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== Eva == |
"The weather's a bit uncertain today. |
== Narrator == |
Aunt Eva looked at a TV in the lounge. |
そこには天気予報が映し出されていて、関東地方に台風が近付きつつあることを教えてくれていた。 |
The weather forecast was being broadcasted, informing us that a typhoon was approaching the Kanto region. |
== Rudolf == |
「また台風か。……親族会議が毎年10月ってんじゃ、これは宿命だぜ。もうちょい時期を選んでくれりゃあいいのによ。」 |
"A typhoon again? ......Guess there's no helping it, with the annual family conference being held in October. Couldn't he have chosen a better season?" |
== Eva == |
「同感ねぇ。私もお盆の時期にやってくれればっていっつも思うわよ。なら留弗夫、それ、今回の会議でお父様と兄さんに提案してみればいいじゃない。」 |
"I agree. I've always hoped we could have it sometime around the Obon festival in mid-August. In that case, why don't you suggest that to Father and Nii-san during the conference?" |
== Rudolf == |
「…冗談。姉貴が言えよ。俺が何を言っても兄貴は聞かねぇよ。」 |
"...Very funny. Why don't you do it yourself? Our brother would never listen to anything I suggested." |
== Eva == |
「嫌ぁよ。私は別に10月でも困らないもの。留弗夫が、台風が嫌だからって言うから、提案したら?って言っただけよぅ?」 |
"No way. It doesn't really bother me that much to have it in October. I was just saying you might want to propose it, since you said you hate typhoons so much." |
== Rudolf == |
「俺は台風が来るのはいつものことだなって言っただけだろ。お盆の時期がいいって言い出したのは姉貴だぜぇ?」 |
"I only said that typhoons always come around this time of year. You're the one who said you wanted to move it to the Obon festival, right?" |
== Eva == |
「あらぁ、去年留弗夫も言ったわよぅ? お盆の時期なら仕事のスケジュールとも合わせ易いのにぃって!」 |
"Well, you said it too last year! Didn't you say that it would be easier to fit into your schedule if we had it during the Obon festival?!" |
== Rudolf == |
「言ってねぇだろ、そんなことよ。」 |
"I never said anything like that." |
== Eva == |
「言ったわよぅ。私、そういうのは絶対忘れないもん!」 |
"Oh yes, you did. I certainly wouldn't forget something like that!" |
== Rudolf == |
「いいや言ってねぇよ、言ってんのはいつも姉貴だよ!」 |
"No, I didn't... You're the one saying that all the time!" |
== Eva == |
「知ってるぅ? 寸止めって高等技術なのよぅ?」 |
"Didn't you know? Stopping a kick just a hair's breadth away from impact is a very high-level technique." |
== Rudolf == |
「ちぇ、いい歳した女がはしたなく股ばっか開いてんじゃねぇぜ!」 |
"Sheesh, women your age shouldn't spread their legs like that!" |
== Narrator == |
親父と絵羽伯母さんのやり取りを見ていると、まったくのガキの喧嘩にしか見えないな…。 |
Dad and Aunt Eva's argument looked no different from a couple of brats quarreling... |
== George == |
「普段は父親や母親として振舞っていても、こうして親族会議で、元の兄弟に出会うと、子供の頃の自分に戻っちゃうからだろうね。」 |
"Even though they usually behave like normal parents, they turn right back into kids again when they meet their siblings at these family conferences." |
== Battler == |
「と、冷静に分析できる譲治兄貴の方がずっと大人に見えるぜ。……俺は将来、あんなクソ親父みたいにはなりたくないねぇ。なるなら、兄貴みてぇな知的な大人になりたいもんだぜ。」 |
"You're the one who looks like an real adult, analyzing it all calmly. ......I hope I never turn out like that old bastard. I'd much rather end up as an intellectual adult like you, Aniki." |
== George == |
「僕かい? 僕なんかまだまださ。社会経験が全然足りないし社交性も度胸も足りない。…戦人くんには、それらのいくつかがすでにあるように思うよ。だからきっと、成人したら僕なんかすぐに追い抜いちゃうさ。」 |
== Narrator == |
譲治兄貴は照れ隠しのように頭を掻きながら笑う。 |
== George == |
"Like me? Oh, I still have a long way to go. I still have very little experience out there in the real world, and I need to work on becoming more confident and sociable. ...I think you've far surpassed me on all of those counts, Battler-kun. I'm sure you'll outstrip me fast enough when you become an adult. |
== Narrator == |
George-aniki scratched his head and laughed, as though trying to hide his embarrassment. |
だがもちろん、それは謙遜だ。 |
Of course, he was just being humble. |
兄貴は、大学に入ると同時に秀吉伯父さんの会社に見習いとして入り、学業とビジネスの帝王学を平行して学んだ。 |
Aniki entered a university and became an apprentice at Uncle Hideyoshi's company at the same time, studying both academics and how to become a business emperor in parallel. |
そして大学を出てすぐに伯父さんの側近として会社に入り、さらにバリバリと勉強に励みながら、様々な社会経験を重ねている。 |
やがては独立して自分の城を持ちたいという、立派な夢も持っている。 |
Then, right after graduating, he got into Uncle Hideyoshi's company as his father's aide, piling up a lot of real-life experience as he devoted himself zealously to his work. |
His great dream is to one day stand on his own and build up his own kingdom. |
それに向かって努力を怠らない兄貴は、まさに男の鑑だ。掛け値なしで尊敬できるぜ。 |
Aniki is a real paragon of a man, sparing no effort as he strives towards his goal. It's no exaggeration to say that I really respect him. |
そこへ俺と来たら。兄貴とは雲泥の差さ。 |
のんびりぼんやりとモラトリアム高校生活を満喫中ってザマだ。 |
And then there's me. I'm nothing at all like Aniki. |
I'm living my happy-go-lucky, idle high school life to the max. |
将来の夢なんか全然ナシ! |
楽してカッコよく荒稼ぎしてウハウハしたいが、そんなうまい話、あるわけもねぇさな。 |
I've got no dreams for the future! |
I'd like to just sit back, stay cool, and let the money flow in, but of course that could never happen. |
…兄貴は同じ歳の頃、すでに立派な目標を掲げ勉強中だったんだから、俺なんか足下にも及ばねぇわけさ。 |
...When Aniki was my age, he had already formed an impressive objective and had started devoting himself towards studying for that goal, so I guess I can't compare at all. |