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Like Uncle Hideyoshi, she's a kind aunt who'll always be on the kids' side. |
......However, possibly because she's more strict as a parent, she's not liberal with handing out spending money like Uncle Hideyoshi. |
さて。これで飛行機に乗る親族は全員揃った。 |
Okay. Now we have the entire group of family members who are going to board the plane. |
まるでそれを見届けたかのようなタイミングで、ロビーに放送があった。 |
At that moment, as though it had waited for us all to arrive, an announcement rang out through the lobby. |
「お待たせしました。新島行き201便の搭乗をこれより開始いたします。ご搭乗のお客様はカウンター前の、白線前に2列でお並び下さい。」 |
"Our apologies for the delay. Boarding will now commence for Flight 201 to Niijima. We ask that the passengers please form two lines in front of the counter, behind the white line." |
== Rudolf == |
「楼座、搭乗手続きまだだろ、急げ急げ。」 |
"Rosa, you still haven't gone through boarding procedures, right? Hurry up." |
== Rosa == |
「いけない…! 真里亞、いらっしゃい!」 |
"Oh no...! Maria, come on!" |
== Maria == |
「うー!」 |
"Uu-!" |
== Narrator == |
滑走路に出る前に金属検査を受ける。 |
We had to go through a metal detector before going out on the runway. |
国際線のような物々しさはなかったが、小型機とはいえ一応は飛行機だ。 |
金属探知機を持った職員にボディチェックを受ける。 |
Our small plane wasn't as massive as an international flight, but it was still a plane. |
A staff member holding a metal detector checked us all. |
並んだ全員がチェックをクリアすると、職員の先導で滑走路に出た。 |
Once all of us cleared the check, we followed the staff member out onto the runway. |
その行列を見てみると、何だ何だ、右代宮一族しかいないぜ。 |
これじゃまるで、貸切のチャーター機みたいじゃないか。 |
Come to think of it, everyone here is in the Ushiromiya family. |
It's like this is a reserved charter flight or something. |
飛行機の搭乗口前で行列は停まる。 |
先導の職員は振り返り、名簿を見ながら言った。 |
Our group stopped in front of the entrance to the airplane. |
Then, our guide turned around and spoke, looking down at the passenger list as he did. |
「それではこれよりご搭乗となります。名簿をお読み上げいたしますので、前方の座席右側から順に、右、左、次の列の右、左と詰めてお座りになってください。それではお読み上げいたします。右代宮秀吉さま!」 |
"Boarding will now commence. As I call out the names on the passenger list, please take your seats in order, starting from the front row on the right side and going right to left, then onto the next row. I will now begin reading the passenger list. Ushiromiya Hideyoshi-sama!" |
== Hideyoshi == |
「わしからか! はい! …そうだ絵羽、飴玉あるか? さっきから探してるんだが見付からないんや。」 |
"Oh, I'm first! Right here! ...By the way, do you have some candy, Eva? I've been lookin' all over for some, but I can't find any." |
== Narrator == |
「右代宮絵羽さま。」 |
"Ushiromiya Eva-sama." |
== Eva == |
「ハンドバッグの中よ。機内に入ったら出すわ。」 |
"They're in my handbag. I'll get one once we're inside the plane." |
== Narrator == |
離着陸の時の気圧の変化で耳が痛むのの予防に、飴玉がいいとかいう噂を聞いたな。 |
それのことだろう。 |
I've heard that candies are a good way to protect your ears from hurting because of variations in atmospheric pressure when landing or taking off. |
That's probably what they're talking about. |
== Battler == |
「…俺の席、窓際だといいなぁ!」 |
"...Hope I get a window seat!" |
== George == |
「ははは、大丈夫だよ。窓際席しかないもん。」 |
"Hahaha, don't worry. There aren't any other kinds of seats. |
== Narrator == |
譲治の兄貴が言うには、座席が2列しかないらしい。 |
さっすが小型機…。………本当に揺れねぇだろうなぁ…? |
As George-aniki said, there were apparently only two lines of seats. |
So, this is what a small plane is like... ......We ~ib~are~ib~ totally sure it's not gonna shake, right...? |
「右代宮譲治さま。」 |
"Ushiromiya George-sama." |
== George == |
「はい。大丈夫だよ戦人くん。あんまり揺れないから。」 |
"Right here. Don't worry, Battler-kun. It won't shake too much." |
== Narrator == |
「右代宮戦人さま。」 |
"Ushiromiya Battler-sama." |
== Battler == |
「あ、兄貴、あんまりってどのくらいだよぉ?! 船から落ちても泳げるからいいが、飛行機は墜ちたらそれでおしまいなんだぜー?! もちろん客席にはパラシュートがあるんだろ? え、ねぇのッ?!」 |
"A-Aniki, what do you mean `not too much'?! You can just swim if you fall from a boat, but if a plane crashes you're screwed, right?! We all get our own parachutes in our seats, don't we? Wait, we don't?!" |
== Narrator == |
「右代宮留弗夫さま。」 |
"Ushiromiya Rudolf-sama." |
== Rudolf == |