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== Kyrie == |
「去年よりもずっと成長したと思いますよ。えっと、今年で9歳でしたっけ?」 |
"I think she's grown a lot since last year. Let's see, she turned nine years old this year, didn't she?" |
== Maria == |
「9歳。うー。」 |
"Nine years old. Uu-." |
== George == |
「そうだね、9歳だね。真里亞ちゃんも元気そうでよかった! |
"That's right, you're nine years old now. Glad to see you're doing well too, Maria-chan! |
よいしょ、 |
…んん、 |
もう高い高いをするにはちょっと重くなってきたかなぁ…。」 |
Up you go- |
nnngg... |
I guess you've gotten a bit too heavy to play airplane with..." |
== Battler == |
「うわ、譲治兄貴、そりゃあレディに失礼だろ。ほれ、俺がやってやるぜ、高い高い〜。」 |
"George-aniki, what a rude thing to say to a lady. Here, I'll do it...up ya go-..." |
== Maria == |
「……うー。」 |
"......Uu-." |
== Narrator == |
兄貴に代わって彼女を抱き上げてやろうとすると、真里亞はそれを拒絶するように身を固くし、俺の顔をしげしげと見て訝しがる。 |
When I went to lift her up in Aniki's place, Maria stiffened defensively, staring suspiciously at my face. |
…あーそうだよな。何しろ6年ぶりってことは、前に会ったのは真里亞が3歳の時だ。 |
俺の顔を覚えてるわけもねぇな。 |
...Ah, that's right. The last time I met Maria, it was six years ago, and she was only three years old. |
Of course she doesn't remember my face. |
== Kyrie == |
「真里亞ちゃん、覚えてる? 戦人くんよ。一緒に遊んでもらったの忘れちゃった?」 |
"Maria-chan, don't you remember? It's Battler-kun. You used to play together, remember?" |
== Maria == |
「………うー。」 |
".........Uu-." |
== Rudolf == |
「無理だろ。最後に戦人と会ったのは3つの時だぜ。3つの時の記憶なんか残ってねぇよ。」 |
"No surprise, I guess. The last time she met Battler, she was only three. You don't keep memories at that age. |
== Narrator == |
俺以外とは毎年会ってるから面識もあるだろうが、俺は6年ほど右代宮の家とは縁がなかった。 |
だから、9歳の彼女の記憶に残ってないのも無理はない。 |
She must know everyone's face apart from mine because she meets them every year, but I haven't had contact with the Ushiromiya family for about six years now. |
So, it's no surprise that this nine-year-old girl doesn't have any memories of me. |
俺だって、3つの頃の泣き虫な彼女の記憶がおぼろげに残ってるだけだしな。 |
Even I can only just barely remember her being a three-year-old crybaby. |
== Rosa == |
「真里亞。戦人お兄ちゃんよ。留弗夫兄さんの息子さん。…わかる?」 |
"Maria, this is Battler onii-chan. Rudolf nii-san's son. ...Understand?" |
== Maria == |
「…………兄さんの息子さんが。兄さんが息子さん。…………?? ……うーーー!!」 |
"............The brother's son is... The brother is the son... ............?? ......Uuuu---!! |
== Narrator == |
そのうーという声は多分、ややこしい説明が理解できなくてパンクした音なんだろう。 |
ちょっと説明がややこしかったもんな。 |
That `uu-' sound was probably her brain going into overload at that complicated explanation. |
I guess the phrasing of that was a bit confusing. Nii or Onii, the title you'd use to refer to an actual older brother, can also be a friendly honorific for a boy who's only a bit older than you. |
It's just like Nee or Onee, the word for big sister. |
== George == |
「真里亞ちゃん。彼は戦人くん。僕と同じ従兄だよ。」 |
"Maria-chan, this is Battler-kun. He's your cousin, like me." |
== Maria == |
「……譲治お兄ちゃんと同じ? |
"......Like George onii-chan |
== Narrator == |
… |
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"... |
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"... |
".. |