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160 meters is also known as the "top band". | 160米也被称为“顶级波段”。 |
As the highest court of law in France, it also has other duties. | 作为法国的最高级法律法院,它也有其它职责。 |
Once tourists meet the gorillas they spend an hour with them. | 一旦游客遇到大猩猩,他们花一个小时与它们在一起。 |
Upon hearing this, the Israelites went into mourning. | 之後雖然聽從了伴佬的建議,卻還是敗給龍馬。 |
There has been no announcements made about UDI since early 2007 and the UDI website is no longer operational. | 自2007年年初以来,没有关于UDI的公告,UDI网站也已不再运行。 |
As of 2008, at least 76 countries use direct geothermal energy in some form. | 截至2008年,至少有76个国家是在以某种形式使用直接地热能源。 |
He also stated that the Prime Minister, Home Minister and Defence Minister had come to a conclusion that some sort of a "response" needs to be given to Pakistan. | 他还说,总理,内政部长和国防部长得出的结论是,需要向巴基斯坦提供某种“回应”。 |
"As some of you may know, Gareth has been living in America for the past couple of years, and recently got married. | "如同有些人知道的Gareth在過去幾年已經在美國定居,並起在最近結婚了。 |
Subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere." | 減輕重量使你在任何地方都更快”。 |
This is especially true of countries with a European Continental banking tradition. | 对于有欧洲大陆银行传统的国家尤为如此。 |
On 3 July 1992, FIFA finally welcomed South Africa back into international football. | 1992年7月3日,FIFA最终欢迎南非回归国际足坛。 |
The largest of which, of course, is Google. | 最大的一家当然是Google。 |
The S2811 was likewise not successful in the market. | S2811在市場上也不成功。 |
He intends to sell the beach. | 他打算卖了沙滩。 |
Berlin is now completely encircled by eight Russian armies. | 柏林现在被八支俄罗斯军队完全包围。 |
Snipes was allowed to return home because he had a valid U.S. passport. | 但斯奈普斯被允许回家,因为他有一个有效的美国护照。 |
To avoid confusion, it is now referred to as the Mozilla application framework. | 为避免混淆,它现在被称为Mozilla应用程序框架。 |
The song "Rosanna" was partly based on her. | 歌曲“Rosanna”部分基於她。 |
According to this view Matthew 10:23 should be understood in the same way. | 根据这个观点,马太福音10:23应该以同样的方式来理解。 |
You have five cows. | 你有五頭牛。 |
"When I started Ashes and Snow in 1992, I set out to explore the relationship between man and animals from the inside out. | 「1992年我開始創作〈灰與雪〉時,是想從裡向外探索人類和動物的關係。 |
The United States sent two election observers and three journalists. | 美国派出了两名选举观察员和三名记者。 |
PORTA and movistar does not allow the service. | 「PORTA」和「movistar」 不允許服務。 |
The Story of Abraham (Panel) Three men came to Abraham. | 此外朝覲也紀念撒旦(易卜裂斯)三次誘惑易卜拉欣但遭擯斥的事件,當時易卜拉欣正在前往獻祭兒子的路上。 |
Peter promises to return for Wendy every spring. | 彼得承诺每年春天会为了温蒂回来。 |
Some countries, particularly African countries, appear to be stalled in the second stage due to stagnant development and the effect of AIDS. | 一些国家,特别是非洲国家,由于发展停滞和艾滋病的影响,似乎在第二阶段停滞不前。 |
Nothing will remain except God. | 可是「惟上帝不常。 |
He supported the funding organisation Non-Violence XXI. | 他支持资助非暴力21世纪组织(Non-Violence XXI)。 |
1.1% from mercury production, mainly for batteries. | 1.1%来自汞的生产,主要用于电池。 |
She later held her second wedding in the South of France. | 随后她在法国南部举行了她的第二次婚礼。 |
They said they have a bomb. | 他們說他們有炸彈。 |
"New sporty limited edition Fiesta ST". | 請看(英文)New sporty limited edition Fiesta ST。 |
I have lost; Mr. Nixon has won. | 我输了,尼克松先生赢了。 |
Masica supports this last view. | Masica 支持最後的觀點。 |
He presented several scales and a small quantity of blood as evidence. | 他提交了几个鳞片和少量的血液作为证据。 |
United Bank of India now aims to expand its international activities. | 印度联合银行现在旨在扩大其国际活动。 |
We are only interested in sport, not politics". | 我們只關心體育,而非政治」。 |
For the Israelite King, see Menahem (Ben Gadi). | 他的兒子亞哈斯卻效法鄰近的以色列諸王,行耶和華眼中看為惡的事。 |
Netscape Communicator 5.0 and Mariner never shipped. | Netscape Communicator 5.0和Mariner從未發布過。 |
In 1046, some of William's enemies decided to finally strike. | 1046年,一些威廉的敌人终于决定攻击。 |
Many historians, however, believed the existence of a third document. | 然而,許多歷史學家認為有第三份文件存在。 |
Even where fuel is available, SODIS is a more economical and environmentally friendly option. | 即使在有燃料的地方,SODIS也是一种更经济,更环保的选择。 |
The next night, Doug and Alex go to dinner to talk about the strange events that had been occurring. | 第二天晚上,道格和亚历克斯去吃晚饭,谈论已经发生的奇怪事件。 |
However, due to recent improvements in religious liberty, the United States no longer considers Vietnam a Country of Particular Concern. | 然而,由於近年來越南宗教自由的改善,美國不再把越南視為一個特別關注的國家。 |
Three-quarters of the banks in the Federal Reserve System reopened within the next three days. | 在聯邦儲備系統中四分之三的銀行在接下來的三天中重新開張。 |
Manufactured at Z111 and Z199 factories. | 在Z111和Z199的工廠製造。 |
In Moscow, I outlined our approach. | 在莫斯科,我簡述了我們的取態。 |
This process continues until an equilibrium between metals and salt is reached. | 该过程会一直进行直到金属和熔盐之间达到平衡。 |
The most intensive bombing raids were during the first few days. | 最密集的轰炸袭击是在头几天。 |
Her father in London also received a letter. | 而她住在伦敦的父亲也收到了一封信。 |
In chapter 13 she says that in the movie a boy falls off a boat. | 她在第十三章中说在一部电影中,一个男孩从船上掉了下去。 |
The Small Business Administration received 812 applications for small business loans. | 小型企业管理局一共收到812笔小型企业贷款申请。 |
The M67 was not completely withdrawn from infantry service. | 但M67並沒有完全地從步兵中退役。 |
Since 1954, the star has exploded six times. | 自1954年以來,這顆恆星已經爆炸過六次。 |
From 19 October 2005 to 18 February 2006 the project was submitted to a national public debate. | 从2005年10月19日至2006年2月18日,该项目已提交国家公开辩论。 |
All three types of radiation occur naturally in certain elements. | 所有三种类型的辐射在某些元素中自然出现。 |
It was a big learning experience there, because I overlooked him because of his hair. | 這是一個很大的學習經歷,我因為他的頭髮而忽略了他。 |
However, radar observations made in 1965 showed that they were both wrong. | 然而,1965年的雷达观测表明,他们的值都是错误的。 |
He also claimed the UR-500 could be used to launch a military space station. | 他还声称,UR- 500可以被用来发射军用空间站。 |
No Soviet vessels attempted to do so, however. | 然而,并没有任何苏联军舰尝试这样做。 |
I think he could have revolutionized American (and worldwide) politics. | 我認為他本可以徹底改變美國(及世界)政治。 |
Liberty — no one has the right to tell others or their children that they must wear clothes. | 自由—沒人有權告訴他人或自己的孩子,他們必須穿衣服。 |
Its theme is affirmation of Resurrection and the life hereafter. | 這種講法終明之世並無所本,僅流行於乾隆之後。 |
In recent decades more work has been done on developing the social mechanisms behind it. | 近几十年来,在发展其背后的社会机制方面做了更多的工作。 |
Ulmo the Lord of Waters dwells in Vaiya, underneath Arda. | 水位之主,其瀉以鹹,其補以苦。 |
In a televised address, he assured that all possible efforts would be made to ensure the safety of women in India. | 他在电视讲话中保证,将作出一切可能的努力,确保妇女在印度的安全。 |
The original version of 9 July 2002 appears as the concluding five pages of this document. | 2002年7月9日的原始版本为本文件最后五页。 |
PUIS requires corresponding BIOS support. | PUIS需要相应的BIOS支持。 |
In this story Abraham was not idle in the Bosom of Abraham, he acted as intercessor for those in the fiery part of Hades. | 此後,易卜拉欣沒有再參與戰爭,他的健康狀態亦轉差。 |
In this case a modified IV must be sent to the receiver. | 在这种情况下,必须将修改后的 IV 发送到接受者。 |
What else shall men ask of the gods? | 諸葛亮使者就問怎麼回事。 |
She announced her first interview a week prior on /r/MensRights. | 她在/r/MensRights上提前一个星期就宣布了她的第一次采访。 |
At No. 2, there was a Roman sculpture. | 在2号,有一个古罗马雕塑。 |
Democracy and civilization at the national level have died in America. | 國家水平的民主及文明在美國已經滅亡了。 |
An example is food photography. | 一个例子是食品摄影。 |
I am the target of this conspiracy. | 我是这一阴谋的目标。 |
Additionally, eight hospitals and 938 classrooms were destroyed. | 此外,8所医院和938间教室被摧毁。 |
The eighth pig looked behind the mirror for the food. | 第八只猪则试图在镜子后面寻找食物。 |
His final column appeared in April 1955 shortly before his retirement. | 他的最后一个专栏出现在他退休前不久的1955年4月。 |
I fully understand why the public expects the system to be reformed. | 我完全明白公众为什么要改革这个制度。 |
They will answer any questions you may have. | 你可以著到你所有問題的答案。 |
Forsaking this grain, one does not meet the Lord of the World." | 屡泣请于魏主,魏主不许。 |
"Yes, when I recorded with Davey (David Kahne), we recorded 13 songs. | “是的,当我与Davey(大卫·卡恩(英语:David Kahne))录制的时候,我们录制了13首歌曲。 |
However, it is not only a main center for nuclear research. | 然而,这不仅是一个主要的核研究中心。 |
Thus, there will be one community, that of Islam. | 因此,那时将有一个团体,即伊斯兰教。 |
When asked what was wrong, Murray said two words: "My sister." | 当被问到有什么不对时,穆雷说了两个词:“我的姐姐。 |
Article 206 and 207 establish the common commercial (external trade) policy of the EU. | 第206條與207條則建立了歐盟共同的商業(對外貿易)政策。 |
Such denials may or may not be genuine. | 这种拒绝可能是,也可能不是真实的。 |
All they could do was send a strongly worded signal to Wilson. | 他們只能發送了一份措辭強烈的信號給威爾遜。 |
We follow Molinari's method here. | 下面介绍Molinari的方法。 |
Jenson believes the events of the dream are real, and each night he travels back to 1941. | 詹森相信夢境是真實的,每天晚上他總是回到1941年。 |
I came here with $35 in my pocket. | 我來到這裡時只有35美元在我口袋裡。 |
Disney could also kill the film at any time with only a small penalty. | 迪士尼还可以在任何时候仅作为小小的惩罚而枪毙电影。 |
On the sufferings of our Lord, by which an example is provided for us. | 我受主公(指曹操)存命之恩,不敢违其命令。 |
Such attempted (poorly enforced) prohibitions continued until 1543. | 这样的禁教尝试(执行度较差)一直持续至1543年。 |
She begins to annoy Sheldon and Lisa (with the whole city now watching) by constantly talking to strangers about his most embarrassing moments. | 她開始煩擾Sheldon和Lisa(整個城市現在正在觀看著),不斷地與陌生人談論關於他最尷尬的時刻。 |
I therefore pledge to be a worthy citizen of my dear fatherland, the People's Republic of Bulgaria. | 我宣誓成为我亲爱的祖国——保加利亚人民共和国的优秀公民。 |
She also spoke about her emotional crisis, saying, "For two or three years I was away from all social interaction. | ” 她还提到了自己的情绪危机,她说“有两到三年的时间我远离了一切的社交互动。 |
The complaint form is available online or by phone (1-877-ID-THEFT). | 投诉表格可在线或通过电话(1-877-ID-THEFT)填报。 |
Official website Midori and Friends The Nonprofit Organization Music Sharing | 官方网站 Midori and Friends The Nonprofit Organization Music Sharing |