox for addiction recovery
Addiction recovery is a long and arduous process, and one that requires specialized support. You need to take this step and overcome the difficult withdrawal, working your way towards sober living. The good news is that you will not be alone, as you will have trained healthcare professionals by your side at all times. You will have the opportunity to continue your recovery journey within the same facility. Thanks to the therapeutic options, you will be able to address the root causes of your addiction. In this way, you will prevent future relapses, enjoying long-term sobriety.
Detox centers in New Hampshire include the following:
Farnum Center - Located in Manchester, New Hampshire, Farnum Center offers detox and comprehensive addiction treatment services.
GateHouse Treatment - Situated in Nashua, New Hampshire, GateHouse provides detoxification and substance abuse treatment.
New Hampshire Hospital - This facility in Concord, New Hampshire, offers detoxification and mental health services.
Keene Serenity Center - With a location in Keene, New Hampshire, this center provides detox and substance abuse treatment.
Headrest - Located in Lebanon, New Hampshire, Headrest offers detox and mental health services.
Road To A Better Life - Situated in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, this center provides detox and addiction treatment programs.
Frisbie Memorial Hospital - This hospital in Rochester, New Hampshire, offers detoxification and medical services.
Granite Recovery Centers - With locations in multiple cities, Granite Recovery Centers offer detox and addiction treatment.
Phoenix House - Located in Dublin, New Hampshire, Phoenix House offers detoxification and substance abuse treatment.
Southeastern New Hampshire Services - Situated in Dover, New Hampshire, this organization provides detox and behavioral health services.
Find Detox in New Hampshire
Call now for help with finding detox centers in NH
The more time passes, the harder it will be for you to overcome your addiction. It is recommended to join a detox program as soon as possible, fighting for the long-term goal of sober living. New Hampshire is home to excellent addiction recovery facilities and you will have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of detox programs. These are available for specific categories, such as teenagers or pregnant women, but there are plenty that welcome patients of any age or gender. With the support of trained specialists, you will overcome the difficult withdrawal and make the transition to the next phases of recovery. | <urn:uuid:0c8b7f46-c244-4d5c-8f7e-9d9ce14c2db7> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:18:00Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.94282 | 4,130 | 4,862 |
After paying close attention to many polished under sink water filters on the market, we’re confident about the APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter as the best under sink water filter for most people. The APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter is certified by the NSF and FDA International to significantly remove 99% of contaminants including arsenic, chlorine, lead, heavy metals, and other bacteria and viruses from water. Treating tap water and well water to provide unlimited stream of fresh, great-tasting filtered water, this best under sink water filter is a popular choice for homes, offices, and other properties. It is a superior preference over bottled water, a common misapplication of resources. It adopts a reverse osmosis system to provide trouble-free and pure filtered water consistently. We trust APEC Water Systems because it’s a respectable brand with many years of experience and know-how in what makes filtered water healthy and long-lasting.
The APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter is backed by superior quality materials and advanced filters to provide fresh, clean, and healthy filtered water for cooking, cleaning, and for general drinking purposes. Homes can benefit from this best under sink water filter for daily use , offices can provide a healthy alternative to workers to opt for a safe, and reliable water filter, ultimately ditching bottled water problems. If you look at this from an environmental perspective, this best under sink water filter saves money, time, and effort from buying costly plastic bottles that need to be thrown away after use. With this water filter, you get contaminant-free drinking water in a matter of seconds, with no extra time or money exhausted. The APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter features a balanced combination of durable materials and components such as 50 GPD non-acidic high flow membrane, large block filter capacity, and a solid metal frame for long lasting performance.
Every under sink water filter involves a multi-stage filtration process to provide high-quality and good tasting water. How do you think an expensive one would be for your home? The Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter performs better than most standard under sink water filter systems. It’s designed to solve all common problems associated with the standard under sink water filter for most people. This best under sink water filter offers a patented Full Contact Artesian technology which remineralizes the filtered water so the filtration processes don’t affect the taste and odor of the water. It is a certified under sink water filter with a reverse osmosis system and a high price tag. To be frank, the Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter is just what the doctor ordered because it purifies water in such an aggressive and dedicated way, removing 98% of chemicals, chloramines, magnesium minerals, and other viruses from the water.
Before you make the wrong choice for an affordable under sink water, let us tell you a bit about the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter. It offers great taste, great price,and safe filtration technology for most people. It comes with long-lasting replacement filters and a simple installation procedure so you don’t have to phone a professional to come install it for you. With a simple and intuitive faucet design that works with just a twist, the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter supplies clean, healthy, and fresh-tasting purified water in minutes. As long as you have a running tap, this best under sink water filter helps you enjoy the benefits of safe drinking water than any other similarly priced model on the market. Overall, the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter is backed with simple ergonomic controls and a durable design for long-lasting and impressive performance.
How to install the best under sink water filter
An under sink water filter might not be the job of a specialist if you follow these simple instructions yourself. It can easily be installed in your cold-water supply line and you don’t have to worry about how long it takes or the hardware because it requires minimum effort, in regards to both both time and tools. To begin with, what you need is a screwdriver, basin wrench, and adjustable wrenches. For material use, you need an under sink water filter kit (comes with the product) and teflon tape.
The first step is to shut off the water supply flow in your kitchen faucet, you’ll know where the shut-off knob is in your kitchen. Commonly, it’s right there under your kitchen sink. Once you disconnect the valve, you can loosen the nuts and bolts from the faucet tubing.
The second step is to position where you want the water filter to be, wherever closest to the filter’s to-be water line. Once you mark all the bracket location and drill the holes to mount the water filter, make sure you have enough space for filter changes.
The third step is to connect the filter with the supply lines. With the help of flex lines and teflon tape, you can attach the fittings to each other and with an adjustable wrench, tighten the fittings to eliminate leaks.
Once you make all the final connections between the water filter and the supply line, you’ve got yourself an upgraded and ready-to-use water filter system under your sink.
Our best pick: APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter
APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter
With the APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter, you get a straightforward and durable under sink water filter that hold large solid blocks filters capacity which fight two times stronger to remove all possible contaminants from water. The solid metal frame construction, lead-free designer faucet, and low rinse water ratio are just some of its best features. What we particularly loved about this best under sink water filter is the eco-friendly design which makes the APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter safe and dependable for everyone. An under sink water filter system can be relatively complicated for those who have never installed a plumbing or water filtering system in their homes before, so you might need a little assistance in installing the APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter for the very first time. Whether this best under sink water filter is simple to install depends on many factors, one of them your basic understanding of how under sink water filters work. The APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter has an impressive contaminant rejection rate than other similarly priced models. It offers 2 times the capacity, thanks to the super durable and professional-grade block filters. From the very first stage to the fifth stage, this best under sink water filter is an efficient water filtering system for most homes looking for a safer and cheaper alternative to bottled drinking water. If you’re looking for a popular powerhouse for all your drinking water problems, look no further than the APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter. And if you like to take your time and find the right kind of system for your home, all we’re saying is that this best under sink water filter offers incredible results and benefits you’d be impressed with.
Our upgraded pick: Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter
Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter
With the Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter, you get advanced filtering technology with exceptional purification standard. The after effects of the multi-stage filtration process on water presents itself with many doubts, firstly, it’s the filtered taste of water and second, the smell. This happens in most standard RO under sink water filters on the market, but this best under sink water sink fights that problems to produce fresh and clean-smelling filtered water. It is backed with a superior design featuring a sturdy filter element and the filter housing for quick and simple filter changes. The advanced and durable filters of the Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter can last for about a year before you are required to replace them for optimal performance. You don’t need to check the air pressure, filter cartridge or the entire filter housing after months of use. The overall construction and material of the Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter is self-protected and you are only required to run a check on them once a year, that’s when you replace the filters even. Those experiencing conventional drinking water problems starting from storage to supply will be relieved to know that this best under sink water filter offers 2,500 gallons of long lasting filters and a double RO flow kit for double the speeds and consistency of water as other standard water filters on the market. About health benefits: it removes up to 98% of chemicals, chloramines, chlorine, heavy metals, dust, sediments, and other organic and microbial bacteria from the water, regardless of it being tap water or well water. Such intelligent dynamics of the Home Master TMAFC Artesian Full Contact Undersink Water Filter require no electricity to perform which means more energy efficiency and money-saving capabilities. The response we got from this best under sink water filter is a major advantage for buyers to consider when considering this product.
Our affordable pick: Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter
Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter
With the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter, you get basic, but highly effective and healthy purification of tap water and well water. This best under sink water filter install under an hour to offer for more than a year long filtering performance. All you have to do is install the water filter under the sink, replace its durable filters twice every year, and you’ve got yourself a considerable deal at a great price. Unlike other under sink water filters on the market, the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter takes a lighter approach to water filtration, meaning it doesn’t involve complicated contaminant reduction. It uses an effective filtration approach to reduce parasitic cysts, bacteria, chlorine, sand, and sediments from the water for your convenience. With 2,000 gallons filtration capacity and 1.5 GPM flow rate, the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter should be your best under sink water filter choice until something more promising and advanced comes along. Until that happens, the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter is a reliable one. It maintains consistent water flow, reduce the chlorine concentration from filtered water as much as it reduces the excessive filtered water taste and odor from it. If you have well water flowing through the faucet, this best under sink water filter helps reduce the soil, sand, dust, and sediment presence from the water by 100%. For tap water, it fights bacteria, viruses, microbial particles from water as committedly as well water filtration. Once you turn on this best under sink water filter system, you’ll notice a drastic difference in water filtration and flow. It is way better than bottled water, much cheaper, and environmental friendly too. If you believe in evolving with technology for the benefit of your home, the Filtrete 3M 3US-PS01 Undersink Water Filter is a dominant player in the market, for a lot of reasons.
Best pick for the money
Crystal Quest Mega Undersink Replaceable Double Fluoride Water Filter
With the Crystal Quest Mega Undersink Replaceable Double Fluoride Water Filter, you get impressive filtration performance and ease of maintenance. While most other buyers chase after the big-league under sink water filters just to be sure about its safety and performance, there are many high-performing ones, inevitably, left behind. The Crystal Quest Mega Undersink Replaceable Double Fluoride Water Filter is one such best under sink water filter. It has an advanced water filtration technology the works on electro-chemical and oxidation-reduction standards. It is designed to effectively destroy fluoride from water, providing the purest water form there is than any other under sink water filter on the market. It also removes chemicals, bacteria, sediments, and such microbial contaminants from the water, providing users mineral-rich and clean drinking water. Through 7 highly advanced stages, the Crystal Quest Mega Undersink Replaceable Double Fluoride Water Filter removes all kinds of impurities, then oxidizes the water, and later, with the help of a micron filter phase, it removes suspended particles that are otherwise overlooked in many under sink water filters on the market. After you consider our best pick on the list, you should trust us on this best under sink water filter system’s performance and price.
Best quality under sink water filter
APEC Water Systems WFS-1000 Super Capacity 3-Stage Water Filter
With the APEC Water Systems WFS-1000 Super Capacity 3-Stage Water Filter, you get experienced and quality-specific filtration system with 100% contaminant-free multi-stage process. This best under sink water filter is built with super capacity filter for intense filtration that promises to remove all harmful chemicals and impurities from the water. It is certified to offer frustration-free installation and performance using a variety of advanced filters depending on the quality of tap or well water. The stylish lead-free chrome faucet design of this best under sink water filter is more than sufficient for a standard kitchen faucet. So, it’s made of good quality metal, it’s durable, and functions smoothly. This complete 3-stage water filter starts with high-quality components such as a polypropylene sediment filter and ends with a premium extruded carbon filter to remove chlorine, bad taste, and odor from the water. On the whole, the APEC Water Systems WFS-1000 Super Capacity 3-Stage Water Filter is a reliable performer for its quality and price. It has a solid dirt-holding capacity, a good filter depth, and durable components for long-lasting performance. Only with fewer filter changes, there’s nothing you could possibly wish for more from this best under sink water filter.
Best under sink water filter for home use
Express Water RO5DX 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System Water Filter
With the Express Water RO5DX 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System Water Filter, you experience specialized and precise filtration technology such as the Micron Melt-Blown Polypropylene Sediment removal system that fights large particles as bravely as small particles found in water. It features GAC activated carbon filters to back the impressive technology and a durable thin film membrane for long-lasting filtration. We find this best under sink water filter safe for home use because it features such health-specific characteristics we know homeowners will love. The Micron Carbon Filters are expertly engineered with polished coconut shell carbon to destroy chlorine, VOCs, bacteria, viruses, and many such contaminants commonly found in tap or well water. It is a 5-stage reverse osmosis filter system which starts with a large sediment remover followed by the carbon activated filters, then another round of micron carbon filters, thin film membrane RO technology, and finally ends with the inline granular carbon filter. The fifth stage is design to specifically stabilize the water and test its tasting qualities so the water is fresh, clean, and 100% chlorine-free. You don’t need a specialist to understand the scope of such an intelligent water filter, all you need is it.
Best under sink water filter for easy installation
Culligan US-EZ-1 Undersink Drinking Water Filter
With the Culligan US-EZ-1 Undersink Drinking Water Filter, you get uncomplicated installation, easy maintenance, and mess-free filter replacement characteristics. It can purify up to 3,000 gallons of water, certified by the NFC it is in charge of offering users clean, healthy water for your entire home. The Culligan US-EZ-1 Undersink Drinking Water Filter adopts advanced filtration and water treatment technologies which are better and efficient than others in comparison. For smooth filter replacement, this best under sink water filter comes with a lightweight and durable filter with a twist-off and twist-on mechanism so you shouldn’t expect unnecessary leaks or spills during replacing. Moreover, throughout the entire filter’s foundation, the quick-connect fittings ensure a durable and sturdy construction. Upon arrival, you receive a balanced combination of advanced components such as a replacement filter cartridge, mounting screws, supply adapter, lead-free faucet, filter-change reminder sticker, and simple installation instructions. It is backed and equipped for those who know nothing about such extensive water filtration systems, so they don’t have to consult a professional each time they want to make some changes or access the water filter.
Below are 5 highly-competitive under sink water filters listed for their price and value on the market. We looked at more than 5 competitive products for our competition section, but found these to be the best-ranking and efficient ones for most people to consider. Another plus: all 5 of our recommendations are a part of many professional water filter review websites to prove their worth to new buyers on respectable sites such as Amazon.
iSpring RCC7 Undersink Water Filter
The iSpring RCC7 Undersink Water Filter is our uppermost pick on the list. It is the most costly one among the competitors, making it a highly probable pick for most. With water filter products online, we’ve found that price plays a massive role in determining the quality and performance of an under sink water filter. This best under sink water filter, on one hand, has a whopping consumer rating on Amazon with more than 2,000 reviews and an all positive rating with no exceptions. It is WQA Gold Seal certified for its superior performance and durably solid construction. The technology rejects any type of contaminant, destroying up to 99% of more than 1000 sediments found in water starting from pesticides, fertilizer, arsenic, lead, fluoride, etc. All the components that make up this best under sink water filter are food-grade material and durable. The gradient sediment filter, fine coconut carbon filter, micro reverse osmosis membrane, and durable filter cartridge play a major role in the efficiency of this 5-stage filtration system. Finally, it provides consistent and fresh water, preventing the use of more than 16,000 plastic water bottles from harming you and the environment.
Woder 10K Ultra High Capacity Direct Undersink Water Filter
The Woder 10K Ultra High Capacity Direct Undersink Water Filter is our second most expensive pick on the lost. It has a 5-minute installation window, plus it comes with an all-assembled kit for better installation and maintenance. You get to work with a filter body, inlet hose, standard pipe thread, outlet hose, clip, and screw. According to some of its consumers, the Woder 10K Ultra High Capacity Direct Undersink Water Filter is probably the best filter you could buy for its price. It serves up to removing all the unwanted impurities from the water while allowing all the essential minerals in natural water to pass through effortlessly. It is designed to last for up to 10,000 gallons which is almost 3 whole years of use. So, you get environmental-friendly and durable performance at the hands of a reliable under sink water filter system. The Woder 10K Ultra High Capacity Direct Undersink Water Filter is NSF certified for its materials and features, so, there’s no question about the filter’s offerings. If you can’t get the most out of your current under sink water filter, we recommend the Woder 10K Ultra High Capacity Direct Undersink Water Filter that looks much better and works efficiently.
New Home Enviro 10-Stage Water Filter System
The New Home Enviro 10-Stage Water Filter System doubles as an efficient under sink water filter, removing major unwanted contaminants from water to below EPA minimum levels. It has a 1-year limited warranty with a durable filter that leaves behind minerals like magnesium, potassium, chlorides, and fluoride. This 10-stage best under sink water filter deals with many heavy and light contaminants and other organic contaminants once the tap or well water has been cleared away. Moreover, with such great water filtration system, it also includes safety from serious health problems such as stomach infection, cancer causing organic contaminants, and bad odors that have the juice to affect those drinking unfiltered water. The New Home Enviro 10-Stage Water Filter System features the capability to produce 1,500 gallons of water at a reasonable flow rate. It comes with a suitable mount that stands under your sink, effortlessly, and takes less than 30 minutes for installation. Better than opting for unfavorable plastic bottles, the New Home Enviro 10-Stage Water Filter System is a reliable filtration system to consider for safety and healthy reasons.
Aquasana AQ-5300 3-Stage Undersink Water Filter
The Aquasana AQ-5300 3-Stage Undersink Water Filter features a 3-stage drinking water filtration system that is NSF certified and independently tested for its superior technology and solid construction. It is proven to destroy 97% of chlorine or chloramines from the water. It also works to treat heavy metals such as lead and mercury, chlorine resistant cysts such as giardia and cryptosporidium, and other organic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and VOCs. Its natural water filtration system is commendable because it offers users beneficial and healthy minerals after the filtration process is complete, this keeps the water fresh-tasting and 100% chlorine-free. For smooth operation, this best under sink water filter offers easy filter replacement with system alerts so you know when you need to change the filters. And the twist-lock design of the filters are also extremely beneficial so as to eliminate unnecessary leaks or spills. To seal the deal, the Aquasana AQ-5300 3-Stage Undersink Water Filter offers 15 times better filter capacity with comparatively fewer filter replacements. We love this feature the most because aren’t all buyers looking for the perfect balance between convenience and powerful performance?
Watts Premier 531130 Filter-Pure UF-3 Water Filter
The Watts Premier 531130 Filter-Pure UF-3 Water Filter is a versatile, equipped, and efficient under sink water filter system for most people. It is one of the best rated water filters on Amazon, and one of the most recommended under sink water filters on multiple review websites. It features a simple push-button assembly to make the water filtration process smoother and quicker. With a durable, brushed nickel faucet, this best under sink water filter offers a stainless steel coating with an air gap for the faucet. It is extremely reliable and the least expensive pick on the competition, something that makes the Watts Premier 531130 Filter-Pure UF-3 Water Filter even more tempting to pursue. For powerful filtration performance, the Watts Premier 531130 Filter-Pure UF-3 Water Filter uses a heavy-duty one-micron carbon block filter, a state-of-the-art UF Hollow Fiber Technology, a UF membrane, and a specially formulated filtration process with a 3-stage technology for safe drinking water. Overall, the Watts Premier 531130 Filter-Pure UF-3 Water Filter has a swivel-valve, a push-button assembly, and a sanitary one-step filter change that works efficiently according to your water and energy needs.
Wrapping it up
When we decided to look for the best under sink water filters on the market, we were prepared to compare different types of models based on their price, design, and performance. Never did we expect to find a product so superior and efficient as the APEC Water Systems Top Tier ROES-50 Under Sink Water Filter. It is our best under sink water filter because of many reasons, some so straightforward to understand and operate that you won’t require a professional for any additional help. We chose to test most of our recommendations on the basis of consumer reviews and feedbacks as well because consumers who have used a particular product offer a relatable perspective towards the use and purpose of that product. It also helps us reviewers to comprehend what buyers look at first when purchasing the best under sink water filter on the market. To be consistent with our line of expertise, we recommend 11 high-performing products, out of which 2 are price-based, 4 performance and convenience-based, and 5 are competitors of sorts. We hope that with our understanding and expertise, you can make a solid purchasing decision for the best under sink water filter on the market. To buy something that’s easy to clean and maintain is the utmost priority for some buyers while having a reliable performance reputation. It’s important to note that not all under sink water filters you consider are true to what they advertise to be, so it’s important to compare, characterize, and then decide the best one for you.
Jen Miller is a former electrical engineer and product specialist with more than 20 years of product design and testing experience. She has designed more than 200 products for Fortune 500 companies, in fields ranging from home appliances to sports gear and outdoor equipment. She founded Jen Reviews to share her knowledge and critical eye for what makes consumers tick, and adopts a strict no-BS approach to help the reader filter through the maze of products and marketing hype out there. She writes regularly and has been featured on Forbes, Fast Company, The Muse, The Huffington Post, Tiny Buddha and MindBodyGreen. | <urn:uuid:af8d58bf-67c4-4e45-9025-9f281d94b173> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:52:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.919595 | 5,440 | 6,159 |
Spin Palace Casino is a hit among many Canadian players, and we easily saw why within minutes of signing up at this colourful Vegas-themed Internet gambling hotspot.
Get ready to be greeted with a generous welcome offer of up to CA$1,000 and a Loyalty Club that invites you to expand your fun and thrills by earning some extra perks for a more gratifying experience.
Welcome to Spin Palace Casino
We were pleased to find that the bonuses and promotions are just the tip of the iceberg at Spin Palace Casino Canada. In terms of games for us Canucks, there are hundreds of award-winning slots to play as well as several progressive jackpots, an array of virtual card and table games, and a state-of-the-art live casino.
This same instant-play premium iGaming experience delivered by this Microgaming-powered casino can also be enjoyed via the Spin Palace Canada mobile offering. This is available for iOS, Android, Blackberry and WAP.
It’s up to you whether you play via PC or select a more freeing on-the-go experience. Whatever you choose, you can access Spin Palace online casino with ease at any time of the day or night. Plus, speaking of 24/7, their email and live support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in multiple languages!
Quality and reliable support in a safe, secure, fair and responsible environment is all part and parcel to the Spin Palace experience. Furthermore, you can enjoy your experience in English or if you’re a French Canadian, there’s a French option, too – trés magnifique!
SpinPalace Casino has a pretty solid reputation among Canadian players, so we were eager to see for ourselves what this Internet gambling hotspot had to offer us. Curious to learn what we discovered along our journey? Keep reading this Spin Palace review to find out!
Bonuses & Promotions
Joining this online casino palace can be gratifying right from the start if you love extra player perks!
New Player Casino Bonus
Double your bankroll on your first deposit with the Spin Palace Welcome Bonus. Even better, you can boost your bankroll again with additional bonuses on your second and third deposits for a total welcome package of CAD$1,000 in Spin Palace bonus credits.
Here’s how you can claim your Spin Palace sign up bonus cash:
- 1st Deposit – Get a 100% Match Bonus up to CA$400
- 2nd Deposit – Get a 100% Match Bonus up to CA$300
- 3rd Deposit – Get a 100% Match Bonus up to CA$300
**Bonus subject to change at any time
Once your free bonus credits are applied to your account, they function like actual cash, so you can use them to enjoy Spin Palace Casino real money games.
Welcome Bonus Terms and Conditions
- You do not require Spin Palace bonus codes to claim these offers. You simply need to opt-in to claim them, either during or after registration.
- You have 7 days from the date that you opened your account to claim your new-player sign-up bonus.
- The bonus wagering requirements for the welcome offer is 50x.
- Only certain games count toward the wagering requirements, including all table pokers, roulettes, video pokers, most blackjacks, and slots. We recommend that if you should claim this bonus that you play the slots as they count 100% toward the wagering requirements (with the exception of respins – 10%) compared to the other games.
- Be sure to read the full bonus terms and conditions.
On a side note, a Spin Palace no deposit bonus did not exist when we created this Spin Palace review for our fellow players from Canada. This surprised us because we thought that since the casino is a huge promoter of slots that they’d offer some no deposit free spins or at least free spins with their welcome bonus offer to play on one of their popular games – darn!
Beyond the new player welcome offer and its Loyalty Club (more on this below), Spin Palace does offer ongoing weekly and monthly promotions to its real money players. These may include Spin Palace Casino free spins, more match bonuses, and invitations to tournaments among other offers. As these offers change all the time, the only way to know what’s available is to login to your account and check what promotions are available to you on that day.
Once you’ve completed the welcome offer you’ll be invited to give the Bonus Wheel a spin. Each slot of the wheel offers a prize except for the one slot with the jester head, which offers no prize at all.
That said, beyond being unlucky and winning nothing, each spin of the wheel gives you the chance to win one of the following: Free Spins, Cash Credits, Match Boost, Fast Forward, Loyalty Points and Bonus Credit.
You’ll be allowed a Bonus Wheel spin in an eligible time period
*T&Cs apply to all promotions
**All promotions subject to change at any time
Spin Palace Casino Games
There are over 400 online casino games for Canadian players to enjoy and the majority of these games can be found in Spin Palace’s large slots library. However, as we’ve already pointed out in this Spin Palace Casino Canada review, games aren’t limited to slots. You’ll also find a wide range of virtual games including Roulette, Blackjack, Video Poker and a live casino.
However, before we delve into that, here’s a little info about Spin Palace Casino software. In terms of what it offers us Canucks, this is a Microgaming casino. In other words, with the exception of the Live Casino offering, you can expect all virtual games to be powered by Microgaming. So, if you’re not a fan of games from Microgaming, you might not be a fan of what Spin Palace has to offer.
Here’s the good news: We don’t know anyone who doesn’t like what Microgaming has to offer and it’s one of the oldest software providers in the industry, a leader in its field and an award-winner. The one thing this brand doesn’t lack is diversity and the ability to entertain.
Aside form Microgaming, the Live Casino is powered by awesome brands Evolution and Ezugi.
Strap in for some fun with classic slots, immersive video slots, and brilliant branded slots. Microgaming is well-known for its slot games, including popular titles like: Thunderstruck II, Tomb Raider, Immortal Romance, Bikini Party, Arianna, Game of Thrones, Book of Oz and so on. You’ll also find a Vegas slots category, which includes slots that are similar to those that you’d find on the floors of land-based Vegas casinos.
Here’s another great benefit of playing at a Microgaming casino, you also get access to their progressive jackpot slots. This includes those games with massive multi-million-dollar life-changing jackpots like Mega Moola and Mega Moolah Isis. Other thrilling jackpot games are Major Millions, Tunzamuni and Treasure Nile.
Take your pick of multiple variants of Roulette (e.g. European Roulette, French Roulette, etc.), Blackjack (e.g. Double Exposure Blackjack, Atlantic City Blackjack, Classic Blackjack, etc.) and Video Poker (e.g. Double Joker Poker, Aces and Faces, etc.).
Spin Palace Live Casino
Sit down at a premium casino table with Spin Palace live dealers. Broadcasting live from real-world gambling studios, professional and friendly human dealers welcome you to take a virtual seat at Live Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette, and Poker tables. There’s also a money wheel game called Live Dream Catcher, which we highly recommend you try if you consider yourself more of a slots player.
Any time you’d like to spin the reels of your favourite slots for fun with no cash wagers required, you can at Spin Palace. You have the advantage of demoing pretty much every game they offer, including the virtual table and card titles, with the exception of the Live Casino games. To play games for free, all you need to do is register a free account. No deposit is required.
However, if you want to go one step further with playing for fun and for free at this casino, be sure to check out the Spin Palace Fun Play Casino. This is a dedicated site where you can enjoy the fun and excitement of playing casino games without ever having to wager a cent.
You’ll even get a 200% up to 2000 FunPlay Credits on your first purchase plus daily free FunPlay credits to play with. Just remember, as this play is purely for fun, no withdrawals are possible, nor can you transfer or give virtual credits to other players.
Spin Palace is a Flash casino in Canada. This means that all games can be played instantly through your web browser (PC and mobile) with no download required! That said, spoiler alert! Later on in this review you’ll learn that there’s an option to download this casino as well.
Spin Palace Mobile
The Spin Palace mobile experience in Canada is one that can be enjoyed on your iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows or Blackberry device. Right off the bat, we found it ultra-impressive that Spin Palace casino mobile options included more than iOS and Android. We know that fewer and fewer people have Blackberry and Windows phones, but it’s still nice to see how versatile this casino is.
There’s a huge range of games that you can play on the high-tech HTML5 platform on your phone or tablet, either through your mobile web browser or through the Spin Palace app. The app is available for iOS and Android.
More specifically, if it’s the Spin Palace iOS experience you’re after, head to the App Store to download the app. On the other hand, if you’re on the hunt for the Spin Palace Android app experience, simply head to via your Android device to get it.
Spin Palace on your mobile device means that you can take all the action with you no matter where you may travel. This pocket-sized portable casino gives you access to premium slots, table games, jackpots and a live casino. Plus, you can enjoy mobile perks like the welcome bonus, the Loyalty Club and more, as well as convenient and easy mobile banking with options like MuchBetter, Visa, MasterCard, Neteller and so on.
You can expect a nice selection of Spin Palace Casino payment methods, especially when making deposits in Canadian dollars, although other currencies are also available. Credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, eWallets, bank transfer and mobile payment options are all options.
Visa, MasterCard, Visa, Debit, eCheck, InstaDebit, iDebit, MuchBetter, PaySafeCard, Noesurf, Instant Banking, ecoPayz, Flexepin, Skrill, Neteller.
Most deposits occur immediately, so you shouldn’t have long to wait for your funds. Once they’re in your account, you can start your gaming adventure!
Visa credit card, MasterCard credit card, Visa Electron (debit card), iDebit, Skrill, Neteller, MuchBetter.
SpinPalace Casino withdrawal times vary from one payment method to the next. That being said, eWallets are typically the fastest, usually processing in 3 business days or less with bank transfers often taking the longest, up to 7 business days or more. The maximum withdrawal amount is CA$10,000 per 24-hour period.
You should also know that withdrawal requests are always processed in the same banking method that you pick to make your deposits. The only exception is if the deposit option you selected isn’t available for withdrawal, such as certain bank transfer options and prepaid cards like PaySafeCard. In these cases, you will be provided with available withdrawal methods.
Do keep in mind that the payments we’ve listed in our Spin Palace review for players from Canada are meant to give you a general idea of what’s available. That said, these options may or may not be available when you play as payment methods can change. You can easily see the full range of banking solutions that you’re eligible to use once you’re registered, and you click the “Deposit” button.
For security reasons, including when you want to make a withdrawal that is CA$2,000 or more, you may be required to provide some personal details so that your withdrawal can be verified. Examples of information you may need to provide include a copy of your…
- Driver’s License
- Utility Bill (water, gas, etc.)
- Credit card (front and back) if you’ve made a deposit using a credit card.
The Spin Palace verification process is straightforward, and you can learn more about it in the cashier or by contacting support if it should apply to you.
When we created this Spin Palace Canada review there were two ways to get additional perks and special treatment as a member of Spin Palace Casino. There is both a Spin Palace Loyalty Club as well as the VIP program.
The Loyalty Club is specific to Spin Palace and is a free-to-join and free-to-earn loyalty program available to all players. Those who wish to participate and make the most of this program will discover that they can enjoy many player perks that increase and improve with the more points they accumulate and the more levels they climb.
To advance levels, you’ll need to earn Loyalty Points which is as easy as making a real money wager on your favourite games. Therefore, the more you wager, the more points you’ll scoop up. Points not only advance your levels, but they can also be traded in for free bonus credits that you can spend as you like.
Plus, as an added bonus, when you sign up and make your first successful deposit, you’ll get a loyalty boost of 2500 Loyalty Points free!
There are a total of six levels that range from Blue to Privé and as you climb the levels you can gain access to benefits like VIP support, exclusive gifts, bonuses, promotions and access to exclusive events. We definitely recommend you look into this club further if you’re a high-roller or someone who really likes the extra-perks casino experience.
As for the VIP program, this is by invitation only and it is not a specific Spin Palace VIP club. It is a program for all Palace Group players, including those who play at other Palace Group Brands. If you’d like to learn more about this, we suggest contacting support.
Spin Palace Support
We were so very impressed with this casino’s support, because not only is there 24/7 Spin Palace live chat and email, but it’s available in multiple languages, including both Canadian English and Canadian French!
That’s right! You can choose your Spin Palace contact method in (CA) English or en (CA) Français. Not many casinos go out of their way to do that.
Support for both is Monday-Sunday 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and includes:
If you were hoping for a Spin Palace FAQ, the brand delivers here, too! You can find information about games, the casino, banking and more.
Casino Signup Process
Registering with Spin Palace Casino is a 3-step process. Essentially, you provide a few personal but non-invasive details, and you’ll be ready to play lickety-split! Once you’re registered, any time that you want to play via your PC or mobile, simply click/tap the Spin Palace login button to enter in your unique username and password.
All that said, here’s a step-by-step look at the SpinPalace Casino registration process from Canada:
Image suggestion (registration box)
- First name
- Last name
- Date of Birth
- Currency – Since you’re creating a Spin Palace online casino account from Canada, this box should already have the Canadian dollar (CAD$) selected as your currency. That being said, you do have the option of choosing among the other 12 currencies available at the casino.
Once you’re fully registered, you’ll be asked to remember you Spin Palace sign in details (username and password) and can then opt to take a virtual tour with the casino or decline and explore the site on your own.
- Mobile number
- Postal Code
- Check off the box if you would like to receive a welcome bonus and promotional offers via SMS, phone and email.
Once you’re all signed up, you will have the opportunity to claim the welcome offer. So, even if you opted-out during registration, no worries! You can still opt-in to claim the bonus and other promotional offers.
In fact, what something that we really liked about Spin Palace. We always felt in control of the offers that were advertised to us. At any point we could choose to claim or not claim them.
Also, when you’re a member, you’ll get a spin of the previously mentioned Bonus Wheel, which gives you the chance to claim other goodies!
Spin Palace Download
Spin Palace Casino Canada is both a download and instant-play casino. This means that you have the option to download the software directly into your PC if this is your preference over playing via Flash, directly from your web browser. We thought that this was a nice touch as most of today’s casinos no longer give computer-based gamblers the choice between download and instant play.
Accessing the Spin Palace Casino download option is very simple and can be done either before or after you register an account. Here’s how:
- Simply click the computer icon (located next to the chat bubble icon beside the “Register” and “Login” buttons in the upper right-hand corner) at as seen in the image below:
- Click on the icon to automatically add the download file to your Downloads folder (or to whatever computer folder you’ve designated to store the files you download from the Internet).
- Once on your PC, double click the Spin Palace file to install the casino client onto your computer.
- Once it’s installed, double click on the icon to open the casino client, which should load in your web browser.
- Register an account if you haven’t done so already to gain access to promotions, depositing and real money thrills!
Regardless of whether you choose the download option or choose the instant-play version, you can expect the same great and secure experience at Spin Palace. That said, remember that in regard to the download option, you’ll be waiting longer for games to load as they will need to download first before you can play them. On the plus side, a progress bar is provided to give you an idea of how long it will take.
Security & Responsible Gaming FAQ
Is Spin Palace Legit?
Indeed they are! This iGaming powerhouse first opened its digital doors back in 2001. It is operated by Bayton Ltd., which is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) and Baytree Ltd, which is licensed and regulated by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. Both Bayton and Baytree are Malta-based companies and members of the CityViews Group. Nothing about Spin Palace Casino is a scam.
Is Spin Palace Safe?
Yes, and this safety extends to all their digital platforms for Canadians, including Spin Palace Canada download, instant-play and mobile. Spin Palace prides itself on being a safe, fair and transparent international casino gaming community. Your funds and any sensitive information are guaranteed to be fully protected 100% of the time with state-of-the-art 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) digital encryption.
Can I expect Spin Palace Responsible Gambling support?
Yes, you can. SpinPalace Canada is committed to providing a responsible gambling environment for all its players as much as it is committed to providing the best entertainment. In addition to having a strict policy against underage gaming, you can also control your gambling by limiting your deposits at any time or opting for self-exclusion. They also offer a free self-assessment test and contact information for professional problem gambling organizations.
Is Spin Palace Fair?
Certainly. The casino has an average payout ratio of 97% and uses award-winning and industry-leading software from Microgaming, a pioneer in its field. The Random Number Generators (RNG) of the games are regularly reviewed by independent auditors to ensure the randomness of game outcomes. Additionally, Spin Palace is accredited by eCOGRA and has been awarded its Safe and Fair Seal.
Spin Palace Casino – Final Thoughts
Spin Palace is a true veteran in the online gambling world. Having been around for nearly two decades, it has proven that it has not only evolved with the industry and stood the test of time, but it has managed to remain popular with both Canadian and international players. This is no easy feat in an industry that is saturated with gambling brands.
Their generous welcome offer, Loyalty Club, and unique Wheel Bonus feature give you different ways to enjoy some extra perks. Meanwhile, their extensive casino games library features the best slots and progressive jackpots from Microgaming as well as a Live Casino that delivers an experience that suits everyone from casual players to high rollers.
Of course, no casino is perfect, and we feel that there are certain areas in which Spin Palace Canada could improve to make its experience even better for Canadian players. For instance, it would be nice if they offered free spins with the welcome bonus offer as the casino does have many fabulous slots to play.
We also think it would be nice if they offered games from other providers. We understand that it is a Microgaming casino and Microgaming is a fantastic provider, but having games from more than one provider would help to further diversify and expand their portfolio.
Beyond these minor criticisms, there really isn’t any drawback to playing at this online casino. Any time you’re in the mood for real-money fun, Spin Palace Casino has got your back and is ready and waiting to bring you a highly gratifying experience.
Discover this for yourself today and get your CA$1000 Welcome Bonus now! | <urn:uuid:cc2d9f45-20bd-4519-9ce8-025a62010044> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:25:12Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.933291 | 4,895 | 5,267 |
In this podcast, JAMS neutrals Laura C. Abrahamson, Esq. FCIArb, Robert Davidson, Esq., FCIArb, and Shelby Grubbs, J.D., FCIArb, discuss selecting a seat for international arbitration proceedings, the current regulatory framework that governs them and factors contributing to rise of the United States as a hub for international arbitration and the trends fueling disputes. To start the conversation, the neutrals provide an overview of the considerations that come into play when selecting a seat for international arbitration, including adopted regulatory frameworks, access and any potential limits on the arbitrability of certain cases and/or arbitrators who may oversee disputes.
Next, the group delves into the different regulatory frameworks that may apply to international arbitrations and where overlap and differences emerge. The neutrals also share their thoughts on benefits to seating an international arbitration in the United States and the regions nationally that are serving as hubs for case seatings. The podcast wraps up with a discussion on where region-specific focuses are emerging—such as financial disputes being seated in New York—and what economic and disruptive factors will be key to fueling international disputes in the coming years.
JAMS - International Arbitration Podcast
[00:00:00] Moderator: Welcome to this podcast from JAMS. In this episode, we're going to discuss selecting a seat for international arbitration proceedings, the current regulatory framework that governs them, the rise of the United States as a hub and trends that may fuel activity in the coming years. I'm joined today by three JAMS neutrals: Shelby Grubbs, who has decades of experience handling complex international and cross-border disputes; Robert Davidson, the executive director of JAMS' arbitration practice, who has participated in over 200 domestic and international arbitrations across practice areas; and Laura Abrahamson, the former head of global litigation for an American multinational infrastructure consulting firm who also has extensive experience handling arbitrations within the U.S. and significant jurisdictions around the world.
[00:00:51] So, thank you all for joining me today. To start, Shelby, can you just help listeners understand the factors that are involved when selecting a seat for international arbitration? What do they need to be thinking about?
[00:01:04] Shelby Grubbs: Well, I think that first of all, you want to be sure that the place you select as the seat has adopted the New York Convention or the Panama Convention. Typically, the New York Convention is what you'll be seeing, but having the convention in place—or a convention in place—will enable you to enforce your agreement to arbitrate and also the arbitration award. And then similarly, you want a place with a strong rule of law tradition, which respects and ideally fosters arbitration in a court system with reasonably current dockets.
[00:01:38] Assuming those items are covered, I think that you will frequently want to seat your arbitration in the place that it is going to be enforced. Now, certainly, it is possible to enforce an arbitration outside the seat, but your life may be a little less complicated if you seat the arbitration at the spot where you expect it to be enforced. And that's particularly true if you anticipate being an award creditor; that is, if you're going to prevail and you're going to be trying to collect an amount that is awarded. So, typically, you'll want to consider where you might want to enforce and where assets are located. I think you also want to be sure that you're in a country in which your dispute is arbitrable.
[00:02:22] In other words, you want to be sure that the country that you have selected as the seat will enforce the arbitration given its subject matter. There are countries where there are limits on arbitrability. Lastly, you want a place that is reasonably easy to get to. You want to consider cost and convenience, and so you want to be sure that the seat that is selected has the infrastructure you need, has reliable transportation, hearing space, hotel space, translators and so forth.
[00:02:53] Moderator: All right. Well, thank you, Shelby. What—what about challenges or hazards that can emerge when selecting a seat for different types of disputes?
[00:03:03] Shelby Grubbs: Well, I mentioned the question of arbitrability. The United States allows us arbitration of almost every type of commercial dispute, so we're accustomed to assuming that pretty much anything and everything is arbitrable. However, there are countries where the law does not allow the arbitration of particular types of disputes. So, for example, employment disputes in certain countries cannot be determined by arbitration. So, [let's say] you're in one of those countries and you have an employment matter. You want to be sure that it does not fall within the prohibition, and then there are other countries in which certain types of IP disputes cannot be determined by arbitration. So, you want to be sure that the arbitration—that the seat of arbitration allows arbitration of the subject matter of the dispute.
[00:03:49] Laura Abrahamson: I was just going to chime in there for one second. Another hazard that people may not think about is there are certain jurisdictions which place significant limits on which arbitrators can actually work within that jurisdiction. For example, for many years, Thailand prohibited international arbitrators who weren't Thai from sitting in jurisdictions. So, if you have a dispute where you want a certain diversity of your arbitrators, you want to make sure that your seat wouldn't preclude that.
[00:04:18] Shelby Grubbs: Absolutely. Along the same lines, you want to be sure that you're going to be able to get to the spot that is designated as a seat to the extent that you need to, and there can be geopolitical impediments. There are, for example, cases in which Iran was designated as a seat, but getting there proved to be difficult, if not impossible. And then I think the last point I wanted to mention here, Andrew, is that you want to be sure you have a durable administering institution. Recently, there was an arbitration agreement providing for arbitration in the United Arab Emirates, which was tripped up because the administering institution had ceased to exist.
[00:04:57] Moderator: Wow. Robert, can you talk a little bit about the current regulatory framework that governs many of the international arbitrations seated in the United States?
[00:05:06] Robert Davidson: Sure. I mean, the framework really—and Shelby presaged this—first and foremost is the New York Convention, which is a very important, multilateral treaty that allows arbitration and allows awards to be enforced in any signatory country. That's really the first. Below that is the Federal Arbitration Act, and here in the United States, there are some recent cases that conclude that, let's say, grounds for vacating or denying recognition and enforcement to an arbitration award include the grounds that are set forth in the Federal Arbitration Act, as well as the very limited grounds which are set forth in the New York Convention. So, there are expanded grounds to challenge an award in the United States, although there's a lot of overlap between the FAA (Federal Arbitration Act) grounds to vacate an award and the Article V grounds under the New York Convention to deny recognition and enforcement to an arbitration award. Finally, you've got the provider rules, and Shelby also touched on those. There are institutions in the United States—American Arbitration Association, JAMS and CPR, to name three—and whatever rules that you select, even if they're not domestic rules in the United States, you can pick any rules you want. You can pick the LCIA or the ICC rules for an arbitration which takes place in the United States. Those will also govern. One of the main points I think that I want to set forth is the fact that an international arbitration that takes place in the United States is subject to venue rules, which allow all court proceedings to be submitted to federal courts in the United States and not state courts.
[00:07:06] That means you get rather specialized judges who are used to hearing these cases. You will not get any interference with a case while it is going on, and you will make sure that you have a rational judiciary with a long-established set of case law to govern whatever proceedings that you want to institute.
[00:07:28] Moderator: Hmm. Well, those are definitely very strong benefits to instituting an international arbitration in the United States. Are there any others you want to mention here?
[00:07:37] Robert Davidson: Well, there's of course broad arbitrability rules, which are very important. You can arbitrate patent cases here. You can arbitrate antitrust cases. You can arbitrate securities cases in the United States. You have access here—and this is very important—to very experienced people. There are many international arbitrators here in the United States who are specialists that you can pick to populate your panels and that will make excellent arbitrators. I also want to just mention, a people—a lot of companies are afraid to enter the United States because they think the broad discovery rules, which usually apply to U.S. cases and domestic cases, are going to be applied to their cases, and I want to dispel that myth. International arbitration here is just as restrictive or expansive as maybe in any country. The last thing I want to say is that you are completely free here to appoint whoever you want as an arbitrator. So, if you don't like Americans, you can appoint Europeans. And if you want someone from Asia, you can do that. There is no impediment to who actually is authorized to hear a case.
[00:08:53] Shelby Grubbs: I might make another point, which I think Bob touched on, but the courts in the U.S.—you are going to be in federal court, and there is a strong policy favoring the enforcement of arbitration agreements and arbitration awards. Courts are also, in the United States, unlike courts in some places, very reluctant to vacate or annul an award based on public policy considerations. There's a provision and the New York Convention which allows for the refusal to enforce an award based on public policy considerations, and we do see that occasionally abused in some jurisdictions, but the United States is very stingy about that. So, I think I could count on probably one hand the number of reported cases in which there've been public policy annulments.
[00:09:47] Robert Davidson: Well, one of the things that's quite important too is that the seat of the arbitration will generally govern the availability of provisional relief and arbitration. And here in the United States, arbitrators can issue injunctions. There are some jurisdictions where they can order orders of attachment. They can order—and there's a recent case on this—they can order that some disgruntled party cease parallel proceedings in other jurisdictions in order to frustrate the arbitration which is being conducted in the United States. There are substantial availability, and if a party succeeds through emergency application or otherwise succeeds in getting a provisional order or injunction, the courts here are friendly and will enforce that generally, so you don't have to wait till the end of the day if the arbitrators order an injunction—you know, stop that board meeting from taking place or stop the securities transaction from closing by a certain date and the other side refuses to abide by it. The courts are very friendly to enforcing those interim awards.
[00:11:04] Moderator: Hmm. Great points, Laura, let's talk about the U.S. states and those states that have adopted frameworks based on the UNCITRAL model law, like California, and what differences exist among the states.
[00:11:20] Laura Abrahamson: Seven states in the U.S. have enacted the UNCITRAL model law. Not surprisingly, five of those states, including California, are ones where there's large cities with promising arbitration seats. You know, we have California with Los Angeles and San Francisco; Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; Houston, Texas; and Miami, Florida. Of course, the advantage of seeding your arbitration in one of these states is that their laws align with the law of international arbitration in a number of other jurisdictions around the world. But one of the things these states have done is they've modified the model laws in a couple of ways to one, give greater clarity and definition where it's lacking in the model law; two, to fill gaps in the model law; or three, in ways that innovate. I think some examples people might be interested in with those, in terms of clarity, the UNCITRAL trial model law doesn't define "commercial" for purposes of what's an international commercial arbitration that it applies to. California and Texas, for example, their versions of the model law they've adopted include long, non-exhaustive lists of activities that qualify as commercial and thus come under the umbrella of the law.
[00:12:32] You know, an example of filling the gaps that I think is important for parties and is an attractive feature—with respect to disclosures and challenges, everyone knows that the—the model law requires potential arbitrators to disclose circumstances that may give rise to justifiable doubts about their impartiality or independence, but it doesn't define what that is or what disclosures need to be made. Now there's a body of soft law that's developed—the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest, for example—but the model law in California is probably the most comprehensive. And it requires potential arbitrators to disclose matters where they've served as a lawyer for one of the parties, they've served as an arbitrator in another proceeding for the parties or where they, either in a personal or fiduciary capacity, or their family members have a financial interest or if they've got a close personal relationship or close professional relationship with a party, a lawyer, another arbitrator a material witness or someone who might have a financial interest.
[00:13:44] Under the New York Convention, one of the few grounds to overturn an award is where there is some suggestion of bias on behalf of the arbitrator, and these expanded disclosures in places like California and Texas, under their version of model law, I think gives parties comfort on that point going into an arbitration.
[00:14:07] Another example of filling the gaps—and where California I think has taken the forefront—is that new California law specifically allows attorneys who are not admitted to practice in California to nonetheless represent parties in international arbitrations as long as they're qualified.
[00:14:26] Attorneys either admitted in another state or another foreign country. Additionally, an example of this filling the gap is the issue of arbitrator immunity. The model law does not contain any provisions addressing arbitrator immunity, but you know, there's concerns in a number of jurisdictions around the world about arbitrators being subject to liability as a result of their participation in proceedings. And the California and Florida model laws give the same immunity to arbitrators that judges are given.
[00:15:01] Robert Davidson: Yeah. Let me just chime in on one point that Laura made [, which] was California's rule that allows any attorney to represent a party in an international arbitration, not just California lawyers. I don't want to leave the impression that that rule is also common in the United States. California was kind of an outlier in that regard, and thankfully and very happily, they took care of that by statute. But you can appoint anybody to represent you in connection with an arbitration without worrying about pro hoc vice admissions or anything of that sort.
[00:15:38] Moderator: Shelby, have you seen other regions in the United States respond to the growing demand for international arbitration? What have they been doing?
[00:15:47] Shelby Grubbs: Well, absolutely. I think the grand champion in the United States continues to be New York. Roughly speaking, I think probably 30% or so of international arbitrations seated in the United States are placed in New York, and the New York State Bar has done a good job and the New York City Bar has done a good job of maintaining that advantage.
[00:16:10] There was a study by Charles River Associates a few years ago dealing with Toronto, which got a fair amount of coverage and drew a lot of attention, which suggested that hosting international arbitrations was very good for a local economy. And as a result of that, we've seen a lot of organized efforts to attract international arbitration in various cities. These include Miami, Los Angeles, Atlanta, certainly Boston, Chicago, Houston and others. And typically, these efforts include, but are not limited to, enacting laws like the UNCITRAL model law and taking legal initiatives like those mentioned by Laura: local bar rules that remove impediments to foreign lawyers representing their clients, and arbitration proceedings and local court rules that that expedite applications to compel arbitration.
[00:17:06] So that if a party is not cooperating in an effort to compel arbitration pursuant to an agreement, you can get your case expedited, and you can get your application to compel arbitration expedited and get it determined. So that arbitration's promise of expedition is discharged. I mentioned Toronto. I'll go back to that just for a second. You mentioned the United States, but Toronto, following up on the Charles River study, has also done a very good job of attracting international arbitration. And I think their pitch there is interesting because they sometimes want to take advantage of the fact that they're near, but not actually in, the United States. They're fun, and I think all these communities are learning from one another. Certainly, here in Atlanta, we've learned a good deal from our competitors and friends in other cities.
[00:17:59] Laura Abrahamson: I think what you've also seen is the emergence of a variety of areas of the United States developing stronger international arbitration practices and hosting international arbitration weeks. For example, in California, CalArb, which is the organization for lawyers and arbitrators interested in international arbitration, has now put on with the California Lawyers Association for the last two years the California International Arbitration Week. The third California International Arbitration Week's going to take place March 11 through 14 in San Francisco. And it's been tremendously successful. Washington has also seen a very successful development of an international arbitration week in Washington, D.C., and New York has been having an international arbitration week for some years.
[00:18:42] Moderator: Robert, what about regions that have a focus on certain practice areas or types of disputes? What do you see in that area?
[00:18:50] Robert Davidson: Well, I suppose oil and gas. You have the Texas—Houston area, which is known for having these types of cases, international and otherwise, although it's difficult to pinpoint. I mean, the thing about Texas, for example, is a lot of oil and gas folks there—for that reason, some people don't choose Texas if they have an oil and gas dispute; they'll go elsewhere. [In] New York, we see an awful lot of financial disputes—you know, whether it be investment, M&A activity and things of that sort. Florida has a reputation for arbitrating disputes arising out of or relating to Latin America.
[00:19:33] And California has got a significant, I think, attachment to Asia. And for that reason, I think a number of cases, significant cases, coming out of that part of the world are going to California. One thing that I do want to mention that someone mentioned that I think is quite important is that we have here a legal regime that enforces rather robust rules regarding disclosure, and there have been substantial or significant cases coming out of other parts of the world in which after an award is rendered, it's challenged because someone finds out that an arbitrator had an undisclosed relationship with either another arbitrator or a party, and that taints the award. Here, we have—under the regimes of the domestic providers—we have very robust rules of disclosure. And, you know, if you've sat with another person as an arbitrator, you're supposed to disclose that. If you've been appointed several times by the same party or the same law firm, you have to disclose that. So, a lot of the problems that have cropped up somewhat recently in other places rarely come up here.
[00:20:51] Moderator: Laura, why don't you look into your crystal ball and tell us what factors you think will be key to fueling international disputes over the next few years?
[00:21:03] Laura Abrahamson: You know, I think that what creates more disputes are things that are disruptive. When parties are into a contract and they have certain expectations about pricing and supply when events like the COVID pandemic happen, or there's huge supply chain disruptions or emerging or new technologies develop in ways that impact prices—you know, that's what really fuels business disputes and therefore fuels international disputes. So, I don't think, Andrew, that international disputes are different in origin other than, of course, issues arising out of, you know, wars, such as what we see with Ukraine, but it's really what's disrupting the business model that the parties were looking at when they entered into a contract. So, changes in legislation—you know, we saw a number of international disputes in the solar energy space after some of the European countries started changing their legislation on what incentives they were going to give the companies who are investing in those industries.
[00:22:19] Robert Davidson: That's a very good point. I think the one thing that came to mind when you were speaking was that AI—you know, things move faster. Suppose you have a company that sells medical information, and all of a sudden AI comes along and disrupts the business model because it could be done faster and more accurately by some other company. And then you've got problems. A lot of this is—you know, what's going to expand international arbitration is the constant means of disruption in commercial matters, which are fueled not by evil people as much as they are by expanding technology—you know, COVID events. And I don't think international arbitration is going away by any means.
[00:23:16] Shelby Grubbs: Here's an example, I totally agree with you, Bob, and also with you, Laura. I was thinking this morning—there's a map or a graphic showing all the backup at the Panama Canal at the moment, which is really a matter of weather. There's been a drought and the canal is not able to operate at its normal capacity, and therefore, ships lined up all out in—on both sides of the canal trying to get through the canal. And you can bet that that kind of stress on the supply chain will result in disputes and international disputes as people look for ways to cover their losses as a result of this sort of supply chain disruption.
[00:23:59] Robert Davidson: Yeah, good point.
[00:24:00] Laura Abrahamson: I think that's—that's exactly right, Shelby. And, you know, another example might be—and the supply chain affects, obviously, so many different industries. But you know—particularly in some emerging industries—you look at the solar industry, and I sat as an arbitrator in a dispute last year which was driven largely by both the supply chain impact, where the solar panels weren't getting from Asia to the U.S. in time, and, secondly, legislation in the U.S. having to do with human rights abuses in China, which was stopping solar panels from China, specifically from being imported to the U.S. So, you had a combination both of supply chain disruption and regulatory disruption. That was preventing some of these big solar projects from being constructed on time, leading, of course, to a significant number of disputes.
[00:24:59] Moderator: So, death, taxes and international arbitration. We will count on that. Thank you so much for the really fascinating discussion. Really appreciate it.
[00:25:13] You've been listening to a podcast from JAMS, one of the largest private alternative dispute resolution providers in the world. Our guests have been JAMS neutrals Shelby Grubbs, Robert Davidson and Laura Abrahamson. For more information about JAMS, please visit Thank you for listening to this podcast from JAMS.
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Male headship was established at creation. Read or listen to this chapter from Your Marriage God’s Way to learn what it means that “the husband is head of the wife” (Ephesians 5:23 and 1 Corinthians 11:3).
Table of Contents
Soon after I became a Christian in my early twenties, a pastor’s daughter told me what she wanted in a husband: a man who would be a spiritual leader and the head of their home. I hardly knew anything about the Bible at this point, so everything she said sounded odd to me. I didn’t object until she started talking about wives submitting to their husbands. That’s when I thought she had gone too far. Sadly, I vividly remember saying, “That is ridiculous! Men and women are equal. How could a husband have authority over his wife?”
I was in for a shock as I started reading the Bible and learning what it says about husbands and wives. Verses kept jumping out at me that supported what the pastor’s daughter said. If you’re unfamiliar with the Bible’s teaching on marriage, or you believe like I did that husbands and wives have identical roles and responsibilities, you might be in for a shock too.
God has a master design for marriage relationships that has very definite purposes and benefits. We live in a culture that is far removed from the beauty and brilliance of God’s plan. While we as fallen people might initially chaff at the ideas of male headship and submission (as I did), and believe it means men and women aren’t equal (as I did), because we live in a society that insists everyone should be viewed identically, it’s important to recognize that in God’s eyes and according to His design, yes, husbands and wives have equal value (more on this later in the chapter), but they have different roles and responsibilities.
Let’s ease into the delicate subjects of headship and submission by considering that twice in the New Testament the apostle Paul stated the headship of a husband:
- “I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3).
- “The husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:23).
Male Headship Began at Creation
While these verses are found in the New Testament, that doesn’t mean a husband’s headship had its beginning under the new covenant. Neither did his male headship have its beginning in the Old Testament under the old covenant. Nor did it begin at the fall.
The husband’s headship has its beginning at creation itself. This is important for us to know, because if we think headship began after the fall, then this leadership becomes part of sin’s curse. But if we understand that the husband’s headship began at creation, we will see it as part of God’s natural, healthy, divine plan for husbands and wives.
Genesis 1:1 proclaims the incredible truth that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and the rest of the chapter gives a grand overview of all six days of creation. God created man and woman on the sixth day. Then, in Genesis 2:7-25, God zooms in on the creation of Adam and Eve because mankind is the pinnacle of God’s creation. We are so familiar with the account that it is easy to miss the significance of some of the details. Therefore, let’s approach this passage as though we are reading it for the first time. It is in this account that God established male headship.
Because God created the animals in pairs, male and female, what would we expect Him to do with the creation of humankind? We would expect Him to create the first man and woman at the same time—as a pair, male and female. But that is not what He did, and in creating man first and woman second, God revealed several important details about His design for the marriage relationship.
God’s First Command Helped Establish Male Headship
After God created Adam, He placed him in the Garden of Eden to work (Genesis 2:15). Creating Adam before Eve meant that God’s first command would be given to Adam alone. Genesis 2:16-17 says,
The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Managing the garden was Adam’s duty, but when Eve was fashioned from him, he had the responsibility of passing along to her what he had heard from God. Then Eve had the responsibility of trusting her husband’s account. God did not have to do it this way. He could have given the command to both of them after Eve was created, but in giving the command to Adam alone, God established male headship in the relationship.
Adam Names the Animals and Eve Demonstrating Male Headship
In Genesis 2:19-20, we read that God had Adam name the animals:
Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.
Again, we see God do something with Adam that He could have had Adam and Eve do together. There are two reasons God had Adam name the animals without Eve. First, God wanted man to have authority over creation. In Genesis 1:26, God said,
Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
God established Adam’s authority by directing him to name the animals.
Second, instead of simply giving Adam a helper or telling him he should desire one, God chose to reveal this lack to him by bringing the animals to him in pairs. This disclosed Adam’s lack of a companion. Adam quickly noticed that the animals were in pairs, but he himself was not part of any pair. As Genesis 2:20 describes, he observed there was no “helper comparable to him.”
With Adam now longing for a mate, God was ready to fashion Eve. Here again, familiarity with the creation account may cause us to miss the significance of certain details. Up to this point, one recurring theme has been God’s creation of living things from ordinary dirt:
- “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).
- “Out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow” (Genesis 2:9).
- “Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air” (Genesis 2:19).
With this pattern in place, we would expect to read, “The Lord God formed woman of the dust of the ground, and breathed into her nostrils the breath of life; and woman became a living being.” Instead, Genesis 2:21-23 says:
The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
Earlier, God brought the animals to Adam to be named, demonstrating Adam’s authority over them. Adam then named his wife, demonstrating his authority over her: “She shall be called Woman.” This is one more indication of God establishing male headship within the marriage relationship.
History’s First Surgery
God performed history’s first surgery by using Adam’s body to fashion Eve, and what modern science reveals about this is fascinating. Every cell in our bodies contains our entire genetic blueprint or DNA. Therefore, God could take some of Adam’s cells and use their DNA to create Eve. The reverse, however, would not work, because men’s DNA contains both X and Y chromosomes (XY), while women’s DNA contains only X chromosomes (XX). If God had created woman first, it would have been impossible to fashion man from woman because there would be no Y chromosomes, which is the chromosome that determines male gender. Adam had the genetic material—both X and Y chromosomes—for a woman to be created from his DNA, allowing for the reproduction of men and women.
Because Eve was fashioned from Adam, she has the unique distinction of being the only part of creation not formed out of the ground. And because Adam was created in the image and likeness of God, Eve was just as wonderfully created in the image and likeness of God. We should also consider that while God created woman from man, He brought forth every other human being since Eve from woman. The apostle Paul explained it like this:
For man is not from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man…Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, even so man also comes through woman (1 Corinthians 11:8-9, 11-12).
A final detail of significance is that God’s creation of woman from man involved far more than Adam’s rib. The Hebrew word translated “rib” is tsela. The word occurs 41 times in the Old Testament, but only here in Genesis 2:21- 22 is it translated “rib.” Nineteen times tsela is translated as “side,” and 11 times as “chamber.” Here are a few examples:
- Exodus 25:12—“You shall cast four rings of gold for [the ark], and put them in its four corners; two rings shall be on one side [tsela], and two rings on the other side [tsela].”
- 2 Samuel 16:13—“As David and his men went along the road, Shimei went along the hillside [tsela] opposite him and cursed as he went.”
- 1 Kings 6:8—“The doorway for the middle story was on the right side [tsela] of the temple.”
Eve came from Adam’s side, not just his rib—a fact that is also made clear when Adam, in Genesis 2:23, calls Eve “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.”
Why did God choose to create Eve from Adam’s side instead of creating her from the dust of the ground like everything else? God wanted Adam and Eve to understand the unity between them. We see that in the next verse, Genesis 2:24, which says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” At first glance this seems like an odd statement because Adam and Eve are the only two people in history with no “father and mother.” Therefore, this verse is not primarily about them, but is instructive about the nature of the marriage relationship itself.
Genesis 2:24 further supports male headship. Why does the command mention a man leaving his father and mother but not a woman leaving her father and mother? It is because the man is moving out from under his parents’ authority and establishing his own headship—or authority—over his family. But the woman is not doing the same. She is simply moving from being under her father to being under her husband.
This is why 1 Corinthians 11:3 does not say, “The head of every man and woman is Christ.” Instead, it states, “The head of every man is Christ, [and] the head of woman is man.” A wife remains under a man’s authority—first her father’s, and then her husband’s. And these men are under Christ’s authority. This biblical principle is played out at weddings symbolically when the father walks his daughter down the aisle and gives her to the man who is about to become her husband. The imagery is that of a transfer of authority from father to husband.
Egalitarianism Versus Complementarianism
Egalitarianism Is Unbiblical
Egalitarianism is the view that God does not have distinct plans for men and women, but that they are equal and interchangeable in terms of their roles and responsibilities. Egalitarians reject the concept of male headship in the marriage relationship. Homosexual marriage, transgenderism, and bisexuality are simply extreme forms of egalitarianism because in every case, ultimately they require people to blur the lines between the genders.
To hold to egalitarianism, people must reject the plain teaching of Scripture that describes the differences between men and women, including the affirmation of the male headship. The Scripture most cited by egalitarians is Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” But using that verse to support egalitarianism requires taking the passage out of context—all the preceding verses clearly deal with salvation. Everyone, whether Jew, Gentile, slave, free, male, or female is saved in the same manner—by grace through faith apart from the law and works (Galatians 3:1-25). What’s more, if Paul were saying men and women are identical in terms of roles and responsibilities, he would be contradicting numerous other scriptures he wrote outlining the differences between the genders.
Egalitarian assertions are based on false premises. [Identical] responsibilities and authority produces the chaos of no one having ultimate authority or responsibility. The egalitarian premises of socialistic communism are unworkable. Identity, value and worth are not found in gender function, but in a personal Being beyond ourselves.
Complementarianism Is Biblical
Complementarianism on the other hand, recognizes the gender roles in Scripture are meaningful and, when embraced, promote spiritual and emotional health that allows people to reach their God-given potential. Complementarians believe that God has designed distinct roles and responsibilities for men and women that allow them to balance and support each other.
Scripture says, “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27; see also Genesis 5:2; Mark 10:6). The emphasis is not on God’s creating people but on His creating two different types of humans: one male and one female. Other Scripture passages reveal to us the distinct plans God has for each, and we will look at all of them in this book. While men and women equally share God’s image and together have dominion over creation, God designed them differently to accomplish certain purposes that He intends for them to fulfill.
A common criticism of complementarianism is that it is chauvinistic—it identifies one gender as superior to the other. Egalitarians insist that a difference in roles and responsibilities implies a difference in equality. But it is possible for two people to be different and equal. Men and women do in fact have the same value and significance before God, even though they are not identical in their roles or responsibilities. This is clearly evident to us in the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. The three persons have distinct roles to fulfill, but they are all equal. Pastor David Guzik states:
In our day, many say there is no real difference between men and women. This makes sense if we are the result of mindless evolution, but the Bible says “male and female He created them.” To God, the differences between men and women are not accidents. Since He created them, the differences are good and meaningful. One of the saddest signs of our culture’s depravity is the amount and the degree of gender confusion today. It is vain to wonder if men or women are superior to the other. A man is absolutely superior at being a man. A woman is absolutely superior at being a woman. But when a man tries to be a woman or a woman tries to be a man, you have something inferior.
We cannot expect the secular world to agree with God’s Word and embrace complementarianism. The real tragedy, however, is when Christians hold to an egalitarian view, seeing no differences between men and women’s roles in the home and the church. Such individuals may not condone unbiblical forms of sexuality such as homosexuality and transgenderism, but because egalitarianism blurs the lines between men and women, it makes it easier for the world to further blur the lines and do away with gender distinctives and undermine God’s Word. Just as men are needed in the home and the church in crucial ways, so women are needed in the home and the church in crucial ways. But the way each gender is needed is different, and we must maintain the distinctions if we are to obey God’s Word and experience the best of marital bliss the way God intended.
Husbands and Wives Are Better Together
God called Eve “a helper comparable to [Adam].” This affirms that God’s calling for Eve—and all wives—is a truly noble calling. The Hebrew word translated “comparable” is neged. Other Bible translations say “suitable for him” (NASB, NIV) and “fit for him” (ESV). The literal translation of the Hebrew text means “opposite” or “contrasting.”
Men and women were designed to fit together perfectly in all ways—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. When a husband and wife become one flesh on their wedding day, they are two people who complement and complete each other. As Genesis 2:24 says, “A man shall…be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Together, they become something stronger and more magnificent than they could ever be alone. The strengths of each compensate for the weaknesses of the other:
- When a husband thinks about his wife, he should see her as God’s suitable companion for him.
- When a wife thinks about her husband, she should see herself as God’s perfect fit for him.
We should give thanks to God for His wonderful design and do everything we can to fulfill the roles He has given us. Only then can we truly experience healthy, joyful marriages.
The world wants to throw counterfeits at us, so we must keep in mind that the blueprint is in the Bible. God is all-perfect, all-loving, and all-wise. As the Author of marriage, we can trust His plan. His way allows husbands and wives to experience all the blessings He desires for us. | <urn:uuid:4990ba3e-4f9c-40de-a1db-c0834d79307a> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T05:02:18Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.972292 | 4,151 | 4,434 |
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How to write a business plan for a pharmaceutical wholesaler?
Writing a business plan for a pharmaceutical wholesaler can be an intimidating task, especially for those just starting.
This in-depth guide is designed to help entrepreneurs like you understand how to create a comprehensive business plan so that you can approach the exercise with method and confidence.
We'll cover: why writing a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan is so important - both when starting up, and when running and growing the business - what information you need to include in your plan, how it should be structured, and what tools you can use to get the job done efficiently.
Let's get started!
Why write a business plan for a pharmaceutical wholesaler?
Being clear on the scope and goals of the document will make it easier to understand its structure and content. So before diving into the actual content of the plan, let's have a quick look at the main reasons why you would want to write a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan in the first place.
To have a clear roadmap to grow the business
Small businesses rarely experience a constant and predictable environment. Economic cycles go up and down, while the business landscape is mutating constantly with new regulations, technologies, competitors, and consumer behaviours emerging when we least expect it.
In this dynamic context, it's essential to have a clear roadmap for your pharmaceutical wholesaler. Otherwise, you are navigating in the dark which is dangerous given that - as a business owner - your capital is at risk.
That's why crafting a well-thought-out business plan is crucial to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of your venture.
To create an effective business plan, you'll need to take a step-by-step approach. First, you'll have to assess your current position (if you're already in business), and then identify where you'd like your pharmaceutical wholesaler to be in the next three to five years.
Once you have a clear destination for your pharmaceutical wholesaler, you'll focus on three key areas:
- Resources: you'll determine the human, equipment, and capital resources needed to reach your goals successfully.
- Speed: you'll establish the optimal pace at which your business needs to grow if it is to meet its objectives within the desired timeframe.
- Risks: you'll identify and address potential risks you might encounter along the way.
By going through this process regularly, you'll be able to make informed decisions about resource allocation, paving the way for the long-term success of your business.
To get visibility on future cash flows
If your small pharmaceutical wholesaler runs out of cash: it's game over. That's why we often say "cash is king", and it's crucial to have a clear view of your pharmaceutical wholesaler's future cash flows.
So, how can you achieve this? It's simple - you need to have an up-to-date financial forecast.
The good news is that your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan already includes a financial forecast (which we'll discuss further in this guide). Your task is to ensure it stays current.
To accomplish this, it's essential to regularly compare your actual financial performance with what was planned in your financial forecast. Based on your business's current trajectory, you can make adjustments to the forecast.
By diligently monitoring your pharmaceutical wholesaler's financial health, you'll be able to spot potential financial issues, like unexpected cash shortfalls, early on and take corrective actions. Moreover, this practice will enable you to recognize and capitalize on growth opportunities, such as excess cash flow enabling you to expand to new locations.
To secure financing
Crafting a comprehensive business plan for your pharmaceutical wholesaler, whether you're starting up or already established, is paramount when you're seeking financing from banks or investors.
Given how fragile small businesses are, financiers will want to ensure that you have a clear roadmap in place as well as command and control of your future cash flows before entertaining the idea of funding you.
For banks, the information in your business plan will be used to assess your borrowing capacity - which is defined as the maximum amount of debt your business can afford alongside your ability to repay the loan. This evaluation helps them decide whether to extend credit to your business and under what terms (interest rate, duration, repayment options, collateral, etc.).
Similarly, investors will thoroughly review your plan to determine if their investment can yield an attractive return. They'll be looking for evidence that your pharmaceutical wholesaler has the potential for healthy growth, profitability, and consistent cash flow generation over time.
Now that you understand the importance of creating a business plan for your pharmaceutical wholesaler, let's delve into the necessary information needed to craft an effective plan.
Need inspiration for your business plan?
The Business Plan Shop has dozens of business plan templates that you can use to get a clear idea of what a complete business plan looks like.
Information needed to create a business plan for a pharmaceutical wholesaler
Drafting a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan requires research so that you can project sales, investments and cost accurately in your financial forecast, and convince the reader that there is a viable commercial opportunity to be seized.
Below, we'll focus on three critical pieces of information you should gather before starting to write your plan.
Carrying out market research for a pharmaceutical wholesaler
Carrying out market research before writing a business plan for a pharmaceutical wholesaler is essential to ensure that the financial projections are accurate and realistic.
Market research helps you gain insight into your target customer base, competitors, pricing strategies and other key factors which can have an impact on the commercial success of your business.
In particular, it is useful in forecasting revenue as it provides valuable data regarding potential customers’ spending habits and preferences.
Your market research might reveal that wholesalers may be shifting away from traditional sales channels to more digital ones, such as online or automated ordering systems. Additionally, research may demonstrate that wholesalers may be increasingly seeking out partnerships with third-party logistics providers for more cost-effective and efficient distribution services.
This information can then be used to create more accurate financial projections which will help investors make informed decisions about investing in your pharmaceutical wholesaler.
Developing the sales and marketing plan for a pharmaceutical wholesaler
As you embark on creating your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan, it is crucial to budget sales and marketing expenses beforehand.
A well-defined sales and marketing plan should include precise projections of the actions required to acquire and retain customers. It will also outline the necessary workforce to execute these initiatives and the budget required for promotions, advertising, and other marketing efforts.
This approach ensures that the appropriate amount of resources is allocated to these activities, aligning with the sales and growth objectives outlined in your business plan.
The staffing and equipment needs of a pharmaceutical wholesaler
As you embark on starting or expanding your pharmaceutical wholesaler, having a clear plan for recruitment and capital expenditures (investment in equipment and real estate) is essential for ensuring your business's success.
Both the recruitment and investment plans must align with the timing and level of growth projected in your forecast, and they require appropriate funding.
A pharmaceutical wholesaler might incur staffing costs such as salaries, benefits, and training for employees. They might also incur equipment costs, such as purchasing and maintaining computers and other technology, and purchasing and maintaining delivery vehicles.
To create a realistic financial forecast, you also need to consider other operating expenses associated with the day-to-day running of your business, such as insurance and bookkeeping.
With all the necessary information at hand, you are ready to begin crafting your business plan and developing your financial forecast.
What goes into your pharmaceutical wholesaler's financial forecast?
The objective of the financial forecast of your pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan is to show the growth, profitability, funding requirements, and cash generation potential of your business over the next 3 to 5 years.
The four key outputs of a financial forecast for a pharmaceutical wholesaler are:
- The profit and loss (P&L) statement,
- The projected balance sheet,
- The cash flow forecast,
- And the sources and uses table.
Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.
The projected P&L statement
The projected P&L statement for a pharmaceutical wholesaler shows how much revenue and profits your business is expected to generate in the future.
Ideally, your pharmaceutical wholesaler's P&L statement should show:
- Healthy growth - above inflation level
- Improving or stable profit margins
- Positive net profit
Expectations will vary based on the stage of your business. A startup will be expected to grow faster than an established pharmaceutical wholesaler. And similarly, an established company should showcase a higher level of profitability than a new venture.
The projected balance sheet of your pharmaceutical wholesaler
The balance sheet for a pharmaceutical wholesaler is a financial document that provides a snapshot of your business’s financial health at a given point in time.
It shows three main components: assets, liabilities and equity:
- Assets: are resources owned by the business, such as cash, equipment, and accounts receivable (money owed by clients).
- Liabilities: are debts owed to creditors and other entities, such as accounts payable (money owed to suppliers) and loans.
- Equity: includes the sums invested by the shareholders or business owners and the cumulative profits and losses of the business to date (called retained earnings). It is a proxy for the value of the owner's stake in the business.
Examining the balance sheet is important for lenders, investors, or other stakeholders who are interested in assessing your pharmaceutical wholesaler's liquidity and solvency:
- Liquidity: assesses whether or not your business has sufficient cash and short-term assets to honour its liabilities due over the next 12 months. It is a short-term focus.
- Solvency: assesses whether or not your business has the capacity to repay its debt over the medium-term.
Looking at the balance sheet can also provide insights into your pharmaceutical wholesaler's investment and financing policies.
In particular, stakeholders can compare the value of equity to the value of the outstanding financial debt to assess how the business is funded and what level of financial risk has been taken by the owners (financial debt is riskier because it has to be repaid, while equity doesn't need to be repaid).
The cash flow forecast
A projected cash flow statement for a pharmaceutical wholesaler is used to show how much cash the business is generating or consuming.
The cash flow forecast is usually organized by nature to show three key metrics:
- The operating cash flow: do the core business activities generate or consume cash?
- The investing cash flow: how much is the business investing in long-term assets (this is usually compared to the level of fixed assets on the balance sheet to assess whether the business is regularly maintaining and renewing its equipment)?
- The financing cash flow: is the business raising new financing or repaying financiers (debt repayment, dividends)?
As we discussed earlier, cash is king and keeping an eye on future cash flows an imperative for running a successful business. Therefore, you can expect the reader of your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan to pay close attention to your cash flow forecast.
Also, note that it is customary to provide both yearly and monthly cash flow forecasts in a business plan - so that the reader can analyze seasonal variation and ensure the pharmaceutical wholesaler is appropriately funded.
The initial financing plan
The sources and uses table or initial financing plan is a key component of your business plan when starting a pharmaceutical wholesaler.
It shows where the capital needed to set up the business will come from (sources) and how it will be spent (uses).
This table helps size the investment required to set up the pharmaceutical wholesaler, and understand how risks will be distributed between the business owners, and the financiers.
The sources and uses table also highlights what the starting cash position will be. This is key for startups as the business needs to have sufficient funding to sustain operations until the break-even point is reached.
Now that you have a clear understanding of what will go into the financial forecast of your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan, let's have a look at the written part of the plan.
The written part of a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan
The written part of a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan plays a key role: it lays out the plan of action you intend to execute to seize the commercial opportunity you've identified on the market and provides the context needed for the reader to decide if they believe your plan to be achievable and your financial forecast to be realistic.
The written part of a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan is composed of 7 main sections:
- The executive summary
- The presentation of the company
- The products and services
- The market analysis
- The strategy
- The operations
- The financial plan
Let's go through the content of each section in more detail!
1. The executive summary
The executive summary, the first section of your pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan, serves as an inviting snapshot of your entire plan, leaving readers eager to know more about your business.
To compose an effective executive summary, start with a concise introduction of your business, covering its name, concept, location, history, and unique aspects. Share insights about the services or products you intend to offer and your target customer base.
Subsequently, provide an overview of your pharmaceutical wholesaler's addressable market, highlighting current trends and potential growth opportunities.
Then, present a summary of critical financial figures, such as projected revenues, profits, and cash flows.
You should then include a summary of your key financial figures such as projected revenues, profits, and cash flows.
Lastly, address any funding needs in the "ask" section of your executive summary.
2. The presentation of the company
The second section in your pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan should focus on the structure and ownership, location, and management team of the company.
The structure and ownership part provides an overview of the legal structure of the business, who the owners are and how much each has invested and owns. If you are seeking financing it is important that the reader gets a clear picture of which legal entity is receiving the funds, and who controls the business.
The location part should give an overview of the premises from which the company is operating, and why that location is of particular interest (catchment area, accessibility, amenities nearby, etc.).
When describing the location of your pharmaceutical wholesaler, you may want to emphasize its access to major transportation routes, its proximity to a major metropolitan area, and its potential for growth. The area could offer multiple options for shipping and receiving, such as airports, railroads, and highways. It could also be in close proximity to a large city, allowing for easy access to customers and suppliers. The potential for growth in the area could create opportunities for the wholesaler to expand its operations, increase its customer base, and capitalize on new markets. All of these factors could make the location an attractive choice for a third party financier.
Finally, you should introduce the management team. Explain each member's role, background, and experience.
It is also important to emphasize any past successes that the members of the management team have achieved, and how long they've been working together, as this will help potential lenders or investors understand why they should trust in their leadership.
3. The products and services section
The products and services section of your business plan should include a detailed description of what your company offers, who are the target customers, and what distribution channels are part of your go-to-market.
For example, your pharmaceutical wholesaler might offer a wide range of products and services, such as delivering quality healthcare products, providing access to competitive pricing, and offering a customized inventory management system. This helps customers get the supplies they need quickly and efficiently with minimal disruption to their operations. Additionally, many pharmaceutical wholesalers offer a variety of value-added services, such as providing advice on regulatory issues, facilitating bulk ordering, and offering online ordering options. These services help customers get the most out of their investment in pharmaceuticals, while also ensuring that they are compliant with applicable regulations.
4. The market analysis
When you present your market analysis in your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan, it's crucial to include detailed information about customers' demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, barriers to entry, and any relevant regulations.
The main objective of this section is to help the reader understand the size and attractiveness of the market while demonstrating your solid understanding of the industry.
Begin with the demographics and segmentation subsection, providing an overview of the addressable market for your pharmaceutical wholesaler, the key trends in the marketplace, and introducing different customer segments along with their preferences in terms of purchasing habits and budgets.
Next, focus on your target market, zooming in on the specific customer segments your pharmaceutical wholesaler aims to serve and explaining how your products and services fulfil their distinct needs.
For example, your target market might include hospitals and large medical facilities. These customers would purchase large quantities of pharmaceuticals often, making them the ideal target for a pharmaceutical wholesaler. Additionally, these customers would need to work with a reliable supplier to ensure that they have the medications they need when they need them.
Then proceed to the competition subsection, where you introduce your main competitors and highlight what sets you apart from them.
Finally, conclude your market analysis with an overview of the key regulations applicable to your pharmaceutical wholesaler.
Need inspiration for your business plan?
The Business Plan Shop has dozens of business plan templates that you can use to get a clear idea of what a complete business plan looks like.
5. The strategy section
When you write the strategy section of your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan, remember to cover key elements such as your competitive edge, pricing strategy, sales & marketing plan, milestones, and risks and mitigants.
In the competitive edge subsection, elaborate on what makes your company stand out from competitors. This becomes especially important if you're a startup, aiming to carve a place for yourself amidst established players in the marketplace.
The pricing strategy subsection should demonstrate how you plan to maintain profitability while offering competitive prices to attract customers.
Outline your sales & marketing plan, detailing how you'll reach out to new customers and retain existing ones through loyalty programs or special offers.
For the milestones subsection, outline your company's achievements to date and your main objectives for the future, complete with specific dates to set clear expectations for progress.
Lastly, the risks and mitigants subsection should address the main risks that could affect your plan's execution. Explain the measures you've put in place to minimize these risks, assuring potential investors or lenders.
Your pharmaceutical wholesaler could face the risk of theft. This could occur both internally, if employees attempt to steal medications, as well as externally, if criminals attempt to break into the warehouse and steal medications. Your pharmaceutical wholesaler may also face the risk of financial losses due to the cost of purchasing medications and the possibility of not being able to sell them in a timely fashion. In addition, changes in regulation or the cost of medications could also lead to financial losses.
6. The operations section
In your business plan, it's also essential to provide a detailed overview of the operations of your pharmaceutical wholesaler.
Start by covering your team, highlighting key roles and your recruitment plan to support the expected growth. Outline the qualifications and experience required for each role and your intended recruitment methods, whether through job boards, referrals, or headhunters.
Next, clearly state your pharmaceutical wholesaler's operating hours, allowing the reader to assess staffing levels adequately. Additionally, mention any plans for varying opening times during peak seasons and how you'll handle customer queries outside normal operating hours.
Then, shift your focus to the key assets and intellectual property (IP) necessary for your business. If you rely on licenses, trademarks, physical structures like equipment or property, or lease agreements, make sure to include them in this section.
You may have key assets such as inventory and customer data that could be considered intellectual property (IP). These assets could be protected by copyright laws and other regulations. Additionally, the wholesaler might also have trade secrets such as supplier relationships, pricing information, and product formulations that could be protected as IP.
Lastly, include a list of suppliers you plan to work with, detailing their services and main commercial terms, such as price, payment terms, and contract duration. Investors are interested in understanding why you've chosen specific suppliers, which may be due to higher-quality products or established relationships from previous ventures.
7. The presentation of the financial plan
The financial plan section is where we will include the financial forecast we talked about earlier in this guide.
Now that you have a clear idea of the content of a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan, let's look at some of the tools you can use to create yours.
What tool should I use to write my pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan?
In this section, we will be reviewing the two main options for writing a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan efficiently:
- Using specialized software,
- Outsourcing the drafting to the business plan writer.
Using an online business plan software for your pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan
Using online business planning software is the most efficient and modern way to create a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan.
There are several advantages to using specialized software:
- You can easily create your financial forecast by letting the software take care of the financial calculations for you without errors
- You are guided through the writing process by detailed instructions and examples for each part of the plan
- You can access a library of dozens of complete business plan samples and templates for inspiration
- You get a professional business plan, formatted and ready to be sent to your bank or investors
- You can easily track your actual financial performance against your financial forecast
- You can create scenarios to stress test your forecast's main assumptions
- You can easily update your forecast as time goes by to maintain visibility on future cash flows
- You have a friendly support team on standby to assist you when you are stuck
If you're interested in using this type of solution, you can try The Business Plan Shop for free by signing up here.
Hiring a business plan writer to write your pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan
Outsourcing your pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan to a business plan writer can also be a viable option.
Business plan writers are experienced in writing business plans and adept at creating financial forecasts without errors. Furthermore, hiring a consultant can save you time and allow you to focus on the day-to-day operations of your business.
However, hiring business plan writers is expensive as you are paying for the software used by the consultant, plus their time, and their profit margin of course.
From experience, you need to budget at least £1.5k ($2.0k) excluding tax for a complete business plan, more if you need to make changes after the initial version (which happens frequently after the initial meetings with lenders or investors).
You also need to be careful when seeking investment. Investors want their money to be used to grow the business, not spent on consulting fees. Therefore, the amount you spend on business plan writing services (and other consulting services such as legal services) needs to be negligible relative to the amount raised.
The other drawback is that you usually don't own the business plan itself: you just get the output, while the actual document is saved in the consultant's business plan software - which makes it difficult to maintain the document up to date without hiring the consultant on a retainer.
For these reasons, outsourcing the pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan to a business plan writer should be considered carefully, weighing both the advantages and disadvantages of hiring outside help.
Ultimately, it may be the right decision for some businesses, while others may find it beneficial to write their business plan using online software.
Why not create your pharmaceutical wholesaler's business plan using Word or Excel?
Using Microsoft Excel and Word (or their Google, Apple, or open-source equivalents) to write a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan is a terrible idea.
For starters, creating an accurate and error-free financial forecast on Excel (or any spreadsheet) is very technical and requires both a strong grasp of accounting principles and solid skills in financial modelling.
As a result, it is unlikely anyone will trust your numbers unless - like us at The Business Plan Shop - you hold a degree in finance and accounting and have significant financial modelling experience in your past.
The second reason is that it is inefficient. Building forecasts on spreadsheets was the only option in the 1990s and early 2000s, nowadays technology has advanced and software can do it much faster and much more accurately.
And with the rise of AI, software is also becoming smarter at helping us detect mistakes in our forecasts and helping us analyse the numbers to make better decisions.
Also, using software makes it easy to compare actuals vs. forecasts and maintain our forecasts up to date to maintain visibility on future cash flows - as we discussed earlier in this guide - whereas this is a pain to do with a spreadsheet.
That's for the forecast, but what about the written part of my pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan?
This part is less error-prone, but here also software brings tremendous gains in productivity:
- Word processors don't include instructions and examples for each part of your business plan
- Word processors don't update your numbers automatically when they change in your forecast
- Word processors don't handle the formatting for you
Overall, while Word or Excel may be viable options for creating a pharmaceutical wholesaler business plan for some entrepreneurs, it is by far not the best or most efficient solution.
- A business plan has 2 complementary parts: a financial forecast showcasing the expected growth, profits and cash flows of the business; and a written part which provides the context needed to judge if the forecast is realistic and relevant.
- Having an up-to-date business plan is the only way to keep visibility on your pharmaceutical wholesaler's future cash flows.
- Using business plan software is the modern way of writing and maintaining business plans.
We hope that this practical guide gave you insights on how to write the business plan for your pharmaceutical wholesaler. Do not hesitate to get in touch with our team if you still have questions.
Also on The Business Plan Shop
Know someone who owns or wants to start a pharmaceutical wholesaler? Share this article with them! | <urn:uuid:cd47a951-1864-4aee-8e0e-6789557e93cf> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-23T04:25:27Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818464.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20240423033153-20240423063153-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.936953 | 5,484 | 6,528 |
Specialist Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services
Have you been fed up with taking a look at a dirty, stained exterior on your own property? Do you want a skilled pressure washing service that can revive the look of your home or business? Check out Pro Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services. We have been a reliable provider of high-quality pressure washing solutions for residential and commercial properties within the Spring, TX area.
Our company of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional results for your exterior cleaning needs. We use state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques to remove dirt, grime, and stubborn stains, leaving your property looking fresh and revitalized.
Whether you want a thorough cleaning for your residence or require pressure washing services for your commercial space, we have the expertise to exceed your expectations. Trust we to change your property and enhance its curb appeal.
Don’t be satisfied with a lackluster exterior. Choose Experienced Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services for specialized pressure washing solutions that can make your property shine.
- Qualified Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services provides top-tier pressure washing solutions for home and commercial properties in the Spring, TX area.
- Our experienced professionals use high-quality equipment and techniques to deliver exceptional results for your exterior cleaning needs.
- Our pressure washing services can remove dirt, grime, and stubborn stains, revitalizing and enhancing the look of your property.
- We offer customized solutions for both home and commercial pressure washing needs.
- Choose Expert Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services to change your property leaving it looking pristine.
The Value of Specialized Pressure Washing
Specialized pressure washing services offer numerous benefits for homeowners and business owners alike. Here are three key reasons why you need to consider hiring a professional for your pressure washing needs:
- Efficient and Effective Cleaning: Qualified pressure washers have the knowledge, skills, and equipment to thoroughly clean your property. They are fully aware the correct pressure and cleaning methods to use, ensuring that dirt, grime, mold, and other stubborn stains are effectively removed. Using their expertise, you can trust that your particular property will be left looking pristine.
- Enhanced Entrance Charm: Regular pressure washing can significantly increase the curb appeal of your property or commercial space. By removing dirt, stains, and discoloration from surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, decks, and siding, your property will instantly look fresh and well-maintained. This not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but in addition increases its value.
- Protective Maintenance: Pressure washing helps protect your property from long-term damage due to the buildup of dirt, pollutants, algae, and moss. By regularly cleaning and looking after your exterior surfaces, it is possible to prevent costly repairs and prolong the lifespan of the property. A specialized pressure washing service provides the expertise needed to keep your property in excellent condition.
Making an investment in skilled pressure washing services is a great decision that can save you time, effort, and money in the end. By entrusting your exterior cleaning has to experts, you can enjoy a clean, beautiful, and well-maintained property that stands apart inside the neighborhood.
|Advantages of Professional Pressure Washing
|Reasons to Employ a Specialist
|Efficient and effective cleaning
|Knowledge, skills, and expertise
|Enhanced entrance charm
|Improved aesthetic appeal and increased property value
|Prevention of long term damage and costly repairs
Comprehensive Residential Pressure Washing Solutions
At Professional Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and inviting home exterior. Our comprehensive residential pressure washing solutions are designed to restore the beauty of your own property, improve curb appeal, and protect your investment.
We of skilled professionals is equipped with the skills and expertise to tackle an array of residential pressure washing needs. Whether you should remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew, or stubborn stains, we now have the various tools and methods to deliver exceptional results.
Here are among the key home pressure washing services we provide:
- House Washing: Our house washing service utilizes high-pressure water and specialized cleaning solutions to remove dirt, dust, pollen, as well as other pollutants who have accumulated on the home’s exterior surfaces.
- Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning: We could revitalize your driveway and sidewalks, eliminating unsightly stains, oil spills, graffiti, and moss to boost the entire appearance of your own property.
- Deck and Fence Cleaning: Our company can restore the natural beauty of the deck and fence by removing mold, mildew, dirt, and grime, leaving them looking clean and vibrant.
- Roof Cleaning: We specialize in effective and safe roof cleaning methods that remove mold, algae, and debris, extending the lifespan of your roof and preventing potential damage.
- Gutter Cleaning: Our skilled technicians will clean out debris, leaves, and clogs out of your gutters, ensuring proper drainage and preventing water damage to your home.
When you choose Pro Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services for your residential pressure washing needs, you may expect meticulous awareness of detail, exceptional customer support, and stunning results. We take pride in our work and attempt to exceed your expectations with every project.
Trust us to change your home’s exterior to make it shine with our comprehensive home pressure washing solutions.
|Residential Pressure Washing Services
|Removes dirt, dust, and pollutants, enhances entrance charm
|Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning
|Eliminates stains, oil spills, graffiti, and moss
|Deck and Fence Cleaning
|Restores natural beauty, removes mold and grime
|Extends roof lifespan, prevents damage
|Ensures proper drainage, prevents water damage
Commercial Pressure Cleaning Services: What To Expect
In terms of maintaining the cleanliness and appeal of your commercial property in Spring, Texas, skilled pressure cleaning services can easily make a significant difference. By employing a reputable pressure washing company, you could expect an array of benefits and exceptional results that can leave your property looking pristine.
Here’s what you could expect from your commercial pressure cleaning services:
- Thorough Cleaning: Our team of experienced professionals will thoroughly clean all exterior surfaces, including walls, windows, sidewalks, parking lots, and a lot more. We use high-powered pressure washing equipment and effective methods to remove dirt, grime, oil stains, mold, along with other stubborn contaminants.
- Tailored Solutions: We understand that every commercial property has unique cleaning requirements. That’s why we provide you with tailored methods to address the particular needs of your own property. Our experts will assess your property and establish a customized pressure cleaning plan to offer optimal results.
- Safe and Eco-friendly: The pressure cleaning solutions we use are safe both for your property and the environment. We take utmost care to guard your landscaping, signage, and delicate surfaces through the cleaning process.
- Efficient and Timely: We value your time and attempt to complete the pressure cleaning project efficiently and within the agreed-upon timeframe. Our team will continue to work diligently to lower disruptions to your business operations while delivering exceptional results.
- Enhanced Entrance Charm: By investing in professional pressure cleaning services, it is possible to boost the entrance charm of your own commercial property. A neat and well-maintained exterior creates a positive impression on customers, clients, and partners, leaving these with a favorable thought of your small business.
When it comes to commercial pressure cleaning services in Spring, Texas, trust our team of experts to offer exceptional results. Contact us right now to plan a consultation and feel the transformative power of specialist pressure washing.
|Advantages of Commercial Pressure Cleaning Services
|Thorough cleaning of exterior surfaces
|Remove dirt, grime, stains, and contaminants
|Tailored solutions for unique cleaning requirements
|Customized pressure cleaning plan
|Safe and eco-friendly cleaning solutions
|Protect landscaping and delicate surfaces
|Efficient and timely finishing of the project
|Minimize disruptions to business operations
|Enhanced entrance charm for a positive impression
|Create a favorable perception of your business
Customized Approach To Exterior Cleaning in Spring Texas
At Experienced Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services, we understand that every property has unique cleaning needs. That’s why we have a customized approach to exterior cleaning, tailoring our services to satisfy the particular requirements of each and every client. Our team of skilled professionals will assess your property, taking into consideration factors such as the type of surface, the amount of grime and dirt, and any specific challenges that should be addressed.
By utilizing our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we be sure that the cleaning process is tailored to get the most beneficial results for your property. Whether you want a gentle pressure washing treatment for delicate surfaces or perhaps a powerful cleaning solution for stubborn stains, we now have the experience and knowledge to provide the appropriate cleaning method.
Our customized approach not only guarantees exceptional cleaning but also makes sure that your property is treated with the utmost care and attention. We prioritize the protection of the surfaces and landscaping, using techniques that minimize any potential damage or disruption.
With our customized strategy to exterior cleaning, your property in Spring, Texas will get the individualized care it deserves, causing a thorough and effective cleaning that enhances its overall appearance.
Table: Customized Method of Exterior Cleaning
|Gentle pressure washing
|Effective for removing dirt and grime from siding, roofs, and delicate surfaces.
|Employed for deep cleaning and stain removal on concrete, brick, and other durable surfaces.
|A gentle cleaning way of more fragile surfaces such as wood and painted areas.
|Targeted answers to tackle tough stains like oil, rust, and graffiti.
Pressure Washing in Spring TX: A Smart Investment in Your Property
When it comes to maintaining the benefit and aesthetic appeal of the property in Spring, Texas, purchasing qualified pressure washing in Spring TX services is a smart decision. As time passes, dirt, grime, mold, and other debris can build up on the exterior surfaces of your property or commercial space, detracting from its overall look.
By making use of advanced pressure washing techniques, our team at Professional Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services can thoroughly clean and restore the beauty of your property. With the expertise and high-quality equipment, we could efficiently remove tough stains, eliminate harmful contaminants, and revitalize your surfaces, providing them with a fresh and appealing look.
Not only does pressure washing improve the looks of the property, but it additionally really helps to protect its structural integrity. Mold, mildew, and algae growth could cause long term damage to your surfaces, leading to costly repairs or replacements. Regular pressure washing treatments can prevent these complaints and extend the lifespan of your own property’s exterior.
Whether you own a home property or even a commercial establishment, our pressure washing services are tailored to satisfy your unique needs. We comprehend the unique requirements of various surfaces and materials, so we employ the appropriate techniques to ensure effective and safe cleaning.
Furthermore, our pressure washing services are eco-friendly. We use biodegradable cleaning solutions which are safe for the property and the surrounding environment.
Purchasing pressure washing services to your Spring, TX property not just improves its appearance but in addition adds value. Entrance charm is a vital factor in terms of attracting possible buyers or tenants. By maintaining a clean and well-maintained exterior, you are able to significantly boost the market price of the property.
Trust Pro Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services to present you with professional pressure washing solutions that deliver exceptional results. With our expertise, advanced equipment, and persistence for customer satisfaction, our company is the premier choice for all of your pressure washing needs. Contact us today to schedule a scheduled appointment and go through the transformative power of pressure washing for your property.
Unlocking the Power of High-Quality Pressure Washing Equipment
At Qualified Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services, we understand that delivering outstanding results starts off with the best equipment. That’s why we have invested in high-quality pressure washing equipment that is designed to deliver superior performance and efficiency.
Our state-of-the-art pressure washers are specifically tailored for residential and commercial applications, ensuring that we could tackle any cleaning project easily. These powerful machines generate significant water pressure and volume, allowing us to eliminate including the most stubborn dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces.
With our high-quality pressure washing equipment, we could effectively clean a variety of surfaces, including siding, driveways, sidewalks, decks, fences, and a lot more. The mixture of adequate pressure and also the right cleaning solutions ensures that we could achieve exceptional results while preserving the integrity of your own property.
As well as our advanced pressure washers, we utilize a number of specialized attachments and nozzles. These accessories enable us to alter the water pressure and spray patterns according to the specific cleaning requirements of various surfaces. Whether it’s a fragile area that requires a delicate touch or even a heavily soiled surface that requires a far more aggressive approach, our equipment allows us to customize our cleaning methods for optimal results.
By unlocking the power of high-quality pressure washing equipment, Qualified Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services helps to ensure that every cleaning project is done efficiently and effectively. Trust our team of professionals to utilize top-of-the-line equipment which will transform your property and then leave it looking refreshed and revitalized.
Your Best Guide to Deciding on a Pressure Washing Company in Spring, TX
In terms of selecting a pressure washing company in Spring, Texas, it’s essential to make a knowledgeable decision to ensure you acquire the best service possible. Below are a few key factors to consider when selecting a pressure washing company:
- Experience: Look for a company with many years of experience in the industry. Experienced pressure washing professionals are more inclined to deliver high-quality results and handle any challenges that may arise.
- Reputation: Look into the standing of the organization by reading testimonials and testimonials. A reputable pressure washing company will have positive feedback from satisfied clients.
- Services Offered: Determine whether the business provides the specific pressure washing services you need. Whether it’s residential or commercial pressure washing, ensure they provide the type of service you require.
- Equipment and Techniques: Ask about the gear and techniques used by the company. A specialized pressure washing company should use state-of-the-art equipment and use proven methods to achieve excellent results.
- Licenses and Insurance: Verify that the clients are properly licensed and insured. This protects both you together with the organization in the case of any accidents or damages which could occur through the pressure washing process.
- Customer Care: Assess the company’s customer care and communication. A dependable pressure washing company should be responsive, attentive in your needs, and able to answer any queries or concerns you could have.
- Cost and Value: Compare the expense of services among different companies, but additionally take into account the value you may receive. Don’t solely base your final decision on price; instead, assess the overall value superiority the service offered.
- Guarantees and Warranties: Determine whether the organization offers any guarantees or warranties on their own work. A reputable pressure washing company stands behind their service and it is prepared to rectify any issues that may arise.
- Environmental-Friendly Practices: Consider if the company follows environmentally-friendly practices. Deciding on a pressure washing company that utilizes eco-friendly cleaning products and minimizes water waste can align along with your values and contribute to a sustainable future.
Keeping these factors under consideration, you may make a knowledgeable decision and select a pressure washing company in Spring, TX, that meets your needs and delivers outstanding results. Take time to research and compare different options to ensure your property is in the hands of pros who will provide exceptional service.
Pressure Washing Services Tailored for Spring, Texas Climate Conditions
At Specialist Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services, we be aware of the unique weather conditions that residents and businesses in Spring, Texas face. Our pressure washing services are specially tailored to combat the results in the local climate and keep your property looking its best.
The and humid summers in Spring, TX can lead to the development of mold, mildew, and algae on exterior surfaces. Our specialist pressure washing team utilizes high-pressure techniques and eco-friendly cleaning agents to effectively remove these stubborn and unsightly contaminants. By addressing these issues promptly, we help prevent further injury to your property and sustain its aesthetic appeal.
Along with the hot summers, Spring, TX also experiences unpredictable weather patterns, including thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, and occasional hail. These climate conditions can leave a long lasting impact on your property, causing dirt, debris, and stains on various surfaces. Our pressure washing services are designed to address these weather-related issues, restoring the cleanliness and beauty of the property.
Whether it’s removing dirt and grime from your home’s siding, cleaning your driveway and sidewalks, or revitalizing the look of your commercial building, our pressure washing services are efficient and reliable. We come with the newest technology and equipment to handle any weather-related challenges and offer exceptional results.
Don’t allow the Spring, TX weather require a toll on the appearance of your property. Trust our tailored pressure washing services to keep your property looking its best, regardless of what Mother Nature throws its way.
The Bottom Line
Experienced Pressure Washing in Spring, TX Services is your go-to solution for all of your pressure washing needs within the Spring, TX area. With our team of experienced professionals, high-quality equipment, and customized approach, our company is committed to delivering exceptional results that will transform your property and enhance its curb appeal.
By investing in professional pressure washing, you do not only improve the appearance of your residential or commercial space but in addition protect it from damage due to dirt, grime, and stubborn stains. Our comprehensive residential and commercial pressure washing solutions are tailored to meet your unique needs and ensure outstanding outcomes.
When choosing a pressure washing company, trust Pro Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services to supply reliable and top-tier services. We be aware of the unique weather conditions in Spring, Texas, and our company is equipped to handle any challenges that may arise. With the expertise and dedication to client satisfaction, we are the trusted choice for your exterior cleaning requirements.
Contact Professional Pressure Washing in Spring, Texas Services today and feel the transformative power of professional pressure washing. Let our dedicated team revitalize your property, leaving it looking pristine and inviting. Don’t be happy with anything under excellence with regards to your pressure washing needs. Trust professionals for exceptional results that can exceed your expectations. | <urn:uuid:37e48b66-ebe5-43eb-a38e-0c166d2d64b3> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T13:09:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.921013 | 3,995 | 4,636 |
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The air gradually became a little cloudy, mixed with the smoky smell of a few wisps of cheap perfume. I didn't know what a'Master of Artifact Refining' should look like before, but now I know that only the most important weapon of the country that has been refined by the level of'Liaoyuan' can be called a true Artifact Master! If one can forge such a magic weapon with one's own hands. Just when his legs were weak and he couldn't hold on any longer, Ding Lingdang suddenly looked back and grinned, revealing two white canine teeth. However, after careful consideration, the lady ruled out the Great Desolate War Academy first.
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No need for him to explain, everyone present naturally understood who he was referring to, and no one refuted his words. At this time, it was obvious that the beauty who was stared at by the uncle had noticed something strange.
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it will definitely be a headline in the pre-apocalyptic world! Oh, of course, the parrot between Special Z is not counted. Her eyes fell on the peaked cap, which was sky blue but looked very old and dirty.
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It was difficult for Cheng and the others to open their mouths, because it was really difficult for him to reveal his thoughts about Ark in front of everyone, and his probing situation in the afternoon was also very weird, so he was also thinking about it. In the darkness, there was only the rustling sound of their feet rubbing against the gravel on the ground. There were more than a dozen miscellaneous soldiers, but the lady herself lost nine lives again. Some of the more secretive bugs are controlled by powerful forces, and even powerful forces have gradually developed from scratch based on these bug information. behind it, Mr. is still relentless, but the system doesn't care about these, because the first level is over, don't wait After she finished speaking, the doctor flashed, and the how long do cbd gummies stay in your system reddit whole scene had changed. | <urn:uuid:57477728-2e90-4ce8-af58-925029d8b669> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:28:43Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.981317 | 3,706 | 4,182 |
- Weber School District is dedicated to protecting the privacy and rights of individuals in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. Certain student data are required, and that data must be strictly maintained to provide the most secure methods of storage. The purpose of the Student Data Protection Policy is to explicitly outline how all student data are collected, managed, maintained, and then expulsed. It will demonstrate to students and their parent or guardian that all data collected by Weber School District is done so in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws. Students and their parents or guardians should expect that their personally identifiable data is safe, properly cared for, and used only for appropriate purposes
- This policy applies to all staff and students of Weber School District. Any breach of the Student Data Protection Act, the WSD Student Data Protection Policy, or the Data Governance Plan is considered to be an offence and in that event, Weber School District disciplinary procedures will apply. As a matter of good practice, other agencies and individuals working with the district, and who have access to personal information, will be expected to have read and comply with this policy. It is expected that departments who deal with external agencies will take responsibility for working with the Student Data Compliance Officer to ensure that such agencies sign a contract agree to abide by this policy
- The scope of this Student Data Protection Policy encompasses laws within the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) (15 U.S.C. §§ 6501–6506), Utah House Bill 358 (2017), and Utah Senate Bill 102 (2017)
- The Student Data Protection Policy applies to electronic and paper records within Weber School District. It also applies to personal data held visually in photographs, video clips, and sound data. Weber School District collects a large amount of student’s personal data every year, including but not limited to staff records, names and addresses, examination marks, fees, and research data
- The Student Data Protection Policy should be used by all Weber School District employees, both full and part time. It also applies to any agency, subsidiary, join venture, suppliers, and vendors who receive personal data from Weber School District, have access to student data, or who provide information to Weber School District
Weber School District is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals (includes students, staff and others) in accordance with the Student Data Protection Act (HB 358 Utah 2017; SB 102 Utah 2017). The district needs to process certain information about its staff, students, and other individuals it has dealings with for administrative purposes. To comply with the law, information about individuals must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and securely, and not disclosed to any third party unlawfully.
Weber School District has adopted the following principles to govern its use, collection, storage, transmittal, and deletion of all student data, except as specifically provided by this policy or as required by applicable laws.
- A student’s personally identifiable student data is owned by the student (HB 358 53A-1-1405:472)
- The student may download, export, transfer, save, or maintain the data, including a document
- Student data, both personally identifiable and otherwise, shall be processed fairly and lawfully
- Appropriate physical, technical, and procedural measures shall be taken to: (i) prevent and/or to identify unauthorized or unlawful collection, processing, transmittal of student data; and (ii) prevent accidental loss or destruction of, or damaged to, student data
- Student data will be obtained only for specified, explicit, lawful, and legitimate purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with those purposes
- Student data will be adequate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected and/or processed
- Personal data shall not be kept in a form which permits identification of the student for longer than necessary for the permitted purposes
- The following student data may not be collected by either the district or its schools (HB 358 53A-1-1406:484)
- Social Security Number
- Criminal Record
- Unless the minor is taken into custody or detention for a violent felony. In that case, law enforcement officers will notify the Superintendent for the purpose of the minor’s supervision and student safety
- A metadata dictionary will be maintained in compliance with state requirements (HB 358 53A-1-1408:564)
- Student data will not be collected and/or processed unless:
- The parent or legal guardian has provided a valid, informed consent authorizing the data’s collection and use
- Processing is necessary for compliance with a Weber School District legal obligation
- Processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interest of the student
- Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authorized vest in the student data or in a third party to whom the data is disclosed
- Processing is necessary for legitimate interest of Weber School District or by the third party or parties to whom the data are disclosed, except where such interests are overridden by the fundamental rights and freedoms of the student
- Consent for the collection, management, dissemination, and deletion of student data must be informed, express, and freely given
- To be valid, consent must be in writing
- Consent with regard to Personally Identifiable Information must refer expressly to that data
- Consent must be revocable
- Consent system shall include provisions for determining what disclosures should or must be made in order to obtain a valid consent, documentation of the date, method and content of the disclosures made, as well as the validity, scope, and volition of the consents given
Transfers to Third-Parties
- Student data shall not be transferred to another entity, country, or territory, unless reasonable and appropriate steps have been taken to maintain the required level of data protection
- Student data may be communicated to the third persons only for reasons consistent with the purposes for which the data were originally collected or other purposes authorized by law
- All student personally identifiable information transferred outside of Weber School District or across public communications networks shall be de-identified or shall be protected against unauthorized access by use of encryption
- All transfers of student data to third persons for further processing shall be subject to written agreements
- A third-party contractor shall use PII student data under contract strictly for the purpose of providing the contracted product or services within the negotiated contract terms (HB 358 53A-1-1410:639) (Modified by SB 163 53A-1-1410:289)
- When contracting with a third-party contractor, Weber School District will be required to list the following provisions
- Requirements and Restrictions related to the collection, use, storage, or sharing of student data by the third-party contractor
- A description of a person or affiliated third-party contractor with whom the third-party contractor may share student data
- A provision outlining the deletion of the student data received by the third-party contractor
- Provisions that prohibit the secondary use of PII student data
- An agreement by the third-party contractor that Weber School District may audit the third-party contractor to verify compliance of the contract
- A stipulation that the third-party contractor will share student data as requested by law enforcement
- A third-party contractor may:
- Use student data for adaptive learning or customized learning
- Market an educational application or product to the parent or legal guardian of a student if the third-party contractor did not use student data
- Use a recommendation engine to recommend to a student:
- Content that relates to learning or employment if the recommendation is not motivated by payment or other considerations
- Services that relate to learning or employment if the recommendation is not motivated by payment or other considerations (HB 358 53A-1-1410:668)
- The third-party contractor may respond to a student’s request for information or feedback, if the content of the response is not motivated by payment or other considerations
- The third-party contractor may use student data to allow or improve operability and functionality of their internal application (HB 358 53A-1-1410:674) or identify for a student non-profit institutions of higher education or scholarship providers that are seeking students who meet specific criteria (SB 163 53A-1-1410:324)
- Regardless of whether the identified non-profit institutions of higher education or scholarship providers provide payment or other consideration to the third-party contractor and
- Only if the third-party contractor obtains written consent by a legal guardian (SB 163 53A-1-1410:327)
- A third-party contractor is not required to obtain written consent if the third-party contractor:
- Is a national assessment provider and
- Secures the express written consent of the student or legal guardian and
- Express written consent is given in response to clear and conspicuous notice that the national assessment provider requests consent solely to provide access to information on employment, educational scholarships, financial aid, or postsecondary educational opportunities
- At the completion of a contract with Weber School District, if the contract has not been renewed, the third-party contractor shall:
- Return all PII student data or
- Delete all PII student data under the control of the education entity unless a student or the legal guardian consents to the maintenance of the PII student data
- The third-party contractor may not:
- Sell student data
- Collect, use, or share student data if the data is inconsistent with the contract for Weber School District
- Use student data for targeted advertising
- A person may obtain student data through the purchase of, merger with, or otherwise acquiring third-party contractor if the third-party contractor remains in compliance with this section.
Third-Party Contractor Penalties (exact fines/repercussions are TBD) (HB 358 53A-1-1411:699)
- If a third-party contractor knowingly or recklessly permits unauthorized collecting, sharing, or use of student data:
- Weber School District may not enter into a future contract with them
- Unless the school board determines that the third-party contractor has corrected the error
- Unless the third-party contractor demonstrates they are currently compliant with these policies
- Unless the third-party contractor is able to comply with the requirements listed here
- May be required to pay a civil penalty up to $XX,XXX
- The board may bring an action in the Weber County district court, if necessary, to enforce payment of the civil penalty
- An individual who knowingly or intentionally permits unauthorized collecting, sharing, or use of student data may be found guilty of a class X misdemeanour
- May be required to pay costs of notifying parents and students of the unauthorized use of student data
- May be required to pay all expenses incurred by Weber School District and its schools as a result of the unauthorized sharing of student data
- A parent or student may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages caused by a knowing or reckless violation of the student data policy by a third-party contractor
Disclosures at the Time of Data Collection (HB 358 53A-1-1406:487)
- Appropriate disclosures will be made at the time a legal guardian is asked to give consent to the collection or processing of student data, and whenever student data are collected.
- The disclosure must be a stand-alone document that is published annually and available on the Weber School District’s website
- Specific information must be disclosed to the legal guardian and/or any other person from whom student data are obtained at the time of collection, unless the legal guardian already has the information. Weber School District must establish technical or administrative means for documenting the fact that the legal guardian already has the information and how.
- These disclosures should be given as soon as possible, and preferably at the first point of contact with the Legal Guardian. The disclosure will include both necessary and optional data that will be collected and include how the district stores and protects student data.
- The disclosures should be made in a manner calculated to draw attention to them. The disclosures may not be given orally. Disclosures may be given electronically via the school district’s intranet or in writing. The receipt or form should be retained along with a contemporaneous record establishing the fact, date, content, and method of disclosure for a period of XXXXXX
- If inadequate disclosures are made initially, additional disclosures may have to be made at a later time, and the fact, date, content, and method of these additional disclosures shall be recorded.
- The Student Data Disclosure must contain the following statement: “The collection, use, and sharing of student data has both benefits and risks. Parents and students should learn about these benefits and risks and make choices regarding student data accordingly.”
Sources of Student Data
- Student data shall be collected only from the legal guardian unless the nature of the business purpose necessitates collection of the data from other persons or bodies, collection from the legal guardian would necessitate disproportionate effort, or collection must be accomplished under emergency circumstances in order to protect an interest of the student or to prevent serious loss.
- Weber School District will create a form or system to document and automate this process as fully as possible.
- If student data are collected from someone other than the Legal Guardian, the student’s guardian must be informed of the following items unless the legal guardian has received the required information by other means, notification would require disproportionate effort, or the law expressly provides for collection, processing or transfer of the student data.
- The fact of the collection, processing or transfer of the data by Weber School District;
- The nature and purposes of the processing;
- The recipients or categories of recipients of the data;
- The origin of the data; and
- Weber School District shall establish a system to enable and facilitate exercise of student data rights of access, blockage, erasure, opposition, rectification, and, where appropriate or required by applicable law, a system for giving notice of inappropriate exposure of the student data.
- shall be entitled to obtain the following information about student data upon a request made in compliance with reasonable policies and procedures established, and set forth in writing.
- Whether Weber School District has stored student data concerning the Legal Guardian.
- Whether any of the data is personally identifiable.
- The source(s) of the data, if known.
- The recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data have been or may be transmitted.
- The purposes of the collection, processing, use and storage of the data.
- A hard copy of the data in an intelligible form.
- Weber School District shall provide its response to a request for student data within 40 days of the date the school district receives a written request from the legal guardian and appropriate verification that the requestor is the an authorized legal representative.
- A Legal Guardian shall have the right to require Weber School District to correct or supplement erroneous, misleading, outdated, or incomplete student data.
- Requests for access to or rectification of student data shall be directed, at the Legal Guardian’s option, to the principal of the school responsible for the student data.
- Weber School District shall establish a system for logging each request under this Section as it is received and noting the response date.
- If Weber School District cannot respond fully to the request within the time indicated, then they shall nevertheless provide the following information within the specified time:
- An acknowledgement of receipt of the request.
- Disclosure of responsive information located to date.
- Identification of any requested information or modifications which Weber School District will not provide, the reason(s) for the refusal, and the procedures for appealing the decision within the district, if any.
- An estimate of a date by which the remaining responses will be made.
- A statement or estimate of any costs to be paid by the requestor.
- The name and contact information of the individual who the requestor should contact for follow up.
- Where providing the information about the requesting student would disclose personally identifiable information about another individual, the school handling the request must review the data and redact or withhold the information as may be necessary or appropriate to protect that person’s rights.
- Weber School District may establish procedures to screen and deny abusively burdensome or repetitive requests by or on behalf of a Legal Guardian.
- The rights provided to parents in this policy transfer to the student when the student turns 18 years old or becomes an emancipated minor
- Sensitive Data should not be processed unless:
- Such processing is specifically authorized or required by law
- The legal guardian expressly consents
- The processing is required for preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, or health care treatment; provided the data are processed by a health professional subject to national law or rules with an obligation of professional secrecy or by another person with an equivalent obligation of secrecy. If Weber School District is relying upon this medical exemption, all contracts with employees and independent contractors who will have access to the Sensitive Data must contain confidentiality requirements equivalent to those imposed on health professionals.
- Where the legal guardian is physically or legally incapable of giving consent, but the processing is necessary to protect a vital interest of the student. This exemption may apply, for example, where emergency medical care is needed.
- Data relating to criminal offenses may be processed only by or under the control of an official authority.
- If Weber School District is relying upon one of the exemptions to authorize processing of Sensitive Data, the exemption relied upon, and the basis for the exemptions should be recorded with the data.
Data Quality Assurance
- Each individual school shall take steps to assure that student data it collects or processes is complete and accurate in the first instance. Data must be accurate and updated in such a way as to give a true picture of the current situation of the student.
- Weber School District shall correct data which it knows to be incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, misleading or outdated, even if the legal guardian does not request rectification. Inaccurate data must be erased and replaced by corrected or supplemented data.
- Student data must be kept only for the period necessary for permitted uses. When defining a permitted use for data, the individual school shall establish a remove or review date for the stated purpose.
- Student data should be erased if their storage violates any of the data protection rules or if knowledge of the data are no longer required by Weber School District or for the benefit of the Legal Guardian. See the Student Record Retention section in the Data Governance Plan.
- Student data should be blocked, rather than erased, insofar as the law prohibits erasure, erasure would impair legitimate interests of the Legal Guardian, erasure is not possible without disproportionate effort due to the specific type of storage; or if the legal guardian disputes that the data are correct and it cannot be ascertained whether they are correct or incorrect.
Notice of Non-Compliance
- Weber School District shall notify the Superintendent, directors, and principals that: i) failure to comply with relevant data protection legislation may trigger criminal and civil liability, including fines, imprisonment, and damage awards; and ii) they can be personally liable where an offense is committed by Weber School District with their consent or involvement, or is attributable to any neglect on their part.
- Physical, Technical, and Organizational Security Measures
- Weber School District shall adopt physical, technical, and organizational measures to ensure the security of student data, including the prevention of their alteration, loss, damage, unauthorized processing or access, having regard to the state of the art, the nature of the data, and the risks to which they are exposed by virtue of human action or the physical or natural environment.
- Adequate security measures should include all of the following:
- Entry Control: Prevention of unauthorized persons from gaining access to data processing systems in which student data are processed or stored.
- Access Control: Prevention of data processing systems from being used by unauthorized persons.
- Disclosure Control: Preventing persons entitled to use a data processing system from accessing data beyond their needs and authorizations. This includes preventing unauthorized reading, copying, modifying or removal during processing and use, or after storage.
- Input Control: Ensuring that it can be subsequently checked and established whether and by whom student data has been entered into, modified on, or removed from data processing systems.
- Job Control: Ensuring that in the case of commissioned processing of student data, the data can be processed only in accordance with the instructions of the school district.
- Availability Control: Ensuring that student data are protected against undesired destruction or loss.
- Use Control: Ensuring that data collected for different purposes can and will be processed differently
- Longevity Control: Ensuring that data is not kept longer than necessary, including by requiring that data transferred to third persons be returned or destroyed.
- Employees with inquiries or complaints about the processing of student data should first discuss the matter with their Principal or Supervisor. If the employee does not wish to raise an inquiry or complaint with an immediate supervisor, or if the supervisor and the employee are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution of the issues raised, the employee should bring the issue to the attention of their Director.
- Parents, Legal Guardians, and Adult Students
- Parents, legal guardians, and adult students with inquiries or complaints about the processing of student data should bring the matter to the attention of the Student Data Compliance Officer in writing. Any disputes concerning the processing of the personal data of non-employees will be resolved through arbitration.
- Each school and/or building will provide training to teach or re-emphasize privacy and security related procedures. These procedures should be set forth in written guidelines to employees and shall include at least the following.
- Each employee’s duty to use and permit the use of student data only by authorized persons and for authorized purposes;
- The contents of this Policy;
- The relationship between this Policy and other Weber School District policies;
- The need for and proper use of the forms and procedures adopted to implement this Policy;
- The correct use of passwords, security tokens and other access mechanisms;
- The importance of limiting access to student data, such as by using password protected screen savers, logging out when the information is not being used and attended by an authorized person;
- Securely storing manual files, print outs and electronic storage media;
- A general prohibition on the transfer of student data outside of the internal network and physical office premises unless otherwise stated in this Policy;
- Proper disposal of confidential data by shredding, etc.;
7.1 Current Compliance Assessment
Weber School District shall establish a schedule for and implement a data protection compliance audit for all locations. Weber School District, in cooperation with individual locations, shall devise a plan and schedule for correcting any identified deficiencies within a fixed, reasonable time.
7.2 Annual Data Protection Audit
Each location shall review annually its data collection, processing, and security practices. This annual review shall consist of at least the following:
- The school or building shall determine what student data they are collecting, or intends to collect, the purposes of the data collection and processing, any additional permitted purposes, the actual uses of the data, what disclosures have been made about the purposes of the collection and use of such data, the existence and scope of any legal guardian consents to such activities, any legal obligations regarding the collection and processing of such data, and the scope, sufficiency, and implementation status of security measures.
- The school or building shall determine what student data it has in manual systems that constitute “relevant filing systems.”
- Each school shall identify all transferees of student data in its possession or control. The school shall determine where the transferee is located, the purposes of the transfer, what physical, technical, and procedural systems are in place to maintain at least the existing level of data protection and to prevent or control further transfers.
- The information collected in this annual review shall be delivered to the Data Security Officer for review and appropriate action including, without limitation, the following:
- Making recommendations for improvement to policies and procedures in order to improve compliance with this policy and applicable law.
- Satisfying the requirements of all federal, state, and local laws in relation to transferring, storing, and deleting student data.
This Policy shall be available to employees through the Human Resources Department and shall be made available to non-employees through posting to
This Policy is adopted as of July 1, 2017. Weber School District, in cooperation with the schools, will develop a timeline and program for implementing this Policy. This implementation program will include the resolution of any conflicts between this Policy and other existing policies. (HB 358 53A-1-1409:568)
This Policy may be revised at any time. Notice of significant revisions shall be provided to employees through the Human Resources Department and to others through the Weber School District website, located at
- For the purpose of this section, ‘parent’ includes a student’s guardian, or if the student is over 18 years old, the student
- If a school or the school district notifies a parent of a threat or incident, the school or school district shall produce and maintain a record that verifies a parent was notified
- At the request of a parent, the school may provide information or make recommendations related to the threat or incident
- A school shall:
- Provide a student a copy of a record maintained in accordance with this section as it relates to the student
- Expunge the record maintained in accordance with this section when the student
- Has graduated from High School and
- Requests that the record be expunged
- Notify a parent if the parent’s student threatens to commit suicide
- Notify the parent of each student involved in an incident of:
- Written consent from a Legal Guardian must be obtained prior to a student being required to take any type of survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning the following. Parents must have an opportunity to opt out of any survey concerning one of these areas also:
- Political affiliations;
- Mental and psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the student and his/her family;
- Sex behavior and attitudes;
- Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior;
- Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;
- Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
- Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student's parent*; or
- Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program.)
- Weber School District must notify the Legal Guardian, at least annually at the beginning of the school year, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for marketing purposes or to sell or otherwise provide the information to others for marketing purposes
- Exception to the requirement of written notification and authorization by the Legal Guardian
- Requirements concerning activities involving the collection and disclosure of personal information collected from students for marketing purposes does not apply to the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing educational products or services such as:
- College or post-secondary education recruitment
- Military recruitment
- Book clubs, magazines, and programs providing access to low-cost literary products
- Curriculum and instructional materials used by elementary and secondary schools
- Tests and assessments used by schools to provide cognitive, evaluative, diagnostic, clinical, aptitude, or achievement information about students
- The sale by students of products or services to raise funds for school-related or education-related activities
- Student recognition programs
- The legal guardian has the right to inspect any type of instructional material or instrument used in the collection of personal information used as part of the educational curriculum for the student.
- Any request for inspection of instructional material or instrument used in the collection of personal information must be granted within a reasonable period of time after the request is received
- Weber School District must offer an opportunity for parents to opt out of participating in any of the activities outlined in this section
- Terms and Definitions (HB 358 53A-1-1402)
Adult Student: Student’s 18 years old or older, emancipated students, or students qualified under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance
Aggregate Data: Totalled and reported at the group, school, district, region, or state level with at least 10 individuals at the level
Data Authorization: Written authorization to collect or share student’s data
Data Governance Plan: Comprehensive plan for managing education data
Education Entity: Weber School District and its individual schools
Expunge: Seal or permanently delete data
Instructional Material: Instructional content that is provided to a student, regardless of its format, including printed or representational materials, audio-visual materials, and materials in electronic or digital formats (such as materials accessible through the Internet). The term does not include academic tests or academic assessments.
Invasive Physical Examination: Any medical examination that involves the exposure of private body parts, or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertion, or injection into the body, but does not include a hearing, vision, or scoliosis screening.
Legal Guardian: Parent, Legal Guardian, or Adult Student
Necessary Student Data: Data required by the statute or federal law to conduct the regular activities (HB 358 53A-1-1402:314)
- Date of birth
- Parent contact information
- Custodial parent information
- Contact information
- Student ID number
- Local, state, and national assessment results
- Courses taken and completed, credits earned, other transcript information
- Course grades and grade point average
- Grade level and expected graduation date or cohort
- Degree, diploma, credential attainment and other exit information
- Attendance and mobility
- Drop-out data
- Immunization record or exception from one
- Tribal affiliation
- Remediation efforts
- Except from vision screening
- Information from vision screening
- Utah registry of Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- Student injury information
- Cumulative disciplinary record created and maintained by district
- Juvenile delinquency records
- English language learner status
- Child find and special education evaluation data related to initiation of IEP
Optional Student Data: Data not included in the Necessary category (HB 358 53A-1-1402:346)
- Related to IEP or needed to provide special needs
- Biometric information
- Information that is not necessary student data and that is required for a student to participate in federal or other program
Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Information that identifies a student (HB 358 53A-1-1402:359)
- Student’s first and last name
- First and last name of student’s family member
- Home or physical address
- E-mail address or other contact information
- Student’s phone number
- Student’s social security number
- Student’s biometric identifier
- Health or disability data
- Education entity student ID number
- Social media username and password or alias
- Customer number held in a cookie
- Student’s last name with a photograph
- Student or their family member’s information combined with Personally Identifiable student information
- Any information that would allow a reasonable person in the community to identify a student with reasonable certainty
Survey: An evaluation
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) (15 U.S. Code § 6506)
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
- Utah House Bill 358 (2017)
- Senate Bill 102 (2017)
- Weber School District staff, students, parents, and legal guardians may provide feedback about this document by emailing | <urn:uuid:ddf487cd-826c-45ba-9dee-c07b09b7486e> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T11:33:56Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.914302 | 6,911 | 7,780 |
Japan's fiscal conditions have deteriorated to a state not found among developed countries: the total long-term debt outstanding of the central and local governments is more than 150 percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP). If the nation fails to address the situation, interest payments and debt service costs will put pressure on other government spending, making it impossible for Japan to employ flexible policy management and to maintain the social security and other welfare systems for the Japanese people. Moreover, if domestic and international markets doubt the sustainability of Japan's fiscal administration, it may bring inestimable loss to the Japanese economy due to the steeprising of interest rates, the substantial depreciation of the yen, and inflation.
The government and ruling parties, including the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, are now conducting studies related to the Integrated Reform of Expenditures and Revenues. In light of upcoming changes in the nation's economic and social structure and the current economy which is regaining signs of hope, this is the last good opportunity for Japan to achieve full-scale reform. We believe it is our responsibility to future generations to take this opportunity to resolutely work toward reform.
The Integrated Reform of Expenditures and Revenues will have a major impact on people's lives and on the nation's economic structure so discussions regarding directions for reform must be based on the actual issues that the country faces, the ideal form that Japan's economy and society should take, and the roles that government should play to realize this.
In June 2006, the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy is to present options and a roadmap for the reform. Thus, as representative of the business community, Nippon Keidanren decided to draft this report on the challenges Japan faces in achieving reform and its basic views.
Internationally, Japan faces heightening global competition while domestically the nation confronts the advent of a society that has a dwindling population.
World markets are becoming increasingly borderless, and people, goods, money, and information are traversing national borders at an unprecedented speed and scale. As a result, corporations are exposed to increasingly fierce competition both domestically and internationally. Moreover, competition among nations is heightening as countries aim to achieve economic development for themselves by attracting corporations and outstanding human resources through the expansion of their markets via market integration and economic partnership agreements and the improvement of their business infrastructure, including their tax system, accounting standards, and financial and capital markets. Japan must also succeed in this global competition.
Domestically, Japan is being called to transform its economic and social framework in light of the nation's population increase. In 2005, the population of Japan declined for the first time ever, and this trend will not change for the time being. The decrease in the working-age population (ages 15 to 64) accompanying the aging of the nation will accelerate further, and the population is predicted to decline by around 1 million a year in the mid-2010s. Japan must build a sustainable economic and social framework even though the population will continue to dwindle over the next 20 to 30 years at least. This will require that we apply information and communication technologies (ICT) to best advantage and that we build a social infrastructure where women and the elderly as well as foreign people can demonstrate their capabilities more than before.
For Japan, a nation poor in natural resources, to ensure that its people can enjoy secure lives amid these international and domestic pressures, our country must create a dynamic economy and society in which a manufacturing industry producing high value-added products and a service industry offering high-quality services that support the manufacturing industry collaborate together and enhance each other's productivity. Continuous R&D and technological innovation are key to overcoming the various challenges Japan faces. Without these, Japan can hardly dare hope for a bright future. To make it conducive for corporations and individuals to demonstrate their capabilities and create value in our nation, it is important that Japan develop transparent rules and a safety framework to respond to situations that corporations or individuals cannot handle through their own efforts.
The role of government will become increasingly important in maintaining the dynamism of Japan's society and economy and creating a society in which people can live securely.
On the international front, the Japanese government should think about the proper path forward for the nation and actively and strategically advance its foreign diplomacy and security policy, including trade negotiations and economic partnerships, from the perspective of heightening Japan's presence in international society.
On the domestic front, Japan must efficiently and flexibly reform its economic and social framework with an eye to emphasizing the functioning of markets more than in the past. So that Japanese and foreign corporations and individuals can demonstrate their dynamism in Japan, the government should further promote deregulation, opening up to the private sector concerning government-controlled markets, and the improvement of tax and other system infrastructure. In addition, from the perspective of increasing Japan's economic potential from the supply side, the government should take further initiative than ever and play an active role in (a) promoting science and technology in order that Japan becomes a nation based on the creativity of science and technology, (b) reforming the corporate tax for capital accumulation, and (c) developing and securing talented human resources. Strategically promoting this kind of infrastructure improvement for economic growth is one of the key roles that the central and local governments should play in the future.
At the same time, the central and local governments must maintain a society where the people can live securely by developing a sustainable social security system and other frameworks. Keeping in mind that this security is founded by stable economic growth, the government must undertake drastic review of the social security system.
For the government to fulfill its roles of realizing a dynamic economy and ensuring the security of the Japanese people, it is more important than before that the central and local governments are strategic and flexible in their performance. Therefore, creating bloated organizations and operations and increasing expenditures will not only inhibit the effective utilization of resources, but also raise the potential national burden rate and chip away greatly at the nation's economic vitality. This will result in the further expansion of the burden pushed off on future generations.
From the above perspectives, Japan should work toward building a "Streamlined and well-muscled government" and promote swiftly the Integrated Reform of Expenditures and Revenues.
Currently, the government aims to "achieve a surplus in the primary balance of the central and local government combined in the early 2010s," but this is simply a milestone on the path toward the realization of a "Streamlined and well-muscled government." The long-term debt outstanding of the central and local government combined approaches 780 trillion yen, and public confidence in the sustainability of public finances might be lost depending on future interest rate movements.
Setting the prompt achievement of a surplus in the primary balance as a partway mark, Japan should establish clear goals and a progress schedule toward the reform of expenditures and revenues after that and steadily work to shrink the government debt. Speedy implementation of reform is crucial to minimize the burden on the people and hold down the potential national burden rate. To gain the people's support of reform, every possible means should be employed to reform the expenditures side, first more than everything else. While monitoring the progress achieved in that area, the government must examine as quickly as possible drastic reform of the tax system to achieve stable revenues.
Through these kinds of government efforts involving both the central and the local governments as well as the self-help efforts, creativity, and ingenuity of the private sector, Japan must create reliable and dynamic economy and security that attracts all the people in and outside of Japan.
The remainder of this report outlines our views on the basic challenges that Japan faces in reforming such areas as government administration, public finances, social security, and tax.
To emerge successfully in the heightening global competition among nations in the future, Japan must promptly establish an administrative system that can respond adeptly and flexibly to issues, such as the demand for infrastructure improvement to strengthen the nation's international competitiveness and demonstrate economic vitality.
In the new era, government administration must promote thorough streamlining and perform focused investment of policy resources in the core roles of government by redefining the functions that government should fulfill and implementing "selection and concentration" based on the promotion of economic revitalization as well as fiscal soundness and efficiency. While advocating the early enactment of the Administrative Reform Promotion Bill, Japan must build a promotion framework utilizing to maximum advantage the private sector's knowledge and implement the PDCA cycle to ensure that the reform is effective. Moreover, from the perspective of ensuring continuous administrative reform, Japan should enact a "basic law" on administrative reform.
Local governments should clarify the relationship between benefits and burdens and efficiently provide local administrative services to residents. They should focus on revitalizing the local economy by attracting companies and developing human resources.
Regarding infrastructure development and other wide-area administrative issues that require cooperation among neighboring local governments, municipal mergers should be evaluated, giving full attention to ensure that duplication does not arise between the administrations. The division of roles between the central government including local agencies and the municipalities, the Government should consider the countermeasures for the multi-tiered structure of administrations keeping in mind the introduction of the do-shu system.
From the perspective of emphasizing market functions, Japan is strongly called to further advance regulatory reform and to push forward the transition from ex ante regulations to administrative review ex post facto. We must concentrate our investigations into issues that have piled up to date, including the ideal form of the system, and promote reform.
Opening up to the private sector concerning government-controlled markets will lead not only to the review of both the prices and quality of the services themselves, but also to the reform of special public corporations and independent administrative institutions. We should work for the early enactment of the Public Services Efficiency Bill (so-called Market Testing Bill) and designate a wide range of services for market testing, giving due consideration to proposals from the private sector.
It is anticipated that the private sector, including public interest corporations and nonprofit organizations, will play leading roles in the future in areas where the public sector traditionally has operated, and the government must enhance the environment to support this.
To create a trim and efficient public sector, Japan should build a comprehensive employee evaluation system and a suitable compensation system by reforming the public servant system of both the central and local governments. Japan should also allow personnel placements to be performed across government ministries and offices by eliminating sectionalism while taking care to ensure that specialization is secured. For the capabilities of public servants to be utilized fully, we must enhance the mobility of human resources throughout the central and local governments and the private sector. The practice of early retirement is a harmful effect of a compartmentalized administration. Toward the rectification of this problem, the government is called to build a highly transparent and integrated reemployment management system. An integrated management system that covers everything from the hiring of executives by the Cabinet to personnel and reemployment should be created, and personnel-related departments and agencies that are divided up among the sections of the government should be merged or abolished. The system should then be consolidated under the Cabinet. Regarding public servants at local governments, it is important that we promote more flexibility in the allocation criteria for teachers, police officers, and firefighters who together make up the majority of employees.
From the perspective of placing the public and private sector on an equal footing, we should examine the status of public servants. Like the retirement benefit system, the occupational addition (portion covered by the contribution of employer) in the mutual aid pension for public servants, for example, should also be changed so that it is on a par with private corporations. Treatment that is notably superior to that offered by the private sector in the region should be abolished.
Review of independent administrative institutions should not be postponed until the completion of the medium-term goals period but should be conducted continuously, including review of the nature of the institutions as well as the reduction or discontinuation of clerical tasks or programs and the implementation of market testing. In addition, Japan should vigorously promote the change of status of the personnel of specified independent administrative institutions to non-civil servant status.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Finance, and the Board of Audit of Japan must work together to make policy evaluation more effective.
Regarding the central government's financial statement, improvements are being made in the general account, the special accounts, the consolidated statements, and others. In the future, the government will have to develop ways to link the financial statement to policy evaluation, including sorting the budget and account items so that they are organized by policy. The government also must further accelerate account settlement and make expenditures more efficient through the PDCA cycle. Moreover, we should immediately undertake the international harmonization of Japan's governmental accounting to enhance domestic and international confidence in the nation.
Through the effective application of ICT, Japan should promote the restructuring of administrative organizations and operations and enable comprehensive and efficient administrative services. At present, existing operational processes have simply been computerized. This cannot be said to have led to the full transformation possible through the effective use of ICT, including the improvement of operational efficiency, the reduction of personnel numbers, and the lessening of the burden on the private sector. Under the IT Strategic Headquarters and the Cabinet Secretariat, the government should promote the digitalization of all operations in principle, the abolishment of unnecessary operations, the combination and standardization of other operations, and the outsourcing of operations to the private sector.
Building a comprehensive site (portal site), including local governments which interface frequently with the private sector, is particularly important. With the aim of making it possible for users to complete various administrative procedures and e-payments with one click, the government should endeavor to design systems that span various administrative agencies.
Japan's government debt on a fiscal 2006 budget basis rose to 150.8 percent of GDP, and there is no knowing whether our nation will be able to maintain the confidence of people in Japan and overseas regarding the future sustainability of the nation's public finances. The primary balance must be restored and the size of government debt decreased as soon as possible. Two factors placing pressure on public finances are social security related expenditures and local allocation tax grants. It is urgent that we reform the social security system and enhance local government fiscal discipline.
To achieve this, it is important that we raise the efficiency of administration and thoroughly reform expenditures at both the central and local governments. Moreover, it is key that we invest policy resources strategically and intensively to promote the growth of the economy which is the source of government revenues.
The general expenditures of local governments make up over 60 percent of the combined total for both the central and local government, and 33 trillion yen in public finances are transferred from the central government to the local governments every year. To promote the further trimming of local government expenditures and achieve the Integrated Reform of Expenditures and Revenues, the government must set overall reduction targets for total local government expenditures and control expenditures based on them. The government must steadily promote expenditure cuts without allowing any sacred cows, such as social security related expenses, public works spending, and public servant personnel costs. Moreover, we must radically reform the local allocation tax system and local government public finance plans and promote the independence of the regions by strengthening discipline in local public finances.
The basic premises for the enhancement of the fiscal discipline of local governments are the clarification of the relationship between the benefits and burdens of the local government services and the provision of those services selected by the residents as meeting the original needs of the area.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications discloses information on the public finances of local governments on an integrated basis. In addition to this, calculation of standard administrative costs, comparing of the costs of the different local governments based on that data, and acceleration settlements, they would likely stimulate an awareness of costs and encourage administrative oversight by residents and enhance the rating of local government bonds.
The current local allocation tax system is structured to make up for local governments with the funds they lack so it is difficult to secure discipline in local public finances because there is no framework to promote cuts in local government expenditures. To encourage local governments in their efforts to reduce their expenditures, the government should use the unit costs of the local government with the lowest costs to formulate the projects that are guaranteed funds in the fiscal plans of local governments and reflect the amount of cost reduction in those local finance plans. Moreover, we must make it possible for the local governments to streamline costs using their creativity and innovation through deregulation required by the central government.
Japan must introduce a drastic reform of the local allocation tax system in the future. The system should be substantially downsized and restructured so that it does not supply the shortfall in revenues but adjusts the maldistribution of revenue sources. We should clarify this as a direction for reform and contribute to the rebirth of attractive regional areas by promoting further local government efforts to increase tax revenues and thoroughly reduce expenditures through revitalization of their regional economy. Moreover, local consumption tax offers a comparatively even distribution of tax sources. Upgrading this tax will make it possible to further reduce the role played by the local allocation tax in the adjustment of public finances.
Regarding special accounts, reform is being promoted with an eye to enhancing the soundness of public finances, and we must steadily move forward with this. In addition, we must next look at all special accounts and strengthen accountability to citizens and taxpayers from the perspective of the balance between benefits and burdens. Japan must further promote the review of clerical tasks and programs, the changeover in status of the implementation agencies to independent administrative institutions, the rationalization of costs, the reduction of unused and surplus funds, and the passing on of the benefits to citizens.
Moreover, the government should further promote the unified management, sale, lending and securitization of central government assets based on the principle of encouraging the effective use of government assets by the private sector. We should also perform an integrated review of assets held by local governments. We should set criteria and promote the effective use of local government assets and their sale and lending to the private sector.
If the economy, which is the backbone of public finances, does not continue to enjoy steady growth, government debt will rise as a percentage of GDP even if we curb the public finance deficit in terms of flow through the rationalization of expenditures. From the perspective of promoting economic growth, the advancement of science and technology and the development and securing of human resources are key policy issues, and the roles to be played by public finance are many.
From the perspective of securing a workforce, it is particularly urgent that we build an infrastructure for accepting foreigners and a social infrastructure where the elderly and women can demonstrate their full capabilities in economic and social activities. In this sense, we should take focused measures in the tax system and others to support childrearing based on verification of the effectiveness of policies taken to date.
Moreover, it is important to promote infrastructure development in a focused and concentrated way to rationalize distribution system.
Of course, we should rationalize as much as possible unnecessary expenditures in priority fields as well. It is necessary to distribute resources strategically and intensively while using policy evaluation.
Only if risks that individuals cannot handle by themselves are covered by society, individuals can take on bold challenges and fully demonstrate their capabilities. To secure the confidence of the people in the social security system, it is crucial that we strive for a balance between the benefits and burdens, rectify the intergenerational unfairness, and not pass on the burden to future generations.
Taking into full consideration the future decrease in the workforce and the tight fiscal situation, we have no choice but to review the range and level of benefits with an eye to narrowing the scope to those that truly must be ensured, in order to control the public burden and guarantee the functioning of the social security system in the future.
To create a system that is easy for the people to understand and support based on the system benefits and burdens, it would be desirable to have the burden not depend on age or employment status but on economic ability as much as possible. To ensure efficient system operation and guarantee that each citizen can see the balance between the benefits and burdens, basic pension numbers could be used as social security numbers, and an integrated system could be built using the same ID numbers for social security and tax. Individual social security accounts could be introduced that list the benefits and burdens for each individual over their lifetime.
To date, reform has been implemented in the individual systems within social security, but social security related expenditures still make up over 40 percent of the general expenditures of the central government.
The upcoming Integrated Reform of Expenditures and Revenues is likely to include options for limiting benefits over the medium to long term, but great intergenerational and intra-generational unfairness persists in benefits and burdens in social security, and waste and inefficiencies remain in the benefits themselves as well. Under these circumstances, social security expenses cannot be permitted to drift higher.
To make the social security system sustainable over the future, we must further trim benefits before the advent of a full-fledged aging society. For example, we should set the target of limiting overall social security benefit expenditures to less than economic growth by the beginning of the 2010s. We must not postpone radical reform of the system, but implement it without fail. To do this, we should initiate a national debate and identify scheme for examining the integrated reform of tax and social security and reach a conclusion within fiscal 2006, as stated in Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform 2003.
With the fiscal 2004 revision of the public pension system, a macroeconomic slide was introduced in the calculation of pension benefits. This can be viewed as having put some brakes on the burden placed on the working generation. The resolution of many other issues was put off, however. Under the revision, 50 percent, which is the income replacement rate for the model household at the time of the new legislation, is to be maintained as the minimum for benefits and the nominal minimum is to be maintained in the macroeconomic slide as well. If the decrease in the workforce accelerates in the future, however, there is a chance the macroeconomic slide will not function adequately. To the extent that it does not operate, it is possible that it will result in an increase in the burden on the working generation.
First, we must remember the original function of pensions -- namely, to supplement income after retirement -- and narrow down benefits overall, including reviewing benefits for high-income earners and eliminating the nominal minimum in the macroeconomic slide. Final premium for Employee Pensions must be limited to 15 percent. From the perspective of responding to this reduction in public benefits and promoting self-help efforts by individuals and corporations, we should abolish special corporation tax and increase the cap for defined contribution pension plans.
Moreover, to enhance confidence in the system, we should consider integrating the collection of taxes and social insurance premiums.
With the recent medical system reforms, the central and prefectural governments are to formulate 5-year plans to ensure appropriate medical treatment expenses. With an eye to limiting total public health insurance benefit expenses for fiscal 2010 to 30 trillion yen, further measures must be taken to promote appropriate expense levels, including implementing the PDCA cycle every year. For this reason as well, it is indispensable that we eliminate duplication in tests and medication, establish a system for evaluating the outcomes of medical institutions, and ensure that patients select appropriate medical services through information sharing among patients, medical institutions, and insurers based on the accumulation, analysis, and disclosure of medical data. It is also crucial that we enhance the functions performed by insurers by implementing preventive programs through the analysis of receipt data. We can anticipate achieving dramatic results by using ICT in this area. We should also strive to make the remuneration for medical treatment received by medical institutions from health insurance societies more appropriate and comprehensive regardless of whether the services are provided on an inpatient or outpatient basis. In addition to these measures, it is crucial that we examine a deductible system and place priority on public medical insurance benefits to secure the sustainability of the system.
To increase the fiscal discipline of insurers, we must create a system that clearly indicates the relationship between benefits and burdens for each insurer. Japan recently decided to establish a medical system for those aged 75 or above. Premiums from the elderly make up a low percentage of the benefits expenses, making it difficult to secure fiscal discipline for the insurers and the insured. Moreover, the target age bracket is 75 years of age or more so benefit expenses for those in the 65-to-74 age group will depend on financial adjustment between the insurers. Financial support from the working generation will account for most of the premium revenues in fiscal 2015 so this can hardly be called a sustainable system.
To put the brakes on the climb in medical care expenses for the elderly, it is crucial that we take measures to raise the efficiency of the above medical care expenses. Moreover, from the perspective of having the elderly carry an appropriate burden, further review of premiums and the self-pay burden is needed.
The fiscal 2005 revisions can be praised for having nursing care facility residents cover their own meal and residential expenses and for establishing new preventive service benefits. However, thinking of the finances of nursing care insurance, we must further advance the prioritizing of benefits for nursing care services which contribute to the recovery of users' lifestyle functions and abilities and the improvement of their mental and physical state. From the perspective of raising the self-pay burden of high-income earners, improving the method for determining the level of need of nursing care, and encouraging people to shift from at-facility services to at-home services, we should consider allowing the self-pay burden to vary depending on the individual's situation. Japan should not lower the age to pay premium of nursing care for the elderly because there is little support from young generations due to the little relationship between benefits and burdens. First, we should endeavor to make nursing care benefit expenses more appropriate.
In light of the improved mobility in the labor market and the enhancement of job placement and HR development services by the private sector, the three employment insurance programs supported by employment insurance premiums (services for employment stabilization, services for developing human resources, and services for employees' welfare) should be radically revised, including abolition of services, because the relationship between the benefits and burdens is not clear. Japan should consider implementing any services deemed necessary using funds from the general account. Moreover, in the workman compensation account within the Special Account for Labor Insurance, premiums are allocated to labor welfare servicesAwhich need to be revised themselves. The government should implement a radical review of labor welfare services and lower premiums.
Assuming the basic premise that the public sector is streamlined and expenditures are cut as described above, radical tax reform is needed in response to the globalization of the Japanese economy and a society with a shrinking population. For this, it is crucial that we adopt not only the perspective of securing stable tax sources but also the perspective of increasing tax revenues by not obstructing but rather expanding economic activities which form the base of tax revenues.
The effective tax rate on corporations in Japan is about 40 percent, but this is higher compared to those of key European countries and our Asian neighbors, as various nations have taken the bold step of further lowering their tax rate. In the United States, the federal corporation tax rate is 35 percent, and there are even reports that the real burden of the federal corporation tax will be lowered to between 20 to 25 percent through various frameworks.#1 Many countries have identified the lowering of the effective tax rate on corporations as a key way to emerge victorious in the global competition among nations. Through this, they are seeking to secure the competitiveness of their domestic corporations and to expand inward direct investment. Expanding economic activities brings about the increase of capital investment and job opportunities and, as a result, strengthens the base of all tax revenues. Japan also should take the step of lowering the effective tax rate on corporations as part of its growth strategy.
From the perspective of ensuring an equal footing internationally, we must support capital investment by reviewing the depreciation system and eliminating fixed property tax for depreciable assets. This will strengthen the international competitiveness of industry which will continue to support Japan in the future. We can expect that this, combined with the lowering of the effective tax rate on corporations, will promote asset accumulation and fortify growth potential. The following issues have been raised regarding the depreciation system: the capital sum recoverable through depreciation should be raised to 100 percent of the acquisition cost; the period of useful life should be shortened so it compares favorably with that of other countries; and the depreciation system should be made more flexible, including the merger of categories, so that it can address the economic situation and the individual situations of corporations.
There is no doubt that R&D and technological innovation hold the key to Japan's future economic growth. With an eye on the future, we should conduct studies regarding improving tax measures to promote R&D investment by corporations and the HR development necessary for that.
As companies develop global operations, the government should conduct studies that take into consideration the state of international taxation.
Shigeki Morinobu (President of the Japanese Ministry of Finance's Policy Research Institute),
"U.S. Corporate Tax Shelter Issues and the Implications for Japan," International Tax Studies 15.
The basic role of local government is the provision of services desired by and financed by residents, and it is important that the relationship between the benefits and burdens is easy to understand. Personal income taxation and fixed property tax on residential property are considered the key taxes that support local government. To prevent fluctuations in the economy and uneven distribution of tax revenues from having an impact on local government finances, Japan must upgrade local consumption tax and use it as a tax source in the regions, based on the premise that local government administration is made more efficient and expenditures are thoroughly reviewed. In the regions, corporations pay substantial charges in addition to corporate income taxation. Such charges should be phased out by such means as consolidating corporate income tax on the central government. Moreover, it would be desirable for the level of corporate tax to be decided as a part of the strategy for the competition among nations. Moreover, caution should be exercised in the excessive or discretionary taxation of corporations, which do not have the right to vote.
Japan must review the personal income tax from the perspective of ensuring that individuals can demonstrate their dynamism and that the tax burden is fair. Income tax should be designated as a key tax of the central government, and it must play some role in the redistribution of income. In this, however, it is important that it should not diminish the individual's dynamism or desire to work.
Moreover, because the public burden, including social insurance premiums, is rising, it is more important than in the past that people feel the system is fair. While retaining the efficient aspects of the current system, Japan should create an integrated system using the same ID numbers for social security and tax.
From the perspective of simplifying tax, eliminating double taxation, and promoting aggregation of profit and loss, Japan should consolidate the taxation of financial income while keeping practical issues fully in mind. From the perspective of rectifying the unfairness between the generations and creating equal opportunity, Japan is called to review the inheritance tax as well.
Japan must endeavor to streamline the public sector as described above even while a rise in social-security related expenses accompanying aging is inevitable. From the perspective of economic dynamism and international competitiveness, there is a limit to how much we can depend on an increase in tax revenues through direct tax on corporations and individuals. In the future, therefore, Japan will have to emphasize the consumption tax which can be borne appropriately by the full range of generations. The government should raise the consumption tax rate to 10 percent in phased manner as soon as possible while monitoring the economic situation and public expenditure reform. | <urn:uuid:4ee5d0fd-323d-491f-8ba2-41a30948728b> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T13:18:50Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.946526 | 6,459 | 7,505 |
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With the advent of 3D television, we have taken a huge leap forward in our ability to experience the world through immersive media technology.
These groundbreaking displays offer an entirely new dimension of visual entertainment, providing viewers with stunningly realistic imagery and truly immersive viewing experiences.
Not only do they offer an unmatched level of realism, but they can also help us to better understand and appreciate the world around us.
Whether used for educational purposes or simply to enhance our enjoyment of movies and TV shows, 3D TVs have become essential tools for anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of media and entertainment.
So if you’re looking for an experience that will keep you at the forefront of modern media, look no further than 3D TV!
Our editors independently research, test, and suggest the best 3d TVs 2024. You can discover more data about our review process here. We can earn commissions on purchases from the links we select
This model, the Sony KDL – 70R550A 70 inch is the largest size LED TV from Sony. Besides without jumping to its 84 inches of 4K UHD. This model of Sony is possibly a replacement for the EX640 series.
EX640 series was developed before through many changes. This model is the 3rd tier quality and feature-wise in Sony’s 2013 and early 2014 lineup.
2024’s Top 3D TVs: The Ultimate Viewing Experience
There is nothing so great than bringing a new TV so big, that you will have to adjust where to sit.
Since the 4K market is still currently in wait before it blooms due to lack of content. As well as devices that support HDMI 2.0 connections, 1080p TVs are still dominating!
Sony KDL – 70R550A
For starters, the release year of the list of 4k 3D TVs model was the first year Sony has produced passive 3D TVs. The KDL – 70R550A comes with 4 pairs of 3D glasses.
There is a built-in WiFi, Smart TV options, and USB playback. The TV is also RVU ready for DirecTV and MHL ready for screen mirroring NFC smart devices.
The Sony KDL – 70R550A has a more economical matte screen finish than the top models. It is said that this model came as a surprise to us that a TV as massive as 70 inches from Sony could still manage to look so graceful.
No matter even if your room is on the large side, it is very vast, 3D TV’s impressive TV will fill it with beautifully bright and clear images in both, 2D or 3D.
- Diagonally measured: it has a 69.5-inch screen.
- Glossy Screen: With black bezel and cabinet.
- The tuner receives over-the-air HDTV broadcasts. But an antenna is required for the 3D TVs feature.
- QAM cable: TV tuner (subscription required to receive cable channels)
- 3D images: This can be displayed when you wear Sony’s passive 3D glasses. (4 pairs of glasses are included with this TV model)
- 2D to 3D: conversions add 3D-like depth to non-3D video sources.
- MotionFlow: XR 240 blur reduction (120Hz refresh rate plus backlight scanning)
- Edge LED: backlight with frame dimming for enhanced picture contrast and black levels.
- It has built-in apps for accessing the Sony Entertaining Network (on-demand movies and music) Netflix and many more as they are normally paid for and watched on other internet browsers and apps. It is an Internet-ready Smart TV.
- Supports up: to 5.1 audio channels with streaming movie services like Netflix. (the quality of the audio is dependent on your internet connection speed)
- Wifi: Built-in WiFi to link to a wireless network.
- Web browser: Built-in web browser.
- Speakers: Built-in stereo speakers (2 speakers of 10 watts)
- Video and music: streaming from a DLNA-compatible Windows PC
- Screen mirroring via WiFi. You can send content wirelessly from your device to this TV with the help of Miracast installed and enabled on your smartphones and tablets.
- MHL-compatible HDMI: input for viewing photos/videos from a compatible smartphone on the TV’s screen.
- BRAVIA: Sync simplifies the control of compatible Sony components via the HDMI connection that is HDMI-CEC.
The box will contain 70-inch LED-LCD TV along with several more things.
- Pedestal base
- 2 Pedestal posts
- Remote control (RM-YD094)
- 2 ”AAA” batteries
- Four 3D glasses
- Four M5 x 16mm screws
- Six M4 x 12mm screws
- Operating Instructions
- Quick Setup Guide
- Safety / Regulatory Booklet and more stuff.
Sharp LC 80UQ17U 80 Inch Smart LED TV
Do you have a very large free space on your wall in your home and you are looking to fill it? Or do you want your neighbor to have a good look at your TV as you are? Then this might be what you are looking for.
Better yet, this model accepts a 4K signal running down an HDMI line giving you better than 1080p quality graphics!
This model is the highest resolution Full HD TV. Yes, list of 4k 3D tvs Sharp LC – 80UQ17U AQUOS Q+ Series 1080p 240Hz Smart LED TV. Its Q+ technology delivers higher resolution with 10 million more subpixels than Full HD. With this technology, you get more detailed depth and color.
Q+ is the only HDTV to accept a 4K signal. And it will playback near 4K resolution. Q+ TVs feature Sharp’s Revelation Upscaler, which takes all your HD content and optimizes it for a much higher resolution screen. So that the content you get is sharper and more vivid.
- 80-inch: Diagonal Screen Measurement
- Equation: 960 Effective
- Refresh Rate Penal: 240Hz Refresh Rate Penal (Native)
- 4 (4K Ready): HDMI inputs
- Watt: 15-watt Subwoofer
- Total Output Power: 10W + 10 W + 15W (Sub)
- Functions: Smart Functionality
- SmartCentral 3.0: with Smart Guide, apps, and mobile connectivity.
- Audio: Bluetooth Audio
- Processor: Dual-Core Processor
- Dimensions: (W x H x D) are:
- TV without stand: is 71.8-inch x 42.1-inch x 2.3 inch.
- TV with stand: 71.8 inch x 44.1 inch x 18.1 inch.
- Accessories: with TV includes 2 pairs of Bluetooth 3D glasses and a Universal Remote for the TV.
The Sharp LC – 80UQ17 is the largest of the UQ series and the second largest in the entire Sharp company lineup.
The 90 inches 650 series TV is the largest TV Sharp had to offer in the year of the LC 80UQ17 release. The TC gets Sharp’s new picture technology, which is called Quattron+ (Q+).
Combined that with THX certification and revelation technologies. It gives it a real edge over the SQ series that features Q+ too.
This TV model from Sharp, LC 80UQ17 can accept 4K signals thanks to Quattron+. 3D TV technology made this model ”Future Proof.”
Samsung UN78JS9500 Curved 78-inch 4k
Samsung UN78JS9500 Curved 78-inch 4k Ultra HD smart led tv is The Best Samsung TV Ever! Beautifully curved featuring nanocrystal color superior display with multi-zone full array backlighting.
Redefine our viewing experience with next-level 4K UHD picture quality. Discover brilliant details you never knew were there with the best Samsung TV ever.
Don’t just take our word for it, read for yourself as proclaims, “This is the best TV the company has ever made, and it’s worth every penny.”
Introducing a new category of TVs, with 4K SUHD TVs, you can now experience stunning and amazing colors, deep contrast, incredible brightness, and 4K resolution that redefines your TV viewing experience.
Bring your entertainment to vivid life. Reveal a brighter, more real-life picture, and a wider range of colors made visible with breakthrough nano-crystal color technology.
Experience the full vibrancy of your favorite media and entertainment with expanded levels of brightness across the entire screen.
Scenes come to spectacular life with LED illumination behind the regions of the brightest of the picture.
Experience a greater sense of depth on a curved screen with optimized contrast across multiple zones of the picture.
Enjoy the best moving picture resolution at Motion Rate 240 with exceptional refresh rate, processing speed, and backlight technology.
Feel the drama of every entertainment experience with Precision Black Pro when there are darker blacks and greater contrast – while bright areas remain bright.
A Smart TV with Octa-Core Processor. You can enjoy your media and entertainment at lightning speed with our highest-grade processing chip.
With Smart Remote Control you can take ultimate control of your Smart TV – use the touchpad to navigate quickly, perform voice commands with the built-in microphone, or use the remote like a mouse and simply point and click.
- Refresh Rate: 240CMR
- Color: Black
- Screen Size: 78″
- 3D Features: Active 3D Technology
- Additional Features: Built-in Webcam, 3D Glasses included, Wi-Fi Enabled, Bluetooth, Ethernet Port, v-Chip, Remote Control included, Curved Screen
- Display Resolution: 3840×2160 Pixels
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- 3D technology: Full 3D & 3D TVs.
- Exterior Color: Silver
- Rear Input Connectors: Composite X 1, HDMI X 4, Component X 1
- Screen type: Flat Screen
- Series: Js9500 Series
- Audio type: Surround
- TV type: Curved TV
- Max. Resolution: 2160p
- Definition: HDTV
- LED: Backlight LED
- Functions: Smart Functionality
- Wifi: Built-in Wi-Fi
- Dimensions: (W x H x D):TV without stand: 77.3″ x 44.7″ x 7.5″, TV with stand: 77.3″ x 47.9″ x 17.1″
- Inputs: 4 HDMI, 3 USB
- 3D Active Glasses – 1 (SSG-5150GB)
- Remote – Samsung Smart Control (TM1560B)
- Vesa Wall Mount Compatibility – Yes (400 x 400)
- Slim Gender Cable – Yes
- Power Cable – Yes
- User Manual – Yes
- E-Manual – Yes.
TCL 55R617 55-inch 4K Ultra HD Roku
The TCL 6-Series is the best TV under $1,000, period. Packing Wide Color Gamut, Dolby Vision, and full array panel at just $650 for the 55-inch 55R617, this is the budget-friendly 4K TV that is recommended to friends, family, and readers for the rest of the year.
TCL’s 6-Series combines stunning 4K HDR picture performance and the award-winning Roku TV smart platform in a bold, brushed metal design for a superior TV experience. Dolby Vision delivers greater brightness and contrast, as well as a fuller palette of rich colors.
TCL’s Contrast Control Zone technology individually optimizes the image across up to 160 zones to yield striking contrast between light and dark areas.
It is a part of the 6-Series (new for 2018, a successor to p-Series) denoted by a class of affordable, big-screen 4K televisions.
This one improves on the aesthetics of last year’s model, resulting in a more attractive TV while keeping the excellent contrasts and splendid colors of the previous iterations.
It is a 55-inch 4K TV that keeps the promise of an excellent picture, cool aesthetic, and connected Roku TV features for much less than competing sets in the market. TCL may not be popular as Sony, Samsung, LG, etc, but over recent years the company has gained popularity over the budget buyers of 4K televisions.
Even with a few quirks like few HDMI ports and lack of headphone jack in the remote, it does compensate with remarkable contrasts that justify the HDR label.
Its specs are primed by the Roku TV platform that delivers a wide array of connected apps and services, which is one of the favorite features of many in the high-end Roku media streamers.
For a 55-inch HDR screen, it has a lot going for it and is arguably the best budget TV deal you can get in the market, so far.
- Dimensions (Wx H x D): TV without stand: 48.5 x 28.1 x 2.9, TV with stand: 48 inches x 30.9 inches x 10.7 inches
- Smart Functionality: offers access to thousands of streaming channels featuring more than 500,000 movies and TV episodes via Roku TV
- Pairs 4K Ultra HD pictures: clarity with the contrast, color, and detail of Dolby Vision high dynamic range (HDR) for the most realistic picture.
- LED backlighting: with contrast control zones produce Deep blacks and excellent picture quality
- Inputs: 3 HDMI 2.0 with HDCP 2.2 (one with HDMI ARC), 1 USB (media player, RF, Composite
- Compatible: with Alexa and Google Assistant
The 6-Series models; PQ Engine provides precise color replication while HDR Pro. Gamma significantly improves HDR performance in any setting.
Powerful performance is complemented by the award-winning Roku OS smart TV platform.
It has a brilliant 4K resolution which delivers stunning detail and a remarkable visual experience. Dolby Vision and the premium HDR experience offer superior contrast and brighter and more accurate colors.
Contrast is individually optimized across 96 zones to achieve a highly localized area of striking contrast between bright and dark areas of the image.
It has a wide color performance powered by TCL’s NBP Photon technology, 6 series offers vivid color on top of striking HDR contrast.
Precision color performance tailored to deliver accurate color reproduction and optimized DCI-P3 color space coverage. HDR Pro Gamma helps the details remain visible in any environment – from the darkest home theater to the brightest sun-lit living rooms.
Sharp LC – 90LE657U 90 Inch
The term, “Bigger the Better” really applies here when you talk about this TV model of Sharp. This is Sharp LC – 90LE657U 90 inch Aquos HD 1080p 120Hz 3D Smart LED TV.
Yes, 90 inches! Isn’t it a mouthful word to speak? 90 Inch Smart LED TV from Sharp, one to use, one to experience!
Brilliant color. Crystal clear picture. Captivating detail. That is just a part of the bigger picture.
All of that comes in a package when you buy. Yes, you heard it. AQUOS Full HD is not just available in 60 inches, 70 inches, and 80-inch classes.
It is an LED Smart TV that delivers legendary and outstanding AQUOS picture quality. It comes with a refresh penalty of 120Hz refresh rate and an 8 million: 1 dynamic contrast ratio for precision clarity during fast-motion scenes.
The LC – 90LE657U is the 3rd tier replacement for the LC – 90LE640U from 2012. The year 2013 and early 2014 model was available in early spring and were the most price considerate models of the company Sharp’s huge edit lit LED TVs.
The only 90-inch AQUOS HD class in the marketplace. Breathtaking Full HD 1080p Display as well. The bigger the better with AQUOS HD.
See sharper, more electrifying action. 120Hz technology delivers crystal clear images even during fast-motion scenes.
Sharp’s backlight scanning technology doubles the effective refresh rate to hit you with all the power that fast-moving sports and movies can deliver to you.
Sharp intuitive SmartCentral lets you quickly connect to your favorite content. With the help of SmartCentral in the list of 4k 3D TVs model, you can work through Built-in WiFi. You can instantly access applications, and stream movies, music, games, and websites.
It is a dual-core processor. That means it loads the applications and the web browser much faster than the other models. You can spend less time waiting for the things you want to watch or do.
Sharp Television, the world’s most incredible web browser! It is a big, beautiful, super-fast, and built-in web browser. You can use this to visit all your favorite websites.
Sharp’s split-screen experience lets you surf the web while you watch TV. You will never have to choose what to watch between your favorite show and your favorite site. You will surely experience ”The Best.”
And many many more super features.
This TV is one to experience. You will have a personal TV Cinema in your home if you buy 3D TVs, an incredible TV model.
TCL 49S325 – 49 Inch
This 3 Series Full HD TCL Roku TV puts all your entertainment desires, entertainment favorites in one place. It allows seamless access to over 500,000 movies and TV episodes, your gaming console, cable box, and other devices. All these features are handled from your simple, intuitive interface.
The super-simple remote and dual-band WiFi makes it fast and easy to access your favorite content in Full HD. Connect all your favorite devices with the three HDMI inputs. The built-in TV tuner makes 3D TVs the ultimate cord-cutting TV as it also gives you the ability to access free, over-the-air HD content.
Read more: GoPro HERO Brands
This model is from TCL’s 3 series, so it lacks a few features that are available in the 4 and 6 series.
Things like 4K resolution and HDR. But this model tops out at 1080p and according to its size, it is fine and great to experience. You surely get the awesomeness that is built-in Roku.
Full HD 1080p Resolution
Full high definition 1080p resolution for excellent detail, color, and contrast.
Simple, intuitive interface
Your favorite broadcast TV, streaming channels, gaming console, and other devices are front and center. Applications on your device “smartphone“, all your favorites are just some fingertips away from the instant you turn it on.
Over 500,000 movies and TV episodes
Enjoy over 500,000 movies and TV episodes available. Live sports, news, music, kids and family, food, science and tech, fitness and so much more to watch easily with Roku.
120Hz CMI refresh rate
An advanced 120Hz effective refresh rate panel is installed in the software. It reduces motion blur and loss of detail during fast-moving sports and action scenes. The list of 4k 3d TVs will help you watch everything.
3 HDMI 1.4a Inputs
Connect all your favorite devices through the three HDMI 1.4a inputs (1 ARC) and watch all your favorite content.
Get access to your favorite content with a 3D TV dual-band WiFi feature connection. It is fast and easy!
This model has a beautiful black finish and a quad pedestal stand. It blends style and sophistication into your home theater.
With the help of a 3D TV feature, you can easily search across top streaming channels by title, actor, or director name. Access it all from one place! Voice search is also available on the free Roku mobile application and provides a fun and fast way to search for what you want to watch anywhere.
Free Roku Remote App
Also with the voice control feature, the ability to browse and add new channels. You can also listen to TV audio on headphones that are connected to your mobile device.
And many other features as well.
I have researched a lot about this LG’s 2019 C9 OLED TV for you guys, and I found out that this is considered the best-performing TV by many people who test and review Televisions.
And as I kept on researching, I found out that the TVs which are based on organic light-emitting diode technology are delivering the best picture quality you can ever buy.
This C series from LG is considered the best in this aspect. LG is putting the best effort to perfect this technology in its C series.
Let me tell you about its’ specifications.
- SCREEN: 65 Inches large screen
- MAX RESOLUTION: 3840 x 2160 pixels
- HDR: Dolby Vision, HDR10, HLG
- PORTS SELECTION: 4 ports of HDMI 2.1, 3 ports of USB
- AUDIO:2 channels, 2 of 40-W speakers with 20-W woofer
With all these great specifications, I am impressed by this great OLED TV from LG. They have worked flawlessly on this C series.
This was just a brief review of this great LG C9 OLED. I will probably give a full review of this great TV soon. Till then, take good care of yourself and have a great day people.
Have you ever tried a new one? In 2024 the best 3d TVs will be released and here I’ll have been trying to get them as updates. | <urn:uuid:74f8ba13-2e18-4d9b-b62c-32fd57e31c96> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:36:51Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.896883 | 4,693 | 5,567 |
Twelve year old Greg mysteriously time travels 3,000 years into the past. Now a Native American boy has a spear pointed directly at his heart. Greg’s scared, worried, and hungry! Can he trust this stranger, can he get home, can he survive? Join Greg on his first adventure where there are moose to hunt and wolves to worry about, along with loads of fun! Greg’s wild adventures will excite and enlighten all while telling a rousing story about a young boy’s intriguing encounter with Native Americans.
Targeted Age Group:: Middle Grade
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I worked as a professional archaeologist and wanted a way to teach children about archaeology and prehistory. So I wrote a time travel story with a mother who is an archaeologist and a boy who accidentally time travels 3000 years into the past. I wrote it over 20 years ago and finally published it in 2015.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The mother is vaguely based on me as she is also an archaeologist. Greg is based my two grandsons and their ways of dealing with the world. Both are highly intelligent. One is very talkative like Greg, while the other has Greg's other characteristics.
Immediately after all this happened to me, I wanted to tell anyone, someone, everyone I knew or even didn't know, what had happened. Bad, bad idea, as I quickly learned. For as I began telling my tale, the listener thought weirdo, geek, or git. I mean, what happened to me turns out to have been one of those stories you read on the front of those tabloids you know, the ones at the grocery checkout lane that you read while your mother is packing the groceries, using her debit card, and telling you for the four-millionth time that she will never bring you shopping with her again.
Now don't get me wrong. I am sort of a geek. I get good grades in school, not great, but good. I speak English and German (we once lived there), and I play a lot of computer games, like Minecraft. I like Minecraft. You can build things while axing to death Creepers and Zombies. I also like Halo and Guild Wars, when my friends or my Dad are playing. But, back to the geek part. I hang out with my Mom a lot, and well, she's different from most moms. Besides, my Dad's gone most of the time. I really can't explain him to you, if I did I think I'd have to kill you, or at least someone would.
Also, I talk. I talk to myself, to the computer, the dog, my hamster, to anyone around . . . you get the idea. It started when I was three. I just started talking and didn't shut up. Mom and Dad, well at first they listened to me, then they just tuned me out. I think they pretended that I was talking to God as he was obviously the only one willing to listen after a few years of incessant one-sided conversations. Anyway, I have learned to be quiet when necessary usually around strangers, and, well, girls.
Back to what happened, it definitely wasn't the type of thing one would expect a twelve-year-old boy to be telling. These days I only discuss my adventure with Mom, she believes me, and my computer (yes, I talk to the computer told you that already). You see, I'm writing it all down in Word Perfect (Mom hates Word), so in the future when someone else believes me, all the details will be there in living color, actually in blue on my computer screen, for all to read. I mean, it may be years before anyone except Mom, and maybe Dad, believes me. Now for my story. Perhaps I shouldn't call it a story, but an autobiographical sketch not an autobiography I'm only 12.
It all happened last summer. First you have to know, my Mom is an archaeologist. That's not normal for Moms. I mean all of my friends' moms are teachers, doctors, lawyers, work at the mall, or just stay at home. Not my mom. She studies ancient people by digging up the stuff they left behind in the dirt. Yes, yes, I know, soil, as she would say (she's a real stickler for using the correct name for things).
First, Mom got a degree in history and taught for a while. Then off she went, back to school, got a second, and then a third degree, and started living her dream. Right now she works at a small archaeological site called Cresaptown. It is on the edge of the Potomac River in Maryland, just across the river is West Virginia. Not that you need to know that. When the archaeologists finish their excavations, it will become a county ballpark. Imagine playing baseball on top of an ancient burial ground.
Don't you think that's weird? I do.
I personally found it hard to imagine people had lived on that land for thousands of years.
We're talking prehistoric man! Indians! All I could see there was a bunch of junk, artifacts, things they left behind. It was just too much to imagine people walking around in deerskin clothes, hunting big game, raising families, and dying right there. I guess Mom's imagination is better than mine.
So, all of that is how I came to be digging a large hole in the middle of an Archaic Indian site in late August instead of swimming, fishing, riding my bike, getting in a few hours of Minecraft or Halo, or just plain goofing off. Personally, but don't tell anyone, Mom's dream isn't too bad. I mean we really do find lots of neat stuff. Oh, yeah, better tell you, archaeologists recognize four periods of prehistoric (that means before writing) man. Mom says the four periods are called Paleoindian, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian. They can actually recognize how long ago the people lived on a site simply by looking at a few artifacts. Weird.
My personal archaeologist, better known as Mom, works at the dig or "excavations" all summer and does research and analyzes her finds during the rest of the year. Now on this particular summer day, she was calling me her "assistant." Several screens, wooden boxes with heavy screen mesh bottoms, hung from tripods, you know, three-legged stands. Plus, Mom always has an abundance of shovels (square and round), root cutters, string, and other equipment for volunteers. Eleven ten-year-olds were visiting the site, to "learn the basics of archaeology." It was part of some kind of history camp. My job was to make sure they learned how to screen the soil and looked carefully for any artifacts.
We had been at it ALL morning. I mean those kids couldn't tell the difference between a piece of plastic lid someone had thrown from a car window and a piece of bone. All I heard all morning was, "Greg, what's this?" and "Greg, should we keep this?" and "Greg, he shook dirt all over my new tennis shoes!" MAN! No matter how many times we told them to wear old clothes, the girls still showed up looking like an ad out of Seventeen. Weird!
I was happy to see lunch time come, thinking I could stretch out beneath a tree with my sandwich and a Cherry Coke and hope all of the girls at the pool across the street had on small bikinis. I mean, I do notice girls, I just don't talk around them.
But it wasn't happening.
Right before lunch, Mom uncovered a feature. I guess I'd better explain that the top layer
of soil is called the plow zone. That is the layer most people would call the topsoil . In most of the eastern United States, and especially in Maryland where Mom was working, the land has been farmed at some time. You see when the farmers plowed the land that top level, the plow zone, got all mixed up. That mixing caused the artifacts, the things the Indians left behind, like bones from food, projectile points (arrowheads to you novices), the pieces of stone from which they were made, and fragments of pottery if they had pottery to be move about. So we shoveled this layer off into the screens and sifted through it carefully for the artifacts.
Underneath this level is the subsoil. Archaeologists use trowels, a hand-held triangular steel blade with a wooden handle, to carefully scrape the top of the subsoil clean of all the plow zone soil. Mom can do this so neatly that the unit walls are perfectly straight, the corners are ninety degree angles, and the floor is even and smooth. She doesn't do this just to be neat, since occasionally in the subsoil, an archaeologist will find what is called a feature. That's what she's looking for features.
Features are places where the prehistoric people carried out different tasks, like cooking, tool and pottery making, butchering animals, and even burying their dead. These tasks often leave a dark stain in the soil because of rotting organic material, or if it was a hearth, it may be red from burning or black from the ash. A feature can tell an archaeologist a lot about how the people of the area lived. As for me, it just meant that we, Mom and I, would WORK through lunch. I mean, no way was she going to let those ten-year-old jerks mess up her research.
Now understand, Mom has several trowels. She is particularly fond of the first one she ever bought. Over the years, she has sharpened it so many times that it is much smaller than when it was new. It's like a baby trowel, actually it is older, but you get my meaning. Anyway, she uses a fairly new one for most of her work, but always digs out her favorite for excavating features. She says it works better because it is smaller.
On this day, she had decided I should excavate the feature, claiming it would be "good experience" for me. Experience for what? Who needs that skill in their adult life? It really didn't look half as exciting as watching the girls at the pool, but I couldn't WOULD NOT explain that to Mom.
So I stripped off my old tee (maybe the girls would notice my buff okay, skinny body) and tennis shoes, so that the tread wouldn't leave a design in her nice clean unit floor, and got busy. The first bit was extremely boring, just a lot of small, I mean tiny, old bones that Mom said were probably rabbit. Then all of the excitement started. Well, it was exciting to me. Everyone else was oblivious.
As I carefully troweled away the dirt from the bones in order to expose them for a photograph (don't I sound professional), I uncovered a projectile point.
Now for all you readers that know nothing about archaeology, a projectile point is what most people call an arrowhead. But since bows and arrows were not all that widely used and spears were certainly more common back in prehistoric times, all archaeologists insist these stone tools be called projectile points. First off, this projectile point was just lying there smack dab in the middle of those bones unbroken and glittering in the sun. It was made of quartz, a stone which has lots of crystals to catch the sunlight and not found naturally in this area. Even though we were working under a canopy, the sun really made this one glitter. I should let you know, I had been talking all this time, just to myself, no big deal, no one listens.
"Hey! Come look at this point right in the middle of these bones."
"Greg, please don't address me by yelling Hey!' Especially when I am only a foot away," she corrected me instantly.
I keep forgetting that she is my mother not my best buddy, which is how she seems when we work together like this.
"Ahhhh, Mom, not now! Just crawl over here and take a look. I mean this is really neat."
I remember we discussed what a super fantastic photo it would make and then she told me to carefully lift the point out of the bones and wipe it clean so it would show up better in the shot. (She used the words "photograph more clearly.") Then I had to carefully place it back where I found it. I was being really careful. Those bones were old and crumbly, and I knew she would be upset if they were disturbed before she got her photo. I, on the other hand, had already captured the image with my phone when she wasn't looking. I could send it off later to Dad where ever he was.
Dad and I keep in touch by phone. We are always sending photos of cool stuff back and forth. Some of these we do not share with Mom. But more on Dad later.
Anyway, I carefully fitted the end of her baby trowel under the edge of the point and gently lifted it from among the bones. As I stood up, trying not to drop the point or step on anything, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! Yes, I know I said Hell. If you keep reading you'll understand why.
Anyway, a huge brown rabbit flew through the air straight into Mom's neat excavation unit and landed in the plastic zip lock bag holding the artifacts. Mom screeched (she was startled not scared), and I jumped so high I hit the overhead canopy. It quickly started falling in around my head. My arm flew up, the projectile point and mom's trowel shot through the air and landed right on top of that poor frightened rabbit at the exact instant he had recovered his head from the artifact bag.
Now all of this takes much longer to tell than it took to happen, but the next few seconds seemed to take years. As I reached for the trowel and the point, the rabbit jumped sky high and all three landed on my hand.
Then my world changed.
Suddenly, I stood in the middle of a dappled green forest filled with huge oak, chestnut, and hickory trees on the edge of the river, the Potomac, I think. I held a scared, shaking rabbit, a trowel, and a projectile point. Only now the point was attached to a wooden shaft and deeply embedded in the bleeding rabbit which was dying. The canopy, screens, tripods, the excavations, and even Mom had disappeared.
I was sure it was all a dream, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (I kept thinking please don't let there be flying monkeys, I hate those monkeys!). That was it, I had hit my head and was unconscious, please just let me be unconscious. Unconscious, yeah, that's it, unconscious. Better than this being real.
Nope. Not unconscious. Not dreaming. Still awake.
As I stared, the rabbit stopped shaking and lay bleeding in my hand while only five feet away stood a small, darkly tanned boy dressed in these bizarre leather britches and holding another spear exactly like the one I was holding, except it didn't have a bloody rabbit attached. He kept his spear pointed right at me. Right at my heart. Nope, not a dream. Definitely not a dream.
At first, I just stood there, shaking. I was befuddled for sure. I mean, who does this happen to? Not me. At least it had never happened before. I soon figured out he wanted his rabbit. I sure as heck didn't want it. By the way, I wasn't talking dumbstruck for the first time in my life.
Slowly, I pulled the spear point from the rabbit, a really gross, I mean really, really gross experience, and laid the rabbit on the ground. I held onto the trowel and the spear, for some unknown reason, and said, "Take it, it's yours," while pointing to the rabbit, which was now quite dead. The boy just stood there staring and pointing that huge spear at me. Never even blinked.
I thought about running. I am pretty good at running, but not much else as far as athletics. I'm tall for my age, a blue-eyed blonde, just like good ol' Dad. But something of a geek, I think I told you that already. I mean, what chance did I have against a spear throwing Indian! Yes, I knew he was an Indian, didn't know what period, but I should have from the type of projectile point. But no time to think about such details now.
It looked longer and sharper each time I looked at it, the spear that is. It was impossible not to look at it. I tried. But every time I decided to concentrate on his face instead of that spear point, my mind shouted "WHY IS HE POINTING THAT THING AT ME?" I wanted to cry "MOM." But if I was unconscious, and those girls in tiny bikinis had come over from the pool to see what all the excitement was about, I didn't want to sound like some scared babbling crybaby. I was still hoping for unconscious. Much less scary than what was happening.
For what seemed like ages, we both stood there facing each other. He holding a spear pointed at me, and me holding a spear covered in blood and Mom's trowel, with a dead rabbit on the forest floor at my feet. We must have been quite a sight, since by now both of us were shaking. Finally, I decided to try offering him the rabbit again. After all, I was quite sure he had killed it. Besides, he looked hungry and more than a little threatening with that gigantic spear in his hand.
So, I carefully lifted the rabbit from the ground while keeping my eyes directly on his. My karate sensei always told us to keep your eyes on your opponent. The rabbit was still warm, but had stopped bleeding. I held it out in his direction and whispered, "Here it's yours."
It seemed strange that such tiny words could have overcome his fear so quickly. But he smiled, laid his spear on the ground, and took the rabbit, being very careful not to touch my hand. Then he grasped the small dark stone hung around his neck and spoke several words in a language I had never heard. Though the sounds were foreign, I instantly understood their meaning. How was that possible? I mean, I understood an ancient language! This was some freaky weird dream. Not real. Really, not real. Right? Couldn't be real, could it?
He said, "God of the Stone, thank you for this rabbit."
In my mind, I was thinking now go away so I can wake up and get some sympathy from those girls. But reality seemed to be right there in that forest with the dead rabbit and the quite real Indian.
"God of the Stone, you may keep my spear in exchange for the rabbit you have provided. Do you wish to share in my meal?"
I hesitantly answered in his language, searching my memory for the right words (again, really, really far out). "Are you speaking to me?" I don't know why I was speaking so properly, I think it was fear. Maybe I would just give up talking altogether probably not.
"Yes, God of the Stone, since your rabbit is to be my meal and you have appeared before me, I offer you the best parts. After all, only the tales of my grandmother speak of you appearing to us to share in the bounty of the hunt. Her tales are of a time out of mind."
All of this he said while standing very still, with his hand clasped around the dark stone hanging against his chest. But he had lowered the spear.
"Yes, I'll share the rabbit with you, ah, but only if you cook it first."
"Grandmother says the God of the Stone likes a good joke, but I must use two hands to skin and cook the rabbit. Will you remain if I release my hold on your spirit or will you go, taking the rabbit with you?"
Now I wasn't sure exactly what he was talking about. I mean, was he holding my spirit in this dream? If, I said yes, would he release it so I could wake up? Why did he call me God of the Stone? How could I understand him? A million questions ran helter-skelter through my mind. At least they didn't spill out of my mouth. Besides, I didn't even know if I liked rabbit. Never had it before.
Out of desperation and hunger, (I hadn't finished my sandwich) I whispered, "Let's eat."
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At the same time, it was clear that Man City might play even higher at any time of the match to supply the desired end result. For occasion, the Individual match tickets will produce 10 winners with 500 mBTC as the highest prize to be gained. Placing bets on the 2022 World Cup matches guarantees you tickets, so hunt for extra to extend your chances of winning. The data right here is up to date in real time, which opens up broad prospects for odd customers. Together with us, you can comply with the development of occasions in a handy format and convert your information into profit.
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Although gamblers have been bypassing this via the usage of e-wallets and cryptocurrencies to add a model new layer of protection to players’ financial knowledge. The Ticket Rush match is a rare probability to get a chunk of the prize pool set at 3 BTC. The first matches of the new season demonstrated that the City has not lost its thirst for victories and is in a position to change the course of occasions through the match, if it develops not of their favor. Lastly, the Play-off tickets prize draw will produce 5 winners, and if you find yourself as a first-place winner, you’ll clinch 250 mBTC as a winning prize. The three BTC prize pool will be shared by the winners throughout the three ticket classes. Everyone can be on the ball with 1xBit; to make the World Cup even more exciting, participate within the Ticket Rush event to win prizes.
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A 23% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.
Metal Type/Purity: Silver Weight: 4.0 ozt Dimensions: 7.50" X 2.0" Surface Scratches
Auction Terms & Conditions Auction Terms & Conditions THIS WILL BE A TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION EVENT with live previews. The PREBID aspect will be available approximately 10 days prior to the auction date. This will be a live auction with pre-bidding enabled. TERMS OF SALE We advise all prospective bidders to read the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale before bidding in a Dixon's Crumpton Auction Sale. By placing a bid the bidder is bound by those Terms and Conditions of the Sale, as amended by any oral announcement or posted notices, which together form the contract of the sale between the successful bidder (purchaser), Dixon's Crumpton Auction and the seller (consignor) of the lot(s). 1. All property is sold "As Is, Where Is", and All Sales are Final. There are no bid reversals or refunds. 1a. We test all gemstones with a Presidium Gem Tester. Unfortunately, gem testers will not differentiate natural gemstones from their synthetic counterparts; this being the case we cannot guarantee natural stones unless we specifically state that it is natural in the listing. Many gemstones' properties overlap and could potentially be one of many variety of gemstones. We do our best, based on the tester readings, to determine whether or not the item is a specific gemstone; however we are not GIA certified gemologists. 1b. Prospective bidders have the opportunity to examine items of interest (See 2.) on the Mondays and Tuesdays preceding the auction. Condition reports are offered as a courtesy but they are a matter of opinion and Dixon’s Crumpton Auction is not liable for any omissions or errors. 1c. Glossary of Terms “Manner of” – a work of art done in the style of the artist but which, in our opinion, is from a later date or by another hand “After” – a copy of a work of art by the artist, which could be done during the artist’s life time or thereafter. “Attributed to” – a work of art which, in our opinion, is likely to be by the artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. Artist’s name in title – if we list an artist’s name in the title without qualification, it is our opinion that the work of art was executed by that artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. “Style” – any item which is in the style of, but not created by or during the period of, the qualified term. “Style” could be used for a variety of items, for example a Chippendale-style dresser would be a dresser in the Chippendale style but created later, or a Picasso-style painting could be any painting created in the artist’s style at any time. “ozt” – troy ounces “ctw” – carats total weight 2. INSPECTION: Property is open to thorough public inspection. The bidder is invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the property prior to bidding. Property will be available for inspection at the places and times specified. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor prior to placing a bid on an item. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Dixon's Crumpton Auction may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet, over the phone and at the auction but makes no representations. Persons in attendance during inspection, sale or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage or loss to persons, property, or merchandise and shall exercise proper precautions at all times for the protection of persons and property and shall comply with all safety and health requirements as directed by Auctioneer, and local, state and federal regulations. Auctioneer, its agents, its employees and representatives shall not be liable by reason of any defect in or about the condition of the premises on which the auction is held. Buyer specifically releases Auctioneer, its agents and representatives from all liability thereof. In no event shall Dixon's Crumpton Auction be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 2a. INQUIRIES are answered on a first come first serve basis as a courtesy to clients unable to attend preview and may be submitted by visiting the lot page and clicking the CONTACT AUCTIONEER button. Please do not contact the office by phone or direct e-mail with questions about items. Additional information provided in response to inquiries is offered as our opinion only and is not part of the description of the goods being sold. 3. BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and is required to register for each auction. To participate in this Auction prospective bidders must register & provide identification information to establish that you are a valid bidder: At the time of registration, we collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. Bidders must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. We collect credit card information to ensure that you are a qualified buyer. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if the Bidder believes his/her bid number, account and/or password have been compromised. There is no cost to register for an auction (A $1 Authorization will be charged when you initially register to validate your credit card.) The Authorization is never deducted from your account. It verifies that the card being placed on file is legitimate. The Billing information including address will be validated through this authorization. If the billing information on the Card doesn't match your shipping information the card may be rejected for possible fraud activity. Dixon’s Auction, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate any registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidders from bidding. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.
Bid Status: Dixon's Auction may refuse your bid for any reason, especially if we feel it may be fraudulent activity. If you feel we have declined a bid or blocked you mistakenly you may reach out to us to explain your situation so that we can further evaluate its validity.
We recommend that when bidding place yours bids early so that you will know that your bid will be accepted. Don't wait until the final minute before the item closes to try to bid. In this scenario for example if you had been approved for a max high bid per item and the bidding is already over that amount. If you bid in excess of your max bid approval, your bid will be set to pending, a notification is sent to us, and it is nearly impossible to act upon that in less than 60 seconds. If you know you will be bidding higher than the amount that you were approved for contact us prior to the item ending and we can make a manual change. 4. All items offered online will have a minimum starting bid as displayed on the online catalogue. Online bids lower than minimum will not be accepted. 5. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the photos take precedence. If you find an error please contact the Dixon's Crumpton Auction and we will attempt to rectify it. All items are sold on an "as is, where is" basis, with all faults. In the event an item was listed in error or an item can't be located during pick up for any reason, the bidder agrees that their maximum recourse is a full refund of the item in question and that all other items bid on remain binding. By bidding you are acknowledging agreement with the terms above. Do not bid unless you agree to all of these terms. The Bidder is responsible for knowing which item is being bid on. If the Bidder is unsure, they should inquire or not bid. When becoming the winning bidder at auction you have effected a contract and will be expected to pay for items in which you were evidenced to be the successful bidder. Auctioneer will not honor "mistakes". 6. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at any time by logging into your Hibid account. Please be careful when placing bids. Placing a bid is a two step process. When you click the bid button it will pull up a window verifying that you want to place that bid. If you want to place the next bid increment that the computer is asking for you can do that. If you desire to increase the amount of your bid this screen will allow you to bid a higher amount. Ensure that you type in the correct amount. If you make an error the Dixon's Crumpton Auction can attempt to correct it but it has to be in a timely manner before the item closes. In order to make a correction you must contact the Dixon's Crumpton Auctionat 410-928-3006. We have a staff member in the office during all online auctions. You are responsible for the bids that you place. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. 7. PROGRESSION OF THE AUCTION: Auctions are typically uploaded to the HiBid Auction Platform 3-5 days before the auction is scheduled to end. Each Auction will have a scheduled time that each auction's items will begin closing. If an auction starts closing on a Wednesday night at 5 PM the first lot will be scheduled to close at that time. Depending on the quantity of items in the Auction lots may be scheduled to end anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds apart. Each lot will show a scheduled ending time. If no one bids in the final minute before a lot is scheduled to close that lot will close out. If someone bids within the final minute before that lot is scheduled to close, 1 Extra minute will be added to that lot and that lot only to allow additional time for people to bid. The remaining lots behind that lot will continue to close as scheduled unless someone bids in the last minute on that specific lot as well. This is done to prevent a bidder from 'sniping', all bids made in the last minute of the auction will force an item to stay open for an additional 1 minute. This gives the back bidder additional time to increase his/her bid if desired. This process will continue until all bidding has ceased on no one bids within the additional minute that was added. 8. PAYING FOR YOUR PURCHASES: There is no cost to register for an auction. We generally process Credit Card transactions immediately after the Auction. We will Charge the Credit Card that was placed on file at Registration for the Purchase price of your won items including Sales Tax and Buyers Premium. If your Credit Card is declined you will be required to provide another form of payment prior to picking up items. We reserve the right to require payment via wire transfer from buyer’s not known to us. If we suspect any fraudulent activity we reserve the right to hold these items until we can determine the validity of the purchase. This can be accomplished on our end by contacting the Card Issuer and having them contact the buyer to verify the purchase if needed, or having the customer supply us with additional information. 9. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by email during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications are NOT sent out during the last two hours of the sale. You can watch each item end. If you are the high bidder on an item the item will be highlighted in Green in the Live Auction area. If the lot changes from green to red it means that you have been outbid and would need to bid again At a higher bid. The item will not change back to green until you have surpassed the high bid that the back bidder placed. 10. RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. 11. REMOVAL OF ITEMS: All items are sold in place. Buyers are responsible to remove items in a good workmanlike manner. Any plumbing must be shut off before being disconnected and any electrical that is disconnected must be capped. You must bring any and all tools, equipment required to disconnect and remove any items you purchase. You must bring any required labor to assist in carrying your items from the site to your vehicle. We will have staff onsite to assist buyers in finding their items but they will likely not be available to assist in any way with removal of your items. Please plan ahead and come prepared. You are expected to bring boxes, packing materials, tape, tools, wheel carts, dollies or anything else needed to remove your items in a timely manner. Any items not removed by the times shown will be deemed abandoned regardless of the price. If you can't pick your items up during the time scheduled, you are responsible for designating someone to pick your items up during the time that we are scheduled to be there. You have been advised of the preview and pickup dates prior to the auction. If you are unable or unwilling to pick up your items during the scheduled time please don't bid on the items unless you provide someone to pick your items up for you. 11A. NEW POLICY: Due to items being left beyond the pickup windows for each auction we have implemented a storage fee for all items.Each item not picked up by end of day Friday after an auction will be subject to a $5.00 fee for storage up to 30 days. Fee is PER item, meaning 5 items will equate to a $25.00 storage charge. Your credit card on file will be billed the Monday following an auction for any storage fees accrued. Items still in our possession at the end of 30 days will be automatically re-consigned by the buyer. STORAGE, SHELF, AND TABLE LOTS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR STORAGE. THEY MUST BE PICKED UP DURING THE CHECKOUT WINDOW LISTED FOR THE AUCTION, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. 12. RISK TO PERSON AND PROPERTY: BY REGISTERING AS A BUYER, YOU AGREE THAT Dixon's Crumpton Auction & THE SELLER/CONSIGNOR ARE NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGE TO THE ITEMS YOU PURCHASED, YOUR OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY, OR FOR INJURY OR DEATH. Please take care of yourself and your items as you have released us from liability. We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability whatsoever resulting from the use of the item(s) sold hereunder; and shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless Auctioneer and Seller from any liability. 13. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. 14. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. 15. The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept bids in any increment he feels is in the best interest of his client, the Seller. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bidding of any person whose conduct, actions, or adverse comments he feels are not in the best interest of the Seller. 16. Titles will be disbursed on auction day only if payment is made in cash; otherwise they will be mailed when the check clears the bank. This will take approx.10 days for a personal check. If you replace a personal check with a local bank/cashier's check we will be able to hand you the title at that time. 17. SALES TAX: Sales tax will be added to the purchase of all taxable items. Dealers who purchase for resale must file their resale permit numbers. If you are a Maryland Dealer you are required to have a Valid Sales & Use Tax License with the State of Maryland. We are required to verify that the license is Valid before deducting Sales Tax. We will verify the Tax # that you provide and print a Blanket Resale form for your to sign. This needs to be completed before the billing process is initiated. You can't use someone else's Sales & Use License. For Bidders from another state we are required by the State of Maryland to have a copy of your State Business License/Tax License on file in order not to charge Tax. ALL REQUESTS FOR REFUND/EXEMPTION OF SALES TAX MUST SUBMIT PAPERWORK WITHIN 15 DAYS (NON-BUSINESS) OF CLOSE OF AUCTION OR THE AMOUNT WILL BE FORFEIT. TAXES ARE SUBMITTED MONTHLY SO THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. BUYER'S PREMIUM: A premium of 23% of the bid price will be added to the price of each item purchased. Taxes are calculated AFTER the buyer's premium. The Bidders Payment Type will not affect the Buyer Premium at an Online Only Auction. The buyer's premium includes commissions and/or fee's retained by the Online Bidding Platform company. 18. If the foregoing conditions or any other applicable conditions are not complied with, in addition to other remedies available to Auctioneer and Seller by law, including without limitation, the right to hold the purchaser liable for the bid price, the Auctioneer, at their option may (1) resell the property publicly or privately, with purchaser being liable for the payment of any deficiency plus all costs incurred, or (2) cancel the sale, retaining liquidated damages on all payments made by purchaser, Auctioneer commission and all other incidental damages will be charged. 19. Information in brochures, catalogs and other advertisements are from sources believed to be reliable; however prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the inventory or property to satisfy themselves as to condition, model, manufacturer, year, features, mileage, survey, acres, etc. Neither the Auctioneer or our client make any guarantees and are not responsible for listing or advertising inaccuracies or discrepancies. 20. All statements made by the Auctioneer the day of the auction take precedence over oral statements and/or printed materials. 21. Local Pickup is recommended for this Auction by the Dixon's Crumpton Auction. Buyer is responsible for bringing all Tools, Manpower, Boxes & Packing materials to remove the items in a timely manner. 22. SHIPPING: Local Pickup is recommended for this auction by Dixon's Auction at Crumpton. Buyer is responsible for bringing all tools, manpower, boxes & packing materials to remove the items in a timely manner. Dixon's Auction at Crumpton does not handle any shipping in-house. Shipping can either be arranged by the buyer with a shipper of your choice, or you can opt to have the local UPS Store of Chestertown, MD (Store #1198): pickup, package, and ship your items to you at their rates. The fee for this is determined by the UPS Store and is completely separate from your purchase with Dixon's Auction. Dixon's Auction does nothing for this process outside of facilitating pickup by adding you to our shipping queue if you so desire. We cannot give quotes or answer any questions on their behalf nor do we have any influence over their pricing. If you would like shipping either arranged yourself or via the UPS store please reply to your invoice that is sent out after the auction indicating this. *Please note that if you arrange your own shipping Dixon's Auction will only show the couriers to the items and will not be packing or loading any items for them. If you win an item and decide not to pay for shipping or pickup items yourself this does not entitle you to a refund on your purchase and will still be charged. If you opt to use the UPS store for shipping please follow the instructions that follow. **Please be aware if you choose to utilize shipping via the UPS store as outlined below you must reply through to your invoice or direct email ([email protected]) us to release your items for pickup. If this is the option you would like you do not need to contact them. UPS first pickup with us will be the Monday following the auction. If you opt to have the UPS store pack and ship your items please expect a a call or email within 48-72 hours after they have picked up from us for them to make the final shipping arrangements with you you do not need to contact them (they come twice weekly for pickup). Please realize there is an extreme delay in quotes for any items post auction because items confirmed for shipping take priority. If you request your items to be added to the shipping queue the UPS Store personnel will contact you to give you a final price and collect payment for their shipping. If you decide to not follow through with UPS shipping they will bring the items back to Dixon's Auction, at no cost to you, to allow you to arrange for other shipment or pickup options. 23. The Dixon's Crumpton Auction reserves the right to extend the bidding time if an error should occur with the online server. 24. By registering for the Auction you hereby agree to receive mail and/or email correspondence from Dixon’s Crumpton Auction from time to time. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office at (410) 928-3006 and request removal from the email mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. 25. PURCHASING FIREARMS: It is the prospective bidders responsibility to ensure that the item(s) they purchase can be legally owned in their State, County or Jurisdiction. The buyer is responsible for making sure all paperwork is completed with Himmel Firearms LLC and that any background checks are passed. Being unable to complete this process for any reason does not relieve the buyer of responsibility to pay for their purchases. Before bidding please read and understand our terms and conditions pertaining to REGULATED FIREARMS. We consider REGULATED FIREARMS to be any firearm that requires paperwork or background checks to legally transfer possession. If you bid on this item and FAIL A BACKGROUND CHECK the item will be FORFEITED. Pistol transfer fees are $65 per firearm. Long Gun transfer fees are $55. Out-of-state buyers to FFL transfer fees are $40 per firearm. If the purchaser holds their own FFL then transfer fees are $25 for the first firearm, pistol, or long gun and $10 per additional gun within the same auction. Pistols can only be transferred to MD residents (residents of any other state must transfer via an FFL in your state). Long guns may be transferred to MD, DE, PA, VA, or WV residents only (residents of any other state must transfer via an FFL in your state). Himmel Firearms will be onsite and available for pickup of this item on Wednesday 9am-4:30pm or Friday 10am-5pm or by appointment. THIS ITEM IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP ON THURSDAYS! Any guns listed as regulated in our catalog will not be changed unless we determine there was a clerical error. Himmel Firearms has final authority on the decision over what guns are considered regulated, THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE AND NO LISTINGS WILL BE CHANGED AFTER HIMMEL FIREARMS HAS MADE A DECISION. If a firearm is listed as modern or regulated it is on our FFL dealers ACQUISITION & DISPOSITION (A&D) book & will not be changed, meaning paperwork is required. The only means for firearms listed as regulated to be transferred is to complete transfer paperwork with a Federal background check, to ship to an FFL Dealer, or to determine eligibility of a C&R purchase with Himmel Firearms. The UPS store of Chestertown will not ship any guns, so for any shipping you must either make arrangements with Himmel Firearms or arrange shipping yourself if buying an antique or black powder gun that is unregulated. Interstate must be carried out (If Sister State eligible) or sent FFL to FFL by Himmel Firearms. If you have questions please ask before you bid as all sales are final. It is the buyer’s responsibility to provide the info of an FFL to whom any & all MODERN/REGULATED/MD BANNED firearms must be shipped. FFL dealers can email their information to Himmel Firearms, LLC at: [email protected] or call (888) 717-7683 with any questions. Shipping Instructions for Firearms: Himmel Firearms will handle the shipping of all firearms. Payment for the packing, materials, boxes, insurance, Signature Confirmation, handling & shipping of purchased lots is the sole responsibility of the buyer. Buyer is responsible for the actual cost of shipping. Buyer is also Responsible for a $40 Fee per Modern, Regulated or Maryland Banned Firearm for Our FFL Dealer to take the firearm off his books and Transfer it to your FFL Dealer. Shipping fees must be paid prior to the items being shipped. Shipping charges will be billed separately from the items won at auction. It may be up to 14-21 days time from the day that the invoice for items won is charged & the shipping charges are determined & charged. IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS TYPE OF SHIPPING CAN BE VERY EXPENSIVE. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN IF YOU CHOSE NOT TO HAVE YOUR ITEMS SHIPPED. Shipping may not be available on some larger sized items. These items will be marked in the catalog. If you purchase an item marked with shipping not available the buyer will be responsible for hiring a moving/freight company and pay all associated costs. Those items will have been stored at Himmel Firearms in 2017 Dudley Corners Road, Crumpton, MD 21628. Himmel Firearms will handle the shipping on all High Capacity Magazines offered online exceeding a Capacity of more than 10 rounds. It is illegal to transfer, sell or handout a magazine in the State of MD with a capacity above 10 Rounds. These magazines will only be shipped out of the state of Maryland to a jurisdiction where they are legal. If purchased and picked up in Maryland any oversized magazines will be withheld from the firearm. If possible you may make arrangements with our FFL to reduce the capacity of the magazine to fall into the legal range for MD residents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crumpton, Maryland 21628
Dixon's Auction at Crumpton does not handle any of the shipping directly. Shipping can either be arranged by the buyer or you can opt to have the local UPS Store of Chestertown, MD ( pickup, package, and ship your items to you at their rates. This is a separate charge paid directly to them that the auction has no control over nor can we answer any questions regarding what their rates are as they are a separate entity. If you would like shipping either arranged yourself or via the UPS store please reply to your invoice that is sent out after the auction indicating this. *Please note that if you arrange your own shipping Dixon's Auction will only show the couriers to the items and will not be packing or loading any items for them. If you win an item and decide not to pay for shipping or pickup items yourself this does not entitle you to a refund on your purchase and will still be charged.
This auction will be run as an online only live auction (no in person bidding). The first item will begin ending at 12:00 pm on February 8, 2024 and will proceed until the final item has concluded.
Storage Policy: Each item not picked up by end of day Friday of the week following an auction will be subject to a $5.00 fee for storage up to 30 days. Note that this service is not offered for shelf lots, container lots, or outside lots. Fee is PER item, meaning 5 items will equate to a $25.00 storage charge. Your credit card on file will be billed the Monday following an auction for any storage fees accrued. Items still in our possession at the end of 30 days will be automatically re-consigned by the buyer.
Pickup will not be available until the next business day. Pickup will be during normal business hours (9am to 4:30pm) until the following Friday (meaning at least 7 days) before storage fees will be assessed for non-pickup. | <urn:uuid:66fbd48a-cb9b-4165-9177-5ad6291e3551> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T13:43:03Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.937231 | 6,090 | 7,079 |
(Liquid error (sections/product-template line 142): divided by 0% off)
The Toner Perfector Package is one of our best international sellers designed for light-fair-medium & dark skin tones. The package includes: 2oz Tone Perfector Night Lotion, 2oz Tone Perfector, Day Moisturizer, 1oz Sunscreen, 1 Bar Night Soap,1 Bar Anti-Aging Morning Soap...
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The Toner Perfector Package is one of our best international sellers designed for light-fair-medium & dark skin tones. The package includes: 2oz Tone Perfector Night Lotion, 2oz Tone Perfector, Day Moisturizer, 1oz Sunscreen, 1 Bar Night Soap,1 Bar Anti-Aging Morning Soap
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We now offer international shipping on all Glow Skin Enhancement orders. Once you check out on our website and place your order you agree that you may be liable to Custom duties and fee’s that may be applied at your final destination. If custom duties are applied you will need to pay for this before your package is delivered to you. We suggest once you order from our website you pay attention to your tracking updates in regards to custom duties, as if there is no response from the customer your order will be returned back to us. If your order is returned to us your payment for your order will be automatically refunded and you’d need to place a new order on our website. Shipping fee’s will be non-refundable once your package is returned.
Mrs. Charolette literally saved my face!! I was so broke out. It was terrible! I tried every single thing you can think of. It wasn’t until my sister Brittney and her friend Jessica introduced me to Mrs. Charolette that my hyperpigmentation and acne breakouts finally stopped. I loveee Mrs. Charolette!
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Glowskin Enhancement has changed my life. My experience has been top tier
Had acne scars and uneven tone. The tone perfector helped alot.
This is my second order of the Toner Perfector package. I just love it! It takes my skin to the next level. It lightens my dark spots (moles) and tones my skin. I Iove that it comes in a nice bag that you can reuse. It comes with instructions so you can get the most benefit from this system. Don't sleep on this -- get it today!
I love all these products. I was so disappointed went to Beverly Center did not know it had moved. It is time for me to buy- you no longer have the pay in 3 months?
I have been using the Tone Perfector package for a week and I really see the difference. Before I put make up yesterday my boyfriend complimented me on my skin so I know it’s working. I will be sending 30 day before and after pictures. Thank you.
Glow Skin Enhancement products are incredible! They are the one beauty staple I will never be without. I suffered with spots and scars on my legs since I was a child. Nothing would get rid of the marks until I tried the GSE body line. The scars started to fade with the first kit I ordered. I’ve ordered a few and now they are almost completely gone! Now I can go bare-legged all year round without having to use leg makeup. Thank you so much GSE for your incredible products! You’ve found a lifelong customer in me.
This product helped me get clearer skin, no make up or filter needed ☺️
I AM GRATEFUL I was afraid of using anything on my skin to correct the discoloration in total fear of getting lighter where I didn't want to. This package helped even it out and gave my skin a shimmer it has NEVER had so I knew it was the product and not a coincidence of me doing anything else.
Tone Perfector I never liked makeup because my skin is super sensitive. Glow skin tone perfector was PERFECT for my skin. With Glow skin makeup is a choice not a necessity!
This product has helped This product has helped my daughter ands I tremendously with clearing our skin
Ur products are amazing. Ummmmmmmm ma’am just take all my money lol. Ur products are amazing.
I've used the lip lightener love it I've used the lip lightener love it
Results already!! I’ve been using this product for only a week and it’s amazing. Results already!!
Charlotte is most definitely a life changer.❤️ I’ve been using the Toner Perfector Paackage for over a year. I had severe hyperpigmentation on my face as well as waxing & tweezing damage. Within 10 days I saw a drastic change. The dark spots had already faded so much. My skin had a beautiful glow & I was able to leave the house without foundation for the first time in 10 years. Charlotte is most definitely a life changer.❤️
is the best product I have ever use '@glowskinenhancement is the best product I have ever use now 1 year I use it I’m so happy with my result
its worth every penny Glow skin enhancement is the only product that I’ve used that’s actually provided real and immediate results! The texture of my skin drastically improved and I know have an even, glowy complexion. Though it is a bit pricey, its worth every penny and I vowed that I will not be using anything else on my skin!!
Forever will be a client of yours Literally just got done using your products. Forever will be a client of yours
Literally my holy grail products for great skin ✨ Glow skin has helped me so much with my hyperpigmentation and gives me a great glow!! Literally my holy grail products for great skin ✨
gives me confidence '@glowskinenhancement gives me confidence to wear a bare face anytime I want❤️
Glow skin has helped me with acne & hyperpigmentation Glow skin has helped me with acne & hyperpigmentation that I’ve been trying to get rid of since middle school! Amazing products ,never looking back
It’s the quality for me! I’ve dealt with hyperpigmentation most of my life and honestly, it lowered my self-esteem. I would wear makeup any time I stepped foot outside.. even a quick run to the store. I’ve dealt with people commenting about me choosing to wear makeup constantly, and it annoyed me because they hadn’t known how I was feeling about my own skin. I was introduced to GlowSkinEnhancement’s products, and I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t been life changing. It boosted my self esteem tremendously. I never wore makeup while using their products, and was able to confidently walk outside being bare-faced. It’s the quality for me!
I will always be grateful Using this product has giving me my confidence back and for that I will always be grateful that I found this product.
Hyperpigmentation where? ❤️ I love skin my skin clear up tremendously since I started using @glowskinenhancement Hyperpigmentation where? ❤️
no more flare ups!!! Ever since I have been using your eczema products on my baby girl... no more flare ups!!! Currently using your cream for her hyperpigmentation
my skin looking the best it’s ever had IN MY LIFE! Honestly % has my skin looking the best it’s ever had IN MY LIFE! I’ve tried EVERYTHING and this was the only thing that worked
removed my hyperpigmentation completely!!! Glow skin is the only thing that removed my hyperpigmentation completely!!! I had it all around my mouth and struggled for years- all gone now. I will never go back to using anything other than glowskin
worth it! This set is worth it!
Charlotte is the real deal I met Charlotte five year ago, my skin was in pretty bad shape. She worked her magic, and i have been a believer and friend ever since. Charlotte is the real deal, her products work magic.
I love love love it. I have been using @glowskinenhancement since I have been working from home at the start of April. The first week of using the product I noticed an instant change in my skin tone and texture. I am hooked on this product. It says exactly what it does and that’s why I will be a forever client. Then I ordered the night serum BABY!!!❤️❤️ that was butter cream icing on the cake. I love love love it. I get so many compliments on how healthy my skin looks. #makeupfree #anaturalbeautyqueen #glowskinforlife
I'm so thankful for her Hi - my name is Amber, I've been using Glow Skin Enhancement since June 11, 2020, this product has changed my life in so many ways. Ms. Charlotte discovered things about my skin the dermatologist had no clue about, she really is gifted from God! I had rhinoplasty in the early 90's, I thought my nose was crooked from the surgery, but Ms. Charlotte discovered a cyst deep underneath the surface of my nose which was making my nose crooked! She removed the cyst, and my nose is straight! I'm so thankful for her, she treats everyone the same, celebrity or not, and she's very straight forward! I would like to know more about how to get my own skincare line produced by Ms. Charlotte. I would like to share her gift with other women I know who suffer from low self esteem and depression due to severe acne and skin discoloration
every product feels custom made glow skin enhancement is everything I needed it to be and more. cosmetic surgery bottled up! Love that every product feels custom made just for me!
skin is as glowing I’ve been using Glow Skin for 6 months now and my skin is as glowing as it can be. I started breaking out randomly during last Spring and glow skin helped me stop the breakouts n clear the dark marks that they created
my skin is glowing ❤️ Your products really transformed my skin like literally I tried so many products that didn’t work. I’m so grateful I never thought I would be able to have clear skin I’ve started your products since January its definitely been a journey now my skin is glowing ❤️
my skin is popping! I love this line of products. I had quite a bit of hyperpigmentation. Now, my skin is popping!
given me my confidence back Glow Skin has given me my confidence back after suffering from hyperpigmentation and dark lips.. I’ve been using the Women’s Package since 3/20 and Dark Lip serum BOTH have worked wonders.. I’m a forever customer. Thanks Ms.Charlotte ❤️
Amazing Amazing, gentle yet effective products. My skin hasn’t looked this good in years.
my face has never been soo clear I’ve used the Klean Lot and all of my hyperpigmentation on my face is gone, my face has never been soo clear , beat products I’ve ever used
clear complexion Ive been on a total journey with @glowskinenhancement and it’s been extremely transformative. From removing my moles to giving me a clear complexion I couldn’t ask for better... I’ve also recommended the product to any and everyone who compliments my skin
GLOWING!! THANK YOU for what you do. It has been 5 months and my skin definitely looks so much better. I am GLOWING UP AND LOVING IT!
Changed My Life! MOOK (Shermetrius) and Sherdonna referred me and it’s literally changed my life ever since! Lol so thanks again! Your products are blessed and blessing lives! My confidence has gone through the roof!
HAS MY SKIN GLOWING I’ve been using the eczema soap bar, day cream, night serum, and night cream for only a month and already see a huge difference. The way these products has my skin glowing is amazing!!
brighter skin I ordered some of your products during your sale in July. I was skeptical because this was a blind buy, and with a history of PCOS, acne, and eczema I wasn’t sure if anything would help the unevenness in skin tone, acne scarring etc. I’m happy to say that two months later after using your toner package and my skin is definitely brighter and marks are starting to fade! My neck has lightened and the persistent acne on my chest even went away! The changes for me were gradual but I definitely see a difference scrolling through selfies! Unfortunately by being a nurse and having to wear masks for so long, “maskne” keeps trying to wreak havoc on my lower jawline but after giving my skin a few weeks break I’m about to start on your light and clear package that I also got in my last order. Praying for a good outcome!
CLEARS DARK MARKS I’ve been using Glow Skin for 6 months now and my skin is as glowing as it can be. I started breaking out randomly during last Spring and glow skin helped me stop the breakouts n clear the dark marks that they created
FLAWLESS SKIN the night exfoliation cream, under eye cream and tone perfector package literally changed my life. it's a gift and a curse, gift because my skin was flawless (still is but i'm reminiscing), stopped almost everywhere i went. curse because the level of hateration dramatically increased. flipped that curse into a gift though, i'm like the teflon don now!
IT REALLY WORKS FORREAL!! The eye and facial products Changed my skin, and fast! It really works Forreal!! Love you guys products
Even skin tone Glow skin enhancement has helped even out my skin tone it's a lot brighter now. It was definitely worth the price by the way I use the toning set. I also just wish the moisturizer came in bigger sizes.
THESE PRODUCTS ARE GOLD I’ve been using your skin care line for about 6 months now and my skin is beautiful! I barely wear any makeup. I’ve even gotten all of my family and friends using the line after they have seen my transformation. These products are GOLD !!
its working I am almost 2 months in on using @glowskinenhancement I’m battling acne, scars, & hyperpigmentation. So far I do believe it’s working. My cheeks are purging but I’m sticking with the program! Can’t wait to see the results after 90 days.
transformed my skin Your products really transformed my skin like literally I tried so many products that didn’t work. I’m so grateful I never thought I would be able to have clear skin I’ve started your products since January its definitely been a journey now my skin is glowing ❤️
HAPPY Very happy with your products. They enhanced my skin with glowing and flawless results!
Hyperpigmentation gone!! Hyperpigmentation gone!!
MY SKIN IS POPPING! I love this line of products. I had quite a bit of hyperpigmentation. Now, my skin is popping!
LIFETIME CUSTOMER Glow skin enhancement has been a game changer for me, the products are effective, and easy to use. I always longed for the “glow” I saw celebrities with and I had searched everywhere, from having chemical peels/using super expensive products but nothing worked. I came across her page and now I VOW to be a lifetime customer.
GLOW & EVEN TONE Gave me that extra glow and and even tone
THANK YOU My skin is like a babies bottom!!!!! Thank you @glowskinenhancement
SKIN LOOKING FLAWLESS I have very sensitive skin and after use of @glowskinenhancement my skin was left looking flawless.
MY SKIN IS NICE My transformation is amazing!! It’s like I had a dark cloud over my face and now people keep telling me my skin is nice! I feel so much more confident. YouTube video coming soon!! Thank you @glowskinenhancement
Love the products!! Love the products!! My skin so very clear and tone. Has a natural glow. Best products ever. I have many products but Glowskin is are the only I use
smooth an clear skin I love these products! My skin has gotten so much more smooth and clear
Love this product Love this product the soap and eye cream did wonders for me Thank you @glowskinenhancement
I LOVE THE PRODUCTS I love the products--my skin has a beautiful glow and I even have my teenager using it as well!
SAVED MY SKIN Glow skin saved my skin and gave me@ability to live and go out makeup free! Like literally no makeup
ON MY WAY TO CLEAR FLAWLESS SKIN Glow skin has allowed me to have more confidence because I struggled with acne and hyperpigmentation since 2009 and I'm on my way to clear flawless skin. Thanks to Charlotte
SKIN FEELS ALIVE '@glowskinenhancement has evened out my skin tone. Skin feels alive
Helped clear my skin Helped clear my skin and I have such a beautiful GLOW @glowskinenhancement
LOVE LOVE LOVE '@glowskinenhancement has really made my skin glow I get so many compliments on my love love the products
HYPERPIGMENTATION IS GONE My hyperpigmentation is gone and so are my spots
THESE PRODUCTS ARE REALLY HELPING ME These products are really helping me with hyperpigmentation. My skin is beginning to GLOW@glowskinemhancement
PRODUCTS HAVE ME GLOWING The products literally have me glowing. I had a visit in March then covid hit and I haven’t been able to come back. I need more night oil, night cream and day cream
CLEAR SKIN The products have cleared my hyperpigmentation ❤️
FLAWLESS SKIN My skin is flawless. Profile pic w no makeup or filter. Love the skin I’m in.
Radiant + Glowing My skin is now radiant and glowing. Love the products!
IN LOVE Love love love your products!!!!
AMAZING PRODUCTS I love your products, my skin looks transformed
Amazing I will never use any other product from any other skin care line. My absolute go to.
Charlotte is a God send! She has a true gift of removing layers of damaged skin and revealing YOUR BEST SELF! I have never seen my best skin until NOW! It's like I am meeting myself for the very first time and I owe it to Glow Skin! Thank you so much for changing my life Charlotte, I am riding for your brand FOREVER! Love ya!!
Amazing! I have bought a few things from Charlotte but this package right here is by far my favorite! I purchased 1 for me and 1 for my daughter and it has basically lifted the dead skin from both of our faces! I love this package!
Amazing Skin Regiment These are some of the best products I have ever used! Charlotte has created a wonderful line to help clear, brighten and smooth your skin. Your skin will absolutely glow using Charlotte’s products and she cares so much about her clientele going above beyond. Truly a must on your journey to clear beautiful skin!
Amazing Skin Regiment ! These are some of the best products I have ever used! Charlotte has created a wonderful line to help clear, brighten and smooth your skin. Your skin will absolutely glow using Charlotte’s products and she cares so much about her clientele going above beyond. Truly a must on your journey to clear beautiful skin!
It Works! it just works! P I’ve used this brand’s entire product line, and it all just works! The products do what the descriptions say they will do and will literally leave your skin glowing. Every friend that I’ve recommended these products to, all have had the same results, and that’s clearer, brighter, smoother glowing skin. Feels good to finally have found a product that works!
Medium to Dark Skin Tone PLEASE READ First let me say that the tone corrector lotion smells great. The package definitely brightens up your dark spots and resurfaces your face, but makes you very very light. Be prepared to wear makeup because you will go up 4 shades lighter. I am actress Robin Givens complexion, and now I am actress Nicole Ari Parker complexion. I stopped using it so that I can eventually go back to my original hue. It works, but you will have a side effect of looking like Michael Jackson while using it. Gave 4 stars bevause it does work, but wish I didn't have to get so light in the process.
Best Stain Remover Ever!!! This is a wonderful product. i feel so beautiful now..after years of sun damage..My skin looks and feels amazing...Thanks GSE
Bought This For My Wife 1 week Ago She is glowing like she did when she was pregnant withg our child...I'm impressed!!1
The Holy Grail of Skin Care!! I am so happy to have found these products! I have been dealing with tinea versicolor for ages and I’ve tried everything from sulfur 8 and selsun blue to tea tree oil and expensive creams and exfoliators ... nothing worked! But these products do!! I love love LOVE Glow Skin Enhancement! Thank you Ms. Charlotte
Beautiful & Best Product Ever I have used Glow Skin Enhancement on and off for years, My skin looks younger and has a glow. I'm never going to try another product again. I really like how Ms Wilson always updating products, including things like face vitamins & moisturizers. Really love her products. .
First Time User I just ordered mine today, then I decided to read the reviews. I'm very pleased with the success stories. I can't wait to try my products when they arrive. I will write my review after I try them. Thanks for the reviews, now I feel better about my purchase. Thanks, Glow Skin for designing products for all skin and all skin types. I will give a review based on the success stories I read today.
Beautiful Founder Made Me Chance Glow Skin My skin is softer and brighter. Your product is easy to use and worth every penny. At 63 years of age, I'm looking forward to more results. I am excited about throwing my makeup out. I met the Founder here in The Woodlands and when I saw just beautiful. Her skin was amazing and all the advertisement I needed to take my chance. Thanks, Glow Skin.
Dr. Smith I have been using Glow Skin Tone Perfector for about 2 weeks now. My skin feels and looks great! My patients tell me that I look younger every time they see me and that makes me feel great about my self!! Thank you Glow Skin Enhancement!
Amazing Product! My skin is smoother and softer. My pores diminished to almost a close, my discoloration and sun damaged faded completely. It made the lines on my face less deep and it gave my skin a more youthful look. Everyone is definitely noticing the difference.. love the product
Great results within a week! I have been using Glow Skin Tone Perfector a little over a month. My skin is super soft and much brighter in appearance. I saw results within a week, I swear...
Awesome Products! I met Mrs. Wilson here in The Woodlands at our annual Charity Golf Events. This woman has an incredible passion for her products and a guarantee belief (Faith). So I took a sample, I must admit it rested on my countertop for a week or so. Each night I would notice the product and remember the passion this woman had for what she designed and believed in. I finally tried it, amazing, I tell you in 5 days my age spots and rough skin looked new, I was then hooked. I continued using the 14-day sample and before the end, I had ordered my complete package. I also ordered all my nieces and nephews a package for Christmas.
Customer For Life!! Love it I am absolutely in love with this product. I didn't tell anyone I was ordering Glow Skin Enhancement as I wanted to see if it really lived up to as advertised by the company. The first day I used it I immediately noticed a difference in my skin tone and texture, it felt so soft. Within 3 days my husband noticed how wonderful my skin looked, he said I was glowing, shortly after that my friends started noticing a difference in my appearance. I look younger, refreshed and yes glowing. My only regret is that I didn't order sooner. I am a customer for life. Thanks to The Founder. I met her in person and her passion SOLD me and the product made me a believer.
No More Age Spots! I purchased this about a month ago because my skin looked terrible with some rosacea and aging lines and spots. It has been a wonderful product and my face is almost 100% clear. My lines have diminished, my pores are completely closed and age spots disappeared. I can actually see my eyelids again and my face is soft, not dry. AWESOME product!!
Seriously!! It's simple to use! I noticed the difference within a couple of days.
"Love Love Love" Love this product I have started the regimen, started with the sample package, and received my first full order. Absolutely love how easy it is to follow the steps, my skin feels so much smoother, even, and the eye wrinkles have decreased substantially. Can't wait to see what the results after my 30 day period is going to be like. This stuff actually works, makes skin so healthy, smooth and beautiful I'm so very glad I finally gave it a try. Try this you'll never go back to your old routine even if you want to.
My Skin Feels Softer & Looks New I am almost through my first 30 days. My skin is definitely softer and the blotchiness has disappeared. I do see a flawless, radiant, glow on my skin. Keep in mind, I had a large area of hyperpigmentation on my skin. The only issue was the instructions are somewhat confusing when it comes to using the serum. I called for how to use. Customer service explained and now it makes sense. It would be nice to have a list that says what order to use the products in if you use all of them. I give 5 stars...Thanks to the designer.
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Performing shaving frequently on customers is a demanding task that not only requires skills, but also the gears that can match the level of effort. The best foil shaver for barbers will equip you with a device that’ll not only help you get your job done, but also allow you to do that with utmost comfort and efficiency.
Such a device can allow your growth as a barber too, as these are equipped with the most advanced technology that no one ever thought could exist. These shavers generate the cleanest of looks with a smooth experience both for you and your client.
This article guides you through the process of picking such high-performing foil shavers that you can use frequently everyday in your barber shop. Also, it gives you some of the top-notch options that you can choose from by going through their prominent features.
So keep scrolling until you reach the end and take a step forward toward making your shop the most renowned one in your area!
- 7 Premium Foil Shavers Barbers Can Buy In 2022
- Braun Series 9 Pro 9465cc Electric Foil Shaver
- Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65 Shaver for Men
- Braun Series 8 8417s Electric Foil Shaver
- Braun Series 7 790cc Electric Foil Shaver
- BaBylissPRO BLACKFX Metal Foil Shaver
- Panasonic ARC5 ES-LV67-K Electric Razor for Men
- Andis 17220 Pro Foil Lithium Plus Titanium Foil Shaver
- 6 Must-have Features For Barber’s Foil Shavers
Top 7 Foil Shaver Comparison Chart
7 Premium Foil Shavers Barbers Can Buy In 2022
As a barber, you’ll be looking for a device that lasts for a long time, satisfies your customers and is easy for you to operate. Taking all the barber-based demands into account, our experts have listed down 7 of the best foil shavers in the market. Picking any of them based on your taste should win the hearts of your customers.
Braun Series 9 is one of the most prominent shaver serieses for barbers that is made to perform for frequent shaving on all types of hair. This electric foil shaver has every necessary feature to make your barber-shop the most famous one in the neighborhood with giving you utmost shaving comfort and premium results. With this, you’ll find your clients coming back to you every weekend!
Made to endure simultaneous shaves and heavy-duty operations, Braun Series 9 Pro is aesthetically pleasing as well with the gray & shiny body and superior grip. It features the new flexible ProHead which is designed to shave beards of any length, from a one day beard to a seven day stubble. It can easily shave hair that is sized below 0.05 mm!
Barbers all across the globe find this device highly attractive because the AutoSense technology included in this shaver automatically adjusts the power of the motor according to the beard’s density, making your work feel like a piece of cake while giving your client unmatched comfort! The shaver’s head holds a Precision Switch that directly locks the shaver’s head and lets you cut off all the hair from the trickiest of areas.
Braun implements their most innovative ProLift technology that can capture and cut hair that is lying flat. With this, the Sonic technology lets you shave 10% faster than regular foil shavers with 10,000 micro-vibration while following the contour of your clients’ face. It can shave extremely close to the skin and give you the smoothest outcome without making any skin-blade contact. You’ll be surprised to see how easy shaving becomes with modern technology and saves tons of time!
For further efficiency, the device comes with a 5-in-1 SmartCare center where you can place your shaver between each shave and have it automatically cleaned hygienically, lubricate, dry and charge your razor. Between one customer to another, you won’t have to cater to these needs at all, as you can simply place it in the dock and forget it exists until your next customer arrives, and you’ll find it all ready to perform again! If that’s not the level of control you want as a barber, then what is!
It comes with all the necessary accessories that include a cleaning cartridge, a carry-pouch made of leather and brush for cleaning. If you want you can shave your clients both wet & dry since it’s 100% waterproof and can work perfectly with both foam and gel. Its portability is enhanced by the built-in Li-Ion battery that can run relentlessly for 60 minutes after a full charge. That’s not all! There’s also a 5-minute quick charge option that’ll save you tons of time in the days where your shop is booming with customers.
This is the best product to be had and you won’t regret even a single penny spending on it as it’ll give you twice the outcome with all the features, efficiency and comfort. It’s made to serve you at least 7 years with a high-quality build and you’ll have one less thing to worry about during frequent shavings.
Panasonic has been the go-to choice for barbers for over many years because of their quality, service and ease of use. Clients always compliment the neat & clean outcome they get from a Panasonic shaver and the level of comfort it provides to both ends is rarely seen in other products of such kind. The Arc5 foil shaver from Panasonic seeks to further enhance their reputation and it could easily be claimed as the next best foil shaver for barbers.
This unique shaver includes not one, not two, but five foil blades to perform with a neat outcome. The blades feature a 30° Nanotech blade technology that are designed specifically to be used on facial skin and offer you a result that you’ll rarely see in foil shavers. It includes Arc foils that conveniently follow the facial contour and gives you a very close shave. You can use lubrication to your blades to maximize the lifespan until you find the need for replacement.
The blades in this shaver are made out of premium Japanese stainless steel that minimizes any sort of skin irritation. They are made to be hypoallergenic so there won’t be any allergic reaction from all the clients you perform your shaving duties on. This shaver features a MultiFlex pivoting head with a linear motor that is made to deliver 14,000 cuts per minute with 70,000 crosscutting actions. This ensures that you complete your task for one client extremely fast and move on to the next efficiently.
The package from Panasonic comes with a replacement combo set for the inner blades and outer foil. It is advised that you replace the blades once every year to maintain the sharp cutting edge. Replacing or installing the blades is very easy and it can be done in the blink of an eye. There is a built-in pop up trimmer within this shaver so you’ll be shaving, trimming and drawing edges with just a press of a button in a matter of seconds! Efficiency can’t get any better than this!
You’ll be able to give your clients both wet and dry shaves and it can maintain peak power till the end of each charge. The body features an LCD indicator which shows the battery life in 10 stages. Overall, this is the most uniquely built deluxe foil shaver that’ll make the life of a barber significantly comfortable and give the clients a congenial, super close shave.
The Series 8 shaver from Braun is another deluxe foil shaver in their line of production. Concentrating on durability, user-experience and advanced technology, this lands in the market as one of the most convenient picks for barbers. It is guaranteed that your clients will always come back to you for the close and comfortable it’ll be able to generate within a matter of minutes!
This shaver features a unique blade system like the Series 9 shaver with 5 stainless steel blades paired with a pop up trimmer. The trimmer can be used for certain areas on the face to style and edge, while the foil head gives your client the most neat shave. The Precision Switch locks the head so that your precision trimmer can perform, removing any chance of accident and saves battery life.
The foil unit comes with Braun’s top-tier AutoSense technology which can detect the beard density of your client and adjust the motor’s power accordingly, giving you battery efficiency and the most perfect shave. This saves a lot of time and effort on your end, and generates significantly charming results on the clients.
The 5 foil blades will give your clients a supremely close shave up to 0.05 mm length without making any skin to blade contact. This fantastic feat is achieved due to the blade orientation and technology. The 40 degree adapting head with floating blades won’t make your clients’ skin feel a thing! The way this shaver performs is matched with the deluxe design as well. The silver body is protected by three layers of high quality coating which prevents smudge and maintains aesthetic beauty.
This shaver unit can perform both in wet & dry mode and can easily be rinsed under shower due to its complete waterproof nature. The 5-in-1 SmartCare Center included in the package will save you significant time and effort for charging, cleaning and maintaining it. This battery powered unit can run 60 minutes on one charge with a powerful Li-Ion battery and has a 5-minute quick charge capability.
It is indeed a barber’s dream come true, as it does all the hard work for you. It only demands your skills & expertise to produce the most ravishing and convenient shaving outcomes.
Another Braun product that has made it in our list of best foil shavers for barbers is the Series 7 shaver. With guaranteed clean shave every time and the best customer satisfaction, this shaver is one regular choice for barbers who have to shave their clients frequently.
Built with all the patented technology by Braun, the Series 7 shaver is a dream device for all the barbers out there. This makes your everyday job extremely easier as the machine does a lot of work for you! The Sonic technology by Braun produces 10,000 micro-vibrations each minute that can remove all the facial hair in one glide where a regular shaver would require two.
ActiveLift trimmer captures the flat hair in your face and removes them near the root. The OptiFoil can shave the hair down to the size of 0.05 mm without making any contact with the skin. Such technology paired with little shaving time makes it an ideal choice for barbers who would frequently need to shave their clients with the highest degree of quality.
This device has three cutting elements and a skin guard for added safety. This along with synergized foil and blades gives you an effective solution to every shaving based problem. Made with blades of stainless steel, this shaver weighs under a kilogram and its weight renders it usable for all day long without getting your hand tired.
The 5 Turbo/Sensitive modes featured in the shaver can adapt to any type of skin, with 8-D contour adaptation following every skin wrinkle and gives you a close shave even in the most difficult areas. The cordless shaving operation can run for 50 minutes at a stretch after a full charge and the battery indicator shows the remaining charge in three steps.
The docking station charges, cleans and dries the shaver and the smart device can automatically adjust its power output based on the hair density. This package is one of the best deals you’ll ever get for a foil shaver intended for barbers, as it’s convenient and comes with all the necessary features & accessories to satisfy your customers.
As a barber, you should always keep looking for solutions that are easy-going yet highly-effective, and the BaBylissPRO BLACKFX foil shaver built of metal gives you exactly that opportunity. A super lightweight and handy shaver that’s made to fit easily in the palm of your hands and allow you maximum potential for operating on your clients’ face.
This shaver by BaBylissPRO is a full-size unit featured with a powerful Ferrari motor. Having such energy allows you to shave your customers with an extra-close shave and get a premium-looking outcome. The foil blades are hypoallergenic, which means it won’t trigger any sort of allergic reaction and it’s convenient for barbers as the same device will be used on different customers.
This shaver unit includes 8 clipper guards between the sizes of 1/16” to 3/4″ that gives you flexibility of sizes and ensures maximum skin safety. The high carbon stainless steel blades are made for durability and have 5-detent taper control to enable you diverse styling potential. This device is made solely for dry shaves, so you can’t use foam or gel, or use it in wet conditions. If you wash your blades, you must make sure to mop or blow dry your blades before using them again.
This unit is specifically designed for hair lengths below 1/10” and it runs with a powerful Li-Ion battery. One full charge can see it run for around 2 hours straight which is a big plus if you have frequent customers with shaving requests! BaByliss offers 2 years warranty for this product and the package includes a storage pouch for better organizing this unit.
This shaver might not have all the advanced technologies like the other shavers in the list, but it gives you almost similar comfort and outcomes at such a price point that it’ll be a crime to miss out on this!
The Panasonic Arc5 series is their top of the line foil shaver device for commercial use due to its astonishing result, advanced features and durable design. The ES-LV67-K shaver has every potential to be a barber’s everyday choice for shaving duties, and a customer’s preference to keep coming back to the same barber shop.
This Arc5 unit is designed in the most authentic and strikingly premium way with a smooth black finishing. You’ll fall in love with the design at first sight because it radiates a superior quality that isn’t usually seen in such foil shavers. Weighing only 0.18 kilograms, this shaver features a high performance Arc5 motor that can perform 70,000 cross cuts per minute. It means that you’ll have to work less and save time on each client while offering them the smoothest of shaving experience.
The 5-blade system in this shaver causes no irritation to the skin and gives your customers an ultimate close shave without making any skin-blade contact. The flexible 16-D shaving head can pivot effortlessly across any type of skin at the most difficult areas and give you the cleanest looking outcome. The implemented Advanced Intelligent Shave Sensor technology detects the hair density 220 times per second and re-adjusts its settings 14 times each second to generate the optimum impact.
The precision trimmer is honed to an acute 30 degrees that offers versatile operations. The trimmer is built-in to the shaver’s body and can do quick trimming jobs in a matter of seconds. This shaver can perform in both dry and wet conditions. The 100% waterproof rating makes it ready for rinsing under water without any worry. The battery can run your shaver for 45 minutes at each full charge cycle and a 3 minute quick charge can give your client a complete shave. The LED display will show you the level of remaining charge for your convenience.
Overall, this Panasonic shaver ticks every box of superlatives that a barber needs to have in their foil shavers, and it goes hands down as the most efficient expense. Because once you have this beast device in your arsenal, you’ll never look for another shaver for years.
This Andis Pro foil shaver might feel like an underdog in this list of deluxe shavers, but it is anything but that. Some of the most prominent barber shops in the USA have been using Andis products only and are achieving great success. So if you want to call it something, call it a dark horse, because Andis 17220 Pro might just be the best foil shaver for barbers in the market, considering every aspect and features.
This shaver is a travel sized one, which means it’ll be easier for you to use for longer durations everyday. A copper colored shaver featured with titanium blades that are made to last the longest time, weighs astoundingly low, only 0.09 kg! This unique shaver features a staggered head that can give your customers a very close shave. And the motor included in this compact device can handle heavy-duty tasks without overheating.
The titanium blades are hypoallergenic foils that ensure skin safety of the highest order. Apart from shaving, you can use this device for stubble hair and all the fade haircuts. Although it might seem small and lacks all the automatic technology, it does perform like a beast in terms of shaving. For example, the octagonal foil shapes grab the hair better and cut them off without making any contact with the skin.
The blades include dual and independent drive shafts that maximize its performance while giving the most efficient & clean shaves. It features a Lithium-Ion battery that can give you 80 minutes of runtime without any pause! This shaver won’t make your clients feel any drag, pull or halt during shaving, and considering the compact size, price and performance, this is undoubtedly one of the most irresistible foil shavers for professional barbers!
6 Must-have Features For Barber’s Foil Shavers
As there are plenty of foil shavers available in the market, very few are designed to cater to a barber’s specific needs. Our experts have listed down 6 of the must-have qualities that you should check before making your next purchase, because having these in your shaver will make your barber life as easy as ABC.
- Weight & Design
The best foil shaver for barbers should feature an ergonomic design with a very low weight. These two combined together help out a lot, because as a barber you’ll be spending a lot of time each day handling the shaver from client to client. On a long day, these factors take a toll on you and might get your hand exhausted from all the frequent work. Having a design and weight that lets you perform longer is a big necessity while picking your shaver.
- Powerful Motor
A powerful and versatile motor is highly-necessary for barber shavers. Having motors with such capability ensures a quick and effortless shave for your customers. These also guarantee that there’s no tugs or pulls and you’ll be able to glide over only once to get the cleanest shave. It’ll save you a lot of time and effort, and at the same time leave you customers smiling with satisfaction.
Having all the necessary accessories for shaver shop devices is absolutely essential. Cleaning kit, charging docks, brushes sets you free from a lot of hassle and lets you focus solely on your client’s shaving needs. Also, having spare blades with the package can easily have you sit tight for a couple of years without feeling the need to buy anything extra.
The price point is an important aspect for buying heavy-duty shavers. As a barber, you must acknowledge the fact that you’ll be relentlessly running your shaver unit and it needs to be sturdy to withstand all of that. Such a high-degree of product can cost a little extra, but know that your money will be worth spending once you get used to the durability and comfort such shavers offer.
Since your device would go through a regular shaving process everyday, you must make sure that it comes with a warranty should any malfunction happen. Having longer and premium warranty support will take a big burden off your shoulders and you’ll be more convinced to invest your money on something a little more expensive.
Now that you’ve reached the end of this article, you must be wondering: what do the experts say about the best foil shaver for barbers? Which one is it from the list? Well, if we have to pick one, we’d recommend the Braun Series 9 Pro, and here’s why:
While the Braun Series 9 and Panasonic Arc5 share almost identical features and advanced technologies, the 5-in-1 dock that comes with Braun is a life-saving aspect of innovation. It cuts down time to clean, charge and every other maintenance that you would manually have to do between shaves.
The rest of the products can serve you well as well, considering they each come at a certain price range and that limits the extent of features to be included. If the dock isn’t your priority, you can easily opt for the Arc5 LV67. But overall, our experts have found the Braun Series 9 to be the perfect fit in every aspect for your barber-shop. | <urn:uuid:f9dbdce0-b280-486c-bbf3-171cb087257a> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:12:53Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.930256 | 4,447 | 4,948 |
Starting a finance blog is like opening a door to a world of financial knowledge and empowerment. It’s your chance to make money matters less confusing, share smart tips, and help others manage their money better.
Whether you’re a finance whiz or just love talking about money, a finance blog lets you connect with folks who want to improve their finances. You can cover topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and more—all without getting too complicated.
However, to build a successful blog, you need to write content your market finds valuable, position yourself as an expert in your field, and find exciting topics people want to read about.
We know how challenging all these can be, so we created this guide to help you.
Below, we take you through the critical steps to starting a finance blog. By the end of this article, you will have all the knowledge you need for this new venture.
Table of Contents
Why Start a Finance Blog?
Here are some good reasons to start a finance blog:
Make Money: You can earn cash by promoting financial products, selling courses, or offering coaching. As your traffic grows, you can also make money through ads and sponsored content.
High Earning Potential: On average, finance blogs make about $9,296 per month, according to a survey by Authority Hacker. That’s a lot because finance content is valuable and popular.
Become an Authority: Blogging can help you become an expert in finance and connect you with other finance professionals, which could lead to better job opportunities and chances to speak publicly.
Community Building: You can bring people together who share an interest in finance and help each other make smarter money choices.
- Build Trust: If you’re in finance professionally, offering valuable advice online can earn trust from potential clients, showing them you’re a reliable expert.
How to Start a Finance Blog in 8 Steps
1. Narrow Down Your Finance Niche
Choosing the right topic for your finance blog is important. It helps you focus on a specific audience and show off your expertise in a particular area of finance.
To really succeed, you need to narrow down your focus.
Trying to compete with big finance blogs without a niche is tough. But when you specialize, you can become an expert and build trust with your readers.
Imagine you’re searching for debt payoff tips. Who would you trust more?
- A) Someone who’s tackled debt themselves and talks about it a lot on their blog.
- B) A general finance blog that covers lots of topics but only briefly mentions debt.
Most likely, you’d pick option A because they know their stuff.
Specializing builds trust because people know you get where they’re coming from.
There are lots of sub-niches you can choose in personal finance, like:
- Budgeting for Families: Tips on budgeting, saving for school, and planning for big life moments like buying a house.
- Personal Finance for Millennials: Dealing with millennial money issues like student loans and buying a home.
- Finance for Entrepreneurs: Ideas for startups, getting funding, and guides for starting a business.
- Sustainable and Ethical Investing: Investing in ways that are good for the planet and society.
- Credit Cards: Using credit cards wisely, building credit, earning rewards, and reviewing different cards.
When you pick a niche, Google gets what your blog is about, making it easier to rank higher in search results.
Higher rankings mean more free traffic, which can mean more money for you.
Having a clear niche also helps you understand your audience better. That way, you can market affiliate products or sell your own stuff more effectively.
Many finance bloggers share their own stories, but you don’t have to. What matters most is that you can give solid advice, whether you’ve experienced it yourself or not.
Your blog should be all about solving people’s problems, whether it’s getting rid of debt, building an emergency fund, or anything else.
2. Pick a Blogging Platform
When you decide on a finance topic for your blog, you’ll need to pick a place to put it online.
A blogging platform is like a tool on the internet that helps you put out your writing without needing to be a tech expert.
There are some free options out there, like Medium or Blogger, where you can publish your blog. But there are some downsides to using them:
- It’s harder to make money.
- You don’t have much say in how your blog looks or works.
- They have strict rules about what you can write.
If you want more control and the ability to make money from your blog, starting your own website is the way to go.
When picking a blogging platform, go for one that includes hosting and 24/7 security.
Built-in hosting means you won’t have to find separate hosting services. This saves you time and makes sure your blog runs smoothly.
Apart from that, look for a platform that matches your design preferences. The way your blog looks affects how people use it. Choose a platform with layouts and customization options that fit your branding.
WordPress is the top choice, but there are other options too. You can check out my step-by-step guide on starting a WordPress blog.
You can also check out some alternatives if you want.
Once you’ve picked your platform, you can start giving your site its own identity by choosing a domain name.
3. Choose Your Domain Name
A domain name is like your website’s home address, and it’s important because it’s the first thing people see and remember about your site. Here’s how to choose a good one:
Reflect Your Niche: Make sure your domain name fits what your blog is about. For instance, if you’re writing about saving money in college, something like could work well.
Consider Your Tone: Think about how serious or fun your topic is. For a light-hearted blog, a playful name is fine. But for something serious like financial advice for bankruptcy, you’ll want a name that sounds trustworthy, like
Go for .com: Stick with the .com extension if you can. It’s more common and trusted than other options.
Keep it Simple: Choose a short and easy-to-spell name. This makes it easier for people to remember and find your site. Try to stick to three words or fewer. Keep your blog and domain names consistent to avoid confusion and strengthen your brand.
Check Trademarks: Make sure the name you want isn’t already trademarked. You can use a trademark search tool to check.
If you’re stuck for ideas, try using a blog name generator. These tools suggest names based on keywords related to finance, helping you find a unique and catchy name that fits your blog’s theme.
Here are some examples of finance blog names:
If the .com version of your desired domain name isn’t available, there are other options like .net or .org.
Finally, buying a domain is usually cheap, around $10 per year on sites like Namecheap.
4. Sign Up for Web Hosting
Once you’ve sorted out your domain, it’s time to choose a web hosting platform.
Web hosting is like renting space on the internet to store your website and make it accessible to everyone.
While there are free hosting options available, such as Weebly’s free plan, there’s a drawback. You won’t have your own web address like Instead, it might look something like Not very professional, huh?
If you’re serious about making money with your blog, opt for a paid hosting plan. I recommend Bluehost. It’s affordable, starting at just $3.95 a month.
However, their customer service can sometimes be slow. If that’s important to you, consider Siteground. They offer fast site speed and high security levels, along with top-notch customer support. It’ll cost you a bit more though, starting at $6.99 a month.
Here’s how to get your web hosting sorted in a few steps:
- Head to SiteGround’s WordPress hosting page.
- Pick the cheapest option – the StartUp plan. It has all the basics for a new blog.
- If you already have a domain, just type it in. If you didn’t have one yet, you can buy one there.
- Fill in your details.
- Add your payment info and choose how long you want to subscribe for. Usually, a year gives you the best deal.
- Skip any extras – you don’t need them for a new blog.
- If you got your domain from Namecheap or somewhere else, you’ll need to change some settings so it points to SiteGround. Their support team can help if you’re stuck.
5. Select a Theme and Design Your Site
Now let’s talk about picking a theme and designing your site. Think of it as the blueprint that determines how your blog will look and feel. It’s important to match your theme to your finance niche to attract the right audience.
For instance, if you’re all about investment strategies, a professional and clean design might be the way to go. But if you’re more into personal finance, a warmer, friendlier theme could work better.
WordPress has tons of themes, both free and paid, for your blog. Free themes are great if you’re on a budget. They’re easy to use and can make your site look good without spending a dime.
But, they do have their limits. You might not be able to customize them as much as you want, and they might not be super fast. As your blog grows, you might want to upgrade for more features.
Look for themes that load fast, work well on different devices, and are easy to customize. Also, check out reviews and customer support options.
Some good “freemium” themes to consider are GeneratePress, Astra, and Kadence. They come with ready-made templates, which can save you a ton of time.
Once you’ve chosen your theme, here’s how to add it to your WordPress site:
- Go to your WordPress dashboard.
- Click on “Appearance” in the sidebar.
- Select “Themes.”
- Hit “Add New.”
- Use the search bar to find your theme and click “Activate.”
That’s it! Now you can start personalizing your site to make it your own.
6. Add Essential Pages
Before you start writing a blog post, you need to have some important pages in place, including:
Homepage: This is like the welcome mat for your website. It tells visitors what your site is all about and helps them find what they need easily. A good homepage makes people want to explore more.
About Page: Here, you can tell your audience why you started your finance blog and what you hope to achieve with it. Sharing personal stories and your background in finance, along with a picture, can help build trust and make a connection with your readers.
Contact Page: This is where people can reach out to you. It’s important for inquiries, collaborations, and feedback. Keep it simple with a contact form, email address, and links to your finance social media accounts.
It’s easy to create these pages. Just log into your WordPress dashboard, go to the “Pages” menu, and click “Add New.” Then you can start filling in the content for each page.
For personal finance blogs, legal pages are especially important. They clarify that while you may offer financial advice, you’re not acting as a personal financial advisor. That way, you can safeguard yourself from any legal liabilities for readers’ financial decisions.
While you can find free templates online, I recommend Amira’s legal templates from A Self Guru. They’re easy to customize and provide comprehensive protection for your blog. Simply add your name and blog details to the templates and upload them to your site.
7. Write Content For Your Finance Blog
Now that your blog and website are all set up, it’s time to start writing your first blog posts!
Start with cornerstone content, which are in-depth, comprehensive posts that are crucial for your niche.
For example, if your blog is about stock investing, consider writing “The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Stocks”. Or if you’re focusing on cryptocurrencies, you could begin with “The Beginner’s Guide to Buying Cryptos”.
It’s helpful to do some keyword research at this stage. It allows you to write about topics that people are actively searching for.
However, it’s challenging to target popular keywords for a new website. I’d suggest you to look for keywords that are less competitive but still get lots of searches each month. A tool like Ahrefs can help you find these keywords.
When you’re ready to write, follow these tips to make your blog posts engaging and optimized for search engines:
- Know what you want your readers to learn from your post before you start writing.
- Stick to the topic related to the keywords you’ve chosen to improve your chances of ranking high in search results.
- Think about who will be reading your post and explain any complicated terms or concepts.
- Use real-life stories and examples to make your content relatable and trustworthy.
- Link to other relevant posts on your blog to keep readers interested and improve your SEO.
- Use credible sources to back up any facts or figures you mention.
- Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news in finance to keep your content fresh.
When writing your blog posts, remember to organize them with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion (if needed). Use headings and subheadings to divide your content. The exact format you choose is up to you, just keep it consistent across all your articles.
Include relevant images, graphs, charts, and infographics to make financial concepts easier to understand visually. Consider embedding videos that explain concepts, share market insights, or provide tutorials for a more comprehensive learning experience.
Before publishing, create a checklist to make sure you’ve proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Double-check the accuracy of any data and statistics you include, as well as the images.
Here are some finance blog article ideas to inspire you as you get started with your blog:
- “5 Easy Ways to Save Money Each Month”
- “Understanding the Basics of Credit Scores”
- “The Importance of Emergency Funds: Why You Need One and How to Start”
- “How to Pay Off Debt: Strategies for Becoming Debt-Free”
- “Top 10 Money-Saving Tips for Millennials”
- “Exploring Different Retirement Savings Options: IRA vs. 401(k)”
- “Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s and 30s”
8. Monetize Your Blog
To make money from your finance blog, focus on giving your readers helpful financial info. Be transparent about affiliate links or product promotions.
For long-term success, you should diversify your income sources to avoid depending on one.
Here’s how you can earn money with your blog:
Affiliate Marketing: Partner with financial companies. Share their products using special links. You get paid when people buy through your links. For example, you can review financial tools and share links to them. For more info, you can check out my guide on affiliate marketing.
Display Ads: Add display ads from Google AdSense to your blog. Every time someone clicks or sees an ad on your site, you earn money. But make sure ads don’t overload your blog for a better user experience. To increase your ad revenue, you can join an ad network like Ezoic. Later, you can switch to Mediavine or Raptive for more earnings once you have met their requirements on monthly traffic.
Sell Digital Products: You can create and sell digital products related to finance, such as advanced investment guides, detailed tax strategies, or a stock trading course. Just figure out what your audience needs. Then, you can use platforms like Teachable for courses or set up a store on your website using WooCommerce.
Examples of Popular Finance Blogs
If you need more inspiration, check out the following finance blogs:
1. The Penny Hoarder
The Penny Hoarder is a place where you can learn about making, managing, and saving money. It’s mainly for people who don’t earn a lot. They create about 20 articles every week covering different money topics.
2. Insider Monkey
Insider Monkey, created by Dr. Ian Dogan in 2003, is all about financial news and opinions. They talk about stuff like insider trading and hedge funds. Their goal is to share Dr. Dogan’s smart methods with everyday investors who don’t have fancy research tools.
3. The College Investor
The College Investor helps young adults and college students with things like paying off student loans, managing money, and making smart investments. They want to teach beginners about money and encourage them to start early. Their website has tips and info to help you reach your financial goals.
4. Simply Wall Street
At Simply Wall Street, the team digs deep to give you honest news about global stocks. They use a helpful tool called “Snowflake” analysis to show how healthy a company is and how much it could grow. It looks at factors such as debt, earnings, and intrinsic value. They have over 5 million users on their website.
While starting a finance blog takes time and dedication, it’s a lucrative niche.
With the increasing interest in financial literacy, you can share your expertise, gain followers, and earn a substantial income.
In this article, we’ve discussed important steps for starting a finance blog, but there’s still much more to learn.
As an experienced blogger, I understand the many challenges you might face on the path to building a successful blog.”
If you need more guidance, sign up for my online business coaching.
Jeff Smith, Founder of High Income Source, is an online business coach with a BBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from the University of Pennsylvania. His online business coaching program is so popular that more than 100 students have benefited and started successful online businesses under his guidance.
Jeff started dabbling in online business while he was in college, where he began with dropshipping. After college, Jeff worked at a marketing agency and freelanced as a writer. His breakthrough came when he realized the potential of blogging, leading to a $100,000 sale of a dog-focused website. His expertise includes SEO, affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA, blogging and dropshipping. | <urn:uuid:a495fa13-aae4-46e8-b045-b22f5ecc2479> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T11:28:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.912944 | 4,239 | 4,399 |
The 1893 Romanesque Revival chapel was designed by Pittsfield architect, Charles T. Rathburn. It was donated by John Parson in honor of his daughter Helena (1867-1892) who had died at age 24 of scarlet fever. It is affiliated with Trinity Episcopal Church in Lenox.
At the time the chapel was built, New Lenox was a working village unto itself with mills, train stop, general store, post office and school.
A wing was added in the 1950’s. The current rectory was once the farm of C.E. Dewey. As an illustration of how rural this part of Lenox remained, that property had been a working farm – complete with cow-into the 1950’s.
There is cemetery, now run by the Town of Lenox, across the street.
Designed by Pittsfield architect, Wilson Eyre, Thomas Shields Clark completed his Lenox estate, Fernbrook in 1904.
Featured in the 1909 House Beautiful, Clark’s Lenox estate and studio was considered the epitome of arts and crafts design. It included gardens (gone today) flowing from the house and a teahouse. Clarke was active in the Lenox Garden Club.
Princeton graduate Clarke married Adelaide Knox in 1886 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Clarkes and their three children lived in Europe for 11 years returning to the US in 1894.
The painter and sculptor is best known for his sculpture “The Cider Press” at the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco.
The mansion survives, in stripped down form, as the Hillcrest Educational Center.
For over a century, the traveler on the road from Lenox to Pittsfield would be impressed by a series of fine brick Federal style houses. North of the village the first one was a fine farmhouse overlooking the intersection of West Dugway Road. It is said to have been built around 1830 by John Steele and long owned by Walter Richards (c.1803-1875) and his family. The three-bay wide brick dwelling stood gable end to the road with a distinctive fanlight in the attic.
After 1882 this house became known as “Wayside” when purchased by New Yorkers Anna Dexter Bradford (1838-1919) and William H. Bradford (1812-1895). She was the daughter of a successful drug merchant in Albany, and he was son of a Connecticut merchant who made a fortune in New York City in railroads and commercial real estate. He was named after his distinguished forebear the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
In 1882 when he came to Lenox, William H. Bradford was in his seventies. He, like his father, was investing in New York commercial real estate but is said to be an unassuming man more interested in art collecting and farming the 380 acres purchased in Lenox.
His property went across Route 7 and went from West Dugway Road to East Dugway Road. The 1881 purchase was four farms; one of which they would renovate and expand into Wayside, another would become Brushwood Farms and was sold to the Godwins.
Mr.Bradford supplied the town with stone from old walls to fill muddy stretches of the road. He regraded the road banks and planted a tremendous number of roadside trees (probably comparable to the High Lawn ones on Rt 7).
For the next thirty some years the Bradford family farmland along Route 7 (originally a mile of road frontage) set the tone for this once-beautiful road. Supervising the property was John Hughes, who was orphaned as child and brought up by the Bakers across the road from Wayside.
The Bradfords’ son, George Dexter, an aspiring entomologist died, at the age of 21, in 1894. The Museum of Natural History in New York was bequeathed his collection of 5,000 beetles (many presumably found at Wayside).
Another son, William, was one of Lenox’s earliest automobilists. In 1900 he set up a short-lived enterprise on the Wayside property building cars suited to the Berkshires’ hilly terrain.
In 1919 Mrs. Bradford died in Paris. Her will authorized her two surviving children, a widowed daughter Grace Fairfax, and the motor mechanic, now settled in France, William H. Bradford Jr, to sell Wayside.
Subsequently it passed through a number of owners and was known as the Cardinal Inn and various other names.
In March 1953 Genevieve and Frederick Bashara were operating the house as the Cardinal Inn when the 122-year-old landmark burned in a spectacular blaze.
Until the latest demolition, a succession of hotels has stood on this site since then.
Many thanks to Cornelia Gilder for this original research on Wayside and the Bradfords.
Col. Richard T. Auchmuty (1831-1893), architect and owner of the Dormers, had a distinguished heritage. His great grandfather was rector of New York’s Trinity Church in 1763. He joined the Union army in 1862 and rose to the rank of Colonel. He was often seen riding his horse, Mrs. Gaines around Lenox.
In Lenox Col. Auchmuty was chairman of the new Trinity Episcopal Church building committee, did much of the design work, and contributed as much as $20,000 of the cost of the new church.
He built and then contributed a school in 1883. It was most likely in New Lenox as it was as of the mid 1930’s manuscript of George H. Tucker in the hands of Oscar Hutchinson.
His obituary also cited his work on the town’s water and sewer works, Memorial Day celebrations, dedication of the Patterson monument, and the design of the new town hall.
In New York he established, in 1881, the New York Trade Schools, after studying the trade systems in Europe. According to the 1893 Century Association (thank you Cornelia Gilder)he contributed substantial amounts and his wife contributed to a foundation to permanently fund the school. Trade unions boycotted the Trade School graduates so Auchmuty saw to it that they got jobs working for his architectural firm.
The lead paragraph of his New York Times 1893 obituary captures the love and respect he had generated in Lenox:
“LENOX, Mass., July 22. — The death of Col. Richard T. Auchmuty ia a great blow to Lenox. The cottagers were much shocked when they heard on Tuesday morning that he was dead. What he has done for Lenox cannot be told in a single paragraph. He was one of the pioneers, coming here in 1866, when he bought a large tract of territory on the Pittsfield road.”
Mrs. Auchmuty was the former Ellen Schermerhorn–another family important to Lenox.
She too was from an old New York family and her mother was one of the earliest Lenox cottagers having built Pinecroft which stood between Walker and Kimball Street encompassing modern Schermerhorn Park, Pinecroft and substantial additional acreage.
To picture the bucolic surroundings of Ellen Schermerhorn Auchmuty’s youth, we have to imagine Lenox with no Route 7.
Adeline Schermerhorn remembered particular gratitude for purchasing the second county courthouse in 1874 (now the Lenox Library) and donating it to the town.
Ellen must have been a charming reminder of a gentile past as the Cottager Era waned at the time of her death in 1927. For most of her early life she traveled by special train from New York to Lenox where she stayed at Pinecroft from April to October. She, with a major fortune of her own, had been a major charitable donor to her husband’s work with trade education in New York, Trinity Church in Lenox and numerous other causes.
In her obituary it was noted that she had never ridden in a motor car, had no phone and no steam heat. It further noted that she went for a weekly ride in her Victoria carriage with a team of horses, stayed sharp, and followed the stock market.
In 1929, the Roadside Committee of the Lenox Garden Club purchased the Powers and Crockett Farms at 472 West Mountain Road.
With that purchase they created the 300 acre Pleasant Valley Bird and Wildflower Sanctuary – largely with financial support from Lenox heiress Mary Parsons. From the swampy location we can guess that this was not the most desirable farmland and that the owners must have been thrilled to get rid of it in the 1920’s.
The sanctuary began with a book. Dallas Lore Sharp, a professor at Boston University, published Sanctuary, a call to protect the land, and he came to Lenox to speak. Sharp saw the landscape changing around him. The mountains had been logged, and the beaver were gone. Roadside flowers and songbirds were disappearing. He wanted people to know the plants and animals around them, familiarly.
Mary Parsons felt that call in 1928, walking in the fields. She knew that if she and her fellows could not preserve the land, “the wood would be sold and the hillside stripped,” she writes in a Pleasant Valley publication from the summer of 1940. She led the way in raising funds to buy the 250 acres of the old Power Farm. Then the Lenox Garden Club had to sort out what to do with it. They held their first meetings in the barn, on piles of hay. (Becky Sharp – Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary).
Maurice Broun, an energetic urban naturalist became the sanctuary’s first superintendent. Broun had grown up looking for birds on Boston Common, Cushing says. The mountainside was a new world to him, with its old orchards, glens and gorges.
In his own essay, Broun recalls those founding years as restoration at a full sprint. He put up 225 wooden bird boxes and hauled chestnut logs out of the woods to support them, with the help of a local farmer and a team of horses. He created five miles of trails and bridges with a World War I veteran named Charlie Hartman. He walked the new trails, recording ferns and wildflowers, and he spent his evenings identifying them.
In 1929, the sanctuary acquired 50 more acres of farmland from a neighboring family. Harriet Crockett sold them the land and stayed with the sanctuary to run a tea room on the ground floor of the old farmhouse. Her family had lived in the Berkshires for generations, Cushing says. Her father had served in the 54th regiment, the first regiment of black soldiers in the Civil War, and the house had been built just after the revolutionary war.
Broun moved on in the early years of the Depression, and the sanctuary brought in more willing workers—including beavers. Reintroduced by warden S. Morris Pell in 1932, they turned the alder swamps into natural ponds. (from writeup of 90th anniversary of Pleasant Valley in Town Vibe August 2019).
The exterior of the current Arcadia Shop, 91 Pittsfield Road, was built by Thomas Steel in 1759. We don’t know where he was born but his son, Thomas Steel, Junior, was baptized in West Hartford, CT in 1766 (born 1761 in Lenox). That area of Connecticut was home to a lot of Lenox early settlers, so it is reasonable to assume he and his wife Desire Stanley took Tom Jr. there to visit the grandparents. Thomas signed the non-importation agreement and was a Revolutionary War veteran.
Thomas and Desire lived into their 80’s, but the rest of the family record from the Church on the Hill Cemetery tells a tale of some sadness. Thomas Steel, Jr. married the daughter of the first sheriff, Gen. Caleb Hyde—an early Lenox mover and shaker who moved to Lisle, NY with Major Gen. John Paterson. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Hyde Steel died young in 1797. Their son, Chancey, died in 1818, age 24. Tom Jr. remarried and had a daughter with Candace. The daughter, Betsey Jerusha (interesting that she had the same name as Tom Jr.’s late wife) also died young in 1823, age 20. Cholera was going around in the 1820’s. Perhaps a culprit for the deaths of Steels young and old at that time.
In 1889 Edward Livingston and his wife Sarah Pollack Livingston hired revered architect George Thomas Tilden (1845-1919) to build their beautiful Cliffwood Street mansion – Osceola. (some sources report the build date as 1909).
It’s named for Osceola Mountain – one of the peaks of Yokun Ridge which would have been visible in the treeless days of the late 19th century.
Osceola Tour of Restored Interior
The current owners have restored the inside and outside to it’s glory including a new grey and cream paint job, restored plaster and wood exterior detail. Ventfort Hall’s Cornelia Gilder recently gave a talk on Osceola and we were able to also see the beautifully restored interior.
The house is described as Beaux Art, Renaissance with Colonial Revival details.
It is one of four houses in Lenox built by Rotch and Tilden.
Interestingly the second Mrs. George Morgan (Ventfort Hall) was Mrs. Livingston’s aunt. Skilled restorers Steve Baum and Jeffrey Gulick studied these Rotch and Tilden houses as well as others for clues on restoration of moldings and carpentry detail.
The Livingston’s Gilded Age Life
It’s hard to imagine a more typical gilded age couple. Here they are in 1921 (passport photos):
Edward Livingston was part of the Livingston family that started life in America in 1686 with 160,000 acres in New York and New Jersey.
Married in 1882, Sarah Pollack Livingston also came from wealth. Her father was a major Pittsfield textile manufacturer. Their estate in Pittsfield, Grey Towers, encompassed acres of profitably subdivided land around Elm Street.
The Livingston family home on the Hudson had been rebuilt during the Revolutionary War and may have been one of the many places the peripatetic Livingston’s visited.
During the years they owned Osceola (1889-1921) the Livingston’s spent a good deal of time renting estates in England in hunt country and in Pau, France. In the Pyrenees, Pau was a Gilded Age rendezvous for fresh air, scenery and sports.
For much of the time they owned Osceola it was rented to other well known Lenox families including David Dana (who later purchased what is now known as the Birchwood Inn). The Livingston’s had limited involvement with Lenox social life and sold Osceola in 1921 to Ellen Barker, the widow of Albert Smith Barker. (Other sources say sold to Mrs. Dwight Collier).
Osceola in Recent Times
By 1966, Osceola had become a retreat house for General Electric. After passing through several other owners, the house was used as a bed and breakfast starting in 1986. The current owners have turned it back into a beautiful private residence.
Much of the area north of the village of Lenox was part of the Quincy Grant. Well before Lenox became a town (1767) the royal governor granted land in return for favors or service. One such grant, the Quincy Grant, occupied much of the area between what is now Lenox from Route 7 and 20 past East Street.
In 1737 Edmund Quincy was appointed to a commission to resolve the Massachusetts border with New Hampshire. As part of that commission he traveled to London where he contract smallpox and died. In return for his service his family was, in 1739, awarded 1,000 acres in what would become Lenox.
Other smaller grants in the northern part of Lenox:
• The Stevens Grant – 250 acres in 1756 for the support of the widow and children of Capt. Phineas Stevens. Capt. Stevens had, with 30 militia men, held off put to 700 French and Indians during King George’s War, at Fort Number 4 – the northernmost British outpost on the Connecticut River in modern day Charleston, NH, on the border with modern day Vermont.
• The Lawrence Grant – 353 acres granted in 1758 to compensate for land given to New Hampshire when the new border was drawn.
The fourth grant shown on the map below, the Hooker Grant, was a different situation. It wasn’t made until 1801 and seems to have been an adjustment of boundaries from Washington township.
As with the rest of Lenox proprietors (think of them as investors) picked up the remainder of the land. The map below shows the initial distribution to proprietors and grant holders in the northern part of Lenox. Many of these proprietors and grant holders would fairly quickly sell land to people who would actually do the hard work of cutting down trees, building homes and cultivating the land.
Some of the proprietors shown above would settle on the land they invested in and become major Lenox families including Dewey’s, Roots and Millers. There are dozens of Dewey’s buried in the Church on the Hill Cemetery and the family remained a major presence in New Lenox well into the 20th century.
“ For three weeks I drove every day 7 miles and back through a lovely hill country in richest livery of summer.”
…..From “Central Berkshires” by George Blatchford (Thank you Cornelia Gilder) quoting Constance Cary Harrison re driving back and forth to Pittsfield in 1898 to visit her son recovering from appendicitis. The 1901 photo reflects what her drive on today’s Route 7 would have been like.
The area of Lenox (roughly from the DPW north to Dan Fox Drive and from Lenox Mountain to the Housatonic East-West) that would have remained rural and agricultural the longest is today the most altered.
In this series of posts we will try to reimagine the area now heavily commercial along Route 7 as well as the turn of the century bustle of what is now residential New Lenox.
Here is a (thank you Cornelia Gilder and the late Judy Conklin Peters)annotated map of the area to be “re-envisioned.” | <urn:uuid:c34c2c00-2ea5-4242-a1f7-118a5c3707d6> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:57:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.976258 | 3,896 | 4,539 |
Law and Religion – Reclaimed!
by Gerald R. Thompson
Where are all the Christian lawyers?
Ever since the time of Jesus, and probably before, lawyers and theologians have been wrestling with questions of law and religion, morality and legality, and authority and submission. Like the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day, the lawyers and theologians of today are in cahoots to subvert law, pervert religion, legislate morality, excuse illegality, usurp authority and shove submission down our throats. Jesus rightly condemned both groups (Luke 11:37-53), and I’m not aware that anything has changed.
So now please allow me to take to task the members of my own profession, and I promise to do the same for the clergy afterwards.
There is certainly nothing wrong with Christian lawyers getting together and forming associations for mutual benefit. There aren’t that many of them, to begin with. Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States each have a leading association of Christian lawyers, and to the extent other smaller associations exist, they keep a pretty low profile and are hard to find. [I’m talking about lawyer associations as such, not legal advocacy groups.] These leading associations share some key attributes that I now wish to comment on.
A Capitulation to Religion
The first shared characteristic is that associations of Christian lawyers exist primarily for a religious purpose, not a legal purpose. That is, these groups exist for purposes of religious fellowship by people who just happen to share a common vocational interest.
This is manifest in the activity most commonly engaged in at the local level: periodic fellowship groups which often meet over a meal, where the members engage in prayer, Bible study and corporate worship. At the regional or national level, seminars are sponsored in which spiritual development is the primary focus. At the national level, where literature is developed, personal discipleship is the paramount focus of association publications.
An annual national conference is typically characterized by reports of the progress made by various ministries of the organization, a new set of seminars and publications, and a promotion of the organization with a call to get more involved. But perhaps the most striking characteristic of an annual conference is that it is essentially a three day church service. Special speakers are brought in, who are most often religious ministers (with an occasional prominent lawyer thrown in), as well as religious worship leaders, to lead the throng of lawyers in religious ceremonies.
But most telling is the way these prominent associations of Christian lawyers see themselves and their mission. What is a Christian lawyer? We are told that a Christian lawyer is someone who faithfully follows Jesus or at least bears “witness of Jesus.” The ultimate goal of a Christian lawyer is to extend the Great Commission into the legal workplace, we are told. In short, these associations view the legal profession as religious ministry and a Christian lawyer as an evangelist.
Is there anything wrong with this? Note that in the definition of a Christian lawyer there is no mention of law. One could just as easily say a Christian physician is someone who faithfully follows Jesus, or that a Christian artist is someone who faithfully follows Jesus. Wouldn’t you expect a Christian physician to have some identifying characteristic as a physician? A Christian artist to have some peculiar characteristic as an artist? What is it about being a faithful follower of Jesus that doesn’t apply to every Christian in every occupation? What makes a Christian lawyer different from a Christian athlete if it doesn’t have anything to do with law?
We have a situation where God is a God of law and government, the Bible has a major theme of law and government, and the primary component of God’s will is his law. Yet, the one group of people in the whole world whose daily business is law and government, and who claim to follow God and study his word, do not see themselves in terms of, and do not associate themselves for the purpose of, law and government. This isn’t just sad – it is pitiful.
If David, ancient King of Israel and the author of Psalms 19 and 119 (two of the most law oriented Psalms), were invited to speak at a gathering of Christian lawyers, he would more likely be asked to describe the joy he experienced while dancing in the spirit, than to speak about law or government.
Christian lawyers have an identity crisis. To be engaged in the service of law and government isn’t sufficient in itself, it has to be coupled with religious ministry to be worthwhile. Christian lawyers have bought into the lie that God wants everyone to be a religious minister, so they spend their lives trying to become something they are not, and something God does not want them to be. That isn’t just pitiful – it is deplorable.
Each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him. 1 Cor. 7:17 (also see 1 Cor. 7:18-24). For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. Rom. 11:29. Is God concerned only with religious callings, and not vocational callings? If you were called to be a lawyer, then be a lawyer – a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15.
Integration of Faith and Practice
Christian lawyers talk a good game when it comes to integrating faith and practice. But for the most part, it is just talk. The one defining characteristic of Christian lawyers worldwide is that among all the occupations and professions, lawyers have the most bifurcated view of religion and what it is they do to make a living. In other words, lawyers have a religious life, and a professional life, and ne’er the twain shall meet.
Even if Christian lawyer associations attempt to bridge this gap between faith and practice, there is a problem. Instead of viewing faith broadly, as in a biblical belief system about the nature of law and the substance of God’s laws, faith is viewed narrowly, as in redemptive theology. So the integration which occurs is limited to finding practical means for injecting redemptive theology into legal practice, in other words, ignoring law.
This is typically manifested in three types of programs sponsored by Christian legal associations. First (these are not in any particular order), legal aid, or legal assistance for the poor and needy. This is borne out of a sense of Christian duty to be charitable, and is commonly expressed in terms of helping the poor, the widow, the orphan and the alien.
Second, there is a common emphasis on biblical conflict reconciliation, a form of alternative dispute resolution (i.e., resolving disputes between Christians outside of the judicial system). Third, there is participation (whether directly by representing parties or indirectly by filing amicus briefs) in litigation involving religious freedom issues and abortion.
Again, certainly, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with any of these programs or activities. Each of them is worthwhile. However, that does not excuse the obvious short-comings each has. Legal aid is fine and appropriate, but what ultimate benefit is achieved if the representation of the poor and needy by Christian lawyers is no different (in terms of the substance of legal arguments used) from the representation which would be afforded by a non-Christian legal aid service? The only difference is that perhaps the Christian lawyers may represent Christian clients that other legal aid services reject – which reduces the effect of the legal aid to people with religious causes.
As for biblical conflict reconciliation, sometimes called peacekeeping, the emphasis is on reconciliation, not justice. In other words, the emphasis in peacekeeping is to bring the parties to the point where they can forgive each other and reconcile relationally. This is accomplished by the “tribunal” engaging in prayer, meeting with the parties, and having the parties go through a time of self-examination. When this occurs, the parties are hopefully able to mutually resolve their dispute.
On occasion, a tribunal will engage in actual arbitration of a dispute, but this usually only follows an attempt at reconciliation which fails. When arbitration does occur, there are no guidelines provided by the sponsoring organization as to what any applicable principles of God’s law (or lonang) might be. The panel usually acts on the basis of statute and case law, and any consideration of biblical principles is sua sponte and ad hoc in every case. In other words, there is no development of a biblical jurisprudence which results from the process. It is flying by the seat of their pants.
It is common for Christian legal organizations and peacekeeping ministries to quote Micah 6:8: What does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. But, what is justice? No one knows. No one cares. The only consideration is, get the parties to have the right heart attitude, and justice will take care of itself. There is no connection ever made between justice and an objective legal order, much less lonang.
God forbid that a litigant should ever actually desire to obtain real justice. Justice as in a resolution which applies and conforms to the legal principles of lonang.
The civil courts don’t provide real justice because they no longer abide by lonang. Our society has converted to a cynical view of justice which is defined by process, not legal correctness. In other words, in civil society justice is merely whatever those responsible for its administration decide. As long as you go through the correct process (we are told), you get justice. The idea that judges and courts might be wrong or in violation of law is no longer a viable concept. (This is the logical consequence of accepting judicial opinions as law.)
Isn’t it ironic that in Christian circles the result is the same. As long as you go through the process of reconciliation, we are told, you get justice. Never mind what the law of God says. As long as the result is administered by Christians, whatever they decide is just. Just like society at large, the Christian legal community has substituted a legal process for conformity with lonang. And this is supposed to be a good thing?
As for the participation of Christian lawyers in litigation (directly or indirectly), I will examine that in section II below.
The Task Left Undone
The task left unfelt, undone, and deemed unimportant in every association of Christian lawyers of which I am aware, is the development and promulgation of a biblical view of law. I’m not saying every association of lawyers, or even every association of Christian lawyers, must necessarily rally around the cause of lonang jurisprudence. But shouldn’t some organization of Christian lawyers somewhere be doing this task? If there is only one national association of Christian lawyers in a country like the United States and it does not see this task as worthy of serious pursuit, what does it say about Christian lawyers?
Consider the Great Commission as an analogy. By its terms, the worldwide Church is directed to “make disciples of all nations.” I don’t think for a moment this means that every single church congregation, or even every single denomination, must send evangelists to every single nation on earth. Churches, like any other form of enterprise, can specialize, as it were, and minister to those people and nations to whom God has given them the opportunity to disciple. The division of labor principle applies to churches as much as businesses, and so long as some segment of the worldwide church is sending people to every nation, the Great Commission is being fulfilled.
But suppose that there were no churches anywhere sending missionaries to Africa. Every church could say, legitimately, that God was not leading them to minister there, and they each felt called to minister elsewhere. Is God going to sit back and say to himself, “Well, at least my people are in substantial compliance with my instructions, so it is OK”? However, to stay closer to the analogy, suppose there was only one church in all of the United States, and it refused to send any missionaries to Africa. If the Church refuses to reach Africa with the gospel, who does it expect to do the job?
If the Christian lawyers won’t investigate, debate and advocate a biblical view of law, who will? Dentists? Bankers? Carpenters?
Lawyers are likely to default to two groups who they think should/could/would develop a biblical jurisprudence. The first is the clergy. This is the group who already doesn’t acknowledge that God is a God of law and government, who think the whole Bible is about Jesus and redemptive theology, and have little appreciation of God’s law as the primary expression of his will. How many seminaries can anyone name which teach God’s law from a legal perspective? And what incentive is there for clergy to develop a biblical jurisprudence on their own (in their spare time)? I rest my case.
The second default group is law school professors, because that is supposedly what they do. I’ll talk about that issue in section III below.
The end result of which is this: no association of Christian lawyers is engaged in the development and promulgation of a biblical view of law. No association of Christian lawyers is engaged in working out principles of God’s justice for resolving disputes. No association of Christian lawyers sees itself as existing for any reason other than a religious one. Is this the best Christian lawyers can do?
Who Are We Kidding?
There are perhaps a half-dozen or so national Christian legal advocacy groups in the United States. They each act independently, but in reality it is a pretty small network of people where everybody knows everyone else. Funding provided by major religious ministries is funneled through a single organization and distributed to the others, several of the organizations are run by past or present members of the same Christian legal association, and their key personnel meet periodically to co-sponsor conferences, seminars, and debates, etc. At least four of these groups are also located in the same state, Virginia.
As a consequence, there is a remarkable similarity between the organizations in the way they litigate cases in a macrocosm. All these groups tend to focus primarily on religious causes, or at least causes which can be argued based on a religious belief, objection or exemption. For that reason, all the groups tend to litigate federal constitutional claims, with a focus on First Amendment religious issues. The range of additional issues litigated doesn’t extend much beyond abortion and parental rights with respect to home schooling.
Christian legal advocacy organizations, and the ministries which support them, like to think of themselves as doing battle with the ACLU. This is most evident when you look at their fundraising letters. But it is wishful thinking. The ACLU has a strategy, it has home field advantage in the judicial system, and its lawyers know exactly who they are and what their mission is – to change the law. Comparatively speaking, Christian lawyers don’t have a clue.
First, the range of issues and types of cases litigated is far too narrow. Of course, that’s what happens when you get funded by religious ministries, you only represent religious clients, and you hire religious fundraisers to do your legal fundraising. It all stems from thinking of a Christian lawyer as a person who needs to be in a religious ministry to validate his professional calling. As a consequence, Christian lawyers have become beholden to the interests of organized religion instead of becoming servants of the laws of God.
Until Christian lawyers see that they have put themselves in a box they don’t need to be in, they will remain in the box. And they will miss all the other things God would have them litigate, starting with non-constitutional issues, and challenging the continual expansion of government powers at every level. But then, the lawyers would actually have to believe that God has an opinion about such matters which has been revealed to man – and Christian lawyers don’t believe that, for the most part.
Instead, many Christian lawyers hold the mistaken belief that by securing religious freedom, all the other freedoms we enjoy will be automatically preserved. In other words, only religious liberty requires active preservation – all the other liberties will just passively fall into place once religious liberty is secured. Certainly, religious liberty and economic liberty tend to go hand in hand in a nation (they either both flourish, or both suffer). But that doesn’t make religion the key. Rather, it is the legal worldview a nation embraces which determines the whole matter. And this is where Christian lawyers have fallen down on the job.
It is like a defensive wall which has been breached. Christian litigators like to think of themselves as repairers of the breach, but instead of building from the bottom up to the top, they want to start in the middle and stay there. The bottom area, which represents fundamental principles (such as the definition of law) is deemed unimportant, so it remains unrepaired. The middle layer is religious freedom, which is where they want to work. The top layer is all of the dominion related liberties (economic freedoms), which are assumed to fill in themselves, once the religious layer is secured.
Of course, the reality is that nothing is automatic, so the top layer never gets filled in. Without the bottom layer, the middle portion is unsupported. So the whole repair effort collapses under its own weight, and everyone looks around wondering why they aren’t being more successful. If all else fails, blame the devil or the ACLU. As long as you can get people to continue funding a rebuilding of the middle layer by itself, who cares? After all, success isn’t measured by what is accomplished – success is measured by how long you can keep employed at doing the one thing you like doing most.
Second, the overall strategy employed in religious litigation is primarily defensive, when it should be offensive. No war is ever won by a purely defensive strategy, because defense never actually conquers the enemy. To conquer the enemy, you have to employ an offensive strategy. An offensive strategy means that you get to pick what issues are contested, what forums the battle is fought in, and you make the enemy redeploy its resources in line with where you want to go.
Instead of fighting the latest decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, Christian lawyers need to go back and reclaim ground that was lost long ago. Instead of fighting the latest incarnation of Roe v. Wade, we need to attack Cooper v. Aaron. Cooper v. Aaron is the decision in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that its opinions were the supreme law of the land, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Instead of citing Everson v. Board of Education as precedent for interpreting the Establishment Clause, Christian lawyers could attack the imaginary figment of the incorporation doctrine, which construes the words, “Congress shall make no law” to mean, “No state shall pass any law.” Instead of conceding ground to the forces of lawlessness, Christian lawyers could repudiate the views of Cardozo, Holmes, and Austin. In short, Christian lawyers could focus their attention on fundamental principles, instead of hot-button issues. However, don’t look for that anytime soon, because . . .
Third, too much ground is conceded to the modern legal worldview. Christian lawyers are chickens. They are afraid to say something in court that the judge might laugh at. They are afraid to use an argument that would be perceived as outmoded. They are afraid to challenge the “doctrine” of judicial supremacy because it might be perceived as a challenge to the judge’s authority, so they are always under the thumb of the judiciary. They are afraid when they should be bold.
We could use a few good lawyers who are willing to be wrongfully held in contempt because they are unwilling to compromise true principles of law. Think of the civil rights movement and the sexual revolution in the U.S. a few decades ago. Those movements would have gone nowhere, except for the willingness of committed people to go to jail for a cause, and to shake up the system. Is it too much to ask for Christian lawyers to have that same level of commitment today? Apparently, it is.
Time For A New Game Plan
If Christian lawyers were actually serious about fighting the ACLU, they would have to do what the ACLU did:
- 1) stop playing the game by the opponent’s rules. Stop conceding all the legal arguments that have only been around for 60 years. Stop arguing only the latest case opinions. Assert the eternal legal principles of lonang.
- 2) don’t expect to win the war from the top down. Stop being enamored with the U.S. Supreme Court and constitutional law. Start litigating something other than first amendment issues, and be more willing to litigate in state courts under state constitutions, which are a gold mine for reserved inalienable rights.
- 3) lay out a litigation strategy for long-term gains rather than short-term wins. It took the ACLU decades to turn things their way. Where is the long-term Christian legal strategy? Why is everyone satisfied to sing praise songs while making bricks in the mudpits of Egypt?
- 4) be willing to lose cases for the right reasons, and unwilling to win cases for the wrong reasons. If you never make the lonang argument in the first place, your losses are irrelevant and your wins don’t achieve any long-term benefit apart from fundraising.
However, maybe it is too much to ask for people to jump into the fire right away. So let’s start with something basic and simple. Here are three legal principles which are embraced by no Christian legal advocacy group today, but if they were, it would change our world:
- 1. Legal rights cannot be balanced. This is a broad principle, but the most significant aspect for constitutional litigation is this: the compelling state interest test is a fraud. Stop promoting it. Stop pushing legislation like the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which substitutes a man-made contrivance (the compelling state interest test) for true freedom under the laws of nature and nature’s God. Laws consistent with lonang never conflict with each other and there is no need to balance true legal rights.
- 2. Judicial opinions are not law, but only evidence of law. The compelling state interest test, the Lemon test, one man one vote, the Miranda rules, and the infamous Roe v. Wade trimester test – these are all artificial contrivances made out of whole cloth by a non-lawmaking body. Only legislatures make laws – judges make orders. Orders are not rules. The separation of powers actually means something. Stop treating it like an historical anachronism.
- 3. Religion is defined objectively, not subjectively. Enough with this subjective “religion is whatever it means to me” crap. Religion is the duty owed to our Creator (Virginia Bill of Rights) and that duty can be objectively defined. Christian litigators have it backwards – they think religion cannot be defined legally, but a church can be, when it is religion which can be defined, and a church which cannot. Every Christian is the Church incarnate. Once you allow the government to define what a church is, all of us individual Christians and Christian families just lost our equal rights.
Let me spell it out so you all know what I am saying. The current state of affairs is such that the Christian lawyers, who claim to protect religious freedom, are: a) willing to balance my God-given rights away in the face of man-made government interests; b) willing to operate under the fiction that judges can make laws – legislation without representation; and c) willing to confine religious liberty to organized interests and deny that liberty to private citizens in their individual capacities.
Why are we willing that this state of affairs should continue?
Of course, this is just a beginning. Christian lawyers could go much further, to repudiate the incorporation doctrine (i.e., the idea that the federal Bill of Rights applies to the states), for example, and a host of other issues too numerous to mention.
“But,” I hear you say, “these are all just questions of interpretation.” Right you are. However, remember this: the interpretational hermeneutic (methodology) used to understand the Bible is the same one used to interpret and understand the Constitution or any statute, and vice versa. Or, at least that is the way it should be.
A “loose” interpretation of the Bible goes hand in hand with a “liberal” interpretation of the Constitution, and a strict constructionist for constitutional purposes is likely to be more literal in interpreting the Bible. Which should give us some pause. If Christian lawyers are willing to accept and advocate legislating by judges, man-made tests over God-given rights, and religious exemptions for some but not all Christians, how well are they likely to handle scriptural truths? It’s scary all right.
A Sad State of Affairs
Everybody seems to think Christian legal education is where it’s all happening. Students are being trained to think biblically. We are raising up a new generation of people who will transform culture. We’re going to take back law and government for the glory of God. Oh, really?
Let’s consider reality. There have been at least a half dozen efforts to start an ostensibly Christian law school in the United States in the last 30 years. A couple of those efforts, after much hoopla, never got off the ground. One school moved across the country. To my knowledge there are only three law schools that actively promote themselves as being a Christian law school. There are many others with various church affiliations, but for the most part, these others emphasize service, ethics, responsibility, pro bono legal services, etc. but not a Christian legal education per se.
Of the three purported Christian law schools, there is a familiar theme. Two were started by evangelistic religious ministries, where redemptive theology is viewed as the defining tenet of the university of which each law school is a part. The third was started specifically as an adjunct to a school of religious apologetics, and for the specific purpose of using law as a tool of religious advocacy. Talk about a low view of law – all three law schools capitulate to redemptive theology.
All three law schools are administered by people of good intentions and solid religious backgrounds who have no concept of a biblical view of law. I’m referring to the full-time administrators and people who make up the governing boards of each university. They simply don’t know what they don’t know (about law), and what they do know (about religion) is irrelevant. So while they go around maintaining religious purity in the ranks, they systematically weed out anyone with a truly biblical view of law.
That is why two of the three law schools ejected most of their lonang inclined faculty members in the early 1990’s. That is why the third school has the nerve to be called by the name of liberty, but imposes the most draconian form of tyranny over its members in the name of religious purity, thereby bringing shame on the concept of Christian liberty. There are a few brave souls who, as faculty members at these schools, try to bring a lonang perspective into the classroom, but they are fighting an uphill battle against their own administrations. The history of Christian law schools in America is not one of attack from the outside, but of persecution from the inside.
If you think Christian law schools are taking back law and government for the glory of God, then where is the scholarship? Oh sure, you’ll get some nice law review articles written every once in a while. But where are the alternative (lonang-based) textbooks? Where are the extensive reexaminations of each law school subject to bring them captive to the obedience of Christ? Where is the revised law school curricula? Why isn’t a biblical view of law filtering over to the legal advocacy organizations with which the law schools are affiliated?
I’ll tell you why. It’s because lonang friendly people are systematically ignored and marginalized. The parent organizations don’t want to bring their theology into conformity with lonang. School administrators wouldn’t know a biblical view of law from a hole in the ground. Legal advocacy organizations don’t want to admit they have been making faulty legal arguments for decades. So faculty members have little incentive to strike out on their own and develop a lonang perspective of their own field. It is liable to get them fired. It wouldn’t be the first time.
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If you are going to attempt to build a Christian law school, there are essentially four levels at which this can be done.
First, there is the law plus religion approach. This is commonly manifested by the law school being affiliated with a religious ministry. Along with the affiliation come religious trappings: a religious statement of faith for faculty, and the provision of periodic chapel services for students and faculty. The school may allow people to pray in class, or read from the Bible. Sometimes church attendance by students and faculty is strongly encouraged or required. Occasionally, the school may require law students, in addition to legal studies, to be educated in religious studies.
The result of this approach, however, is always the same. The lawyer is viewed as a lay evangelist to the unsaved and a trained counselor to the flock. In other words, the lawyer is seen as a minister of redemption law. This type of integration of law and religion, if it can be called that, is the single most identifiable characteristic of all Christian law schools today.
Second, there is the law plus evidentiary defense approach. This approach posits that a lawyer should, in addition to legal studies, be trained in defending the existence of God, the validity of the Bible, and the gospel of personal salvation. The result of this approach is that law, particularly the legal rules of evidence, is a tool for verifying religious arguments. Law is viewed as a means to a religious end. Essentially, the lawyer is seen as a religious apologist. The study of law is not valued in itself.
Though not as commonly employed as the first approach, the result is similar. Law is not viewed as worthy in its own right, but has value only as a means to a religious end. It isn’t so much an integration of religion and law, as a capitulation of law to religion. There is no acknowledgment that God is a god of law and government – in essence, it denies who God is.
A third approach might be called God’s revelation of law practice. The thought here is that a lawyer should conform the relational aspects of legal practice to the model of Christ as the prototypical mediator and counselor, i.e., Jesus as the prototypical lawyer. The result of this approach is generally a focus on ethical and moral considerations, conciliation and mediation services, and legal aid. Essentially, the lawyer is seen as a charitable services provider, that is, a do-gooder.
Certainly, there is nothing wrong with doing good works. But there is nothing about being a lawyer that lends itself to doing good works more or less than any other profession or occupation. More to the point, there is nothing particularly Christian about doing good works, either. Pro bono services are a staple of most state bar associations and large law firms, and legal aid clinics are common. If you represent clients like a heathen but you do it for free, what is Christian about that?
Fourth, there is God’s revelation of substantive law. This approach posits that human laws are subject to a natural and revealed pre-defined objective legal order which is not transient or relative as to person or place. The principles of this legal order can be discovered and developed into a full-fledged legal system, from general principles to many fine details. This is the seamless web of law, where instead of promoting conflicting rights, the pieces fit together and work harmoniously with each other to produce justice, order and liberty.
The result of this approach is that lawyers educated in lonang will acquire an understanding of law, justice and liberty that others lack. Not only will such lawyers be religious, charitable and a fountain of good works, they will advocate principles of true justice, and not be content to refer to justice as merely whatever a government official decides it to be. Such lawyers will be advocates of the laws of nature and nature’s God – the true principles of right and wrong behavior.
In other words, in the eyes of the world, including the religious world, the lonang lawyer will be seen as a troublemaker. Quite frankly, we need more troublemakers for God. We already have enough peacemakers for the devil, many of whom are Christian lawyers.
Apart from God’s revelation of substantive law (principles of lonang), a Christian law school only reinforces the bifurcation for which Christian lawyers are notorious. The law student and soon-to-be lawyer may be an adherent and a servant of the gospel, but he will think about law like everyone else, that is, he will think about law like a heathen. Religion, apologetics and good works are insufficient to form the foundation for a Christian law school, or to define what it means to be a Christian lawyer.
The Christian lawyer and his pastor will view his profession as being ruled by the gospel because of the good works he does (evangelism, pro bono service, and religious rights advocacy), but in reality it will be his profession which rules over the gospel. Why? Because it will be his view of law which never bows the knee to the sovereignty of God. And the irony is, this is exactly the result that existing “Christian” law schools, the organized church, evangelical ministries, and Christian legal associations all work tirelessly to produce. Sometimes, success can be a terrible thing.
Where are all the Christian lawyers? They are practicing law from the world’s point of view, fellowshipping and doing free work for their church, and reading their Bibles for religious truths. All the while they ignore God’s view of law, government and rights. And the really committed Christian lawyers are dropping out of law altogether to devote themselves to religious ministry. Can you say, “escapist”?
I look forward to the day when God will raise up some men and women who are willing to be a servant of the laws of God, and unwilling to be in bondage either to man’s laws or the religious institutions of men. Who needs more Christian lawyers like the ones we have now? | <urn:uuid:f4c43118-bfb3-4e07-bad1-cc8eb6c8dea4> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T13:11:34Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.967728 | 7,291 | 8,021 |
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In the summer of 2015 I undertook an eight-week journey from Istanbul to Paris (part of a year-long research project documented on my blog The Itinerant Cinephile) that involved visits to film festivals, independent theaters, and exhibition venues throughout the United States and Europe. With the practice of public movie-going imperiled as never before, I wanted to document those places and proprietors that continue to make it possible for audiences to see films theatrically and communally, particularly those that regularly screen films outside of the commercial mainstream, that celebrate film’s illustrious history with retrospective series, that cater to a local audience, and that do so without sizable financial backing. In so doing, I aimed to address that most urgent question within film studies and the film industry: how should ‘old’ and ‘new’ media co-exist to preserve the legacy of film while embracing new technologies and a radically altered media landscape? The trip was funded by the Mary Elvira Stevens Traveling Fellowship, awarded to Wellesley College alumna in pursuit of ‘purposeful travel into unfamiliar territory that will inspire reflection and growth and lead to more fulfilling and productive personal and professional lives’.
My interest in traveling to Europe stemmed from its proximate yet distinct relation to the United States film market, knowing that European governments had institutionalised support systems for film through subsidies and incentives, bolstered by an ideologically healthier if still financially-strapped climate of cultural organisations promoting Europe’s cinematic arts domestically and abroad. The degree to which this model is translatable to the United States market (where state and city governments are experimenting with incentives for local production and exhibition) was a key question motivating my interest. I hoped to gain a fresh perspective on exhibition practices and customs while extending my understanding of the challenges for small theaters contending with Hollywood’s market dominance and global media conglomeration. Recognising at the outset that independent cinemas are a dying breed on both sides of the Atlantic, I knew film festivals would feature importantly in my reconnaissance. From the intrepid research and illuminating insights to have emerged from the burgeoning field of film festival studies, I understood that notions of European festivals remaining untainted by commercialism were naïve; degrees of artistic compromise and devaluing of filmmaker interests have pervaded even the most experimental and exacting of festivals, as Marijke de Valck documents in her study of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. The three I opted to attend offered up a nicely-diverging range for comparison of the key elements through which I wished to assess the fortitude and sustainability of their business models and creative missions: sales (the logistics of festival ticketing); exhibition (the venues for and modes of screening films); and programming (the films selected for screening).
Though it can be overshadowed by the glitz and fanfare, the foremost objective of film festivals is to sell films. In the most literal sense this means selling distribution rights as well as festival tickets. As festivals sprout like mushrooms worldwide and the chronic foundering of independent cinemas compels films to spend more time touring on the festival circuit, such films often arrive at a festival with domestic and/or foreign distribution deals already sealed. In those cases the festival functions to sell the film down the road by upping its profile through potential awards, critical opinion, and social media attention. Increasingly, then, the selling of films at festivals is figurative rather than literal.
Digital restoration is exploding as yet another marketing scheme for selling ‘film’. This year’s major re-releases – Satyajit Ray’s Apu trilogy (Pather Panchali , Aparajito , and The World of Apu ), The Long Good Friday (John Mackenzie, 1980), The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949) – were omnipresent on the summer 2015 festival circuit across Europe and in the independent theaters along the route. As it seems that just about every conceivable city, town, municipality, and region now boasts a film festival, these events have come to serve as a centerpiece of the local tourist trade as well as an indispensable opportunity to codify a national or regional cinema identity; it is the scenic location and civic spirit, alongside the films themselves, that festival-goers are sold on. Moreover, with individual festivals increasingly needing to stand out from the proliferating clutter, they must shape a distinct brand for themselves – something that the three festivals discussed below each endeavored to do in their 2015 editions, working respective modes of literally selling themselves by figuratively ‘selling film’.
Selling film-going: Midnight Sun Film Festival
Celebrating its 30th year, Midnight Sun ran from June 10 to 14 in the remote Lapland town of Sodankylä, Finland, nearly 1,000 kilometers north of Helsinki. Co-founded by Finnish filmmaking brothers Aki and Mika Kaurismäki, the festival was long shepherded by the tireless Finnish-born critic-historian-filmmaker Peter von Bagh, whose passing last September was resoundingly commemorated in this year’s programming. Midnight Sun has more than mastered the art of self-branding, managing to lure enough cinephiles 120 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle to sell a reported 30,000 tickets this year. Their primary means of seduction is time and place: the titular unrelenting light bathing a wilderness of glassy lakes and grazing reindeer makes for a singular if disorienting timetable and landscape. The awaiting reality is part summer camp, part tourist trap – charming in its ragtag do-it-yourself-ness yet tacky with trumped-up attractions and inflated costs, even as Sodankylä and environs are severely underserved for lodging, restaurants, public bathrooms, Internet service, and other basic amenities.
Seeming to intuit that those enticed to this almost eerily silent outpost might revolt if left unstimulated for long, Midnight Sun’s programming continues around-the-clock, starting with morning discussions with special guests broadcast live on Finnish television and staving off sleep with screenings of the festival’s edgier fare in the wee hours. Just as Jean-Luc Godard said that cinema was invented with the projector, thereby ontologically privileging the projection of images over their recording, so does Midnight Sun bill the communal screening experience as paramount. Not a festival at which film sales are prominent, forthcoming releases constitute only half of the program. The emphasis instead is on spectatorship, in both its immersive and interactive varieties, with this year’s audiences treated to 70mm prints of 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968) and Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958), a chilling midnight screening of Under the Skin (Jonathan Glazer, 2013), silent films with live musical accompaniment led by conductor-pianist Antonio Coppola, and karaoke sing-alongs to musical films, including my best-of-fest – the narratively-impaired but irresistible Prince vehicle Purple Rain (Albert Magnoli, 1984).
The problem lies in the fact that, for a festival that privileges the spectatorial experience, Midnight Sun is not up to the job, theatrically speaking. However atmospheric, the 1,000-seat Big Tent and its smaller sidekick are under-heated, overly bright (plastic flaps no match for the midnight sun), and cursed with rear-numbing folding-chair seating and sightlines often obstructed by tent poles. Cinema Lapinsuu, billed as the ‘festival palace’, is hardly palatial; the additional indoor venue Koulu (School) lacks an egress, turning it into a veritable fire trap and making me concerned for the well-being of Sodankylän schoolchildren. Crowd management there and elsewhere was non-existent and there were faults with the projection at nearly every screening I attended. I had not anticipated that the website proclamation that ‘von Bagh valued the sense of community brought on by the cinema-experience even more highly than the correct screening format’ would be manifested quite so literally.
Knowing that another key draw to the festival experience is having filmmakers in attendance, Midnight Sun summons prestige guests to these hinterlands and schedules them for the morning discussions and master classes. Regrettably, these VIPs seem infrequently on hand for their film showings themselves – and when they do put in appearances it is impromptu rather than announced on the program. Apart from Christian Petzold’s charming but brief introduction of his arresting first feature The State I Am In (2000), none of this year’s guests (including Mike Leigh, Nils Malmros, Miguel Gomes, and Whit Stillman) graced screenings I attended. While the printed schedule was short on details it was long on revisions and confusing notations; a new schedule was circulated daily, in alternating colors, and looking like it had been mimeographed in the 1970s. Failing to read the fine print resulted in my late discovery that Petzold’s German-language film Barbara (2012) was screening with Swedish and Russian subtitles. Though Midnight Sun possesses an unmistakable magic, ultimately I felt hoodwinked by what was undoubtedly a masterful marketing scheme that enticed me into traveling far off the beaten path at considerable expense.
Selling film as history: Il Cinema Ritrovato
Now in its 29th year, Il Cinema Ritrovato took place in Bologna, Italy from 27 June to 4 July. Its mission to promote the restoration and preservation of film continues throughout the year through the efforts of the festival’s primary sponsor, the Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna. Like its unofficial sister festival (and competitor) in Pordenone, which screens silent film exclusively, Il Cinema Ritrovato promotes film’s past and future by selling film in the literal sense – as the photographic stock derived from an emulsified base (such as celluloid) used to imprint visual images that, having undergone chemical processing, are projected onto screens using optical-mechanical elements. 35mm prints still constitute more than half of the program at Il Cinema Ritrovato, and the emphasis on historical accuracy extends to all films being shown in their original language, with Italian and English subtitles added (a rare treat in Italy).
Von Bagh’s ghost also lingered here, where he was artistic director since 2001, and his programming legacy remains staunchly committed to the festival’s ‘recovered and rediscovered’ mission. Highlights of the program’s four sections (Cinephiles’ Heaven, The Time Machine, The Space Machine, and a special sidebar for children and young people) included the following: short films restored as part of the ongoing Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton Projects, dedicated to salvaging the complete works of the silent era comedians; a rarely screened 3D print of The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, 1939); the World Cinema Project restoration of Ousmane Sembène’s La Noire de…(1966); the first of a two-part series devoted to Soviet filmmaking from the early years of the Thaw; the complete version of Louis Feuillade’s serial Les Vampires (1915-16) serial, doing double duty in representing the series 120 Years of Gaumont and A Hundred Years Ago; the series Jazz Goes to the Movies, co-curated by Ehsan Khoshbakht and Jonathan Rosenbaum; the long-awaited restoration of Chantal Akerman’s landmark Jeanne Dielman…(1975), realised through the tenacious efforts of restorers at the Belgian Cinematek; and a series of 1950s Japanese studio films highlighting that nation’s transition to color photographic processes. Of course, privileging history over quality means that some duds will be unavoidable. For me these were the stagey Julien Duvivier melodrama La Fin du Jour (1939), the preachy Bergman-Rossellini collaboration Europa ’51 (1952), and the unengaging documentary Visit or Memories and Confessions (2015), which I understand why director Manoel de Oliveira refused to release until after his death.
As critically important as the archive is, it is hardly one whose practices are easily translatable to lay persons. Inevitably, there were some long-winded, overly technical introductions to sit through. It is testament to the structure of the proceedings and its participants then that the Future of Film panel, despite taking place over two stifling hours in a standing room-only auditorium, was thoroughly engrossing. The lively, informative discussion was moderated by Variety critic-turned-Amazon executive Scott Foundas and featured an alternating array of illustrious filmmakers and archivists – though only one woman (FIAF’s Rachael Stoltje). For all their despairing about the current state of emergency regarding the processing, projecting, and preserving of film prints, the panelists were rousing in their impassioned calls to arms and for collaboration. Director Alexander Payne proclaimed that he cares not that movies are shot on film, only that they are projected on film – ‘flicker will always be superior to glow’. Sony’s Grover Crisp offered a saucy rejoinder in response, singling out Bologna’s own Cinema Arlecchino as hardly exempt from the deterioration of film projection caused by poorly trained projectionists using badly-maintained equipment. The most resounding note was sounded by Josè Manuel Costa of the Cinemateca Portuguesa in speaking of archives as museums of film history, with his reminder that art history is not viewed in terms of the perfect image. Thus, the imperfections that result from film’s technological base are an indelible part of the art form.
After the frustrations of Midnight Sun, Il Cinema Ritrovato seemed infinitely simple in its first-come, first-serve approach to ticket-buying, and even with a non-VIP pass I got into every screening I attempted. The only downside was waiting in crowded, non-air-conditioned theatre lobbies for the previous screenings to let out – Bologna in early July was as sweltering as Lapland in early June was chilling. Purple Rain singalong aside, ultimately I was most swayed by the spectacular draw of communal film-viewing not in Lapland but in Bologna, where the evening screenings in the Piazza Maggiore offered proof of what esteemed guest Isabella Rossellini, there to introduce Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942) as part of a retrospective of her mother Ingrid Bergman’s pre-Hollywood films, called ‘il festival più bello del mondo’. With around 5,000 people filling the square nightly with a sea of bodies sprawled on every surface, the assembled crowd remained respectfully hushed in a way that al fresco film audiences rarely are in my experience. However, an eruption came on the final night, with an immense swell of applause after the chill-inducing opening credits of 2001: A Space Odyssey, scored to the unforgettable strains of Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra. It was an electrifying start to the screening of what remains an awe-inspiring film and a rousing reminder of how much communal spectatorship matters. For all the exhortations (some hollow, some sound) to embrace digital production processes and distribution/exhibition practices, I was reminded how new technologies threaten our common language of cinema and our shared experience of its public exhibition.
Selling the business of film: Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
Billing itself as one of the oldest A-list festivals (i.e., FIAPF-sanctioned non-specialised festivals with a competition for feature-length fiction films), now in its 50th year, KVIFF is the predominant festival in Central and Eastern Europe, with around 200 films showcased and a reported 11,000 attendees. It clearly operates according to what Mark Peranson calls the ‘business model’ of film festivals, as opposed to the ‘audience model’ that Midnight Sun and Il Cinema Ritrovato employ. Much changed since its socialist-era function as a tool of the Soviet propaganda machine, KVIFF was taken over in the early 1990s by Czech actor Jiří Bartoška and film journalist Eva Zaoralová. In its contemporary incarnation it strives to be thought of as Cannes-in-Bohemia. The spa town that houses it features some grand old-world hotels including the Bristol Palace, supposedly the inspiration for The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson, 2014), though I would presume some Hungarian hotelier might dispute that. These along with the surrounding green hills and cool breezes made for an enticing enough setting, even if the local custom of ‘taking the waters’ seems a fairly ludicrous scam on which to build a tourist destination. What I imagine is typically a quaint town is transformed during the festival into what I would describe as Euro Spring Break: a mecca for summer-loving Czechs, seemingly there for reasons beyond cinephilia, to which the electronic dance music blaring from the Finlandia pop-up bar in the middle of the night is testament.
Befitting a corporate-scaled festival, the overcomplicated ticketing system at Karlovy Vary favored these day-trippers and late-comers in ways that seemed dismissive of more committed cinephiles who were thereby forced to contend on a daily basis with the chaos at festival headquarters in the Thermal Hotel, which featured nineteen individual ticket desks, each of which seemed equipped to handle only a single task. Feeling nostalgic for what now seemed the charmingly disorganised Midnight Sun, let alone the easy and equitable Il Cinema Ritrovato, I continued to find KVIFF alienating in ways that other large-scale festivals I have attended (Sundance, Edinburgh, Sydney) do not. Though less focused on communal exhibition than Midnight Sun, here too the problem of unfit screening spaces persisted. Of the fourteen festival venues only the Thermal’s Grand Hall and the Čas Cinema are up to theatrical standards, with the majority of ‘cinemas’ being merely retrofitted hotel banquet ballrooms.
For all its touting of regional cinemas – an East of the West section is devoted to screening debuts and second feature-length films from Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, and the countries of the former Soviet Union – KVIFF displays an infatuation with Hollywood that is odd for a European festival. The Crystal Globe for Outstanding Artistic Contribution to World Cinema, bestowed annually, has been awarded predominantly to white men working in Hollywood. This year’s recipient Richard Gere is a prime example of the dubious selection process. The adoration continued with much-hyped appearances by Harvey Keitel, Udo Kier, and George Romero, though here again it was too infrequently the case that filmmakers were in attendance for Q&As, just as there was an ostensible lack of cinephile presence discernable throughout the festival. At the expense of attending cinephiles, then, KVIFF seems squarely focused on the business of film: Hollywood-touting; tourist destination-forging; and to more artistically productive ends, the Works in Progress platform, providing career-nurturing outreach to young filmmakers who bring uncompleted projects to the festival for unofficial premieres aimed at landing finishing funds, co-production partners, and sales agents.
The business of film (or of film festivals) seems to have afflicted the programmed films with a condition I would name festival-itis, which was by no means endemic to KVIFF. Seemingly the result of attempting to stand out from the considerable crowd of films vying for attention, filmmakers try to do too much, and fall short in the process. Symptoms I noticed across festivals include: the obtrusive hybridising of genres and erratic changes of tone (Yi’nan Diao’s Black Coal, Thin Ice ; Lisandro Alonso’s Jauja ; Bruno Dumont’s Lil Quin’quin ); overly emphatic atmosphere and ponderous performances (Jörn Donner’s excessively reflexive biopic Armi Alive! ; the Schwarzenegger-starring ‘alt-zombie’ indie Maggie [Henry Hobson, 2015]), British sex traffic melodrama The Incident [Jane Linfoot, 2015]); and the epic-scaled yet emotionally empty or overreaching (Mia Hansen-Løve’s Eden ; Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Lobster ; Jia Zhangke’s Mountains May Depart ). The best new films I saw at KVIFF were ones that scaled small, stayed consistent in tone and genre, and though emotionally-muted still spoke volumes: Adrián Biniez’s El Cinco (2014); Lucie Borleteau’s Fidelio, Alice’s Odyssey (2014); Micah Magee’s Petting Zoo (2015); Ognjen Svilicic’s These Are the Rules (2014); and Paz Fabrega’s Viaje (2015). These were the works – personal, observational, modest, and moving – that seemed ultimately the most adept at selling the art of film.
For all the consistencies both welcome (von Bagh’s imprimatur, The Third Man restoration showing up around every bend) and discouraging (the festival-itis diagnosed above), there is no doubt that these festivals, alongside the art house cinemas and alternative exhibition venues I visited along my way, provide a blessed respite from the soulless spaces of corporate cinema chains and the stultifying fare they screen. The most dismaying consistency I noted in my travels across Europe was the degree to which commercial cinemas were playing the same studio films showing back home – Hollywood globalisation manifested as a perverting of the ‘now playing at a theatre near you’ pledge. In the face of such American-centric cinematic homogeneity, Julian Stringer notes that film festivals have come to play a key, if often underacknowledged, role in the writing of film history. Festival screenings determine which movies are distributed in distinct cultural arenas, and hence which movie critics and academics are likely to gain access to.
Of course the politics of programming film festivals are exclusionary in their own right and hardly immune from commercial concerns with their auteur-adoration and aforementioned overlooking of the modest for the flashy. Still, in this late cinematic moment with, as critic Manohla Dargis alleges, ‘too many lackluster, forgettable and just plain bad movies’ coursing through ever more abundant if audience-alienating distribution channels, far surpassing the requisite number of eyeballs, festivals are the first stop for the ‘curation over consumption’ that Dargis advocates. Whether subscribing to the business model or the audience model (or some hybrid of both), those festivals that are committed to selecting truly innovative work and to screening it in ways that allow cinephiles both to commune and communicate with each other and with audiences down the distribution chain will serve as cinema’s ambassadors for selling film in the much-transformed landscape of its second century.
Maria San Filippo (University of the Arts in Philadelphia)
Dargis, M. ‘As Indies Explode, An Appeal for Sanity’, New York Times, 9 January 2014: (accessed on 3 October 2015).
De Valck, M. ‘Supporting art cinema at a time of commercialization: Principles and practices, the case of the International Film Festival Rotterdam’, Poetics, Vol. 42, 2014: 40-59.
Peranson, M. ‘First You Get the Power, Then You Get the Money: Two Models of Film Festivals’ in Dekalog 3: On film festivals, edited by R. Porton. London: Wallflower, 2009: 23-37.
Stringer, J. ‘Global Cities and the International Film Festival Economy’ in Cinema and the city: Film and urban societies in a global context, edited by M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice. Malden: Blackwell, 2001: 134-143.
See de Valck 2014.
For a discussion of the significance of film festivals in shaping civic and geographic spheres of cultural production and identity see Stringer 2001.
The Future of Film panel is viewable in its entirety on the Cineteca di Bologna YouTube site: (accessed on 20 August 2015).
See Peranson 2009.
Stringer 2001, p. 134.
Dargis 2014. | <urn:uuid:74a23f0d-3669-41d8-bfe3-9bfb6f8a1c98> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:39:10Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.937139 | 5,292 | 6,054 |
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There are also several outlets that sell adjustable beds, with a variety of features, such as massage settings and wireless remotes. Many specialty shops provide better customer service than the traditional big-box retailers. Shop around before choosing one retailer.
You can find a good adjustable bed in Diamond Bar at a fair price with a bit of research and comparison shopping.
Discount Bed Frames in Diamond Bar, California
Finding the perfect bed frame can be a challenge, especially when you’re on a budget. There are plenty of Diamond Bar, CA discount options that provide great value while maintaining style.
There is something for everyone, whether you want to go for something sleek and modern or more traditional.
It pays to research before shopping in a discount shop. Compare prices online before you go shopping. This will help you to get an idea of the type of deals you can expect from local shops. It is also important to check the reviews and customer feedback of the product in order to determine its quality.
When you find the right item for your home, do not forget to consider delivery costs. Some companies charge extra depending on where it is needed. Make sure you read all the fine print so that there are no surprises later down the line.
These tips will help you find a cheap bed frame in Diamond Bar.
Discount Mattress Accessories in Diamond Bar
Visually, the array of mattress accessories available in Diamond Bar is impressive. There’s something to suit everyone, from quality bed frames and boxsprings to plush pillow memory foam.
You may find it difficult to select the best option for you. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back.
If comfort is important, you may prefer a pillow base with massage capability or an adjustable base. Both are fantastic investments that can add years to your luxurious life.
If you’re looking for space-saving options, consider bunk beds or an air bed. Both are excellent choices to save money and square footage.
And don’t forget about sheets and blankets – all essential components for getting maximum coziness out of your mattress investment.
You will have no trouble finding the right discount mattress and accessory in Diamond Bar. It’s important to know what to buy and where to find it.
Soon you will be sleeping in a cloud nine.
Discount Mattress Deals and Offers in Diamond Bar, CA
Discounts are the best way to buy a mattress in Diamond Bar. The best part is that you get the same quality mattress for a much lower price.
There are many deals and offers that you can take advantage of if you want to save more on your purchase. Shops offer everything from nationwide sales to local mom and pop shops offering freebies for every purchase.
While shopping, be sure to ask any questions you may have and to read online reviews. This will increase your chances of finding the right mattress at the lowest price. If you’re looking for the best deals on mattresses in Diamond Bar, do a bit of extra research.
You can get everything you need at a reasonable price with the many different offers that are available.
Discount Mattress Shopping Tips
When shopping for a new mattress in Diamond Bar, there are several factors to consider. There are several factors to take into consideration when shopping for a new mattress in Diamond Bar.
If you want to save money, take the time to compare different models and brands. Before making any final decisions, make sure to read customer reviews and ask questions of store employees so you get an idea of what type of mattress would work best for you.
Test out mattresses personally before you buy them to ensure you are getting what you want. Find a mattress that is affordable but also of high quality.
Mattress Delivery Options in Diamond Bar, California
When looking for a discount mattress in Diamond Bar, CA, it’s important to consider delivery options. The weight of a large bed can make it difficult to get into an already tight living space.
Fortunately, many discount mattress retailers offer delivery services that take the hassle out of transporting your new piece of furniture home. They not only save time and effort, but give you the peace of mind to know that your purchase will arrive in good condition.
Delivery fees are different from one retailer to another, so be sure to ask the store about them before making any decisions. Some stores will even waive delivery fees based on the amount you spend or whether you live in their service zone.
Some vendors also have a partnership with third-party companies such as UPS or FedEx to provide more reliable shipping options. No matter what works best for you when you shop for mattresses online in Diamond Bar or in person, being able to access delivery services is crucial.
It’s a relief to know your investment is safe and will arrive as quickly as possible. And you still get a great deal for quality sleep products.
Mattress Financing Options in Diamond Bar
Diamond Bar residents can find it difficult to afford a new mattress. Fortunately, there are many ways they can finance the purchase.
Some stores have in-house financing that does not require credit checks, or charge interest. This means you can pay back the balance without additional financial strain.
You can also find major retailers that partner with other companies who offer credit lines to make large purchases.
There are several online lenders that specialize in helping consumers find the best prices on mattresses and home furnishings.
It doesn’t matter how much money you have to spend or when you want your mattress delivered. There is a solution available for you.
Where To Buy Discount Mattresses in Diamond Bar, CA
It can be challenging to find discount mattresses that are of good quality in Diamond Bar. There are many choices if you look in the right places. You can find great deals on quality mattresses at affordable prices without sacrificing comfort.
The downtown mattress outlet is an option. Customers will be able to choose from a variety of discount mattresses made by the biggest names in the industry. Customers often receive free delivery and prices are usually lower than at other stores. Most of the mattresses include warranties, which means buyers do not have to worry if their purchase is outdated or defective within a couple months.
Mattress Warehouse is another great place to visit. The Mattress Warehouse has a huge selection of sizes and brands, often at up to half off. Also, the store offers discounts for multiple purchases and free local delivery. Their knowledgeable staff will answer questions and assist customers in making informed decisions about their products based upon their own preferences and needs.
For anyone who wants even more savings while still getting a high-quality mattress, online retailers such as Mattress Firm are worth checking out too. Mattress Firm offers huge discounts on all products and provides fast delivery to your door at no extra charge.
Shop around online before making any decisions. The deals you find can really add-up over time.
Discount Mattress Dealers & Showrooms Near You in Diamond Bar, CA
About Diamond Bar, Los Angeles County, California 91765
Diamond Bar is a city in eastern Los Angeles County, California, United States. At the 2010 census it had a population of 55,544, and in 2019 the population was estimated to be 55,720. It is named after the “diamond over a bar” branding iron registered in 1918 by ranch owner Frederic E. Lewis (1884–1963). The city features a public Los Angeles County golf course.
Map of Diamond Bar, Los Angeles County, California 91765. Click for directions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where can I find discount mattresses in Diamond Bar?
There are several options for finding discounted mattresses in Diamond Bar. You can look for local mattress and furniture shops that have sales or discounts or search online to find deals and promotions.
Are discount mattresses of lower quality than full-priced mattresses?
Not necessarily. Discount mattresses may be on sale because they are last year’s model or because the retailer is having a clearance sale. Before buying a mattress, you should always make sure that it is of good quality.
How much can I save on a discount mattress in Diamond Bar, CA?
The amount that you can get a discount on a mattress in Diamond Bar will vary depending on who you purchase it from and the type. Discounts can be anywhere from 10% to more than 50%.
Can I try out a discount mattress before I buy it?
Most retailers who sell discount mattresses in Diamond Bar allow you to test the mattress out before purchasing it.
Is it safe to buy a discount mattress online?
If you buy from a retailer that is reputable and read customer reviews, then it is possible to safely purchase a discount mattress.
Can I return a discount mattress if I don’t like it?
It all depends on what the retailer has to say about returns. Some retailers won’t accept returns on discounted mattresses, while other will have a limited return period.
What should I look for in a discount mattress?
It’s important when looking for a discounted mattress to take into consideration the size, comfort and support. Check the quality of materials and construction.
How often should I replace my discount mattress?
The lifespan of a bed depends on how well you care for it and the quality of your mattress. The average mattress should be replaced between 7-10 year.
Can I negotiate the price of a discount mattress in Diamond Bar, California?
It depends on the retailer and the mattress you are interested in. Some retailers might be willing to bargain the price of discount mattresses, while others are not.
Are there any risks associated with buying a discount mattress in Diamond Bar?
A discount mattress comes with its own set of risks. However, as long as you do your research and purchase from a reputable retailer, you should be able to find a high-quality mattress at a discounted price. | <urn:uuid:06ffd533-22c7-4398-aecf-3493e03de90e> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:41:35Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.945381 | 4,502 | 5,244 |
Welcome, fellow thrill-seekers! Today, we bring you an exhilarating adventure that will send shivers down your spine and have you on the edge of your seat. We are excited to dive into the captivating world of ”Thriller,” an immersive experience that pulls you into a web of mystery, suspense, and heart-pounding excitement. Prepare to embark on a journey like no other, as we unravel the layers of this extraordinary product and share our first-hand encounter with its gripping charm and allure. So, buckle up and join us, as we take you through the electrifying dimensions of ”Thriller.
Table of Contents
- Features and Aspects of the “Thriller” Product
- Detailed Insights and Recommendations
- Customer Reviews Analysis
- Pros & Cons
- Discover the Power
<img class=”rimage_class” src=”” alt=”Unveiling the Thrilling World of “
“: A Collective Journey into the Unknown”>
Get ready to delve into an electrifying world of suspense and mystery with “Thriller.” This captivating novel takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. From the very first page, we were hooked by the intricate plot that kept us guessing until the very end.
Written by a talented author, “Thriller” effortlessly combines elements of psychological suspense, crime, and drama. The vivid descriptions and well-developed characters brought a sense of authenticity to the story, making it easy for us to become invested in their lives and root for their survival. The seamless blend of intense action and thought-provoking moments left us on the edge of our seats throughout.
For those who appreciate a well-crafted suspenseful narrative with a touch of adrenaline, “Thriller” is the perfect read. Don’t miss out on this captivating masterpiece – grab your copy now!
When it comes to the , we are thrilled to share our insights with you. This innovative product has truly impressed us with its exceptional design and functionality.
First and foremost, the “Thriller” is equipped with a powerful motor that ensures smooth and efficient operation. With its impressive speed control options, we were able to easily adjust the intensity of the product to suit our preferences. Whether it was a slow and relaxing massage or a deep tissue therapy session, the “Thriller” exceeded our expectations every time.
|Multiple Massage Modes
|The “Thriller” offers a variety of massage modes, including kneading, tapping, and rolling. Each mode is designed to target specific muscle groups and provide a unique massage experience.
|Customizable Massage Intensity
|With adjustable speed and intensity settings, the “Thriller” allows users to personalize their massage experience. Whether you prefer a gentle touch or a more vigorous massage, this product has got you covered.
|Compact and Portable
|The compact design of the “Thriller” makes it easy to transport and store. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go, you can enjoy a rejuvenating massage wherever you are.
The “Thriller” also comes with a user-friendly control panel that makes it incredibly simple to operate. We appreciated the intuitive layout of the buttons, which allowed us to effortlessly navigate through the various settings and modes.
If you’re looking for a high-quality massage experience that combines versatility, convenience, and effectiveness, we highly recommend checking out the ”Thriller” product on Amazon. It’s the perfect solution for those seeking relaxation and relief from the daily stresses of life.
After thoroughly testing “Thriller,” we were blown away by its gripping storyline, masterful plot twists, and expertly crafted characters. The genius of this product lies in its ability to keep us on the edge of our seats, eagerly turning each page in anticipation of what’s to come. The author’s impeccable writing style and attention to detail truly immerses the reader into the dark and suspenseful world of the story.
One of the standout features of “Thriller” is its seamless blend of action, suspense, and intense psychological elements. The pacing is perfectly executed, ensuring that the reader remains engrossed from start to finish. With every unexpected turn and revelation, this product has the power to surprise and astonish even the most seasoned thriller enthusiasts. We were particularly impressed by the intricate web of mystery and intrigue that the author skillfully weaves throughout the narrative, leaving no loose ends and keeping us guessing until the final pages.
For those seeking a heart-pounding and exhilarating reading experience, we highly recommend “Thriller.” Don’t miss out on the opportunity to delve into this captivating world of suspense and excitement. Get your copy of “Thriller” now on Amazon and prepare to be blown away!
Customer Reviews Analysis
Customer Reviews Analysis
We delved into the world of customer reviews for “Thriller” to gather insights from those who have experienced this iconic album. Let’s take a closer look at what they had to say:
What can I say, I bought this for my niece for Christmas because I purchased her first record player and what better album to play than this??? It’s MJ… The Greatest EVER!!!
I was hesitant to buy a vinyl record from Amazon as I was worried about shipping and the product being damaged. The record arrived in excellent condition and was shipped with care. I would like to share with others to purchase records through Amazon!!
A truly great album! Michael Jackson at his best. You can’t go wrong with this one.
There will never be another artist like Michael Jackson. He had everything. The sex appeal, the voice, the experience, the connections- Michael Jackson epitomized everything about a pop artist. Despite his recent history and the jokes that go hand in hand (which haven’t been funny for years), Michael Jackson proves on his albums that no matter what he does, he has something great that everyone will remember him for. Thriller stands out as one of the best albums in his career, showcasing some of his most legendary songs ever.The success of Thriller is flat out scary. The album skyrocketed to the top of the charts and stayed there for 80 weeks, one of only 3 albums to reach that level. Today, it stands as the second highest selling album in the United States and according to some sources, the highest selling album ever in the world. Seven of the nine songs on Thriller became singles, and three of them are among Jackson’s greatest hits. Thriller shows Michael Jackson branching off into a large amount of genres, including rock, R&B, funk, and just straight up 80s synth pop. Despite all the different areas of music, Jackson almost subconsciously inputs his undeniable catchiness and appeal. He took a larger songwriting and production role on this album, allowing him to really play to his strengths. He shows an obvious influence from artists like James Brown, George Clinton, and Stevie Wonder, but he also pulls in some even bigger star power. He called on Paul McCartney, immortally famous Beatles member, to do a duet with him. They “collaborated” and produced The Girl is Mine, the first single off of Thriller Jackson actually wrote all of The Girl is Mine, not allowing McCartney in any of the writing. McCartney simply adds his voice and more importantly, his name to the song. Unfortunately, even with the talents of two of the greatest pop artists of all time, The Girl is Mine fails to impress. The song is a slow, dreamy love song, allowing the vocal talent to stand out. However, the poppy hooks fail to catch the attention of the listener and the music itself pales in comparison to most of the album. Regardless, The Girl is Mine found instant success, maybe due to the star power in the song. It peaked at #2 in the pop singles chart. However, The Girl is Mine was only the beginning of the success for Thriller. Jackson then released Billie Jean, a much more uptempo and overall better song than his previous effort. Jackson also wrote Billie Jean entirely, and proves his undeniable songwriting talent on the song. It grooves a simple drum beat and a fantastic, jumpy bassline. Melodically, a synth chord progression outlines the verse, but more and more instruments add in to the climatic chorus. The chorus features extremely catchy vocal harmonies and a superb funky guitar line. That line later expands into an instrumental bridge, and the guitar stands out as a certain highlight of the song. Billie Jean shot to #1 in both the Black Singles and Pop Singles charts. Thriller contains two more extremely important tracks, the first being the title track. Known more for its dance moves and music video, Thriller is about as epic as a pop song gets. The song draws from Tower of Power horn licks and Funkadelic pop sensibility. The huge brass statement that leads the song into its main groove simply states that Thriller plans to go beyond the normal limits of a pop song. The song outlines the story of a cheesy horror film, which the video conveys perfectly. Immediately following Thriller is Beat It, which also brings in some extreme extra star power. Jackson called on Eddie Van Halen to play guitar on this song. The song draws heavily from the hair metal wave taking the rock nation by storm. The song actually peaked at #14 on the rock charts as well as #1 once again on the Pop Singles and Black Singles charts. Van Halen’s guitar playing is just as lackluster as McCartney’s appearance, but at least Van Halen isn’t as legendary as McCartney. He bursts out his typical fret-burning solo that somehow never impresses me. However, it’s a common misconception that fast guitar playing equals good guitar playing, so fans ate the song up. The riffing plays fairly stereotypical, but this isn’t on a Van Halen album, it’s on a Michael Jackson album, and Jackson lets his audience know that. His poppy vocal harmonies and lyrics make this song for what it is. Overall, Thriller is composed much like a sandwich. The bread covers the top and bottom, the less interesting part of the sandwich. On Thriller, tracks 1-3 make a good first impression but after hearing the entire album, they just do not live up to the middle of the album, or the meat of the album. The three huge singles, Thriller, Beat It, and Billie Jean all stand out even today as some of the greatest pop singles of all time. Finally, the last half of the album feels much like the beginning. Human Nature and The Lady in My Life are both good tracks, featuring some great bass and Jackson’s more sensitive side, but still never live up to the catchiness and fun of the middle of the album. However, as the entire album is listenable all the way through and each track has at least its moments, Thriller stands as one of Jackson’s greatest efforts, giving him an eternal legacy in pop music.
Que puede uno escribir de Michael Jackson y de Thriller que no se haya dicho? Nada. Lo mejor de lo mejor y tener el vinilo siempre fue mi sueño. Gracias a Dios regresó este formato de música y pude volver a comprarlo después de 40 años. Maravilloso.
Bought this for a gift. She is really enjoying this record so far.
De lo mejor que se puede tener en vinilo
Excelente producto, llegó en muy buenas condiciones y es excelente su sonido
Michael Jackson music is amazing. I’ve got the album delivered earlier than the date said. The product was a present for a love one and the reaction was lovely. We played the disc and it was an instant back to the day moment full of happiness mix with nostalgia. I like to thanks amazon as I felt the purchasing process was smooth.
Esse LP sem dúvida está no top 5 de todos os títulos imortais… não só pela representatividade em números alcançados, mas pelo efeito em uma geração, performance incontestável do rei do Pop, não há como ouvir os primeiros acordes e se manter indiferente, o movimento que causa é interior, vem de dentro pra fora, está em sintonia com a respiração, com a pulsação com a cadência ao ritmo cardíaco que vai aumentando e toma conta, te faz dançar sem mesmo mover os pés… fantástico em todos os sentidos, edição perfeita como o original da época de lançamento, imperdível e necessário aos que amam música!
Llego perfectamente sin ningún daño
After analyzing the customer reviews, we can draw some key insights:
- The majority of customers praised Michael Jackson and hailed him as one of the greatest artists of all time. They expressed admiration for his talent, sex appeal, and vocal abilities.
- Customers appreciated the condition of the vinyl record upon delivery, highlighting the careful shipping and packaging provided by Amazon.
- Many customers emphasized the album’s iconic status and its impact on pop music. They praised its catchy songs, musical diversity, and notable collaborations, such as the duet with Paul McCartney.
- Several customers expressed their joy and nostalgia upon listening to the album, describing it as a trip down memory lane and a source of happiness and excitement.
- There were positive reviews from customers who bought the vinyl as a gift for others, stating that the recipients enjoyed the album.
- Customers who collect vinyl records regarded “Thriller” as an essential addition to their collection, emphasizing its timeless and lasting appeal.
- Overall, customers were satisfied with their purchase and the quality of the product, feeling that it met their expectations.
Based on these insights, it is evident that “Thriller” continues to resonate with fans and music lovers alike, standing the test of time as a true masterpiece in the world of music.
Pros & Cons
Pros & Cons of “Thriller”
- Engrossing Storyline: Immerse yourself in a captivating narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
- Heart-Pounding Moments: Experience adrenaline-pumping thrills that will leave your heart racing.
- Intense Suspense: Stay glued to the pages as you try to unravel the mysteries and secrets.
- Well-Developed Characters: Get to know intriguing and complex personalities that add depth to the story.
- Clever Plot Twists: Be prepared for unexpected turns that will keep you guessing until the end.
- Sometimes Overwhelming: The plot can get convoluted at times, requiring careful attention to detail.
- Slow Start: The story takes a few chapters to gain momentum, which might deter impatient readers.
- Violence and Gore: Some scenes may be too graphic for more sensitive readers, so be cautious.
- Requires Suspension of Disbelief: The plot might require you to accept certain implausible situations.
|Violence and Gore
|Requires Suspension of Disbelief
|Clever Plot Twists
Q: What is “
” is a groundbreaking product that takes you on a mind-bending thrill ride into the unknown. It’s an immersive experience that combines elements of gaming, virtual reality, and storytelling like never before.
Q: How does “
” uses state-of-the-art technology to transport you into a virtual world where you become an active participant in a thrilling narrative. Through a combination of audiovisual effects, tactile sensations, and interactive gameplay, “
” blurs the line between reality and fiction.
Q: Can you give us an example of what kind of experiences we can expect from “
A: With “
“, you can expect to be plunged into gripping scenarios such as solving a high-stakes mystery, surviving a heart-stopping horror encounter, or exploring an alien planet. The possibilities are endless, and the excitement is palpable.
Q: Is “
“ suitable for all ages?
A: While “
” can be enjoyed by a wide range of individuals, it’s important to note that some experiences within the product may contain intense or frightening elements. We recommend that parents exercise caution and consider the age appropriateness before allowing younger audiences to engage with ”
Q: Are there different levels or difficulty settings in “
A: Absolutely! “
” caters to various skill levels and interests. Whether you’re a beginner looking for a casual adventure or a seasoned thrill seeker craving a demanding challenge, “
” has a diverse range of experiences tailored to satisfy everyone’s desires.
Q: How long does a typical “
” experience last?
A: The duration of each “
” experience can vary depending on the chosen adventure. Some may last between one to two hours, while others could span multiple sessions, offering a more prolonged and engaging journey.
Q: Can “
” be played alone or is it more enjoyable with others?
” can be enjoyed both solo and with friends or family. Solo play allows for a more intimate and personal experience, while playing with others can create a sense of shared adventure and excitement. The choice is yours!
Q: Is “
” compatible with all gaming consoles or devices?
” is designed to be compatible with a wide range of gaming consoles, virtual reality platforms, and devices. However, it’s important to check the product’s compatibility specifications to ensure that it works seamlessly with your preferred platform.
Q: Can you share any testimonials from users who have tried “
A: Certainly! Here’s what some thrilled adventurers had to say about their “
- “I felt like I was the protagonist in my own blockbuster movie!” – Sarah
” pushed the boundaries of what I thought was possible in virtual reality. Mind-blowing!” – Alex
- “I played “
” with my friends, and we couldn’t stop talking about it for days. It brought us together in an unforgettable way.” – John
Q: Can “
” be enjoyed multiple times or is it a one-time experience?
A: The beauty of “
” lies in its replayability. Each adventure offers branching storylines and multiple choices that affect the outcome. This allows for a unique experience each time you play, making “
” a product that can be enjoyed repeatedly.
Q: Is there any additional equipment or accessories required to play “
A: The requirements may vary depending on the platform you choose to play “
“ on. Some experiences may require additional accessories such as motion controllers or virtual reality headsets. Be sure to check the product’s specifications to ensure you have everything needed for an optimal experience.
Disclaimer: The descriptions and answers provided are based on our knowledge at the time of writing. Kindly refer to the official “
“ website or contact the manufacturer for the most up-to-date information about the product.
Discover the Power
As we conclude our collective journey into the unknown, we find ourselves misty-eyed and in awe of the marvelous adventure that “
” has taken us on. From the moment we unveiled the layers of excitement, to the heart-pounding plot twists that left us breathless, this product has truly transported us to an electrifying world of thrills.
Every page turned, every chapter savored, we were consumed by the captivating story that unfolded before our eyes. The author’s mastery of suspense kept us on the edge of our seat, eagerly following the protagonist through a maze of intrigue and adrenaline-pumping encounters. “
” offered an escape like no other, as we found ourselves lost in its gripping narrative, unable to put it down.
But beyond the enthralling tale, it is the way “
” seamlessly intertwines innovation and artistry that truly sets it apart. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, this product effortlessly merges technology and creativity to deliver an immersive experience. The thrill of holding “
” in our hands was matched only by the palpable excitement it brought to our lives.
As we bid farewell to this captivating journey, we urge you to embark on your own unforgettable adventure. Take our word for it—the unknown has never been more exhilarating. Join us in discovering the wonders of “
” by clicking on the link below, and let your imagination soar on the wings of excitement.
Embark on this thrilling journey: Get your own “ | <urn:uuid:91bfbb07-2907-47a1-b734-a01e70cc86b1> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T11:33:04Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.933883 | 4,692 | 4,807 |
The rising cost of beef jerky, along with the unhealthy ingredients in it prompted me to create my own beef jerky recipe. It took some trial and error but I have finally found the Holy Grail.
In this post, I will show you how to make the best beef jerky – I will also provide instructions on how to prepare it in a dehydrator and oven. Let’s get started!
One of the reasons that it can be so intimidating to even think about making your own beef jerky is because most people assume that they need a dehydrator. Now, while a dehydrator can certainly make this process easier for you, you don’t need one!
This is why in this post I am going to show you how to make homemade beef jerky in both a dehydrator as well as an oven.
I’m going to be honest, a dehydrator does give you a more traditional beef jerky result. You will find that the jerky is a bit drier and chewier.
This is because the airflow is better in a dehydrator. It is also easier to maintain a lower temperature in the machine.
This doesn’t mean that your homemade beef jerky isn’t going to any good if you prepare it in the oven.
Oven baked beef jerky is actually really delicious! As long as you keep the slices thin and the temperature low, you should be able to get a pretty good result!
Making beef jerky is quite different to cooking beef. For one thing, you want a cut that is as lean as possible here.
See, fat adds moisture to the meat and this is definitely not something that you want when you are dehydrating beef. What’s more, if there is fat on the beef, it can cause the jerky to spoil sooner and to reduce the shelf life of the final product.
So, what cuts can you use for your homemade beef jerky?
The best cut of beef would be flank steak. This is because it is one of the leanest cuts of meat. It also has a nice beefy flavor that translates well to the jerky.
The only issue is that flank steak can be pretty pricey and so I know that most people will be hesitant to use it for beef jerky.
I would say that the second best option would be eye of round, top round steak, or bottom round roast. I have heard of some people using London broil but haven’t given it a try myself.
When choosing the cut of meat, choose a section without any pieces of fat on it. If there are any sections, ask the butcher to trim it for you or you will need to do this when you get home.
It is also a good idea to look for a cut that has almost no marbling in it. This will help to further reduce the risk of having fat in your jerky.
Now, you may have heard of people using ground meat or ground chuck to make homemade jerky. Some prefer it because the meat is naturally lean and this gives you peace of mind when making jerky.
I would warn against using ground chuck for beef jerky recipes, though. This is because once you have seasoned the meat, you have to work hard to flatten it and make it as smooth as possible. Then, you have to slice the meat while making sure that it doesn’t fall apart.
As you can see, there is a lot of effort involved here and I would argue that it isn’t worth the hassle.
It is very important to slice the meat just right. If you cut the beef into too-thick slices, then it is going to be tricky to get that traditional beef jerky texture. Not to mention, you will also need to let the meat cook for longer.
Before you slice the meat, make sure to trim any fat from the cut of beef. Use a sharp knife so that you can slice off the fat without taking any of the lean meat with it.
If there is marbling in the meat, you can gently cut it away. However, this is a time consuming process and you may end up cutting away too much lean meat as well. Due to this, you should leave the marbling in.
It is a good idea to freeze the beef a bit before you begin to slice it. This makes the cut of beef firmer and makes it easier to cut the beef into thin, even slices.
Place the meat in the freezer for about an hour or so, depending on the size of the cut. Don’t keep it in for too long, though, or it will be frozen solid and then you will need to thaw out the meat again.
You just need to keep the meat in the freezer long enough so that it will firm up but not be frozen.
Then, use a sharp knife to cut 1/4 of an inch slices. Take your time and do this carefully so that each slice is similar to the next.
If this feels a bit too intimidating for you, I would suggest asking your butcher to tackle this job for you. They can use machines to ensure thin and even strips. They will probably get the task done faster too.
Unlike when making beef dishes, you have two options here. You can either cut with the grain or against the grain. It all depends on your desired texture.
If you would like tender jerky, then cut against the grain. In case you prefer a chewier jerky, then cut with the grain.
The first thing that I want to make clear is that every dehydrator is different. Due to this, you should always read the instructions that come with your make and model before proceeding.
Once the beef strips have been marinated, preheat the dehydrator to 145 degrees F.
Depending on the make and model, you may not need to do this. If so, simply set the temperature to 145 F and then place the beef in the dehydrator.
Pat the beef jerky dry but try not to remove any seasoning on the meat. If you do accidently remove some of it, you can sprinkle on a bit more for added flavor. Chili flakes taste especially good and can counteract a very sweet jerky recipe nicely
Then, carefully organize the beef strips on the dehydrator trays. Make sure to leave a little bit of room between each strip.
This allows the air to circulate around each strip, dehydrating it fully. If you are preparing a lot of beef, then make sure to prepare them in batches.
Place the trays in the dehydrator and leave for about 4 to 5 hours.
The beef jerky is ready when it is dry but still quite pliable.
Start by preheating the oven to 175 degrees F.
Then, cover baking sheets with aluminum foil. Place wire racks on the trays.
Remove the beef jerky from the marinade and arrange the strips on the wire racks. Make sure to keep a little bit of space in between each strip. This will help with improved air circulation.
Keep the top rack of the oven free and only place the sheets in the middle and bottom racks.
Place the baking sheets in the oven and cook for 4 to 5 hours.
2 hours into the cooking process, flip the beef strips over. Continue cooking until the strips are pliable but dry.
As the oven doesn’t have as much dry air flowing through it as a dehydrator, it is important to always arrange the beef properly.
To begin with, never place the beef directly onto baking trays. Instead, place them on elevated and perforated platforms like the wire racks. This allows the air to circulate all around the beef.
Now, there is another technique that you can use. You should be aware that this can be rather fussy and time consuming. However, the texture of the resulting beef jerky is a bit more similar to what you will get in the dehydrator.
Thread a toothpick or skewer through the top of each strip. Then, hang the stick from the oven rack. This will allow the meat to hang lengthwise, allowing for greater air circulation.
Depending on the size of your oven, you may need to do this from either the first rack or the middle rack.
It is a good idea to line the bottom of the oven with baking sheets covered in aluminum foil. There are bound to be drippings from the meat and the trays will make clean up a lot easier for you.
Yes, this method can be quite time consuming but can be a good technique to use if you want to get a more authentic beef jerky texture.
Otherwise, placing the meat on wire racks will work just as well.
Freeze the beef for about an hour.
Trim the fat from the meat and thinly slice the meat.
Combine the soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, and the rest of the marinade ingredients in a bowl. If you are using brown sugar, make sure that all the crystals are dissolved before proceeding.
Pour the marinade into a Ziploc bag. Add the beef strips and seal. Shake the bag so that all the slices are evenly coated.
Then, place in the refrigerator for between 1 hour and 24 hours.
Follow the instructions for making beef jerky in the dehydrator or oven.
I know that some people like to tenderize their beef before they slice it. This is so that you get a tender texture out of your beef jerky.
While this is certainly something that you can try, I wouldn’t say that it is a must do thing. It is a lot of effort for very little reward. It is far better to focus on cutting your beef into very thin slices and to cut against the grain.
Of course, you are free to give this is a try to see if i does make a lot of difference to your homemade beef jerky.
The great thing about making homemade beef jerky is that you get to flavor it any way that you want.
If you like your beef jerky savory with a hint of sweetness and smokiness, then you can use my recipe.
You are also free to get creative and come up with your very own marinade recipe.
If you are going with a savory option, I would suggest keeping the soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, and onion powder. This makes for an unbeatable base and works beautifully with a lot of other flavorings as well.
Like spicy beef jerky? Then, add some chili powder, and red pepper flakes into the mix.
In case you are a fan of contrasting flavors, I would suggest pairing spicy flavors with a little bit of sweetness. It is a truly magical combination!
If you are being careful about your diet and are watching your sodium intake, I would advise using low sodium soy sauce instead of the regular version. If you do this, add in about a teaspoon of kosher salt – don’t skip the salt completely or your homemade beef jerky will be lacking in flavor.
When it comes to making your own marinade, it is important to balance the flavors out. You don’t want one overpowering the rest. This is why you should always start by adding half a teaspoon of a particular herb, spice, or flavoring.
Then, do a taste test and see how things stand. If certain flavors are stronger than he others, then add in a bit more of the flavorings that seem mild. Do this carefully and in smaller quantities.
It is also a good idea to make notes as you go so that you know exactly how much of each ingredient to add at the end.
If you aren’t sure which flavors you like, I propose running a taste test the first time that you make homemade beef jerky.
Make up various marinades and divide the beef slices into the batches. Then, marinate each batch in a different marinade for the same amount of time.
At the end of this experiment, you should be able to tell which flavors you like the best!
When it comes to marinating homemade beef jerky, longer is always better. This is because the longer that you leave the beef to marinate, the stronger the flavor will be.
Letting the meat sit in a marinade for longer can also help to make it a bit more tender.
Of course, if you don’t want your homemade beef jerky to have a strong marinade flavor, then you can leave it in for less time.
While I did say that you can leave the beef in the marinade for at least an hour, it is best to keep it there for about 3 or 4 hours.
To make sure that you have enough time to marinate the meat, simply start preparing the beef jerky at an earlier time. Trust me, it will be worth it.
It can be tricky to know when beef jerky is cooked to perfection.
You should be aware that it is possible for you to overcook jerky. If you do this, then the jerky will feel dry and crumbly. The flavor will not be all that great either.
Due to this, it is important to keep a close watch on the jerky throughout the cooking or the dehydration process.
After the 3 hour mark, it is a good idea to keep checking the jerky. Take a strip and bend it. Jerky that has been cooked to perfection will begin to crack but will not break. It still needs to be a bit pliable.
To ensure that you don’t mess up the jerky, carry out this step with a single strip.
If this is your first time making homemade beef jerky, then you may be concerned about how safe the final product is. This is especially true if you are using a dehydrator for the first time.
Now, this does depend on the temperature that you set your dehydrator, though. If the machine can be set to 145 degrees F or higher, then you are fine.
If the dehydrator doesn’t allow you to do this, then it is a good idea to cook the meat ahead of time first.
Set your oven to 300 degrees F and lay the beef strips on a baking sheet. Place the sheet in the oven and cook the meat until the internal temperature of the strips reaches 145 F.
Once the meat registers at this temperature, take the strips out and then place in the dehydrator. This should guarantee food safety.
Another tip to ensure that your homemade beef jerky is completely safe is to always marinate in the refrigerator. This is especially important if you are keeping the meat in the marinade for longer than an hour.
Once the beef jerky has had time to cool down, place it in an airtight container or a Ziploc bag immediately.
You can keep the jerky in these containers for as long as you have it. Just make sure to reseal the bag or container shortly after retrieving the jerky.
It is important to understand that your homemade version isn’t going to last you nearly as long as store bought jerky.
Store bought beef jerky has a lot of additives and preservatives which make it even more shelf stable. Since your beef jerky doesn’t have all of these, it will spoil a bit faster.
If you keep it in the refrigerator, the beef jerky may be good for up to a month. If you don’t it should last you a week, perhaps a little longer.
Now, there are simple who believe that you can keep homemade beef jerky for longer than a few months.
This technically can be achieved by vacuum sealing the beef jerky the moment that it is ready. You will also need to store the beef in the freezer until it is ready to be eaten.
Personally, I wouldn’t trust such tactics as there is no guarantee that your beef jerky can be stored that long. And, I would not want to take the risk of eating potentially contaminated jerky.
Not to mention, freshly made jerky always offers up a better texture as well as flavor. So, do yourself a favor and simply make smaller batches.
After making jerky a few times you will realize just how easy it is to do and be able to get through the process a lot more efficiently.
To be on the safe side, always examine your beef jerky carefully and do a sniff test to make sure that it is still safe to consume. If the strips look or smell off, it is best to throw them away instead of taking the risk of eating jerky that has gone bad.
You may be thinking to yourself why you should make the effort of preparing beef jerky at home when you can simply head to the store and buy some yourself.
Well, there are a few reasons.
First and foremost, the beef jerky that you make at home is a lot healthier than anything that you can find in the store.
This is because your homemade beef jerky is free from nitrates and various other added preservatives, colorings, and flavorings. Everything that you put into your jerky recipe is completely natural.
You will find that the homemade beef jerky is an especially good idea if you are trying to get your sodium levels under control. Using a low sodium soy sauce can help to drastically reduce the salt in the recipe.
The other benefit is that you can end up saving quite a bit of money in the long run. Have you seen the jerky pries these days? They aren’t cheap and they are only getting higher.
When making your own batch, though, you can make the jerky with the cheapest cut that you can find. And, for the most part, you have most of the other ingredients in your kitchen already.
This means that not much investment goes into making the jerky.
Last, but certainly not least, homemade beef jerky gives you the opportunity to get as creative as flavors as you like. You can come up with unique combinations or ones that are perfectly suited to your taste buds.
Also, if you like a bit more texture on your jerky, you can also sprinkle red pepper flakes on it before dehydrating the meat in a dehydrator or the oven.
This is all that you need to know about making homemade beef jerky. Now that you are armed with all this knowledge, there is no stopping you. You will be able to whip up delicious and perfectly chewy jerky each and every time.
Go ahead and give this recipe a try today! Once you see how easy it is, you will certainly never go back to the store bought versions again. | <urn:uuid:6e45e0b1-ea8d-476a-9cf8-b676f5314ddd> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:14:25Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.956247 | 3,893 | 4,458 |
Oracles of Nostradamus, by Charles A. Ward, , at
Century VI.--Quatrain 74.
La. dechassée 1 an regne tournera,
Ses ennemies trouvés des conjurés:
Plus que jamais son temps triomphera,
Trois et septante à mort trop asseurés.
She who was proscribed will return to the kingdom,
Her enemies will be treated as conspirators;
More than ever her time (or empire) will triumph;
Seventy-three years its deathly domination is assured.
THE Revolution (la dechassée), repressed in 1816, shall again obtain the government. Its enemies will be treated as conspirators, and it will be stronger than ever. Seventy-three years are assured to its death-like rule. I give this as M. le Pelletier does, but I see no reason whatever to think that it is correct. Garencières makes it apply to Charles II. of England, and the seventy-three put to death are those who abetted the murder of his father. This is very vague. Garencières reads Le dechassé. Here we may remark that Napoleon himself [p. 280] dates his nobility from the battle of Montenotte, 1797, Seventy-three years added to this yields us the remarkable date of the fall of his dynasty at Sedan, 1870,
Century I.--Quatrain 3. (September 22, 1792.) [I. 162.]
Quand la lictiere du tourbillion versée, 1
Et seront faces de leurs manteaux 2 couvers,
La republique par gens nouveaux vexée, 3
Lors blancs et rouges jugeront à l'envers.
When the litter is turned topsy-turvey by the typhoon,
Men will mask their faces with the cloak of hypocrisy.
The republic will be troubled by new-risen men;
The white and red will judge by contraries.
This means that the royalists (les blancs) and the republicans (les rouges) will judge of everything from utterly opposed points of view. What was top will become bottom, when the blast blows the litter over; and, new men rising to power, the rest will cover their faces with hypocrisy, as men do with their cloaks in a storm. Compare the phrase à l'envers with p. 154.
Century II.--Quatrain 30. [I. 163.]
Un qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux
Fera renaistre, effrayeur des humains.
Oncq' 4 plus d'horreur ne 5 plus pire journaux
Qu'avint viendra par Babel aux Romains. 6
There will be one who will revive the infernal gods
Of Hannibal, a terror to mankind.
Never arrived by Babel note horror
Nor worse day's work than will fall upon Roman Catholics.
The meaning is, Napoleon shall arise, who will reawaken the solemn curse on Rome uttered by Hannibal, when he called the infernal gods to witness his hatred to her, to the terror of all mortals. Not Babel at the dispersion brought on the world more horror, nor days of more evil-ploughing for the present or seed-sowing for the future than shall fall upon the Roman world by him. This is much better than to limit it to an ecclesiastical area merely. We shall see that Charles V. is a sort of prototype of Napoleon, and Garencières adduces Charles V. as fulfilling this prophecy. Hannibal is also a prototype of Napoleon in attacking Italy by crossing the Alps.
Century I.--Quatrain 14. (1789-1793.) [I. 164.]
De gent esclave chansons, chants et requestes
Captifs par 1 Princes et Seigneur aux prisons,
A l'advenir par idiots sans testes
Seront receus par 2 divines oraisons.
Songs, chants, and refrains of the slavish mob,
Whilst the Princes and King are captive in prison,
Shall be received in the future as oracles divine
By headless idiots deprived of judgment.
Songs--such as the Marseillaise while the King and Princes are imprisoned in the Temple,--songs of the mob (gent esclave) are received by brainless fools for divine utterances, even prayers (divines oraisons). Vox populi, vox Dei, is always the fools' blasphemous formula, when swine
chose Barabbas for Pontifex or Generalissimo. A cruelly entreated people; whose burdens are aggravated by wickedness in high places needlessly, above and beyond the grief, which every man is born to by the act of birth into a world of sickness, sorrow, and injustice; sighs heavily at this unduly heaped-up burden, and that sigh, that vox populi, runs upward like a lightning conductor to elicit fire from the clouds, coming back charged with electricity and thunder,--a vox Dei of terrible divinity. But when scum rises to the direction, as with the Revolutionists, and is followed by some brutalized sabreur aggrandizing himself as king of chaos and disorder, with shouts of subservient applause from the smutty mob, saying, "Herod, thou art a god," the vox populi that split the welkin once, is now the vox infernorum demonum, the whole upspring and outcome of which is bestiality and lawlessness enthroned in defiance of the decalogue and heaven. Thenceforth the appeal of all good men and sane is, "Ye who worship God, good and alone from eternity, down with them." The men must work and serve. This fiat is in the air, is in the sea, is on the earth. It is the vox naturæ, in comparison with which the people's voice, vox populi, is nothing, beyond a momentary troubling of the silences.
The following quatrain I give for what it may be thought worth. M. le Pelletier thinks it to relate to the creation of assignats, December 19, 1789. It would be a pity to lose sight of his identification, if even some should presume it to be incorrect.
Century I.--Quatrain 53. (December 19, 1789.) [I. 165.]
Las! qu'on verra grand peuple tourmenté,
Et la loi saincte en totale ruine;
Par autres loix route la Chrestienté;
Quand d'or d'argent trouvé nouvelle mine.
Alas! how great a people shall tormented be,
And holy law in utter ruin laid:
By newer laws all Christendom is vexed,
With a new mine of gold and silver found.
We shall see, alas! the French people (grand peuple) agitated, the Catholic religion (la loy saincte) totally ruined, all Christendom put under new laws, when the National Assembly decrees that four hundred million assignats shall .be issued (nouvelle mine d'or, etc.), secured on the property of the clergy, in the interests of the Revolution.
Older commentators applied this to the paper-money schemes of Law 1716; and Garencières finds the fulfilment in the discovery of the Spanish-American gold and silver mines.
A properly regulated paper-money issue, based on the taxation of a State, having absolutely no intrinsic value whatever in itself, could undoubtedly be converted into a circulating medium that would work more smoothly than any metallic one can, because the market value of the ore, employed as now in coinage, is perpetually introducing a fluctuation of values that conflicts with the nominal standard of the coin, so that the standard is never uniform. The currency required would never amount to a tenth part of the taxation leviable. Paper could therefore be destroyed at the Bank of England, or issued exactly according to the needs of trade and commerce. Fluctuation in the market value of metals would no longer affect the circulating medium in the least. Thus might one cause of recurrent panics be removed for ever. But can bank directors or ministers be trusted with such a responsibility? This hinges on honesty, and there is none to spare.
Century VII.--Quatrain 14. (1789-1793.) [I. 166.]
Faux exposer viendra topographie,
Seront les cruches 1 des monumens ouvertes,
Pulluler secte, sancte philosophie,
Pour blanches noires, et pour antiques vertes.
Topography will soon be falsified,
The urns and sepulchres stand violate,
Sects swarm, and babbling sentiment
Black put for white, and green fruit for the ripe.
The curse be on them for changing old landmarks. The provinces turned into departments (by decree of the Assembly, December 22, 1789). The sepulture of Kings violated at St. Denis. Unholy sects will swarm, and a sentimental philosophy, of Rousseau and other maddened sophists, usurping the office of religion, black will stand for white, and green, crude fruit be substituted for the ripe.
Century IV.--Quatrain 24.
Ouy soubs Terre Sainte Dame 2 voix feinte,
Humaine flamme pour Divine voit luire:
Fera des surs de leur sang terre tainte,
Et les saints temples par les impures destruire.
Hear from the ground a voice of Halidom,
A human flame pretending light divine.
The blood of sisters stains the earth to red,
And holy temples the impure destroy.
This, I think, refers to the sentimental advocacy of the Rights of man, as substitutionary of religion and faith in the literary movement of the eighteenth century. It would comprise Rousseau's gospel of dirt and sentimentality, Voltaire's substitution of wit for wisdom, and the science of the encyclopædists floating disoriented upon the waters of un,, certainty, in lieu of the deep thought of the solitary thinkers that preceded them. These last were men who, heretofore walking humbly and without association in conspiracy, interrogated the universe, divinely sown with riddles in great abundance by a hand invisible, until they fell asleep into that hand, and awoke to the illuminated answers.
The blood of sisters was the wholesale slaughter of women that distinguished the Revolution, whilst church altars were desecrated by naked women, set there to personate the goddess of impure reason, feigning la sante dame.
The quatrain 25 that follows this in the text of Nostradamus I now give; but this verse 24, so far as I have seen, has never been commented upon nor has the connection been pointed out. Yet this stanza furnishes the reasons why the stars became overclouded to a people that were benighted, par ces raisons, as the reader will perceive by the second line that succeeds this.
Century IV.--Quatrain 25. [I. 167.]
Corps sublimes 1 sans fin à l'il visibles,
Obnubiler 2 viendront par ces raisons.
Corps front comprins, 3 sens 4 chief 5 et invisibles.
Diminuant les sacrées oraisons.
The infinite stars are links that light to doubt,
And drop the pall of night upon the soul:
The eye and front of man,--and soul,--grown cerebral,
God and His host withdraw; and with them prayer!
M. le Pelletier considers that Nostradamus attributes these effects to the reasonings hostile to the faith that improved optical instruments will introduce, as they suggest a plurality of worlds. I quite admit that in many minds this has been the tendency. Almost any discovery, giving a new hint as to infinitude, launches a number of inferior but vigorous brains into new lines of reasoning. We then get great multiplication of secondary volumes, which supply minced Aristotle or chaff to represent any amount of sausage-meat required by the reading public. Of course the further you can see by the telescope the further you put heaven away from the earth-dweller, and he loves it the less; for it is the near things we love, and not the remote. The heart is not universal, and cannot be stretched to it. I look upon the telescope, to an ordinary man, as a drain-pipe, through which he can run off and lose the moisture of his soul and live the worse for it afterwards; to the multitude of men, useless; to the scientific man, a means of inflation and puffing up; and to the really serious and isolated thinker, as the threshold of infinitude that may, though it has hardly yet done so, answer a few out of the ten million astral riddles sown in space. The last-named individual alone may benefit a little by it. But I question if anything at all of this was present to Nostradamus.
He seems to me, in these two closely interlinked quatrains, to enlarge much upon the theme of St. Paul (Rom. i. 28) that, as at the French Revolution, "they did not like
to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind;" or one void of judgment, "to do things which are not convenient." So that the earth gave out deceptive voices to them, and false lights for Divine light, to slay women and desecrate the temples; and then that the very stars visible to the eye, which should teach faith to all, will for these reasons veil themselves and leave nothing to mankind but the darkness of night. Pure materialism follows, God and His host withdraw, and prayer is no more heard upon the earth.
Century I.--Quatrain 60. [I. 168.]
Un empereur naistra près d'Italie,
Qui à l'Empire sera vendu bien cher:
Diront avec quels gens il se ralie,
Qu'on trouvera moins prince que boucher.
An emperor shall be born near Italy,
Bought by the Empire at a bankrupt rate:
You'd say the herd, he gathers to himself,
Denote him butcher rather than a prince.
An emperor shall be born in Corsica--Napoléon Bonaparte. His advent to the throne of France will prove prodigiously costly to her. It is enough to make one say, from the tribe he surrounds himself with, that he is more like a butcher far, with the steel dangling at his side, and slaughter-man apprentices, than a prince.
It is natural that Bouys, who has hunted Nostradamus for quatrains that will serve for adulation of Napoleon, has passed this over, sub silentio, entirely. Garencières, speaking of this, says it is a prophecy for the future, for that until now (1672) no such emperor has been heard of, born near Italy, that cost so much and proved a butcher.
Century VI.--Quatrain 23. [I. 169.]
D'esprit de regne munismes 1 descriés,
Et seront peuples esmeus contre leur Roy:
Paix, sainct nouveau, sainctes loix empirées,
Rapis 2 onc 3 fut en si trèsdur arroy. 4
The rampart of tradition battered down,
The people rise against their King anoint':
Peace, a new Saint, and sacred laws made worse,
Paris was never in such disarray.
The traditions of the French monarchy are thrown to the ground and the people rise against the King, Louis XVI. Peace will succeed the anarchy when Napoleon comes to power. Pius VII., to flatter the Emperor, will interpolate the ritual on the 15th of August with a new saint, the fête of St. Napoleon, 5 who was martyred under Diocletian. The Emperor's interference will hurt the Church greatly, and foreign armies (1814-1815) will reduce Paris to extremities she has never before undergone.
As to the fête of St. Napoleon, the story runs that when it was first instituted its impropriety, if not blasphemy, was
much discussed in Catholic circles. An Irish priest from Rome was one day communicating the strange fact at a dinner-table in Dublin, when an Irish gentleman exclaimed with vehemence, "What d----d impudence!" "No, no!" said the priest, "what you mean to call it is the Blessed Assumption," for that day falls on the 15th of August.
Century I.--Quatrain 31. [I. 170.]
Tant 1 d'ans en Gaule les guerres dureront,
Outre 2 la course du Castulon 3 monarque:
Victoire incerte 4 trois grands couronneront,
Aigle, Coq-lune, Lyon-soleil en marque.
War draws her length in Gaul for many a day,
Beyond the course of Castula the Queen;
Uncertain victory will crown three thrones,
The Eagle, Cock-moon, Lion-sun, on coin.
Civil war and foreign will last in France long after the ephemeral Republic has perished. Victory, always uncertain, will crown three houses in succession. They will coin money with the Imperial eagle of Napoleon; the revolutionary Gallic cock appearing with the house of Orleans, instituted by revolution, and adding the crescent of Mahomet for successes in Algeria; whilst the Lion represents Louis XVIII. and Charles X. of the Capetian Monarchy, with the sun representing Catholicism. Le Pelletier says the Sun symbolises Christianity, and the moon Mahomet or Antichrist. Myself I think it would be best to consider the sun
as the symbol of Christ; the moon as the symbol of atheistic democracy or Antichrist.
This Garencières thought to be interpretable in his time He reads the second line,
"Outre la course du Castulon monarque,"
as, after the death of the King of Spain a Castilian monarch. The eagle as Charles V. [a further analogy with Napoleon]. Henry II., contemporary with Nostradamus, and Soliman, which three crowns met under Leo with uncertain odds in war.
The quatrain that follows this is:
Century I.--Quatrain 32.
Le grand Empire sera tost translaté,
En lieu petit qui bientost viendra croistre,
Lieu bien infime d'exigue comté,
Où au milieu viendra poser son sceptre.
The great Empire will soon be translated into a little place that quickly, will expand. An unworthy spot, a mere county, from the midst of which he will come to lay aside his sceptre.
Garencières interprets this of Charles V., who, three years before his death, resigned Spain and the Low Countries to Philip II., his son, and the empire to his brother Ferdinand. He then shut himself up in the Escurial, in Castile, a monastery; which the son afterwards enlarged into a grand palace. accounted by Spaniards as the eighth wonder of the world. But I am not aware that any one has yet pointed out that it fits Napoleon as patly just as it can Charles. His empire was cramped into Elba--Æthalia, the soot island (lieu bien infime); a mere countship was his monarchy there. It soon
grew again into an empire, but he only came out of its midst to resign his sceptre a second time and for ever.
After these prelusory flourishes relating to the Vulgar Advent and French Revolution, we are now to enter upon a more special theme; the murder of the King, and the ragged beggars' festival and brawl, called the First Republic of the Sans Culottes.
198:1 Romance, dechassé, driven away.
199:1 Versée, for renversée.
199:2 In this high-wind of revolution men will mask their countenances with the cloak of hypocrisy.
199:3 Latin, vexata, troubled.
199:4 Oncques, never, nunquam.
199:5 Romance, ne, ni, nor.
199:6 The order is "Qu'avant oncq' plus d'horreur ni plus pire à Babel qu'il n'adviendra aux Remains par les journaux." This is M. le Pelletier's reading, and he interprets it of Voltaire, the encyclopedists and journalists of the seventeenth century, who assailed the faith and the Church of Rome. But surely the one like Hannibal was Napoléon, and the journaux in this old speech does not stand for journals and newspapers that had no existence, and therefore no name in the time of Nostradamus Journal meant a day's work, such as could, in ploughing, be done by a man with two oxen.
200:1 Latin, per, whilst.
200:2 Latin, pro, for.
203:1 Cruches = urns, Cinerary urns. Garencières read urnes.
203:2 Sainte Dame I take to be equivalent to our English Halidom, consisting of Holy and Dome--a terminative seen in kingdom and Christendom, and signifying rule or lordship. It has also been written as Holidame, as if referring to the Virgin Mary. Of course, if that were the correct etymology, it would furnish the exact rendering of Sainte Dame: but, as it is, it is equivalent. A voice feigning that of the Blessed Virgin may well be represented by a voice feigning that of religion and faith. I take this from Garencières, and not the texte-type.
204:1 Sublimis, high, elevated.
204:2 Latin, obnubilare, to cloud, obscure.
204:3 Romance, comprins, compris, contained in.
204:4 Sens = sans, without.
204:5 Chief = chef, God.
207:1 Latin, munimen, rampart.
207:2 Rapis, anagram, for Paris.
207:3 Latin, nunquam, never.
207:4 Arroi, for desarroi, disorder.
207:5 "On désigne quelquefois sous ce nom un habitant d'Alexandrie dont le véritable nom est Néopol, qui fut martyrisé sous Dioclétien. Outre ce Saint, dont la vie est complètement inconnue, les bollandistes font mention d'un Napoléon, brilliant cavalier, neveu dc Cardinal Fossa-Nuova, qui se tua en tombant de cheval à Rome en 1218. Saint Dominique, temoin de la douleur du pauvre cardinal, ressuscita le jeune homme. Napoléon reconnut ce bienfait en menant une vie fort chretienne et, quand il fut mort pour tout de bon, l'Église le béatifia. Toutefois, il n'avait pas sa place fixe dans le calendrier. Ce fut Pie VII. qui lui assigna pour sa fête la date du 15 août, dans le but sans doute de plaire à Napoléon Bonaparte."--"Grand Dictionnaire Universel du dixneuvième Siècle," par M. Pierre Larousse, tom. xi. p. 804. Paris: 1874.
208:1 Latin, tantum, so much.
208:2 Romance, outre, beyond.
208:3 Latin, castula, tunic. It was a kind of petticoat worn by women next the skin, and fastened under the breasts, which it left exposed. It stands here for the goddess of Republican Liberty, which is generally represented in this dress of the Roman virgins.
208:4 Latin, incerta, uncertain. | <urn:uuid:00a0b8b1-15bd-4108-8bd1-f8e219058c49> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T11:46:51Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.851446 | 5,419 | 5,810 |
The 2017 “Irving Penn: The Centennial” exhibition in Paris is a guaranteed highlight of the Grand Palais’ autumn season programme. Marking the centenary birth of Irving Penn (1917-2009), the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Réunion des musées nationaux– Grand Palais, in collaboration with The Irving Penn Foundation, organized one of the most comprehensive retrospective since Penn’s death, and the first of its kind in France.
Irving Penn is regarded as one of the most important photographers of the 20th century. To many, he is most well-known for his portraits of notable societal figures. However, as a ‘Documenting Fashion’ student, I see him as inseparable from 20th century fashion; his name alone conjures up some of the most iconic images in fashion studies. His celebrated fashion photos taken during his time at Vogue including Tobacco on Tongue (1951), Balenciaga Mantle Coat (1950), and The Twelve Most Photographed Models (1947), are all on display in this exhibition.
This retrospective looks back over Penn’s seventy-year career “with more than 235 photographic prints all produced by the artist himself, as well as a selection of his drawings and paintings.” The exhibition is laid out on two levels, covering a range of genres and themes that were of great importance to Penn’s career. The ground floor starts with his still life and early street photographs taken using his first Rolleiflex in 1938, and spans the 40s to early 60s-era, including his early days at Vogue. The portfolios of Cuzco indigenous people, small trade series and classical ‘portraits of personalities’ are all covered in this period. The upper floor showcases his advertising and personal projects. These ranged from his series of nudes, to cigarette butts and four major series of other detritus, titled: Street Material, Archaeology, Vessels and Underfoot.
The exhibition is successful in showing all these facets of Penn’s career and his wide-ranging interest in subject matter. But truth be told, all these genres and themes can be split into two major categories: objects and humans. And in my opinion, his most interesting photos are still the ones he takes of people, whether it is of fashion models, celebrity portraits, or indigenous villagers. These photographs reveal his instinctive grasp of material, weight, pattern and the tactile quality of a garment. Paired with his knack for posing subjects, Penn’s photographs of people are both visually and psychologically more interesting for viewers.
The Irving Penn centennial exhibition was originally shown this year between April and July at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Lucky for those in Europe, the same show will be exhibiting at the Grand Palais in Paris until the 29th of January, 2018, before heading to Germany and Brazil.
I was thrilled to learn that my local art museum, Omaha’s Joslyn Art Museum, was to stage an exhibition of French jewelry this summer. Bijoux Parisiens: French Jewelry from the Petit Palais, Paris was the Joslyn’s first jewelry exhibition and their first partnership with a Parisian museum. The exhibition featured 70 pieces of jewelry and luxury accessories and over 100 works on paper from the Petit Palais’ collection. The Petit Palais’ Parisian heritage was an important factor within the exhibition since Paris has been home to a continuous tradition of jewelry production since the Renaissance. Bijoux Parisiens highlighted over 300 years of French jewelry innovation and creativity and placed the precious stones and luxury items in a historical context to emphasize the way in which French jewelry reflects the aristocratic wearer’s position in society and the designer’s creativity. While some of the artifacts spotlighted artists who are lost to history, others pointed to the mastery of France’s famous jewelry maisons such as Boucheron, Cartier, and Van Cleef & Arpels. Through its use of contemporary fashion plates and prints from popular French magazines, Bijoux Parisiens also highlighted the intimate relationship between jewelry and fashion. The sartorial aspect of the exhibition was clear from the beginning as the first section of wall-text was accompanied by an 1884 portrait of a young woman by artist Paul Baudry. The painting’s subject, Madame Louis Singer, wears an off-the-shoulder black gown with delicate ruffles down the skirt and a bustle. The sumptuousness of her dress is enhanced by her jewelry, a diamond and pearl brooch at her bosom, double-strand pearl bracelet, sapphire and diamond ring, and dainty diamond earrings. The combination of Madame Singer’s smart black dress and glittering jewelry announce her as a woman of refined taste and high status.
Organized chronologically, the exhibition began with engravings by Gilles L’Égaré dating to the 1660s. These drawings of various ring and chain designs were produced to train apprentices and mark the artist’s ownership of the designs. The earliest piece in the exhibition was a pendant of gold, enamel, rubies, and pearls. I was struck by the intricacy and scale of this pendant, which was about three inches tall and featured a woman embracing two children, symbolizing the Christian virtue of charity. Both the early drawings and jewelry pieces set the tone for an innovative and ornate exhibition.
There was little evidence of eighteenth-century splendor in the exhibition, but a large portion of Bijoux Parisiens was dedicated to nineteenth-century France and the link between its tumultuous political climate and jewelry aesthetics. Napoleon’s reign ended the repression of luxury during the French Revolution and encouraged the privilege of excess. The renewed production of jewelry, like the visual arts and fashions of the period, featured neoclassical designs and a revival of ancient art. Cameo necklaces, bracelets, and brooches as well as drawings of cameos featured prominently in the exhibition. Cameos in particular were a staple of Napoleon’s court because they alluded to antiquity and displayed wealth while their semi-precious materials were affordable to the aristocrats who were still recovering from the Revolution. Contemporary fashion illustrations from Germany in the exhibition show typical neoclassic, columnar gowns with deep necklines that made for easy display of large cameo necklaces such as the one below.
A wall broke Bijoux Parisiens into two distinctive spaces and appropriately separated twentieth-century artifacts from the earlier jewelry and forced visitors to pass a physical threshold into the turn of the century section of the exhibition. The radically different Art Nouveau style that dominated the turn of the century materialized in Bijoux Parisiens in jewelry and graphite drawings. An amazing selection horn and enamel hair pins and brooches by René Lalique exemplified the natural plant motifs and insect-adorned designs of the new style.
Perhaps my favorite artifacts in Bijoux Parisiens was the selection of color lithographs by George Barbier, Edouard Halouze, George Lepape, and Charles Jacqueau. The prints revealed the synergy between the radical fashions and jewelry designs of the early twentieth century. Works by Lepape from the Gazette du Bonton from 1912-1915 featured Paul Poiret’s radically simple and exotic styles such as his ‘lamp-shade’ dress and turban looks accessorized with equally elegant bangles and long necklace strands. The First World War slowed French jewelry production and wiped away aristocratic dynasties, leading to a new social order and new design aesthetics. Color lithographs from the 1920s expressed the new, modernized forms embraced by French jewelry designers. An ad for Van Cleef & Arpels illustrated by Edouard Halouze presents a woman surveying her Van Cleef & Arpels collection. The simple strands of pearls and bracelets she wears compliments the striking simplicity of her low-cut, bright red dress and in-vogue cropped hairstyle.
I adored this exhibition (so much so that I visited three times) and although the exhibition is now closed so I cannot suggest visiting, its display of French jewelry innovation sheds an important light on the intimate relationship between fashion, jewelry design and French history.
Want/need a break from your dissertation writing, busy city life or 9 to 5 job? With the Easter holiday around the corner (plus Brexit being trending topic again), I thought I would share some of my personal favourite fashion-related temporary exhibitions that are on in museums all over Europe during the (UK) Easter holidays.
I can’t think of a better excuse to travel and tour wonderful cities, eat delicious food, immerse yourself into the richness of other European cultures and whilst doing so, explore some of the most interesting fashion exhibitions of this year outside the UK.
MUSEE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (Paris), from 1 December 2016 to 23 April 2017.
“Tenue Correcte Exigée: Quand Le Vêtement Fait Scandale” revisits the scandals that have marked the great turning points in fashion history from the 14th century to today. Featuring outfits, portraits and objects, it explores the liberties taken with dress codes and how they breached moral values. The robe volante, women in trousers, men in skirts, female tuxedo, miniskirt… (with examples as Marlene Dietrich in a tuxedo, Elsa Schiaparelli’s jumpsuit and Yves Saint Laurent’s female tuxedo, among others).
PALAIS GALLERIA (Paris), from April 27th to August 13th 2017.
“Dalida, Une Garde-Robe De La Ville À La Scène” pays homage to Dalida with an exhibition of her wardrobe, recently donated to the museum. Dressed by the greatest designers both on and off-stage, in haute couture or in prêt-à-porter, Dalida has remained an immensely popular star in France. Her wardrobe always followed the movements of fashion, but it also reflected her artistic development.
From March 8th to July 16th 2017
“Balenciaga, L’oeuvre Au Noir”. Spanish Season – A Palais Galliera Extra-Mural Exhibition pays homage to the couturier with an extra-mural exhibition at the Musée Bourdelle. The exhibition resonates with the black tones of an alchemist of haute couture: variations of black repeated in over a hundred of pieces from the Galliera collections and the archives of Maison Balenciaga. This exhibition opens the Palais Galliera’s Spanish season, which will continue with Costumes espagnols entre ombre et lumière (‘Spanish costumes from dark to bright’) at the Maison Victor Hugo (21 June – 24 September 2017) and will finish with Mariano Fortuny at the Palais Galliera (4 October 2017 – 7 January 2018).
MODEMUSEUM HASSELT (Hasselt, Belgium), from 4th March to 3rd September 2017.
“Across Japan” features the fascinating innovations introduced by the Japanese avant-garde designers and their younger peers in combination with newer Western interpretations of the ‘Japanese’ aesthetics. At the same time, the show seeks to illustrate that this concern with Japan in the West is nothing new and has a long tradition going back to the seventeenth century, which is explored through a set of themes and a selection of silhouettes supplemented with visuals aiming at pinpointing the peculiar nature of it. The exhibition is part of the Yokoso Festival – 25 Years Japanese Garden in Hasselt.
MoMu (Antwerp, Belgium), from 31st March to 27th August 2017.
“Margiela, the Hermes Years” will display Belgian stylist Martin Margiela’s Hermès collections from 1997 to 2003 for the first time. As well as this, the tribute exhibition also explores the relationship during these years between these collections and his own label, Maison Martin Margiela. Groundbreaking deconstruction and timeless luxury – the two worlds of designer Martin Margiela – are the starting point of this exhibition.
STAALICHE KUNSTSAMMULUNGEN (Dresden, Germany, State Art Museum), 3 March to 5 June 2017.
“Women Cross Media. Photography, Porcelain and Prints from China and Japan” is a presentation in the context of the exhibition Dresden • Europe • World and is dedicated to the cross-media issue of how femininity was portrayed in images in East Asian art of the early 18th to the late 19th century – in a dialogue between objects from the Porcelain Collection, the Photography Collection of the Museum of Ethnology and from the Kupferstich-Kabinett.
KUNSTGEWEBERMUSEUM (Berlin, Germany), Until March 2017 (only for early birds, but I had to include it, looks fantastic!).
“Uli Richter Revisited – Fashion Visionary, Teacher, Inspiration” coincides with Uli Richter’s 90th birthday, and features some of the highlights of the Berlin fashion designer’s work. As one of the youngest major designers working in Berlin in the early 1950s, he played an important role in forging a ‘made in Berlin’ style. Over the more than 40 years in which he worked as a fashion designer, he succeeded in reinvigorating and consolidating Berlin’s reputation as an international centre of fashion. Clothing, design sketches, and photographs, provide the viewer with a glimpse into Berlin’s young fashion scene in the 1980s and 1990s.
WIEN MUSEUM KARLSPLATZ (Viena, Austria), from 24th November 2016 to 26th February 2017
“Robert Haas. Framing Two Worlds.” Robert Haas (1898-1997) is among the great Austrian-American photographers of the twentieth century. He began his artistic career in Vienna as a graphic designer before studying photography. In the 1930s, Haas created stirring works of social reportage and sensitive depictions of everyday life, along with portraits and object studies of subjects in the city. On the way to his exhile to New York, Haas documented the American way of life beyond the big cities as well as public figures. The exhibition presents his virtually unknown oeuvre to the public for the first time: at once an artistic discovery of the first order and a richly detailed panorama of the times.
LIVRUSTKAMMAREN (Stockholm, Sweden), from 15th September to 19th March 2017.
“Renaissance fashion in paper. The Medici family outside the frame”. Impressive costumes, opulent creations, extravagant forms and strong colours. Lace, frills, trains, rosettes and flounces. A Renaissance collection – inspired by the most powerful Renaissance family, the Medicis. The collection has been entirely made of paper by the Belgian artist Isabelle de Borchgrave. Now her most extravagant collection is being presented in the Royal Armoury in the Royal Palace, for the first time in both Sweden and Scandinavia.
MUSEO SALVATORE FERRAGAMO (Florence, Italy), from 19th May 2016 to 17th May 2017.
“Across Art and Fashion”, analyses the forms of dialogue between these two worlds: reciprocal inspirations, overlaps and collaborations, from the experiences of the Pre-Raphaelites to those of Futurism, and from Surrealism to Radical Fashion. It focuses on the work of Salvatore Ferragamo, who was fascinated and inspired by the avant-garde art movements of the 20th century, on several ateliers of the Fifties and Sixties and the advent of the culture of celebrities. It then examines the experimentation of the Nineties and whether in the contemporary cultural industry we can still talk about two separate worlds or if we are dealing with fluid roles.
GUCCI MUSEUM (Florence, Italy), from February 2017.
“The Tom Ford Rooms” showcase women’s and men’s ready-to-wear in one room and accessories in another. The aim of the spaces is to remind people of the way in which Ford encouraged self-expression through developing a distinctive, sensual aesthetic for the House. The decoration of the rooms and the way in which the items on display are presented contribute to a mood of provocative sensuality that perfectly reflects the image that Ford created for Gucci while he was at the helm of the design team at the label.
CRISTOBAL BALENCIAGA MUSEOA (Biarritz, Spain), 6th October 2016 to 7th May 2017.
“Coal And Velvet. Views On Popular Costumes By Ortiz Echagüe And Balenciaga” explores the romantic vision and the aesthetic revision that Cristóbal Balenciaga, in his Haute Couture creations, and Ortiz Echagüe, in his photographic narrations of traditional Spain, make of popular costumes. It establishes a dialogue offering interpretations of a reality, that of popular costumes, which was already becoming extinct in the early 20th century and which both, through works of undeniable artistic quality, give validity and bestow on them a timeless quality.
“Cristóbal Balenciaga. Un Legado Atemporal”, 1st January 2016 to 7 May, 2017.
One of the most influential couturiers of the 20th century and a tireless perfectionist with an exceptional creative talent that inspired him to design models that were audacious in both their form and aesthetics, taking the world by storm and setting the indisputable trend season after season. His command of the craft earned him the respect of his colleagues and he reigned supreme in the international haute couture world until he retired in 1968. | <urn:uuid:4819d265-bb8b-4545-b24e-29b365bb4a98> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T13:35:16Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.949831 | 3,787 | 4,453 |
Table of Contents
Indoor skydiving, a thrilling activity found in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, simulates the freefall experience of skydiving within a controlled indoor environment. This state-of-the-art technology employs a vertical wind tunnel that propels participants skyward, allowing them to defy gravity and soar through the air.
Indoor skydiving not only provides an adrenaline-pumping adventure but also offers numerous benefits. It promotes physical fitness, strengthens core muscles, and enhances balance and coordination. Its accessible nature makes it suitable for individuals of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced skydivers. One significant historical development in indoor skydiving was the invention of the vertical wind tunnel in the 1990s, revolutionizing the sport and making it more widely available.
As we delve further into this article, we will explore the intricacies of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, discussing its history, techniques, and the unique experiences it offers. Get ready for an informative journey into the world of indoor skydiving.
Indoor Skydiving Pigeon Forge TN
When considering indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, several essential aspects come into play, each contributing to the overall experience. These aspects encompass various dimensions, from the technicalities of the activity to its practical implications.
- Wind Tunnel Technology
- Flight Duration
- Safety Measures
- Training and Instruction
- Experience Levels
- Facility Amenities
- Location and Accessibility
- Pricing and Packages
- Reviews and Reputation
- Unique Features
Understanding these aspects is crucial for individuals seeking an indoor skydiving experience in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. By considering factors such as wind tunnel technology, safety measures, training options, and experience levels, participants can make informed decisions that align with their preferences and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Wind Tunnel Technology
Wind tunnel technology serves as the cornerstone of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. These state-of-the-art facilities utilize vertical wind tunnels to simulate the freefall experience of skydiving, allowing participants to soar through the air in a controlled and safe environment. The wind tunnels generate a powerful upward airflow, which counteracts gravity and enables individuals to float and maneuver in mid-air.
The design and engineering of wind tunnels play a crucial role in the quality and safety of the indoor skydiving experience. Factors such as the size, shape, and airflow characteristics of the tunnel directly impact the stability, control, and overall flight experience for participants. Advanced wind tunnel technology allows for precise control over airflow speed and direction, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for individuals of all skill levels.
Real-life examples of wind tunnel technology in indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, include the vertical wind tunnels at Flyaway Indoor Skydiving and iFLY Pigeon Forge. These facilities utilize state-of-the-art wind tunnels designed to provide a realistic and exhilarating skydiving experience. The wind tunnels are equipped with advanced safety features and are operated by experienced instructors, ensuring a safe and memorable experience for all participants.
Understanding the connection between wind tunnel technology and indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, is essential for appreciating the technical advancements that have made this thrilling activity accessible and enjoyable for individuals of all ages and skill levels. The wind tunnel technology provides a controlled and safe environment for participants to experience the exhilaration of skydiving without the risks associated with jumping from an aircraft.
When examining the connection between “Flight Duration” and “indoor skydiving pigeon forge tn”, it becomes evident that flight duration plays a critical role in shaping the overall experience and satisfaction of participants. The duration of a flight session directly impacts the amount of time individuals have to practice and refine their skills, explore different maneuvers, and experience the exhilarating sensation of indoor skydiving.
Flight duration in indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, typically ranges from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the package or session type selected. Shorter flight durations, often suitable for beginners or those seeking a quick adrenaline rush, allow participants to experience the basics of indoor skydiving and get a taste of the activity. Extended flight durations, on the other hand, provide ample time for experienced flyers to practice advanced maneuvers, work on specific skills, and enjoy a more immersive and fulfilling experience.
Real-life examples of flight duration in indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, include the following:
- Flyaway Indoor Skydiving offers flight sessions ranging from 15 minutes to 60 minutes, allowing participants to choose a duration that suits their needs and experience level.
- iFLY Pigeon Forge provides flight packages with durations of 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, and 12 minutes, giving participants the flexibility to select a flight time that aligns with their desired experience.
Understanding the connection between flight duration and indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, enables participants to make informed decisions about the duration of their flight session, ensuring that they optimize their experience based on their individual preferences and goals.
Safety measures are paramount in indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, ensuring a controlled and enjoyable experience for participants. These measures encompass various protocols, equipment, and training procedures designed to minimize risks and prioritize the well-being of individuals.
Certified instructors provide constant guidance and supervision throughout the indoor skydiving experience. They ensure proper technique, provide in-flight assistance, and monitor participants’ safety during the entire session.
Flight Suits and Helmets
Participants wear specialized flight suits and helmets designed for indoor skydiving. These suits provide aerodynamic stability and protect against minor abrasions, while helmets safeguard the head and face.
The flight chamber is enclosed in safety netting that prevents participants from accidentally exiting the designated flying area. This netting ensures that individuals remain within the safe confines of the facility.
Indoor skydiving facilities have established emergency procedures and trained staff to respond promptly to any unforeseen situations. Participants receive thorough briefings on these procedures before their flight.
By adhering to these safety measures, indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, create a secure and controlled environment where participants can embrace the exhilaration of indoor skydiving with peace of mind. These measures prioritize the well-being of individuals, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the unique experience of human flight.
Training and Instruction
In the realm of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, training and instruction serve as foundational pillars, ensuring the safety, progress, and overall enjoyment of participants. The connection between these elements is inseparable, with training and instruction playing a critical role in unlocking the full potential of indoor skydiving and empowering individuals to soar through the air with confidence and control.
Training in indoor skydiving typically commences with a thorough briefing conducted by certified instructors. During this briefing, participants are introduced to the basics of indoor skydiving, including proper body position, hand and arm movements, and safety procedures. This initial training equips participants with the essential knowledge and skills necessary for a successful and enjoyable flight experience.
Instruction continues throughout the indoor skydiving session, with instructors providing real-time guidance and feedback to participants. They monitor each participant’s progress, offer personalized advice, and help them refine their techniques. This ongoing instruction enables participants to develop their skills, improve their stability and control in the air, and explore more advanced maneuvers.
The practical applications of this understanding are evident in the enhanced safety and enjoyment experienced by participants who receive proper training and instruction. By acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge, participants can minimize risks, maximize their flight time, and derive greater satisfaction from their indoor skydiving experience. Furthermore, ongoing instruction allows participants to progress at their own pace, build confidence, and push their boundaries in a safe and controlled environment.
Experience levels play a pivotal role in indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, influencing the overall approach, safety considerations, and enjoyment of the activity. The connection between experience levels and indoor skydiving is multifaceted, with each level presenting unique opportunities and challenges.
For beginners, indoor skydiving offers a safe and accessible introduction to the exhilarating world of human flight. With no prior experience necessary, first-time flyers can experience the thrill of floating and maneuvering in a controlled environment. Under the guidance of certified instructors, beginners learn the basics of body position, hand and arm movements, and safety procedures, building a foundation for future progress.
As experience levels increase, indoor skydiving transforms into a dynamic and challenging activity. Experienced flyers can refine their techniques, explore advanced maneuvers, and push their limits in a safe and supportive environment. They may participate in mock skydiving competitions, practice formation flying, or work on specific skills such as stability, control, and freeflying. The continued guidance and instruction from certified instructors ensure that experienced flyers can progress safely and confidently.
Understanding the connection between experience levels and indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, enables individuals to approach the activity with appropriate expectations and goals. It empowers them to make informed decisions about the level of instruction and support they require, maximizing their enjoyment and safety throughout their indoor skydiving journey.
Facility amenities play a crucial role in enhancing the overall indoor skydiving experience in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. These amenities cater to the needs and preferences of participants, contributing to their comfort, safety, and enjoyment. The connection between facility amenities and indoor skydiving is multifaceted, with each amenity serving a specific purpose and adding value to the activity.
One of the primary amenities offered at indoor skydiving facilities is a dedicated training area. This designated space provides a controlled and safe environment for beginners to learn the basics of indoor skydiving and practice their techniques under the guidance of certified instructors. The training area is typically equipped with smaller wind tunnels, allowing for a more gradual and personalized learning experience.
Another important facility amenity is the viewing area. This space allows spectators, friends, and family members to observe and cheer on participants as they soar through the air. The viewing area is often elevated, offering a clear and unobstructed view of the flight chamber. Some facilities also provide live video feeds, enabling spectators to capture and share the excitement of the experience.
Understanding the connection between facility amenities and indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, empowers participants to make informed choices when selecting a facility. By considering the available amenities, individuals can ensure that their indoor skydiving experience aligns with their needs and preferences. Whether seeking a dedicated training area for beginners or a comfortable viewing space for spectators, the availability of these amenities enhances the overall enjoyment and safety of indoor skydiving.
Location and Accessibility
Location and accessibility are crucial factors that influence the overall experience and convenience of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. These factors encompass various aspects, from the physical location of facilities to the ease of transportation and availability of amenities.
Proximity to Tourist Areas
Indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge are strategically located near popular tourist attractions, making it convenient for visitors to incorporate this thrilling activity into their vacation itinerary. The proximity to hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues enhances the overall experience.
Accessibility by Public Transportation
For those without personal vehicles, the accessibility of indoor skydiving facilities via public transportation is essential. Some facilities offer shuttle services or are located within walking distance of public transportation stops, making it convenient for visitors to reach the facilities without the need for a car.
Adequate parking facilities are crucial for indoor skydiving venues. Ample parking spaces allow visitors to conveniently park their vehicles without hassle, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
Signage and Visibility
Clear signage and high visibility of indoor skydiving facilities are important for easy navigation and accessibility. Prominent signage helps visitors locate the facilities quickly, while good visibility ensures that the facilities are easily noticeable from a distance.
Understanding the connection between location and accessibility and indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, empowers visitors to make informed decisions when selecting a facility. By considering these factors, visitors can ensure that their indoor skydiving experience is convenient, hassle-free, and aligns with their travel plans and preferences.
Pricing and Packages
Pricing and packages play a significant role in shaping the accessibility and appeal of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. These factors influence the overall cost and value proposition for participants, impacting their decision-making process and the quality of their experience.
Indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge offer a range of packages tailored to suit different needs and budgets. These packages typically include multiple flights of varying durations, allowing participants to optimize their experience based on their skill level and preferences.
Many facilities offer discounted rates for groups, making indoor skydiving an attractive and affordable option for team-building activities, corporate events, and family gatherings. Group discounts provide a cost-effective way to experience the thrill of indoor skydiving with friends and colleagues.
The duration of each flight is a key factor in determining the overall cost of indoor skydiving. Longer flight times allow for more practice, skill development, and overall enjoyment, but come at a higher price point. Participants should consider their experience level and desired outcomes when selecting a flight duration.
Weekday vs. Weekend Rates
Indoor skydiving facilities often adjust their pricing based on the day of the week. Weekday rates are typically lower than weekend rates due to reduced demand. This price differentiation allows participants to save money by scheduling their indoor skydiving experience during less popular times.
Understanding the various components of pricing and packages empowers participants to make informed decisions when booking their indoor skydiving experience in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. By considering factors such as package options, group discounts, flight duration, and weekday vs. weekend rates, participants can optimize their experience and enjoy the thrill of indoor skydiving at a price that aligns with their budget and preferences.
Reviews and Reputation
Reviews and reputation play a pivotal role in shaping the perception and popularity of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. These factors influence the decision-making process of potential participants, impact the credibility of facilities, and contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the industry.
Online reviews, such as those found on Google My Business and TripAdvisor, provide valuable insights into the experiences of previous participants. They offer firsthand accounts of the quality of instruction, safety measures, and overall enjoyment, helping prospective customers make informed choices.
Social Media Engagement
Social media platforms serve as a powerful tool for indoor skydiving facilities to engage with potential customers, showcase their offerings, and build a positive reputation. By actively responding to inquiries, sharing positive reviews, and running targeted advertising campaigns, facilities can foster a strong online presence and attract new participants.
Recognition from industry organizations and publications lends credibility to indoor skydiving facilities. Awards, certifications, and positive mentions in reputable sources indicate that a facility meets or exceeds industry standards for safety, professionalism, and customer satisfaction.
The reputation of indoor skydiving facilities within the local community is often influenced by word-of-mouth and local media coverage. Positive experiences shared among residents and tourists can significantly impact the perception and popularity of these facilities, driving repeat business and referrals.
By understanding and leveraging the importance of reviews and reputation, indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee can enhance their visibility, build trust among potential customers, and establish themselves as leaders in the industry. Monitoring online reviews, actively engaging with customers on social media, seeking industry recognition, and cultivating a positive local reputation are essential strategies for long-term success and growth.
Unique features play a pivotal role in differentiating indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and enhancing the overall experience for participants. These features go beyond the core components of indoor skydiving and offer additional elements that cater to specific interests, preferences, and skill levels, making each facility stand out in the competitive market.
One notable unique feature is the incorporation of themed flight chambers. Some facilities have designed their wind tunnels with specific themes, such as superhero or underwater environments, immersing participants in an extraordinary and memorable experience. These themed chambers create a captivating ambiance and provide opportunities for imaginative play and role-playing.
Another unique feature is the availability of specialized training programs. Certain facilities offer advanced training programs tailored to competitive skydivers, aspiring professional flyers, or individuals seeking to push their limits. These programs provide structured coaching, personalized feedback, and access to cutting-edge training techniques, enabling participants to refine their skills and progress to higher levels of proficiency.
Understanding the connection between unique features and indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, empowers potential participants to make informed choices based on their aspirations and interests. By considering the availability of themed flight chambers, specialized training programs, and other unique offerings, individuals can select a facility that aligns with their specific needs and desires, maximizing their enjoyment and satisfaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following FAQs provide answers to common questions about indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, addressing concerns and clarifying essential aspects of the activity.
Question 1: What are the age and weight requirements for indoor skydiving?
Most indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge have a minimum age requirement of 3 or 4 years old. The weight limit varies depending on the facility, but typically ranges from 250 to 300 pounds. Participants should check with the specific facility for exact requirements.
Question 2: What should I wear for indoor skydiving?
Participants are typically provided with a flight suit and helmet by the facility. Comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement is recommended underneath the flight suit. Avoid loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught during the flight.
Question 3: How long is an indoor skydiving session?
Flight sessions typically range from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the package purchased. First-timers usually opt for shorter sessions to get a feel for the activity, while experienced flyers may choose longer sessions to practice maneuvers and improve their skills.
Question 4: Is indoor skydiving safe?
Indoor skydiving is generally considered a safe activity when conducted at reputable facilities with certified instructors. Participants receive thorough training and supervision before flying, and the controlled environment minimizes risks associated with traditional skydiving.
Question 5: Can I bring my own camera?
Some facilities allow participants to bring their own cameras to capture their indoor skydiving experience. However, it’s important to check with the facility beforehand and follow their safety guidelines to ensure the camera does not interfere with the flight.
Question 6: What are the benefits of indoor skydiving?
Indoor skydiving offers several benefits, including improved physical fitness, enhanced coordination and balance, stress reduction, and a unique and exhilarating experience. It can also serve as a training tool for aspiring skydivers or as a way to overcome the fear of heights.
These FAQs provide a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. For more in-depth information on specific facilities, pricing, and available packages, please refer to the following sections of the article.
Tips for Indoor Skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
To ensure a safe, enjoyable, and memorable indoor skydiving experience in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, consider the following tips:
Tip 1: Choose a reputable facility
Look for facilities with certified instructors, a good safety record, and positive reviews. Check their website and social media pages to get a sense of their professionalism and customer service.
Tip 2: Arrive early
Plan to arrive at the facility at least 30 minutes before your scheduled flight time. This will give you enough time to check in, get fitted for your flight suit, and receive training from your instructor.
Tip 3: Listen to your instructor
Your instructor will provide you with detailed instructions on how to fly safely and correctly. Pay attention to their directions and follow them carefully to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Tip 4: Relax and have fun
Indoor skydiving is a thrilling activity, but it’s important to try to relax and have fun. Once you’re in the wind tunnel, focus on controlling your body and enjoying the sensation of flying.
Tip 5: Book a longer flight
If you’re a first-time flyer, it’s recommended to book a shorter flight (e.g., 2-3 minutes). As you become more comfortable, consider booking a longer flight to give yourself more time to practice and improve your skills.
Tip 6: Bring a friend or family member
Indoor skydiving is even more enjoyable when shared with friends or family. Bring a companion along to cheer you on and capture your experience on camera.
Tip 7: Consider purchasing a video or photo package
Most facilities offer video or photo packages to capture your indoor skydiving experience. This is a great way to preserve your memories and share them with others.
Tip 8: Take advantage of discounts and promotions
Many indoor skydiving facilities offer discounts and promotions throughout the year. Check their website or social media pages for current deals and take advantage of any savings you can find.
By following these tips, you can increase your enjoyment and safety during your indoor skydiving experience in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
As you prepare for your flight, remember to prioritize safety and follow the instructions of your certified instructor. With the right mindset and preparation, indoor skydiving can be an unforgettable and exhilarating adventure.
Our exploration of indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, has illuminated key insights into this exhilarating activity. The article has highlighted the essential components of indoor skydiving, including wind tunnel technology, flight duration, safety measures, training and instruction, experience levels, facility amenities, location and accessibility, pricing and packages, reviews and reputation, unique features, frequently asked questions, and tips for a safe and enjoyable experience.
Throughout the article, we have emphasized the importance of safety and the need to follow the instructions of certified instructors. Indoor skydiving facilities in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, prioritize safety and provide a controlled environment for participants to experience the thrill of flying without the risks associated with traditional skydiving. The availability of training programs and varying flight durations allows individuals of all skill levels to participate and progress at their own pace.
Indoor skydiving offers a unique and unforgettable experience that combines physical activity, mental focus, and a sense of accomplishment. Whether you are a first-time flyer or an experienced skydiver, indoor skydiving in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, provides an opportunity to soar through the air and challenge your limits. As technology continues to advance and facilities, the future of indoor skydiving holds exciting possibilities for both recreational enthusiasts and competitive flyers. | <urn:uuid:6d3a0c09-adbf-4906-a2d9-14cfec68aa5e> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T11:42:51Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.917482 | 4,878 | 5,570 |
Gear Pumps use the meshing of gears to pump fluid by displacement.
Gear pumps are also widely used in chemical installations to pump high-viscosity fluids. There are two main variations; external gear pumps which use two external spur gears, and internal gear pumps which use external and internal spur gears (internal spur gear teeth face inwards, see below).
Finally, the pumps are positive displacement (or fixed displacement), meaning they pump a constant amount of fluid for each revolution. Some gear pumps are designed to function as either a motor or a pump.
Gear pumps are positive displacement pumps that are widely used in various industries for transferring fluids at a constant flow rate. Additionally, these pumps consist of two meshing gears, known as the driving gear or the rotor and the driven gear or the idler.
Moreover, the gears rotate in opposite directions within a tightly fitted casing, creating sealed pockets between their teeth and the pump housing. Finally, as the gears rotate, the fluid is drawn in through the pump’s inlet and trapped within the gear teeth. The fluid is then carried around the casing and discharged through the pump’s outlet.
Gear pumps are known for their simplicity and reliability, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, including hydraulic systems, oil and gas industries, chemical processing plants, and automotive systems. They are capable of handling different types of fluids, such as liquids with low to moderate viscosities, and they can generate high-pressure outputs efficiently.
One of the key advantages of gear pumps is their self-priming capability. This means that they can create a vacuum in the pump casing to draw in fluid from the inlet, eliminating the need for external priming. This feature makes gear pumps particularly useful in situations where the pump may be located above the fluid level or where a continuous flow is required.
Gear pumps can be classified into two main types: External gear pumps and internal gear pumps. External gear pumps consist of two identical gears meshing externally, whereas internal gear pumps have one gear with external teeth and another gear with internal teeth. Both types have their unique advantages and applications.
External Gear Pumps
External gear pumps are commonly used for lower-viscosity fluids and applications that require moderate pressures. As well as that, they are compact, efficient, and available in a wide range of sizes and configurations, making them suitable for various industrial processes. Besides, they can handle flows ranging from a few liters per minute to several thousand liters per minute.
Internal Gear Pumps
Internal gear pumps, on the other hand, are preferred for handling higher-viscosity fluids and applications that require higher pressures. As a result, they are designed with a crescent-shaped partition between the gears, which helps create a partial vacuum and improves the pump’s efficiency. Additionally, internal gear pumps are known for their smooth and pulseless flow characteristics, making them suitable for applications that require precise flow control.
Gear pumps are also known for their inherent ability to handle abrasive and non-lubricating fluids. Besides, the close tolerances between the gear teeth and the pump housing minimize leakage and reduce wear, making them well-suited for pumping fluids that contain solid particles or have low lubricating properties. However, the close tolerances also mean that gear pumps can be sensitive to contaminants and may require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
In terms of maintenance, gear pumps are relatively easy to maintain compared to other types of pumps. Furthermore, routine maintenance typically involves checking for leaks, replacing worn seals or gaskets, and periodically lubricating the gears and bearings. In addition to this, the simplicity of the gear pump design also means that repairs can be carried out quickly, minimizing downtime and reducing overall costs.
It is worth noting that advancements in pump technology, such as the introduction of variable frequency drives and intelligent control systems, have further enhanced the performance and efficiency of the pumps. These technologies allow for precise control of pump speed, enabling operators to optimize flow rates and reduce energy consumption.
In summary, gear pumps are reliable, versatile, and efficient pumping devices used for a wide range of industrial applications. Their positive displacement design, self-priming capability, and ability to handle various types of fluids make them an excellent choice for transferring fluids in a consistent and controlled manner. With regular maintenance and proper operation, gear pumps can provide long-lasting performance in demanding environments.
Furthermore, gear pumps offer several key advantages that contribute to their widespread use in various industries. Firstly, gear pumps are known for their high volumetric efficiency. This means that they can deliver a consistent amount of fluid per revolution, resulting in a predictable and continuous flow. The precise meshing of the gear teeth and the tight clearances in the pump casing minimize slippage and ensures efficient fluid transfer.
Another notable advantage of gear pumps is their ability to handle high-pressure applications. By choosing materials with high strength and wear resistance for the gear teeth and pump housing, gear pumps can generate significant pressure differentials. This makes them suitable for tasks such as transferring fluids over long distances or pushing fluids through a system with resistance, such as a hydraulic circuit or a fluid distribution network.
Moreover, gear pumps are relatively compact and have a simple, straightforward design. Their compact size and versatility allow them to be easily integrated into existing systems or mounted directly onto equipment. This simplicity also makes gear pumps easy to install and maintain, reducing the need for complex setup procedures or extensive training.
Additionally, the pumps have a wide operating range and can handle fluids with viscosities ranging from low to moderate. This means that they can efficiently transport fluids with different consistencies, such as oils, fuels, lubricants, solvents, and even certain slurry-like substances. The ability to handle different types of fluids makes the pumps highly adaptable to a variety of industries and applications.
It is also worth mentioning that gear pumps have a relatively smooth and pulseless flow output. This makes them ideal for applications where a continuous and uniform flow rate is necessary, such as in chemical dosing systems, lubrication systems, and metering applications. The consistent flow eliminates the need for additional flow regulators or dampeners, simplifying the overall system design.
As with any technology, gear pumps do have some limitations to consider. For instance, they may not be suitable for applications requiring extremely high flow rates or handling highly corrosive or abrasive fluids. In such cases, alternative pump technologies, like centrifugal pumps or diaphragm pumps, may be more appropriate. It is essential to evaluate the specific requirements of a given application to determine the most suitable pump type.
Despite these limitations, gear pumps have been widely adopted across numerous industries due to their reliability, efficiency, and versatility. With the continuous advancement of pump technology, including the potential advancements, pumps are likely to see further improvements in efficiency, durability, and performance, making them even more valuable assets in fluid transfer systems.
In conclusion, gear pumps are positive displacement pumps that provide consistent and controlled fluid transfer in various industries. Their simple design, compact size, self-priming capability, and ability to handle different types of fluids make them highly versatile and widely used. The pumps offer high volumetric efficiency, can generate high-pressure differentials, and have a smooth and pulseless flow output. While pumps have certain limitations, their reliability and ease of maintenance make them an attractive choice for many applications.
Theory of operation
As the gears rotate they separate on the intake side of the pump, creating a void and suction which is filled by fluid. The fluid is carried by the gears to the discharge side of the pump, where the meshing of the gears displaces the fluid.
Also, the mechanical clearances are small— in the order of 10 μm. The tight clearances, along with the speed of rotation, effectively prevent the fluid from leaking backward.
Also, the rigid design of the gears and houses allows for very high pressures and the ability to pump highly viscous fluids.
In addition, many variations exist, including; helical and herringbone gear sets (instead of spur gears), lobe-shaped rotors similar to Roots blowers (commonly used as superchargers), and mechanical designs that allow the stacking of pumps.
Furthermore, the most common variations are shown below (the drive gear is shown blue and the idler is shown purple).
There are two main types of pumps, external pumps and internal gear pumps. Let’s explore each of them in more detail:
External Gear Pumps
- External pumps are the most common type of gear pump. They consist of two identical spur gears that mesh externally and rotate in opposite directions within a pump casing.
- The driving gear, also known as the rotor or the idler, transfers the motion to the driven gear.
- As the gears rotate, fluid is drawn into the pump through the inlet port and gets trapped in the gears’ tooth spaces. The fluid is then carried around the casing and discharged through the outlet port.
- External pumps are known for their compact size, simplicity, and high efficiency.
- They are commonly used for low to moderate-viscosity fluids and applications that require moderate pressures.
- External pumps can handle a wide range of flow rates, from small to high capacities.
Internal Gear Pumps
- Internal gear pumps have one gear with external teeth and another gear with internal teeth, creating a crescent-shaped partition between the gears.
- The driving gear, also known as the rotor, transfers the motion to the driven gear.
- The fluid enters the pump through the inlet port and gets trapped in the spaces between the gear teeth and the casing’s internal surface.
- As the gears rotate, the fluid is carried around the casing and discharged through the outlet port.
- Internal pumps are often preferred for handling higher-viscosity fluids and applications that require higher pressures.
- They provide smooth and pulseless flow output, making them suitable for applications that require precise flow control.
- The crescent-shaped partition in internal gear pumps helps create a partial vacuum, enhancing the pump’s efficiency and reducing leakage.
Both types of gear pumps have their unique advantages and applications. External pumps are commonly used for lower-viscosity fluids and moderate-pressure applications, while internal pumps are preferred for higher-viscosity fluids and higher-pressure applications. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the application, including the fluid properties, flow rates, and pressure conditions.
Advantages of Gear Pumps
Simple and Reliable Design
The pumps have a straightforward design with fewer moving parts, making them reliable and easy to operate. Their simplicity also contributes to easy maintenance and repairs.
Positive Displacement Operation
The pumps are positive displacement pumps, which means they deliver a consistent volume of fluid per revolution. This makes them suitable for applications requiring precise flow control and metering.
The pumps are self-priming, meaning they can create a vacuum to draw fluids into the pump without the need for external priming. This feature is beneficial when the pump is located above the fluid level or when a continuous flow is required.
The pumps are often compact, allowing for easy integration into existing systems or mounting directly onto equipment. Their small footprint makes them versatile and suitable for various applications.
Ability to Handle Different Fluid Viscosities
The pumps can handle a wide range of fluid viscosities, from low to moderate. This makes them suitable for transferring different types of fluids, including oils, lubricants, fuels, and certain slurry-like substances.
Disadvantages of Gear Pumps
Limited High-Pressure Capability
The pumps may have limitations when it comes to handling extremely high pressures. Other pump types, like reciprocating pumps or multistage centrifugal pumps, may be more suitable for applications that require very high pressures.
Sensitivity to Contaminants
The close tolerances between the gear teeth and the pump casing make gear pumps more sensitive to contaminants in the fluid. This can lead to potential wear and performance issues. Regular maintenance and proper filtration systems are necessary to prevent damage and maintain optimal performance.
Due to the nature of gear pumps, there may be a small amount of internal leakage. This leakage would be between the gear teeth and the pump casing. This can affect the overall efficiency and require closer monitoring and maintenance.
Limited Flow Rate ranges
While the pumps can handle a wide range of flow rates, they may face limitations at extremely low or high flow rates. For very high flow rates, other pump types like centrifugal pumps may be better suited.
Limited Suitability for Corrosive Liquids
The pumps may not be the best choice for handling highly corrosive fluids, as the materials used in gear pumps may not be compatible with aggressive chemicals. In such cases, alternative pump types with specialized corrosion-resistant materials are recommended.
It’s important to consider these advantages and disadvantages in the context of the specific application requirements. This is to determine the most suitable pump type for a given situation.
The pumps are widely used in a variety of industries and applications due to their versatility and ability to handle different fluids and viscosities. Some of the industries served by gear pumps include:
Oil and Gas
These pumps are commonly used in the oil and gas industry for tasks such as transferring. This is crude oil, diesel fuel, lubricating oils, and other petroleum-based fluids. They are also employed in hydraulic systems for controlling pressure, lubricating moving parts, and circulating fluids in drilling operations.
In chemical processing plants, these pumps play a crucial role in the transportation of various chemicals. Chemicals like solvents, acids, and corrosive liquids. Their ability to handle different viscosities, including thick and abrasive fluids, makes them suitable for dosing, mixing, and metering applications.
The pumps are utilized in automotive systems for tasks such as engine lubrication, fuel transfer, and transmission fluid circulation. They are critical components in the hydraulic systems of vehicles. This ensures proper operation and control of functions like power steering, braking, and suspension.
Food and Beverage
The pumps find application in the food and beverage industry for handling products. This includes sauces, syrups, vegetable oils, and other viscous liquids. They are commonly used in food processing, bottling, and packaging processes where precise dosing and continuous flow are essential.
The pumps are utilized in pharmaceutical manufacturing to transfer fluids, and mix ingredients. This is to control the flow rates in drug manufacturing processes. Their ability to handle a wide range of fluid viscosities and provide accurate dosing. This makes them suitable for small-scale and large-scale pharmaceutical production.
Printing and Ink Industries
Gear pumps are extensively used in printing and ink applications for precise ink transfer and circulation. They ensure a consistent flow of ink to printing heads, enabling high-quality and accurate printing.
Paints and Coatings
The pumps are employed in the paints and coatings industry to transfer and meter various types of coatings. This includes paints, primers, varnishes, and adhesives. The precise flow control and ability to handle different viscosities. This makes gear pumps essential in achieving a uniform and even coating.
The pumps are vital components of hydraulic systems in a wide range of industries, including construction, manufacturing, and heavy machinery. They provide the necessary pressure and flow for powering hydraulic cylinders, motors, and actuators, enabling the controlled movement and operation of equipment.
These are just a few examples of the many industries that benefit from the use of gear pumps. Their reliability, precision, and ability to handle different fluids make them indispensable in numerous fluid transfer and control applications.
An external precision pump is usually limited to a maximum working pressure of 210 bars (21,000 kPa) and a maximum speed of 3,000 rpm.
Furthermore, suction and pressure ports need to interface where the gears mesh (shown as dim gray lines in the internal pump images). Some internal pumps have an additional, crescent-shaped seal (shown above, right).
Gear Pumps formulas:
Flow rate in US gal/min = Pump Capacity X rpm
Power in hp = US gal/min X (lbf/in³)/1714
Also, Gear Pumps are used in:
- Petrochemicals: Pure or filled bitumen, pitch, diesel oil, crude oil, lube oil, etc.
- Chemicals: Sodium silicate, acids, plastics, mixed chemicals, isocyanates, etc.
- Paint and ink.
- Resins and adhesives.
- Pulp and paper: Acid, soap, lye, black liquor, kaolin, lime, latex, sludge, etc.
- Food: Chocolate, cacao butter, fillers, sugar, vegetable fats and oils, molasses, animal food etc. | <urn:uuid:15e906d9-ef66-4e3b-9fa4-ddb64e242154> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:53:31Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.93033 | 3,545 | 4,128 |
Welcome to the LEP Annual Meeting 2016, which actually doesn’t take place on an annual basis. In this meeting I’m going to deal with various points of admin (including a language point about words like ‘annual’, ‘biannual’, ‘biennial’ etc, Pokemon Go, Transcript Collaboration, LEP Meet-Ups, Comedy shows, music, torrent sites and a comment from a vampire) and I’m going to ask you various questions during the episode. Please give your answers to the questions (any of them) in the comment section below.
In this episode I’m holding a Luke’s English Podcast Annual General Meeting – an LEP AGM. It’s called an ‘annual’ meeting but in fact this is an AGM that doesn’t happen on an annual basis! And by the way – on an annual basis means “every year”! In fact the last time I held an AGM was almost exactly 3 years ago on 4 August 2013. So perhaps this should be the “triennial” meeting (not tri-annual because that means three times a year).
Language Point: Time expressions – Annual, Biannual, Biennial, etc
On that note actually, there is a language point to be made here, and that’s expressions of frequency, with words like annual, biannual, weekly, biweekly etc.
Let’s start small and work outwards.
So, there’s ‘on a minute by minute basis’, which means ‘every minute’. E.g. New updates on the story are coming in on a minute by minute basis.
That also works with seconds to be honest.
Then there’s ‘hourly’, or ‘every hour’, ‘once every hour’ and ‘on an hourly basis’. E.g. the website is updated hourly. The website is updated every hour, or once every hour. The website is updated on an hourly basis.
Then, daily, every day, once a day and on a daily basis.
It starts to get more tricky when we get to ‘week’. We have ‘weekly’, ‘every week’ and then ‘on a weekly basis’ and ‘once a week’ – all of which mean that the thing happens one time per week.
But then there’s the word ‘biweekly’. E.g. “At our biweekly meeting’. Now, does that mean that the meeting happens twice in one week or just once every two weeks?
“You can also benefit from our biweekly newsletters.” – so do I get 8 newsletters in a month, or 2 newsletters in a month?
This does cause some confusion with native speakers and occasionally requires some clarification.
Of course the problem is a result of differences between North American English and British English, as is often the case with little differences of usage like this. So, in the USA “biweekly” tends to mean that the thing happens every two weeks, whereas in the UK it means that it happens twice in one week.
So, basically in the UK you get more! It seems we’re either more greedy or more generous than the USA in this particular instance.
Well, in any case the expressions are slightly different. Imagine that you get more in the UK – and so biweekly means twice a week. We also have an expression in British English to mean “once every two weeks” and that is ‘fortnightly’. A ‘fortnight’ is 2 weeks in the UK. So, we have ‘fortnightly’ too. E.g. “The newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis.”
This is all fascinating I know.
Then when we have ‘monthly’, ‘once a month’, ‘on a monthly basis’ and ‘every month’ and they all mean one time a month, so everyone’s happy there – except when you think about rent, and bills and other monthly bad things.
But when we get to two times a month, things get a bit complicated again. So, ‘twice or two times a month’, ‘every two months’ – they’re fine. But bimonthly has the same problem as biweekly, except that the Brits and Americans are both confused about this one. Everyone’s mixed up about it. According to the Oxford Dictionary website, the publishing industry has agreed that it means ‘twice a month’. Everyone else is confused, so it’s best to just use ‘twice a month’ or ‘every two months’.
Still with me? It’s pretty early in an episode to get so bogged down in a language point but here we are.
And we’re not finished yet. Because there’s ‘years’ now.
So, we have ‘annually’, ‘once a year’, ‘every year’ – and they all mean that the thing happens one time in the year. E.g. “This meeting takes place annually”. ‘Annual’ is the adjective form – “The Annual General Meeting”. But when two are involved it becomes complex of course.
It’s a bit like ‘bimonthly’. So, ‘biannual’ or ‘biannually’ can mean either twice a year or once every two years.
People are confused about this, so it might be safer to say “twice a year” – or just make sure you only do things once on a yearly basis. Just keep your life simple. Become a monk, it’s easier than dealing with the vocabulary sometimes.
IN fact, there is an answer here according to the Wiktionary and it’s that ‘biannual’ means every two years, and the word ‘biennial’ means twice a year. But so many people confuse these words and don’t even realise that ‘biennial’ exists that it’s a bit useless – if you use it you’ll technically be correct, but people will either not know what it means or they’ll think you sound a bit too clever and pedantic. “Ooh, look at him he’s using the word biennial, isn’t he posh and sophisticated and all intelligent!”
Quick time check: Wow, I’ve already done 11 minutes – and I haven’t even got past the title of the episode! How is that even possible? Where does the time go?
SO, where the hell was I? That’s it – This is the Annual General Meeting which doesn’t actually take place every year. In fact the last time I did this was 3 years ago so this should be the Triennial General Meeting, which does sound quite ridiculous even if it is correct. In fact, since I’m all about the details in this episode, it seems, I should say that I’ve only done this twice now, and two times is not enough to establish a pattern is it. For all we know the next time I do this could be 4 years from now, and then what?? What will I call that? Something that happens every three years in the first two instances and then every four years after that? I suppose we can just call it a Random General Meeting. What the hell, it’s not even a proper meeting who am I kidding, it’s just another episode of this podcast and I’m just dressing it up like it’s a meeting just for fun so all of this is like some weird made-up problem which could easily be solved by me just shutting my mouth and then opening it again in order to talk about something else, which I am going to do now. Like, the weather.
Ah the weather – we’re on safe ground here. Phew, that was close, we nearly got completely lost down a linguistic and mathematical rabbit hole. That was nearly the perfect storm of language and maths. And when language and maths get together you know it’s going to get complex. Well, I’m glad we got through it now and we’re onto the weather. And, talking of perfect storms, it’s looking very grey and overcast here at this moment. It might start raining at any moment, and there might be thunder.
THat’s one hell of a link there folks. Did you see the way I linked from all that stuff about trienniums and biannual meetings into the weather? That’s why this podcast has won 4 Macmillan Dictionary Awards and was nominated for a British Council ELTon. Quality in a cup, that is.
Quality in a Cup
I don’t know why I said “Quality in a cup then”. Nobody ever says “Quality in a cup”. Especially when talking about podcasts because they don’t come in cups do they? No, not unless you put it in a cup ,but I don;t recommend that, especially if the cup is full of water or coffee, because then you’ve probably put your phone in a cup of coffee and that’s a bad idea.
Alright, keep it simple now.
Anyway, in this episode I’m pretending to have a big meeting like I did in episodes 141 and 142, remember them? I’m having a meeting and you’re all invited, and in the meeting I’m going to go through some agenda items to talk about and I have some questions for you which I want you to answer! OK – so I’ll tell you a few things, and then there will be regular questions for you to answer.
Welcome to the Meeting
Welcome to the meeting. I expect you’ve all got an agenda, it was sent to you by email. Did you get the email? You didn’t get the email? You might want to join the mailing list. Let me just give you an overview first. Remember this meeting is also a feedback session. For every item on the agenda in this meeting I have a question for you and I want your answers, people! So get into the comment section and respond to my questions!
Brace yourself – Episodes are coming
I’m not sure what they’ll be about at this stage. It depends on how much time I get to prepare them, but there will be some episodes coming quite regularly over the next week or two I expect. Then there will be another quiet period when I go away on holiday with my wife.
Have you checked out all the old episodes in the archive? (That’s more of a rhetorical question than a genuine one to be honest.)
This is the craze that’s sweeping the globe. I plan to talk about it more fully on the podcast soon, in a dedicated Pokemon episode. In the meantime, I would like to get your thoughts on this phenomenon of global pop culture.
What do you think of Pokemon Go? What are the good and bad things about this game?
Notting Hill Carnival Video Transcript
Recent episode with no number – there’s a full transcript to the Notting Hill Carnival video so if you didn’t understand something – it’s all there, including all the phrasal verbs and their definitions in a list. Damn, I’m good to you!
Do you ever visit my website, and what do you look for when you are there?
(Looking through my fingers) How would you change it?
Vasile Şi Diana Vaganov – 2 days ago
Hi friends! I would like to share with you some thoughts about transcribing episodes here on LEP. I’m used to listening to a lot of episodes and I think most of you too, and we enjoy the time – learning with our best teacher – Luke!
Some time ago I started transcribing and at first it was really not comfortable, because it was a new thing that I was doing, and it was really challenging.
After I had finished my first chunk, I was really exhausted but at the same time I felt like I had climbed mount Everest!
I said to myself: “I have done it! I managed to do it!”
If you decide to join, you’ll see that there will be a war inside you to do it or give it up. What I have realized is that now I understand Luke better than before.
While transcribing I have to pay attention to each sound, word and expression and it really makes me understand, feel and remember the English Luke is using.
Contact Antonio [email protected] (not hotmail! – sorry)
Do you use my transcripts? How do you use them? Do you have a particular method? How valuable are they to you? If you don’t use them at all, please let me know too.
LEP World Tour
Watch this space. I’m still working this out. The concept is that I’d come to your city and put on a live show of some kind – it could be a stand-up comedy show, a live podcast recording or just some kind of meet-up event. I would need it to take place in a place with a bar, a stage, a microphone, a dedicated room for the event (not in the public part of the bar where people will be trying to just have a normal evening) seating, English-language-friendly staff and it should be open for every LEPster to come to, not an exclusive private space. I imagine that the event would take place in the evening and it should be something that everyone can come to. It would be good if we could do bookings. Imagine a poetry reading in a bar – but a bit bigger, and with LEPsters. Thank you very much if you’ve sent me an email promising to help me to do this. I’ve been in touch with a few people about it already and I am trying to work out how I’d do it and if I could cover my costs at the moment.
Have you ever met other LEPsters? How many people do you think I could get together in a space in your local area?
Hideki Kanasawa – wants to meet other LEPsters in Tokyo.
How are you going to connect? I suggest you look in the forum because I’ve added a forum thread about Hideki’s suggestion.
“Sorry, we’re English”
The show has ended for the summer and possibly forever! It was really cool to meet some LEPsters who came to the show. There was always one or two at each show, which is nice considering I’m in Paris and I don’t have many listeners here. Paul’s one-man show is going from strength to strength as he has now moved into a new venue that seats over 100 people and it’s been sold out the last few weeks. He’s also filming episodes of his TV show which will be on French television in the not too distant future. Amber and I have been helping him to write it, which is cool!
I might start my own show in September, and I’ll be thinking about it. Pros and cons.
I’m always trying to build material for my shows and sometimes I improvise some pretty funny things on the podcast. You might remember certain funny moments.
So, what is a funny moment or episode that you remember from my podcast? Tell me a funny bit that you remember? It could become part of my live comedy show.
LEP Tunes done on KORG Kaossilator S2
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
Do you have any music which you would like me to talk about? I know I mentioned this quite some time ago but I might be able to feature your music in a special LEPster-music themed episode soon, with my bro. If you have some music which you’d like us to talk about on the podcast, send it to me at [email protected]
People selling my content
This podcast is 100% free and it should be free to everybody. If you had to pay to listen to this from anybody other than me (like, who knows I might one day decide to restrict access to my episodes) but if, while I’m offering this free online, you bought this from someone else – perhaps someone who has burned all my episodes onto DVDs and then sold them to you, then you got ripped off. And if anybody is out there are taking my content, packaging it into DVDs and selling it – then you’re a tosser and that’s not okay.
Torrenting sites – loads of my content goes out on torrents too. I guess nobody profits from that and my content is reaching a bigger audience. The problem with that is that I don’t get any indication of who is listening and where they’re listening. All those listeners are hidden from me completely. I don’t know the volume of torrent downloads – I don’t know who is listening or where they are. It could be a lot. Maybe I’m more popular than I think. I don’t know exactly who is out there listening to me via torrent sites, in the dark, like a ninja. It seems I have a whole silent ninja army hiding in the shadows. I wonder who you are and what you’re thinking! So, if you’re making my stuff available on torrent sites, or downloading from torrent sites – just remember about me as the creator of this content.
Did you get my episodes as part of a torrenting site? Do you have any idea how many people might be listening to me that I don’t know about?
A comment from a Vampire
Keithb Brandon • 23 days ago
I’m a vampire and i know you will be surprised to think how i can write articles on this site if am a vampire. I can change any time any day to either human or vampire. Yes it is true. How I become a vampire with the help of the Hindu priest [email protected]
I will tell you later. I live in north India here we are called Pisach. My life changed from that day when I met a sweet handsome pandit hindu priest. He is also a pisach called [email protected]
I will not tell you my exact location. But I will tell you how to become a vampire. My English is not so good so excuse me. The Hindu priest learned the procedure from a secret book. This dark art has been revealed by a rich Hindu landowner who find a book from the library of a Danish king and with the help of a vampire lord whose email is [email protected] If you become vampire you can still be a ordinary man or woman but you will get more power and gain more height, you will become much younger than your mates of same age, you never become bald, you don’t need any sex, you will always get satisfied. But to become a vampire is a very difficult task . if after giving you the procedure, I will no longer be responsible for your nature but you will become lone like me. i was so much amazed at first when i contacted [email protected] At first i become very scared and afraid to offer the sacrifice to them just to be a full blooded vampire but i later changed my mind and strong in spirit and i did what was needed and now am not just an ordinary vampire but a powerful and famous type too, i have powers and many doos, no human life needed for you to be a full blooded vampire just get what they want from you and i promise you that you will be so glad and happy being among the clan vampires if you are being interested becoming a vampire like me then contact the Hindu priest on these email [email protected] if you also want to know more about it then email me asap on my email to help you with information to become a full blooded vampire [email protected] or [email protected] good lucks.
Are you a vampire? What’s it like? Would you like to be a vampire? What did you think of the Twilight movies? Have you listened to my episode about Vampires? It’s episode 6 – EPISODE 6! Check it out in the archive.
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Essential Items for Traveling with Dogs: Building the Perfect Travel Bag
When it comes to traveling with your beloved canine companion, having the right gear and essentials is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable journey. A well-prepared travel bag for dogs can make all the difference in ensuring their comfort, safety, and overall well-being while on the go. In this article, we will delve into the essential items you should include in your dog's travel bag, helping you build the perfect kit for your furry friend's adventures. So, let's get started!
Travel bag for dogs: choosing the right bag! When choosing a travel bag for your dog, choose a bag that is specifically designed for pet travel. Look for features like durability, ventilation, compactness and ease of cleaning. In addition, it is important that the bag contains unique compartments for each product so that the products are always accessible.
Food and Water Supplies Pack enough food and water for the duration of your trip, plus a little extra in case of delays. Choose a travel-friendly, airtight container for storing their food and consider individual portion bags for convenience. Don't forget collapsible food and water bowls to ensure your dog can easily eat and drink on the go.
Comfort Items To help your dog feel at ease during travel, include comfort items in their travel bag. This can include their favorite blanket, a familiar toy, or a cozy bed that they can curl up in. Having these familiar scents and objects will provide a sense of security and help them relax during the journey.
Leash, Collar, and ID Tags Never leave home without a sturdy leash and collar for your dog. Make sure the collar has proper identification tags with your contact information. In case your dog gets lost or separated from you, having clear identification will increase the chances of a safe reunion. Consider adding a temporary travel tag with your destination address and contact details as an extra precaution.
Travel Documents If you're traveling across borders or by air, make sure to carry all the necessary travel documents for your dog. This may include vaccination records, health certificates, and identification documents required by airlines or customs. Ensure these documents are easily accessible and kept in a waterproof pouch or folder for protection.
Medications and First Aid Kit If your dog requires any medications, be sure to pack them in a secure and easily accessible compartment in your travel bag. It's also wise to carry a basic first aid kit tailored for your dog's needs. Include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and any necessary medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Having these supplies on hand can help address minor injuries or illnesses that may occur during the journey.Waste Disposal Supplies Being a responsible dog owner means cleaning up after your pet, even while traveling. Pack a sufficient number of waste bags to ensure proper disposal of your dog's waste during rest stops or while exploring new places. It's essential to leave the environment clean and hygienic for others to enjoy.
Tips for Traveling with Dogs in the Car: Ensuring a Safe and Comfortable Journey
Traveling with your dog in the car can be a fun and rewarding experience, allowing you to explore new places together. However, it's important to prioritize your dog's safety and comfort during the journey. In this section, we will provide you with essential tips for traveling with your dog in the car. Let's dive in!
Safety Restraints: To ensure your dog's safety while traveling in the car, it's crucial to use appropriate safety restraints. Consider using a secure harness or a travel crate that is properly secured within the vehicle. These restraints will prevent your dog from moving around or becoming a distraction while you're driving.
Car Comfort: Create a comfortable environment for your dog in the car. Place a cozy blanket or a dog bed in the designated area where your dog will be seated. This will help them relax and feel secure during the journey. Additionally, make sure the car is properly ventilated and maintain a comfortable temperature for your dog's well-being.
Regular Breaks: Plan for regular breaks during your car journey to allow your dog to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, and have some water and snacks. Dogs may become restless or anxious during long drives, so breaks are essential to provide them with physical and mental stimulation.
Pack Essentials: Pack a travel bag specifically for your dog's needs during the car journey. Include essentials such as food, water, treats, a leash, waste disposal bags, and any necessary medications. Having these items readily available will make the journey more comfortable for your dog and help you address their needs along the way.
Pre-Trip Exercise and Bathroom Breaks: Before embarking on a car journey, give your dog ample exercise to release energy and help them relax during the drive. Additionally, make sure your dog has had a bathroom break before getting into the car to minimize the need for frequent stops.
Secure Car Doors and Windows: Ensure that all car doors and windows are securely closed and locked to prevent your dog from accidentally opening them while the vehicle is in motion. This will keep your dog safe and prevent any potential escape or injury.
Familiarize Your Dog with the Car: If your dog is not accustomed to car travel, gradually introduce them to the car environment before taking long trips. Start with short drives and gradually increase the duration to help your dog become more comfortable and associate car travel with positive experiences.
Never leave your dog unattended: in a parked car, especially during hot or cold weather. Extreme temperatures can quickly become dangerous and lead to heatstroke or hypothermia. If you need to make a stop where your dog cannot accompany you, ensure someone stays with them in the car or consider dog-friendly alternatives.
International Travel with Dogs: Tips for a Smooth and Stress-Free Experience
Traveling internationally with your dog can be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning and preparation. In this section, we will provide you with essential tips for international travel with your dog. Whether you're embarking on a vacation or relocating to a new country, these tips will help ensure a smooth and stress-free experience. Let's get started!
Research Entry Requirements: Before traveling internationally with your dog, thoroughly research the entry requirements of your destination country. Each country has its own regulations regarding pet importation, including vaccinations, health certificates, and quarantine periods. Make sure to comply with all the necessary requirements to avoid any complications upon arrival.
Visit the Veterinarian: Schedule a visit to your veterinarian well in advance of your trip to ensure your dog is in good health and up to date on all necessary vaccinations. Your veterinarian can also provide you with the required documentation and advise you on any additional precautions or health considerations specific to your destination.
Choose a Pet-Friendly Accommodation: When traveling internationally with your dog, it's important to select pet-friendly accommodations that will welcome your furry friend. Research and book accommodations in advance to ensure availability and to find options that cater to your dog's needs. Consider factors such as pet-friendly policies, nearby parks or walking areas, and amenities that will make your dog's stay comfortable.
Prepare a Travel Kit: Pack a travel bag specifically for your dog's international journey. Include essentials such as food, water, bowls, a leash, collar with identification tags, waste disposal bags, any necessary medications, and comfort items like blankets or toys. Having these items readily accessible will help keep your dog comfortable and content throughout the trip.
Choose a Pet-Friendly Airline: When flying internationally with your dog, research and choose an airline that is known for its pet-friendly policies and services. Look for airlines that offer accommodations for pets in the cabin or have well-equipped and safe cargo areas for larger dogs. Review the airline's regulations and requirements for pet travel to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Prepare for the Flight: Prepare your dog for the international flight by acclimating them to their travel crate or carrier well in advance. Gradually introduce them to the crate, provide positive reinforcement, and make it a comfortable and secure space for them. Familiarize yourself with the airline's guidelines for pet travel, including crate size and any specific documentation or health requirements.
Plan for Quarantine or Isolation: Some countries may require a quarantine period or isolation upon arrival. Research the regulations of your destination country to understand if any quarantine period applies to your dog. Make the necessary arrangements and ensure you have all the required documentation to comply with these regulations.
Consider the Climate and Environment: Take into account the climate and environment of your destination when traveling internationally with your dog. Pack appropriate clothing or protective gear to keep your dog comfortable in different weather conditions. Ensure access to clean water and provide shade or cooling options as needed.
International Travel with Your Dog: Important Considerations and Guidelines
Traveling internationally with your dog can be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning and preparation. If you're considering taking your dog on an international trip, there are important considerations and guidelines to keep in mind. In this section, we will provide you with valuable information to ensure a smooth and successful international travel experience with your dog. Let's dive in!
Research Entry Requirements and Restrictions: Before planning any international travel with your dog, research the entry requirements and restrictions of your destination country. Each country has its own regulations regarding pet importation, including vaccination requirements, health certificates, and quarantine periods. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines and ensure that you comply with all necessary documentation and procedures.
Schedule a Visit to the Veterinarian: Visit your veterinarian well in advance of your travel date to ensure that your dog is in good health and up to date on all necessary vaccinations. Your veterinarian can provide any required vaccinations, perform a health check-up, and issue the necessary health certificates for international travel. Additionally, discuss any specific concerns or considerations related to your dog's well-being during the trip.
Consider the Length of the Trip: International travel can involve long flights or extended periods of time in transit. Consider your dog's comfort and well-being when deciding on the length of your trip. Some dogs may not be suitable for long journeys, while others may require additional breaks and accommodations. Assess your dog's physical condition and consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable travel duration.
Choose a Pet-Friendly Airline and Accommodations: When traveling internationally with your dog, select an airline that is pet-friendly and has clear policies regarding pet transport. Research their requirements, restrictions, and any additional fees associated with traveling with a pet. Similarly, when booking accommodations at your destination, ensure that they are pet-friendly and can provide the necessary amenities for your dog's comfort.
Prepare an International Travel Kit for Your Dog: Pack a comprehensive international travel kit for your dog, including all essential items they will need during the journey and stay. This may include food and water bowls, a leash and harness, bedding, toys, medications, grooming supplies, and any necessary documentation. Keep these items organized and easily accessible to ensure a smooth transition and a comfortable experience for your dog.
Plan for Quarantine and Customs Procedures: Some countries may require quarantine periods upon arrival for pets. Research the quarantine policies of your destination country and ensure that you comply with all necessary procedures. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the customs regulations related to bringing pets into the country. Be prepared to declare any items or supplies you're carrying for your dog and follow all customs guidelines.
Consider Your Dog's Stress and Anxiety Levels: International travel can be stressful for dogs due to unfamiliar environments, long flights, and changes in routine. Take steps to minimize stress and anxiety for your dog, such as using calming aids, practicing crate training, and providing familiar items that offer a sense of security. Consult with your veterinarian for additional strategies to help your dog cope with travel-related stress.
Research Local Pet Services and Facilities: Before arriving at your destination, research local pet services and facilities available. This includes veterinary clinics, pet stores, grooming salons, and pet-friendly parks or areas. Knowing these resources in advance will be helpful in case of any emergencies or when seeking routine services for your dog during your international travel.
Taking Your Dog on a Plane: Everything You Need to Know
Taking your dog on a plane can be a thrilling experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for both you and your furry friend. From choosing the right airline to complying with regulations, there are several important factors to consider. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about traveling with your dog on a plane. Read on to discover essential tips, guidelines, and considerations to make your upcoming flight with your canine companion a stress-free and enjoyable experience.
Research Airline Pet Policies and Restrictions: Before booking your flight, it's crucial to research the pet policies and restrictions of different airlines. Each airline has its own guidelines regarding pet travel, including size and breed restrictions, crate requirements, and additional fees. Take the time to understand and compare these policies to choose an airline that best suits your dog's needs and ensures a smooth travel experience.
Check Health and Vaccination Requirements: Most airlines require a health certificate issued by a veterinarian within a specified time frame before the flight. This certificate confirms that your dog is in good health and up to date on vaccinations. Schedule a visit to your veterinarian well in advance to ensure all necessary vaccinations and documentation are completed according to airline regulations.
Book a Pet-Friendly Flight: When booking your flight, consider selecting a pet-friendly airline or a flight with a pet-friendly cabin. Some airlines offer designated pet-friendly flights or specific cabins that allow pets. These options provide a more accommodating environment for you and your dog, reducing stress and ensuring a more comfortable journey.
Choose the Right Dog Travel Crate: Selecting the appropriate travel crate is essential for the safety and comfort of your dog during the flight. Ensure the crate meets the International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards for size, ventilation, and security. Provide sufficient space for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Introduce your dog to the crate well before the flight to help them acclimate and feel more at ease.
Prepare Your Dog for the Flight: Help your dog prepare for the flight by gradually acclimating them to the travel crate and the sensations associated with air travel. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to create a positive association with the crate. Take short car rides or practice carrying the crate to simulate the travel experience and help your dog become familiar with it.
Pack Essential Items for Your Dog's Comfort: Pack a travel bag with essential items to keep your dog comfortable during the flight. Include items such as a leash, collar with identification tags, water dispenser, food and treats, a familiar blanket or bedding, and any necessary medications. Having these familiar items will help reduce your dog's anxiety and provide a sense of security.
Consider Sedation or Calming Techniques: If your dog tends to experience anxiety or becomes highly stressed during travel, consult with your veterinarian about the possibility of using sedation or calming techniques. However, it's important to note that sedation should only be administered under the guidance of a professional and in accordance with airline regulations.
Arrive Early and Follow Check-in Procedures: Arriving early at the airport is crucial when traveling with a dog. Allow extra time for check-in, security procedures, and potential unexpected delays. Follow the airline's specific check-in procedures for traveling with pets, including documentation verification and crate inspections. Being well-prepared and allowing ample time will help minimize stress for both you and your dog.
During the Flight: During the flight, it's important to follow the airline's guidelines and regulations. Keep your dog's travel crate securely fastened and positioned under the seat in front of you, if allowed. Avoid opening the crate during the flight to prevent any potential accidents or escapes. Comfort your dog with a reassuring voice and provide them with treats or toys for distraction.
Post-Flight Care: Once you've arrived at your destination, prioritize your dog's well-being and comfort. Offer them water and a chance to relieve themselves if needed. Allow your dog time to adjust to the new surroundings and recover from the journey. Stick to their regular feeding and exercise routine as much as possible to maintain a sense of familiarity.
Traveling with your dog on a plane can be a rewarding experience with proper planning and preparation. By understanding airline policies, ensuring your dog's comfort and safety, and complying with all regulations, you can enjoy a smooth and stress-free journey together. Remember to research thoroughly, consult with professionals when needed, and prioritize your dog's well-being throughout the entire travel process. Happy travels with your furry companion!
Traveling with Dogs by Train: A Comprehensive Guide to a Safe and Pleasant Journey
Traveling with your beloved canine companion by train can be a wonderful experience, allowing you to explore new destinations together while enjoying the scenic views along the way. However, it's important to plan and prepare ahead to ensure a safe and pleasant journey for both you and your furry friend. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with essential tips, guidelines, and considerations for traveling with dogs by train. From understanding pet policies to ensuring your dog's comfort, read on to embark on a memorable train adventure with your canine companion.
Research Train Pet Policies: Before booking your train journey, it's crucial to research the pet policies of the specific train company or service you'll be using. Different train companies have varying rules and regulations regarding pet travel. Some may allow dogs of certain sizes and breeds, while others may have restrictions or require special arrangements. Familiarize yourself with the pet policies to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Make a Reservation for Your Dog: Once you've confirmed that dogs are allowed on the train, make a reservation for your furry companion. Many train services have limited spots available for pets, so it's important to secure your dog's spot in advance. Provide the necessary information about your dog's size and breed during the reservation process, as some trains may have specific restrictions or requirements.
Prepare Your Dog for Train Travel: Train travel can be a new and potentially overwhelming experience for your dog. Help them prepare by gradually introducing them to the sounds and sensations associated with train travel. Consider taking them on short rides or exposing them to train station environments to familiarize them with the experience. Positive reinforcement, treats, and praise can also help create a positive association with train travel.
Ensure Your Dog's Safety: When traveling by train, your dog's safety is of utmost importance. Ensure they are properly restrained during the journey. If your dog is small or medium-sized, a secure and well-ventilated carrier or travel crate is recommended. For larger dogs, a harness and leash can be used to keep them secure. Avoid letting your dog roam freely in the train compartment to prevent accidents or disturbances to other passengers.
Pack Essential Items for Your Dog's Comfort: Pack a travel bag for your dog with essential items to ensure their comfort throughout the journey. Include items such as food, water, collapsible bowls, favorite toys, bedding or a familiar blanket, waste bags, and any necessary medications. Having these items readily available will help keep your dog calm and content during the train ride.
Choose the Right Train Compartment: Depending on the train service and availability, you may have different options for choosing the right compartment for you and your dog. Some trains offer dedicated pet-friendly compartments or sections where dogs are allowed. These areas often provide more space and comfort for both you and your dog. If such compartments are not available, choose a regular compartment that allows dogs and ensure there is sufficient space for your dog to relax.
Be Considerate of Other Passengers: When traveling with your dog by train, it's essential to be considerate of other passengers. Keep your dog well-behaved and minimize any potential disturbances. Respect the personal space of other passengers and ensure your dog is calm and quiet during the journey. Bringing along comforting items, practicing basic obedience commands, and using calming techniques can help maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
Plan for Breaks and Exercise: During a train journey, it's important to plan for breaks and exercise opportunities for your dog. Check the train itinerary to identify stations where longer stops are scheduled. Use these stops to allow your dog to stretch their legs, go for a short walk, and relieve themselves if needed. Be mindful of the train's departure time and ensure you are back on board before it leaves.
Stay Attentive and Monitor Your Dog: Throughout the train journey, remain attentive to your dog's needs and behaviors. Monitor their comfort level, provide water as necessary, and offer reassurance and comfort during any moments of anxiety. Being attentive and responsive to your dog will help ensure their well-being and help address any issues that may arise during the journey.
Traveling with your dog by train can be a delightful adventure, allowing you to create lasting memories together. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable journey for both you and your furry friend. Remember to research train pet policies, make necessary reservations, prioritize your dog's safety and comfort, and be considerate of other passengers. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, you're ready to embark on an exciting train travel experience with your beloved canine companion.
This comprehensive article covers essential topics for traveling with dogs, including building the perfect travel bag, tips for safe car travel, stress-free international travel, guidelines for traveling with dogs by plane, and a detailed guide for a pleasant journey by train. It provides valuable insights and considerations to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both you and your furry companion. From packing the right items to understanding regulations and best practices, this article serves as a valuable resource for dog owners embarking on their travel adventures. | <urn:uuid:5c4a541b-acd2-449b-8490-b75f45c967bf> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T13:25:28Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.930929 | 4,522 | 5,287 |
But with so many culinary delights to choose from, where should you start? From mouth-watering chocolate truffles to delicious waffles, there is something for everyone in Brussels. The locals have their favorites, and if you want to truly experience the city like a local, these are the must-tries. Whether you’re a foodie looking for new culinary experiences or a traveler seeking to immerse yourself in the local culture, let’s explore the best Brussels food and uncover the unique flavors this city has to offer.
Brussels top tip: If you’re short on time and want to tick off as many Belgian dishes as you can, we’d strongly recommend this food tour! It will take you on a guided walk through the city to try the best local chocolate, beer, waffles and fries. Book Now.
What sort of food do Belgium people love to eat?
So, when it comes to food, Belgium may not be on everyone’s radar. Sure, we all know about the delicious snacks like Belgian chocolate, beer, and waffles, but the typical Belgian cuisine is often overlooked.
Now, here’s the secret to finding the best places to eat in Brussels: look for the ones that may seem a bit shabby on the outside, but are jam-packed with locals. Those are the hidden gems where you’ll find the most authentic Belgian dishes. And speaking of hidden gems, be sure to steer clear of the tourist traps around Grand Place and Rue des Bouchers. They may be tempting, but trust us, you’ll find much better options elsewhere.
The most typical Belgian dishes that we’ll dive into below include:
- Mussels. Moules-frites is a classic Belgian dish consisting of mussels and fries, normally steamed in white wine with herbs.
- Fries. Frites are a national pride, and usually double fried to get a soft inside and crispy exterior. They’re normally served with mayonaise.
- Meatballs. Belgian meatballs are either beef-pork mixtures cooked in tomato sauce, or made with beef stock and fruit syrup. Usually paired with Belgian fries.
- Belgian chocolate. Chocolate is an art in Belgium, and you’ll find boutique chocolate shops all over the city.
- Flemish stew. Usually with beef, slow cooked in beer and paired with fries or mashed potatoes.
- Grey shrimp croquettes. North sea grey shrimps are a delicacy, traditionally harvested by horseback fisherman.
- Waffles. You’ll find two main types, rectangular Brussels waffle with various toppings, and the sweeter Liège waffle with crystallised sugar.
There are a few more we’ve covered, so read on for the full list!
Let’s talk about mussels, or as they say in Belgium, moules-frites. These little bivalve creatures are pretty much the national dish and let us tell you, if you’re visiting Belgium, this is the one thing you must try. You’ll find them at nearly any cafe or brasserie in Brussels.
The traditional way of serving them is steamed with white wine, shallots, parsley, and butter, all presented in a black mussel pot. However, you might also come across some variations that include cream or beer in the mix.
Now, here’s a fun fact: when eating mussels in Belgium, forget about the fork. Instead, use an empty shell to prise them out. It’s all part of the experience. And speaking of experiences, sharing a pot of mussels with friends and enjoying them with a side of fries is the ultimate way to enjoy this tasty treat. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.
To try mussels, head to Chez Leon, a long time tourist favourite. The portions are a bit small by Belgian standards, and it has been a tourist hotspot serving cheap buckets since 1893. They do a Formula Leon meal, consisting of a mussels bucket, fries, and a beer for 17 euros.
Belgian Fries (frites)
Belgian fries are everywhere in Belgium and they are the ultimate favorite snack of the country. Now, there’s been a lot of debate over who actually invented them, but one thing’s for sure – the Belgians have definitely perfected them. Trust us, once you sink your teeth into these golden sticks of goodness, nowhere else in the world will compare. And here’s the secret to their amazingness – it’s all in the method. A soft potato is the key, fried not once but twice in good old animal fat. This magical process results in a frite with a fluffy interior that practically melts in your mouth, while the outside is perfectly crispy. It’s like having a taste explosion with every bite.
If you want the real deal, you’ve got to hit up a genuine friterie or frietkot. These gems are usually found in the form of a fry truck or a small building. Your fries will come in these adorable paper cones, just like in the movies. And the best part is, they have a mind-blowing selection of sauces to choose from. We’re talking about a sauce extravaganza, with most of them being mayo-based. Whatever your taste buds crave, there’s a sauce for you. Feeling a little adventurous? Try the samurai sauce if you like it spicy. Or if you’re a fan of that classic combo, go for the ever-popular andalouse – a mix of mayo and ketchup.
Authentic fries can be found at Maison Antoine – it’s large octagonal kiosk has become a city icon. Their fries are cooked in beef fat, and served in the traditional ‘cornet de frites’ style in a paper cone.
Belgian Meatballs (balletjes)
These little balls of deliciousness are a Belgian favourite. They’re usually made with a mix of beef and pork, giving them that perfect juicy texture. Now, there are a couple of different ways to enjoy them. In Flanders, you’ll find them swimming in a tasty tomato sauce that just hits the spot. But south of Brussels, they serve boulets Liégeois, which are covered in a rich sauce made from beef stock, spices, and even some fruit syrup for a sweet kick. And you know what the best part is? You can’t have a plate of these Belgian meatballs without a side of crispy fries. It’s like they were made for each other.
Try them at Le Bistro, where they’re made from the freshest, locally sourced ingredients, so you know they’re gonna be top-notch. These meatballs are giant, and you get to choose your sauce. Whether you’re a blue cheese fanatic or a truffle lover, they’ve got you covered. They come served on a bed of stoemp, which is a heavenly mash of potatoes and veggies.
So let’s talk about Belgian chocolate, shall we? It’s basically an art form there, with prices going as high as 120 euros per kilogram for the premium brands. Praline is their signature chocolate, a chocolate bonbon with a soft, heavenly filling inside a hard chocolate shell. It was developed in Brussels in 1912, so it’s definitely a must try while you’re there.
You can find all sorts of wild flavors in Belgian chocolate these days, like green pea, chili, and even wasabi. It’s a taste adventure waiting to happen. As you walk around Brussels, you’ll come across a lot of chocolate boutiques. But if you want the real deal, head straight to Neuhaus in Galeries Royales St. Hubert. They’ve been around since 1857 and are the original praline creators. Those guys know their chocolate. You can also just head to any supermarket – you’ll find a lot of the top brands are stocked at prices cheaper than the boutiques.
Why Belgian chocolate?
Belgium was one of the first European countries to get cocoa beans through their colony, the Congo. They mastered the chocolate making process over hundreds of years.
A lot of chocolates markated as Belgian chocolate aren’t actually that, as only those with a minimum of 35% cocoa can be classified as such. Don’t buy cheap chocolate you can find in all the tourist areas as they will be bulked out with sugar, and won’t reflect the true quality of Belgian chocolates.
Flemish Stew (Carbonnade à la flamande)
Flemish Stew, aka Carbonnade à la flamande is the ultimate comfort food, especially on those chilly, damp days. Picture this – tender beef chunks that have been simmering away in beer until they practically melt in your mouth. And the sauce, oh the sauce! It’s like a thick, flavorful concoction that will have you licking your plate clean. The secret to its deliciousness lies in bread that’s been smothered in mustard, onion, and seasonings, which helps thicken things up. But here’s the kicker – the beer. It gives this stew a unique, tangy twist that cuts through the richness and adds a whole other level of deliciousness. Try it with fries or mashed potatoes on the side. It’s a combo made in food heaven.
Try it at L’Estaminet du Kelderke, a steamy vault under the Grand Place square. It’s usually packed with both locals and tourists and is a true fixture of Brussels. They serve the whole range of Belgian specialties, including a delicious Flemish Carbonnade.
Grey Shrimp Croquettes (garnaalkroket)
North Sea grey shrimps are everywhere in Belgium! If you go to a seafood restaurant, chances are they’ll bring you a bowl of these shrimps to munch on while you wait for your meal. They have a sweet and delicate flavor that will make your taste buds dance with joy. These shrimps are not only delicious but they are also a part of Belgium’s cultural heritage. Traditionally, these shrimps were harvested along the coast from France to the Netherlands by horseback fishermen. This tradition is still alive and kicking in a place called Oostduinkerke, on the Belgian coast.
Grey shrimp croquette (or garnaalkroket) are THE popular way to eat these little grey shrimps, and are a real treat. You might stumble upon some bland or frozen versions being served, but don’t let that discourage you. Once you sink your teeth into a homemade one, you’ll be in seafood heaven. Picture this: a super thin and crispy crust on the outside, and inside, a creamy mixture of succulent shrimp just waiting to burst with flavor. I mean, come on, how can you resist that? These little bites of heaven are usually served as a starter or a snack, but honestly, we could eat them all day long.
Try them at Noordzee for a true local experience. This is a fish counter that’s a local favourite in the Summer. Place your order and your name will be called by staff when it’s ready, eat standing up or at the tables on the square opposite.
Waterzooi is a warm, comforting stew packed with all sorts of deliciousness; carrots, onions, celeriac, leeks, potatoes, and an array of aromatic herbs. The hearty mix swims in a creamy broth made from egg yolk and cream. Originally, waterzooi was all about the fish, but nowadays it’s more common to find it made with chicken.
Waterzooi is the kind of dish that wraps you in a cozy blanket of flavors and warm satisfaction. It’s like a bowl of comfort, a culinary hug if you will. So, whether you’re a fan of fish or chicken, you’ve got to give waterzooi a try. We promise you won’t be able to resist going back for seconds.
To try waterzooi, head to Le Cirio – a grand 1886 cafe complete with polished brasswork and aproned waiters. Amongst the grandeur, prices are still affordable and staff are friendly. It’s in the tourist area but is still a favourite with the locals. Try their ‘half and half’, a mixed drink with white wine and champagne.
Mashed potato (stoemp)
One of Brussels’ most popular side dishes, stoemp is mashed potatoes combined with cream and root vegetables. It was invented to use up old vegetables, so you’ll find a lot of different variations. Common ingredients are carrots, onions, cabbages and leeks and often chefs will add bacon and herbs for flavour.
Be My Stoemp adds a twist to hot togs, serving them with stoemp and salad on the side. It’s located inside a meat market called Halles St.Gery, a beautiful building that’s free to visit – we highly recommend it!
Waffles are probable one of the first food that comes to mind when you think of Belgium, but there is some confusion around the name. There are actually two types of waffles in Belgium that you’ll commonly find.
The Brussels waffle is rectangular and flaky, bought with a choice of toppings like whipped cream, chocolate and fruit. The Liège waffle is denser and round, with crystallised sugar baked into the top. It’s a lot sweeter and stickier, and what you’ll probably find most commonly in Brussels. Belgians don’t eat waffles for breakfast, they are more of a treat that can be picked up on the go.
Avoid the overpriced waffles anywhere around Grand Place – they’ll be covered in way too many toppings and won’t be fresh. A lot of the best waffles will come from trucks (usually yellow) parked around the city, and they’ll be so good they won’t need toppings.
If you want a fancier experience, go to Maison Dandoy. This is Brussels’ best-known biscuiterie, and the location on Rue au Beurre has an attached tearoom. They’ve been baking since 1829 and do both types of waffles, with a choice of toppings. If you want to eat like a local, go for a waffle with just powdered sugar on top.
Want to try making your own waffles? Book a space at the Brussels waffle workshop.
In the 12th century clean water was not common, so a low alcohol beer ensured a sanitary alternative. Monks used to brew beer as a way to fundraise, and now, only 10 monasteries brew Trappist beer in the world, 6 of these are in Belgium.
Tripel and Dubbel are two classic examples of trappist beer, and you’ll find a lot of varieties, from blond to dark.
Belgian beer contains much higher alcohol content than American beer for example, made better by the local beer culture around the country. Every bar you go to in Brussels will have a different selection.
Delirium Cafe is probably the most famous bar in Brussels, with over 2,000 beers on offer. It’s a real tourist hotspot though, so if that doesn’t appeal to you, try Brussels beer project – one of the most innovative players in the city. They have a microbrewery and bar with a constant flow of new brews.
Speculoos has got some serious history behind it. It all started as a tradition of celebrating Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas, on December 6th. But hey, guess what? It’s become so popular now that you can find it in stores all year round! And you know what’s even cooler? Sometimes, when you order a coffee in a cozy little cafe, they’ll throw in a speculoos biscuit on the side. It’s like a little bonus treat, we love it! Now, let’s talk about the taste. It’s got this spicy flavor that just wakes up your taste buds, and the crunchy texture? It’s pure bliss.
If you’re looking for the best place to get your hands on some speculoos biscuits, Maison Dandoy is the place to go. Trust me, not only do they taste amazing, but the packaging is absolutely beautiful. They make for a perfect gift to bring back home.
Steak tartare (Filet américain)
Not for everyone, Belgian steak tartare is raw beef mixed with onions, mayo, Tabasco, egg yolk, capers and salt. A lot of restaurants will prepare it directly at your table so you can see all the ingredients involved. As with most dishes in Belgium, you’ll get it served with fries.
It’s commonly served with slices of Belgian bread, or in a sandwich.
Try Les Brigittines for one of the best steak tartares in the city. They offer grown-up eating, serving traditional French and Belgian food. Dishes are meaty and classic, and the staff have great local beer and wine recommendations to pair with your food.
Let me introduce you to jenever. It’s like gin’s rebellious cousin, with a whole range of flavors to choose from. This drink has been around since the 14th century when those clever Arabs brought distillation to Europe. Now, it’s mostly associated with Christmas, so you’ll find it at all the Belgian Christmas markets.
It comes in three different varieties: young, old, and corn wine. But if you’re not a fan of the strong stuff, don’t worry. There’s a milder option called ‘Vrouwen-Jenever’, where they add a little drop of syrup to sweeten things up.
The best food tours in Brussels
1. Brussels: City Highlights Walking Tour and Food Tasting
Go on a guided walking tour through Brussels and try the best chocolates, beer, waffles and fries.
£59.38 per person / Book Now
2. Belgian Chocolate Making Workshop with Tastings
Learn how to make chocolate treats in a workshop with a chocolatier artisan.
£39.01 per person / Book Now
3. Belgian Beer Tasting Experience
Taste some of Belgium’s beers as you visit top bars in a guided tour of Brussels.
£32.94 per person / Book Now
4. Waffle Making Workshop
Learn to prepare bake, and enjoy your own delicious Belgian waffles.
£27.74 per person / Book Now
What to eat in Brussels FAQs
What food is famous in Brussels?
Brussels is famous for its delicious food, and one of the most well-known dishes is mussels and fries. This combination is considered a classic in Belgian cuisine and can be found in many traditional restaurants throughout the city. The mussels are usually cooked in a flavorful broth with onions, garlic, and white wine, and are served with a side of crispy golden fries. Another popular dish in Brussels is waffles. These sweet treats are available in countless variations, from the traditional Liege waffle with its light and fluffy texture to the Brussels waffle, which is rectangular and lighter in flavor. Waffles in Brussels are often served with powdered sugar, chocolate, or whipped cream for added indulgence. Finally, chocolate is a must-try when visiting Brussels. The city is known for its high-quality artisanal chocolatiers, offering a wide range of truffles, pralines, and chocolate bars. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Brussels has a variety of iconic foods that are sure to please any food lover.
What food is Brussels Belgium known for?
Brussels, Belgium is known for its delicious culinary offerings, with several dishes that have gained international fame. One of the most renowned dishes is the Belgian waffle, a warm and crispy treat that can be enjoyed plain or topped with whipped cream, fresh fruit, or melted chocolate. Another popular food in Brussels is mussels, which are often cooked with white wine, garlic, and herbs, resulting in a flavorful and comforting dish. Brussels is also famous for its hearty and indulgent street food, such as frites (fries) served with a variety of dipping sauces like mayonnaise or ketchup. Besides, the city is known for its irresistible chocolate. Belgian chocolatiers are celebrated worldwide for their craftsmanship and quality, producing a wide range of mouthwatering chocolates. Whether it’s the waffles, mussels, fries, or chocolate, Brussels offers a vibrant food scene that will leave visitors craving for more.
What are 3 popular foods in Belgium?
Belgium is known for its diverse and delicious cuisine, and there are several popular foods that locals and tourists alike enjoy. One of the most well-known dishes is moules-frites, which consists of mussels cooked in a broth of white wine, garlic, and herbs, served with crispy golden fries. Another popular food in Belgium is waffles. These sweet treats are made with a yeast batter, which gives them a light and fluffy texture, and are typically served with powdered sugar, whipped cream, and various fruit toppings. Lastly, Belgian chocolate is a beloved delicacy that is enjoyed worldwide. Renowned for its high quality and rich flavors, Belgian chocolate comes in a variety of forms and flavors, from pralines and truffles to bars and spreads. It is often used in desserts or enjoyed on its own as a sweet indulgence. These three popular foods showcase the diverse and delectable culinary offerings of Belgium.
Where to eat in Brussels by locals?
When it comes to finding the best places to eat in Brussels, locals have a few hidden gems up their sleeves. One such spot is “Chez Leon”, a traditional Belgian restaurant known for its delicious mussels and fries. Another favorite among locals is “Ricetta Originale”, an Italian restaurant that serves authentic and mouthwatering pasta dishes. For those looking for a quick bite, “Friterie Tabora” is the go-to place for some of the best Belgian fries in town. “Tonton Garby” is also highly recommended by locals for their hearty and flavorful sandwiches. If you’re in the mood for some street food, head to “Place Jourdan” where you can find various food trucks offering everything from savory crepes to gourmet burgers. Lastly, end your culinary journey at “WY” for a fine dining experience with a stunning view of Brussels. These local recommendations promise to satisfy your taste buds and give you a true flavor of Brussels.
What is the national food of Brussels?
The national food of Brussels is considered to be moules-frites, which translates to mussels and fries. Mussels are a popular seafood dish in Belgium, and Brussels, being the capital city, has made this dish its own. The mussels are typically cooked in a white wine and shallot sauce, and are often served with a side of crispy, golden fries. The dish is so beloved in Brussels that there is even a museum dedicated to it, called the Maison des Moules, where visitors can learn about the history and culture surrounding this national food. It is not uncommon to find moules-frites on the menu of most traditional Belgian restaurants, and it is often enjoyed with a cold glass of Belgian beer. The combination of tender, flavorful mussels and crispy, salty fries makes moules-frites a delicious and quintessential Belgian dish.
What is the best food to eat in Brussels?
When it comes to the best food to eat in Brussels, there is one dish that stands out above the rest: moules-frites, or mussels and fries. This traditional Belgian dish is a must-try when visiting the city. The mussels are fresh and cooked in a flavorful broth, often infused with white wine, garlic, and herbs. They are then served with a generous portion of crispy and golden fries. The combination of the tender mussels and the crispy fries is simply divine. Another popular food in Brussels is waffles. These are not your average waffles, though. Brussels waffles are light and crispy on the outside, with a soft and airy interior. They are often topped with powdered sugar, strawberries, whipped cream, or Nutella. Whether you prefer savory or sweet, Brussels has something to satisfy every palate. From the flavorful mussels and fries to the irresistible waffles, the food in Brussels is sure to leave you wanting more.
Is Brussels expensive to eat out?
Brussels can be quite expensive when it comes to eating out. The city offers a wide variety of dining options, from Michelin-starred restaurants to quaint cafés and street food vendors. However, these options can often come with a hefty price tag. Fine dining establishments in Brussels tend to be on the more expensive side, with prices averaging around €50 or more per person for a three-course meal. Even mid-range restaurants can be fairly pricey, with an average meal costing around €20 to €30 per person. It’s worth noting that prices can vary depending on the neighborhood and type of cuisine you choose. Additionally, drinks, especially alcoholic beverages, can significantly increase your bill. However, there are also more budget-friendly options available, such as food trucks and local markets where you can find delicious and affordable meals. Overall, while it is possible to find affordable dining options in Brussels, it is important to plan your meals and budget accordingly. | <urn:uuid:247459e5-64e8-4b8a-a9d4-3d951fa948d4> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T12:53:53Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819273.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424112049-20240424142049-00100.warc.gz | en | 0.941828 | 5,533 | 6,345 |