"_name_or_path": "MCG-NJU/videomae-base-finetuned-ssv2",
"architectures": [
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.0,
"decoder_hidden_size": 384,
"decoder_intermediate_size": 1536,
"decoder_num_attention_heads": 6,
"decoder_num_hidden_layers": 4,
"hidden_act": "gelu",
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.0,
"hidden_size": 768,
"id2label": {
"0": "Assemble [unknown part]",
"1": "Assemble [unknown part] in the subassembly",
"2": "Assemble [unknown part] inside subassembly",
"3": "Assemble [unknown part] inside the subassembly",
"4": "Assemble [unknown part] into subassembly",
"5": "Assemble [unknown part] into the [unknown part]",
"6": "Assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly",
"7": "Assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"8": "Assemble [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"9": "Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly",
"10": "Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"11": "Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands",
"12": "Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands and [unknown tool]",
"13": "Assemble [unknown part] onto subassembly using hands",
"14": "Assemble [unknown part] onto the [unknown part]",
"15": "Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"16": "Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly and tighten screws on the subassembly using screw driver",
"17": "Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly using hands",
"18": "Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly using screw driver",
"19": "Assemble [unknown part] to subassembly",
"20": "Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly",
"21": "Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"22": "Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly using [unknown tool] and inspect subassembly",
"23": "Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly using hands",
"24": "Assemble [unknown part] with the subassembly",
"25": "Assemble box",
"26": "Assemble subassembly on top of the [unknown part]",
"27": "Assemble wire to subassembly",
"28": "Disassemble [unknown part]",
"29": "Disassemble [unknown part] from subassembly",
"30": "Disassemble [unknown part] from the subassembly and move it into the bin",
"31": "Disassemble screw from subassembly",
"32": "Disassemble subassembly from the fixture",
"33": "Grasp [unknown part]",
"34": "Grasp [unknown part] and assemble it on the subassembly",
"35": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin",
"36": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it",
"37": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it inside of the subassembly",
"38": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it into the subassembly",
"39": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it on the subassembly",
"40": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it onto the subassembly",
"41": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it using hands",
"42": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it with [unknown part]",
"43": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it with the subassembly",
"44": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and inspect it using scanner",
"45": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and move into the subassembly",
"46": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and move it inside the subassembly",
"47": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and pre-position with subassembly",
"48": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin and tighten it on the subassembly using screw driver",
"49": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin andposition it with the subassembly",
"50": "Grasp [unknown part] from bin, assemble and tighten it on the subassembly using screw driver",
"51": "Grasp [unknown part] from bins",
"52": "Grasp [unknown part] from station",
"53": "Grasp [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"54": "Grasp [unknown part] to the bin",
"55": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part]",
"56": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly",
"57": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands",
"58": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] on top of the subassembly",
"59": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"60": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly using screw driver",
"61": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] with subassembly",
"62": "Grasp and assemble [unknown part] with the subassembly",
"63": "Grasp and disassemble [unknown part]",
"64": "Grasp and disassemble [unknown part] using [unknown tool]",
"65": "Grasp and inspect [unknown part] using scanner, and assemble it on the subassembly",
"66": "Grasp and move [unknown part] onto the station",
"67": "Grasp and position subassembly on the fixture",
"68": "Grasp and tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly using hands and screw driver",
"69": "Grasp and tighten screws on the subassembly using screw driver",
"70": "Grasp box",
"71": "Grasp box and assemble subassembly",
"72": "Grasp screw and screw driver from station and tighten screw on the subassembly",
"73": "Grasp screw driver from station",
"74": "Grasp screw from bin",
"75": "Grasp screw from bin and tighten it on the subassembly",
"76": "Grasp screw from station",
"77": "Grasp subassembly",
"78": "Grasp subassembly from bin",
"79": "Grasp subassembly from bin and inspect using scanner",
"80": "Grasp subassembly from station",
"81": "Grasp subassembly from the station",
"82": "Grasp the subassembly from bin",
"83": "Grasp two screws from bin",
"84": "Inspect [unknown part]",
"85": "Inspect [unknown part] using [unknown tool]",
"86": "Inspect [unknown part] using scanner",
"87": "Inspect subassembly",
"88": "Inspect subassembly using scanner",
"89": "Inspect the subassembly using scanner",
"90": "Move [unknown part] away from station",
"91": "Move [unknown part] back to bin",
"92": "Move [unknown part] from subassembly out",
"93": "Move [unknown part] inside of the subassembly",
"94": "Move [unknown part] inside subassembly",
"95": "Move [unknown part] inside the subassembly",
"96": "Move [unknown part] into subassembly",
"97": "Move [unknown part] into the bin",
"98": "Move [unknown part] into the subassembly",
"99": "Move [unknown part] of box on top of it",
"100": "Move [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"101": "Move [unknown part] on station and disassemble it",
"102": "Move [unknown part] on the station and assemble it using hands",
"103": "Move [unknown part] on the subassembly and position screws onto the subassembly",
"104": "Move [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"105": "Move [unknown parts] inside subassembly",
"106": "Move and assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"107": "Move and use [unknown tool] on subassembly",
"108": "Move box on station",
"109": "Move screw driver on the station",
"110": "Move subassembly away from station",
"111": "Move subassembly away from the station",
"112": "Move subassembly from [unknown tool]",
"113": "Move subassembly from station",
"114": "Move subassembly inside box and use [unknown tool] on the station",
"115": "Move subassembly into [unknown part]",
"116": "Move subassembly into the bin",
"117": "Move subassembly into the box",
"118": "Move subassembly on [unknown tool]",
"119": "Move subassembly on the station",
"120": "Move subassembly onto [unknown tool]",
"121": "Move subassembly onto the station",
"122": "Move subassembly to the station",
"123": "Move subassembly under [unknown tool]",
"124": "Move subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"125": "Move the subassembly inside box",
"126": "Move to the station",
"127": "Pick [unknown part] from station and assemble it on top of the subassembly",
"128": "Position [subassembly]",
"129": "Position [unknown part] inside the box",
"130": "Position [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"131": "Position [unknown part] on the subassembly",
"132": "Position [unknown part] on top of subassembly",
"133": "Position [unknown part] onto subassembly",
"134": "Position [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"135": "Position [unknown part] with the subassembly",
"136": "Position [unknown tool] to inspect [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"137": "Position and assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly",
"138": "Position and assemble [unknown part] with subassembly",
"139": "Position and assemble subassembly",
"140": "Position and move [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"141": "Position and tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"142": "Position screws on the subassembly and tighten screws using screw driver",
"143": "Position subassembly and use [unknown tool] on subassembly",
"144": "Position subassembly in the fixture",
"145": "Position subassembly inside box",
"146": "Position subassembly on the fixture",
"147": "Position subassembly onto [unknown tool]",
"148": "Pre-position [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"149": "Pre-position subassembly",
"150": "Pre-position subassembly and disassemble subassembly from fixture",
"151": "Pre-position subassembly on the fixture",
"152": "Pre-position subassembly on the station",
"153": "Release Load [unknown part]",
"154": "Release Load subassembly",
"155": "Release Load subassembly from fixture and position subassembly on the station",
"156": "Rest screw driver on the station",
"157": "Rest subassembly on the station",
"158": "Rest subassembly onto the station",
"159": "Select [unknown part] from bin",
"160": "Select [unknown tool] from bin",
"161": "Select [unknown tool] from station",
"162": "Select [unknown tool] from the station",
"163": "Select [unknown tool] from the station and assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly",
"164": "Tighten [unknown part] on subassembly using hands",
"165": "Tighten [unknown part] on subassembly using screw driver",
"166": "Tighten [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands",
"167": "Tighten [unknown part] on the subassembly using screw driver",
"168": "Tighten [unknown part] onto subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"169": "Tighten [unknown part] onto subassembly using screw driver",
"170": "Tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"171": "Tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly using hands",
"172": "Tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly using screw driver",
"173": "Tighten [unknown part] to subassembly using a screw",
"174": "Tighten [unknown part] with subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"175": "Tighten [unknown part] with subassembly using hands",
"176": "Tighten bolt on subassembly using screw driver",
"177": "Tighten bolt on the subassembly using [unknown tool]",
"178": "Tighten bolt on the subassembly using hands",
"179": "Tighten bolt on the subassembly using screw driver",
"180": "Tighten bolt onto subassembly using screw driver",
"181": "Tighten bolt onto the subassembly using screw driver",
"182": "Tighten lower-left bolt on subassembly",
"183": "Tighten lower-right bolt on subassembly",
"184": "Tighten screw on subassembly",
"185": "Tighten screw on subassembly using hands",
"186": "Tighten screw on subassembly using screw driver",
"187": "Tighten screw on the subassembly using screw driver",
"188": "Tighten screw onto the subassembly using screw driver",
"189": "Tighten subassembly on [unknown part]",
"190": "Tighten subassembly onto the fixture",
"191": "Tighten upper-left bolt on subassembly",
"192": "Tighten upper-right bolt on subassembly",
"193": "Use [unknown part] onto the subassembly",
"194": "Use [unknown tool]",
"195": "Use [unknown tool] on subassembly",
"196": "Use [unknown tool] on the station",
"197": "Use [unknown tool] on the subassembly",
"198": "Use [unknown tool] to inspect subassembly",
"199": "Use scanner on [unknown part]",
"200": "Use scanner on station",
"201": "Use scanner on the subassembly",
"202": "Use scanner to inspect subassembly",
"203": "Use screw driver to tighten screw onto subassembly",
"204": "Write on [unknown part] of the subassembly",
"205": "Write on subassembl",
"206": "Write on subassembly"
"image_size": 224,
"initializer_range": 0.02,
"intermediate_size": 3072,
"label2id": {
"Assemble [unknown part]": 0,
"Assemble [unknown part] in the subassembly": 1,
"Assemble [unknown part] inside subassembly": 2,
"Assemble [unknown part] inside the subassembly": 3,
"Assemble [unknown part] into subassembly": 4,
"Assemble [unknown part] into the [unknown part]": 5,
"Assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly": 6,
"Assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly using [unknown tool]": 7,
"Assemble [unknown part] of the subassembly": 8,
"Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly": 9,
"Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using [unknown tool]": 10,
"Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands": 11,
"Assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands and [unknown tool]": 12,
"Assemble [unknown part] onto subassembly using hands": 13,
"Assemble [unknown part] onto the [unknown part]": 14,
"Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 15,
"Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly and tighten screws on the subassembly using screw driver": 16,
"Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly using hands": 17,
"Assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly using screw driver": 18,
"Assemble [unknown part] to subassembly": 19,
"Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly": 20,
"Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly using [unknown tool]": 21,
"Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly using [unknown tool] and inspect subassembly": 22,
"Assemble [unknown part] with subassembly using hands": 23,
"Assemble [unknown part] with the subassembly": 24,
"Assemble box": 25,
"Assemble subassembly on top of the [unknown part]": 26,
"Assemble wire to subassembly": 27,
"Disassemble [unknown part]": 28,
"Disassemble [unknown part] from subassembly": 29,
"Disassemble [unknown part] from the subassembly and move it into the bin": 30,
"Disassemble screw from subassembly": 31,
"Disassemble subassembly from the fixture": 32,
"Grasp [unknown part]": 33,
"Grasp [unknown part] and assemble it on the subassembly": 34,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin": 35,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it": 36,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it inside of the subassembly": 37,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it into the subassembly": 38,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it on the subassembly": 39,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it onto the subassembly": 40,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it using hands": 41,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it with [unknown part]": 42,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and assemble it with the subassembly": 43,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and inspect it using scanner": 44,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and move into the subassembly": 45,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and move it inside the subassembly": 46,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and pre-position with subassembly": 47,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin and tighten it on the subassembly using screw driver": 48,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin andposition it with the subassembly": 49,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bin, assemble and tighten it on the subassembly using screw driver": 50,
"Grasp [unknown part] from bins": 51,
"Grasp [unknown part] from station": 52,
"Grasp [unknown part] of the subassembly": 53,
"Grasp [unknown part] to the bin": 54,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part]": 55,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly": 56,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands": 57,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] on top of the subassembly": 58,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 59,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly using screw driver": 60,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] with subassembly": 61,
"Grasp and assemble [unknown part] with the subassembly": 62,
"Grasp and disassemble [unknown part]": 63,
"Grasp and disassemble [unknown part] using [unknown tool]": 64,
"Grasp and inspect [unknown part] using scanner, and assemble it on the subassembly": 65,
"Grasp and move [unknown part] onto the station": 66,
"Grasp and position subassembly on the fixture": 67,
"Grasp and tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly using hands and screw driver": 68,
"Grasp and tighten screws on the subassembly using screw driver": 69,
"Grasp box": 70,
"Grasp box and assemble subassembly": 71,
"Grasp screw and screw driver from station and tighten screw on the subassembly": 72,
"Grasp screw driver from station": 73,
"Grasp screw from bin": 74,
"Grasp screw from bin and tighten it on the subassembly": 75,
"Grasp screw from station": 76,
"Grasp subassembly": 77,
"Grasp subassembly from bin": 78,
"Grasp subassembly from bin and inspect using scanner": 79,
"Grasp subassembly from station": 80,
"Grasp subassembly from the station": 81,
"Grasp the subassembly from bin": 82,
"Grasp two screws from bin": 83,
"Inspect [unknown part]": 84,
"Inspect [unknown part] using [unknown tool]": 85,
"Inspect [unknown part] using scanner": 86,
"Inspect subassembly": 87,
"Inspect subassembly using scanner": 88,
"Inspect the subassembly using scanner": 89,
"Move [unknown part] away from station": 90,
"Move [unknown part] back to bin": 91,
"Move [unknown part] from subassembly out": 92,
"Move [unknown part] inside of the subassembly": 93,
"Move [unknown part] inside subassembly": 94,
"Move [unknown part] inside the subassembly": 95,
"Move [unknown part] into subassembly": 96,
"Move [unknown part] into the bin": 97,
"Move [unknown part] into the subassembly": 98,
"Move [unknown part] of box on top of it": 99,
"Move [unknown part] of the subassembly": 100,
"Move [unknown part] on station and disassemble it": 101,
"Move [unknown part] on the station and assemble it using hands": 102,
"Move [unknown part] on the subassembly and position screws onto the subassembly": 103,
"Move [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 104,
"Move [unknown parts] inside subassembly": 105,
"Move and assemble [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 106,
"Move and use [unknown tool] on subassembly": 107,
"Move box on station": 108,
"Move screw driver on the station": 109,
"Move subassembly away from station": 110,
"Move subassembly away from the station": 111,
"Move subassembly from [unknown tool]": 112,
"Move subassembly from station": 113,
"Move subassembly inside box and use [unknown tool] on the station": 114,
"Move subassembly into [unknown part]": 115,
"Move subassembly into the bin": 116,
"Move subassembly into the box": 117,
"Move subassembly on [unknown tool]": 118,
"Move subassembly on the station": 119,
"Move subassembly onto [unknown tool]": 120,
"Move subassembly onto the station": 121,
"Move subassembly to the station": 122,
"Move subassembly under [unknown tool]": 123,
"Move subassembly using [unknown tool]": 124,
"Move the subassembly inside box": 125,
"Move to the station": 126,
"Pick [unknown part] from station and assemble it on top of the subassembly": 127,
"Position [subassembly]": 128,
"Position [unknown part] inside the box": 129,
"Position [unknown part] of the subassembly": 130,
"Position [unknown part] on the subassembly": 131,
"Position [unknown part] on top of subassembly": 132,
"Position [unknown part] onto subassembly": 133,
"Position [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 134,
"Position [unknown part] with the subassembly": 135,
"Position [unknown tool] to inspect [unknown part] of the subassembly": 136,
"Position and assemble [unknown part] on the subassembly": 137,
"Position and assemble [unknown part] with subassembly": 138,
"Position and assemble subassembly": 139,
"Position and move [unknown part] of the subassembly": 140,
"Position and tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 141,
"Position screws on the subassembly and tighten screws using screw driver": 142,
"Position subassembly and use [unknown tool] on subassembly": 143,
"Position subassembly in the fixture": 144,
"Position subassembly inside box": 145,
"Position subassembly on the fixture": 146,
"Position subassembly onto [unknown tool]": 147,
"Pre-position [unknown part] of the subassembly": 148,
"Pre-position subassembly": 149,
"Pre-position subassembly and disassemble subassembly from fixture": 150,
"Pre-position subassembly on the fixture": 151,
"Pre-position subassembly on the station": 152,
"Release Load [unknown part]": 153,
"Release Load subassembly": 154,
"Release Load subassembly from fixture and position subassembly on the station": 155,
"Rest screw driver on the station": 156,
"Rest subassembly on the station": 157,
"Rest subassembly onto the station": 158,
"Select [unknown part] from bin": 159,
"Select [unknown tool] from bin": 160,
"Select [unknown tool] from station": 161,
"Select [unknown tool] from the station": 162,
"Select [unknown tool] from the station and assemble [unknown part] into the subassembly": 163,
"Tighten [unknown part] on subassembly using hands": 164,
"Tighten [unknown part] on subassembly using screw driver": 165,
"Tighten [unknown part] on the subassembly using hands": 166,
"Tighten [unknown part] on the subassembly using screw driver": 167,
"Tighten [unknown part] onto subassembly using [unknown tool]": 168,
"Tighten [unknown part] onto subassembly using screw driver": 169,
"Tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 170,
"Tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly using hands": 171,
"Tighten [unknown part] onto the subassembly using screw driver": 172,
"Tighten [unknown part] to subassembly using a screw": 173,
"Tighten [unknown part] with subassembly using [unknown tool]": 174,
"Tighten [unknown part] with subassembly using hands": 175,
"Tighten bolt on subassembly using screw driver": 176,
"Tighten bolt on the subassembly using [unknown tool]": 177,
"Tighten bolt on the subassembly using hands": 178,
"Tighten bolt on the subassembly using screw driver": 179,
"Tighten bolt onto subassembly using screw driver": 180,
"Tighten bolt onto the subassembly using screw driver": 181,
"Tighten lower-left bolt on subassembly": 182,
"Tighten lower-right bolt on subassembly": 183,
"Tighten screw on subassembly": 184,
"Tighten screw on subassembly using hands": 185,
"Tighten screw on subassembly using screw driver": 186,
"Tighten screw on the subassembly using screw driver": 187,
"Tighten screw onto the subassembly using screw driver": 188,
"Tighten subassembly on [unknown part]": 189,
"Tighten subassembly onto the fixture": 190,
"Tighten upper-left bolt on subassembly": 191,
"Tighten upper-right bolt on subassembly": 192,
"Use [unknown part] onto the subassembly": 193,
"Use [unknown tool]": 194,
"Use [unknown tool] on subassembly": 195,
"Use [unknown tool] on the station": 196,
"Use [unknown tool] on the subassembly": 197,
"Use [unknown tool] to inspect subassembly": 198,
"Use scanner on [unknown part]": 199,
"Use scanner on station": 200,
"Use scanner on the subassembly": 201,
"Use scanner to inspect subassembly": 202,
"Use screw driver to tighten screw onto subassembly": 203,
"Write on [unknown part] of the subassembly": 204,
"Write on subassembl": 205,
"Write on subassembly": 206
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12,
"model_type": "videomae",
"norm_pix_loss": true,
"num_attention_heads": 12,
"num_channels": 3,
"num_frames": 16,
"num_hidden_layers": 12,
"patch_size": 16,
"problem_type": "single_label_classification",
"qkv_bias": true,
"torch_dtype": "float32",
"transformers_version": "4.44.0",
"tubelet_size": 2,
"use_mean_pooling": true