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import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from scipy.stats import boxcox
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
%matplotlib inline
# Set the resolution of the plotted figures
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200
# Configure Seaborn plot styles: Set background color and use dark grid
sns.set(rc={'axes.facecolor': '#faded9'}, style='darkgrid')
df = pd.read_csv("/content/heart.csv")
# Define the continuous features
continuous_features = ['age', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'thalach', 'oldpeak']
# Identify the features to be converted to object data type
features_to_convert = [feature for feature in df.columns if feature not in continuous_features]
# Convert the identified features to object data type
df[features_to_convert] = df[features_to_convert].astype('object')
# Get the summary statistics for numerical variables
# Get the summary statistics for categorical variables
# Filter out continuous features for the univariate analysis
df_continuous = df[continuous_features]
# Set up the subplot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 10))
# Loop to plot histograms for each continuous feature
for i, col in enumerate(df_continuous.columns):
x = i // 3
y = i % 3
values, bin_edges = np.histogram(df_continuous[col],
range=(np.floor(df_continuous[col].min()), np.ceil(df_continuous[col].max())))
graph = sns.histplot(data=df_continuous, x=col, bins=bin_edges, kde=True, ax=ax[x, y],
edgecolor='none', color='red', alpha=0.6, line_kws={'lw': 3})
ax[x, y].set_xlabel(col, fontsize=15)
ax[x, y].set_ylabel('Count', fontsize=12)
ax[x, y].set_xticks(np.round(bin_edges, 1))
ax[x, y].set_xticklabels(ax[x, y].get_xticks(), rotation=45)
ax[x, y].grid(color='lightgrey')
for j, p in enumerate(graph.patches):
ax[x, y].annotate('{}'.format(p.get_height()), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2, p.get_height() + 1),
ha='center', fontsize=10, fontweight="bold")
textstr = '\n'.join((
r'$\mu=%.2f$' % df_continuous[col].mean(),
r'$\sigma=%.2f$' % df_continuous[col].std()
ax[x, y].text(0.75, 0.9, textstr, transform=ax[x, y].transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top',
color='white', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='#ff826e', edgecolor='white', pad=0.5))
plt.suptitle('Distribution of Continuous Variables', fontsize=20)
# Filter out categorical features for the univariate analysis
categorical_features = df.columns.difference(continuous_features)
df_categorical = df[categorical_features]
# Set up the subplot for a 4x2 layout
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 18))
# Loop to plot bar charts for each categorical feature in the 4x2 layout
for i, col in enumerate(categorical_features):
row = i // 2
col_idx = i % 2
# Calculate frequency percentages
value_counts = df[col].value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).sort_values()
# Plot bar chart
value_counts.plot(kind='barh', ax=ax[row, col_idx], width=0.8, color='red')
# Add frequency percentages to the bars
for index, value in enumerate(value_counts):
ax[row, col_idx].text(value, index, str(round(value, 1)) + '%', fontsize=15, weight='bold', va='center')
ax[row, col_idx].set_xlim([0, 95])
ax[row, col_idx].set_xlabel('Frequency Percentage', fontsize=12)
ax[row, col_idx].set_title(f'{col}', fontsize=20)
plt.suptitle('Distribution of Categorical Variables', fontsize=22)
# Set color palette
sns.set_palette(['#ff826e', 'red'])
# Create the subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(continuous_features), 2, figsize=(15,15), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 2]})
# Loop through each continuous feature to create barplots and kde plots
for i, col in enumerate(continuous_features):
# Barplot showing the mean value of the feature for each target category
graph = sns.barplot(data=df, x="target", y=col, ax=ax[i,0])
# KDE plot showing the distribution of the feature for each target category
sns.kdeplot(data=df[df["target"]==0], x=col, fill=True, linewidth=2, ax=ax[i,1], label='0')
sns.kdeplot(data=df[df["target"]==1], x=col, fill=True, linewidth=2, ax=ax[i,1], label='1')
ax[i,1].legend(title='Heart Disease', loc='upper right')
# Add mean values to the barplot
for cont in graph.containers:
graph.bar_label(cont, fmt=' %.3g')
# Set the title for the entire figure
plt.suptitle('Continuous Features vs Target Distribution', fontsize=22)
# Set color palette
sns.set_palette(['#ff826e', 'red'])
# Create the subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(continuous_features), 2, figsize=(15,15), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 2]})
# Loop through each continuous feature to create barplots and kde plots
for i, col in enumerate(continuous_features):
# Barplot showing the mean value of the feature for each target category
graph = sns.barplot(data=df, x="target", y=col, ax=ax[i,0])
# KDE plot showing the distribution of the feature for each target category
sns.kdeplot(data=df[df["target"]==0], x=col, fill=True, linewidth=2, ax=ax[i,1], label='0')
sns.kdeplot(data=df[df["target"]==1], x=col, fill=True, linewidth=2, ax=ax[i,1], label='1')
ax[i,1].legend(title='Heart Disease', loc='upper right')
# Add mean values to the barplot
for cont in graph.containers:
graph.bar_label(cont, fmt=' %.3g')
# Set the title for the entire figure
plt.suptitle('Continuous Features vs Target Distribution', fontsize=22)
# Remove 'target' from the categorical_features
categorical_features = [feature for feature in categorical_features if feature != 'target']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=4, figsize=(15,10))
for i,col in enumerate(categorical_features):
# Create a cross tabulation showing the proportion of purchased and non-purchased loans for each category of the feature
cross_tab = pd.crosstab(index=df[col], columns=df['target'])
# Using the normalize=True argument gives us the index-wise proportion of the data
cross_tab_prop = pd.crosstab(index=df[col], columns=df['target'], normalize='index')
# Define colormap
cmp = ListedColormap(['#ff826e', 'red'])
# Plot stacked bar charts
x, y = i//4, i%4
cross_tab_prop.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax[x,y], stacked=True, width=0.8, colormap=cmp,
legend=False, ylabel='Proportion', sharey=True)
# Add the proportions and counts of the individual bars to our plot
for idx, val in enumerate([*cross_tab.index.values]):
for (proportion, count, y_location) in zip(cross_tab_prop.loc[val],cross_tab.loc[val],cross_tab_prop.loc[val].cumsum()):
ax[x,y].text(x=idx-0.3, y=(y_location-proportion)+(proportion/2)-0.03,
s = f' {count}\n({np.round(proportion * 100, 1)}%)',
color = "black", fontsize=9, fontweight="bold")
# Add legend
ax[x,y].legend(title='target', loc=(0.7,0.9), fontsize=8, ncol=2)
# Set y limit
# Rotate xticks
ax[x,y].set_xticklabels(ax[x,y].get_xticklabels(), rotation=0)
plt.suptitle('Categorical Features vs Target Stacked Barplots', fontsize=22)
# Check for missing values in the dataset
Q1 = df[continuous_features].quantile(0.25)
Q3 = df[continuous_features].quantile(0.75)
IQR = Q3 - Q1
outliers_count_specified = ((df[continuous_features] < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) | (df[continuous_features] > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))).sum()
# Implementing one-hot encoding on the specified categorical features
df_encoded = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['cp', 'restecg', 'thal'], drop_first=True)
# Convert the rest of the categorical variables that don't need one-hot encoding to integer data type
features_to_convert = ['sex', 'fbs', 'exang', 'slope', 'ca', 'target']
for feature in features_to_convert:
df_encoded[feature] = df_encoded[feature].astype(int)
# Displaying the resulting DataFrame after one-hot encoding
# Define the features (X) and the output labels (y)
X = df_encoded.drop('target', axis=1)
y = df_encoded['target']
# Splitting data into train and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0, stratify=y)
# Adding a small constant to 'oldpeak' to make all values positive
X_train['oldpeak'] = X_train['oldpeak'] + 0.001
X_test['oldpeak'] = X_test['oldpeak'] + 0.001
# Checking the distribution of the continuous features
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(15,10))
# Original Distributions
for i, col in enumerate(continuous_features):
sns.histplot(X_train[col], kde=True, ax=ax[0,i], color='#ff826e').set_title(f'Original {col}')
# Applying Box-Cox Transformation
# Dictionary to store lambda values for each feature
lambdas = {}
for i, col in enumerate(continuous_features):
# Only apply box-cox for positive values
if X_train[col].min() > 0:
X_train[col], lambdas[col] = boxcox(X_train[col])
# Applying the same lambda to test data
X_test[col] = boxcox(X_test[col], lmbda=lambdas[col])
sns.histplot(X_train[col], kde=True, ax=ax[1,i], color='red').set_title(f'Transformed {col}')
sns.histplot(X_train[col], kde=True, ax=ax[1,i], color='green').set_title(f'{col} (Not Transformed)')
# Define the base DT model
dt_base = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
def tune_clf_hyperparameters(clf, param_grid, X_train, y_train, scoring='recall', n_splits=3):
This function optimizes the hyperparameters for a classifier by searching over a specified hyperparameter grid.
It uses GridSearchCV and cross-validation (StratifiedKFold) to evaluate different combinations of hyperparameters.
The combination with the highest recall for class 1 is selected as the default scoring metric.
The function returns the classifier with the optimal hyperparameters.
# Create the cross-validation object using StratifiedKFold to ensure the class distribution is the same across all the folds
cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
# Create the GridSearchCV object
clf_grid = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=cv, scoring=scoring, n_jobs=-1)
# Fit the GridSearchCV object to the training data, y_train)
# Get the best hyperparameters
best_hyperparameters = clf_grid.best_params_
# Return best_estimator_ attribute which gives us the best model that has been fitted to the training data
return clf_grid.best_estimator_, best_hyperparameters
# Hyperparameter grid for DT
param_grid_dt = {
'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'],
'max_depth': [2,3],
'min_samples_split': [2, 3, 4],
'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2]
# Call the function for hyperparameter tuning
best_dt, best_dt_hyperparams = tune_clf_hyperparameters(dt_base, param_grid_dt, X_train, y_train)
print('DT Optimal Hyperparameters: \n', best_dt_hyperparams)
# Evaluate the optimized model on the train data
print(classification_report(y_train, best_dt.predict(X_train)))
# Evaluate the optimized model on the test data
print(classification_report(y_test, best_dt.predict(X_test)))
def evaluate_model(model, X_test, y_test, model_name):
Evaluates the performance of a trained model on test data using various metrics.
# Make predictions
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
# Get classification report
report = classification_report(y_test, y_pred, output_dict=True)
# Extracting metrics
metrics = {
"precision_0": report["0"]["precision"],
"precision_1": report["1"]["precision"],
"recall_0": report["0"]["recall"],
"recall_1": report["1"]["recall"],
"f1_0": report["0"]["f1-score"],
"f1_1": report["1"]["f1-score"],
"macro_avg_precision": report["macro avg"]["precision"],
"macro_avg_recall": report["macro avg"]["recall"],
"macro_avg_f1": report["macro avg"]["f1-score"],
"accuracy": accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
# Convert dictionary to dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(metrics, index=[model_name]).round(2)
return df
dt_evaluation = evaluate_model(best_dt, X_test, y_test, 'DT')
rf_base = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0)
param_grid_rf = {
'n_estimators': [10, 30, 50, 70, 100],
'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'],
'max_depth': [2, 3, 4],
'min_samples_split': [2, 3, 4, 5],
'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2, 3],
'bootstrap': [True, False]
# Using the tune_clf_hyperparameters function to get the best estimator
best_rf, best_rf_hyperparams = tune_clf_hyperparameters(rf_base, param_grid_rf, X_train, y_train)
print('RF Optimal Hyperparameters: \n', best_rf_hyperparams)
# Evaluate the optimized model on the train data
print(classification_report(y_train, best_rf.predict(X_train)))
# Evaluate the optimized model on the test data
print(classification_report(y_test, best_rf.predict(X_test)))
rf_evaluation = evaluate_model(best_rf, X_test, y_test, 'RF')
# Define the base KNN model and set up the pipeline with scaling
knn_pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('knn', KNeighborsClassifier())
# Hyperparameter grid for KNN
knn_param_grid = {
'knn__n_neighbors': list(range(1, 12)),
'knn__weights': ['uniform', 'distance'],
'knn__p': [1, 2] # 1: Manhattan distance, 2: Euclidean distance
# Hyperparameter tuning for KNN
best_knn, best_knn_hyperparams = tune_clf_hyperparameters(knn_pipeline, knn_param_grid, X_train, y_train)
print('KNN Optimal Hyperparameters: \n', best_knn_hyperparams)
# Evaluate the optimized model on the train data
print(classification_report(y_train, best_knn.predict(X_train)))
# Evaluate the optimized model on the test data
print(classification_report(y_test, best_knn.predict(X_test)))
knn_evaluation = evaluate_model(best_knn, X_test, y_test, 'KNN')
svm_pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('svm', SVC(probability=True))
param_grid_svm = {
'svm__C': [0.0011, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1, 10, 20],
'svm__kernel': ['linear', 'rbf', 'poly'],
'svm__gamma': ['scale', 'auto', 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5],
'svm__degree': [2, 3, 4]
# Call the function for hyperparameter tuning
best_svm, best_svm_hyperparams = tune_clf_hyperparameters(svm_pipeline, param_grid_svm, X_train, y_train)
print('SVM Optimal Hyperparameters: \n', best_svm_hyperparams)
# Evaluate the optimized model on the train data
print(classification_report(y_train, best_svm.predict(X_train)))
svm_evaluation = evaluate_model(best_svm, X_test, y_test, 'SVM')
# Concatenate the dataframes
all_evaluations = [dt_evaluation, rf_evaluation, knn_evaluation, svm_evaluation]
results = pd.concat(all_evaluations)
# Sort by 'recall_1'
results = results.sort_values(by='recall_1', ascending=False).round(2)
# Sort values based on 'recall_1'
results.sort_values(by='recall_1', ascending=True, inplace=True)
recall_1_scores = results['recall_1']
# Plot the horizontal bar chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7), dpi=70)
ax.barh(results.index, recall_1_scores, color='red')
# Annotate the values and indexes
for i, (value, name) in enumerate(zip(recall_1_scores, results.index)):
ax.text(value + 0.01, i, f"{value:.2f}", ha='left', va='center', fontweight='bold', color='red', fontsize=15)
ax.text(0.1, i, name, ha='left', va='center', fontweight='bold', color='white', fontsize=25)
# Remove yticks
# Set x-axis limit
ax.set_xlim([0, 1.2])
# Add title and xlabel
plt.title("Recall for Positive Class across Models", fontweight='bold', fontsize=22)
plt.xlabel('Recall Value', fontsize=16)
!pip install gradio
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# Example: Define and train a Random Forest model
model = RandomForestClassifier()
# Dummy training data (replace with your actual data)
X_train = np.random.rand(100, 13) # 100 samples, 12 features (one for each input)
y_train = np.random.randint(2, size=100) # Binary target
# Train the model, y_train)
# Define the prediction function
def predict(*inputs):
# Convert inputs to a numpy array and reshape it to match the model's expected input shape
input_array = np.array(inputs).reshape(1, -1)
prediction = model.predict(input_array) # Make a prediction
return str(prediction[0]) # Return the prediction (single value) as a string for display
except Exception as e:
return str(e) # Return any errors as a string (for debugging)
# Define the features (input fields) for Gradio
features = [
'age', 'sex', 'cp', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'thalach',
'exang', 'oldpeak', 'slope', 'ca','thal'
# Create Gradio input components (use gr.Number for numeric inputs)
inputs = [gr.Number(label=feature, value=0) for feature in features]
# Output component (show the prediction result)
outputs = gr.Textbox(label="Prediction Output")
# Create and launch the Gradio interface
gr.Interface(fn=predict, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs).launch()